Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 10, 1918, Page THREE, Image 3

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Continued from page one)
deployed in many places far ahead of
these objectives.
Enemy Losses Heavy
The number of eaptured and slain
Cerniana is staggering. Prisoners al
ready fHlcd the prepared eases to over
flowing, while dead Germans and dead I
Herman horses strew the ground every)
Vhere. j
Despite the fact the English, Scotch,'
Ver Zealand, French and American
troops participating in tho advance i
aava escaped with light losses.
Among the hundreds of German
'dead, wherever the Americans rushed
'forward, an unusual proportion were
found with only a single clear bullet
'wound, bearing out admirably reports
f the remarkable use the Yanks made
'f their rifles against the bocho ma
chine gunners.
The youngsters were not too busy
shooting to take prisoners, however, as
is shown by the fact that 1050 men
and 50 officers were in the American
cage before noon and more were corn
ing back.
Old People Rescued
They also took time to assist 32 old
Wn aud women and some children .to
'scape from Mont Brehain to the rear.
uneso r roncn rowmoiK nua Deen in tne
lands of the Germans for four years.
The Australians captured the town
three times before it stayed captured.
In the meantime the citizens remained
In their cellars four days and nights.
When some Americans passed through
'on their way to join comrades up in
Ifront, they asked to be sent back.
This was promptly done.
These French people made no com
"plaints of German cruelty. A French
tefficer, experienced in handling refu
gees explained discrepencies in stories
'f enemy treatment of civilians by
anying it depends largely on rne per
sonal character of the German tewn
'eommandane, who is an autocrat in
"tomplete control.
Work: of the Tanks
Tho tanks had ono of the most .suc
cessful days yesterday in their compar
atively brief military career. They,
went forward in long zig zagging lines,
crushing machine gun nests and meet
ing with only a minimum of disasters.
lieutenant Konn of Washington, D.
C, commanding a tank squadron with
all-American crews, sain:
"We wont straight through them
.:tin,u . i .ki fri,n -nnf a Q;n.
glo hitch between the kick-off and the
"When I left," said Cannon Do
jiier of Yorkville, Teuiu, "the Germans
wero running every way, ducking into
sagebrush holes. They didn't want to
John Bunton of Greenville, S. C, and
Charles Freeman of Anderson, S. C,
Yonfiruicd Cozier 's statement.
A German officer in the prisoners
$age of a certain American brigade,
when asked why his soldiers ran, sigh
ed und said: .
Soldiers - Feel ' War Over '
"Gorman officers have a hard time
now. The men won't fight. The kais
er ' order of the day, telling us ho
wants peace, was read by the meitwhen
we received it day before yesterday.
It hasn't helped any. Tho war is over,
o far as'we are concerned."
Another officer said he didn't sup
pose the allies would agree to peace
now.- Asked why he thought that, he
iepliod that he "didn't know, just
Jelt sure." '
A third officer was greatly interest
ied in the pc2ee proposal and wanted
ll the details. He said the democratiz
ing of GCTinany'already is nnder way,
tut that he doubted if the people want
to dismiss the kaiser.
It was agrcat day in the air, not
'only for the airplanes, but for propa
'gandists, who sent up hundreds of pa
mper ballonis, carrying messages to the
Uerman troops.
The Tcfugccs from Mont Brehain re
iterated the valuable effect such lit-
State House Notes
A. Klose, president of the Columbia
Brick Works, which has a factory at
Hogan, IS miles' from Portland, com
plains to the public service commission
that the Portland Railway, Light &
Power company is putting his factory
out of busin?as by jumping the freight
rate on brick and tile.
He says tiat on January 1 the rate
was increased from two cents per 100
pounds on brick or tile shipped from
Hogan to East Portland to two and a
half eents, and that on September 16
it was increased further to three cants
per 100 pounds.
"We are informed that wood and
other commodities were not raided 15
per cent on January 1," he says. 'They
only picked out our factory and raised
us. This rah? of three cents per 100
pounds on our products is prohibitive
and practically puts us out of business
as we cannot compete with other yards
near Portland that pay no freight."
Wartlen Murphy of the state peniten
tiary received a report yesterday from
C. W. Courtney, superintendent of the
state liino plant at Gold Hill, that the
plant was running full blast, having
been started at noon Monday. The
first carload Of lime turned out will be
delivered to the penitentiary for use on
the prison garden lands.
Dispatches say that cholera has invad
er Berlin, but it will cjoubtless try to
evade contamination by the royal fam
ily there.
In Eugene th0 band spirit is rife, 25
students having signed at the . high
school anj 30 at the junior high.
erature is having on the Gorman sol
Miers. .
