THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1918 TWO ALEM clubdom monopolized the social calendar of the week, which wis marked throughout by the opening sessions of many of the city's ybe, social, civic and otherwise, the renewal of winter activity assuming the guise of distinctively featured first meetings, which in each case, in variably drew a large attendance from the personnel of the elub membership. The North Salem club, which lias achieved a just claim to a reputation for civic improvement and community betterment, held it opening m-eting Wednesday afternoon at the r sidi-nie of Mrs. K. A, Huekestein. when a p:o- . gram of timely interest waa presented , unable to be present at the wedding, fcy the members. The same afternoon as she had left for New York the lat the Sweet Briar club met for its first ter part of the summer to attend Co (fathering of the year, at the home of Mrs. Glenn Adams, 382 North Capitol treet, the annual election of officers preceding a pleasant social hour. The Salem Woman's club held its initial session this year in September, and the members assembled at the Commercial club auditorium this after noon at their October meeting to hear the reports of the delegates to the State Federation taf Women's clubs held in Portland recently. The Priscilla club, one of the old time and representative needlework clubs in Salem, was delightfully enter tained for the first time this .season by Airs. W. 8. Mott Thursday afternoon at her home on .North Commercial treet. Tho rooms were very prettily deco rated with masses of roses and dah lias, of a deep red hue. Red Cross knit ling and sewing served to pass the hours to both a pleasurable and use ful advantage. Assisting the hostess at the serving hour were Mrs. Raymond Walsh (Jen nie Fry) and Mrs. Lloyd Mott. The lub members sharing the enjoyment of the afternoon were: Mrs. John Craig Mrs. Dan J. Fry, Sr., Mrs. A. T. Wain, Mrs. 8. a East Mrs. W. (1. Allen, Mrs. C, B. Webb, Mrs. A. L. Brown, Mrs. Frank Myers, Mrs. Fred Steusloff, Mrs. Ma Babcoek, Mrs. ('. M. Kppley. Announcements were received by Sa lem friends this week of the marriage of Miss Helen floltra, tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Owen Goltra of Sa lem, to Lieutenant Frank II. Bagley, formerly of Salem, which took place tiunday, September 22, at Albuquer que, New Mexico. The bridegroom is in the aviation service and has been stationed at San Antonio, Texas, where he lately received his commission. In asmuch as he is soon to be transferred elsewhere, it was decided that his win some fiancee should go. south for the wedding, rather than that he should tome north considering the irregular circumstances occasioned by tho war and the short duration of hit furlough. Mr. and Mrs. floltra accompanied their daughter to Albuquerque where they were met by Lieutenant Bagley, ami they will remain south until Lieuten ant Bagley receives further orders. In the probable caso of his beng s-nt east, they will return to Salem to occupy their residence, 725 Court street. The bride is a popular Willamette girl, a member of the 1919 class, with which she hopes to graduate in the spring, returning to Salem in time to finish her college course. Whilo in col lege, Mrs. Bagley took a prominent part in school activities, having twice composed the words of the winning song for the Freshman Glee. Tho class fcong Which won her tho honors last year was entitled, "Willamette Spring wont) BAKER'S COCOA is a delicious and whole some drink of great food value and absolute purity. 'Chocolate and cocoa add ' flavor and energy giving material to a diet and their use will help in many way ia the preparation of palat able, nourishing dishes from those foods of which there ia an abundance." Btoklt of CAoos JtaTpH I Sent fn. WALTER BAKER & CO. Umlud t PORCJIEjrTER. MASS. r-rt D. H. MOSHER High Class Ladies' Tailoring 474 Court Street By CAEOL & DTBBLH Song." the was also exceedingly act ive in the campus Y. W. C. A. work. The bridegroom, whose home is in Spokane, also attended Willamette university, having graduated a few years ago, following which he held a position in the I'nited States National bank at Portland. He is a brother of Miss YYinnifred Bagley, who spent a winter in Salem two years ago, when she went to Willamette for a short time, later returning to- Spokane. Mrs. Bagley plans to remain