Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 16, 1918, Page THREE, Image 3

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'Agent Wanted
The man. woman or child who hat had the irasfortuiie to W ooe o even both legs can.
.by the use of "Arrowsmith" Artificial Limbs, walk with movements easy and natural
Sat both weucT and friends soon forget the dehciency. They BKiease eanung power.
, impiore the health and appearance, add pleasure and cohort to living. No need to leave
you home to purchase these limbs, you save that expense. We guarantee a perfect hL
Relieve Tired, Aching Feet and Limbs
Eua Ik k. Mr t " M.W
taW Atk Your Shoe Dealer Arcb r.H.nd br tf Arti Prop'
mm take
(Continued from page" one)
ther advance and the enemy communi
cations are constantly being harried.
The Americans, steadily pushing On
are narrowing the avenue tnrougn
which the Germans can withdraw. The
rapid gains by the British and French
to the northward make it necessary for
the boehe to offer the stiffrst resist
ance to the Americans in this region
to avoid being cut. off by Pershing's
men taking him iu the rear.
There are no indications that the
enemy is caving in before the Ameri
cans. If he 4068, it means the finish
ofl the war will be on French soil, as
communications between the German
armies will be cut and they will be
I l .-i.V 5
Hot water
J2j Sure Relief
Former Stayton Publisher
Dies At Junction City
' ; (Capital Journa1! Special Service.)
- Stayton, Ore., Oct. 15. W. C. Parry,
Who in 191112 was one of the pub
lishers of the Stayton Mail, died sud
denly at his home in Junction City.
Thursday 'afternoon, of pneumonia. Ho
was born in Altoona, Pa., May 7, 1889,
eoming from there to Berkeley, Calif,
with his parents. H0 was educated in
the Berkeley schools . graduated
from .the business department of Stan
ford University. In 112 he married
Fiances, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.
D. Alexander, of this city. Soon aftor
they movod to Orland, Calif., where he
engaged in the newspaper business for a
year and a half. Then they came to
Junction Uity ana lor several years con
ducted the Times. A few' months ago
Mr. Parry leased thy paper and took up
work on the Orcgoiiitiu im iontatd.
Owing to the poor health of the. lessee
of the naner, he was .obliged to rctmn
to Junction City and resume its public-,
tion. The funeral service, was held in
the chapel of the undertaking parlors,
conducted by Rev, Mooro of, the Meth
odist church, and by the Masonic order,
of which he was a member, There'was
a large attendance of sympathizing
lrionds and many beautiful flowers.
'His mother died about a year ago. tlo
leaves beside" his wife and son Dixon,
three years old, hi8 father W L. Parry,
ef Berkeley, a brother D. H., of Seatt 'o,
and a hrotlier, Edgar; now in Franco.
His father, brother, and Mr. and Mrs.
Alexander were present at the fiineTal
and the two former accompanied the
tody to Portland for cremation. He hi.d
many friends in Stayton and vicinity.
who will sorrow at his passing.
Hoy Mvors and wifc, and C. P. Phil-
ley and wife, of Portland, visited at the
A. Riegcr and Ben Uenlen honieg un
dav. "' "'
, Ed. Hiegcr - was home from Camp
lewis, Hunday, for a visit with rcl-
ait res.
Dr. C. H. Brewer and Dr. H. A. Beau
ith:in p wvrp both called by tho govern
ment for duty at Helena, Mont., last
wrifclc, and left for that place Thurs
ar. Dr. .E. H. Hobson is at present
item, but how long le will be allowed
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get
at the Cause and Remove It
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the substi
tute for calomel, act gently on the bowels
and positively do the work.
People afflicted with bad breath find
quick relief . through Dr.. Edwards
Olive Tablets. - The pleasant, sugar
coated tablets are taken for bad breath
by all who know them.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablete act gently
but firmly on the bowels and liver,
stimulating them to natural Bction,
clearing the blood and gently purifying
the entire system. They do that which
dangerous calomel does without any
of the bad after effects,
i All the benefits of nasty, sickening,
griping cathartics are derived from Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets without griping,
pain or any disagreeable effects.
