Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 12, 1918, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Bate per word, New 'Today ;
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The Capita Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion,
lor errorg in Classified Advertisements.
Scad your advertisement the first day
' it appears and notify us immediately if
rror occurs.
Minimum charge, 15c
WOOD for sale. Phone 79F11.
BOY WANTED Steady employment.
, Hcdgers Paper Co. 10-12
BOOM with board In private family.
Phone 1578. " 10-12
NEW buggy for sale cheap. 2199 Fair
grounds road. Phone 2193M. 10-12
WANTED Quinces, apples and garlic.
Salem Fruit Co. tf
WANTED t or 5 room modern house,
furnished. Phone 353. tf
FOR RENT Strict! j modem furnish
ed house. Phone 810. . tf
WANTED Good wash woman, must
be clean and quick. Phone 1219. 10.15
WANTED Good combination range
and furniture. Phone 468J. 10-12
Fl'RNISHED rocm for rent, 2 blocks
from state house. Phone 997. 10-15
WANTED Few registered sheep on
shares. Phone H. J. Beardsley, 14 K
13. 10-14
TWO fine saddle ponies for $25, $35,
both suitable for children and a real
bargain. Phone 107F11. 10-18
WHITE Leghorn roosters for sale.
First class in every respect. Price
moderate. Phono 1310J. 10-12
WANTED Elderly woman for house
keeper. W. E. Cantrell, Gervais Or.
PUBLIC stenographer first door south
of Bank of Commerce, 124 S. Liberty
street. Phone 937. . 10-18
FOR SALE Good body ash wood.
' Phone 180GW or 109GJ. .10-12
FOR SALE 75 head of ewe lambs,
good ones. O. W. Eoff, Rt. 6 box
42. 10-15
WANTED Three dozen early hatched
puireis, preier Barred Rock or R. I.
Reds. Phone 1204. 10-16
BALDWIN and Spitzenberg apples for
saie. rsring Doxes. itt. l, box 2, Sa
lem. ' 10-17
FrVE room furnished house, modern,
for rent. Money to loan on good
farm security. Phone 538M. tf
25 PRUNE pickers wanted, meet at
Capital City Transfer at 7 o'clock
every morning. Phone 14KCW. tf
SEALED Loganberry juice for sale,
good for pies and drinks,, $1.25
gal. 1389 Court Phone 2394W. tf
SNAP Seven room house situate 1765
e street for $600. Terms. Phone
& .. tf
WANTED $12,000 on aDsomtoiy first
test city property. Box 256, Salem.
WALL PAPER 13 cents per double roll
np ward. Buret's Furniture Store, 179
Commercial. 1 tf.
HOUSEKEEPING apartments and
tingle rooms, nicely furnished, at
.. 33 Ferrjr itreet.,., ,- ,,..,tf.
WANTED Secondhand Oliver Chilled
plow, No. 50, in good condition. Ad
dress O C care Journal. . J0-14
WANTED Fresh cow, must be good
and heavy milker, Guernsey or Dur
ham. Address F C care Journal. 10-14
WANTED1 One olr two fcood .dairy
cows, fresh or to freshen soon. Must
be good ones and gentle. No culls.
Address Q X care Journal 10-12
LOST Ladv 's black leather purse
containing 2 gmall purses, containing
silver and keys. Please return to u.
S. "Natl bank. Reward. 10-14
FOR SALE Light T G Mandt wagon,
- with tongue and shaves, in good con
dition. Also horse ana ruDoer ureu
buggy. Phone 104F24. 10-12
HR SALE Latest Invention, steel
churn and dandy butter worker at
half price. Call "mornings and even
ines. 280 Richmond Ave. 10-12
FOR SALE Something "you can't get
now at any price, lull size oca aav
Annort in the genuine leather, solid
oak, sacrifice price $40. Call morn
ings or evenings, 280 Richmond
ave. 10-12
LOST Thrift ctnmp book Thurs, af
ternoon, wtween Meyers and Barnes
Reward. Kcturn to Hauser Bros.
