THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1918. SEVEN PADiS AIH) ACHES YIELD j:j quickly to Sloan's mm -Are you tormented by Neuralgia, . Lumbago, Sciatica or any of those ches that require a counter-irritant f Then let the soothing, warming appli cation of Sloan's Liniment stop the pain by drawing the blood away from the congested part. r. j - It is the pressure on the corves by the blood rushing to the inflamed , muscle or joint that makes you ache. So when Sloan' Liniment relieves the swollen blood vessels by getting up a coumer-nrnarrt on rne Miriare, the I LLP LTD Q OCT loll of fmtorji "From Over There" General Pershing's Official Report jb . - 1 The following casualties are reported hy the commanding general of theAih - ricau expeditionary forces. 'Killed iu. action y . 31 ' Missing ia action .. ........ 14 Wounded severely 65 . lied from wounds . .. 6 Died of disease : 7 Wounded, degree undetermined 52 Total 175 Killed In Action ' lit Wm B.Merseli, Jr. Pasiac N J v Sergeants - ' Joe E Bailey, Holdenville Okla ' Laurence- B Poyton, Denver v . Corporals Joel. M Brooks, Lubbock Tex Hary S .Puffer, Pavenna O Wagoner Edw E Brooks Milesburg I'a v.. ..- '. Privates Both, Jersey City Robert L Brightntan, Tiverton E I ... Cleo V Farr, Locust Grovo Okla Albert O Goldsby,-Fairfield Va . -..Harlie S Hazen, Hammond K IS" 1 Jonas B Herring, Pickwick Miss John T McCarthy, Boston -Charles O McConnell, Altoonu Pa Gerald MacDonfcld, Gadsden Ala Clarence F Miers, Towanda Kan . James B Milstead, Acton Ala Attilio B Minervin, New York ' I'etcr Montana, Lawrenco Mass - Jesse August Moonier, Perry villo Mo - John Murphy, Salem-Mass Levi B Owens, Cabinet Okla "- Walter Piotris; Pohtiac Mich 'J . Dolbert D Powell, Miniature Neb '"' , -John J Purccll, Pylcsvillo Md Chester Bomotowski, Saginaw Mich John Smikil, Buffalo N Y ; Roland Smith, Saco Me " Erastus B Sunny, Pleastvillo la f Williamson F Harran,- Highwood Wont George I Wingert, Penng Grove N J DAsd of Wounds 1 Bgt Geo A PotcL Walford N 1 v Corp Lee Brown, Echols. Ky Arthur W Rock, St Paul Minn Wagoner Geo Fulton," Jersey City Privates Jno Falvey, Springfield' Mass .:. Ivan L Felt, Chicago Died of Disease Corpora's -Ray B Moore, Scranlon Pa -Joseph A Steele, lake Forest III Private- - John G Cain. Ft White Fla V. John E DonleV. Hiehmrafil Va Chas M Eaton Benton juo John G. Fogarty, Hartford Conn " Wounded Severely i Ijt Eldon Breeden, Hertford Okla Geo W Beattie, Pittsburg Pa Harry P Bruhn, Cedar Hurst. N I ' Carl 'B' Gibson, Dolgevillc NY Floyd W Patterson;- Waynosburg Pa. Charles L Smith, lirooklyno Mass Oscar H Spratlin, Atlanta Ga .. Corporals -Jno Edclbrock, Eudora Kan LOOK AT CHILD'S TONGUE IF SICK CiSSKII When Constipated Or Bilious Give ''California Syrup Offfes." . - Look at the tongue, motter! If coat-' ed, it is a sure sign that your little no's stomach, liver and bowels need a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, pale, doesn't sleep doesn't eat or act natur ally, or is feverish, stomach sour, brtath bad; has stomachache, sore throat, diarrhoea, full of eold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup ot ; Pis," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested foed und sour bile gently moves out of its' little bowels without griping, and you have , a well, playful child again. You needn't eoax siek children to taiut this harmless "fruit laxative," " th"jr love its delicious taste, and it al ways makes them feel splendid. " ' Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has direetionj for babies children