Mellette Visits Cambrai
Entering Cambrai last night I saw
notices on tho walls ordering evacua
tion of the city at midnight Tuesday.
Tho inhabitants were permitted to re
move only what they could carry. All
importable things were left at the town
hall, under tho protection of the Ger
man authorities, though no liability
was assumed for their safety.
Investigation of the first 3 or 20
houses revealed Vin' all h"d been loot
ed completely. The cathedral, used as
observation post by the enemy, had
been badly shelled. The tower-appeared
ready to fall. The figure of the
Virgin atop tlio tower, however, was
undamaged. Twenty fires could be
seen along tho Btrect leading toward
the centerjiof the city. In somo of tho
burning houses the windows were still
unbroken, indicating tho destruction
was the result of deliberate arson and
not shells.
German Plans Upset
The taking of Cambrai badly upsot
tli o German plans for retirement. They
had been seeking to maintain a gradu
al withdrawal astride tho city, the
defenses of which had made it almost
tho strongest point anywhere in the
line. This explains yesterday's despcr
ato counter attack with captured Brit
ish tanks. It was broken up with anti
tank guns which the British had cap
tured from the Germans.-
Holding Cambrai, the Germans ex
pected to spend two weeks retiring to
ward Douai and an equal length of
time reaching the Guiz defense line
along the Oise.
Infantry is Unopposed
Because of this pivot's importance,
it was expected that tho enemy would
resist to their utmost on the lino of
towns and villages behind Cambrai.
While British cavalry was operat
ing well to the eastward of Bertr
(four miles west of LeCateau) infan
try marched through tho village in
column formation. It was one of the
most remarkable sights of the war and
has scarcely been duplicated since the
Germans first overran Belgium.
What Paris Means
: The name Paris, or Paris Shoe Shop, means or stands
for Quality since we started in business. When we start
ed in business, we decided to carry only standard goods
and build our businss up on quality first and satisfaction
always. And also to sell shoes at a reasonable profit.
This has been and is our policy today; and will be in the
future Fair Treatment and Satisfaction to our Patrons
or Quit Business. ... -
Here are quoted a few prices on our best shoes.
$11 regular value, Genuine Kangaroo .... .$9.00
$10 regular, J. E. Tilt Shoes for .$8.25
Some Keith Konqueror shoes for . . .$7.65, $6.75 and $6.35
Buckingham & Hecht Army Shoes $6.85 and $5.35
1 We have a few pairs of shoes, two years old that are
stamped $5.00 on the bottoms of the shoes, if we have
your size you had better grab them. They are worth from
$2 to $2.50 more today, . .
For the Ladies you can find no better shoes than Keith
Buy Fourth Liberty Bonds And Help To Carry The War To a Victorious Finish'
Salem's Greatest Woman's Apparel Store
Beautiful New Waists
. $5.85
More winsome new Georgette
waists in a good assortment of
sizes, in many different styles,
including tailored effects, you'll
find this a. rare opportunity to
buy dainty waists at
a saving. Special
The Portland Cloak & Suit Co., Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store
Will offer some extraordinary values beginning Friday in newest apparel modes secured through the activity of our New York buyers,
fresh from the hands of expert coat and suit makers and millinery artists away below their regular values, because of their ability to pur
chase in large quantities for the numerous Cloak and Suit Stores, owned and operated by this company, in all of the larger northwest- i
ern cities and because of our policy of selling strictly for cash and our low overhead expenses we can sell for lower prices than others asK
for similar merchandise. Remember "It's Not the price you pay, but what you get for the price that constitutes a bargain."
1111 v -: - ' A:' 1! ' J
New Coats
For Young Ladies And
Most of the coats are made with
large collars Uf fur, including
Hudson Seal, Kaccoon, Beaver,
Fox, Kmaine and Marmot. Rich
new materials Buch as Silvortones
Bolivias," Wool Velours, .Broad
cloth and Plushes. Some are plain
tailored coats, with simple belts
extending all the way around, and
loose capelike backs. Also close
fitting styles in all the new
shades of Browns, Greys, Blues.
Taupe, etc. Friday and COQ C A
Saturday special " V
Special Values In Wom
en's Fall Dresses .
The season's most stylish models
away below present values Ser
ges, Silks, Georgettes, Satins, Vel
veteens, Jerseys, Silk and Serge,
and Silk and Georgette Combin
ations in fact dresses of every
description for every woman who
wishes to be well gowned. A most
fascinating collection an al
most endless number of the sty
les most favored this fall. The
new round neck models, some
braided, beaded and button trim
med. Some have the vogish ''bell"
sleeve that is so much admired.