Dr. F. M. Edwards discovered the
formula after seventeen years of prac
tice among patients afflicted with
bowel and liver complaint, with the
attendant bad breath. -v,v...B .
I - Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are purely
a vegetable compound mixed with olive
oil; you will know them by their olive
color. Take one or two every night for
a week and note the effect , 10c and 25c
per box. All druggists.
called this territory will be left-without
A physician. The territory covered by
Stayton physicians is about 20 by 30
miles square ,and is too large to be loft
without modical service.' Steps are be
ing taken to have one of the doctors re
turned or another sent here in case Dr.
Hobson is called to leave.
Mis8 Malana Sest'ak has returned to
Pendleton aftor a visit with relatives
Mr. and Mrs.. Jones, of Lebanon, vis
ited Mrs. Jones ' mother, Mrs. Mclntyro
last week.
Lawrence Siegmund has gone to the
University of Oregon at Eugen-e, where
he will receive training in the otticcrs
training school.
Bernard Klockcr has returned from
his trip to Wisconsin. -
Captain L. S. Lambert, of Separate
Co. 'A, Stayton Oregon Guard, has been
ordored to Portland on the 17th, to re
ceive a four days' course of special
to remain is uncertain, and in case he is training. Lieutenants Nelson and
uncle jam
io serve
is a c
these days.lihey do
rfc by saving wheat
and sugar
iKeyre also'the most
delicious corn flakes
- rjiriiiMWimrianjLnjtna
By John De Gandt '
(United Press staff correspondent)
Psris, Oct. 16. French forces are
driving forward today at vital points
on the German left flank, north of
Laon, and in the Champagne. The ene
my is being pushed back upon the dif
ficult Ardennes country.
Latest dispatches from the battle
front indicate that the fifth army,
now under command of General Guil-
laumet is making progress toward
Mont Cornet and Vervins. (Vervins is
23 miles north of Laon and fifteen
miles from the Belgian border. Mont
Cornet is ten miles southeast of Ver
vins.) Further to the right in the Cham
pagne, Rethel is being more outflank
ed, while the Germans are unsuccess
fully endeavoring to prevent the French
from crossing the Aisne,
On Outskirts of Rethal
Paris. Oct. 16. Capture ofAcy-Ro-
nianee in the outskirts of Rethel was
reported today by the French -war of
fice. Prosress north of Sissone toward
La,on was noted. The statement said:
'.'During the night we made slignt
progress northward of Sissone. North
of Atfeld, near, Mont St. Germain, we
stopped a violent German counter at
tack supported by much artillery.
S6uthwest of Rethel we tooksAcy-Ro-
inance." . . '
Haie's nieht report also showed pro
ffiess north of Lens, where the Brit
ish took Estevelles. Meurchin and
Bauvin. He announced gains in the
neighborhood of Haucourdin, three
miles west of Lille.
The night report of tho Belgian war
office at Havre shows umnterruptea
progress. ,
"Belgians and French continue to
advance on the whole front," tho
ftommunLaue said. 1 . i -
"The : Belgians progressed several
kilometers north of the. line of Han-zeeme-i'ortemarcq.'
French- troopa-icap;
tured the whole plateau of Hooglcde,
Gitz and Githeberg. French cavalry
crossed the Roulers-Thorout road and
advanced toward Liciitervelde.
"Belaians and British captured Win
kelhoocke and Lendelede and reached
the CourtraHugelmunster railway. Our
prisoners here total 7000 with eighty
guns. : : A complete regimontal gtsff
was captured. Our airmen are bomb
ing the enemy concentrations, '.'
