Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 11, 1918, Image 1

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Only Circulation in SaVm Guar
anteed by the Audit Burets x
franco-Americans Now En
gaged In Mopping Up Ar
gonne Forest.
Yankees Have Taken (her
" Seven Thousand Prison
ers Since Tuesday .
London, Oct 11.-1:06 p! m.) Al
lied patrols have entered Grand Pre,
according to battle front dispatches
recaived here -today. The enemy is
holding the heights to the northward.
Th)i Germans are said to be evacu
ating the Cheniin des-Dames region.
Eome, Oct. 11. Italian correspond
ents on the western front declare the
Germans hare begun an evacuation of
village near the Swiss-Alsatian front
ier, forty villages between BaaQe and
Oolmar having been cleared.
Inhabitants of Mulgausen, Colmar,
Altkirch rerVet and other villages, it
U asserted,: have bjen ordered to be
ready to evacuate at a moment's no
tice. By Fred S. Ferguson
(United Press staff correspondent)
With the American Fwst Army, Oct.
II. (1 p. m.) Heavy fighting is con
tinuing in the Argonne, region. The
Germans are being pushed completely
off the heights north of the bend in
me Aire river, east of. Gjand Pre.
The enemy is constantly throwing in
fresh divisions to stop the American
advance. Latest information indicates
the Germans have only about six fresh
divisions left,- the others being only
slightly rested or in action.
Total prisoners since Tuesday have
reached 7001) and are increasing.
All German lines of communiciition
are under constant bombardment from
Airplanes and artillery.
By Frank J. Taylor
(United Press staff correspondent)
With the American First Army, Oct.
11. The Americans and French are
seizing the last portions of the Kreim
bilde line on a wide front from the
Meuse to west of the Argonne forest.
Additional advances of five kilo
meters (three miles) at gome points
have closed the western entrance to
the Grand Pre: pass and given them
practical control of the eastern entrance
In mopping up, the part of the for
est between the pass, great difficulty
was encountered about LeHezogne and
.orney, but after those villages fell
the French sad. Americang swept for
ward over Marcq and Cheviereg to the
aouthern outskirts of St. Juvin.
To the eastward across the Aire, the
jlougbboys have consolidated the' po
itions they won yesterday despite vi
cious counter attacks.
In the past two days the Americans
fcave taken more than 4000 prisoners
on the Argonne-Mense front.
American anti-aircraft batteries, it
was announced today, shot down 32
German airplanes in the St.- Mihiol
nod Argoune battle.
By Fred g. Fguson
(United Press staff correspondent)
With the American First Army, Oct.
II French troops, cooperating with
the Americans in the Argonne. have
reached the outskirts of Grand Pre.
Further to the left, the French have
n'ized the railway station at the west
ern approach to the Grand Pre pass.
The important cut throuthe Argonne
massif is thus in control of the allies
'id the most important defenses in
thu great forest have been wiped out.
Americans, to the eastward, have
reached fltmmeranee, and occupied an
other large section of the Kriemhilde
fflllfMffiifillfl FIR- Mf illF f WK
(jp I till 4 1
0Rl7 mniy-ie
Japanese Liner Torpedoed
Suryivors Shelled
Without- Warning And
Two Hundred And Forty On
American Steamer Killed
By U-Boat Shell Fire
An English Port, Oct. 1L Tales of
atrocities rivaUing tho. most piratical
deeds of German submarines were told
here today as the story of the sinking
of tho- Japanese ship Hirano Maru was
pieced out -from-the pitifully -small
number of '.passenger's" and crew who
were saved. ' , . ,
Nearly 300 are missing.
The attack of the submarine wa?
without warning. Not a boat could be
swung over the side of the stricken
vessel in time for anybody to get
board. Only the swift response of an
American destroyer to the calls for aid
flashed out in the brief moments left
to the wireless, made it possible for
29 persons to be taken from the cold
waters. The submarine remained in the
vicinity and fired two torpedoes at
the destroyer which ignored the pi
rate, until the crew picked up the strug
gling victims. Then she turned firing
shots and dropping depth bombs. At
tacked, the U-boat fled. Survivors de
clared they were fast becoming ex
hausted when the destroyed appeared.
The sight of bodies of passengers and
Brew who failed to escape,, was lower
ing their powers of resistance.
