Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 12, 1918, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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S A - MhAljjE
Dr. Mavo Invents
v . ...
! ImLenza berum tt
Boehestcr. Minn.. Oct. 12.
To the Women of Salem
Ycu Women wha do your own work day after day-Yoa know the importance'
of tools to work with. Yoa cannot do as much work without conveniences as
you can with them. This b a time cf conservation. You hear so much about
conserving 'lan Power." How about the conservation of Woman Power? We
offer to the Women of Salem the Great Saver of Steps and Time
ryllr-i? -M lira
mvmmA J id W
With the only eanitary, removable roll door
I he H
A Kitchen Cabinet is just as Important to the woman as the bench to the work
man or the laboratory to the chemist. With it the housekeeper can sit down com
fortably with her whole kitchen workshop within easy reach. It saves time walk
ing to and fro to gather up this thing and that to prepare the food.
Call and let us show you this great labor saving device.
amiltons Furniture Store
340 Court Street
Dr. V. J. Mayo announced to
day a serum hts been develop
ed t the Mayo Brothers' lab
oratory which, out of a thou
sand eases of influeuza treat
ed, ha prevented a single ease
of pneumonia developing. He
said the serum has not been
perfected and experiments are
State Board Of Healih Appeals
To City Executive For Ac
tion Against Epidemic
l long, Cold, Dreary
Winter Nights at Home
Buy a piano or some musical
instrument now to help pass
the long Winter hours.
Music will charm and Help you
to forget the unpleasant things
of life.
Buy your music from
By order of the state board of Jiealth
vilem will be a closed town beginning
at 6 o'clock this evening, and it will
reninin. closed until otherwise ordered
by the state board of health.
! This includes of course the closing
of moving picture theaters. There will
B ; be none tonight, Schools will close and
churches also. In tact, toe orders in
clude dances and public gatherings of
any kind whatsoever.
The order will be - put into effect
through a proclamation of Mayor Wal
ter K. Keyes. The mayor received a
telegram this morning from the slate
board of health insisting that the clos
ing order be put into effect at once
as it was thought to bo dangorous for '
people to congregate at movies this j
evening or 'in the churches tomorrow.:
Dr. (. B. Miles, city health officer
said this afternoon that but a few
'uses had been reported in the city
and these were mild ones. In order to
keep fully informed on the situation,
Dr. Miles asks all physicians to report
daily should any cases develop.
The closing erder means th.it until
the state doard of health deems it de
sirable tu rescind the order that begin
ning with (i o'clock this evening, there
will bo nu inuvin;? picture theaters
open, no churches in session, no schools,
no dances, no lodge sessions and no
anything that will bring peeplo togeth
er in crowds.
The mayor's proclamation is as fol
lows: Whereas, I have been ordered by
the state board of health to issuo a
proclamation eliminating all "public
meetings, and closing "schools and
places of public amusements us
matter of jjuariliug aguinst the ap
pearance of ,t)ie present world wide
epidemic of iuflueuza, and
Whereas, this is a subject over which
thic state board of health is given au
thority and control for the purpose of
guarding the safety and health of the
ciizens of the state, and
Whereas, I am advised, by Dr. 0. B.
Miles, health officer of the' city of Sa
lem, Oregon, and other eminent physi
cians in addition to the advice ece.iv
ed by the board of health, that it is
highly expedient to observe such pre
caution and, '
Whereas, tile' surffeon general of the
United States public health service
commission is "advocating such precau
tion as a war measure, now therefore
I, Walter E, Kcysi mayor of the
citv" of Salem, Oregon, ao -nereD.v re
socctfullv urac the elimination of all
"public gatherings," and the closing
of all "schools and places of public
amusements" within the city of Sa
lem, Oregon, on account of the appear
ance in this city of the said epidemic
of influenza.
The orilr so issued, and hereby pro
claimed is intended to include schools.
churches, and lodges, theaters, dances
and other public gatherings of every
kind and character.
