fHE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11. 1918. FIVE NEW TODAY ODIUM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THEM f OR RESULTS fOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS TEE BEST SELLING CLASSIFIED ADVEfiTTSINa KATES Bate Pc word, New Today: Each insertion . lc One week (6 insertions) One month (26 insertions) 5c 17c The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for nior than one insertion, for errors in Classified Advertisements. Head your advertisement the first day it appears and notify us immediately if error occurs. Minimum charge, 13c WOOD for sale. Phone 79F11. tf BIRD dog for sale, cheap. Phone 24 F2. - 10-11 BOY WANTED Steady employment. Rodgers Paper Co. . 10-12 SECOND hand, delivery top for Ford. Phone 143GM. - 10-11 UOOit with board in privato farnilv. Phone 1578. , 10-i'J IfBW buggy for sale cheap. 2199 Fair . grounds rod. Phone 2193M. 1012 WANTED Quinces, apples and garlio. balem J-Tmjt Lo. If WANTED i or 5 room modern house, furnished. Phone 353. tf WANTED Veal calves and fat cattle. Phone. 1576 W. 10-28 FOR BENT Strictly modem furnish ed house. Phone 810. tf FOR SALE Two brood sows. J. A. . Piekens, Rt. 8, box 104. 10-11 FOR SALE Good body ash wood. Phone 1806W or 1096J. 10-12 FOR SALE 75 head of ewe lambs, pood ones. G. W. Eoff, Ht. 6 box 42. '10-15 WANTED A woman to care for in valid. Address 2090 Ferry St. Phone 377M. 10-11 FIVE room furnished house, modern, for rent. Money to loan on good farm security. Phone 538M. tf 25 PRUNE pickers wanted, meet at Capital City Transfer at 7 o'clock every morning. Phone 1435W. . tf SEALED Loganberry juice for sale, good fT pies and drinks,, $1.25 gal. -1389 Court. Phone 2394W.' tf SNAP Seven room house situate 1765 Ve street- for $600. Terms. Phone tf WANTED $12,000 on absolutely first rcs city property. Box 256, Salem. , tf WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll upward. Buret's Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. tf. HOUSEKEEPING apartments And single rooms, nicely furnished, at 33 Ferry street. tf. WANTED Secondhand Oliver Chilled plow, No.' 50, in good condition.. Ad dress 0 C care Journal. 10-14 WANTED Fresh cow, must be good and heavy milker, Guernsey or Dur ham. Address F C care Journal. 10-14 WANTED1 One otr two f;ood Idairy cows, fresh or to freshen soon. Must be good ones and gentle. No culls. Address Q X care Journal 10-12 FOR SALE Light T-G Mandt wagon, with tongue and shaves, in good con dition. Also horse and rubber tired buggy. Phone 104F24. 10-12 FOR SALE Fancy canning peaches. Phone 3F11 between 12 and 1 o'clock or 7:30 a. m. or p. m. W. H. Egan & Sons, Mountain View farm.- 10-11- BPLEND1D new 7 room furnished bun galow, garago, paved street, good location, some fruit, a snap of rare tvpe, only $2800. Socjulofky, HI State. ' - if MODERN, six room house, half block from car, price $1500 will trade $500 quity for vacant lot, auto, or what have you. Call 439 Court. 10-12 FOR 5 per cent farm loans, see the Marion-Polk county national farm loan association. W. D. Smith, 303 Salem Bank of Commerce bldg. tf NOTICE This is warning that 1 will not tolerate trespassing or hunting on wy premises. Signed. T. F. Walk er, Rt. 7, box 103. 10-13 WANTED Man and wife for general farm work and housekeeping. Ad dress Gervnisj Rt. 2, box 45. Phone 3F11. " tf PLENTY of money to load on good farms; low interest rates; five years time; privilege to pap $100 or multi ple on anv interest date. Call or write H. M. Hawkins, 314 Masonic bldg, Salem. tf FOR SALE Or trade, a strictly mod ern, 8 room house and lot in busi ness section of Salem, will exchange for Tacoma or Seattle property, or 'Washington land. Address J. Van Weel, 902 Pleasant Ave., Bremerton, Wash. 10-15 POSITION WANTED By competent man of ability and integrity, with practical business experience in any commercial line. If you need a good man I can deliver the goods. A. D. Cameron, 1780 Center St. Salem, Or, 10-12 WANTED Secondhand delivery top I for Ford. Phone 143o'M. 10-11 WANTED Good combination range and furniture. Phone 4(iSJ. 10-12 HIOHEST prices paid for .cattle" and large calves. H25M. 11-11 FO JiSALE Oak table, porch chair, step ladder and other pieces at big sacrifice. 757 Ccnteor St. 10-11 WANTED Few registered sheep on shares. Phone H. J. Beardsley, 14F 13. 