of all age and grown ups plainly on the bot- - tie. Be wore of counterfeits sold here. ,. To be sure jon get the genuine, ask to see that it is made by the "California ri yrup Company." Refuse any oth r kind with eontempt. circulation is equalized, sympathetic nerves, all soothed, and soreness -or lameness disappears. Sloan's Liniment is probably the counter-irritant most widely used to overcome painful inflammation Is cases - of neuralgia, sore - muscles, wrenched joints, strains, bruises, gout. Rubbing is not required. This clear, clean liquid is easily applied as it doe not stain the skin. Generous sire bottles at your orupnsTS. Charles J Ederer, Lebanon N Y John B Everts, Hancock Md Glenn W Goodnow, Cranesvillc Pa Henry J Gosseiin, New' Bedford Mas John Gregor, Hites, Pa ' '. Jno L Vanhoutan, Parncll Mp Max A Schulman, Brooklyn N X Charles J Young, .Newark N J Musician Harry C Baish, New Ken sington Pa Mech Leo F Guenthner, Antigo Wis . Cook Edgar . 0 Wcntworth, Brown field Me ; . Privates Max Alport, Watertown N Y Edward J Arrighi, Pawtucket B I Olivor Bickhart, Phocnixville Pa Howard H Bingay, Munhall Pa, George Bond, Smokerun,. Ta .lames. Braswell, Alvora Ala , Carpenter F W Buck, Winona Minn Osborn Danclson, Craigsville W Va ' Lorenzo P Dangelo, Rochester N Y James W Doery, Garrtct Hill Pa ' Leonardo Donofrio, Newark N J - ; Colggia Drago, New York .' William Dunbar, Braddock Pa, Glen H Earles, Hillsdale Ind LcKoy B Enyery, Flint Mich Fred- A Engle, Rochester NY Niel Esher, Philadelphia Pa , Carl B Evans, Chicago Raymond 0 Exoll, Poolcville N Y William M Fey, Brooklyn NT; Vergil R Gaston, Newark Tex Charles A Giles New Brunswick N J Clyde E Gray, Normal 111 Luther Harniou, Aujficr Ky ' , .. James Herron, Carnegie Pa '" Arnold .THoff man, Melutyre la" Edgar Hopkins, Philadelphia Pa Joseph A Howard, Carbondale Pa '. . Myer Kaish, Hurleyvillc NY , James Kastakltis, Girardville Pa Waiter Kester, Dubois Pa Jno McCarthy, Ponca Neb Joseph M Nicholas, Merry ville La Durham Nichols,. Merryville La Bruce E Evans, Terre Hayte lud -Ralph Eyer, Chambcrsbirrg Pa Andrew T Fcrrcll, DcKalk 111 John C Frye, Purduchill Ala . Kmil Jensen, ftreshen Neb William II Jones, Conwav S C John J Kelly, Jr, Illion NY; ' Luther B Livingston, Commerce Okla Hurlburt McCulhuu, New York Ga7,away Moccabee, Columbus 0 The following 'casualties are reportod by tho Commanding Goneral of the American Expeditionary Forces: Killed in action....... . 22 Missing in action "'. Wounded severely J , 05 Died of accident and other causes.... 2 Died of wounds 6 Died of disease 8 Wounded, degree undetermined C2 Total 175 Killed in Action. Lieutenants Nelson A Miller, Wash ington DC Henry Thomas Boss, Brunswick Ga Sergeant Arthur Venon Fowlor, Bay City Mich . ' - , Corporals Bichard Victor Brophy, Bosscville NY Henry C Oliver, Kief or Okla . Alexander Bogacki, Nateona Pa Privates Sol Barnes, Skip Ky Nicholas Bliforc, Rutland Vt Clarence Bnckalew, Chester Pa John Aloysius Harn, Bayonne N T Martin F Kearns, Sheepshcad Bay N Y John E Kerr, Nova Scotia . Oscar Leo, Poughkeepsio NY Btiric G McCormick, Pig-.on Creek Al aJmes Mahonoy, Buffalo N Y Mcrrit Montgomery, Grove City Ta Ferdinand W Ott, Brooklyn N Y Teddy Owens,. Jane Va- '. Algoa Petroecra, Morristown N J ' Wm Ziedcnburg, New York Tracy Bprowls, Noble Okla Bnlph Yorks, Golden alsridge N Y . .. . Died of Wounds , Privates Jvsse L Fleming, Rockdale Texas ; '' - Peter Andrew Madsen, Iron Wis Mike O Montello, Omaha Neb Willis G Nixmi, Mediciae Lodge Kas John Siles, Phiiadelphia Pa Paul Vances, Turner