Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 10, 1918, Page TWO, Image 2

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1 1, C
, V I 1
Do you know tbii man?
Height: 6 ftrl inch
might: 145 Ibi.
Kjctv Thin 1
Features: Prominent
Description: When last seen was
on his way to hospital. Used to
weigh 185, had florid complexion,
good appetite and enthusiasm for
work. Six months ago began to
have irregular bowel movements.
Took pills. Lost weight still irregular.
Took salts violent results. Had medical
examination: doctor diagnosed case as
self-poisoning, due to clogged, decaying,
food-waste in large intestine; said pills
and purges had weakened the intestinal
muscles so they would not function. Man
Erotested violently that he was not sick.
Joctor replied that he had been sick
since first bowel irregularity. Prescribed
complete rest and the Nujol Treatment.
Said if he had cultivated regular habits
with Nujol he would have had no trouble
now, however, he was an easy mark for
the poisoning he was allowing in his
own tody,
REWARD : For restoration of this man
to regularity, Nature of
fers reward of health, and
return to normal weight
and keenness.
. If you are the man, apply at the near- i
est drug store for one bottle of j
"Reqularaa Lm, '
Vamtn0 . NUJOL ' M only in sealed
rr iti.ntng bottles bearine the Nujol Trade
Mark. Insist on NUJOL You may infer from
Nujol Laboratories
jO Broadway, New York
5 Z i lv JT"
j r i .j a "l a s I d 81 Cl
S 8 . af fig
3 '
i?5 illit;i
" - 8
Aelnbtc Preparation forAi
HnQthcMomaciisana iw1."
Tfc antnr IWn nti nd DlficsllC
neither Opium, Morphine nor
Mineral. iot iww v
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
f'l l t-lf.,IR..rmdvfor
Constipation ana univ.
ana rcvrrisnm-s
v A0i v irirp
resulting BiHtirtw"'v
fac Simile Sitw"
it r
y. Use
Y Fnr flunr
I US W I us
Thirty Years
Kct Copy of Wrapper,
Dr. Emma E. Martin, who hit re
cently returned on kcr third furlough
to the United States as a missionary
to Tien Sin, China, gave a talk of very
timely significance yesterday at the
regular monthly meeting of the Fot
eiKn Missionary society of the Meth
odist church, which was held at th
home of Mrs. B. . Carrier on Court
street Dr. Martin told of her work
among the hospitals and dispensaries,
and described very vividly the eondi-i
tion of the people at the time of the
bad floods in China last year, the refu
gees, who sought shelter in the hospit
als, and the aid the medical authori
ties were able to give them. She also
dwelt upon the part the Chinese wo
Bien, are playing ia the war, which ia
the essential spirit is much the same
as that which our own women are
showing. Much knitting ia being done
for the Bed Cross and in one instance
a Chinese woman knit twenty pairs of
sox in a week. And many of the moth
ers it seems have given up their sons
to fight for the allied cause, with as
fine a courage as is being evidenced
by mothers the world over nowadays,
Dr. Martin was originally sent into
the missionary field by the northwest
branch, her home being situated in In
diana. She has been at her post in
China for the past eighteen years, and
is now en route east, having stopped in
Salem for a few weeks to visit her
brother at his home, 255 Center street.
Another interestring guest, about to
enter foreign fields, was Miss Ruth
Fields. Miss Fields is planning to teach
music in an English school at Calcut
ta, India, and will sail from Seattle
October lSth Miss Fields is a well
known Salem girl, the daughter of Mrs.
E. E. Fields of the Garden road. She
is being sent to India by the Columbia
Kiver Missionary branch. She expects
to leave Monday for Seattle and Sun
day evening a service in her honor will
be held at tho First Mothodist church,
of which she is a member.
Tho annual report of the society was
given yesterday by Mrs. U. O. Holt,
herein it developed that a sum ot-
$830 had beea turned over to the Co
lumbia Kiver branch in addition to the
war work done by the members dur
ing the year. About fifty members
were in attendance at the meeting yes
terday. .The many Salem friends of Mrs. W.
