THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON FRIDAY. OCTOBER 11. 1918. PAGE THREE LATEST WARBULLETLNS London, Oct. 11. lighting was re sumed this morning along the whole front The allies carried on a terrific bombardment which, was clearly aud ible as far away as Amiens. The American units fighting with the British this morning faced a single trench three or four yards wide guard ed by heavy wire, behind Vaux and Audigny. - The present battle tyie from the Searpe to the Jleuse river, covers be tween 175 and 200 mile. All along this front the enemy's front has been shat tered by repeated British, French and American and Italian attacks. MMMt 4 m IIOII M M S ' A? .p - L fir v - tePpi I 1 il : 11 JfeiH- ill tlCa 3 i I Ice Boxes on-Wheels. I Refrigerator cars for carrying meat are ice boxes traveling on wheels. Most people in America-would have' to go without fresh meat, or would have to pay more for what they could get, if it were not for these traveling ice boxes. Gustavus F. Swift, the first Swift in the packing industry, saw the need of these traveling ice boxes before others. He asked the railroads to build them. The railroads refused. They were equipped, and preferred to haul cattle rattier than dressed beef. So Gustavus F. Swift had to make the cars himself. The first one was a box car rigged up to hold ice. Now there aro 7,000 Swift refrigerator cars. Each one is as fine an ice box as 3'ou have in your home. , x Day,and night, fair weather and foul, through heat and cold, these 7,000 cars go rolling up and down the country, keeping meat just right on its way to you. Thus another phase of Swift & Company'3 activities has grown to meet a need no one else could or would supply, in a way that matched Swift & Company ideas cf being useful. , ,. -When you see one of these Swift & Company cars in a train, or on a siding, you will be reminded of what is being dons for you as the fruit of experience and a desire to serve. Lend the Way They Fight I MiVJ Rim I iharrhr tirrAr 1 '"HawHwwTcfHag)'ti wmm Swift & Company, U. S. A. Berlin Official Report. Berlin, Via London, Oct. 11. Can adian troops advancing beyond Sailly were thrown back, with heavy losses," the war office announced today. ' "Between St. Etienne and the Aisne we withdrew according to plan and undisturbed by the enemy to position in the rear on 'both sides of Grand Pre to the north bank of the Aire. "On the east bank of the Meuse, strong American attacks were deliver ed all day between Sivry and Haumont wood. All were beaten back by Bran denburg and Saxon divisions after bit ter fighting. "Newly arrived troops are in fight ing contact with the Serbians and French south of Nish,' -.: - '::1 iAIArVLEY 24 IN. DEVON 2 IN. Am COLLARS jClUETT. PEABODT 4 CO., INC. MAKERS 4 Prune Situation Just a Little More Encouraging The life of the prune packer is not a very liappy one, especially sifcice there is such a demand by the grow lers for their money while at the same , time the packers have nothing but promises or orders for shipping next December or January. Everything has foeen held ,up by the federal food ad ministration that has been figuring for . the .past four weeks how much damage wag done. by rains in Califor- As an example of conditions, the Dra gej Fruit Co. received Sept. 25 a let ter saying that an allotment would be rushed through calling for the ship ment of 1,000,000 pounds of Italians and 320,000 pounds of Pctites and this from an official. Today after waiting more than three weeks for the orders that was to be rushed, the Drager Fruit Co. received an order not for the 1,000,000 pounds of Italians but for the 320,000 pound ordr of Pctites. This looked at first encouraging, but the order closed with instructions that one half of the shipment was to be made to a foreign, port in Dtceniber and the othor half in January. An or der good for two or three months in the future does not relieve the present situation. A wire was received today by the company to ship half a million pounds of prunes in SO pound boxes to JSng lnd, with the further information that contracts and shipping instruc tions would be mailed. It 'will be at least ten days before those instruc tions are received and of course the order is held up until about Oct. 17. A letter was received by Drager from W. B. Ayer, state federal food administrator, that the quartermast er's department at Portland was in structed to receive 10,000,000 pounds J KEEP YOUR SHOSKEAT I of prunos from the growers in the northwest and that shipments could be made at once. This seemed quite en couraging until this