RENTERS-2 or 3 or 4 furnished or un
furnished housekeeping rooms. $5.
$6 and a7 per month, can work for
part rent. 880 N. 17th, 2 blocks north
Center St. car. . 10-12
WANTED Veal calves and fat cattle.
Phone 1576W. 10-28
NOTICE All hunters not having per
mission are hereby notified to keep
off my premises. G. H. Croisan. 10-12
FOR SALE registered sorrel Shetland
pony stud., phone afternoons, Rick
real 39x5 or address G. R. S. care
Journal 10-19
FOR SALE Ford delivery truck, 1915
engine overhauled, good condition,
also tirea and inner tmbes, reason
able price. Center Street Feed barns.
SHEEP for sale, grade' Shropshire ewes
and lambs, also roistered Shrop
shire ewes and lambs. Phone 71.
HARRY if lonely; for results, try me;
best and most successful "Home
Maker;" hundreds rich wish mar
riage soon; strictly confidential;
' most reliable; years of experience;
description free. "The Successful
Club," Mrsl Purdie, Box 556, Oaa
land, Calif.
AGENTS WANTED Large manufac
,, turer wants representatives to sell
shirts, underwear, hosiery, dresses,
waists, skirts, direct to homes. Write
. 'it frco samples. Madison Mills, 503
Broadway, New York City.
U. S. GOVERNMENT is appointing 50
thousand clerks, men, women, girls,
18 or over. Commence $1100 year.
Easy, office positions. Washington
D. C., or near homo, 7 hour day. Va
tutions. Common education sufficient
Experience unnecessary. Salem ex
aminations coming. Very simple.
Write for free sample questions and
coaching lessons. Franklin Institute,
Dep't 379 H, Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED To rent modern 5 ur 6
room house, must be close in and
reasonable. Want possession not lat
er than Nov. 15, Address J-24 care
Journal. tf
FOR RENT 10 acres all under cul
tivation, close to city. J. E. Scott,
124 S. Liberty. Phone 937 or 529.
EXPERIENCED girl wanted for house
work. Must be good cook. No wash
ing nor ironing. Apply forenoons 325
North Capitol St. 10-14
CHIMNEY sweep, chimneyg cleaned
ana repaired, roofs and gutters
cleaned. Leave orders, at Spencer's
hardware. Call Phone 18. 10-15
FOR RENT Small farm; for sale Nd.
l oat hay and 40 geese, Rt. 7, box
45. . , 10-12
0PI W. F. WEIGHT, jke auctioneer.
Turner, Oregon. Phona 59. tf.
FOB SALE Tomatoes . for . canning.
Phone 60F11. tf
FOR RENT Fruit farm, 15 aeret
prunes, acreage of Loganberries and
other fruits. Phone 78F11. tf
WANTED Woman for fcteady posi
tion. Light work and good pay,
Phone 2456J. 10-12
MAKE money in spare time, costs lit
tle to raise rabbits. Its interesting,
and profitable. Their delicious meat
now finds ready sale at 45c per lb.
-5 will start you with a pair of
prize strain famous large New Zea
land Reds or Flemish Giants soon
ready to breed, expressed in good
condition to any addreson receipt
of money order. The Breeders, P. O.
Box 172, San Diego, Cal 10-12
MAKE money in spare time, costs lit
tle to raise rabbits. Its interesting,
and profitable. Their deliciona meat
now finds ready sale at 45 per lb.
$5 will start you with a pair of
prize strain, famous large Mew Zea
land Reds or Flemish Giants, soon
ready to breed, expressed in good
eondition to any address on receipt
of money order. The Broeders,P. O.
Box 172, San Diego, Cal. 10-3
GOOD board and comfortable room for
$5.50 per week, at 578N. High street
WANTED Stenographic work or book
keeping to do evenings. Address C
care Journal. - 1014
NOTICE to contractors That the un
ion scale of carpenters wages has
been raised from .$4.50 to $5.50 per
day. Carpenters Union 1065. 10-12
FOR RENT 8 room strictly modern
home wjth furnace and fireplace. 640
. Chemcketa. $25 per month. W. A.