Five Japanese women, two nurses
and three children were among those
The Hirano Maru was 7936 tons
gross and was built in 1908. She was
registered at Tokio. She was a steel,
twin screw passenger vessel.
Heavy Loss Of Life
An Irish Port, Oet. 11. Four hun
dred and eight persons arc believed to
have been lost .when the Irish Mail
steamer Leinster was torpedoed and
sunk off the Irish coast Thursday. The
ship was torpedoed twice in succession
and disappeared within a short time.
The Leinster was proceeding from
Dublin to Holyhead.
Tho Leinster was a packet, the prop-
(Continued on page two)
Dr. Mopps hag borrowed Tell Bink-
Iey'u auto for Sunday. We don't see
how some- folks git along anlesg they
profit by thvr mistakes.
General March .Chief Of Staff Jells Of Great American
Force Aiding In Focb's Offensive. Progress ? Of Battle
Continues Very Favorable To Allied Troops and German
Position Grows More Critical DaHy. Prisoners Captured
In Two Months 248,494 On West Front : ;
Washington, Oct. 11. America has
now reached nearly 2,000,000 tnen in
troop shipments from her shores, Gen
eral March announced today.
More than 1,900,000 men re now in
Europe, March said, and shipments are
continuing. . - j
To assure victory, the war depart
ment changed the draft ages so that
2,000,000 men might reach France as
soon as possible, and asked more mon
ey for supplies and ordnance.
The capture of LeCateau by the Brit
ish, March pointed out, brings the-al-liecl
f oreoe to wkhia-14 miles of the
most strategic town, .of Aulnoye -the,
geat junction point f- 4w tailreada
comprising the chief . artery of com
munication of the German forces in
Belgium aud France. -.
One branch leads to Maubeuge and
Liege, and the other leads to Metz, An
advance of a fe more miles, he said,
will put this lino under command of
the allied guns.
The enemy's resistance in the LeCa
teau region is shattered and constant
pressure of the allied forces is keep
ing the Germans constantly on the go,
March declared. '
In the north the British are 12 miles
from Valenciennes and communications
with that city are threatened.
From September 1 to 30, March said,
tho allied armies captured 2834 offi
cers, 120,192 men, 1(1,000 gung and
more than 10,000 machino guns.
From July 15 to September 30 they
captured 248,494 men and 3099 guns
and vast quantities of other weap
ons. These figures do not include cap-
Political Offensive Started In
Senate By Members Of
Minority Party.
By L. C. Martin.
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, Oct. 10. Discussion of
President Wilson's response to the Ger
man peace note, broke in the senate to
day when senators poured into the rec
ord telegrams and letters received from
back home, demanding that the United "B l" "Br 88 " u"f lu
,j aw b. i, nnnHi.ibe eudedl If we aren't we should ave
t.iors '""'t.,. . j iL .. . . .
tional surrender of the Gvrman militar- ken the much greater onus of not get-
(ting into the war," he declared
"Those of us who commended Presi-L ' W that all over the United
dent Wilson because he kept us out of,81",- th ?' ,bc,n Pl'"ed."
war will most severely condemn him! alt ' JIT ' "? l ,th!
now if he gets u. out of it too won," P'nt might have sent a note that
wrote a Marysville, Ohio, pastor to! wou1'1 not have plat.ou or
Swiator Harding. Harding had tho let-jiutrepivtationf " asked Lodge,
ter read. It provoked from Senator "I wanted a note like that to Aus
Pittman. Nevada, the statement that i tria-Hungary, which went out with
the writer.ghowed total ignorance of the! . , . , . .
. , ,. . 'great acclaim. Joooay was puzzled by
president s language,. hence could not, ' r '
understand his purpose. that n(te; 14 w the cho,;e of the Am-
Pittman th-an assailed Senator Lodgc,'erican people."
republican leader, for his public criti-l '
cism of President Wilson's course. WHAT IS THE LIBERTY LOAN?
Lodge, Pittman said, docs view the res- 1
ponse to Prince Max with the same un- It' forts and it's ship and it's shining
dertanding and approval given it liyi guns
the great mass of the Amvrican people. 'It's sqpadrons that sweop the sea.
'If Senator Lodge desires a test of It's all of tho circling band of steel
his poace plan and that of President That shall keep all the home shores free.