with her husband until he leaves for Prance in which eveit she will retnrn to Sa lem, Her sister. Miss Inez lioltra, Was lumbia university. Miss l ultra had !. nf a nnmilnr kiiwlr-rtrarti-fl in I Salem last winter, and proved herself play throughout the evening and a to be endowed with a gift for develop-1 short program will also be enjoyed. int the personalities of the little peo- The girls of the upper classes will as ple under her care. Miss Goltra is an siet at the serving hour, alumna of Reed college and will take On the receiving line will be Paul a post graduate course in kindergarten j Donoy, president of the Y. M. C. A., work. The Spanish influenza is proving a disconcerting factor even in circum stances far removed from the scene of its actual presence, for in many in stances it is upsetting the llans of those, who personally have not so far come within the borders of its danger lone. Karl Withycombe, who went to Cortland Wednesday morning with the intention of starting that evening for Washington, T). !., preparatory to join ing his regiment in France after an extended sick leave, received word in Portland just beforo leaving -that the hospital in Washington, D, C, where he stayed during his illness, and to which he was to report before sailing wibs under quarantine on account of Spanish influenza, and for him to re main west until furthor orders. Conse quently Mr. Withycombe will undoubt edly be detained in Salem' for several weeks until the quarantine ban ia lift id from the eastern hospitals. The juvenile dancing class which was to have opened for the season this afternoon under the direction of Mrs. Ralph White flag been postponed for a week or more, owing to the general alarm concerning Spanish influenza. Mrs. White acted on her own respon sibility in postponing her classes for this afternoon, as there had been no jfficial order to cancel gatherings of any size, at the time of her decision. But considering her class role was com posed of a large number of little folk, Mrs. White deemed it the wjsor course to wait a week or so. until conditions regarding the epidemic assumed a more favorable outlook. The Sweet Briar club held its first meeting of the season Wednesday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. Glenn Adams, 3S2 North Capitol street. The rooms were attractively decorated with a profusion of varigated dahlias for the occasion. The hostess established i 'commendable atandard for war time refreshments, as she only served litiiple beveragu, the 'seasonably wel come cider. Tho annual election of club officers took place, Mrs. Dudley iiaon being lccted president, Mrs. James Imlah, vice president and Mrs. Glenn Adams, secretary. Following the business see ion a pleasant social hour was partic ipated in by the membors. The next hostess will be Mrs. C, C. Chaffee. Mrs. R. W. Walton came up from Lebanon yesterday for a visit with Sa lem friends over tho week end. Mrs Walton is instructor in the history de partment of the Lebanon high school, having accepted the position a few weeks ago, at the time of her hus band's enlistment in the service. Dr. Walton is now first lieutenant in the medical reserves at Fort Riley Kansas. and writes that he Is located very satisfactorily and that hie work is extremely interesting. Dr. and Mrs. Walton formerly resided at 1B20 Court street. Mrs. Walton will be the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Smith, 175 Center street, during her stay in Salem. Tuesday evening the J. U. G. Knit ting club' met at the home of Miss Es ther Englebart and Miss Delia Engle bart on South Fourteenth street. The members enjoying the evening were: Miss Hilda Amwler, Miss Delia Amsler, Miss Mary Findley, Miss Eva ttcott, Miss Clara Breitenstein, Miss Klva Amsler and Miss Alma Englebart. Frisnds of Miss Laura B. Miles, who left Salem a month ago to tgko grad uate wfcrk at Columbia university, New York, will be pleased to hear that she is pleasantly situated in Whitticr hall, one of the main dormitories for D-irla on tho university campus. Miss Miles is a graduate of Pacific univer sity, and has taken a year 'a post grad: uate work at Willamette. She will now take advanced work in the depart ment of i educational psychology, bav ins niaiored in that department thru- out her college eourse. Miss Miles is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Miles of 91)3 