Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 12, 1918, Page NINE, Image 9

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Jefca Heetrie Co, Masonic Temple, 127 Norte. HLjk ,
TON Osteopathic physicians and
nerve specialists. Graduates of Am
rieaa school of Osteopathy.' Kirk
Tille, Mo. Post graduate and spee
ialized in nervous diseases at Lot
Angeles College Offices 505-508 Nat
Bank Bldg. Phone 85rf. Residence,
1620 Court. Phone 216. Dr. White
Bes. Phone 469.
413-414 Bank of Commerce building.
Phone 606.
corner Commercial and Trade streets
Bills payable monthly in advance
Hen's clothes, shoes, hats, jewelry,
watches, tools, musicrj instruments,
bicycles, guns, rifles, revolvers, Buit
eases, trunks, cameras, typewriters
nil furniture. Capital Exchange 33T
Court street, Phone 493.
Money to loan
On Good Real JV-ate Security
Over Ladd & Bush bank; Salera Oregon
eent 34 years time. A. C. Bohrnstedt,
401 Masonic Temple. Salom, Oregon.
FOR SALE 250 acres, 100 in cultiva
tion balance in pasture and timber
Fine stream of water, good buildings
end good road, 3-4 mile from a live
ly saw mill town. Wilt take good
bouse and lot in Salem as part pay
ment. Price $60 per acre. Phone 470
Square Deal Realty Company, U. 8.
Bank Building, Salem. . 717
proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all
kinds removed on monthly contracts
at Tiyisonabie rates, Yard and cess
- pools cleaned. Office phone, Main
2"47. Residence Main 2272.
FOR A WOOD SAW Phone 1D90-R-1255
N. Summer St. Our prices are
right. W. M. Zandar, proprietor. 9-19
I ean match yon. C. W. NicmcyeT, Bea'
Estate Agent, Canada Lands, 544 State
THE FIXTT SHOP Let -s repair and
Sharpen your lawn mowers. 267 Court
Phone 1022. tf
60 years experience, Depot, National
rd American fence.
Sizes 2flio 58 in high
Paints, oil and varnish, etc
Loganberry and hop hooks.
Salera Fence and Stove Works.
850 Court street. Phone 124. '
McCornnck hall on every Tuesday
t 8. P. Andrcscn, C. C. F. J. Kuntz
K. R. & S.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246 meets
every 3rd and 4th Thur. eve, S o'clock
in Derby building, corner Court and
High streets. R. F. Day, V. C; T. A.
Turner, clerk.
Kecler, president; Mrs. Lob Tillson.
ecretary. All cues of cruelty or ne
gleet of dumb animals should be re
ported to the secretay for investiga
''Oregon Grape Camp" No. 1300.
meets every Thursday evening ia
1 rby building, Court and High St.
Mrs. Pearl Coursey, 214 Court St.
oracle; Mrs. Melissa Persons, record
er 1415 N. 4th St. Phone 1436M.
bly No. 84 meets first Thursday of
each month, at 6 p. m- in L O. O. T,
Hall. Norma L. Terwilliger, M. A.;
C A. Vibbert, secretary, 34A Owens
Street. -
4c When you use Journal eUssii- 4c
ed ads get what you want them
to they work fast.
Main ISO
Of Government Timber, General Laud
Washington, D. V August 29, 1918.
Notice is Hereby given that Bubjeet
to the conditions and limitations of
tiie act of June 9, 1915 (39 Stat, 218)
and thu instructions of the Becremry
of the interior of September 15, 1917,
the timber on the following lands will
be sold October 23, 1918, at 10 o'clock
a. nu, at public auction at the United
States land office at Portland, Oregon,
to the highest bidder at not less than
the appraised value aj shown fcy this
notice, sale to be subject to the approv
al of the secretary of the interior. THe
purchase price, with au additional
sum of one fifth of one per cent there
of, being commissions allowed, must be
deposited at time ef sale, money to be
returned if sale Is not approved, other
wise patent will issue for the timber
which must be removed within ten
years.. Bids wiH be received from cit
izens of the United States associations
of such citizens and corporations organ
ized uuder the laws of the United
States or any state, territory or dis
trict thereof only. Upon application of
a qualified purchaser, th0 timber on
any legal subdivision will be offered
separately before being included in any
offer of a larger unit.
T. 11 8., R. IE., See. 27, NW SW
M, red fir 1275 M., white fir 73 M,
none of the red fir or white fir to be
sold for less than $1.50 per M.
Commissioner General Land Office.
Oct. 17
Qraln ;
Wheat, soft white L. $1.942
Wheat, lower grade, on sample -
jats B0c$l
Hay, oats . ., $25
Barley, ton
Hay, cheat, new .