Carlton Smith are rejoicing in the op
portunity of a short visit with her, as
she camo down from Tacoma Tuesday
on a brief business trip, and expects
to be in Salem until tomorrow. Dur
ing the absenco of Dr. Smith, who is
now in Franco, Mrs. Smith baa taken
a position at Tacoma in the land de
partment of the Northern lacifie.
Though dovoted to her work, which
is of a very interesting nature, Mrs.
Smith misses Salem and her large cir
cle of acquaintances ,here, and hopes
to return to Salem to live within the
near future. Mrs. Olson who has been
visiting in Tacoma, accompanied Mrs.
Smith home.
Gives Wife
"Mr wife was pronounced incurable
by physicians nnless operated (com
plicated bowel trouble.) 1 began giv
ing her Adler-i-ka and she it improv
ing and I mean to eontinue until she
ia cured," (Signed) J. H. Underwood,
Marion, Ala.
Adler-i-ka expels ALL gas and sour
ness, stopping stomach distress IN
STANTLY. Empties BOTH upper and
lower boweL, flushing ENTIRE ali
mentary eanaL Kemoves ALL foul
matter which poisons system. Often
CUKES constipation. Prevents appen
dicitis. We hav sold Adler-i-ka many
years. Jt ia a mixture of buckthorn,
cascara, glycerine and nine other sim
ple drugs. J. C. Perry, druggist.
(Continued on page two)
we realized sbw was safe and nngasRed
Then our relief wanted t0 vent itself
in laughter, and we giggled until we
were afraid we would blow off our res
pirators. I had to dress with my gas
mask on, and it was moiv like an ob
stacle race than anything I have yet
Before long the all-clear signal was
given, and we knew the gas wag gone
though the guns stH sounueu a around
us. It was perfectly light, and we hur
ried to the kitchen to make a fire and
.get hot chocolate and food for any
wounded who might come through.
In a short time some boys did arrive.
siignuy wounaca and well enough to
stop a few moments for hot drinkg and
sandwiches. They were glad we had
something to give them, for the poor
Doys snowed the strain they had been
under, and they were immensely appre
ciative oi sometlure hot to tat and
Mr. and Mrs. George G. Brown went
to Bend, Oregon, yesterday, wrere Mr.
Brown will attend the Grand Command-
ery, Knights Templars, which is now
dn session. Also in the party were
Judge and Mrs. George J. Burnett, M.
L. Meyers and Dr. 0. A. Olson.
Musical circles are gorretting the
departuro of Mr. and Mrs. Munroe
Yennke for llillsboro, Oregon, where
thev expect to make their home. Mr.
and Mrs. Yennko have been aummor
ing in Salem, having lat.ly come to
the coast from JVoKomo, inuiana. air,
Yennke is a singer of note and has ap
peared in public several times during
his stay in Salem.
Mrs. Vf. G. Prunk left yesterday for
Newport, where ho will enjoy so
ioiirn of several months.
Mrs. fialph Matthews, who has been
visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A.
h. Brown, at their residenco, 830 South
Commercial street, left yesterday for
her home in Wood Kiver, Illinois. She
was accompanied as far a Bend, Ore
gon, bv Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge (i. Brown
Mr. Matthews holds the position of
chemist for the Koxana Petroloum com
pany at Wood Kiver. yhe has been vis
iting in Salem tor several months and
has been the inspiration for numerous
little social attentions from her host
of Salem friends.
Tho W. R. C. Aid met in tho armory
for an all day sewing today. The mem
bers are sowing for both the Red Cross
anil the Aid society, and by means of
frequent all day meetings arc enabled
to accomplish a goodly amount of work.
The members of the G. A. R. wore in
vited to join the ladies at tho dinner
hour today.
Mr. and Mrs, 0. E. Franzke went to
Portlnnd last night for a brief stay.
On their return the last of the week
they will go to Newport, where they
intend to make their permanent resi
dence. Mr. Frnnake will engage in the
mercantile business at Newport.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Thomas of 639
Center street left today for Marshfield,
Oregon, to visit their son, L. L. Thomas
(Continued from page one)
SaveYourHairlMake It Thick
Wav, Glossy and Beauti
ful At Once.
