Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 11, 1918, Page SIX, Image 6

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t i
Of WUat Vm la It?
Thousands? ye hundred of thou
sands of people throughout America,
re taking the slow death treatment
They areiiiurjcriiig their own stoiu
Fa!l Fiowizg Proceeds;
J aid sail community not oriy by pa&ifn-
I ir.i- a..ri.l... 1, hv -.!'- in h wv
POOr TrSIII ScmCfi 'f shipments of wood, stock, grain and
j everything eluo almost, we deserve bet-
(1 apital Journal Special .service.) tor treatment.
Donald, Or., Oct. 11. The fine ruins! The Eastern Star held a session on
which are coming along these days and 'Friday night, initiating Mr. and Mrs
I nights are speeding up fall plowing and' J. L. Kcisbcck, who came out from
oh, the best friend they have, and in , farmers are rushing their work, to get; Portland to be present. Refreshments
itieir suoiime ignorance tney mink m as much fall rain as possible. Benweiv served afterwards, and a general
they are putting a'Je the laws of najEppers is sowing 150 acres of summer good time for all during the evening.
t,lr- fallow land to whvat, and others too) Rar Hopkins came Sa from Portland
This is no sensational statement; t are. ,mttii,2 in all thev can. -on Tuesday on a business trip.
U a startling fact, the truth of which Train Service Poor. Mrs. Ph'etps went to Salem Thursday
:iy honorabje physician will not deny The peollc of DonaMi pj, Broad-to see a doctor. She is having trouble
These thousands of people are ,.avc ecrtainlv bpen discriminat ! with her throat and is expecting to
Ir.w.ng daily huge quantities of pepainj in8t br , j, rail. tonsils removed.
nd other strong digesters. made espe-, Th(,re were h, h j ohservfi ,
Clally to digest the food in the Mom-1 . . Wodburn il.., Preshrterian church in Donald last
i a without anv aid at an trom tne !. " , , , , , .. , .. , ' ,. . . , .
digestive membrane of the- stomach. 1 " s,,oul 'P,u"t Pn the :4o Sunday, Rev. Quist the pastor preach-
Mi-o-na atomae
tressed stomae.
ij more. Tak
npb thev hiii il un
'omaeh and make it Strong enough to!1", nw an aiong me resi ui uio wutcn was in session m me lime, xie
digest its own food. Then indigestion,! route there ia a train, even a special report, a light attendance because of
belohing sour stomach and headache; school train runs from Wvst Woodburn so manv of the ministers going into
10 naiem, morning aim evening, yueryi service, it ia ciauuea tnat i.j per
Why could not that train have come as'tvnt more of the Presbyterian ministers
far as Fargo and picked up the pupils are in the Y. M. C. A choplin service
at Fargo, Donald, Feller's station and than of any other denomination which
BroadaeYes, and gotten them to Wood- means a scarcity of pastors for the lo-i
, burn in time for school. As jt is Eome cat churches.
! have gone to Portland some secured Mrs. Whitney and Mrs. Moore of
h tablets relieve dis-i ' " " s" , 8"u anuiuu tj ...
h in five minutes- they ,np ' 10 5tn"' 111 ,n sivms ine( joe uirci went to vtooaourn luesuay
en regularly for a few!"111? sirip oetween vi nsoiiviiie aui v . woning, remaining over until veaues-
the run (lOWl i v in vu ivi.i mut a.. uai mriuuvu lO a.ii't hid 1 irsuuvii
Will BO,
Mi o-ua stomach tablets are sold by
druggists everywhere and by Pan'l J.
Fry who guarantees them.
... mi. - r . . 1 I , t... n m ..... 4.