Mich . Died of Disease. Privat-js Lorcnza D Flint, Canana Pa W Va Linfnrd B Gentzent, Spring Mount Harry J Grant, Chester Pa Oliver Nyhus, Hatton N D Curti, Orr, Hazel Kv Howard W HouthallGay W Va William J Thomas, Burlington Vt Frank Wileor, Luzerne Co., Pa Died from Accident and Other Cuases. Corporals Alfred Chralcs Bishel, Darlington Wis Private Allen G Poster, New Hart in Conn - Wounded Severely. Lieatenants Richard 8 Jannopoulo, Kew lork . Hans A Poulson, Chicago HI Serjeant4 Arthur Le Can, Chaumont Abraham' B Gildenberg;- New York John L Miller, Pittsburgh Pa Corporal Ivan N Coffer, Cloud Chief Okla? - .----oc . Bug Wm, R' Jones, Bayonne N J Musician James F Beach, Dubois Pa Privates Harry Adams, Pittsburgh Pa Arthur Akr, Fort Wayne, Ind Benj Alexander, Jfew Yoik Cniifieppe D Ambrosia, Chester Pa . -William J Bakd Lowellville Ohio Charles M Bakely, Chester Pa Harold Birch, Cliaudloj-svillp Ohio James L Coaa, Elwood Ind. Thomas E Coffman, Horton Kans , Raymond 8 Condit, E Orange N J Bruce Crider, Norman Station Ind; James O Deer, Carney Okla Joseph Dobner, Eldred Pa Lee W Dollar, Paris Texas Durwird Roy Duncan, Washington wnio " j; Hughie P "Morgan, Sylaeauga Ala Wm J Mulligan, Dubuqne Iowa -Anthony A Nigro, Newark N J t Ross B Newlin, Sharptown- Md ' Charles A Packard, Welaka Fla - Leo C Bettke, Almo Kas Howard J Scheib, Denver Colo Fred J Sehweighart,- Postuma II --' Clark M Shoemaker, Rosston. Ind Walter N Sullivan, Sommerville Mass Kaymond Whitctxfad, Elwood Ind James E Williams Burleson Te - Samuel W Woalfe, Dorchester Mass . Joseph h zerwas, Waukesha Wis Frank Zito, Nichols NY- ' Mortimer F Orvis, Port Huron Mich Otey C ldgct, Legneleburg Va ' Wayne A Peppk, Phoenixville Pa James Potter, South Meridian Conn ' Jas H Raylins, Austin Tex Thurston G Reynolds, Bonsteel S I) Vn Rhode's, Ne'w York . V Robert P Eichmards, Lowen Ga Charlie Richardsou, Taloette leiqt Louie Kidder, Manon, La . TIiob P Koche, Chicago 111 y ' Gilbert Rossill New York Owen Eowo White Plains N Y ' Davhl M- Sandcll, Aurora I1T - n. Gustavus A Schultx, Providence S I . Boji E Sogman,' Brooklyn N Y ; Fred Shipton, Grove City Pa ; Dave Singer, Minnesota Lata Minu Win A Sprague, Minneapolis Minn Dan Stone, Glon Ellen 111 v Oliver B Tullor, eGnova Idaho Edward F Undormaik, Ballston Sjhi, Boscoe F Vernier, , Arehi&old" Ohio James T Wall, San Francisco Calif : ' Allen Whitakre, Eiehmond Ky Elmor C Wfonbar, Wendell Minn .. Hugh F Wilson, Dixon Ky Wounded In Action (degree undcter-. - ..:.-'- mined)." ' ..-: ' Lieutenants H O 'Brien, Scranton Pa Charles P. Simpson, Woodlawn Pa Sergeants' Wiley L. Bolden, Jr. Bir mingham, Ala. Arthur Clark, Pittsburgh, Pa, ' ' ' John C. Ferguson, Abbeyville, & G. Lawrenco E. Moore, Mon'ossen, Pa. Percy' B. Sheotzo, Conscllsville, Pa. Corporals William B...Altman Hobo ken, Pa.- - i - i Victor A. jPraig, Philadelphia, Pa.' ; Fred. C. Gault, Chicago, V George Lipkc, Elizabeth, N. J. f f ' Ivan E, Newberry, St, Louis, Mo.C Bailey Williams, New Yerk. ; Bugler Robert G. Capes, Pittsburgh, ,Privatea Morris AdaniskyV New York Jno, Alexander, No emergency ad dress given. . 