Mill run .
Butterfat . C7c
Creamery butter . 66c
Pork, Veal and Mutton
Pork, on foot . 17c
Veal, iancy ., ic
Bteors.- , 79c
Cows -i...... . . 46V4e
Sj-ing lambs .. ljjc
Ewes-.".. .. .....46t
T'ambs, yearlings 67c
Eggs and Poultry .
Eggs, cash . , . 49b
ilons, live 2123e
uio roosters .. I5e
Springs ." : 2124c
Sweet potatoes 5c
Potatoes ... $2.50
Unions, local $2.25
Cabbage . .
Carrots . .. ....., 2o
Tomatoes 1 . $1
Turnips 2o
Cucumbers .
Grapes ....
- . $1.75
Green ppppcra . 7c
Egg plant .... ; 8c
Cranberries, box .i 1 $4.25
Oranges : f-. $10
Lemons, box $6.50(a7
Bananas ' - 8e
Black figs, 25 25 lbs 4.50
Figs, 4 ok packages $5
Figs, 6 oz, packages $4.50
Figs, 8 oz. packages ...
Figs, 10 lb. fancy
Figs, 10 lb. ex. fancy
Retail Prices
Creamery butter
Flour, hard wheat ,
Country butter . ,
Eggs, dozen
... $2.25
. $u3.25
For sugar permits go to C. M. Lock
wood, food administrator, 214 North
Commercial street.
. No limit on purchases of flour.
Portland, Ot., Sept. 25. Butter, city
creamery 60c
Eggs, Rcleeted local ex. 5356e
Hens 2527c
Broilers 2730e
Geese 17(5)18e
Cheese triplet 3536c
Portland, Or., Oct. 11. Bnttcr, eity
creamery 6405c
Receipts 2
Tone of market steady, unchanged
Eggs, local ex. 57rti fifle
Prime steers $L2(il3
Choice to good steers $1112
' Medium to good steers $9.75(S'll
Fair to medium steers $9.2!9.25
Common to fair steers $68
Choice cows and heifers $S(69
Medium to good cows and heifers $6
7.25 -
Fair to medhim eows and heifers $5
6. - '
Canners $3(354
Bulls $57'
Calves $912 .
Stockers and feeders $68
' . . Hogs .
Receipts 337
" Tone of market lower, unchanged'
Prime mixed 18-7519 . : ,
" Mediuim mixed 18.5018.75 X .'
Rongh heavies $16.7517
Pigs $15.50 16.50.
Bulk $18.7518
Receipts 992 : - .
Tone of market steady
Prime lambs $12(5 -14
Fair to medium lambs $911
Yearlings $10(11
Wethers t(iiW
Ewes $6J09 ' "
(Effective October 3, 1918.) ;.
Main Una.
No. 16 Oregon Express .6:55 a. m
No. 54 Oregonian 5:05 a. m.
No. 23 Willamette Limited ..9:15 a. m.
No. IS Portland Passenger 1:20 p. m
No. 24 Coos Bay Limited 4:00 p. m
No. 14 Portland Express 7:55 p. 01
No. 53 Oregonian 3:20 a. m.
No. 23 Coos Bay Limited 9:42 a. m
No. 15 California Express 10:58 a. m.
No. 17 Roseburg Passenger 9:33 p. m.
No. 27 Willametted Limited 5:54 p. m.
No. 13 'Frisco Express 4:18 p. m.
No. 73 Arrive at Salem 9:10 a. m
No. 74 Leave Salem .T 3:10 p. m.
161 Leaves Salem, motor 7:00 a.m.
163 Leaves Salem, motor 9:28 a.m.
165 Leaves Salem, motor 1:55 p.m.
(Through ear to Monmouth and Arlie.)
171 Leaves Salem 6:15 p.m
162 Arrives at Salem
164 Arrive at Salem
166 Arives at Salem ..,
172 Arrives at Salem ...
8:25 ajn.
11:00 a. m.
.3:20 p.m.
7:40 p.m.
Leave Arrive Arrive
Portland Salom Eugene
8:15am 10:15 am . 12:30 pm
.10:40 am 12:50 pm Salem only
2:0a pm 4.12 pin 6:35 pm
4:45 pm 6.40 pm 8:50 pm
b:uo pm 8:U7 pm Salem only
19 - 9:20 pm 11:20 pm Salem only
No. 63 school train from Wooaburn, ar
rive 8:35 a. m. except Saturday and
Sunday." J
(North Bank Station (leaving Jefferson
street 15 and 20 minutes later.)