morning by tele phone it was learned that the quarter master's department in Portland claims it has no authority to receive any such shipment. Hence the life of the prune packer is not a happy one. May Be Necessary to Engage Secretary For Red Cross For the benefit of those who are still in doubt ns to the next meeting of members of tWiJJamette chapter, American Red Cross, headquarters iij oaiem nas issued a letter giving the Auiiuwiug miormanon: Owisg to late instructions received from Seattle headauarters. the at of the annual meeting has been changed loon, IS i- TtrJ. . uth w io vTcanesuay, uct. 6, at 2 o'clock in the Commercial club au ditorium. The rocent action of tho nominat ing committee is null and void-as the new regulations received just a few uayg ago provide that a board of di rectors of the chanter be electd thn annual meeting. The first duty of the t it f .... . ooara or directors will be to elect an executive committee. Hence the Bed Cross situation is that on the afternoon of Oct. 23 tho board of directors will be elected and a soon as possible the executive com mittee will be elected and it is this executive committct that will be re sponsible for the affairs of Willam ett echaptcr for the coming year. One of the first things that will re quire the attention of the executive committee is that of securing a secre tary or manager for headquarter in the U. 8. National bank building. The work requires a competent ex ecutive that will give full time every day from 8:30 in the morning until 5 or 6 o'clock in the evening and be re sponsible for all the busrncss of the Red Cross which includes the handling of 300O a month. At the eipenso of their health and also their household duties, many wo men have patriotically given their time to the Red Cross for the past 19 months But these , women who have so effi ciently handled the work cannot con tinue to. give their entire time. And the same is true of the work of the social service department. In both de partments the work has become so heavy that in order to eontinne the J Italians Attack Line. Borne, Oct. 11. Surprise attacks by British, Italian and French uuits on the Asiago plateau penetrated the Aus trian, trenches in seven places, the war office announced today. 'We inflicted heavy losses on the enemy and took 400 prisoners. " . the statement- added. . Washington, Oct. 11. Princo Eitel is prominently mentioned in Germany as successor to the throne in case the kaiser abdicates, diplomatic cables de clare, . i. - jj .t'aJ,2!T2 PAINS IN BACK AND SIDE Yield to Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. lltilliniMMItlllltltlllHIII l2i Hilly jKatat t"f.v II 111 iiiiii N- . " r o ' Kansas City, Kansas. "I suffered from pains in my back and side caused uy a lunctionai de rangement, i was nprvnna n n A h A headaches nmnt nf tiie time. So many people recom mended Lydia E, Pinkhnm'a Vacra. table Compound to me, i iriea it ana after taking six bot tles T una wall. T rln not think thn Voir a. tableCompound c&W man's ailments." Mrs. L.Timmekman, 3011 N. Hutchings St, Kansas City, Kansas. , Women who suffer from headaches, nervousness, backache, the blues and othersymptomsof a functional derange ment should give this famous toot and herb remedy a trial. For forty years It has been overcom ing such ailments of women after other medicines have failed. If you want special suggestions In regard to your condition, write Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. The result of long experience is at your service, and your letter will be held in strict confidence. the past- it will be necessary to secure competent help on a sulary basis. Officer Wright Has a Hunch And Arrests Auto Thieves Two boys "of Portland were placed in the city jail last evening charged with stealing an automobile and their adventures all the way from Portlnnd to Salem reads more like a Nick Car ter novol than the real tiuth. Stealing a Dodgo car yesterday in Portland, the boys headed south. Port land officers started after them, in the meantine notifying Oregon City As the boys drove through Ore gon City, six shots were fired at them, one of the bullets passing through the rear of the car. The police department of Salem was out after them covering the diflcrcnt roads coming into Salem from the north But the boys succoeded in evading the wathcers and came into Salem, hiding the car in a secluded place between Marion and North Liberty street. Officer J.. E. Wright found the car about 1::30 o'clock this morning and a short time later located the boys in a rooming house at worth Commer cial