1 Joopch Baga, Iron Mountain, Mich. Tony Banta, Summit, N. J, Stephen Bartek,. Homestead, Pa. Horace D. Beakley, Dullas, Texas.? Arthur Behling, Milwaukee, Wis. -Harry Arthur Bennett. Brooklvn. N. Y. : .. " Oscar G. Berbcrrich. Perrysville, Pa. William P. Berg, Duluth, Minn. Robert Bivens, Marvin, N. C. i -Erwin C. Boyer, Allentown, Pa- ' Albert Braun, Dorchester, Pa. Clyde P. Brumback, Capo Birardcan. Mo. . , ; Howard E. Case, Doylestown, Pa. " John Chonea, Titusville, Pa: . ": Theodore E. Loving, Albert City, Iowa SAGf AND SULPHUR , DARKENSGRAY HAIR Nobody Can Tell When You Darken Gray, Faded Hair With Sage Tea. Almost cvervnne known, tliot Rt, Tea and Sulphur, properly compound ed, br intra back th ratiinl mln, inii lustre to the hair when faded, streak- ea or gray. lears ago the only way to get this mixture was to make it at home, which is ranssy and troublesome. owanays, By asking at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound," you will get a large bottle of this famous old reeipe, improved by the addition of other .ingredients, -for about 50 cents. f Don't stay gray! Try it! No one can possibly tell that you. darkened yonr hair, as it does it so naturally and cv- eillv. YOU damnen innnoa nr .nfl - r .r..ft v.- ' - - oruh with it and draw tins through Vour hair, taking ona amnll trnnrl t a time: bv morninf the btky hair riiwl nppi-ars, ana arier anotner application vt 1 no, your nair Dceomea beautifully dark, glossy and attractive. "Wveth's Sa? tsnA Snh.linl- Com. pound is a delightful toilet requisite iur iooe woo ueire oark Hair and a youthful BDnearance. It ia tint intend I ed for the cure, mitigation or preven tion of disease. ' ' 1 a 1 - - SPANISH KtFLUfflZA : RAPIDLY SPREADING Persons Weak And Ran Down Easy Yictias Fortify Yonrself Against It By ; Taking Tanlac . According to late reports issued by state and federal health authorities the Spanish influenza epidemic is rap idly spreading to all jarts of the country, and it now seems that prac tically every state in the union will bo seriously affeeted before it runs its course. It has tiot only become a great and terrifying menace to the public, health bat unless checked, it is apt to ser iously affect the progress of war work in all its various departments. Alreadj the shipping board has announced that ten per cent of its workers have been affected. The disease has made its greatest pro gress in the east where it has claimed its victims by the thousands. Reports from other sections, Tiowever, are equal ly alarming; and both eivil and mili tary authorities have warned the pub lic to take every precaution to pre vent its further spread. In many cit ies schools, churches and theaters have been closed and public gatherings of all kinds forbidden. Medical authorities agree that peo ple who are weak and rundown are the earliest victims of tho influenza jpi domic If you find yourself tired, weak and losing flesh, or if you are in a generally run down condition, or if you catch cold easily this warning should be heeded promptly. You are really in greet danger because the germ of this disease is very catching and you are! apt to fall an easy victim if you come in contact with the germs. People who are well and strong are not likely to contract the disease because "they are able to throw it off. The common sense way to keep from taking it is to fortify the system against attack by building up the constituton. In other words to use the old adage, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." And if you are in sub-normal condition the proper thing to do is to begin immediately to build up your powers of resistance. To ac complish this, nothing on earth will strengthen you and build you up. like Tanlae, the powerful reconstructive ton ic, which contains tho .., very, elements needed by the system to give you fight ing strength and ward off the influ enza germ. First of all Tanlac begins its action by creating a good healthy appetite for wholesome, nourishing food, and assists