Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 10, 1918, Image 1

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Only Circulation in SaVm Guar
anteed ly the Audit BureM f
I Aid Friday, raia west; unset-
j ( J M tied, probably showers east por-
i'im' 'J& t;on; moderate southerly winds.
0 V Vr
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hlmwB ffflllffl 111 Lmi ril wkkwl
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general Pershing Reports Cap
lure of Two Thousand
Prisoners Yesterday
Surprise Attack Sweeps Over
Strongest Defenses Of
Last German Line
Washington, Oct. 10. Continued ad
vance by the Americana east of the
Mauae to the outskirts of Blvry and
(ouetration of German lino west of the
Mause, with capture of 2000 additional
prisoners Wednesday -was reported by
General Pershing today,
"East of tbe Meuse our troops main
tained their yesterday's advance in
lite of violent and retreated counter
attacks," the communique said, "and
programed to the southern outskirts of
Sivry and Into the Bols De Chaume.
West of the M,mse, against freshly en
gaged divisions, wenave penetrated
the enemy's line of resistance between
Cunel and Bomagne-SouaMontfaucon.
In tto Argonne forest we have taken
Important heights south of Mareq and
iuvs Joined hands with the French at
Iioon. Over two thousand additional
prisoners have been taken."
By Fred S. Ferguson
(United Press staff correspondent)
With, the American First Army, Oct.
JO. Americans are through the Jvriem
Irilile line on a front of six kilometers
(nearly four miles.)
They have smashed the lust organ-iv-A
German defense in this region
west of the Meuse and aro advancing
northward with only natural defenses
l-etween them and the Belgian fron
tier. ,
The Argonne pocket has been wiped
ut by the junction of French and Am
ericans at Lacon. The Americans are
. suoving up through the forest, with the
vngineerg blazing the way through the
.woods and tangled masses of wire.
Kast of the Meuse bochc counter at
M ks were repulsed and the French
'id Americans consolidated t'1(,ir new
ly won positions.
The attack west of the Meuse was a
implete surprise to the Austrians in
tuflt section. It would have taken four
or five days to smash the wires and re-
dues the defenses by artillery prepara
tion, but the surprise attack enabled
Wio inf&niry to penetrate the lines
iwithin a few-hours and hold them.
The Austrians were anxious to sur
f 'iider. One captain wag found waiting
ion the trunk of a fallen tree.
All fhe principal centers behind tne
(Herman lines were bombed extensively
in connection with the attack. Tons of
explosives were dropped on Mesieres,
.VoiiKiers and points along the Meuse.
Eighty five allied planes crossed the
a'lieiiiy lines during a period of less
than an hour.
Lieutenants Erwin and Esterbrook
.4rought down two bochc machines and
forced another to retire.
Major WhitteUey, commander of the
Mttalion which was rescued after be
iug trapped in the Argonne forest for
Ave days, returned to his regiment
yeaterday, guying he needed no rest.
By Frank J. Taylor
(United Press staff correspondent)
With the American First Army, Oct.
'J:i. (Noon,) Heavy fighting is un
der way in the region of Homsgne (be
tween the Meuse aud the Argonne),
where the Germans arc rushing in re
inforcements aud concentrating artil
lery. '
The enemy is frantically reinfore
the sides of what remains of the
Argonne pocket, while witihdruwing in
the center.
alore than 200 allied bombing planes
l.'Ki battleplanes and fifty chasers are
Continued on page two)
Allied Forces Are Now Com
p!ete!y Through Organiz
ed Line of Defense.
By Lowell Mellett
(United Press staff correspondent)
With the British Armies in France,
Oct. 10. The Germans in the St. Quen-tin-Cambrai
region, staggering under
the impact of the combined British,
French and American blow, appear to
be on the verge of an utter rout.
The allies have burst through the
last of the organized German defenses
along a front of a score of niUes aud
have poured into the open country be
yond. ' ,
The Germans are reported in wild
retreat to the eastward," abandoning
everything that would retard their
flight. Allied cavalry is cutting and
slashing at the enemy's heels, while
our infantry is marching in the wake
of the horsemen in column formation.