' General Pershing's Report
Washington, Oct. 16. Capture of
Hill 299 by American troops; after it
had changed hands three times, is re
ported in the communique from Gen
eral Pershing today. The report shows
a continued advance on Dotn giucs oi
the Meuse, where French and Ameri
can troops aro engaged in fierce hand
to hand fighting with the enemy. Cap
ture of a number of prisoners ig also
The communique follows: ' "
"Our troops continued today their
attackg ovboth sides of the Meusc( en
countering stubborn -resistance from
the reinforced enemy. East of the
Meuse French and American troops
have gained ground. West o the river
the fighting has increased in violence
and our troops have made substantial
gains, including Hill 299, which chang
ed hands throe times.
"We have broken the Krienihilde
Stellung line at new points, where our
men closed with the enemy in a ser
ies of hand to , hand encounters in
which they took prisoners.".
Soldiers Endorse Reply '
With the American Armies in France
Oct. 16. President Wilson's reply. to
the German peace appeal was received
by the army with enthusiasm. It ex
actly sustained the American fighters
views on peace.
Tho fighters feel they are on the
verse of scorine a knockout and they
don't, wish the boehe to slip out from
the defeat, unscathed.
The president's policy of leaving the
question of an armistice to Foch and
the military advisers wag approved by
the doughboys. ,
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Clovcrdalc. Oct. 16. Miss Ethel
Craig opened school, at the Bethel
school last Monday morning with a
good attendance, she has all eight
grades. .Miss Craig- came home Sat
urday to spend the week end and en
joy a well earned rest. ' - - - -
The Illihee school which was to open
October-14th, is postponed for & week
on account of the Spamshe flu, in
the Salem schools. : .
Mrs. Nora Robertson and son and
Mrs. Cora Scheimokier of Salem spent
tho week end with their parents Mr.
and Mrs. F. A. Wood. '
Miss Emma Schifferer spent 'the
week end here with her relatives, re
turning to Stayton Sunday evening.
Mrs. Mary Schifferer spent Sunday
with heT folks at Pratnm.
W. J. Hadley was in Salem Friday
on business. '
The prune drying is about over in
these parts. Every one is well pleased
with lie yield, many getting double
tho crop they had counted on.
F. A. Word is " Busy rreignting
prunes to Salem for his neighbors.
Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton were Salem
vistors Saturday.
Miss Lorena Farns lett bunday for
The Dalles whore she will spend the
winter wth her brother Frank and fam
ily and attond the high sechool. '
Mrs. Picket and nephew of Salem
came Sunday to spend the day with
her daughter, Mrs. W. J. Hadley, Mrs.
Pickett will spend the winter here on
tho farm. '..-. .
Joseph Morris who is working at
Black Rock wag home Friday to visit
his family here. , .f
.Cloverdalo school opens October 14.
Bay Fourth liberty Bonds Now And YouH Help To Wia The War For Democracy
Salem People Are Doing All
They Can For Fellow
' Sufferers. -
Salem testimony has. been published
'to prove the merit of Doan's Kidney
Pills to others in Sulem who suffeT
from baed backs and kidney ills. Lest
any sufferer doubt this evidence of
merit, we produce confirmed proof
statements from Salom people who
again endorse Doan's Kidney Pills
confirm their former testimony. Here's
a Salem case: ;
Joseph Wint, retired? blacksmith, 668
High St., says: "My bak and kidneyse
bothered me.' My kidneys were disor
dered and-my back seemed to' lose
strength. A short use of Doan's! Kid
neye Pills soon put me' right." (State
ment given December 12, 1912.- s
On April 11, 1916, Mr. Wint said.
"My opinion of Doan's Kidney Pills
is just tho same today as it was whon
I gave my first endorsement. I have'
n't.- had any kidney trouble now for
several years and I give Doan 's credit
for-.bringing such lasting results."
Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Wirtf had. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Mfgrs.,, Buffalo, N. Y.;
Continued frouupage one;
Hepoitcd anti-kais.! demonstrations
in" Germany, plus iuinunont trouble from
o Pole,, and Slaves to tne east, are Dig
factor, in the peace situation.