J Train Leave . Arrive Arrive
, '". Eugene Salera J Portland
LwTT w n nc1 ' 9:20 "J
-' Woodburn 8:55 a. in, except
To .TT, . ,
am 11:30 am
12:15 pm 2:25 pm
6 Ltd..
13 Ltd
16 Ltd 1:40 pm 4:00 pm 5:50 pm'w.
m V.lr J pml
pm 7:5o pm 10:00 pm
tation lArrivw .Tfifrersnn)
22 5:25
(North Bank Station (Arrive Jefferson
stroet-15 minutes earlier,
Leave Corvallis , Arrive Salem
:20 am.....: Northbound.. 9:45 am
2:41 pm Northbound.; .4:00 pm
6:18 am.......Nortlibound 7:55 pm
Leave Salem Arrive Corvallis
10:15 Bm......Southbound......ll :37 am
4:12 pm .Southbound 5:40 pm
6:40 pm Southbound. .8:00 pm
(Capital Journal ftpecial Service)
Silverton, Or., Oct. 12. Edwin Tine-
jlestad spent a few hours with home
I ti. q., j
Miss Clara Johnson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Hans Johnson of this city,
and David A. Blank hospital sergeant
at Camp Kearney, Cal., were married
September 25, in California. At pres
ent they are residing at San Diogo.
T. Hook received a telegram Wed
nesday notifying him that his son, H.
B. Hook had been seriously wounded in
France. Ralph is in the Marine ser
vice. Attorney Mark A. Paulson openvd
his office this week and is again en
gaged in the practice of law, after
an absence of Bcveral months during
which time ho has boen engaged in Y.
M. C. A. work in New Yorl.
Mrs. John Mulding visited her bro
ther Lou Bailer at Portland one day
this wei'k. Mr. Bailer is now at Camp
Lewis and met his sister there for the
Miss Ida Linflatt has gone to Port
land to attend business college.
Jacob Danzcl injured his foot while
working at the mill this week anil was
compelled to take a short vacation.
L. G. Aldrick, Western Union opera
tor at Roseburg has been visiting with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Ald
rick. Jlr. Aldrick expects to visit in
California before resuming his duties
at Roseburg.
Little Miss Justine Ford of Portland
has been spending a fw days at the
home of her uncle, C. W. Boilgers.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Hayes who have
been living in the Geiser addition have
moved to Albany. Mr. Hays is an em
ploye of the Southern Pacific.
Elmer Mangis of Salem was in the
city on business Wednesday.
Miss lilanche Stevenson visltcit Sa
lem friends Sunday.
Miss Flossie Conibear left for Salem
last work' where she will take a busi
ness course at the Capital Business col
lege. Miss Elmer MoTtenson of Portland
has been a patient at the Silverton
Sanitarium but was able to return to
her home Thursday.
Rev. E. M. Smith moved his house
hold goods to McMinnville Wednesday.
J. Bruce Evans the evangelist is
holding" a .series of union revival
meetings in the city and be sure gets
the people out to hear him. There basn'
been much more than standing room in
the ehurch since his meetings began.
E. B. Ekman, J. E. Cushman and Al
fred and Ed ttchar left on a hunting
expedition last Sunday in the vicinity
ef Brownsville.
Mr. and tMs. Thurston - Beistagan
motored to Portland Saturday ior an
voer Sunday visit with friends.
Alvin Hobart who recently entered
school at Corvallis is said to be quite
sick with influenza.
ill MVZhn
General Pershing's Official Report
Ia today's casualty list, the follow
ing are from Oregon:
Private Herbert E. Parker, Portland
died of disease, , .
Private John W. Neighbors, Roseburg
died of disease.
Private Lloyd Whitmore, Laurel,
died front accident.
The following casualties are reported
by the commanding general of the Am
erican expeditionary forces; ,
Killed in action 36
Missing in action 10
Wounded severely ; 143
Died of wounds . 69
Died from aeroplane accident 3
Died of accident and other causes 8
Did of disease 54
Killed In Action
Captain Starr Sedgwick Eaton, Wor
cester, Mass.
Lieutenants Daniel Win. Brooks,
Swisavale, Pa.
David S. Grant, Asheville, N. C.
James A. Kelly, Piedmont, W- Va.
John A. McKinstrv. Can von t'itv,
Colo. .. .
Thomas J. Powell, Providence, La.
Charles Albeit Shaw, Weatherby, Mo.
G H. Zcllors, Lancaster, Pa.
Albert Harrison Crane, Carbondale,
Wm. S. Cripps, Philadelphia, Pa.
Roy E. Faulkner, Seranton, Pa.
Wiu. J, Harrington, Ishpcming, Mich.