Additional advances of more than
six miles at some points along the fifty
mile fighting front are reported since
yesterday's renewed attack began. Bo
hain, Busigny, Clary, Foneomme, Caur
ior, Barnicres, Fontaine Notre Dame,
Dame, Marcy and Mcziores-Sur-Oise
are reported to have fallen.
The British and Americans are re
ported to be on the outskirts of Le
Cateau and approaching Solesmes. To
the southward the French ore bearing
down on Eibemont. -
A tremendous explosion is reported
to have wrecked the center of Cambrai.
Already swept by fire, fif-teen or twen
ty blocks in the heart of the city are
completely in, ruins. ...
The allied progress has been extend
ed northward to ftie Scarpe and our
detachments are reported to have en
tered Vitry-En-Artois and Arleui and
to be headed for the -greater center of
Giirmans Show no Fight
'Inspired by their government's re
quest for an armistice, of which they
knew only such -as was contained in
the kaiser's order of the day, some
German divisions between Cambrai and
St. Quehtin made one of the feeblest
fights seen since the Sommo became a
battlrt field.'
"They didn't fight like they did a
week ago," said a South Carolina boy
who participated in both battle.
"If the kaiser doesn't want to fight
why should we?" asked a German pri
vate who became a willing prisoner.
While the fighting was resumed in
full force at dawn yesterday morning
and some advances had been recorded
north of Cambrai, even before that
hour, the break was not noticeable ua
til midi day. Then some tanks and whip
pets were sent as scouts across ob
jectives varying from four to six thou
sand yards beyond the starting point.
A short time later the infantry had
(Continued on page three)..
Another rather recent style 0' opti-j Fowler was arrested on charges of
mist is th' feller that gits his head' absence 'Without leave and of cmbef.
shaved half way up an' expects t' git rline a sum of money said to approxi-
jby. We never see th' poor house till
we git right onto it.
Action Will Be Taken To Bring
About Peace-On "All
Souls Day Nov. 2.
By Robert J. Bender. '
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, Oct. 10. That Popo
Benedict will appeal to tho world to
accept President Wilson s fourteen
peace principles was indicated in re
ports to thici government today. These
stated that the pope has selected "Nov
ember 2 All Souls Day for hi9 move.
In this connection, it Is significant
that the , Holy Sea knew as early as
Octobvr S, that Austria would appeal to
Wilson for peace, accepting his four
teen points. Dispatches further disclose
that Austria's plight is serious. and that
whatever Germany answers to the pres
ident's test of her peace sincerity, Aus
tria and Turkey cannot long survive the
growing demands in their countries for
an eud of tho struggle. I
This probably accounts for President
Wilson's decision to leaw Austria in
doubt for the moment. Later he will re
ply to her peace offer, submitted sim-'
ultaneously with that of Germany, and
probably will answer it at more length.
Meantime, both Austria and Germany
are expected to make feverish -efforts
toward democratization. Tho president
still holds 'that the allied nations can
not deal with the Holienzolfe-rns un
less electoral reforms are inaugurated
to make them tho voted spokesmen of
the Gorman people.
Aliv-ady Bulgaria has been crushed;
Turkey is totering and Austria cannot
hold out much longer. Eventually Ger
many must be isolated in both fields of
diplomacy and battle.
: Hence, peace with Germany is not so
near as it appears. It's a long road to
the end the president geeks. But it can
be hastened, officials declare, by speed
ing up all war work.
It may be stated on the highest au
thority that there will be no extended
note' writing between the president and
Germany. Germany must answer his re
cent inquiry frankly and to the point)
lor discussion will stop. On this point
the American people may rest absolute
ly assured, it is stated.