If. iun ifuuuiu www it; phi imiui
will print you anything in the rooms in Woodburn, othvrs must go on V,ioadHcres attended Macabee lodge In
stationery line do it right and jthe 9:30 or stay out of school entirely. Donald Thursday p. m.
save you real money. llt is not just. From the patronizing Lawrence Kunkle left Saturday fori
$$ the Oregon Electric receives from Don- Portland where ho joined the serviee of
lew rwrr r,i
In Greys We Have
Dark Grey, all kid 9-inch tops, Red Soles and French Heels, an Altogether ele
gant shoe, selto for only ... $11.00
Dark Grey, all kid, 9-inch top Red Cross shoewith black soles and French heels
A very beautiful shoe and sells for , $11.00
Dark grey kid, with cloth tops to match in black soles and French heels $9.50
Light grey kid, cloth tops to match, grey soles, French heels at $7.00
Dark grey kid cloth top to match,-black soles and French heels. A very dres
sy shoe at a very low price of only i $5.95
Remember That The
Government Regulations
Require that "No shoes be made after October 1, 1918, except in Black, Dark
-Brown, Medium Brown and White." So this will be the last of those beautiful
Greys so much desired Better buy before they are all gone.
In Browns
There are Dark Brown genuine calf, all leather 9-inch top white welt, French
heefe, strictly high grade at $11.00
Dark Brown all kid Red Cross, newest last, French heels, a splendid and very
rich shoe at : ....$11.00
Dark Brown, all kid, with French heels and aluminum plates. Very fine and
dressy at .-. $10.00
Dark Brown all kid with French heels at $8.50
Browns with Cloth Tops
Fieldmouse Brown, French heels, Red Cross $9.50
Dark Brown, French heels, very stylish, $8.00
Dark Brown, French heels, splendid values at $6.50
Greys and Browns with Military Heels
Dark Grey, kid cloth top to matchblack soles and heels, latest last $9.00
All leather African brown, 8 1-2-inch top . . . $8.50
Dark Brown, all kid, 8-inch top, imitation tip . ; $8.50
All leather Mahogany brown, 9-inch top, imitation wing tip $8.50
Red Cross Mahogany brown calf cloth top to match $8.50
Dark Brown calf cloth top to match $7.50
Brown Kid cloth top to match, a fine growing girl's shoe at only $5.00
In addition we can give you all kinds of black shoes and the extra fine Dr. Soni
mers Health Shoe, the Elk Bals. low heels, all sizes and widths at $6.00
In Greys and Browns
Our lines of Greys and Browns are now in and we can give you the finest f
Showing in These colors in the city.
"Califoniia Syrup Of figs''
Can't Harm Tender Stom
ach Or Bowels.
A laxative' today saves a sick child
tomorrow. Children simply will not
tcke time from play to empty their
bowels, which become clogge.t up with
waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach sour
Look at the tongue, mother! If
coated, or your child is listless, cross,
feverish, breath bad, restless, doesn't
eat heartily, full of cold or has sore
threat or any other children's ailment,
give a teaspnonful of "California c)yr
up of Figs, ' ' then don 't worry, because
in a few hours all this constipation
poison, sour bile ami fermenting waste
will gently move out of the bowels,
and you have a well, playful child
aain. A thorough "inside cleansing"
is oftimes all that is necessary. It
should be the first treatment given
in any sickness.
Beware of counterfeit fig syrups.
Ask your druggist for a bottle of
"Caliifornfa Syrup of Figs," which
has full directions for babies, children
of all ages and for grown ups plainly
printed on the bottle. Look carefully
and see that it is made by the "Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Company.",
Uncle Sam. This makes the third boy
from the Euukle family to join the ser
vice. Mrs. Groshong of St. Louij, spent sev
eral days with her daughter, Sirs. Ben
Eppers, returning home Friday evening.
The Maccabee lodge had a very pleas
ant session Thursday afternoon, serving
a fine lunch at the close. Among the
visitors were Mesdameg Davis, J. O
Austin, Maupin and Harrington of
Woodburn, Mrs. Chamberlain, district
deputy of Portland and rMs. Frank Os
born of Newberg.
Mrs. O. Cone and children Harry and
Vivian left for Portland Tuesday, where
she will put her children in school.
O. A. Kunkle is moving to the Deeres
farm southwest ot his present location.
(jus Moberk will move to the place
vacated by Mr. Kunkle.
Jim Feller was a business visitor to
Butteville Saturday. Mr. Feller is an
officer in the insurance company which
still has their office in Butvvillo.