Horace B. Vanoosteiibrugge, Schnec
tady, N. Y. -
J, Hunter Wickersham, Denver, Col.
Sergeants Fred R. Anderson, Khine
lander, Wis.
Peter Paul Benedetto, New York,
Henry L. Dabbs Auniston, Ala.
John J. Gilmoro Syracuse, N. Y.
lrvin H. Hermann, Janesvillc, Wis.
Laning K. McMillan, Corona, Cal.
Earl E. Miller, Raymond, 111.
Jesse T. Scoggins, Pell City, Ala.
Sebum G. Willoford, Olustee, Okla
Herman A. Zeska, Lasallc, 111.
Jerry Fiicik, Detroit, Mich.
' Corporals Edw. M. Bogdanowis, Lin
oleuiuville, S. 1, N. Y.
Wm. E. Canary, Boston, Mass.
Dennis E. Enright, Manchester, Ia.
Donuis P. Gallic, Hoboken, N. J.
Wilson Ritcb, Jr, Maiden, Mass
Glenn Washburnc, Glcunorc, N. Y.
Charles Wasserbergcr, Neillsvillc,
Mechanic Harvey M. Hotteustein,
. . . , T
mvates jcrann- ates, arooKiyn, s.
Wm. T. Bray, .Whitehall, Mont.
Clydo R. Burton, Culpepper, Va,
Willie B. Cooper. Cooper, P. O., Ky.
David Decaire, Alpena Mich.
Frederick D. Emmons, Charlcstown,
Mass. '""
Edward Andrew Fitzpatrick, Rhine
beck, N. Y.
Orville E. Fourman, Greenville, Ohio,
Louis A. Hendrickson, Belgrade,
Calii) Horn, Marvin, Va.
. Nelson J. Horn, Janesvillc, Wis.
Raymond B. Loon, Wheeling, W. Va.
Arthur Levesquo, Fall River, Mass.
Carl Lindquist, Lawrence, Mass.
George W. Long, Jr. Nashvillo, Tenn
Arthur ft Mack, West Point, Neb.
Norman P. Michel, Hazelton, Pa
James N. Moore, Forestburg, Texas.
Glen A. Morgan, New Boston, Iowa.
John E.' Newell, North Attleboro,
Geo. Niebuhr, Lime Ridge, Wis.
Bobert Sims, Brooklyn. N. Y.
Died of Wounde Received in Action
Captain Charles D. Baker, New York.
Lieutenant Clarence S. Noble, Green
Bay, Wis.
Sergeants' Clarence L. Corey, Santa
Cruz, Cal
Vomer B McWhortcr, Birmingham,
Ala. .
Corporals Harry H. Batchelor, Enter
prise, Ala.
Leslie R. Hodge, Walthum, Muss.
William Patterson McCull, Scioto
ville, Ohio.
Wm. Timothy Rathburn, Spurta, Wis.
Charles Ri.zo Philadelphia, Pa.
Ross W. Welch, Stark, W. Va.
Dennis Dominick Kellv, Porterville,
N. Y.
John Lewis, Washington D. C.
Fred H, Miller, Farrell, Pa
Privates Joseph A. Bauer, Mankato,
Clifford James Branch, Tekoneha,
Harold Carey, Waynesburg, Pa.
Joseph E. Crosswhitc, Versailles, Mo.
Heywood Dennis, Troy, S. C.
Arthur Flyim Vuldez, Colo.
Frank H. Frqjt, Worcester, Mass.
Frank Arthur imbler, Plattsburg, Mo
Felix Jagodzinski, Baltimore, Md.
William A. Keller, Philadelphia, Pa.
Henry Emil Kolbc, Buffalo, N. Y.
Edw. J'. Kopp, Hokes, Pa.
Andrew J. MeCloskey, Lehigh, Gap,
K'harles A. McCormick, Philadelphia,
Charles J. Rcilly, New York
Lyndon Sautbine, Oklahoma City, Ok
lahoma. John Hhechan, Brooklyn, N Y. .,
Jimmy Stc'enko, Milwaukee, Wis '
Geo. Daniel Andersoji, Fish Crek,
Angeline C. Belvey, Wavely, N. Y.
Alvin C. Berndt, Oakfield, Wis. -Lawrence
Burgmeier, Davton, Ohio.
Henry F. Hortz, Sheffield, 111
Geo. Ihnatz, Wilkes Barre, Pa.
Charles F. Smith, Beeehcr City, 111.
Tony T, Sobiescky, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Andrew Anderson, Htcger, 111.
Alexander J. Bernard, North Bridge,
'arl Boyer, Lead wood, Mo. 1
Francis E. Brown, Dillard, Ga.