every organ of the body to pertorm its natural functions, thus helping to build up health and strength in tho natural way.' Tanlac is also the ideal strengthen ing tonic for persons wh6 are sufforing from the after effects' of ' inftaenza, grippe or bronchial troubles and hun dreds of thousands aTe using if daily with tho most gratifying results. In -connection with tho Tanlae treat ment, it is necessary to keep tha bow els' open by taking Tanlac Laxative Tablets, samples of which are includ ed' with every bottle of Tanlac. It is also important ; that the " every day rules ot hygiene be observed; that is, sleep in well ventifatcd-j rooms, get plenty of fresh air and exercise and Keep away from crowds. Taalao is sold in flubbard by Hub bard Drug Co., in Mt. Angel by, liea Gooch, in Gervais by John Kelly, in Turner by H.. P. Cornelius, in Wood burn by Lyman H. Shorey. in Salem by Dr. S. C. Stone, in Silverton by Geo. A. Steelhammer, in Gates by Mrs. J. P. McCurdy and in. Stayton by U. A. Beauehamp, in Aurora' by "Aurora Drug Store. (Adv.) Archibald McAllister, Punmore, Pa. Garvin D. Cacie, Pittsburgh, Pa. George M. Miller, JHtate College, Pa. Jesse M. Miller, W. Chester, Pa. . Phillip Roth, New York; Otto M Schalla; VesfeT, Wyo. Nichola Shutt, Philadelphia, Pa. Andrew D. Bhaw, Louiviwlle, Kas. - Elliott E. Shedd, Pittsburgh, Pa. . Alban Edward bholonski, Wilkesbarre Pa. Anthany Seganti, Denver, Colo. Raymond S. Lokus, Gary, lud. Bonra-s S. Smith, West Chesetr, Pa. William Smith, Pittsburgh Pa Harry SchoJl, Chicago. Harry F, gtup, Baltimore, Md. Frank Trokey, St, Louis, Mo. Walter F. Wilkinson, Brooklyn, N Y. Herbert M. Wilson, Jd., Sweickly, Pa. Daniel W. Wingard, Kittaning, Pa.. George F. Woomer, Newcastle. Pa. . Missing Ia Action V Corporals George Maruscak, Braden ville, Pa. Lewis B. Showers, Latrobe, Pa. I'rivates OeoTge F. Albert, Jr., New York; rascpal G. Albiller, Mesilla, N. Mex. Is els Bakken, Minneapolis, Minn. Lwald H- Brandau, Detroit, Mich.', Charles J. Brinker,- Loyalhanna, Pa. William L. Connrtl, Rochester, Ind. Leonard D: Englcs, Philadelphia, Pa. 'a CMimo Filippono, New- York. -Juan Guiterrez, Las Vegas; N. Mcx. -WUforl Jeno, Lonsdale, Minn-., , . . James-B. McDuffie, Mila,' Ga. Robert F. Maloney, Grcendale, Mass. Henry W. Moellor, Clymouth, Neb. Theodore H Bhomberg, Dubuque, Ia. dermone Hamick, Marys, Pa. ,. I Court Hosse Hews J In the ease of Carrie Mendelsohn against Dr. M. P.' Mendelsohn in tte circuit court. Dr. Mendelsohn has inert his answer, lie. states tiat before their divorec, they -entered;. into an agree ment whereby their property rights were mutually settled- That by te agreement, he promised and agreed to pay her $500 in cash, IO00 shares of stork" in the Rose Bush mining com pany and all the cut glass, linen and bedding and pictures. Also the further tMtM T CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED DEPT. QUICK REFERENCE TO FIRMS THAT CIYE SERVICE ON SHORT NOTICE WHERE BUYER AND SELLER MEET WE RECOMMEND OUR ADVERTISERS ETBSlTEUia Ihlfca Ileetm Co, Uasooie Temple, OSTEOPATH DBS. B. K. WHITE AND B. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and aervs epenialists. Graduates of Am erican school of Osteopathy. Kirk ville, Mo. Post graduate and spee laliied in nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Office 505-508 Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 85j. v Besidenee, 1620 Court Phone 2215. 'Dr. White Res. Phone 469. DENTIST OR. F. L. UTTER, DEN1" I;,T, ROOMS 413-114 Bank of Commeroe building. 