Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 16, 1918, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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She' DaUnttol UonnuiL
Vey Lowest Pieces
s m
Lalies Bath Robes ........ $2.98, $3.49, $3.98, $4.50, $4.98
r Men's Bath Robes . . . .$4,93 JQ
Ladies Flannelette Kimonas jyg $2.49, $2.98, $3.98
Ladies' Flannelette Dressing Sacques '. $1.49, $1.59
Children's Sweaters .Cf
; Men's Sweaters . . . . ................. . .$1.98, $2.49, $2.98, $3.98 and $4i
All Around Town
Oct. 18. -Last doy of regis
tering for city election.
Oct. 23. Election of Directors
Willamette Chapter, Bed Cross.
Oct. 27. -Sunday. At night,
turn the timo back one hour.,
Nov. 8. -Election day;
"The funeral aeauUfuL" Webb ft
Ckmgh Co, .; ;, tf
Wanted Young chickens, must be
ef first quality, at the Midgut market.
. 10-17
0 .'
' Dane at Macliay Sat. postponed ac
count Spanish influenza. 10-17
"Tb. best'1 la all yon can do when
Vatb. cornel Call Webb A Clongh Co
!Phon 120. tf.
' o
Notice B. P. 0. Elks: There will be
bo more 'lodge meeting until further
Dr. O. Hartley, dentist, Moore build
ing, 407 Court St. Painless filling and
extractin. Pyorrhea. tf
Dr. Scheme has now returned from
kit vacation and he extends a cordial
invitation to his patrons and friends
to visit his Institution. tf
' 0 ' " -
Wood Special For 10 days only be
ginning Oet. 8 we will sell 10 loads 18
inch mill wood at $2.50 per load,
prompt delivery. Spaulding Logging
company. tr
o I
EcxaU One Cent Sale postponed in
order to cooperate with city health au
thorities and prevent a large number
ef people collecting together. Perry's
Drug Store. 10-15
FaJUte Rumors, do not be misled by
false rumors that I will not return to
atom. I must leave Salem for a vaca
tion on account of my health, but will
return Jan. 1st, '.i my health permits.
Dr. M. 1 Mendelsohn.
If you wish, to see Dr. Mendelsohn
do no at once or make an appointment
as he will only remain in his office
until Sat. 4:30 p. m,Dr. Slaughter will
occupy hiu office while Dr. Mendel
sohn is on his vacation.
: ' - o :
Notice: We are ready to receive el
der and vinegar apples at the following
prices: Cidar appos, sound fruit shak
en from troos, $10 per ton. Vinegar ap-
plos, windfalls and down fruit, $8 per
ton. Sacks furnished, Gidieon Stolz Co.,
near corner Mill and Summor Sts. 10-15
Dr. Robert Blue, surgeon general,
hns issued the following Instructions for
tKoso who wish to dodgo thv "flu"s
Keep out of crowds; eover up each
cough or snooze; shun i.ie common
drinking cup or the public rollor towel;
if you havo it and are sum of it, go to
bed and call a doctor
A pair of ladies gloves and a bunch
of keys was found In a Feed wrecked
lust oveuing about 10:30 o'clock nt the
ninth end of the bridge over North Mill
creek. The license number showed that
the car belonged to F. M. Ford who
lhea at the Bligh hoM. Mr. Ford was
in bed at the timfl and when inter
viewed, said that he didn't know his
car was out of the Wcstorn Qarago. Tho
gloves were left in tho car and tho
bunch of keys taken to tho police sta
tion, and the key to the mystery will be
unlocked when the owner of the keys
appears nt tho police station to claim
his collection. .
Now it seeing that the troublesome
boys have broken out this time on to
North Commercial street, not far from
the Ward K. Richardson store. Last
night several youngsters about 14 or 15
years old had a pistol or gun aud were
doing a lot of promiscuous shouting as
one of the shots went through one of th0
front windows of tho A, O. Davidson
home. The police hav0 had a lot of
trouble with tough boys the past few
months, and it is probablo that if par
ents can not control thein, the author
ities will land a lot of thv youngsters
in th reform school.
H. L. Clark .has filed m an inde
pendent candidate for country judge
running In Apposition to Judge Bushey.