Court street. Mrs. C. P. Bishop, accompanied by her son, Clarence Bishop of Pendleton, motored to Lebanon yesterday to spend , the week end. I Miss A. McCulloch and sister, Mrs. J. A. Herreu, have returned from a pleasant three weeks outing at Newport. Social life in college environs will be formally resumed tonight, when the new faculty members and incoming stu dents at Willamette will be welcomed to the university at a reception to be hell at Eaton hall, the hosts for the occasion, numbering the members of both the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. This affair annually sponsored by the joint associations, is one of the larg est and most elaborate events of the year, and with the military note pre dominating in all eampns activities this term, owing to the newly organiz ed Students Army Training Corps, the reception this evening bids fair to be especially pleasureable. The decorations will include a num ber of striking patriotic effects, for which the spaciousness of fcaton nan IS WOll artapteO. The orcnestra win C. A., Harold Nichols, president of the student body, President and Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney, Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Tal bott, Dr. and Mrs. B. L. Steeves, Dr. and Mrs. George H. Alden, Captain an.d'Mrs. O. N. Tyler and the new 'mem bers of the faculty and their wives? Mrs. J. E. Scott left for Springfield, Oregon, this morning, owing to the ill ness of her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Adrian (Hazel Scott.) Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Byre motored up to Portland yesterday for a week end stay. Lieutenant Paul R Smith, who is stationed at Waldport near Newport with the spruce division, is passing the week end in Salem as the guc9t of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Smith Among the very first Oregonians to answer the Red Cross .call for dentiBts is a woman, Dr. Grace Keith, for nine years a practicing dentist of Portland Doctor Keith mado application as soon as sho heard that the Red Cross was accepting ..women physicians. The array does not. "I do not know just when I shall leave, iust where I shall be sent, or under what conditions I am to work," said Doctor Keith. "1 only know that there is a chance for me to help, and I want to do it quickly and without anv notice." Doctor Keith has written for hor passport and is now occupied in clear ing up heif business. She will leave shortly for France. 41 The members of the Leslie Motho dist church were the guests of Rev. and Mrs. H. N. Aldrich. Thursday ev ening at a most enjoyable reception hold in the church auditorium, which was handsomely decorated for the oc casion with an effective combination of autumn foliage and the brilliantly hued fall flowers, arranged in hang ing baskets. The receiving line was composed of the members of the ofticial Doara ami their wives. The guest of honor for the evening was Rov. T. B. Ford, the dis trict superintendent. An exceedingly pleasing program was siven consisting of several num bers in Indian pantomime by Mrs. Oscar Gingrich and patriotic piano snlns bv Miss Ruth Bedford. Mrs. Ging rich, who is making a special study of Mian music and the accompanying legends, has appeared before the pub lie on several occasions, and has in variably delighted her audience with the unique charm and faithful inter iiretHtion. which characterise her work. She appeared iu Indian costume and irnve as hor numbers. "Spirit Lake, "Her Flute Call" and " Uauga Na HaniMi. ' Miss Bedford was her accompanist and also played with unusual beauty of expression tht solo numbers, "Valsc, Wieniawsiu," and "in my im bar's Gargcn," Nevin. Following tho program dainty re freshments were served by the hostess, who was assisted by a number of the ladies of the church. A picturesque feature in the hotel regime at the Multnomah in Portland and one that points to the extreme need of women in the workaday world is the two Chinese girls, who page the guests of the hotol, pattering along in nativo costume, and calling visitors for whom friends are asking. They are cousins, Alice and Matgarot Wong. It is quite a novelty to the guests, but the demure celestial maidens go about their tasks in a most business like man ner. Miss Beatrice Shelton who has made for herself an enviable reputation in th '.,ital citv as a teacher or