" Harry Foster, Elsberry, Mo.
' Julius Otto Brbehde, Chicago.
Jeter Joseph Hcffron, Milwaukee,
Wis. I
Fred D. Hennings, Waco, Neb-
Grant E. Mctealf, Sterling, 111.
Henry A. Peters, Cambridge, Md.
Frank Ilona New York,
of Smuor
Over There"
Richard Rauscher, Falls City, Neb.
Clarence J Wagner, Hamburg, Pa,
Glen G. Wagner, Richmond, ind.
Benj. F. Willoughby, Toone, Tenn.
Joseph Bigley, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Patrick Corcoran, New York, N. Y. .
Jas- E.' Davis, Maner, Tex. , - -
Frederick Ederle, Brooklyn, N. Y ,
Herman F. Fiekbohm, Galena, 111.
John Heutis, Greely, Colo.
Frank B. Hicks, Linwood, Kis.
Albert S. Hoflgea, North Oolweia, I.
Michael Jeretzek, Homer, Mian.
Walter Marshall, Sarver, Pa.
Clement J. O 'Rourko, Dubuniu, Ia.
John E. Socia, Pine Bluff, Ark.
Carl M. Tumlison, Red'ands, Cal.
Adam C. Wetzel Kut?.town, Pa.
Geo- H. Woods, Danbury, Conn.
Died of Disease. -Lieutenants
John P. Slade, Clay Cen
tre, Kani.
Horace Wym?n Worcester, M'fs.
Sergeant Albeit E. Sehukei, V.'aukon
Corporals Robert H. Fraiklin, Lyneh-
bugr, Va.
Maync Moore, ilrs-?uc:u1 A. 1,
Wagoner Gus Giuder, B.i.iiiton, N. J.
Privates, JereunaA J. Beck, Detroit,
John Booth, Wharton, N. J.
Bryson E. Davis Greer, S. C
Columbus Dsvis, Silver City, Miss.
Michael Donahue, Loekport, N. Y.
Robert L. Foster, Arlington, la.
Jim Frierson, Mansfield La
Eddie Hansard, Noline, S. C.
Thomas L. Hill, Dunedin, Fla.
Tom Kapuiiihana, Philadelphia, Pa,
John T. Larseii, Tyler, Minn.
Earl C. Tx-land, Providence. R- I.
Geo. McClanahan, Big Rock, Va.
Morris William McGraw, Syracuse,
N. Y.
Iuney B. McQueen, Dillon, S C
Edward J. Mangau, Columbus, Ohio.
Sam'l. I. Newton, Haisvillo, Va,
Marion I Perritt, Havana, Via.
Lawrence C. Riggs, Morgantown, W.
Coleman Rivers, Nabab, W Va.
Chester Scales, Camden, Ark.
Emil Sehwartfeger, Milwaukee, Wis.
Roland W. Seavey, Scarboro, Maine.
Ralph D. Smith, Glendire, Mont.
Coluinbus Tucker, Bordeaux, 8. C.
Harold F. H. Unbehuun, Brooklyn, N.
Charles H. Willis, Winchester, Va.
Chas. E. Joslvn. Brattloboro, Vt.
Alfred Kellennan, (Now Braunfcls,
Tex. . -
James R, King, Larenceville, Ga.
Jno. J. McCall, Schuylkill County Pa.
James F. Marron, Stoughton, Mass.
Warren H. Mercer, Richmond, Va.
Jesse N, Phillis, Kansas City, Ma.
James A. Roberts, Raleigh, N. C.
Sam'l R. Nelson, Vicksburg, Miss.
Joseph Russo, Perth Amboy, N. J.
Henry Schaer, Chapixd Hill, Tex.
Elmer Encll, Veron, Ga.
Warren L. Thomas, York. Pa,
Charles Sistek, Chicago, 111.
Morris Walker. Rodhill, Va.
Jason White, Wynier, W. Va.
Sherman Wise, Newbern, N. C.
Walker Wright Ripley, W. V.
Willie Martin Young Rotan Tex.
Died From Aeroplane Accident
Lieutenants Cecil M.' Auderson, Sa
linas, Cal.
Renselear R Hall, Cleveland, Ohio,
Hum Louis Stock, Madison, Wis.
Died From Accident and Other Causes
Sergeant John J. Magee, Philadelphia
Corporal John H. Stafford Brady Tex
Wnunner Jesse Larnce Meredith
Johnstown I'n.
Privates Wrm. Buekner Henders.nl Ky
Jno. J. Biuetting Hoboken IN. J.
Claude E. Shifter, Herhey Pa.
