SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18. 1918. CLOSED ON SUNDAY BEGINNING SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20TH. The Oregon state council of defense has requested that no delivery of petroleum products be made on Sun day. The Standard Oil Company is glad to comply with this request and beginning Sunday, October 20th, and there after until further notice, all of our distributing stations in the, state of Oregon, including our automobile service stations, will be closed on Sunday. No sale or delivery of any kind will be made on Sunday. As in the case of our previous announcement regard ing the sale of gasoline and engine distillate only between the hours of 6 a. m. and 6 p. m. (Now Week Days Only). This request is made for the purpose of conserving man power, and we know that our patrons will patriotically co operate in making this important war measure effective. Standard Oil Company (CALIFORNIA) ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. 'Druggists refund money if it fails. 25c IJBERTYLOAN Continued from page one) row", MrAdoo said, the government stilt would have an euormous financial problem to solve which would nceos citate the raising o fmuch more money. Moro expenditures aiv anticipated and tlinaA BTtuVn aftn will lionn nvo. until 1 long after peace has eonie." Reports'that the loan is to be extend, ed for another week were again den ied by the secretary. He said he was convinced that th.e American people would rise to their full duty and sub scribe the loan. that the subscrintion of the navy to the liberty loan' totalled $28,000,000, which is $3,000,000 above the quota set for the navy. Uncle Sam's jackies throughout the world ate enthusiastically subscribing to the loan anj somv ships have sub scribed en masse. According to Ad- jmiral Cowie, in charge of the navy lib. crty loan campaign, the showing by the ;navv is "equivalent to the sinking of ....i : ft :: .;n coming in. ' Chairman Hurlev of the shipping 1 board today appealed today to ship workvrs all over the country to "come across'' for the loan. Telegrams were tent to all the shipyards reading: "We must win the war. We can't doi it without the $6,000,000,000 the gov-j eminent asks you to lend to it. We can't get along without this money. We' can't continue to build ship8 to carry! our boys to Fi ance or to carry them I homo again when the German govern-! ment finally admits the complete fail-1 uro Of its plan for world domination unless this loan is a success. "We will nwd a large part of the $8,000,000,000 loan if wo arc to finish the construction of the fleet under way ami -have a 'merchant marine that will give un prosperity at the end of the war. Only tho failure of this liberty loan enn take the heart out of our boys or halt their progress.' , -A dais f well be done by women, was tho finding of the 'conference of labor commission ers held recently in Washington, D. C, according' to a report of thP conference submitted today to Labor Commission er Hflff by C. H. Oram, republican nominee for labor eommiBioner. Mr. Grain attended the conference as a representative of the citato labor department. i . f '."' " It was the unanimous opinion of tlie ((inference," says Oram in his report, ''that the employment of women in hazardous occupations and the employ ment lor which women are not physic-; ally fit, such as saw mills, planing mills, wooden box factories, sash and door factories, iron foundries, brass foundries, lnnchlno shops, ship yards, etc., was not justified at this tiino. It was shown that thousnnds of men were till employed in the manufacture of clothing, clerking in stores, doing That women are being employed In work and a private chauffeurs, . , , . , , . . .. - , all or which is essentially work that industries for which they are not phy- be porfornlcd by WOnien.' mcbIIy fit. while thousands of men jfr- tiram siTg ti1Ht eompluint is were still employed In the manufacture' being made by labor unions that,' under Safe Milk , For Infants & Invalids ft No Cooking A Nutritious Diet for All Afjss. Quick Lunch; Home or Office, OTHERS ore IMITATIONS J ay Women Working Where Men Should Be When the Skin Seems Ablaze With Itching and Burning There's just one thing to do. If your skin seems ablaze with the fiery burning and itching of Eczema, real and lasting relief can only come from treatment that goes be low the surface that reaches down lo the very source of the trouble. So-called skiu-diseases come from a disordered condition of the blood, and search far and near, and you cannot find a blood remedy that ap proaches S. S. S. for