piano, ;. now nrrninir.ini her classes for the winter. The advanced work of Miss Shelton has been most successful and hr work with children, particularly noteworthy. Activities for this year have started out in a most prumisiu mnnner. and Miss Shelton and her pu pils are planning a variety of good things of a musical nature iur suing season. She will continue to meet her elassea in her studio, 345 Ma rion street. Mrs. Mae Kellog Sullivan of Anchor age, Alaska, who has been entertained by Mr. and Mrs.K. Hofer, as their housegues t this summer, left Wednes day for Portland. After a short visit there she will go to California for the arintKr. before uoina back to Alaska. Mrs. Sullivan has written several books on Alaska. Mr. Arva A. Cunningham and lit tle daughter, Harriet, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carey F. Mar tin at their residence on South Liberty street, returned to ((heir home in New port today. AN SHANNON .Ul-NtiUE, Ore gon's well known pen and ink hmr,inn Vac rr'tvpn tho varli) fit - - - - large a vivid glimpse- of the part which the women of the northwest are plaving in the war, ia a colorful ar ticle, written for the October Red Cross magazine entitled "As the West Sees the War."" Miss Monroe is the author of several books dealing with the Ore gon country, including "A Story of Oregon" and "Happy Valley." At the time of the Panama Pacifie Expo sition, Miss Munroe was the corre spondent at the fair for a Portland pa per and contributed numerous newsy letters concerning the Oregon building and Oregon visitors. In her sketch in the Red Cross mag azine, she points out the intense na tive patriotism of the west, and espe cially that west comprising the im mense cattle and sheep ranches of east ern Oregon, that region sweeping from the Columbia river south to the bor ders of California and Nevada, which embracts at least two thirds of the state of Oregon. She pictures with graphic deftness the endless business of .cattle, the breeding, buying, sell ing and lassoing of cattle, the minutiae of ranch life with its environment of eook house,'bunk house, and ia short, the hundred and one picturesque de ails, that combine to make frontier life a thing of eeaseless fascination to the fiction-bred eye of the easterner. Then Miss Munroe flashes the high light of war on all this teeming, ad venturous activity and the spirit which rose to meet the demands of the war, "Probably," says Miss Munroe, "among all the industries of the na tion none is so crippled as the cattle industry, whose operation requires men experienced both in the work and in the country. The work of the stock country is not learned in a book, nor in a season. But just what do they do, those left at the back of the north western cantonments J The detail, af" ter all is unimportant when the spirit is right; aud the spirit well, tney are the old men and the women folk and the children of those who have gone to the front; and they applied themselves heroically to the task. "And the homesteaders, so eager to get on with their plans well, they saw they couldn't do it this time. The dream would have to wait. All the lit tle cabins that housed so much hope are empty, and the tented cities have vanished; their occupants have gone to help save the crops on the already producing ranches women, young boys and old men have mounted mowing machines and swallowed dust while they toiled from sunrise to sunset, young women in towns heard of the pressing need for workers in the hay fields and joined the ranch women; in one locality 5000 city school teachers offered their vacations for the next year. ' ' "No," Miss Munroe goes on, "all the bravery has not gone to the front and all the loyalty is not in the east. The war work of the women in the northwest has by no means been con fined to supplanting the men in fields and shops, they have shouldered the burden of meeting Red Cross neeus as staunchly as though that aione were their war responsibility. The Red Cross is thoroughly organized throughout all the western states with a membership in many almost tallying with the pop ulation." The writer mentions among other well known features of Red Cross activity, the Superfluity shops, the Salvage stores the berry picking of the school children to accumulate earnings for the Red Cross, and this, as yet, novel mode of contribution in country dis tricts: "Every