Tho dato of his filing was Sent 87. On
his petition weld 921 names. . The'ipeti-
By glasses is the very
best that scientific skill
and conscientious pains-
taking work can make it
Our prices are within
reach of all.
CI A. MJLLOCH, Optometrist,
204-5 Bank of Commerce Bldg.
1 L T-jt?
- .
Chas. W. Siout of Camp Lewis reg
istered today at thv Bligh. ,
Eonry Tate, of Stayton was in the
city yesterday. ? .
A. F. Marshall left yesterday over
tho Oregon Electric for Tacoma.
tions for Mr. Clark were circulated by
Clark will be the only man in Marion
Clark will bo teh only man in Marion
county running for two offices at the
smile eloction. Bvsldes being a can
didate for county judge, he Is a candi
date for alderman in the seventh, ward,
Salem, in opposition-to Dr. O. L. Scott
, ' . Oi
The Home Service Section of Willa
mette Chapter Red Crosg has boon sig
nally honored by the National Bed Cross
hoadquarters. In recognition Of the ef
foctiveness of its service here and the
business way In which its affairs have
been conducted, the Salem Home Ser
vice Section has been officially permit
ted to carry on correspondence directly
with tlfa field director in every military
camp or cantonment in the country.
Heretofore, tho correspondence has been
sent to one of the division headquarters
and then the letters forwarded to the
camps or cantonments, all of which de
layed tho business in hand. Very few
Uonio Sorview sections are permitted to
correspond directly with the field direc
tors. With this new privilego, the work
here can bo carried on much easier and
ivpliog to . inquiries received several
days earlier than in the former round
about way of doing business. .
A survey of nurses in Marion and
Polk counticg under tho supervision of
the Wed Cross will bo made. It was de.
tided to undertake this work at a meet
ing hvld yesterday by the exocutive
board of Willainctto chapter. For some
timo past it has been thought advisable
to ave a survey by which in case of a
sudden emergency, te Bod Cross vuld
bo In touch not only with tho graudate
nurses, but tine under graduates aud
thoso who had taken the elementary
course u hygiene given by the Bed
Dr. Frank S. Snedecor Died
Yesterday la Los Angeles
Word was received in the city this
morning of the death of Dr. Frank S.
Snedecor yesterday at Los Angeles.
Accompanied by Mrs. Snedccor, the
body will arrive in the city Thursday
evening on the 7.55 o'clock Southern
Pacific. As yet no funeral arrange
ments have been announced. Burial will
be in the Breyman lot in the City View
cemeterjt. - ,
Death was due to persistent anemia
due largely to aserious operation Dr.
Snedecor underwent several years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Snedecor were in the
automobile accident that resulted in
the'death of Mrs. Charles L. Mc-Nary
July 3 of thia year. Mrs. Snedecor is a
sister of Mrs. Reuben P. Boise. The
funeral services will be held Friday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home'
of Reuben Boise, 619 Court street. .
Training school under the management
of W. F. McAdams have just finished
up three prune yards. ' The boys were
worKing witnout a guard.
S. E. Van Trump, county fruit inspec
tor says, "Let us spray now for Cali
fornia peach blight as soon as the rain
is over. The .spraying" should bo done
with Bordeaux mixture , 6-6-50 and
enough should be put on to cover the
tre thoroughly.";
The Maple restaurant on Court street
hag gone out of business. . Edward
Yenne was proprietor.
A local commissioned officer, in
speaking as to the propor flag etiquette,
says that thw flag sould fly from sun
rise to sunset; that it sould not fly in
stormy weather; that an old or tattered
flag soulfl not be permitted and that
when a flag is so worn that it can not
be used, it should "be burned.