1V-J ircu At hi8 home 598 North 21st stivet, Oct. 17, 1918, P. A. Shipley, at the age of 6-1 years. Besides his wife, he is-survived by a son living ia California and an adopted son, Earl Ryan, who is now in the sor- vico. Also by a brother in Cashmere, Wn. Tho fumwal services will bcfor Im mediate friends and relatives only and will be held at 2 o'clock Saturday af ternoon at the Bungalow Christian church on 17th street, uar Court. They will bo conducted by the Bov. Frank E. Jodvs and burial will bo in the City View cemetery. sum of $o00 to be paid in monthly in stallments of $50 each beginning De cember of 1917. That he did pay her tho $500 in cash and that the stock and cut glass, linen and bedding were doliverod to the plaintiff. That Oct. 5, 1917, it was agreed that the defendant should pay the plaintiff $100 in cash and turn ov er to her a .Victrola and one half of Lthe silverware in his Salem home and that these should bo accepted in liou of tho payment of $500. That he did do- liver the $100 and Victrola and other 1 articles as agreed and that ho hag her receipt showing the delivery of same, in payment of all claims whatsoever against him and his reloaBe from fur ther financial claims. N. j. 'Van Patten has: entered' suit against, Henry J. ' Powell and others for the payment of'a note for $S00 and the foreclosure of a mortgage on a lot in block 3 of George Jones addition to Salem. Tha complaint states that- the prc'perty in question has boen sold. to O, H. Sellars. Roy'Burton, E, B. Millard and Ches ter Cox were appointed appraisers of tho estate of E. T. Moores, . A notice of appeal hasbecn filed in the caso of M. S. Langagainst Clifford J. Taylor,' involving a land ejectment near Choimwa, At tho late term of tho circuit court, the jury decided in favor of Mr. Lang and the appeal is made by Mr, Taylor. PERSONAL . F. W. Stcusloff left this morning for a business trip to Buffalo, New York.. He will be away about three weeks. Miss Harriet. Rigdon is home from Newport and will remain until the in fluenza scare is over. She is a toachor in the Newport high school. Miss Agnes Nodstra left this nforn-. ing over the Oregon Electric for Seat tle. S. K. Hartsoch, a druggist of Corva-I-lis, is in the city, the guest of Frank S. Ward.' i- .!- , - ' - - ' ' - Mrs. J. H. Albert has been appointed by Governor Withycombe as a member of the state council of defenso. The woman's division of- the council has been consolidated with the council of defense, the council to tncludo eight men and, three women instead of the eight men as formerly." Mrs. William latfc Pains QUICKLY EASED BY PENETRAT- ING HAMLINS WIZARD OIL A safe, harmless and effective preparation to relieve the pains of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lame Back and Lumbago is Hamlin's Wizard Oil. It contains no chloroform or other dangerous drugs but is com posed of the most -expensive of " healing oils. It penetrates quickly, drives out the soreness, and lim bers up the stiff, aching joints and muscles. Wizard Oil is a good, dependable preparation to keep in the medicine chest for first aid when the doctor may be far away. You will find al most daily uses for it in cases of sudden mishaps or accidents such as sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, bites and stings. Just as reliable, too. for earache, toothache, croup and colic. Pet a Wottlo from ror Arrttnrtut lot ZSe and use th mrdiclne. If not entirely sutinod take th bottl back U aim mlA k will retura roar mousy. W If roa am troubled with eonatlpatton r alck ha4ah try Huntllna Wlsaft l.lvar whip. Jurt plaaaaot Itttta pink SHU at drusgiata for 25e. Gaarantead MM M TaiepkoM . ELECTBICAL 127 North Hih Mala 180 SECOND-HAND GOODS BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE Men 's elotuea, shoes, bats, jewelry, watches, tools, musie&l instruments, bicycles, guns, rifles, revolvers, suit eases, trunks, cameras, typewriters and furniture. Capital Exchange 33T Court street, Phone 493. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets Bills payable monthly in advance. Phone 608. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN On Good Real Estate Security THOS. K. FORD Ladd k Bush bank; Salem Oregon FEDERAL FARM LOANS 6 per cent 34 years time. A. C, Bohrnstedt, VU Masonic Temple. Balem, Oregon. REAL ESTATE (OR SALE P50 acres, 100 in cultiva tion balance in pasture and timber Fine stream of water, good buildings and good road. 3-4 mils from a live ly saw mill town. Will take good house and lot in Salem as part pay ment. Price $60 per acre. Phone 470 Square Doal Realty Company.' U. 8. Bank Building, Salem. 717 BRING YOUR TRADES t can match you. C. W. Niemeyer, Real Estate Agent, Canada Lands, S44 State jtreet. SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGER Charles Soos proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at' reasonable rates. Yard and eesi pools cleaned. Office phone, Main 2247. Residence Main 2272. t THEM - ::M,.,, . Grain Wheat, soft white .. $1.A42 Wheat, lower grades on sample .)nts .. . 90c$l Hay, oats ................... $25 Barley, -ton $5062 Hay, cheat, new . $24 MacMa-iters of Portland was also ,ap pointed on the eouncil. Mrs C. H. Cast er is also a membor. KOHt MADFTEA Is Used By Entire Families Be cause It is Purely Veget able, Does The Work and Costs Very Little- Why pay high prices for Liver and Bowell remedies when none are better than Ir. Carter's IC and B. Ten, which is purely vegetable, can be browed at home, and a small' package' will last a long timet ' "Thousands of old poople will tell you they liavo been drinking it for years, ami after tho liver and bowels have been put in fine condition in a few days by a before bedtime, tup, that only an occasional cup is afterwards necessary to keep one feeling fit and fine. People who drink a cup of Dr. Car ter's K. and B. Tea once in a while, seldom, if ever, havo any bilious at tacks, sick Jieadacke or. tallow skin. It's gcod for boys and girls, especial ly those who are peevish and fretful. Druggists havo been selling it for many years. . The estate of Edith Darr was ap praised at The appraisers were W, G, .Morehouse, W. C, Window and 8. M. Endicott. . T8hia afternoon Dr. O. B. Miles, city health officer, reported 07 cases of in fluunza. Only two cases are virulent, eiKy. of them coming to the city yester day from Portland. ' As the fruit interests require the help o fBchool children and as there was some chantv, of tha influenza, the Scott Mills schools will not begin until next Monday or fmsslbly later, On aceount of the influenza, the Mt. Angel schools have been dismissed and also two rural, schools in that part of the county, Ha zel Dell and Thomas. o - The price of butter and eggs la grad ually climbing until it is almost as dif ficult keeping track of the new prices as it is attempting to find the villages in Franco that have been recently cap tured by the allies. Today the retail price of butter is 75 cents a pound and this allows a profit of only six cents a pound' to' the retailer. ' Eggs are re tailing at about five .cents each, woon saw. FOB A WOOD SAW Phone 1090-S 1255 N. Bummer St. Our prises are right. W. M. Zander, proprietor. 