Wilful, " said Pittman, "he will have It's grub and it's warmth for the sailor
it at the coming election. He must not' lad '
l.e ofl'cii h:(l wLbii I say that he is not as Far out on tho wintry foam.
gi-;nt a i-.mn as Woodrow Wilson."
Replying to Pittman, Lodge said he
Jft t
i. i-li If
tures of men and material by General
Allenby in Palestine, Mai'fli declared.
In the Balkans and in Albania,
March points out, the allies are press-
ing forward
March located specific units as fol
lows: ' r
Ninetv First division, in the training
area in Trance; Delaware troops, con
tained in the 78th division have re
cently reported in the line, exact loca
tion unknown, but probably in the
Wocvre; 329th infantry and the 83rd
are in the training area in Francer rtill"Tr of the British, French and Am
147th Is in tho Vosges on the line; erican armies,- are accentuating the
33td division, eomped of the Fourth, GermaR retirement today on the whole
!!grr7 "
reported in the Marne attack; the B2rt, Tnere tiff nwnlr cMn gun op
pioneer infantry, the 320th field ar-, position at some points. In one place
tuiery ana tue bjiw division were re-
March announced that the American
divisions forming the first line in the
attack oh the St. Mihiel salient were
as follows, from left to right: ,
- Fourth, Twenty Sithj Forty Sec:
ond, Eigthy Ninth' and Second.
The 29th division is in the line in
the Vosges; the 52nd pioneer infantry
is not yet in tho line. The Ninetieth
division was on the line in the St. Mi
hicl region October 4. The 42nd divis-,
ion (Rainbow) was on the line in the
'"0,,vre I enemy bvtwecn the Souchez and the
March declared the first courier has oiBt are spreading out fan-wise and en
reached here from General Pershing iargig the gigantic wedge now drlv
bringing lis s -of about 16 000 names j into tuo h(,art of tne 0etman r.
rated as "slight casualties" and run- .
: I 1 .1.. A- - Ai.-innes.
ung .one ior muni,,,. s soon as vne
naf pan ho nnmnllon if will n 01 von tn
... . 8
1 ' 1
i,.i !n. .1 ."i..i
hnd r.r.nnrAn with nhfinliir.- ffnrtfiintv An
., ,ifi,,' i, .!. - i u i ..
a definite conclusive reply by the pres
."I am sanding with the president on
liia s lifuiu of September 7, against
Ilia note of queries and inquiries," said
Lodge, after ouoting from tho presi
dent's New York speech that portion
which said the United States couldov
er come to terms with Gvrmany be
cause, "we do not think the same
thoughts or speak tho same language of
Lode said his one 'great regrete' was
that President Wilson ghould ak Prince
Max .u( ulions and thus begin a debate
witt him, after that great description
of Cumany.
Prince Max, Lodge said, can rcpre
ssut only ihe constituted authority of
ti:0 German empire.
"Tins president asks whether Germany
will accept his fourteen principles. Thsy
nto not terms they are broad, general
principles. In a case like this, it is tho
details that are vital.
"Ag to fixing the onus for the war-
are we not already to take it, in order
For the brave jack tar, as he fights afar,
It's the good old "money from home.",
-V 1 1 r 1 jj. I J Ana ciuraay, eneraiiv lair ex-
El jx ' - I d is -t ....
Allied Forces Beyond Hinden
burg Line Are Spreading
North And South
In Places Northeast Of Cam
brai German Retreat Has
Become Precipitate
With The British Armies In France
Oct. 11. Cavalry, tanks, Infantry and
the Germans used an own air shrine as
a stronghold.
One American division passed through
Bohain at great speed today toward
Horlits into the fighting in Andigny
forest. '
By Lowell Mcllett.
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
With The British Armies In France
Oct. 11. British. French and American
troops, pressing on after the retreating
Th h th t f th
' . . 0 w ' '
, British ar now only ten miles southwest
I of Valcenienncs. British troops are also
'. reportod in Beaumont, four miles west
'of Douai. Tho British are beyond Lo
Cateau. The roads running northeast
ward and southeastward from that placo
are congestvd with enemy traffic. Low
flying allied aeroplanes are exacting a
terrible toll from tho confused masses.