morning," sho say9, "yoing women go into the cities ana towns with baskets full of rosebuds which they sell on the streets for the Red Cross; the ladies' aid societies of the churches have automatically beeome Red Cross societies, as have so many of the organized clubs; all this in ad dition to the knitting which seems to have no beginning and no end." "A short time ago," Miss Munroe loyally reminds us, "the name 'Ore gon' was flashed over the wires as the first state 'over the top' in the third liberty loan; she had been well anion ir the first in the second liberty loan and iu the first liberty loan, and also in supplying Bed Cross aronium tion and in getting her full quota of enlisted men at' the president's first call for volunteers. She has not been a slacker in any department of nation al service since we entered the great war, and Oregon pretty well repre sents all the other western states." A large number of the members and friends of the First Baptist church. participated in a pleasant social, heia at the church parlors Wednesday ev ening. The Sunday school auditorium was decorated very artistically for the occasion with flowers and vines,green and red being the prevailing colors. Each person on entering was given a card containing a letter and a num ber which was to be worn. Later the company was divided into groups ac cording to the numbers on tne carai. The letters worn by each group spelled the name of an apple. Each group was to discover the name of the apple it represented and write a verse of at least four . lines containing the name of the apple. These proved to be very clever. When they were read, the judg es, who had been appointed, oeeioea which was the best and second best. . The "Grimes Golden" group were accorded first place and received as "a reward a big apple pie. ine "jona than" group was voted second place and inven a little apple pie. ' A very interesting program iouow ed. All joined in singing America. The choir gave an original vaudeville shit BeaoHiiC Bin to tfc .la m dtKcMr dur. prrty white cntfciM. by Gouraud's Oriental Groan FTRO. T. HOPKINS at SOW.WWT w 11 with Miss Tartar at the piano, who also acted as interlocutor. Recitations were rendered charmingly by Donald Davison and Etherwyn Kcllcv. each re sponding to an encore. Readings were given in a very pleading manner by Mrs. u. r.. itoss and -Mrs. ueorge u -Neil. The young people gave two stunts that were greatly enjoyed. The first was song impersonations. ,Hiss tva Roberts at the piano played " Sweet and Low," "Juanita," "Old Black Joe" and "Columbia the Gem of the Ocean)" Thse were represented in tableau bv Mrs. Jv. U. rickens ann daughter, Lenora Estes, Buth Ross and Eunice Hart. The story of a Willamette student was gives in monologue and silhouette. Apples were served tor reiresnmems. The social was the first of a series of "At Home" week gatherings in the nature of rallies of all the forces of the ehurch. Fridav afternoon the wo men of the ehurch-were the guests of the Women's Mission Circle at the home of Mrs. Mary Denison, 1475 North Commercial street. Rav W. Reynolds, the son of Mr. and Mis. Walter Reynolds, who reside on the Jefferson Way, has entered tne Oregon Agricultural eollege, enlisting in the S. A.' T. C. Mr. Reynolds has hitherto been connected with the Glen dale Pharmacy, and will major in pharmaceutics at college. Mrs. Hal D. Patton and two chil dren, Jeanette and Mane, will spend next week in Portland as tne guests of Mrs. Patton 's sister, Mrs. Oscar Hatton. They will leave tomorrow. Mrs. W. C. Knighton went to Port land yesterday, where she will spend a iew days visiting friends. Mrs. A. N. Bush and Mis. J. O. Sutherland spent yesterday in Portland motoring down for the day. V W P A Nntnc li Hi Vjn) iwiwi Renew your membership, or become a new member of the Y. W. C. A. This has been the slogan of the membership committee during the past week. The committee is still at work, and is want ing a larger proportion of the women oj ;,.!. nf KoUim tn be association members. Among the renewals and new member, of tne past wee. are: mrs. R. G. Henderson, Mrs. Laura Hughes, Blair, Misses Angeline McCulloch, Mnr pah Blair, Edith Wood, Baumgartner, lilla Rigdtm, Elma Weller, Lucy Stough inn HnKAl TnilhiiiTter Salome Socolof- sky, Edith Benedict, Mattie Jarnvan, Mary Chad wick, Florence Ritchie, Net tie Houck, Lavina Bauman, Jessie