Try as you will, after an anDlicatibn
of Danderine, you can not find a sinele
irace or aanaruir or fallinir iair and
your scalp will not itch, but what will
pieaso you most will be after a tew
weeks' use, when you see new nair,
fine and downy at first yes but
really new hai growing all over the
scaip. ,
A little Danderine immediately doub
les tho beauty of your hair. No differ
ence how dull, faded, brittle and scrag
gy, just moisten a cloth with Dander
ino and carefully draw it through your
nair, raxing no small strand at . a
tinre. The effect ia immediate and
amazingyour hair will ho light, fluf-
ty and wavy, and have an appearance
of abundance; an incomparable lustre,
softness and luxuriance, the beauty
and shimmer of true hair health.
Get a small bottle of Knowlton's
Danderine from any idrug store or toi
let counter, and prove that your hair
isa s pretty and soft as any that it
has been neglected Or. injured care
less treatment. A small trial bottle will
doublo tho beauty of your hair.
to surrender.
The enemy machine gunners, back of
these defenses, put up quite a resist
ance, especially in Cunel wood, which
tho advancing doughboys mopped up
before noon. A great mass of German
infantry protected by machine gunners
was encountered on cither side of the
wood and the American advance was
temporarily halted.
The artillery during the attack work
ed so fast that gunners threw cold
water over tho barrels of the suns to
cool them off.
Tho army is enthusiastic over the
success of the attack, as it leaves no
Big Mas Packing
Plant Resumes Operations
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Dallas. Oct. 10. The hie prune pack
ing plant pf the California Packing
Corporation formerly the J. K. Arms
by company, located in the south part
of this city resumed operations this
week after a shutdown of a few months
and tha packing of the big 3918 crop
will soon begin. The building occupied
by) the plant has beea enlarged by an
addition of 40 feet three stories high
this summer and this extra space to
gether with the Soehren warehouse ad
joining, which has been leased by the
company will be required to handle
the bis; erop. A. C. Petersen, resident
manager of the eompany states that
the estimated yield of the Polk coun
ty orchards this yea will be something
like 5,000.000 pounds and that his
eompany will receive the biggest por
tion of the amount. Beside the erop
of this county the eompany buys
prunes in many different parts of the
state and when the entire amount oi
the contracts have been received the
local plaat will have enough prunes to
keep them ousy for several months. In
addition to the extra space provided
for this year in handling the erop i
number of pieces of new up to date ma
chinery has been installed which will
make the processing of the fruit much
easier than in former years.
Methodist Minister Retains Charge
Rev. Chas. P. Johnson, pastor of the
Dallas Methodist Episcopal church for
the past two years has been returned
to this city to serve another term. Kcv
Johnson has just returned from the
conference that was held in Portland
recently and is more than pleased with
the prospect of abiding with the Dallas
people another year. Rev. George H,
Bennett, a former pastor of the Dallas
church, has been returned tc Albany
where he has had charge of a" church
for the past year.
DaUaa City Council Meets
The regular monthly meeting of the
Dallas eity council was held in the city
hall Monday, evening and many mat'
tors of business were taken up and dis
posed of. The matter of electing a new
city marshal to take the place of Ed
Plaster,. wh resigned, occupied the
attention of tho city fathers for some
time. That body finally desided to hold
the office open for Oliver P. Chase, a
former marshal who now resides in
Portland but who expects to return the
first of November and would take the
position. John R, Allgood wits elected
to the council to serve the unexpired
term of Peter Greenwood, who moved
last week from Dallas to Seattle, where
he will make his home.
When you walk into a dependable
shoe store and ask tor a pair of
Bucihecht Army Shoes, you
can be sure
That this Amy Shoe it up
to standard that it is
mad by workmen who
have turned out more than
Omsooo Army Shoes under
expert supervision and that
it is backed by t record cf mora than fifty
yua of hoaex iho nunafai'runng.
Look for our rrgUtwed trade Bam
Bucxhbcht stamped on the sole of every
Shoe-for our mutual proredioa.