9-li GENERAL REPAIRING TOE FIXIT SHOP Let is repair and Sharpen your lawn mowers. 26 Court Phone 1022. tf STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 50 years experience, Depot, National and American fence. Sizes 26 to 58 in high Paints, oil and varnish, ete Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court street. Phono 124- LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET AT McCornack hall on every Tuesday at 8. P. Andresen. C. C. p. J. Kunta K. R. & S. . MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246 meetis ' every 3rd and 4th Thur. eve, 8 o'clock In Derby building, corner Court and High streets. B. F. Day, V. C; F. A. . Turner, clerk. r SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keoler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All eases of cruelty or ne glect of dumb animals should' be re ported to the secretay for investiga tion. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA "Oregon Grape Camp" No. 1300. meets every Thursday evening ia Derby building, Court and High Si, Mrs. Pearl Ooursey, 214 Court St. oracle; Mrs. Melissa Persons, record er 1413 N. 4th St. Phone 143GM. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84 meets first Thursday of each month, at S p. m. in t O. O. F. Hall. Norma L. Terwilliger, M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, secretary, 34Q Owens street. , Mill run ...... $3738 1 - Butteifat Buttorfat .. ........... 69e Creamery butter , C8o Fork, Veal and Muttoa Pork, on foot ... ; lOfte Veal, fancy 18()10e Steers ..........- 79s Cows . . ... 40V4 Spring' lambs .i..........'V........ lie Ewes.- .. .46e T anibs, yearlings ., 07a ' " Egga and Poultry .,- Eggs cash ...,,.. 52e Hens! live .' 2022e Old roosters .... .......- 15 Springs . El24e Vegetables Sweet potatoes $4.7J Potatoes . 2.5 Onions, local ..........,..... I2.2i Cabbage .......... 3s Carrots JU I.7S Tomatoes -. . $1 Turnips .., , i, t..,g . 2 Beets 2Vj Cucumbers 1 ,. 2540e Orapos &1.7S Muskmelon .. (1.75 Green peppers 6ft Casabas ..... .... 3 Parsnips .......... ., 3e Egg plant .. , . 8t Cranborrios, box ...... $4.2 rrult Oranges - $1 Lemons, box $6.5()(j7 Bananas . 8f Black figs, 25 25 lb .... 4.5 Figs, 4 oz packages .... Figs, G oz, packages - $4.59 Figs, 8 ox. packages .. . - $3.5t Pies, 10 lb. fancy . 2.25 Figs, 10 lb. ex. fancy... 2.5 Kexau mce ('reamery butter 7fie . Flour, hard wheal 33.2S, Country butter 0ie Eggs, dozen 60(&)056 For sugar permits go to C. M. Ltrok- wood, food administrator, 14 North Commercial street. No limit on purchases of flour. Portland, Or,, Sept. 25, Butter, city creamery oue Eggs, selected loeai ex. ojijoc Hens2527o Broilers 2730e Geese 17(i)18e - Cheese triplets 3538o DAILY LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle ' Portland, Or, Oct. 18. Butter, clljr creamery Ofic Kencipts 71 Tone of market atrnrty; unchanged Prime steers 12(1S Choice to good steers 11(?12 Medium to good steers $l).75Cfill . Fair to modium steers $8.25(fx)ti.25 Common to fair steers $C(;8 Choice cows and heifers $fi(a9 Medium to good cows and heifers $ 7.25 Fair to medium cows and beifeTS $f 0. . fanners $3a)4 Bulls $57 Calves $!Kil2 Stoekers and feeders (68 Hogs Receipts 80S Tone of market steady, unchanged changed Prime mixed 17.75(?n7.85 Medium mixed $17.:i5C)17.60 Rough heavies 15.73(3:13.85 Pigs 14.5015.50 Bulk 17.50(6;17.75 Sheep tRecoipts 210 :.Tose of market steady, unchanged Prime lambs 1214 Fair to medium lambs tDU ' YearUngs MOfijll Wethers $910 Ewes . .. . .