Mil lei Mina Gvle, Myrtle Richardson, Grace Smith, Sophia Kafoury, Etta Ole man, Mildred feeiy, juesumes u. Boyer, Louise Arthur, Mary Kafoury, 1UUO i... ...... ' Dorsey, F. W.. Dtvrbin, W. H. 8teuslotf, d w n.a,inr Waltflr Etaaulding. Sey- mour Jones, Jas. Elvin, B. B. Kimball, Gorge Pearce, F. W. Powers, F. L. Shafer, Marion Welborn, Jean Rahn, H. V. Compton, H. u. apiey, r. r.. Frank Myers,. David W. Eyre, D. R.. Ross nd P. E. Grabr. Th v W C. A. is anticipating the visit of Miss Helen Barnes, of the Na tional Board of the Y. w. u. a., wno 1,0. i,.f TtiimeH from France. Miss Barnes has been aetive in the Y. W. C. A. work among French and American She will probably arrive in Salem the latter part of the week. Miss Nina McNary's Bible class will i ; work Monday nicrht at 6:3ft o'clock. The class this fall will be a continuation of the Bible stuoy or last year on prayer. Miss McNary is an excellent . teaeheV, and any girl inter ested is invited to join xne cia. twenty eent supper is served at 6 o'elock, the class at 6:30, making it possible to go to the Red Cross class in surgical dressings at the post of fice at 7:30. t , The executive committee of the i. V. C. A. will meet Monday at eleven o clock. It is earnestly desired that every member of the committee be present. The physical culture commit tee will meet promptly at five o'clock Monday afternoon. Mrs. George G. Brown, chairman, Mrs. John Farrar, Mrs. A. F. Marcus, Mrs. Marion Wel born and Miss Ada Chapman. Sslea Eiklet Is In Great FaYorFith Soldier Boys "The Ralem Eiklet" issued by thv Salom lodge No. 336, B. P. O. E., en joys the distinction of being the only ' ..i,u..;,r, in thA Rtnto to be issued whenever the editors have accumulatvd enough eopy to make the pamphlet in terosting. The only trouble with th Eiklet, f rem the standpoint of the mem bers of th lodge both at home and in the service, is that there is too long a breathing spell between issues. Judging from the letters received by the seeivtary of the lodge, the 86 mem bers in the service regard the Eiklet as about the most interesting poonswun in the United- States as it keeps them in touch with the home affairs and what the boy about the lodge are do" ... mg. Eight members of the lodge hold, the rank of captain. .These men are Dr. Harry E. Clay. Dr. Roy D. Byrd, S. S. Skiff, W. C. Smith, E. B Hamilton Conrad Btafrin, W L. Tooze, Jr., H, J. Eberly, D. H. J. Garnjobst, F. D Lewis, L. H. Mott, Dr. R. E. Pome roy, . Z. Randall and Walter L. Spauld ing. ' One member of the lodge has made th snpreme sacrifice, Lieutenant W. L. Miller. ; Artillery Service . Has Many Attractions Of 1604 soldiers whose qualification cards were examined soon after they were inducted, three fourths of that number expressed a their preference of branch ef service the artillery. And now jt is open to those not yet in the First Y. M. C A. Ignored Danger CARL DEWING LYTLE Lytle, Writing from Camp at Limber?, Saya That He Ia Sound and Well Carl Dewing Lytle, of Northfleld, Mass., a non-combatant who was captured by the Germans In the French retreat east and west of BoUsodb during the first week la June, ia the first Y. M. C. A. pris oner of war. Official confirmation of Lytle's detention In a Hun camp at Llmburg has been received at the headquarters oil the" National .War Wor Council of the Y. M. C. A. Ly'.le vrns attached to the French army. Amid a rain of gas shells, tie went into a burning village to rescue refugees In spite of the fact that thousands of the enemy were rushing Into the place. He stuck to. Three Fatal Accidents In Oregon This Week Accidents reported to the state in dustrial accident commission during the past week total 599, of which three were fatal, as follows: Walter Harvey, Portland, shipbuild ing. John Confer, St. Helens, lumbering. O. L Waters, Portland, shipbuild ing- Of the total number reported, fiba were subject to the provisions of the compensation act, 32 were from firms and corporations which have rejected the provisions of the compensation act, and 5 were from public utility corpor ations not subject to the provisions of the compensation act, one of this num ber being a passenger receiving injur ies.. At the close of business on Septem ber 30, the state industrial accident commission had a balance in the -state treasury of $2,825,431.60, according to the monthly financial statement of the commission. Of