There's just one thing
to remember ask for
the Bucihecht Army
Shoe by name and te
sure that you get it
Then you will appre
date why it is worn by
thousands of
Orchard! ta
and others in every walk of life. '
onouia your dealer be unable to supply you.
send tus name to the manufacturers Bue.
ingham and Hecht. San Francisco. Enclose
priee of shoes you desire and we will have year
order titled.
Tha Valm-la-aeai-typ enfis Ulna.
trated here, like all Mremai eocnsw
(to na'ni, require! n oil that
holde us lubricating qualities at cyl
inder heat, turns dean in the com.
bustioa chasabert and goes out with
exhaust Zerolene 11 these require
ments perfectly, oeeeoee rfa eerrecr
fynfimtd horn selected Ceitrorzua a
-pAatt-aee erode.
The Standard Oil for Motor Cars
It Keeps the Engine Young!
Zerolene keeps the engine young--full-powered, smooth
running, and economical in fuel and ou consumption-
because it is correctly refined from selected California
sphalt-base crude. Gives better lubrication with less
carbon. Made in several consistencies. Get our Correct
Lubrication Chart covering your car.
At tfeaJars evcryVAer and Sttadvd Oil Service Statin
R. H. CAMPBELL, Special Agt, Standard Oil Co., Salem
from the battlefield. And all of them
have done it or are doing it.
About the dogs. The boche left them
behind, just as he did the helmets. When
the Americans entered Bouvarrles, Sergv
Oiergas and various other towns, they
found the boche dogs lurking about in
th0 cellars and dugouts their latw mas
ters had been driven from. A (log can't
help being boche. 8o the doughboys
don't, hold against him the fact he is
one. The deserted dogs were fed. They
quickly made friends with the. Ameri
cans and were adopted by various com
panies. The dogs now arc just aB good
democrats as they wore autocrats. Each
bears some sort of Oerman name. A
chaplain ha8 a little black dnschund he
calls "Minnie." The after part of her
name is "Werfer."
firwm wtl) Vtn thii'ltlv nnnlilnterl with hn-
lunucr organizea irencn ana wire ae-.CUe helmets.
fenses to the tioruians
The Nomigne heights, now held by
us, also dominates the enemy positions
for miles to the rear.
tzl Jcn-rd Want Ads W! Get Yea What Yea Want
in action. The Franco-American air
hordes simultaneously attacked the
cantonment area near Iamvillers and
Wavrillc (ea.t of the Meusc), where
the Germane were massing for counter
attacks, Khontmg down twelve boches,
with only one casualty.
Dun-Snr-Meuse. Bantheville, Aincre
villo a tut other towns are burning.
Continuous Yankee artillery fire
cracked the Kriemhildc line near Ro
magne. The infantry, storming the Ro
magne hills, found wrecked Oerman
artillery in the demolished positions.
Tho remaining defenders, unable to
retreat through the American artillery
anil machine gun barrage, crawled for
ward toward our positions and waited
. Girls If vou want plenty of thick,
beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by ali
means get rid of dandruff, for ,it will
starve your hair, and ruin it if you
don't. " , e
It doesn't do much good to try to
brush or wash it out. The only sure
way to get rid of dandruff is to dis
solve it, then you destroy it entirely.
To do this, get about four ounces of
ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at
night when retiring; use enough to
moisten the scalp and rub it in gently
with the finger tips.
By morning, most if- not all, of your
dandruff will be gone, and three or
four more applications will completely
dissolve and entirely destroy every
single sign and trace of it.
You will find, too, that all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop, and
your hair will look and feel a hundred
times better. You can get liquid arvon
at any drug store. It - is inexpensive
and four ounces is" all you will need,
no matter how much dandruff you
have. This simple remedy never fails.
Accidental Shooting Causes Death
Russell Brown, a six year old lna re
siding with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Brown, in the western part of
Polk county, passed away at the Dal
las hospital the first of the wees, fol
lowing an accidental sneoting by Wil
lie Marquette, an eight 5'ear old school
boy of that place. The cnildren were
returning home from school last Fri
day night when the accident occurred,
the Marquette boy pointing the gun, a
22 caliber rifle, at the little fellow
with the remark that he was going to
shoot him and pulled the trigger. The
ball from the rifle entered the boys
stomach and passed through the liver.