Mr. West, representing the True-Blue
company of Portland was calling upon
tho Donald merchants Wednesday. This
is Mr. West's first visit since his an
nual vacation. Ve were glad to siaj him
Word has reached Donald that Earl
Carver, formerly of Donald, is a victim
of the Spanish influenza. Ho has been
in San Diego since ho was drafted dur
in the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Eoundtree, Mr. and Mrs.
Hegedom, Mr. H. C. Davis of Portland
and Airs. Walter Lechow of Sacramento.
Cal., motored out from Portland, Sun
day and were guests at thp C. J. Espcy
Mr. II. C. Evans and daughter Edith
motored to Portland Friday. Miss Edith
remaining over Until Sunday evening.
Misses Leatha Con8 and Idell Lamb
hnvo secured a room in Woodburn and
Bmia.MWLBijL1. mmmi&-ms&t5ggst reggae
Drink Lots Of Water And Stop
Eating Meat For a While If
Your Bladder Troubles
When you wake up with fiackache
and dull misery in the kidney region
it geuerally means you have been eat
ing to much meat, says a well known
authority. Meat forms urie acid which
overworks the kidneys in their effort
to filter it from tho blood and they
become sort of paralyzed and loggy.
When your kidneys get sluggish and
clog you must relieve them, like you
relieve your bowels; removing all the
body 's urinous waste, else you hnve
backache, sick headache, diiw.y spells;
your stomach sours, tongue is coated,
nd when the weather is bad you have
rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy
full of sediment, channels often get
sore, water scalds and you arc obliged
to seek relief two or three times dur
ing the night.
Either consult a good, reliable physi
cian at once or get from your phanna
oist about four ounces of .Tad Salts;
take a tablespoonful in a glass of wa
ter 'before breakfast for a few days
and your kidnysj,will then act fine.
This famous salts ia made from the
acid of grapes and lemon juice, combin
ed with lithia, and has' been used for
generations to clean and stimulate
sligish kidneys, also to neutralize
acids in the urine so it no longer irri
tates, thu ending bladder weakness.
Jad Salts is a life saver for regular
meat eaters. It is inexpensive, cannot
Injure and makes delightful, effer
vescent lithia-water drink. ,
The Following Letter Received by The Bootery Is Self Explanatory
183 Essex street. Room 506.
S East 42nd street
Cable Address:
Western Union Code.
The Stetson Shoe Company, inc.
South Weymouth, Mass.
Exclusive Agents for
The Stetson Shoe for Men
THE BOOTERY, ' September 20, 1918.
J. B. Littler, Mgr.
167 N. Commercial St.
Salem, Oregon.
Dear Sir:
'The War Industries Board have published their final ruling affecting the
manufacturing and retailing of shoes. i
$12 is tlip maximum retail price for high grade shoes, an$l $11 for Oxfords
Prices placed on our Spring 1919 samples before the receipt of this ruling
will not permit the retailing of our shoes within these prices.
However, in our endeavor to cooperate with the government "in every re
spect, we are ready to make very radical change in our business methods.
Both retailer and consumer will agree with us that Stetso'n quality, so long
maintained regardless of cost, should not be lowered. Our slogan "More by
the pair, less by the year" never meant more than it means today, when the
,mbd': has learned to .ippraciato the principle that the purchase of the best stan
dard article is true economy. - .
The success of this plan will depend on the entire cooperation of our cus
tomers. h " '
We will withdraw our salesmen from their territories, thus reducing our
selling expense by the cost of travling, a large item today.
We will standardize our product by putting in stock a complete line of
men's high shoes and Oxfords, and will confine our manufacture to these
styles, thus reducing cost of production. , " -
The retailer must cooperate by ordering from cur Stock Book, or thru
personal call at our'New York or Boston Sales Rooms.
He must refrain from asking us to make any special styles, but must
confine his orders strictly to stock styles.
He must eliminate special pairs and custom work. s"
On November 1, a complete new Stock Book will be placed in your hands,
showing standard Spring styles as well as shoes available for immediate use.