real efficiency. the proper treatment U through the blood. S. S. S.has been on the market for fifty years, during which time it, has been giving uniform satisfaction for alUnianner of blood disorders. If you want prompt and lasting relief, you can rely upon S. S. S. For ex pert advice as -to the treatment of your own individual case, write to day to Chief Medical Adviser, Swift Specific Co.. Dent. C. Atlanta, Ga. the guise of war necessity, women are being introduced more and more in em ployments that are physically injurious. He recommends that a survey be made of this state to determine the percentage of men who are employed in non-essential occupation or work that, can be performed by women without in jury to their health He suggests that this survey be made in conjunction iviththe community labor boards, which are now organized throughout the state Employment of women at night should bo discouraged, tho conference declared. And in states which have more strin gent labor laws than tho federal law, the federal authorities will aid in en forcing the state laws, while if the federal la wis more stringent than the tale laws the federal laws will be en forced. . Attempts have been made to send out reports that . the enforcement of lwbor laws should be relaxed, says tho report, Speaking of this Grain's report says: i ''Auhoritic3 in each, state whose duty it is. to enforce all state legis lation for the protection of labor shguld pay no attention to any order or re quest f r setting aside of any Btatc labor laws on the plea that an emergency ex ists on account of the war unless said request comes directly from tho presi dent of the United States, secretary of war or the secretary of the navy." , .Following addresses given by the heads of departments of the federal inspection service the conference took action which Mr. Gram sums up in his report as follows: v "First A closer cooperation be tween federal and state labor depart ments. 'Second Insistence on enforcement Eoports from Districts. San Francisco, Oct. 18. At noon to day Pacific coast states had subscribed $275,623,750 'to the fourth liberty loan, aa against a'quota of $ 102,000,000, ' This represents 'money actually in the bank. (Sun Francisco's oi'ficiul total at noon was $7u,129.2.j0, against a quota of about $100,000,000. Campaign' Manager Wet kg estimated thnt llinnev subscribed but not vr of ficially reported, will earrv tho twelfth federal reserve district abovvj the $300 -000,000 mark'. The district must sub scribe $402,000,000 by tomorrow night, I.os Aufcvleft Cal., Oct. 18. All coun ties of southern California excepting Los Angeles , county went over tho top on the liberty loan today, the loan com mittee announced. Chicago, Oct. 18. Sixty-five million dollars 'short of its quota! $'262,000,000, today Chicago ente.vd into the final hours of its liberty loan campaign. The sevonth federal reserve district, in cluding Chicago, has yet to raise $84, 000,000 of its $870,000,000 quota. Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 18 The Colum bus area of eleven co-ntral Ohio counties today topped its fourth liberty, loan quota of !23,(0?,")30, with tho aid of a $3,000,000 over - subscription from Franklin comity (Columbus). , Dayton, Ohio, Oct 18. Dayton went over the top today with an over-subscription of $726,950. The quota was $7,269,200. Boston, Ma:s., Oct. 18.-Conneeiicut went over the top in the liberty loan to day with a grand total of $71,428,000, which is several thousand dollars over her quota. (Subscription in New England for to day totalled $34,970,000. The grand total is $410,466,00, which is $89,534, 000 short of tho required quota of 4.500, 000,000. " SAFETY F: $$ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmaamiitmmmKmmmammB 4 1 riTV MTWC . Mil iUilIU 3E aft jt j( i(c jf( S)C sfc j )(c ss S(C )c 5jc )Jt Sjf You are always safe when buying BREAU Wins its favor through its flavor CHERRYCITYBAKINGCO. Buy more BONDS and make Salem a 100 per cent Town f the Journal Does Not Figure on Your Vork-You Lose Alexis Nelson, a member of the firm of Nelson Bros, of 8alenudied yester day at Florence, Oregon, from pneu monia, -following an attack of Spanish influenza. He is survived by his par ents living at Dallas, and also two brothers and sisters at Dallas besides his brother Adolph C. Nelson with of all state labor lawa- and federal rulings for protection of labor. "Third State labor departments to take initiative in all thesq enforcements and to .report to federal department' any violations that cannot be handled by state departments" Old Favorite Tonic Laxative