Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 18, 1918, Page TWO, Image 2

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Proof that Some Women
do Avoid Operations-
Mr. Etta Dorion, of OgdenaWg, WU says:
"I Buffered from female trouble which caused piercing pains
lika a knife through my back and side. I finally lost all my
strength so I had to go to bed. The doctor advised an opei ition
but I would not listen to it I thought of what I had read (.bout
Lydia E. Plnkbara's Vegetable Compound and tried it. Tho first
bottle brought great Taiief and six bottles have entirely cured me.
All women who have lemaie trouble of any kind should try
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound."
How Mrs. Boyd Avoided an Operation.
Canton. Ohio. "I suffered from a female trouble which
i : li. J..- J l. -
caused me muca auiieriiig. uu i umwu mnni bison
1 would nave VO go uirougu au operauiuu uciuic x cuuiu
1. II
Eei weu.
"My mother, who had been helped by Lydia E. Pink
Vnm'aViknafortla frvin t Klt n.l nrlviuAfl TY1A ift tW t HP-
my troubles so I can ao my nouse worK wunoui any
(HlllCUllrJ IttUTiWIIll; "uman wiiwiopuuvu " "
female troubles to gite iyaia is. nnKnam s v ege-
A 1 1 1 J .Jnl anil 5 rill A am VVtllh i
for thetn." Mrs. Makle uoyd, 1421 otn bt
jr. .. Canton, Ohio.
Every Sick Woman Shoff
1 f " Tl.i-'iUi.III 1
.1 VW U - r0 :'! i!.l
: If l5r? . tf I
T 7 TTw-V. I' 1 V i?
M y UU3T-W f''J VP
I JT iVv '-.1 1 1 if k ltll
Before Submitting To An Operation
fcstast Relief Froa Pain,
Soreness, Stiffness Follows
. A Rubbing With "St
Jacobs LfcasienL"
' Btop "dosing" rheumatism.
It' pain only; not one casu in fifty
require internal. treatment. Rub sooth
ing, penetrating, "St. Jacob Lini
ment'' right on the-"tender spot,'.'
and by the timo you say Jack Hobnson
out comes the rheumatio pain and
distress. "St. Jacobs Liniment" con
quers pain! It is a harmless rheuma
tism lihiuient which, never disappoints
nil doesn't burn, the skin. It takes
pain, soreness and stiffness from ach
ing joints, muscles and bones; stops
aoiatiea, lumbago, bsckacuo, neuralgia
and roduces swelling.
Limber upl Get a small trial bottle
of old time, honest "St. Jaeobs Lini
ment" from any drug store, and in a
atomoat you'll be free from pains,
dies and stiffness. Don't sufferl Rub
rheumatism away. -
State House Notes
Attorney General Brown today ad
visod Will H. Bennott, superintendent
of banks, that it will be noeessary for
tho Hmu Till., and Trust ComnanV. of
Boise, Idaho, to eoniply with the provi
sions or tho uregon trust company jaw
bvfoiu' it can perform the duties im
posed upon it by a contract it has -with
the Jordan Valley Farms Company,
which is the sales agont for the Jordan
Valley irrigation project Doing devel
oped in eastern Oregon, i
October 23 is' the date that the re
duced freight rate on apples will be
come effective, according "to a tele
gram received by tho public service
commission from 0. O. Calderhead at
Washington, D. C ' ,
"This is the earliest dnt-j it can be
published so as to reach all parties",
savs the Calderhead moBsage. "Adviso
nil shipoers." ,
The new rate is tl.10, while, the old
rak' was $l-25 per 101) pounds. The rate
applies to apples shipped from tho Pa
cific coast o he Eastern, markets.
quest of the O. A. C. for $37,450 defi
ciency appropriation to take care of
war emergencies, the state emergency
board has been eallcd to meet next Mon
day morning. Tha state lime board
also probably will renew its request fax
an additional appropriation of $5,000,
which was denied when the board mot
last week.
A loc boom f ranchim has been grant
ed by the public service Commission to
the Greshain Lumber Company on Drift
Creek, Alsca river and Alsea bay, in
Lincoln county The company is given
two years in which to make the im
provements requirod to handle logg and
timber products on these sterams.
