Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 10, 1918, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    ilii-'linllii 1 ill
tonal Page of The CapitalJoumat
Zditor ud Pb!ike
October 10, 1918
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
L. ft. BARNES,
8c. and Tntl.
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W. D.
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' A good many Willamette valley boys have had ex
perience in real warfare by this time. They have taken
their turn in the trenches and many of them have taken
part in the big offensive drives of the allies during the
past two months. Not many of them have yet given their
lives for their country but a considerable have received the American front north of Verdun
wounds, more or less serious, and are in the hospitals of
France. They all know the realities of war by this time
and are actors in the greatest tragedy ever enacted in the
history of the world. Their opinions are worthy of much
consideration because they are in intimate touch with the
' Almost without exception these boys write home that
they want a fight to the finish. Those in the hospitals
look forward to the time when they can rejoin their com
rades at the front; those in the training camps in the rear
have one consuming ambition, and that is to get into action
on the battle line.
These boys represent the American people. They
are thii best we could send in brain and brawn, from the
cities, towns and villages, from the farms. They come
from everv walk of life and rich and poor are marching
and fighting side bv side, representing the spirit ot dem
ocracy which conceived our great republic in its founding
and has been its inspiration to greatness and power, l hey
were not raised in warlike surroundings, they cherished
peace for the blessings it confers upon individual and na
tionbut they were tit lor war, and ready to tight ior
the honor and integrity of the nation. They have undertak
en a job that of necessity had to be done and now that it is
under way would finish it right, so that it will not have
to be done over at some future time. That is the true
American spirit, that has come down from 'the men and
women who came from the four corners of the earth to
blaze the way for the civilization that we now enjoy, and
which is now invoked to make any sacniicethat may be
required that it s blessings may still be' retained.
The pacifists and the' pro-Germans thought there
would be trembling and fear and weakness when the cas
ualty lists began to pour in. How little they knew the
I'cal American people For every youth who bathes the
soil of -France with his heart's .blood there will be two
ready and anxious to fill the gap in the line that is swing
ing with steady stride toward the Rhine and the strong'
holds of autocracv. which lie beyond it.
Prussianism is trembling before the leonine spirit of
democracy it has awakened. It's leaders have lost their
bluff and bluster and are pleading for the mercy they
never recognized before in their blind faith in the power
of military force and armaments.
France, England and other allied nations strongly
endorse, the president's reply to the German peace riote.
The soldiers in the field, of all nations, express themselves
as willing to "leave it to Wilson." Republican politicians
in this country, however, have filed a protest, giving no
tice that peace will not be accepted until -National Chair
man Hayes and other dignataries of the party have been
fully consulted. Leaders of the g. o. ,p. want to know
where they are going to get off when the dove of peace
alights on a war-torn world.
There are some things even worse than war. j For
example, a crowd of Roseburg men stood around in si
lent, helpless horror while the sheriff and his deputies
emptied 1G00 quart bottles of confiscated whiskey into
the sewer. Eugene or Albany might have staged the
scene with little effort but Roseburg 1 '
And there are still men in Salem who know they have
not done their full duty in the matter of subscribing for
liberty loan bonds. That is why the capital city's quota
has not been reached
General Pershing has in view the invasion of Germany
through Luxemburg, according to to J. W. T. Mason, the
Unitd Press war expert His opinion seems to be well
founded and all recent moves made by the Americans
seem to bear him out. Pershing is gradually widening
his front north of Verdun to give line room to launch his
drive across the German line and carry the war into the
enemy's territory.
With this end in view the Americans have lengthened
their operations to the east of the Meuse and by doing so
are now able to bring up more troops and to concentrate a
greater force against the Germans in the Argonne forest
Up to the present time, the Meuse river has been a con
sistent menace to General Pershing's right wing, as the
Argonne is 'a danger to his left. The twelve miles of
frontage between these barriers has compelled the utmost
care m the disposition of the American units and has
seriously hampered the tactical operations.
The Germans, on the east bank of the Meuse are now
being driven backward for perhaps one-half the depth of
The Meuse, there
fore is at least in. part, an American possession instead
01 a brman barrier, the continuation of pressure on the
east side of the river will greatly assist the American
movement to reacfr. the Grand Pre roadway, running
through the Argonne massif. More freedom of maneu
ver will be possible and there will be less need for caution
in guarding against a German attack on the American
The early evacuation of the Argonne has now become
incrasingly necessary for the Germans, and it is reported
this is now actually under way. It has been forced on the
attention of Von Hindenburg by this time that the Amer
icans kave a disquieting habit of suddenly rushing for
ward their objectives with thousands of prisoners before
the enemy has completed his pondering about a voluntary
retirement. General Pershing is making such dispositions
of his forces as .to suggest the possibility of just such a
lurcn into tne urana rre road, it that occurs while the
Germans still cling to the southern part of the Argonne,
none of them will ever get away.