E. C. Bushnell of Kinewood nark suf
fered a painful injury yesterday when
he had his thumb crushwd while piling
Mrs. Chester A. Murphy of Portland
is suing her husband for a divorce ac
cording to an item published yesterday
in the Portland News. In her complaint
shii charges that hor husband called her
sisters "cats". Mr. Murphy is owner
of tk Murphy building at State and
Commercial streets and the Blicrh hotel
and also of teh property'in te city:
Tho death of Mrs. Bosalie Seguln is n-
ported from Cervais', at the age of 83.
years. Bhe wjis thewidow of the late
Antonio Heguin and had been in failing
health for several years; 8he is survived
by the following children, ' Clef ace of
G-orvais, Phelir, Hehry of St. Paul, and
Mrs. j oo Konav-au of St. Johns. The
funeral services will be held Thursday
from the Catholic church in Gervaig and
burial will be in the Catholic cemotery
at uervais. '
Twenty boys frm the Oregon State
t Born
KENNEDY, To Mr. and Mrs. Walter
R, Konnvdy at 1755 Sout Thirteenth
street, Wednesday, Oct. It), .1918, a
son. . V
.'... ,
I : Died- i
-: .
DALRYMFLE.At tho Wtfamotte Sa
nitarium, Oct. 15, 1918, A. G. Dal
ryinplo at the ago of 3-4 years. His
home was at Macleay aud it is Un
derstood his wife and three children
are all seriously ill. Mr. Dalrympte's
death was, due to pneumonia within a
fevr hours after he was brought to
the Sanitarium.
A yet no funeral arrangements have
been announced. . I
Mr. and Mrs.. T. I. Waters received
a telegram last night from Senator Mc
Nary that their son Rodonck had been
sunk in Atlantic Waters October 7.
Young Waters was on board te West-
gato when she collidod with the Amer
ican. He is a gradbate o ftho Salem
hi nil school and had made nun trin
across, the Atlantic. The Wets gate was
bunt in Portland and launched January
l, IV 19. . ... . ...... .
..... o
Emergency Board
Secures No Quorum
The meeting of the state emergency
boardj called for this morning to con
sider the request of the Oregon Agricul
tural College for a deficiency appro
priation of $37,450 to mct the needs
arising from the big increase in the
number of students. in the army train
ing course, was not held as a quorum
was not present.
None of the out of town members,
came,. tho only, members being present
were the governor, secretary of state
and state treasurer. Another meeting
will be called soon, probably next week.
When the board meets again the
state lime board will renew its request
for another deficiency appropriation of
$5000. A. B. Cordley, president of the
board, and Warden Murphy of the pen
itentiary, secretary woro on hand this
By Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Winona, Minn." I suffered for more
than a year from nervousness, and was
so Daa x eouia not
rest at night
would lie awake and
get so nervous I
would have to get
up and walk around
and in the morning
would bo all tired
out I read about
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com
pound and thought
I would try it My
nervousness soon
left me,
This Is As True in Business As In War Or Peace
We have prepared for this f all' business on an unpre
cedented scale. Our stocks of seasonable merchandise are
unxcelled as to quality in this city and as to price they
, are as usual, ALWAYS THE; LOWEST. . ; :
Our painstaking efforts to assemble popular priced.
Merchandise combined with high quality, are appreciated
by the Salem public. Our businesses growing rapidly
and the name Gale & Co., is becoming recognized as a
synonym for QUALITY AND VALUE. Enterprising
shoppers are recognizing the fact that "their dollar will
go farther at Gale's". . . .
Beautiful New
Coats and Suits
An attractive assortment in stock and more arriving al
most daily. Exclusive in style and unusual in value.
Ladies' Coats and Suits . . ... . . . . $14.75 to $42.50
Children's Coats .$ 2.98 to $16.75
Ladies' Hats X.-. ..... ..... .......$ 1.98 to $$ .50
'Qftte:--......;....yU9 to $ 3.45
Our Prices Always the Lowest
Gale & Company
Commercial and Court Sts.
Formerly Chicago Store
Money Is Rolling In By Tens
Of Millions From All Re
serve Districts.
Milwaukee, Wis, Oct. 16. Milwau
kee has oversubscribed its liberty loan
quota of $32,646,300 by $805,050, ac
cording to fignrog given out today.
New York, Oct. 16. An oVsraight
gain of $103,601,050 in subscriptions to
the fourth liberty loan was announced
today by the New York reserve dis
trict loan committee. The total is now
Washington, Oct. 16. Overcoming
the handicap of peace talk and influ
enza, tho fourth liberty loan today
was gathering its greatest momentum
of the campaign. For the first timo
since the canvassing started, Septem
ber 28, loan officials here were, opti
mistic. . i
Early reports were of the decidedly
encouraging variety and pointed to an
activity never before equalled in tho
long campaign. .