Until that time use Stock Book No. 24, diregarding Styles 3, 46, 49 and 50.
In the new Stock Book there will be suitable material for placing orders,
and orders must be placed for advance shipping dates just as though the
salesman had called.
In addition to our complete line of Civilian Styles, our present line of Of
ficers' Boots and Shoes will be continued in Department 5.
We realize that this is a very radical step, but these are unusual times.
Careful consideration, we are sure, will convince you that this is not
only the best possible measure that can be adopted, but that by studied coop
eration it will mean success both for the retailer and for ourselves.
The case is in your bands. We shall b glad to discuss it further through
correspondence. -
rours truly,
Sales Manager.
tJ t S-tJ
will stay from Sunday evening until
Friday evening so as to be t school in
time, owing to the change iu train ser
vice. .Chris Christenwn left Thursday for
southern Oregon on a hunting expedi
tion and will stay until he gets his
share of game.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Walker returned
from .Salem Mouday evening where
they had been spending several days.
Mrs. Kuntz the principal of our school
has resigned, so far the vacancy has
j not been filled. It is with regret we
I must give Mrs. Kuntz up as th0 school
was starting off iu fine shape scholars
and teacher both pleased with each
Mrs. Earl Cone and Miss Hazel Cone,
teachers, attended the institute in Sa
lem Saturday. k
Miss Sophia Eppers went to Wood
burn Thursday to have her arm attend
ed to by Dr. Chapin. She had a fall
sometime ago and hurt her arm quite
J. C. Moore came out from Portland
Monday, for a short visit, he was ac
companied on his return by Mrs. Moore,
who returned Wednesday evening.
A ear load of hogs was shipped out
of Donald to Portland Wednesday by
J. Smith. . His car was not largv- enough
to hold all, so he will have to have
another shipmenut soon. Some fine hoge
were brought in by the Donald farmers
which means money in their pockets.
Miss Mvrtle Walker of Salem is
spv-nding today, Thursday, with Mrs. O.
Mrs. Roy Garrett was called to the
bedside of her sister Saturday, who is
very sick with cancer at Hartford,
O. Freeman went t0 Portland last
week to do some carpentering work for
J. C. Mooiv who is preparing to open up
a luuci, counter at St. Johns.
Dr. Shore, of Hubbard, was called to
Donald last week to attend Mrs. C. Col.
lier who has a very bad case of blood
poison, caused from a tooth. Indica
tions are that Bhe is out of danger. She
has been a great sufferer.
Tho cream of the earth are the sons that
you sent
To battle the beast on the old continent,
A gilt-edged investment each lad of the
You cannot go wrong if you give all
you've got,
To back up tlwir courae, to help them
push through
To bring them back home again faith
ful and true,
Why, they'd be ashamed if you didn't
So come on, cash up, bu a Liberty
This minute some tioy out on God'i
Is giving his blood for your safety here.
He's breaking with strain to his finget
Perhap, 'going west" with your name
on his hps;
He's spending his soul in tho holy cause.
Cao you for a few paltry dollars pausa
To question the deal or have interest
tuiuieu I
O, come on, cash up, buy
Bond! '
a Liberty
Quickly Ended by a Pleasant, Germ
Killing Antiseptic
The little Hyomei inhaler is ma,ie
of hard rubber and can easily be ear
ned in pocket or purse. It will last a
life time.
Into this inhaler you p0iir a few
drops of magical Hyomei
This is absorbed by the antiseptic
gauze thin and now you are ready
to breathe it in over the germ infested
membrane where it will speedily be
gin its work of killing catarrhal germs
Hyomei is made of Australian eucaJyp
tol combined with other antiseptics and
is very pleasant to breathe.
It is gusranteed to 'banisJi catarrh,
bronchitis, sore throat, croup, coughs
and colds or money back, it cleans out
a puffed np head in two minutes.
er.vwheref " J and arUegists ev"
Complete outfit, including inhaler
and one bottle of Hyomei, costs but lit
tie while extra bottles, if afterwarda
needed, may be obtained of any drug
gist. '