10-14 WHITE Leghorn roosters for sale. First class in every respect. Price moderate. Phone 13 10 J. 10-12 BALDWIN and Spitzenberg apples for sale. Bring boxes. Rt. 1, box 2, Sa lem. 10-17 FOR RBOT 10 acres all under cul tivation, close to city. J. E. Scott, 124 S. Liberty. Phone 937 or 529. 10-14 EXPERIENCED girl wanted for house work. Must be good cook. No wash ing nor ironing. Apply forenoons 325 North Capitol St. 10-14 CHIMNEY sweep, chimneys cleaned and repaired, roofs and gutters , cleaned. Leave orders at Spencerjs hardware. Call Phone 19. 10-15 FOR SALE fiunabout Ford body, with top frame, good for truck or delivery only $10. 2645 Portland road. 10-11 ONE acre home place for sale on easy terms. Hot water heat, every con venience. Poultry yard, all kinds of fruit and garden.. Phoue Owner. 2440. 1011 AM going to war, will sell my Olds mobile roadsters in first' class con dition. A snap at $750. .No dealeis. Address C M care Journal. 10-11 FOR RENT Small farm; for sale Nd. 1 oat hay and 40 geese, Rt. 7, box '45. . ' 10-12 GDI W. F. WRIGHT, Sue auctioneer. Turner, Oregon. Phon? 59. tf. FOB SALE Tomatoes for canning. Phone S0F11. . tf FOR RENT Fruit farm, 15 acres prunes, acreage of Loganberries and other fruits. Phone 78F11. tf WANTED Woman for Steady posi tion. Light work and good pay. Phone 2456J. ' 10-12 GOOD l)oard and comfortable room for $5.50 per week, at 578IN. High stroet 10-17 WANTED Stenographic work or book keeping to do evenings. Address C care Journal. . 1014 4 PIGS, 0 weeks old, for sale at Wood ry's auction on Sat. Oct. '12, 10:30 a. m. , lU-ll NOTICE to contractors That the un ion scale of carpenters wages has been raised from $4.50 to $5.50 per day. Carpenters Union 1065. 10-13 I WANT to buy a modern home in Sa lem. Can pay about $300 down and will pay $25 a month and taxes. Please give full details as I mean business. Box 256, Salem. 10-17 FOR SALE Cheap, power sprayer, al most new, 3 cylinder duplex pump, 2 h. p. Waterloo engine, 150 gal. tank, self filling, on wagon all com plete. Address Lope Sing, Rt. 8, Sa lem, Or. . 10-11 40 ACRES, 20 cultivated, 20 in tim ber,' 3 acres bearing prunes, lots ber ries for family use, 6 room house, barn for 10 head of stock, well and spring, 1 mile to school, on good county road, phone in house-, 4 miles from town in Douglas county, on account of ill health of the owner, this place is offered for a short time at $2000, $500 to $1000 cash, bal ance terms at 6 per cent. If you are interested act now. Socolofsky, 341 State St.. - tf JANITOR WANTED MAN OR WOMAN LIGHT WORK NO FIRING PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT & POWER CO. 237 N. LIBERTY STREET WANTED YOUNG LADIES PERMANENT POSITIONS. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. PAID WHILE LEARNING. RAPID INCREASE IN WAGE3 CALL AT TELEPHOME COMPANY 170 NORTH LIBERTY tf t WANTED, JUNE And All Kinds of 2m Hui oods. 4 FiH Market Prices Special 4 Prices paid for Sacks. 4 Get our prices before yon selt t THE PEOPLE'S JUNK h 2X0 4 HAND BTOEB 4 171 . Oom'l St. Phone 7S4 4 MY CLOSE SCHOOLS CHURCES AND THEATRtS State Board Of Health Likely To Send Out Sweeping Order Today Dr. O. B. Miles, city health officer, expects at any moment to receive an order from the state board of health closing down.all places where the pub lic gathers. This will mean the closing of the moving picture theaters, schools and churches. Today eight or nine cases of mild influenza were reported by physicians and it is understood there are a n urn bp.' of unreported cases. While the or ders for closing had not been received up to 3:30 o'clock today, it is thought that the state board of health will .not only close Salem but all cities in the state. This closing will follow the general form by which Portland was closed, the order coining from the federal au thorities and the state board of health and put in effect by a proclamation of the mayor. May Close Everjriing Portland, Or., Oct. 11. R. E. L. Holt state health officer, may recommend that Governor Witkycombe close tip several of the smaller Oregon cities to check the spread of influenza. Dr. Holt began communicating with western Oregon cities this afternoon to learn conditions. He was in touch with health officials in Salem, Eugene and Astoria. Portland had closed its doors to the epidemic today. By order of Mayor Ba ker theaters and chrch'es were closed and public gatherings of all sorts were forbidden. Brazilian Steamship Sunk Off Atlantic Coast An Atlantic