The Americans, pushing on after the
capture of Busigny, have encountered
stiff resistance in the big Domanisle-
Andigny forest, between Bohain and
To the southward, the French aic
battling along the Sambrc-Oise canal
and have approached to within five
miles of Guise
By John De Gant
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Paris, Oct. 11. (10:22 a. m.) The
Germans are retreating precipitately
northeastward from Cambrai in tho gen
eral direction of Denatn and Valcenicn
East of Cambrai tlw allies are bey
ond Solcsmg and LeCateau. East of Ht
Quentin the French have reached tho
Oise at Hautevillo, and are nesring the
Grand Valley and Guise region.
The enemy has sot fir0 to Vouziers,
the important railway town on the west
ern edgw of the Argonne. forost. Farther
to the east, between the Argonne and
the Meuse the Franco-American in con
Halg's Official Report.
London, Oct. 11 American troops
completed the capture of Vaux-Andigny
and St. Souplet (south of LcCnteau)
yesterday evening, Field Marshal Haig
reported today.
"North of Cambrai a few prisoners
were taken last night the villafcv of
Hem-Lenglet, (on the Sensen river, five
miles and a half north of Cambrai.)
"Vfp made progress last night, north
of the Scarpo in thw direction of Izol-Lez-Escuerchin,
als0 east of Haullau
mincs, and along the north bank of the
Haute-Deulo canal east of Lens."
"Yesterday evening the Americans
completed the capture of Vaux-Andigny
and St. Souplet," the statement said.
"British troops crossed the Hell river,
north of LeCateau, in the eastern por
f " -
Every Reason To Believe Pre
sident Wilson Will Stand
No QuibbFEg In Reply
London, Oct. 11 Germany's reply
to President Wilson, according to an
Amsterdam dispatch to the Express
today quoting "authoritative sourc
es," will ba as follows:
"Germany will evacuate Belgium
and France, providing peace negotia
tions are begun in a neutral country
before the evacuation Is completed and
providing the aUiea will give their as
surance that German territory, includ
ing Als&cjLorraine and Polish Bussia
wlU not be demanded.
"During the neace nMrotition rw.
man troops are to remain in Bussia
and Rumania." ,
Amsterdam, Oct. 11. The kaiser has
summoned to Berlin three sovereigns of
the German federal states, for a crown
council to be held tomorrow before dis
patching Germany's reply to Americas
note, according to a Cologne dispatch
received here today. . b
Unofficial reports state thitt the
German reply already has been dtft
d at a conlerence of Chancellor Max
lmillian, Vice Chancellor Von Peyer
and the German ministers and military
t . " ' By Robert J. Bender
(United Press staff correspondent)
Washington, Oct. 11 That tho kais
er and his militaristic crew will at
tempt evasion and counter proposals
when they roply to President Wilson's
peace note 'inquiries, was the, convic
tion in well informed circles here to
day. According to reports received here,
the German reply will be submitted to
tho reichstag in order to give it the
semblance of "approval by the peo
pit." Many careful observers of German
practices believe the reply will run
about thus: v
"Germany will accept tho presidents
14 points if they are made to apply to j
America t friends as well as ner ene
mies. "Germany will evacuate Belgium
and northern France and draw all but
tion, of which fighting is still going
"West of Solcsmcs we reached Ha
outskirts of St. Vaast and St. Auurt."
Trench War Office Version. I
Paris, Oct. 11 French troops main
tained contact with t,le retreating Ger
mans on many fronts throughout last'
night, the war office announced today.
t Important gains were made m the
Champagno and Chsmln-'Des-Damcs re
gions. The French linos wore carried to
within thrco miles of Vouziers, in the
former district and to within four miles
of Craonne in th letter. Craonne is
now practically encircled.
The French occupied Scmido, togeth
er with several other villages west of
Through the night we maintained
contact with thw retreating enemy at
different points on tho front," tho
communique said.
"North of the Aisne wo occupied and
passed Chivy and Moulins. The Italians
reached a point south of C'ourtecoa.
Wo hold the C'hemin-Des-Dames to the
hv-ights of Cerny-En-Laonnois (four
miles west of raonne.)
"In the Champagno we reached the
north bank of th0 Suippo - at many
points between St. Eticnno and Uoiilt-Hur-Huippo
and also at Warmervillo
Vaudetiw and St. Masmes. - -
"Further eastward we are pursuing
the enemy. We captured Bcmide Mont
Ht, Martin and Brioref."
Progress of Serbians."