Liston. ' 10-14
SPLENDID new 7 room furnished bun
galow, garage, paved street, good
location, some fruit, a snap of Tare
type, only 12800. Soejolofnky, 'HI
MODERN, six room house, half block
from car price $1500 will trade $500
equity for vacant lot, auto, or
what have you. Call 439 Court. 10-12
POB 5V4 pe' ee arm loans, 8e the
Marion-Polk county national farm
loan association. W. D. Smith, 303
Salem Bank of Commerce bldg. tf
KOTICE This is warning that 1 will
aot tolerate trespassing or hunting
on my premises. Signed. T. F. Walk
er, Rt. 7, box 103. 10-13
WANTED Man and wife for gsncral
farm work and housekeeping. Ad
dress Gervais, Rt. 2, box 45. Phone
3F11. tf
PLENTY of money to loan on good
.farms; low interest rates; five years
"time; privilege to pap $100 or multi
. pie on any interest date. Call or
write H. M. Hawkins, 314 Masonic
bldg, Salem. tf
FOB SALE Or trade, strictly mod
ern, 8 room house and lot in busi
. ness section of Salem, will exchange
for Taeoma or Seattle property, or
" Washington land. Address J. Van
Weel, 902 Pleasant Ave., Bremerton,
Wash.; 10-15
man of ability and integrity, with
practical business experience in any
' commercial line. If yon need a good
man I can deliver the goods. A. D.
I Cameron, 1780 Center St. EIem,
1 Or, J10 12
FOR SALE River bottom ranch con
taining 150 acres, 40 acres clearedJ
house, barn, soft and hardwood tim
ber, at 65 dollars per aero. Will take
some city property in exchange. See
Merlin Harding at Salem Hdw. Co.
I WANT to buy a modern home in Sa
lem. Can pay about $300 .down and
will pay $25 a month and taxes.
-Please give full details as I mean
business. Box 256, Salem. 10-17
40 ACRES, 20 cultivated, 20 in tim
ber, 3 acres bearing prunes, lots ber
ries for family use, 6 room house,
barn for 10 head of stock, well and
spring, 1 mile to school, on good
county road, phone in housr, 4 miles
from town in Douglas county, on
. account of ill health of the owner,
this place is offered for a short time
at $2000, $500 to $1000 cash, bal
ance terms at 6 per cent. If you are
interested act now. Socolofsky, 341
State St. tf
Coal Production
Beats All Past Records
Washington, ' Oct 12. Coal produc-
tion in the United States during the
past six months has beaten all re
cords for fuel mining in the country's
history, the tfuel adJniniatJration an
nounced today. ..
Revised coal production figures pre
pared by the United States geological
survey and made public today by the
fuel administration, show this record
for bituminous and anthracite coal min
ing during the first half of the coal
production yesrr:
The bituminous tonnage was 311,-
216,000, an increase of 33,418,000, or
12 per cent over the record breaking
production of the corresponding period
in 1917. The anthracite production
from April 1 to September 28, was 51,
651,000 tons, which is 1,072,000 or 2.16
per cent over last year's figures.
These production records were es
tablished in the face of many handi
caps, chief of which was reduced man
power at the mines. It is estimated that
the draft took between 50000 and 60,
000 coal miners during the 'last year,
whilo probably as many men left the
mines for other war industries.
; ... wanted, jim ;
lad All Kinds of 2nd Hui
Pan Mattel Prices 8pciI .s)
- Prices paid for Sacks.
61 oir prices beors yog awn. f
871 . Com'l St. Pbom 7M 4
Costs $76.73 A Year For .
High School Education
High school education costs more per
capita in the smaller towns than in
cities the bizo of Salem, according to
a report in the office of the county
superintendent of schools.
For instance, last year, each student
of the Salem high school cost the dis
trict $76.73, and this did not include
interest on the investment, but just
the cost of doing business.