It i urged that the congregation of
school children should be especially
discourage. .
This order is effective commencing
Saturday, October 12, 11)18, at the hour
of six o'clock p. m. of said day, and
shall continue in full force and effect
until otherwise ordered by the state
board of health.
Kespectfullv submitted',
Geo. C. Will
Salem's Music Dealer
432 State St., Salem, Oregon
1 .. -t. m'tw 4 .
! tntMM .,- r9 .-
. '
,iiif x5M sjX $i h M&4mS '
l-i- rvM. Workers- M
113 tMoloys remote from every dream and thought rww Fl
i ir i it r if r list - i . i ill milt iijiiw iiirr mivtr tntiwLL wirsr ' - . t .-j i
mm Wee ' w iwwszmm . i
ii v v a f.A'..' : ti
1 1
7 V lunmn fnllr ran r.(VA
mi ceiiunes'Mue maw ror mem, jne tace
I'dnbMstM. in timer sxaePx menfouett
3o carrs on tneir iancer. they have sought
jo have replaced by quiU another grace.
f Jftey, in tfie huts behind the trencher, kins
Jhey&rmg a tati serene and
Jhey rteeat&e.the
Seventv-Fftur Prisoners mnfifA
In German Camps i
Mexican Flax Man
Visits Turner Mill m
I best. Mr. Dcleampo claim, that Turner waa 12 12 cents a pound,
has the most modern mill in the UniK'd As ho is paying only forty cents a
and Manager Huns,, sold n-iu u jv for labor his flax milt is a goui
machinery to work 400 acres a ; mine.
I year. I We are. done with the threshing ami
Alfonso M. Delcampo, of (iiinrdo Jura j ms ,iu js fBr off from a senport and ; our irrigated laml has given 18 bushels
Mexico was in Turner this week visit , most of the carloads of fibre he solduif seed to the acre, at $4.00, and it
',. , . ,, ..i-h nf 'lately were shipped to a firm In Onk- means that there is money in flax wen
lilt- iiHA intaiiit t- c - . .. . . . i .
our rettinc system and he says it is the mnd, v tuir
Washington, Oct. 12. Names of 74
more Americans held prisoner in Germany-
waj announced by the war de
partment today. The list includes:
At lamp Kastat.
Prank A. Mitchell, Tlolfc, Iowa
Ii. C. Boland, Elkader, Iowa
Charles Hetzinger, KasP Alton, 111.
Dominick I'uccio, Chicago
Allen Hauser, Laurel, Cal.
J. J. Uillig, Springfield, 111.
Portland, Ore., Oct. 12 Spanish in
fluenza has claimed Bryan Spain of
Sentinel, Okla. a8 its first Portland vie-
tim. ilv di'u irom t.puomi3 n'
Mr. Business Man
and had to be transported t for the seed only. Of course the dry
a distiUKV on mule linen, ine iruigm iurmiug wns a muuie une "i'ihuiuk
We have so far, 300 acres rented to
. 4 na
sow riax nvxt year iuu as uu m.- um. u j,,,n
ground is wet enough we will start our ing overpowered his nurses and jumped
plowing. .We have one half of our flax from a window in uem.um.
reted and a, the rainy fenson is on Spain's ease developed w Uenvor
hand we will have to wait until spring! Eighteen or twenty of the local eases
for the rest. fare mild. L ,
vve nave no eompiaint aoom nonage ...- .nC Ti;l
of labor as we had as many as 93 pco- IftTTPNAI VANT AU5 I Al I
pk working for us.-Turner Tribune. Wtl"Ml
As a matter of economy you
should consult the Journal's
Job Department before placing
your printing-we are satisfying
Salem's leading firms-put us
on your calling list. Phone 81
DO YOU KNOW VHY - - Everybody Has the "I Should Won," Habit?
Drawn for Ms paper 6) FISI18I
,1 ' fismM) Prflt ?-2u ) 'SSl k how's ) VwoSsiD- I rcirr)
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