Diplomatic circles are receiving in
dicatious that distinct movements are
afoot in Poland, Bohemia and Moravia,
looking to throwing otf the German
and Austrian yoko. Concerted action
between Poland and tho Czrecho-Hlovak
states may force an early elimination
of Austria and the creation ol a grave
situation in the east for Germany. The
Czeco-Slovaks in Moravia and Bohemia
have completed their political organi
zations and have been waiting a favor
able opportunity to declare their inde
Berne cnbleg snow mat tne .fonsn ro-
Thoma will also attend.
Mrs. Paul Fehlcn went to Portland
last week to visit her daughter, Mar
garet, who had been ill, but is now com
pletely recovered. ;. ' . .
Miss Bose Bock left the. last of tho
past week for a visit in Portland.
Word from Portland . has bcen re
ceived that Mrs. G. F. Korinek, who
has been quite sick, i nearly recovered.
Hwr sister, . Miss Maryan Alexander,
was also sick with the la grippe, but in
a milder form, and is convalescent. .
Separate Co. A had planned to visit
Mill City last night, but on account of
weather and prevailing epidemic, did
not go.-
There are a few cases of colds in
town, but no grippe cases of any eon-
seqiK-nce are reported, . .. ...
Th Journal JoV Department
will print you anything in the
stationery line do it right and
save you real money. .
You Can
Beautify your
and rid the . skin of un
sightly blemishes, quicker
and surer, by putting your
blood, stomach and liver in
good order, than in any
other way. Clear complex
ion, bright eyes, rosy
cheeks and red lips follow
the use of Beecham's Pills.'
They eliminate poisonous
matter from the system,
purify the blood and tone
the organs of digestion Use
U,M SU af Amr Mri. la tfco World.
Said mrrwlMf. la bnat. Hie, ZS.
. mb mr m w m j
Stockton's (Old White Corner) Store
Salem's Greatest Women s Apparel Store
More Nev GoatLSandSiites
At Salem's Greatest and Only Exclusive Women's Apparel Store. We are pleased
to announce the arrival of an exceedingly large shipment " of latest models in
Young Ladies' and Women's Fall and Winter Coats, Suits and Dresses, in a good
assortment of sizes, colors and materials. The latest arrivals display many new
features not observed in garments received earlier in the season. Your special at
tention directed to our showing of beautiful new coats made up in Wool Velours,
Velvets, Bolivias, Meltons, Silvertone and various other materials, including the
serviceable tweeds, fur plush and braid-trimmed modelsmany of them lined
throughout with fancy or plain satins. Women interested in coats of . the finer
grades should see these attractive new models. A wide range of plain colors;
browns, blues, greens and mixtures. Very best tailoring throughout. All sizes
ranging m.price from .$32.50 to $75.00
Women's New Suits $27.50 To $75.00 . ,
Our showing of the new Suits is now complete with the
season's very smartest models many of them shown
exclusively at this store. Blue serges, gabardines, home
spuns, velours, silvfcrtones1, velvets and novelty mixtures
in every desirable shade. There is a wide range of sty
lesmany are plain tailored with long coatsothers in
novelty belted effects with tailored or convertible collars.
Fur and braids are used extensively as trimmings cn
many of the new suits. Black, navy and all the newest
Fall shades are here in abundance. Prices range from
$27.50 to $75.00. '
$32.50, $35.00 And $37.50 Suits
SPECIAL $29.50
We call your special attention to an exceptionally fine
group of high grade Suits in sizes for
Young Ladies And Women ,
Some are plain tailored models. Others in novelty sty
les. Many with large collars trimmed with furs and
plush. Others trimmed with braid, materials are serges,
broadcloths, burillas, vejours, gabardines and mixtures in
prevailing colors. Special price $29.50. '
' Stout WomenVApparel fc ' " !
Women who wear the large sizes will be interested in
knowing we specialize on garments, of this kind and are
now ready with becoming models in new Fall Suits, Coats
and Dresses in the new and most wanted materials.