In Silverton, the cost was the lowest
in the county, $48.60, while it cost the
Jefferson school district the highest
in the county, that of $127.58 for each
When a pupil from non-standard
high school wishes to attend a stand
ard high school in the county, the
county pays the tuition. Hence last
year, the Silverton school district re
ceived from the county $1275.88 for the
13 pupils who attended but : whose
homes were not in that district. The
I OpenF. J
Salem, Oregon, July 6,
1918, An open letter to Bishop Mat
thew Simpson Hughes:
Dear Bishop: Four weeks ago a public
letter addressed to you charged the
Sunday newspaper with being an abom
inable nuisance, and the republican
party with being "an hypocritical, un
Godly old liquor party, over forty
years behind the times, ruled by li
quor and tobacco." I boldly renew
both charges. To me these seem to be
vital and irrepressible issues of vast
and immediate importance. Are you a
doubtert Respectfully, Wm. N. Taft.
(Reprinted from Capital Journal,
July 6t 1918, (Paid adv.) . 4
When you see it in our ad
it's so. No outside inter
ests to serve. Our personal
concern is in Salem first,
last and all the time. Pur
chase your needs from Sa
lem merchants and help
build up our home town.
38 Years the Leader and Still on Top
Everyman's pledge will be
"I will save, I will sacri
fice, I will endure, I will
fight cheerfully and to the
utmost, as if the whole is
sue of the struggle de
pended on me alone, and
above all NOW. I will buy
all the bonds my means
will allow."
lliililMiiihi'illilMllliilil.al.u,.lm 1 mmj lUJi .!.:JiP;iiK,iiiill.,M ,..t.AA.l..illMI. '"'"'" ,im it iHiimrtiilHIt;
y h
Tonight last chance to take advantage of the wonderful
values in Coats, Suits and Dresses
Plush Coats
Beautiful garments. Some plain witi
self belts and buckle trim, others fur
trim and large collars. This season's
newest effects at very attractive pri
ces reduced for Friday and Saturday
SPECIAL $26.95
SUITS! Of the newest modes.
Well tailored and good materials.
25 in the lot, that are hard to du
plicate and are good values
worth up to $45. Week end spe
cial $26.95
SPECIAL $17.95
DRESSES!. In an array that
should appeal from an economical
view. We have selected at random
30 dresses ranging in prices up to
$28.50, and offer them, week end
special . .......,......,.$17.95
Large Shipment of
Royal Worcester and Bon Ton Corsets
Just in. Now is your time to see our Cor
setiere, while sizes and styles are complete.
Sitting, Bending or Walldng
Your figure will reveal only lines of style
and grace when corseted a la Royal Wor
cester or Bon Ton. These very famous and
fashionable corsets hold their style leader
ship this season with a charming variety of
models to suit every imaginable type of fig
ure. t
Cambric tea aprons in two solid colors,
pink, and blue. Extra special next Wed
nesday, each 25c
To open early Xmas shopping we place
on sale at extra special prices the me
chanical Model Builder, the greatest ed
ucational toy for boys. Hundreds of dif
ferent models can be made from this
set. Discounted below former prices
for quick sale. See Court street window.
In buying Xmas Gifts Buy useful ones.
Kid Gloves are always acceptable gifts.
Colors white, tan and black to clean up
on lines impossible to replace. At, spec
ial, pair ....$1.98
Aumsville district had -ight outside
pupils and received $353.97 from the
county. Tho Salem publio schools re
ceived for last year $10,023.33 for tui
tion of pupils attending tho high school
here but whose homes were elsewhere
in the 'county. According to the state
law, the pupil of a non-standard high
school may attend any high school in
the county at the expense, not of the
district from which the pupil conies,
but at the general expense of the county-
Salem Now Lacks
$150,000 0f Bond Quota
Salem is now within 150,000 of its
quota for the Fourth Liberty loan and
there is just one week more for the
city to save its fair name as the cap
ital of the state and raise this amount. .