When eonstiftion "Mothers you and you get feverish and out of sorts re member that old reliable vegetable Celery King is sold in every dyig store in the land. It's fine for indigestion too and for fevers and colds. Same old remedy that thousands swear by. Have Oof We Don Utmost? Many of us, when the war is won and peace is declared, will feel an uneasy re proach that perhaps we did not do what we really could to "help while we yet had the chance that we did not invest -our dollars on the side of the scales that brought Victory. In these tremendous moments of the world struggle we cannot falter, relax, or allow ourselves in weariness to fall short of our task; the investment we make now is an investment for all time an investment for home, freedom, justice, righteousness. LET US PUT SALEM OVER THE TOP-BUY MORE LIBERTY BONDS GET READY FOR THE RAIN rVTx When the south winds come, the clouds grow V&f blacker and the downpour starts you will wish you ha PrePared f or r,ain before you got your AV ect wet m we et are very to (evelp a cold so Buy Your Rubbers Early r"T" We have them, plenty of them, of all descriptions ' ' '" .' " can fit almost any kind of shoes. We have the Men's. extra heavy rolled edge rubbers at .$1.65 The Men's plain edge storm at. $1.25 The Ladies for High, Military or low heels on broad, medium, English or long pointed toes, all sizes and widths at . . .85c to 95c We also carry the footholds or as some call them rubbers without heels in low cut, storm and a new cut that just contes up to the lacing, all sizes and slim medium or full widths at .... . ........ . . . . . .70c Then we haye boys', Youths', Misses' and Children's in all the standard lasts, sizes and widths ; We have -plenty of Boots in the High Sporting and low knee boots from the high grade Patent Pressure Process to the common ordinary boots. ' " One customer of last.year told us "they are the best boots I ever wore, I wore mine all last . winter, had new soles vulcanized on them once and the uppers are still good." Can you beat it? Here are the prices. , Sporting Buddy (patent process) .$8 00 Short Buddy (patent process) $5.85 Sporting Duck Boot .$5.95 Short DuckBoot .$4.65 Boys' Short Duck Boot. $3.65 Women's Bright Black . $3.15 . Misses Bright Black $2.75 Child's Bright Black $1.95 All guaranteed for service. Buy the Best at Lower Prices at 3E whom he was associated in tv plumb donation land claim about ten .miles iiig and tinning busines, in Salem.. Ho i south of Salem on the Jefferson road' INFLUENZA IN NEW YOKE. was 33 years old ana not marnea. About a woek ago Mr. Nelson left for southern Oregon for a hunting trip and it is understood that his death was in part duo to exposure whie'n developed into influenza . and later into pneu monia. No arrangements have s yet been made for the funeral services. The funeral services for Dr. Frank Snedecor were held this afternoon at thy Boise home on Cottage and Court street and were conducted by the Bev. Thos. S. Anderson, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. Burial was in the Bivynian lot in the City View ce metery. , Ernest E. Baker, who is now at Camp Lewis, reported to bo seriousiy ill with pneumonia following an attack of influenza. Word was received this morn, ing to this effect by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Baker of 144o Oak strevt. Mr. Baker, while in Salem, was a lawyer with offices In the Salem Bank of Commerce building. He was inducted into the service last summer. Memorial services that were to be held next Monday for the late Frank K. Moore, associate justice of the Supieme eourt of Oregon, have bven postponed on account of the influenza. ,0 Fred W. Swarts, who has just pur chased 70 acres of the old Steiwer camv fo Marion county a few months New York, Oct. 17. A total of 4,733 ago from yiuo. the land l9 uniiu-, ca9CS of infiuenza werc reported today proved, and it i9 the intention of Mr. . - , . , Hwartz to improve and building a resi-'ga "s 5' 3 yesterday. There were 338 deuce. It is understood that John O. M st 317" . Steiwer intends to sell' other, tracts CUSCS Sh. n ncK'as9 rroni tn(l old wteiwer claim. Tha trans fer war handled by . H. Grabeuhorst & Co I with 640 new cases against 585 yester- uay. ueatn9 totalled 287 against 317 vstordav. ' . " Stomach Distress Stops Instantly! ure, quick, pleasant relief from Indigestion Pain, Gas, Acidity, Heartburn or Dyspepsia. J A z v The moment you eat a tablet or two, all the intfii gestion, gases, pain, acid ity and stomach distress ends Instantly! Costs little All 'drug stores. Buy a boxl 25 upset? Pape's Diapepsin