London, Oct. 11. Further progress in
Serbia was reported by the Serbian war
office today. The statement said ie
line of Lipovitza and Kossantchiech had
been reached.
' "Despite violent machine gun fire
We captured Plnutine, Chevy Dc Vern
euil, (ionrtronne and Boureemin. East of
Oeilly, we crossed the Aisno and drove
tho enemy back northwards. We occu
pied Pargnan and BeaUrieux. Furthei
vast we gained ground north of Berry.
"In the Champagne, the enemy began
a retirement toward the Aisue," ,
necessary police forces' out of oth
er occupied territory, provided Great
Britain evacuates the German eolonies
and Japan prepares to return Kiaa
To the president's pointed inquiry
as to just whom Prince Maj represent
ed in submitting his peace appeal, au
thorities look for some such reltr as
this: J
"Germany is undergoing a political
revolution and in the process of this
change, insofar as U is possible for any
one man to apeak for the people as a
whole, Prince Max so speaks."
(Officials here believe Max will ask
the reichstag to approve his peace prof
fer or give him the voto of confidence
that he may "put over" this claim.'
That President Wilson will enter no
bickering or quibbling over such evas
ions, if made, probably definitely as
sured. Tho allies and America are tho
victors they shall dictate what shall
or shall not be done.
Secretary Lansing declared in an ad
dress last night at Auburn, N. Y., "wa
know the German military leaders and
their forces will be defeated," and
to indicate, this government's contin
ued determination to see that the Hoh
eiizollerns "get'their dues" out or the
war, Lansing stated:-
"When the time comes to balance
.th. account and H seems io be draw
ing near as the Vassals of. Germany
seek refuge from the day of wrath
the authors of tho .frightful wrongs
committed against mankind shall not
be forgotten." ' .
' Hence there is little indication that
Kaiser Wilhelm will have such luck in
trying to save himself by "passing the
buck," to the president.
Such evasion, as indicated above, au
thorities said, would prove rathor dafi
nitcly that the kaiser made his orig
inl move to create dissension among
the allies. .
To prevent even tho opportunity for
this stroke before the allies have se
cured complete unity of purpose and
counsel tho same as unity of com
mand was the reason President Wil
son made .his liberty loan address ia
Now York on Siptember 27. It ap
pears more than evor necessary now
that all the allies get together prompt
ly on their war aims to effectually
ward off any possible diplomatic coup
d'etat by tho Teutons.
Germany's game to convince the.
world t hut real, tangible steps have
been .taken toward democratization of
the empire, is falling flat, high officials
declared today. Each day reveals that
the biggest game of caniouflaao yet
undertaken by tho kaiser and his ad
visers, is under way, they said. Partic
ular attention was given by them to
the much heralded imperial decree of
September 30, by. which Prince Ma
was named chancellor and given -certain
powers to include in his cabinet,
members of the reichstag.
Tho text of this decreo has nover
been published, officials poiuted out.
If it contained any real vital meas
ures of democratization, guch as radical
modification of election laws and mak-
u- .....11,1. . n a. nw.l..'
stag, officials said- it would have been
widely printed by the German press.
The fact that the press has had vir
tually nothing to say about it, shows
it is valueless, officials asserted, and
leaves the power of "the constituted
authorities" of Germany unimpaired. --
The German decree, it was pointed,
is the product of the will of the kaiser
himsjlf. The reichstag had nuthi'g to
do with it. Mux and his eabinet are
still no more responsible to the people
than were their predecessors." '
The frequent reports of the kaiser's
abdication and the relinquishment ot
com-maml and physical breakdown of
Uidendorff are part of the German
camouflage game to convey tne idea
that Germany's inner front is more
shaken than it is, officials warned.
By John De Gandt
Paris, Oct. 11. (3.55 p. m.)-French
and American troops havo made addi
tional important gains in tho Cham
pagne and Argonne regions. The Am
ericans arc reported to be north of tha
Grand Pre pass, and to be advancing
north in that region. North of the Ar
gonne forest the French have reached
tho lint of LaNeiivUle-En-Tourne-A-Fny,
Curay and Signy, and arc on tho
outskirts of Machault, and about two
miles from Vouziers.
i.. t-. ..A.riv Ucitieh and American.
I 1IH llfl'U; r....u - r
troops have penetrated the Ardigny
iorri. cast oi juuui,