The outstanding feature of the day's
telegrams to loan headquarters was the
increasing number ,of largo subscrip
tions Chicago loan officials telegraph
ed that pledges of great sums were
pouring into the committee's headquar
ters, while at tho same time there was
no decrease in the number of small
subscriptions. ,
The work reday throughout the
country was expected to showencour
aging results in tonight's total.
well and feel fine in the morning ana
able to do my work. I gladly recom
mend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound to make weak nerves
strong." Mrs. Albert Soltze, 603
Olmstead St, Winona, Minn.
How. often do we hear the expression
among women, "I am so nervous, I can
not sleep," or "it seems as though I
should fly." Such women should profit
by Mrs. Sul tie's experience and give
this famous root and herb remedy,
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, a trial. . r ,
For forty years it hat been overcom
ing such serious conditions as displace
ments, inflammation, ulceration, irreg
ularities, periodic pains, backache, dis
siness, and nervous prostration of
women, and is now considered the stan
dard remedy for such ailments.
morning to present their Tequci
$5000 if the board had met. -At
the mcetiue of the emereency
I sleep board last week Warden Murphy .pre
sented a request for $2000 for the lime
board, but the emergency board mem
bers refused to grant -it aud tho re
quest w!i withdrawn.
Fires Sweep Oil Piers
At Seatte During Night
Seattle, Wash., Oct. 16. Although
under eontrol, the fires sweeping the
Great Northern oil piers were still burn
ing fiercely at 8 o'clock this morning
despite the efforts of all the city's
marine and land fire apparatus, togeth
er with a heavy downpour of rain that
has been failing for four hours. The
flames burst out at 11 o'clock last
night. .
Rev. F. T. Porter Is On His
Way Home From Liverpool
The Eev. F. T. Porter, former pastor
of the First Christian church of Salem,
who left May 22 to enter the Y. Mr C.
A. work in France, is on his way homei
according to a cablegram' received by
Mrs. Porter. ... -
After-going through a preliminary
training in the oast Mr. Porter sailed
for Liverpool from Canada arriving
there July 5. Shortly after his arrival
he suffered from inflammatory rheu
matism and for the "past two months
has been' in a hospital in Liverpool.
At one, time he thought ho might re
cover and that he would be sent to
Franco. . .' : ' - '
ears of
Yick So Toe
snx f
Chinese Medicine and Tea Os.
ma medicine which will
any known disease.
Open Sundays from 10
nit til 3 p. m,
153 South Hlcrh ftt
I BAiem, Oregon. Phone 181 I'
Pro-German Minister
Collapses In Turkey
Copenhagen. Oct 16. The Tewfik
ministry in Turkey has resigned and
Izzet Pasha has been named grand
vizier and minister of war, according to
advices from Constantinople received
here today. . ,
.The tewtfik ministry was pro-German
and under the dominance of Enver
Pasha. Izzet Pasha is an advocate of
" -
Portland Furniture Dealer wants
all kinds of second hund furniture,
stoves, gas ranges, ete. Best price-
,-paid. Phone 951.
, ....
Jtop at
"A Home Away from Home."
Strictly Modern $1 per Day
100 Booms of Solid Coffort
Only Hotel in Business District
And All Kinds Of 2nd Hart
rail Market Prices Special
. Prices paid for Backs.
Oet omr prices before yon. sell.
87i H. Oora'l 8t - Phone 7U
Dermatologist and Food Specialist.
Specializes in removing superflous
hair from face ,neck and arms. Facial
work for removal of blemishes.
Also the latest appliances for treat
ment of the feet. "
Try Stanton's face ercam, massage
cream and freckle lotion the best that
nionvy can buy.
Licensed Dermatologist,
518 United States Bank Euilding.
rhone 416.
Hemstitching and Picot edge
work. '-!'
We do this work in 'he best -manner;
' All work guaranteed. "-,
Singer Sewing Machine Co J
Phone 441
337 State Street . Saleu
Your Junk and give you
a square business deal.
I always pay the highest
cash prices.
I buy all kinds of used
goods, 2nd hand furni
ftire, rubber, and junk.
Get my Prices Before
you sell -
. ' Phone 398
The Square Deal House
271 Chemeketa Street