that sum $1,349,3S6.58 was in what is known as the segregated fund, which is the fund set aside to meot the payments of pensions to injured work men and their dependents. Practically all of this amount is invested in inter est bearing bonds. Since the commission has been do ipg business its receipts total $5,308, 013, while its disbursements amount to $3,831,9H8, leaving a cash balance of $1,471,045. Receipts of the commission for Sep tember were $303206, while disburse ments and expense totaled $126,855. army; registered and classified men mav volunteer and be inducted for heavy artillery organized for owl-seas service. These regiments of the powerful guns howitzers, big cannon, anti-aircraft railway artillery are moving in great er numbers and more swiftly into the fighting in France. Mv;n apt, qualified and "game" for this branch of the ser vice that is big in every sense of the word are needed now; men who want to see real action, and want to givc the ibv-st that is in them will jump at thin I chance that is offered. For opportuni ties are limitless to be enlisted special- lists, non-commissioned officers, special ized soldiers, ammunition men and fir era of high explosive shells. Offiivrs training camps, too, are with in the reach of men of spirit, ambition and the lively fighting qualities, for schooling preliminary to the studies t camp is given to all who want it and thus many are equipped to begin the course for commission. If you are registered and classified write a letter to the Commanding Of ficer, Coast Defenses of the Columbia, Fort Stevens, Ore., giving your name; order and registration number; class number and letter; present address: number and address of local board; and whether qualified for general or limit ed service. The rest of the induction will be taken care of. Journal Want Ads Pay War Prisoner To Aid Refugees his task until the Germans cap tured him. By poBt card Lytle writes from hU place of imprisonment that ho Is sound and well. The Y. M. C. A. will make an effort to get food aud clothing and other comforts to him in the prison camp. While the French were retreating , for strategical reasons, Y. M. C. A. workers, like Lytle, stayed with the troops during the rearguard, fighting, gathering and distributing supplies. Four "Y" men joined th Btaff of a base hospital and worked 20 hours a day as stretcher-beareri and' nurses. Lytle sailed for France on Janu ary 3 as a secretary. He is 33 years old and, unmarried. He was principal of a grammar school In, Northfleld before he Joined the Overseas forces. He speaks FrencK fluently. Service Connection Rates Apply After September 1 Service connection or installation charges of $5, $10 and $15, which are now being imposed by the Pacific Tel ephone and Telegraph company, do not' apply on applications for telephone ser vice filed with the company prior to September 1, according to the intrepre tation placed upon the postmaster gen eral's order by the Oregon public ser vice commission. Commissioner Buchtcl today notified James T. Shaw, atorney for the company that the commission was placing such an intrepretation upon this oraer. Numerous complaints have come to the commission from person who made ap plication for telephone service prior to September 1, but who did not get their telephones installed until after that' date. The company is seeking to re quire them to pay the additional charge Kaiser's Brother-In-Law Elected King Of Fins Stockholm, Oct. 12. Prince Frederick Charles of Hesse, has been efceted king of Finland by the Finnish landtag, dis patches received here today said. Prince Fivderick Charles is a brother in law of the German emperor. He was born May 1, 18(8. Ho married Princess Marguerite, youngest sister of Emperor William. Ho recently toured Finland and conferred with political headers there. SALEM MAN CURED OF CANCER To the people of Salem: I suffered from cancer on the . end of my noee for thiee years and was told it .was incurable. I . went to Dr. 8. C. Stone for treat . ment. ' ' He applied a paste for four days and then a simple oint ment. In a few days the cancer fell out and the place heated over and is now sound and well. John McDonald, South Church street, Nov. 3, 1917 Salem, Oregon. S. C STONE,!. D. Stone's Drug Store 211 North Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. Phone S5. Consultation and Advice Free.