Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 15, 1918, Page THREE, Image 3

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"Gets-It," A OBerty
r Bottle - For Corns
There's Only One Oawine "CoatPeel
er" Thr "GetsIf
Ever peel a banana f That's the way
"Gets-lf' peels off corns. It's the
onlv eorn treatment that will. "Gets-
Buy Fourth Liberty Bonds Now And YouU Help-To Win The War For Democracy
It '"''is a guarantee that you won't fin-
Stockton's (Old White Corner) Store
Salem s Greatest Women's Apparel Store
ir i 1A Smart Fabrics at , paov, , -omlo
Our $12 and $10 In the Rear of the 20 Per Cent
'Shoes Now $8 j Reduced Prices Shoe Department. Less
DISH SPECL4L Below Present Wholesale Price, many of our plain white and
white and gold band 15c dishes cow 2 for 25c
All Graniteware
2Pieces for .
NoMonExcuM foe Cera or Conrfum Now!
ally have to gouge, pick, jerk or cut
out vour corns. If you want the pleas
ure of getting rid of a corn, be sure
to get "Gets-lt." It is its wonderful
formula that has made "Gets-It" the
corn marvel that it is, used" by more
millions than any other corn treatment
on earth.. A few drops on any corn or
callus, that's all. It can't stick. It is
painless, eases pain. You can kick your
"corny" feet nround, even in tight
shoes, and your corns won't crucify
you. You can go ahead and work, dance
iive, lovo and laugh as though without
"Gets-It," the guaranteed, money
back corn-remover, the only sure way,
costs but a trifle at any drug store.
M'f'd by E. Lawrence tt Co., Chicago
111. Sold in Salem and recommended as
the world's best corn remedy by J. 0.
Perry, D. J. Fry.
New Coats and Suits
Corner Court And
Com'l Street, Salem.
(Continued from page one)
advice of their field commanders with
regard to the wisdom of granting an
armistice, and the terms under whicW
hostilities may be temporarily suspend
ed. Any armistice, it is agreed, must be
on terms 'undef whieli-it would be, ab
solutely impossible for the Germans to
imperil the allied .armies after the
armistico ended.
No Internal medtcf ne will care Eczema. Only
by the application of CRANOLKNE, the Brent
external remrily, can the Eczema microbe J
destroyed. Pr-vethl tatmnl loryouraalf
toursxptnso. Write for free lot treat
ment; a-ldrefld Mills Cocmical Co., Dept. D.,
Girard, Kun.
"Sleeps Llka Plow Boy"
'I Buffered ior liO yearn with Kezema In Ita
worjt firm. AfTected all over the body.
CHANOLIiNR lilt me rs fine B while Rilk,
and I sleep like a plow boy." 3. Mccracken,
Johnaon City. Teno. (Written twoyeara after
using CriANOI FNE.)
At all druu stores. 85candtl.
Money Positively Botumad If Not SotljHad
asMaaani Sold and Guaranteed byaBSaatMaf
Now That Kaiser's Men Are
On Run. They Want To
Keep Them Running
London, Oct. 15. " We want
chance to lick Germany to a finish,"
"We don't want an armistice tho
minute we've got 'em running."
"We don't want to listen to thom
yelling 'enough' the minute they re
alize a walloping is due them."
These were the replies of many Am
erican soldiers and sailors from alf
parts of the United States when they
were interviewed on the Strand, at the
American Y. M. C. A. eagle hut.
C. R. Carlson and James lwny,
fresh from the Khcims battle field, de
clared tho allies ought not to quit be
fore invading Germany and giving it
a taste of its own medicine.
Corporal W. Hi Hottinger of Oakland
Cal., editor of a camp paper at an avi
ation cantonment, said: "
"For the love of Mike. .let's. fight
it to a finish and put out the kaiser.
Wo can't trust tho Germans. We ought
to dictato the pofico terms."
"It's a good thing.. of course, to
save American lives, but I'd like to
give Germany a good dose of her o,wh
medicine," declared J. W. Meistcr of
Detroit. ,-
"I'd like a showdown for an armis
tice,'' said Sergeant A. Creeder of In
dianapolis. "I wouldn't. bo surprised if Ger-,
many were licked already;" was the
opinion of B. H. Grower of Chicago. .
Spain Takes eGrnian Bhipu.
Madrid, Oct. 15. The Spanish gov
urnmont requisitioned seven German
ships totalling 21,000 tons to replace
those lost trough submarine operations
since September 14.
Journal Want Ads Pay
faction Oil Heater is easily
carried up stairs or down, from
this room to that anywhere
heat is needed.
Lights at the touch of a match
gives instant heat. No smoke
or odor.
Gives steady, comfortable
- warmth for many hours on one
filling with Pearl Oil, the ever
obtainable fuel.
Cuts fuel bills, too, for less fur
nace heat and fewer grate and
coal-stove fires are required. Oil,
consumed only when heat is
needed no waste. .
1 Buy -Perfection Oil Heate jfKj3X I Ml II 1 ,
I today. Dealers everywhere. I jlrfjScO f i f Va 11 -
N. (CALIFORNIA). ' . . W U 11
R. H. CAMPBELL, Special Agt, Standard OU Co., Salem
E. I. Stiff ft Son. Salem. Ore.
Bay I. Farmer Hd-w Co, Salem, Or.
Spencer Hdw. Co. Salem, Or.
Salem Hdw. Co. Salem, Or.
W. :W. Moore Salem, Or.
Max O. buren . Salem, Or.
O. S. Hamilton Saltm, or.
Chambers' Chambers Salem, Or.