Port, Oct. 11. (A Bra zilian steamship destroyed a subma rine a few miles off the -Atlantic coast yesterday, according to the crew of the ship, which arrived here today. The submarine was sunk after two shots had been fired, the second mak ing a direct hit on the deck of the U-boat. The explosion of the shell wa followed by a giant geyser of water, which shot 100 feet in the air, accord ing to the crew. Open Forum Salem, Oregon, July 6, 1918, An open letter to Bishop' Mat thew Simpson Hughes; Dear Bishop: Four weeks ago a public letter a'ddressed to you charged the Sunday newspaper with being an abom inable nuisance, and the republican party with being "an hypocritical, un Godly old. liquor party,, over tforty years behind the times, ruled by li quor and tobacco." I boldly renew both charges. To me these Beem to. be vital and irrepressible issues of vast and immediate importance. Are you a doubterf Respectfully, Wm. N. Taft. ' (Reprinted from Capital Journal, July 6, 1918. (Paid adv.) 10-14 spsAL -X i RA 4$. Fsrp& SSS' . SATURDAY SPECIALS rltt Spurieeay -" . .At.The Remant Store 3For Uc Roll " , 254 N. Commercial St. 17c XTRA SPECIAL "iTRA SPECIAL XTRA SPECIAL $5.75 to $6.00 wool nap 0ur Entire Stock $2.69 Men's Sweater blankets. Saturday , , , , . Price . MILLINERY, Saturday Price $4.89 Pair At 1-3 off J1.9 8Each REMNANTS . XTRA SPECIAL II Slightly Damaged Sale Ribbons For Saturday Ladies Underwear 29c Yard , 25c Unbleached Muslin at 49c Values to 50c Yard 19c Yard A regular $1.00 -value 75c Men's four-in-hand t25 to U5 T J1-50 f Coveralls. Ladies Underskirts TIES Saturday Price at $1.19 . 0 . , .n , 98c . Sateen in Black Special 49c Each Tan BJues an(J &nd Colorg REMNANT STORE en i 90 fio 25 N. Commercial St. D3CtOW5 i A D. Thompson, Prop. , 39c Pair i.iins.it.ta.ta-i Ma, Ifc. INRUDiZA IS OUR OLD TIHE EIM LA GRIPPE Physicians Say There Is No; Need of Becoming Unduly Alarmed Or Panicky HOW TO COMBAT THE INFLUENZA Gargle salty hot waUr. Gargle -Dobell 's solution in equal parts of water. Keep out of crowds, and don 't get panicky. Stay home. The Spanish influenza is nothing more than eur old time enemy "la grippe." This has been with us every year since 1889 and this year it just happens to be in a more virulent form. But there is no special need to become panicky. And with but a few eases in the citv. there is no need nf a venpriil This is the opinion of several physi cians who met with the Red Cross last evening at the Commercial club to dis ci' the situation and to determine whether it was necessRry to close the town, It was the opinion of all that with ordinary care against catching colds, .there should he no epidemic in the city. Dr. Miles reported last evening that only two cases had been reported and both of these had come from Corval lis. He thought if the people would stay home and take the ordinary health precautions everything would be all right, although he was willing that all publie places be closed should the state board of health deem it necessary. But there was no need of people becoming frightened-. - A. A. Lee, chairman of the Salem hospitaL board, said that the service of the hospital would be offered in case of necessity. Prof. J. C. Nelson, principal of the high school, said that nj genorat assemblies were being held in the school and that pupils were sent home if they developed colds. Dr. A. B. Starbuck said no eases had been reported at Dallas and thot that people were becoming (unduly alarmed. He said soldiers had been at tacked by the disease on account of their life in the barracks. That people should take care of the mouth and throat by antiseptic gargles. His advice was to stay home, avoid crowds, have plenty of air in sleeping quarters and not become panic stricken as this is nothing but the grip that has been with us every year. 1 Dr. Griffith of the Oregon Btate hos pital said that antiseptic gargles were a preventative and in reply to the question said that a teaspoonfut of salt to a glass of water was about the Tight proportion for a gargle. To the suggestion that the jmysi cians of the city be called to discuss the situation, Dr. Miles said he was in favor of the idea. Dr. C. E. Caehatt, city physician, said that no cases had been reported in the city and that sev eral colds had been reported from. Mt. Angel. In a general discussion, the physi cians agreed there was no cause for alarm or drastic measures such as clos ing the town. All that was necessary in case a cold developed, that the pa tient should stay at home and observe .y.. --TtT-f -mm f-ilirtn flirt ftosTJ fffi VI Hi if - -a-it.na.ai .i mmym GERMMUOSE MiLUOH SINCE DRIVE BEGUN General Sir Frederick Maurice Calls Attention To Grow ing German Weakness London, Oct. 11. (By Wireless Press) Writin in fh T.nmlnn Hail.. XY ! General Sir Frederick Mauricv declared that since the second battle of the Mar ne the Germans have lost 200,000 in pris oners an,) have suffered casualties to talling 1,000,000 men. 