Michael T. Joyce, Pittsburgh, Pa,
Killed in action 98
Missing in neticm , s
Wounded severely - 124
Died of disease 53
Died of accident and other causes.... 6
Twn1 nf wounds : 32
Total - - M
Killed in Action
Samuel H Craig, Campo Tex
Geo F Wellage, Eagle Pass Tex
Sergeants 1
Clay W Donne, I'ottsvillo, Pa
John L Geary, Atlus Okla
Win M Johnson, Bethsedti. Md
John Dennison, Los Angeles
Albert S Riches, Superior Wis
Waiil J Taylor, lirockpoit Pa
Louis J Torrey, Brooklyn
William Bumgaruer, Tulsn Okla
John N Compton, .Ir, GrSnd Rapids,
II Dun E Getchel, Waupun Wis
Hanv H Dobbs. Duncan Okla
John M Dyer, Reed City Mich
Joseph H Grimsley, New Brockton
Chas W Macdonald, Washington
. Meivin II Stumbaugh, Ki.igeway Pa
kil L Anderson, Cluquet Minn
Sidney Rosenberg, Baltimore
Saddler Jos Vurm, Parker, 8 D
Cook ivory W Woodward, Buford Ga
Tsadore Ackcrman, Chicago
Samuel J Boiizer, Sweetwater Ala
Herbert Breeden, Uronogo, Mo
Frank Colby, Brooklyn NY
Geo B Davis, Hebron Md
Homer L Dismokc, Annist"n Ala
Bobert HenBcn, Wooster Arl:
Waiter F Larges, Highland Mich
Adrian Pizcr, Levvellen Neb
John D Watson, Englebard N C
Albert E Wetzler, Roslindnle Mass
Richard Williams, Jefferson S C
Clyde E Beer, KeosauKja la
John Llakc, Boscobel Wis
George.. 8 Corcoran, Brooklyn ,
George Emery, Boston
Wm Eriekson, Olivia Minn
Dudley Evans, Obingdon 111
Altle Frederick, Adamsville Ala
Clarence H Baske, Winona Minn
"William P Hickman, Piedmont Tenn
Herbert O Hoeppner, jOsmand Neb
Carl A Hokanaon, Sioux Falls S D
Rex D Jenkiift, Cardington O
Andrew J Killen, Loretto Tenn
Wm H Money, Abbeville, Ala
Arthur H Peterson, Chicago
Emmett O Preston. Apalia X"Y"
George E Rot, St Paul Minn
John C Buss, Clevoland'O' ' '
Je.hu C Russell, Jena La
Mint;omery A Sealv, Crre Gordo
M , . ' ..
Earl Seipold. Oconto Wis j
Arthur S Shane, Detroit Mich j
Wm Sievers, Jr, Brooklyn . j
Benj F Silman, Atlanta La- j
lYauk A Sipe, York Pa
Chas Asello, New York , ;
Ernest J Call, Manchester N H
Russell Crabtree Hanson Ky
Win V Murtha, New York
Frederick Owens, Hanna Okla
. Earl O Richmond, Sturgeon Bay Wis
Charfie Sehroll, Pittsview Ala
Levi Starr, Naugatuck W Va
Oliver Vogel, Breckenridge Pa
Harry W Withers, York Pa
John. B Wold, Hesper la
Jerymah ierbe, Li'banon Pa
John W Adams, Baileytown Tenn
Steven Benoit, Marinette Wis x
John A Casey Claremore Okla
Eugene N Dicks, Mountridge Kan
Arthur J Eckert, Buffalo SI -
Walter A Frank, McAdoo Pa
Earl -Green. Sand Springs Okla
Wm- M Helm, Altus Okla
Wm R Lambetri, Chicago
Fred C Lincoln,. North Dana Mass
'Joseph H MeGrath, Troy N Y
Jadio II C Martin, Shouns Tenn
Wm McK Neff, York Pa
Herman Peters, Hellville Tex
George M Spraberry. Calhoun City
John Varmecky, Johnstonn Pa
Eugene Stuff leboan, Akron, O .
W C Suiter, Sliamokin l'a
Hiram O Taylor, Sterling Jet Mass
Hugh J Toner, Maspeth N Y
Noi val Vermillion, Washington
Robert 14 Volk, Trenton N J
Died from Wound
Royal C Harrington, Tyler Texas
David E Monroe, Marion S C
Robert Burleigh, iNew Scranton Pa
Elmer Grassman Kendall Wis
Dnune Osborne, Saginaw Mich
Thomas L Whelan, Natiek Mass
Hyman Benedict, Philadelphia
Kobert C Domon, N Alexandria Pa
Bernard P Leeliy, Brooklyn
Fred'J Montee, Glenn Falls. N
Perry X Northeutt, ln-ne Okla -.