Sergeant F. C. Freiberg, drum major
of tho Multnomah Guard band, today
presented Governor Whitycdhibe two
fine pictures, one of tbo band and the
other of thi members of tho American
Red Cross Canteen, at Portland.
For the purpoiu of considering the re
r5i3 - vr
inese iieeD men
Warm an
If It's The Right KfaJ of
YouUFmdltHere i
; The weight, quality, finish, colors
i and patterns of our Mackinaws
t will please the man looKing lor
X a good coat. There are cheaper
, I coats but not worthy of our at-
I tention. There are no better coats
t at these prices.
Men's Sizes, 34 to 52
$7.85 to $14.45
Boys' Sizes, 5 to 16 Years
$5.95 to $10.45
d Drv
fn"-:' J
4. . .
All Wool Olive Drab Shirts, coat style with
two pockets and tabs, regular army model
at . , . .$4.75 and $6.25
We also have a large supply of wool shirts in -blue,
greys and varicolored stripes that
you'll find to be real bargains during these
extraordinary times--they range from
$2.00 upward.
t Let us show you some really good robes. A few dol- f
t lars will keep out the dampness and chill of many
. . - uxive
A Guaranteed Treatment That Hs
Stood tho Test of Time
Catarrh cures come and catarrh
cures go, but Ilyomei continues to hoal
eaturrn and abolish its disgusting synip
toms wherever civilization exists.
ES'ery year . tho already enormous
sales of this really scicntifo treatment
lor catarrh grow greater, and the pres
ent year should show all records brok
en. -
if you breathe flyomei' daily as di
rected it will end your catarrh, or it"
won 't cost you a cent.
If you have a hard rubber Hyoinci
inhaler somewhere around the house,
get it out and start it at onee to for
ever rid yourself of catarrh.
Dan'l J .Fry, or any other good drug
gist, will sell you a bottle of Hyotnei
(liquid), start to breathe it and no
tico how quickly it clears out the air
passages and makes the cntiro head
feel fine.
Hyomei used regularly will end ca
tarrh, coughs, colds, bronchitis or asth
ma. A complete outfit, including a hard
rubber pocket inhaler and bottle of
Hyomoi, costs but little. 'No stomach
dosing; just breathe it. It kills the
germs, soothes and heals the inflamed
Through Mrs. William G. McAdoO,
President Wilsea his test a
every eoanty chairman of the. woman's
liberty loaa eenmittee, nrging the wo
men to do their share inreversubeerib
ing to. the fourth liberty loan.
' Oversubscription to the fourth lib
erty loan is an imperative measure to
ward a complete victory," says the
President's message.
Miss Mattie Beatty is Marion coun
ty chairman of the Woman's liberty
loan committee and has devoted consid
erable time and sincere effort toward
arousing the women ' throughout the
eounty to a realization of the impera
tive need of liberal subscriptions in
this fourth loan.
Messages . of deepest sympathy are
beinjf extended to Mrs. Tom Townsend
upon the death of her husband, wno
passed away yesterday at the officers'
training camp at Eugene. Mrs. 1 own-
send arrived in Salem this afternoon,
accompanied by a sister of Mr. Town
send. She went directly to the Town-
send residence, zsz JOcumond street.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green of Al
bany are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles G. Miller. They motored home
Mrs. Charles Ohling, who has been
the euest of her mother. Mis. 1. .
Poisal, returned yesterday from a short
visit in Albany. She will remain in Sa
lem a while longer, before returning
to her home in battle.
Mir. and Mrs. William Staiger have
returned from Portland after spending
Uie summer at the country home ot
Mrs. J. Jr Murphy.
Mis. Clarence S. Hamilton .and sons
are visiting Mrs. Hamilton's brother,
Fred Stump, at bis ranch near Inde
pendence, for a few days. f
Mrs. Edna L. Daily returned yester-
dav moraine . from -Corvallis, where
with several other nurses, ghe has been
on dutv at the S. A. T; C. at the Ore
gon Agricultural college during tne
Spanish influenza outbreak in the col
loge training camp. Mrs. Daily was
away about ten days and will spend a
short time at her country home at
Riverside Acres before going out again
on duty. .