There is now pledged and promised
and really in sight, so that the audit-,
ors feel safe in announcing it, the sum
of H17,850. Today wotit comes from
the state headquarters in Portland that
$967,350 will be regarded now as the
quota for Salem. ' j
There has actually been signed np,
$772,800 but other amounts in sight
that the executive committee feel will
materialize within a day or so, bnng the
total raised ap to the $817,850. )
The county outside of Salem is just
barely over the top and the big ques-,
tion as to whetner Marion county wm
have the honor of announcing that it
has raised its quota will depend entire
ly on what Salem does the coming week.
General Steiner thinks , there are
enough patriotic people in Salem who
feel such an interest in the city that
they will come forward and raise their
pledges in order that the $150,000 may
be raised before the" fad of next week-
Anyhow, it is up to Salem to raise
this amount to bring the city as well
as the county up to. its quota. When
Salem goes over the top, Marion coun
ty goes with it. i .
Must Secure $33,000,000
Daily Until Gose of Cam
paign To Reach Quota
(San Francisco, Oct. 12. The twelfth
lederal rcwrve district must subscribe
$33,000,000 daily to raise its quota of
$102,000,000, district loan headquar
ters announced here today.
With only a few days of the drive
left, the district has approximately half
of its quota yet to raise. Subscriptions
total $I9H,57(J,00, with probably sev
eral million dollars unreported.
In the ship-naming contest, Los An
geles continues to lead Kan Francisco
in class A, while Portland has won first
honors from Seattle in Clans B; Taeoma
leads among cla-s C cities with Hnlt
Lake second and Hpokane third Ber
keley is first, San Diego second and
Pasadena third in class I cities. Eure
ka leads among the class B cities With
Alameda ccond, Boise third and Eiver
sido fourth, followed by Long Beach
Salem, Bcno and Eellingham in the
order named.
Those directing the drive predict that
1,500,000 persons in the Twelfth dis
trict will have subscribed by the time
the drive ends. The citv districts are
lagging 1a the drive, while a large per
centage of the country communities
have gone 'over the top.' City cam
paign managers are speeding up their
The Journal classified ads are
jrwat favorites with people who
do things Tr oe.
Court House Notes
Zulema Bohannon has filed divorce
proceedings against J. 1). Bohannon.
They were married in l.02 and have
one son, Lloyd Bohannon. 8he alleges
in her complaint that he deserted his
home May 15, 1910. All property
rights have been settled. She asks the
custody of her son and tlif payment
of $35-a month for one year and then
$30 a mouth until Nov. 23, 1020.
A transcript of judgment was filed
today in the recorder's office from the
justice of the peace court, in whicli i).
A. White & Hons had seemed judgment
against M. 8. Lange for $02.18.
Carrie Mendelsohn has filed a i-om-plnint
against M. L. Mendelsohn In
which she states they were divorced
(Jet. 3, 1017, and that in their agree
ment as to property rights, he agreed
to pay her $500 in payments of $50 a
month, sho allegi that he has not piuil
a dollar of this amount and asks judg
ment for. $500 and cosls.
son for $1000. They allege "that Carl
Beckett and Kussell Beckett had leas
ed of S. W. Thompson whut is knon
Hi the 1'inckney Bros. Dairy ia 1'ollt
county. As an incident to tho lease,
it was required that the Beckett
should buy two shares of the 1'incK
ncy tock at $500 par value. That whea'
tho lease was made, the Bocketts did
pay over $1000 for the two shares but
the agreement was that this sum shuuM
bo returned with the two shares of
stock when the lease expired. That Bus
sell Beckett was inducted into the ser
vice and that by agreement Cleo Beck
ett was substituted both In" the lenser
and the agreement shout the Ktock4
That tho lease expired Oct. 1 1018, by
mutual agreement, but that Thompson
would not pay back the $1000 for tho
two shares of stock, although it was)
tendered him. The plaintiffs ask Judg
ment for $10111) and costs.
ail Beckett and Cleo K. Beckett
have filed a suit against H. W. Thomp
fJiirwrtntvis are ifc
t ti i. rS ft
want ad is wonderful
Trucnetfuou havelost scxvidwA
SEE J. 8. AUSTIN', '