Dtiak Tkl Fib
f 1 '
s i ft v5
At Salem's Greatest and Only Exclusive Women's Apparel Store. We are pleased
to announce the arrival of an exceedingly large shipment of latest models in
Young Ladies' and Women's Fall and Winter Coats, Suits and Dresses, in a good
assortment of sizes, colors and materials. The latest arrivals display many new
features not observed in garments received earlier in the season. Your special at
tention directed to our showing of beautiful new coats made up in Wool Velours,
Velvets, Bolivias, Meltons, Silvertone and various other materials, including the
serviceable tweeds, fur plush and braid-trimmed modelsmany of them lined
throughout with fancy or plain satins. Women- interested in coats of the finer
grades should see these attractive new models. A wide range of plain colors;
browns, blues, greens and mixtures. Very best tailoring throughout. All sizes
ranging in price from - $32.50 to $75.00
Women's New Suits $27.50 To $75.00
Our showing of the new Suits is now complete with the
season's very smartest models many of them shown
exclusively at this store.' Blue serges, gabardines, home
spuns, velours, silvertones, velvets and novelty mixtures
in every desirable shade. There is a wide range of sty
lesmany are plain tailored with long coats others in
novelty belted effects with tailored or convertible collars.
Fur and braids are used extensively as trimmings on
many of the new suits. Black, navy and all the newest
Fall shades are here in abundance. Prices range from
$27.50 to $75.00.
- - $32.50, $35.00 And $37.50 Suits v :
SPECIAL $29.50
We call your special attention to an exceptionally fine
group of high grade Suits in sizes for
Young Ladies And Women
Some are plain tailored models. Others in novelty sty-
n large conars tnmmea witn iurs ana
trimmed with braid, materials are serges,
velours, gabardines and mixtures in
Snecial nrice $29.50.
JSa - - ci-.ir .--. "..I ' r :;
, : - -oioui women s Apparei . - s
Women who wear 'the . large .sizes will be interested in
knowing we specialize, on garments of this kind and are
now ready with becoming models'in new: Fall Suits, Coats
and Dresses in the new and most wanted materials.
Mezzanine Floor Special. Misses' and Women's
Utilty Coats $24.50 . .. :
For stret, school and motoring we have an excellent range
of C.oats all designed; not only for service," but also for
looks. Smart Coats with; wide belts, large collars, pock
etssome trimmed with fur or plush Coats, with pleats
at back or with gathers.' .Dozens of new styles. Meltons,
Kerseys, Cneviots, Burellas and Mixtures. .. "
Mezzanine Boor Special $24.50
t ' ' l' fnff
Ws) II I
' VtastvtorC: .I I Vi'4h-?rt t . plush; Others
In bottles, on draught everywhere I j i , j y UM' broadcloths, burillaS,
! tf ' , 1 -'pimVI 'prevailing. colors'
I aV mm. I B . - 4 "k, . ... t-
. , kAui .
3 I
1 - i
. , Hi i
- -' - 1 , i '-
l s i M5 an" uesiroyeii ine iuniiita- . i, A H ,
Little Women
Particularly misses and juniors
will find here a splendid shoe
ing of the new Suits, Coats and
Dresses in greater variety and at
prices less than elsewhere.
New Dresses $15.75 To $85
New Fall Dresses of Georgette, Tricotine
Navy Serges, Satin and Wool Jersey 'Mater
ials in prevailing colors. Made with. new loose
panels and wide girdle effects, some silk em
broidered and trimmed with soutache braid.
Others with newest fringe and sash trimmings
specially priced at from $15.75 to $75
Chief Albanian Port
Captured By Allies
London, Oct. l-. Dui-hzm)
lma been captured by allied forces.
Durazzo, tile principal port in
Albania wan the fcene of the re
cent exploit by allied naval
forces which penetrated the
harbor, sand a number of Aus
trian warship" anchored tliero
and destroyed the fortifications-
staff of iwomens overseas lispial
now doinir service in Franco hag been
awarded tho woix ac uucrro and at
the same time received her commis
sion as a lieutenant with the French
New York, Oct. 15. The new ruling
pacing the retail sales of sugar on a
.Amf.mAntTilv infttoArl tfif a mnnthiv
basis, becomes effective today. Under
tne regulation n win ue puHiui m yur
chase only a half months' supply of
sugar between the first and fifteenth
day of the month and between the six
teenth and last day of a month.
Edison Reported lUL
West Orange, N, J., Oct. 15. Tho.
A. Edeiwn is ill at his ome here loday,
His ailment is diagnosed as a cold.
Funny how any
body should want
wheat when they
can have
Best of
' A 4
New York, Oct. 1j. "Ye must not
relux tlie liniscles of our fighting arm,
nor our war effort in any anticipation
of early pence," Sir Erie decide, first
lord of the British admiralty doelurcd
last night at. a dinner of the Pilgrim.
Society in the course of an appeal to
the United States to speed its construc
tion of anti-U-boat crafty
Sloan's Liniment has the
punch that relieves
rheumatic twingea
, This warmth-giving, eonge, :ioa
scattering circulation-stimulating rem
edy penetrotci without tubbing right to
the aching spot and brings quick relief,
surely, cleanly. A wonderful help for
external pains, sprains, strains, stiff
ness, headache, lumbago, bruises.
Get your bottle today costs little,"
means much. Ask your druggist for it
byname. Keep it hand for the whole)
family. ' The big bottle is economy.
A GREAT CATCH 'apt. Minims of
the American baso ball team made a
remarkable catch in a match at Black
heath, England, in , eontest between
American and Canadian teams.
30c, COc, tl.20