Mr.' and Mrs. J. L. Harper of Port
land visited- the fore part of the week
in Salem as the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. Laflar.
. 4
Mrs. R. B. Walsh and son, Clark, of
Portland returned home today alter
week's visit in Balora with friends.
Mm Walsh is an instructor - in the
French department of the Franklin
high school, and ia taking advantage
ot an eniorcea vaoauiin io vidv
mer Salem acquaintances. Mr. Walsh
who was formerly a member of the fac
ility at. Willamette university is now
enroute to France as a Y. M. C. A. sec
retary. , '
expressed here privately on several oc
casions by entente and neutral representatives.
Lord Milne, according to London
reports, warns allied statesmen against
holding out for drastic changes ia Ger
ssany, declaring that this would result
in stiffened resistance by Germany.
uipwmars are eareiuiiy studying re
ports reaching here today of socialist
sod trade nuioa protests 4-enny
n wnica more food and easier working
conditions were demanded of the gov
ernment. -
rwuts) Freit Traces Union
SsarfePsmen for one delegation re
cently, 'appealing to the chancellor,
The whole nation has bees me ter
ribly dispirited as to tie result of do
mestic political events of the last few
weeks. Representatives of the German
working classes will no longer look on
as spectators while the nation sinks
froa on stage to another, economic
Delegates openly protested against
the food shortage, demanded shorter
working hours to "paralyze under
nourishment" and regarding the fail
ure to make franchise reforms declar
"The people aro turning in angry
embittennent away from the eomedy
in the Herrenhaus (the upper Prussian
Repudiation of the pan-Germans
was demanded by - another delegate.
The trades unionists and socialists
wanted a hearing in the determination
of the peace policy of the government.
una Hawspaper view
The following excerpt from Erzberg-
er'a organ, the Neue Znrzher Naehrich
ten was read with interest:
"Some time ago- we were informed
in a quarter in very close touch with
the entente that .Britain, f ranee and
Italy were resolved to avoid a fifth
war winter. Mow wa learn that high
placed neutrals in Berlin are confident
that the war will not survive IMS.
These statements should be received
with caution. The military and politic
al situation by no means points to an
early termination of the war."
The organ remarks, however, that
there is the irowinir anxiety of Eu
ropean financial circles at the pros
pect of & continuation of the Yjar.'
Continued from pngo one)
buro among the farmers of the county.
At least, they aro paying off not only
the old standing mortgages but those
within the past year ot so. And the
averago mortgage ivleascd will figure
about 41,000 indicating also that it is
the average citizen that i8 getting out
from undor. '
Word was reeeived yesterday by Mr.
and Mrs. '. Guerne, of Turner, that
their son, Charles, had passed away at
Camp Taylor, Kentucky, where he was
attending the officers' training camp.
Ho had been - in training about six
weeks. Death was caused by the Span
ish influenza.
Besides his. parents Mr. Guerne
leaves two brothers and two sisters.
William Guerne of Camp Fremont,
George Guerne of Salem, Clara Guerne
of Woodburn and Mrs. Ida Jones of
Toledo, Wash.
At the time of his enlistment Mr.
Guerne held the position of professor
of education and phychology in the
state normal Bi'hool st Silver City, N.
Mex. He attended Willamette univer
sity and is a graduate of the Univer
sity of Oregon and of the School of Ed
ucation of Chicago and Master of Arts
of Howard university.
The funeral will be hold in Salem and
will be private.
Atlanta, Ga Oet. 18. Captain Hal R.
Wright, of Columbus, Ohio, and Lieute
nant P J. Mosta, of Pittsburgh, Pa
died today in the hasg hospital at Cniea
manga Park, victims of Spanish influ-
(Continued from page onej
something in the way of a reply will
come fremi the reichstag session. On
both points, the government professed
early today to be in the dark. How
ever, it is anticipated that before many
rlnvs thn nation will una some new
iDhase, of the Gentian peace offensive,
for -there is no mistaking the German
desire for peace and the lierman er
fort to keep the peace subject alive.
authorities say. 1
Daneer of Bolshevism
- Bolshevism appears growing through
out Germany and is even penetrating
the army ne'eording to entente and neu
tral diplomats here today. Thriving on
.military defeat, food Rhortage and gen
eral war weariness, extreme socialists
are growing balder 'as they see popular
support increasing, according to meag
er information seeping out through
itiaht German censorship.