A great number ofthe best of
apron panels with deep fringe
trimming, or embroidery and
braiding most ' effectively com
bined. Handsome tailored effect,
too in the most becoming styles
imaginable. Such colorings as
Black, Navy Blue, Taupe, Poilu,
Biege, Steel Grey, Brown, White,
Eose, Lavender, Apricot etc
?15.75 to .$50
Autumn's Newest Creations
in High Grade
: Beginning Friday, October lltli at 10 a. m.
Salem's Greatest aud Only Exclusive Women's Apparel Store will inaug
urate the most phenomenal salo of Young Ladies' and Women's trimmed
Hats ever known in Salem. Clever new shapes of Velvets, Velours, Plush, .
Beaver, etc., frequently combined with Satin Crepe and other fine mater
ials. French Felts, Tailored Effects, Turbans and large Velvet Hats are
included, many are neatly trimmed with wings, Ostrich feathers, Ribbons
ana now distinctive ornaments. The assortment includes small, medium
and large shapes, black and all tho leading colors aro represented. And
again we are prepared to make the phenomenal offer at this time and so
early in the season, because of an enormous purchase made by our New
York buyers to bo distributed amongst , our various stores in all the load
ing cities of Oregon and Washington. The Portland Cloak & Huit Company,
Salcm'g greatest apparel . store, and one of the latest and perhaps the
greatest addition to our chain of cloak and suit stores, will include for
this' great event one hundred hats selected from regular stock, similar to
some we sold up to $10.50, but which we have marked down as an addition
al inducement to have you visit our store and beeome a regulur custom
er of our hat shop.
To make selections easy wo will arrange the hats in two lotB on our
tables and showcases, but none of the hats displayed in our show windows
will bo removed or sold until after the sale begins" at 10 a. m. Friday morn
ing. Come early for first and best choice.
' f
Trimmed Hats, worth regular. . $5.00 JJjyj?
Trimmed Hats, worth regular. .$5.75
Trimmed Hats, worth regular. .$6.50
Trimmed Hats, worth regular. .$7.00
Trimmed Hats, worth regular . . $7.50 5
Trimmed Hats, worth regular. .$8.25
Trimmed Hats, worth regular. .$9.50
Trimmed Hats, worth regular $10.50
Women's and
Misses' New
Fall Suits
Specially Priced $29.50
' Hero' tire" 'suits -from America's
best makers, in a multitudo of
smart styles for street and dress
occasions. Somo are plain tailor,
ed models- Others in novelty sty
les. Many with largo collars triuU
mcdwith furB and plush. Mater
ials are tricot ine, serges, broad
cloths, burillnB, velours, gabar
dines and mixtures in prevailing
Friday and Saturday i
Special $29.50
And. another lot of
Latest Models In Worn-1
en's And Misses' Suits :
Every now and worthy design
from the foremost Amoricn coat
and suit makers. Smart styles for I
street and dress occasions. Nov
elty and plain tailored models.
Prevailing materials aro Sergcs
Gnbardiucs, Broadcloths, Wool
Velours, Tricotines, etc. All colors
and, sizes. Special Frl K( I
day and Haturday P)l.JJ I
Other coats and suits in
abundance, ranging in
prices from $32.50 to
Lower Price Mezzanine Floor Bargains Nothing Over $25.00
Phenomenal Values In Women's And Misses Fall And Winter Coats
Through the activity of our New York buying organization, we are prepared to offer sixty.seven new Fall and Winter Coats in sizes for Young Ladies and Women. Best of
eluding Velours, Kerseys, Velveteen, Homespun and Mannish MixtureB. Brown, Grey, Blues, Taupes, Black, etc. Principally plain models, mado wit, belts extending all tho
with large collars of fur. Other are close fitting styles. Positively coats that we cannot duplicate again during the war period for less than $35.00, because of continual
increase in. maker's prices. Special Friday and Saturday... j ... ... - -
materials in
way. Some
Another lot of new coats including the season's best
styles in Kerseys, Homespun and Mixtures, half or full
belted models, some with pleated back effects, large col
lars trimmed with fur or other material. 91 C CA
Serial Friday and Saturday .. P"'JV
Navy blue serge suits with velvet collars, trimmed with
buttons, belted and semi-fitted effect. fl1 O 7C
. , yiwiu
Special ,
Mezzanine Floor.
Anticipate your needs for Fall and White
couple of these good Petticoats pleated and
prevailing colors. Ueatherbone Petticoats
all sizes and colors
Other Petticoats, Special ..
r and buy ft
tucked styles
$1 to $225