Those bold adventureers who risk "death and prison
!M i. A.! i 1 1 1 J 1 1 , .W
m transporting coniraoana liquor tnrougn southern ore
gon should be compelled to turn their activities in other dr
rections at his time. . They might be utilized in a good
many ways in the war zone at a risk of personal injury
no greater than they are taking now in order to supply
rortiand with tangietoot juice,
Rippling Rhymes
f in j
by Walt Mason
I wonder what we'll talk about, when peace is here
once more; can we discuss our aches and gout, as in the
days of yore? Of course the war will be discussed for
long years, three or nine; but some day twill grow stale
and must take in it's gory sign. And when war talk has
had its day, and has become a crime, can we thrash out
the price of hay, as in the olden time? Can you sit down
with torpid friend, your back aeainst a wall, and talk, for
long, long hours on end, about a game of ball? And will
We will win this war
Nothing else really matters until we do!
The Flavor Lasts
you ever, do you think, wear out your trusty throat de-Jr. L. T I v1"01 ! then he would u u. own money, y his export
.. ..V i , i . , -V , j ..." 7 """at uc back; but she determined not to notice Kuth had made such a point that the hand and at the
nouncmg some long winded gink who'd like to have your it. j money they each brought in u L u
Vine.' I WOnuer Wnat Will De OUr theme When war's heen L m ne saw Biioroy.- we u considered a family affair, that gradu- Dr. Hillia
nave to at what's in the ice box."
dead so long, it seems much like an evil dream that made
a night go wrong. It's hard to think of grownup gents
in all the years to come, discussing picayunes or cents, or
pups or chwing gum. But doubtless in a little while we'll
sing the same old tune? the same old themes will be in
style for we forget so soon ! And you will spend a lot of
time discussing gnats and fleas; and I will write a noble
rhyme about the grocer's cheese.
Spanish influnza may be only another name for a
severe epidemic of the grippe. The doctors are always
springing something new in order to keep up interest in
the profession.
1 17 17
S.3. li-l ::!
nees while in SwitKor-
front. He arrived to
dVe.lnrpfl nonin nrnns.
ally Brian's attiude toward UHinir nnv- iramliat- -. .:u.j 1 . f it.
tttrr 1. 1 a 1 . t . i . 0 r ftu.uo,B Mit? nasiaicu uy H Bull VL IUB)
"Well, I'm not that is. not fluite, thino- she earned had chanted. Of course ! former hnvii. . tt",. "
Here's enough for dinner anyway." It she was right.. If she insisted upon be- a nephew of Prince Bismark, ThiUp
was her lt five dollar bill, but her mg an equal paitmor, why, he couldn't j Bcheidmann and Dr. Von Kuchlmani
week g salary was due on the morrow. I object. Yet he had a sense of shame the recent head of the German govern!
feho couldn't help wondering what he when he accepted money she had earned ment. These men, he said, make their
had done with tlw en dollars she had. more bo when he knew ho had spent headquarters at the Hotel Bellevu Psl
slipped into his vest pocket only the it making another woman have a good; ace in Berne where allied agent! also
day before Perhaps he had teen with, time. make their hendrmnrt,,,.. a 11 T -T
Mollio King after all. i 8h I had known where you iSk
"It won't bo much more !f we don't, lunching today. I might have joined l.illard room in the hotel. Dr Hillia said!
cat very much," he said ungraciously, y0u," Kuth said as they rode down- is 0rm to the Gorman f Ts
I"?" i11 r3 tUCied " t0W" n the bl"- UaXafternoon and to "h. Xd agenU
pocket. "If food goes up much, highej; Brian shivered at his narrow escape., from 3 to 5 to avoid tronhU
we'll have to live without eating." And changod the subject. , yuum-
Kuth couldn't quitc seo his point, as she! When .they arrived at the roof gardwn ' .wrl,Tf(.
had uaid th house bill, ever siiicn tl.evWnj fnn a tnhl.. -l,nr w .,i.i Kit, AN FEDEBATION
O J 1 uwf- " . J V 7 VVMJll DID .
all that went on, and hear the music,! KAJI" l rK&awzNT.
yet not to be too near. Brian, a a usual i . .
recovered his good natui. !. " af"l"1Rton, Oct. 10. American La-
i 10 ueu.iiu j-resiaont Wilson in hi
here often." lip
had moved. Brian had spent nothing
saw for electricity, gas, etc. The rent
would soon be due again, Would he lot
her pay it?