.Mian K Gables, Greensboro Pa
William J Hank, Solomon 111
Harmogene .loyal, Shirley aMss
Bugler Frank W Sefolk, Temple Tex
Wagoner Frank Nelson Weleetka
Cook-Osa O Woy, Enid Okla
Walter F Evans, Beloit Wis .. .
Stephen L Francis, Houston O ,
Alex Goldberg, Greensburg Pa
Albert Korton, New York
. lienj 8 Kracht, Greenville 111
Thomas Ieahv, W Branch Mich
Edward M McKoc, Whitestonc N Y
Nicholas Muloly, Holden Mass
"Wm II Martin, Anaconda Mont
Clarence M Merrill, St Paul Minn
Carl B Mieier, Bntnvia 111
Harry iShuffelt, Chicago
Wm J Sullivan, Yonkers N Y
Died of Diseatn
Lt Edward A Wallace, Brooklyn
Kinzie M Feathers, El Taso Tex
James Kladka, Omaha Neb
John J Campbell, Hrookline Mass
Fred Cannon, Ogden Utah
Ernest RuBsell, Milford Del
John A Scanlon, Philadelphia
Arthur N Berry, , Fremont -0
Wagonor Clarenco J Abrahams, Tlain
view Texas
Wagoner Thomas J Cleary, Beaver
Falls Pa
Horseshoer Ira I (Wright, Achillis
Cook Harry L Cronsfl, Chillicotho O
Privates '
ITobart S Bniley,.,ljBwrencebnrg Ind
Walter E Brown, Fitehburg Mass
Ernest G Coleman, Ninety-six S C
Eldert A Dusenberry, Aurora Nob
Hugh I Evans, Duncan Okla
James O Famera, Cleveland O
Davis A Gubry, Milford Mass
Presy Jackson, Ciiway 8 C
Edward A Miller, 8asjr N. D .
Henry W Nelson, Uockford 111
Eilwurd P Nesser;
J'aul Rimph, Fort Valley Ga
Chester P Adair, Athens (ia
M Buckley, Taylorville Miss 1
. John K Camerlo, Ladd HI
Herman W Cook, Catawaba W Va
Harry Crow, Bethany W Va
James Edwards, Ambrose Ga
Geo Harper, Chase City Va
Luther Horning, Shoiidun Ky
Ben Jones, Jr. Ellison Ky
Charles E Allio, Two Rivers Wis
ra Barker, Bussey Ark
John Martia Bliss, Sioux Falls S D
Walter P Bruce, BoHton Vtt
Wm McK Cashman, Altoona, Pa
Sam Chickirillo, Dallas Tex 1
Israel Cohen, New York
Joseph Douglas, New OrleBns
Geo G Gillespie, ContinentBl O
David Jones, Pittsburg Pa
Peter L IVdeison, Elm Park N Y
Henry H Phillips, Baigs, Tex
Edward W Pickering, Wheeler III
It 11 lien K Reichuril, Ashland Pa
Clyse Taylor, Rion S C
Win T Tombroek, New York
Larking L Thrift, Gaffney 8 C
Coleman VVullace, Locust Grovo O
Died from Accident and Other Causes
Sgt Aiurio A Giovaninui, Paris 111
John Cooper, Fairport O
Frank Pntnoe. Vancouver Wash
John B M Sheridan, New Orleans
Tony Winogradski Detroit Mich
Missing in Action
Corp Howard L Hutchinson, Salt
Lake, Utah
, Privates
Christ P Christensen, San Francisco
Bartolo Randuzzo, Crockett Cal
John Ronhaur, Jr, Oak Harbor Wn
Louis Capiat, St Xavicr Mont
Boyd Stapp, Pocatello Idaho
Roy M Chapman, Grand Juct Colo
President Is Cheered
V In CityOf New York
New York, Oct. 11. President Wil
son and his party arrived in New York
late this afternoon. They we-e driven
immediately from the Pennsylvania
station through Central Park and up
Riverside Drive. The presidential par
ty was cheered all along the streets
aryl the president was kept busy ac-
Captaia Bruce Honsyman .
Is Dead In France,?
Victim Of Pneumonia
Portland, Ore., Oct 11. A eablo has
just been reeeivtd from France by Mrs.
Jessie M. Honeyman of thi8 city bear-
ng the- sad new. of the death of her
son, Captain Bruce Houcyman, who suc
cumbed, a victim of pneumonia, Oetobcr
Captain Honeyman was a member of
one of Portland's oldest families and
spent his early boyhood in this city.