'A, they haw been unable to make good this loss," he - declares, "they' nave naa to reuuee tneir estauiisnments on the western front by not less than half a million men. During this same period, allied strength on the western front has been- growing steadily, as more and more American -troops have eome into the field, so the balance of military power in the west is changing very rapidly in our favor. "This is the main fact to kvep in mind in considering the military situa tion in the west. It is of more import ance than the piercing of the enemy's; strongest defenses, or the re-capture of great towns. The enemy's eouiuiKmente in the west are greater than he can nievt and ho must therefore reduce them." PERSONALS . I M. Denny left Thursday for Quincy, Washington. G. W. Skwls anj w'f ot Ncwberg are registered at the Bligh. Dr. C. E. Cashatt is in Mt. Angel to day of professional business. Arthur Leeing left yesterday over the Oregon; Electric for Seattle. Mrs. Geo. Falk hag been spending a fvw days at Halsey with her nephew Chas. Mishler, who was injured recently in a runaway. Mrs. Lola Edwards received a tol gram this morning hat her son Clarence M. Martin was ill of pneumonia at Camp Meade, Md. A telegram was received this morning by Mrs. Jessie M. Crossan of 877 Oak street, Salem, that her son Konneth Crossan had died of pneumonia thit morning at 2:40 o'clock at the navy hos pital at Portsmouth, Va. He was a grandson of Robert Grossan and huu been in the service since last December. The body will be brought to Salem for burial but it is thought it will not reach the city until about' this tirm next week. Central Howell Bed Cross Auxiliary will hold an ice cream social and give a home talent program Saturday evening at ....their hall. But the big ewnt of the evening is not the ice cream, but that a horse has been presented to the auxiliary by Frank Durbin and numbers will be sold on the horse wlwreby the person holding the right number will come into possession wit, but a small expense. Everybody is invited to come and take a chance on the horse and al so enjoy a social evening. the usual rules of health laid down for a cold or if in doubt, call a l'hysi cian. - - - - - - - 9 - aAl 2 1 Week Eid Special x : . : E : Friday-Saturday Women $ Ready To Wear Plush Coats Beautiful garments. Some plain witi self belts and buckle trim, others fur trim and large collars. This season's newest effects at very attractive pri ces reduced for Friday and Saturday DRESSES! In an array that should appeal from an economical view. We have selected at random 30 dresses ranging in prices up to 28.50, and offer them Friday and Saturday at $17.95 SUITS! Of the newest modes. Well tailored and good materials. 25 in the lot, that are hard to duplicate and are good values worth up to $45 Friday and Saturday $26.95 When you see it in our ad it's so. No outside inter ests to serve. Our personal concern is in Salem first, last and all the time. Purchase your needs from Sa lem merchants and help build up our home town. You can Always do Better at JLL v JlcooMcooDs uzLs FOR TRADE MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE ON FINE CORNER LOT FOUR BLOCKS FROM STATE HOUWE. ALL CLEAR AND PAVING PAID FOR WANT 40 ACRES IMPROVED OB UNIMPROVED LAND. . ,. i' SEE J. 8. AUSTIN, H. A. JOHNSON & CO. ROOM 2, LADD & BUSH BAND BLDG TODAY and A ' V . w aiiace ien The Source Her eyes drifted over his ragged,..!,, K ..,.tod cluthcg. Thoy lifted to his unelcan face covered., with., its. w i k-old beard. HU eyes met hcrs and he knew she loathed hiin. Vet, befoic many months slM loved him be cause the look in his oyeg had given the knight of the road a new grip on life, and he had found himself "SLFJTHS" A Mac!: Sennett Comedy o THE REGO I II TOMORROW A. i . ( '-''... V 4 yf rf- 1 Sr . 1 I 'its in PATHE NEWS PICTORIAL f t t 4- i