Hopes were expressed guardedly by
neutral and allied diplomats that Ger
many would head off this movement
by establishment of a iioerai govern
ment. Diplomatg aro openly apprehns
iva lest a rrowing bolshevik spirit in
Germany invade surrounding neutral
and allied countries and result in
mi an nt disorder throughout Europe,
Reported warning by Lord Milner,
British war minister, that it is to the
nUii.' interest to see a stable govern
meat maintained in Germany aroused
considerable speculation in diplomatic
circles here. Similar views have oeen
Get Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets
. That b tha Joyful cry of thousands
since Dr. Edwards produced Olive Tablet
the substitute for calomel.
Dr. Edwards, a practicing plryaidaa for
1? years and calomel's old-time enemy,
discovered the formula for Olive Tablets
while treating patients loff chrobte. COO
etipation and torpid livers.
Or. Edwards' Olive Tablets do not
contain calomel, but a healing aootbing
vegcuuBe loxauvc
No griping is the "keynote of these
little sugar-coated, olive-colored tablets,
They cause the bowels and liver to act
normally. They never bxm tbem to
unnatural action.
11 you have a Mark brown month" rww
and then a bad breath a dull, tired
feeling sick headache torpid liver and
are constipated, you'll find quick, sure and
only pleasant resulta from one or two lit
tie Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets at bedtime.
Thousands take one or two ewry night
just to keep right Try theakelOe end
ix per boa. sU druggist
This advertisement donated in behalf of the
Fourth Liberty Loan
Buy "Fighting. Fourth" Liberty Bonds to your
utmost bcause you want America to defeat Ger
many. Buy them because you know that every
dollar invested now brings peace a moment near
er than otherwise. In a larger sense, buy Liber
ty Bonds because you want all the lands of the
earth to have the blessings of the same free gov
ernment which America' enjoys.
Washington, Oct. 18. President Wil
son 's firm response to - the Germun
note was greeted with great enthusi
asm in invaded Belgium, according to
Amsterdam dispatehes received here.
"Dr. Caldwell's Syrup -Pepsin is the best
remedy we have found, for constipation.
We cannot say too much for it." (From a
V letter tq Dr. Caldwell written by Mr. Win-
field S. Taylor, 342 Perm St., Burlington,
N.J.). '
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is the best
remedy for constipation because it acts gently
.and does not gripe and strain. Its freedom
from all habit-forming properties and its posi
Ative effect make' Tt the ideal remedy for the
family medicine-chest. V ; , ,,
The Perfect Laxative
Sold by Druggists Everywhere
50 cts. $1.00
King Albert is personally
commanding the Belgians, the
French and British in Belgium.
Hi chief of staff is D'Urbal
Latest information shows the
French field commanders aa
follows: . ,
Oebcny, northeast of St. Qucn
tin; Guillamaut, Laon region
(succeoding Mangiu); But helot,
Atsne ivgion near Chateau Por
cien; Gouraud, Champagno reg
iou, west of the Aigonnes.
f -
Before applying powder give your
akin a protecting coat of
Motor Cream
oiut-ius aiwi ciKoiuBi winu ana weainer.
Prevents ton and sunburn. Keeps skin soft
and velvety. Eliminates ms of most com
plexion defects. Absolutely essential toi
proper cro oi facial beauty. Try it.
125 N. High St.
Wear 'i
II a i 'ma M M
V ' At a
you have a hundred times more fun if you're snug and
warm in an all-wool JANTZEN SWEATER! You not
only feel well but you look just right, secure in the con
sciousness that you are wearing the best looking sweater
that money can buy. '
Whether it's a sweater vest, sweater or sweater coat that
you are buying, look for the label and know that you are
getting a Jantzen, then you're sure.
They come in all sizes and colors, from the very littleones
to the very big ones and all have character, individuality,
style call it what you will; ifs there and it's-mighty
fine to own. , .
And knit caps and hose sure, just step into a Jantzen
dealers the next time you're downtown and see what
we mean. .
"jantzen knitting bulls
I , iWmwikiiiiit VaA