; Mezzanine Floor Special Misses' and Women's '
Utilty Coats $24.50
For stret, school and motoring we have an excellent range
of Coats all designed not only for service, but also for
looks. Smart Coats with wide belts, largo collars, pock
ets some trimmed with furor plush Coats with pleats
at back or with gathers. Dozens of new styles. Meltons,
Kerseys, Cheviots, Burellas and Mixtures.
Mezzanine Floor Special
Little Women
Particularly misses and juniors
will find here a splendid show
ing of the new Suits, Coats and
Dresses in greater variety and at
prices less than elsewhere. ;
New Dresses $15.75 To $85
New Fall Dresses of Georgette, Tricotine
Navy Serges, Satin and Wool Jersey Mater
ials in prevailing colors. Made with new loose
panels and wide girdle effects some silk em
broidered and trimmed with soutache braid.
Others with newest fringe, and sash trimmings
specially priced at from , , .$15.75 to $75
gency council at ,Varsovia has declared
for- incorporation of l-russitui r ...!
and Austrian Galizia in the l'olish na
tion. The I'olcs apparently see a chance
to rid themselves of German domination
while the Teutons withdraw their near
cast garrison But it is deemed likely
that Germany will try to retain a grasp
on. l'oland. '
Wacosda Man Gets
Slight Wound In France
(Capital Journal fjpecial Service.)
Waconda, Oct. 16. U. Koene, who is
now in France, was slightly wounded
August 10, but not severely. His guii
man was shot and killed by his sido
Waconda is proud to know they have
such a brave hvro, who- has the first
star in our service flag. It is hoped he
returns to us in perfect condition to tell
uh il his thrilling experiences.
Mrs. M.a0 i'atterson is noino on a
visit from Portland.
Dorothy Bnyder is -siting -her folks
but has returned to her position in Port,
luud. ...
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bvcker have moved
to Salem whore he will work fqr tho
Marion Creamery company.
Will Ahlgrcn wa, homo Saturday and
Sunday from Camp Lewis. He i uok
ing fine and has gained 15 pounds
since he left home,
Mr. and ,Mrs. Palmer wore shopping
in Balem on AVvdnesday last week.
. Mr. IS. P. Hubert, the agont is able
to be around as lively as ever after a
severe ankle sprain some weeks ago,.
Miss VVilina Binkloy was the guest of
Gertrudu HoppeTfor the week end.
Francis Muson was homo from Cor
vallis where he is taking military train
ing. Ho reports it fine work. Ho was
also appointed corporal of his class.
Mrs. Frank Matties lias been on the
siik list for the past week, but is much
better now. Her mother has bven with
her, but will leave soon. . ' :
Mrs. Becker and daughter, Mrs. Chase
The Journal Job Department
will print you anything in the
stationery line do it right and
save you real money. ' .
. .
, .,
of Woodljurn were visiting Mrs. David
Keene last wock,
Mr. and jlrs. Thurinnn visited their
daughter,' Mrs. Waltvr Nuson of Tilla
mook this last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Savage presented
their grand-daughter Elcne Gooilnough
with a SO liberty bond on its first bir
thdny, October 12th.
Mrs. Simmons and fumily are homo
again for the winter. ,
M. J, Keesler and family havc pur
chased a fine modorn home in Port
land last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wurd Itusscl have oc
cupied the Kcesler ranch for the coming
Miss Opal Loren is ono of tho new
beginners of Salem high school this
School opened at Waconda September
30, with an enrollment of 20 pupils.
They all report they have a fine teacher
and seem very interested In this year's
work. v. ' .
G. W. Marker who lost his home in the
big fire at Wanconda, expectg to re
build here in tho spring.
ask Foa r k .
Nourishing t
No Cooking iaMk,i
For Infams,lnvlldsndGrowltig Children. I Rich Milk, Malted Grain Extract in Powdsf
The Original Food-Drink For All Aes. OTHERS are IMITATIONS