He was graduated from the Portland
academy and later completed his edu
cation in Boston. Captain Honeyman
had been in France only six wevks, ser
ving with the moth engineers. He was
married a few years ago to Miss Marian
Biakely qf St Paul, where they made
their home until he entered the service.
The mother of Captain Honeyman lives
at the American appartments, with jier
laughter, Mrs. Barker, wife of Major
F. A. Barker, who is now in France.
With The British Armies In :
France, Oct. 9. The British com-
niand announced today that the
military medal had been award
ed Corporal Charles R. Hder
son, of Whito Plains, N. Y., for
remarkable bravery in the Dick
elmsch sector (Flanders) in Aug-'
ust. The same decoration was
also given to D. G. Emerett, of
Newport, Vt. aiid Sergeant
Frederick Witzke of North To-nowanda,-N.
Y, who partici
pated in the Flanders fighting.
Among those recommended for
American honors were Sergeant
Carl Von Der Shott. Both are
military policemen who parti
cipated in the fighting around
Le Catelet.
Word has reached here that P. A.
Livesk'y, who left Woodburu as first
lieutenant of Company I, has been pro
moted to captain in headquarters bat
talion, 8. O. S. stationed in France. Hi
friends and admirers here arc pleased to
hear of the" recognition which ho has
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morris have re
turned to this section after several
years' absence in California, Coos Bay
and elsewhere, during which time Mr.
Morris has niuiV onough to clear off the
big indebtedness on the Kearney-Carter
80 acres, which he purchased aliout H
years ago. They will fix up the place
and move there.
A. C. Whitney aud G. V. Whitney have
filed suit against Georgvj Case for $5u0
damages. This is the outcome of the
firo at Broadacres, when the thresher
burned along with grain. The plaintiffs
claim that a spark from the engine
caught in the grain and destroyed 400
bushvls of oats, 40 bushels of vhcat
and 50 bushels of cheat. ,
George Dickenson, an employe at the .
Woodburn Sawmill, met with a bad acci
dent yesterday. His right arm came in
contact with a saw, which cut through
the ligament and one of the bones. Dr.
Chnpma attended him and sent him at
once to tho Salem hospital for treat
ment. Mr. Dickenson's rome is in cast
nrn Oregon aud ho had come here to
visit relntiws, afterward going to worst
in the sawmill.
Herman Alin8 and narry Castle, wha
joined the army, are now " somewhere
in Siberia," where they have bee?
guarding munitions. They arrived thvre
from the Philippines and found the won.
ther eoolor, but wero glad to get cool
ed off. They had been moved twice
since their arrival in Siberia. That coun
trylook, uiore. like home to them at the
present season than the Philippines,
which wero more barren in appoaranw.
Woodburn Independent.
After an illnes9 of but a few days
Edward Uppendahl died at his heme
north-east of Hubbard, Tuesday after
noon at 8:25. . He went to Whito, So,
Dakota, tli0 9th day of August to as
sist in settling up his fathers estate,
tho late Wm. Cppenduhl, aud returned
home tho 29th day of September. Siuce
thin he had not been well, but did not
consult a physician until last Sunday.
The doctor ordered him to get home ane
to bed at one?, but the cold ho had con
tracted had become so deeply seuted
that acute pneumonia caused his death,
Tuesday afternoon, though he had the
care of a trained nurse from the start,
Hv d'd not regain consciousness after
three o'clock Monday afternoon.
Funeral service,, were held at the .
City hall Thursday afternoon at tunea
o'clock conducted by the Lutheran niiB
ister of Salem. Interment was in the
Hubbard cemetery. Hubbard Enter
prise. "CAN I BE CURED?"
How often have you heard that sad
cry from the victims of disease. Per
haps the disorder has gone too far for
help, but oftener it is just in its first
stages and the pains and aches are
only nature's first cries for help. Do
not despuir. Find out the cause and
give nature all the help you can and
she will repay you with health. Look
after the kidneys. The kidneys arc the
most overworked organs of tho humaa
body, and when they fail in their work
of filtering and throwing off the pois
on that constantly accumulates in the
system, everything goes wrong. GOLD
MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules wilt
give almost immediate relief from kid
ney and bladder troubles and their
kindred ailments. They will free your
body from pain in short order. But)
be sure to get GOLD MEDAL. Look
for tho name on every box. In three
sizes, sealed packages. Money refund
ed if they do not help you.
knowledglng the salutations.
Shortly before five e 'clock he wae
driven to the Waldorf-Astoria, where
he will stay during his visit in New
York. His plain for tonight have not
been announced.