street. He arrested them and com pelled the boys to get the car and drive it to the police station where they, were registered at 3:30 o'clock this morning. A wire from Portland instructed tho police officials here to hold the boys until an officer arrived. One of the boys is 16 years old and the other 17. The 'theft of a Seattle car located in Salem two days ago was by a boy about 17 years old all -of which incline the police to believe that mo for almost all automobile thefts. it is boys of this ago that are responsi Ma don't havfe to fix my lunch Post TOASTIES and mc fix that up together. ( WAOl OW COHH ) HP i of Autumn's Newest Creations in High Grade 1 IT IT - nmmea oats Beginning Today, October 11th, at 10 a. m. Salem's Greatest and Only Exclusive Women's Apparel Store will inaug urate the most phenomenal sale of Young, Ladies' and Women's trimmed Hats ever known in Salem. Clever new shapes of Velvets, Valours, Plush, Beaver, etc., frequently combined with Satin Crepe and other fine mater ials -French Felts, Tailored Effects, Turban, and large Velvet Hats aro included, many are neatly trimmed with wings, Ostrich feathers, Eibbons and new distinctive ornaments. The assortment include small, medium and large shnnm. black mi, I nil l.i;.. ...i, . . , r..., .... ,w tiu.uug cuiuib uitr rt'preseineu. Anil again we are prepared to make; the phenomenal offer at this time and so Pflrlv 111 tllfl mknurtil. Knna.ian 1 . ... Uv.uu,., vwnuDU W4. ttu viiuimuuB purcnase maae or our JNew York buvern to hn flisrtrilnt,l o,n,iu . , , I I.. " . - - v ..6o. uui luiiuuo Biuit-s in an me lean ing cities of Oregon and Washington. The Portland Cloak & Suit Company, s ic-nit-i Bjjparci Biore, ana one or the latest and perhaps the greatest addition to our chain of clonk and suit stores, will include for this Croat event one hnnHrpil tint. .nlAifA , . , , - wim Aiwiu irKumr biui'k, similar to KOlllA Wft Rnlil nr. in 100 1, .l,;..l. 1 1.- j . ..... i v. j r v- v, .i ni.iv.ii no iibvo innrneu uown as art addition al inducement to have you visit our store and become a regular custom er of our hat shop. To make selections easy we will arrange tho hat8 in two lots on our tab es and showcases, but none of tho hats displayed in our show windows will be removed or sold until after the sale begins at 10 a. m. Friday morn ing. Come early for firBt and best choice. Trimmed Hats, wrth regular. .$5.00 SALE PRICE Trimmed Hats, worth regular. .$5.75 ' Trimmed Hats, worth regular. .$6.50 fC 95 Trimmed Hats, worth regular. .$7.00 " JJt5 ?!S5!ar:-!I SALE PRICE "lu ixawj, wuriu xeguiar. .ibo.zo Trimmed Hats, Worth regular. .$9.50 Trimmed Hats, worth regular $10.50 SEE WINDOW DISPLAY 8 Special Values In Wom en's Fail Dresses The season's most stylish models away below present values tier, ges, Silks, Georgttc, Satins, Vel veteens, Jerseys, Silk and Serge, and Silk and (icorgotto Combin ations in fact dresses of every description for every woman who wishes to be well gowned, A most fascinating collection in an al most endless number of the sty los most favored this full. The new round neck models, some braided, beaded and button trim med. Somo have the vogish "bell" sleeve that is so much admired. A great number ofthe best of apron panels with deep fringe trimming, or embroidery and braiding most effectively com bined. Handsome tailored effects, too in the most becoming styles imaginable. Such colorings as Hlack, Navy Blue, Taupe, I'oilu, Biege, Steel Grey, Brown, White, Rose, Lavender. Apricot etc prices from $15.75 to $50 Women's and Misses' Coats and Suits Specially Priced $29.50 Here are coats and suits from America's best makers, in a multitude of smart sty les for street and dress oc casions. Some are plain tail ored models. Others in nov elty styles. Many with large collars trimmd with furs and plush. Materials are trico tine, serges, broadcloths, burillas, velours, gabardines Silvertone velour, Bollevia and mixtures in prevailing colors. Friday and Saturday Special $29.50 I ml Mezzanine Floor Where Lower Women's And Misses New Coats $16.50 New Fall and Winter Coats, Kerseys, Homespuns and mixtures, half or full belted models, some with large collars trimmed - with fur, special today $16.50 Prices Prevail Nothing Over $25 Fall And Wmter Coats $24.75 Best of materials including Velours, Kerseys, Velveteen, Homspun and Man nish mixtures. Browns, Greys, Blues, Taupes, Black, etc., principally plain models made with belts extending all the way. Special today. ....... $24.75 STOCKTON'S CORNER Salem's Greatest Woman's Apparel Store t work as efficiently as it hag been in