"Well I can cat my half of It. I'm
Thu is bullv! Wich W rniul.t enmn. ""T. 18 Del
1 often." li remark -m. . Pnth co8 to parry the peace offensive ot
starvcdl" she said, laughing rather ner- spied C!aud Becklv- comini? toward 1 nem7-
K nt U hurried home as soon eg noon
eaiue, Crawford gav0 her a light lun-
cWou, then gratefully went home for likeIy ,0 tom6 back y m girt accia
Tins was th measncn loonol
"Don't ask him to sit down," she' l" -amcnan federation of Labor,
whispered. I mpsage, signed by Aeting Prcai-
"1'or heaven's sake, Hackett, do you! "i Jolin E- A1Pine, of the Federation,
mnnd at T. t XT-. ;said:
..rv.. ..u ..iiiu tamijji uu
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
arc receiving subscriptions now
for the
'Tut Mr. Hackett' on
please. This is his wife." jant evening. She was fast teaming that
"Mr. Hackvtt isn't in. He went out , bv'ing tactful is not tha easiest thin in
to his luncheon and hasn't returned, the world.
I'll tell hira if he cornea in; but he isn 't , At cevcn they started out. They had hour ago I saw you munching away with The Amori(,an Federation of Labor
likely to come back today." the eirt decided on a Toof srnrden. - iMillin Ki . Ti...t tri -1 believes that the recent
"'T .... . , t voluntecred. I "Mighty little to spend in such a tab, on that man, Mrs. Hackett. hw '11 i0mRnatiDK frora the imP6"l Germaa
Oh, how good it seemed to bo home Buth tried to be sensible. Brian had place," Brian had growted, but Buth on-'benr watching! "then, ecine some oth-1 Bovernment aro in keeping with all oth
for a whole afternoon! Ruth went from probably gone out on a matter ot busi-! lv miiched at him. , . , i proposals of a similar nntnro r.m.
iroom to room, doing little things here ness. But in spit of herself she pictur-j ' "We'll mak,. it do," she said. !, ' 1 ' , e you v'ously submitted. The voice of the
:nd thens moving the furaituro around; d him lunching with Mollie King, then! Could she have known that most of! 6 7u g0 ta a! American labor movemmt tells un to
fussing just hs every woman loves to but he wouldn't spend an entire af- j the ten dollars had, that afternoon, been (To be continued.) ignore these peace overtures and to bat-
, fuss if she doeshu't have to do it too ternoon away from the office with her1 spent on a luncheon for himself and' " " " tcr "way at the enemy lines until the
.ofton- sho was getting sillv, allowing herself . Mollie King, she might have felt too DE- NEWELL D WIGHT HTT.T.T8 road is cleared to Berlin and a peaee
j Wouldn't Brian be surprised when he to be so jealous of that King girl. lanoyvd to laugh. And had she known! BACK FEOM WAR ZONE. ! then effected that will last for aB
enmo homo, to find that sho had had It waa long after gix when Brian canw ! that they had sat over that luncheon I tune 81,4 rii the world of the evils that
, half a day off Porhaps sho bettor tel- in. I for the entire afternoon she would have ' An A41nti Tort, Oct. 10. Dcclar-1 have besieged it for ovr fonr years,
.vjdiono him. Ho might eome home real "I telephoned you, dear. The girl j felt more like erving. ;ing that thvre are S700 German propa-lTlie work"s of the country refuse to be
; early. Then they could dress and make said yon hadn't been back since noon. Brian felt 4 little ashamed as he took gandist. working in Berne Switzer IJ,('Iu(le(' h? what e believe t0 be thie
m party of it. Go to some nice plaw for I had an afternoon off and thought the bill, her last She had been mighty land, in tie interest, of pea'c. and Juf to detieve We want P"
dinner and to a play afterwards. - we could not go to dinner, and go to ' , Lf -.r tt , . . . . interests ot peace and re- but w want such a peace that will i
She waited nntil about half past four, play. Shall wet We'll hav, to get igd bUt ,Moll,e- Ha3 mhi ly habilitated industrial Germany at the ture freedom and democracy Tor M i Z
j then she called the office whore hw had dinner 0ut, for I gave Crawford tl day Bny nM' 1tho 1,0 knw he !pcn close of the war, Rev..well Dwightorl(1 for tim,. to come. There cam
desk room. The stenographer anRwer- off." ihnrt. He musrnt do it again. He'd Hillis, PaQtor of the Plymouth church 1,0 p,ce 8Uch'a peace as haa
cd' 1 Euth noticed Brian flushed when gho not take Mollie out unless Buth wereln Brooklyn, X. Y., today' detaited gome J my,intei l).v the president of our