He waa brought to the hospital in this
city where everything possible was
done to save hi9 life but the shock was
too great and the little life passed
away. Funeral services were held from
the family home Monday and the re
mains were laid to rest in the Pedoe
M. L. Thompson, a Falls City busi
ness man was a Dallas visitor this week
H. Hirsehberg, a prominent Inde
pendence capitalist, was a Polk coun
ty seat visitor Tuesday afternoon.
Graham unswolu. a member oi tne
company of Falls City, was a Dallas yer now quickly a bad.
business visitor Tuesday. Uh-' Tfamou. oli .hn-r, ""'".J ,
Miss Alice Cobb of buver visited the wim ha h j..i .- i 1
iirsi ui iuo ween miiu iciaii'" turn jiigui,, win gay mat me immediate relief
city. P'ven is almost like magic It takes
luumeiiv m prepare, ana xeauy
there is nothing better for coughs.
Into a -pint bottle, put 2 ounces of 1
Pinexj then add plain granulated
sugar syrup to make a full pint. Or
you can use clarified molasses, honey,
or corn svrun. instead of Rllffnr an-rim i
it desired, lather way, the full pint
eaves about two-thirds of the money
usually spent for cough preparations,
and gives you more positive, effective
remedy. It keeps perfectly and tastes
pleasant children like it.
Tou can feci this take hold instantly,
eoong,and healing the membranes in
all the air passages. It promptly loosens
dry, tight cough, nd soon you will
notice the phlegm thin out and then
disappear altogether. A day's use will
usually hreak up an ordinary throat or
chest cold, and it is also splendid for
bronchitis, croup, whooping cough, and
bronchial asthma.
1 Inex Is a most valuable concentrated
End Stubborn Coughs
. In a Hurry
For real effecUveneee, this old heme. .
made remedy hae no equal, Eae
11 and cheaply prepared.
Washington, Oct. 10. Chair-
man Baruch of the war indust- 4
rivs board has asked manufact- 4c
urers, retail and wholesale deal- -
crs of clothing to supply him .
with full details on the cost of
manufacturing and; distribution.
The data will bo used on reach- stc
ing facts on which pricse will
b0 fixed.
Our Boys Garner Hun
Hands Md Hehets
Sy Prod 8. Ferguson.
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
With The American Army In Franee
Sept. 16. (By Mail.) The American
army is gradually being populated with
bocbv dogu.
At the same time tho United (States
The Fighting American is just as ear
nest in his souvenir hunting as the pea
ceful American. Practically every dough
boy, therefore whether from town or
country made it a point to pick up a
boche helmet somewhere during his ad
vance from the Marne to the Vesle. Tba
German soldiers cast aside their heavy
helmets in their retreat and they wero
scattered broadcast owr the Marjie vaU
ley, on and across the Ourcq to the
Vesle. By pasting the address on the
hat together with 40 cents postage, the
Americsn fighting man can send his
sweetheart or mother a nonvenir direct
I rl V Aft
Ir :v - J
I , J I
tics A i
New Madge Kennedy Film Notable For
Distinguished Players In Support.
Tom Moore will aeain be seen as lcad-
m. .....a ia utuov vmuuuiB concentrareu . "
compound of genuine Norway pine x- r1" man in MauSe Kennedy's 5th Gold
tract, known as .the most reliable remedy iwyn production, "The Fair Pretender,"
for throat and chest ailments. I by Florence C. Bollcs. Prominent in tho
druaaist for'-auTn1!! sk vonr ! support of tho prepossessing Goldwyn
else. Guarantei-d i iv ah,l,.i. J'S of reuuto.
Journal Want Ads Pay
Moore's performances since becoming
a Goldwyn fixture have been a feature
"of several productions. "The Fair Pre
tender will.be at The Liberty for
today, tomorrow and Saturday.
Phone 703
ATTENTION! . Phone703
Journal Wast Ads Pay
Located 1261. State St., has opened for business under new management and
will Hereafter be Known as the -
Years of Practical Experience, Together With Our Modern Plant, Enables us
To Guarantee You Superior Work at a Fair PriceGive us a Trial
Phone 703
WE CALL And deliver
Phone 703