With the American First Ar-.
mv, Oct. 9. (Night) "Go to
That was the reply of Ma
jor Whittlesley, commanding
the battalion of Americans trap
ped in the Argonne forest,
when the German commander
sent a letter to him by a cap
tured American, demanding
Whittlesley 's men were facing
starvation and their airmuni
t.on wo nearly exhausted, but
he wrote the above reply on
slip of paper, wrapped it about
a stone and threw it into thi
German line.
Los Angeles, t'al., Oct. 10 kt police
broke iut0 an appirtnr?nt to arrest
Captain Frank Lawrence Fowler of
bore today, Fowler shot himself in the
head witsv a small calibre revolver and
a few moments later an unnamed girl
! in the same apartment shot herself in
the breast with the same weapon. Both
i will live.
niately $1,000 from his company mess
fund at Camp Kearney.
Whole Sectors Being With
drawn From Cambrai To
Rheiins On South.
French And British Pursuing
Beaten Germans Making
Good Progress.
3(4t S(C 3C 3ft C 3gY 3fc 9C SS 3jt 3(6
The greatest battlo is being
fought over the fronts totalling
160 miles between Lens and
Verdun. -
'.. The British, French and Am-
ericang'are advancing between ,
Lens and Moy on a front of 75
He miles. -y
. The " Champagne Argonn'-
Meuse battle, in which French
and Americans are participating
extends from Berry-Au-Bac oast-
ward to Beaumont, a distance of
about 80 miles.
Between these two gi'oat fronts
is a stretch of about fifty
miles which Bwiugs around tho
St. Gobian massif.. Tho French
are attacking on about fifteen
miles of this frontage, from tho
regioa of Ostel southwestward
to Muscourt.
London, Oct. 10. (3:30 p. m.) The
British cavalry is on the outskirts of
LsCateau, according to battle front dis
patches received here this afternoon.
Washington, Oct. 10. Rumors without
official substantiation in any form
said today that General Ludendorff
had suffered a temporary physical col
lapse and as a result had to relinquish
Continued on pagesix)
Galveston Lassies Forced To
Seek Safety At Barbed
Wire Barricade.
By Miss Irene Mclntyre.
Salvation Army Canteen Girl at ths
Front. ,
(Written for tho United Pross.(
With The American Troops At The
Front, &T)t. 17. (ByMail.) . A fow
nights ago we had another taste of war.
We had been lulled into a false sense i
security by an unusually quiet week,
very little artillery, no barrage at all.
and very littfe air fighting.
In fact, the pans in our kitchen had
not been rattled for days, and we were
ready to forget we ware at the fornt.
except for oldiers and the irecessity for
keeping out of observatioq of German
lookout posts on the tills opposite os.
ATI - .... .1 ,).,., a. nin;,.k 41. Mi
f All It I n BUUUVU ml- l.i.uuiguv MS m&
guns of tire bocheg let loose in a box
barrage about a mil and a half from
09 at the nearest hill. At the name
they shelled all the village, in a circle
about us.
W hurried into our clothes end went
down to the barbed wire entanglements
in a neighboring field. There we were
comparatively safe, as long as ws lay
close to the ground that eclat eould
not reach 11s if shells came nearer. We
could also get a fine view of the fire
works. It way woudurful, and sole mo, too,
Report Reichstag .
Accepts Wilson's Terms
London, Oct. 10. A Central
News dispatch from Amster
dam dated October 9 asserted
it was reported from Berlin
that, as a result of German
press comment on the war sit
uation, the government majori
ty in the reichstax had adopted
tho whole of Wilson's condi-"
tions as a basis for peace.
Copenhagen, Oct. 10. The
German chancellor will address
the rcichstag Saturday, accord
ing to copies of the Berlin Tage
blatt receivea here totiay.
Army Is Pleased
With Wilsons Reply
With the American First Ar
my, Oct. ip.--President Wil
son's reply to Germany was
what the army expected, es
pecially that portion of the note
demanding withdrawal from all
'invaded territory.
From tho highest to the low
est every man was pleased.
Every man is dotormined to
drive out the bochc if ho re
fuses to- withdraw.
Paris, Oct. 10. The army
commission Iras endorsed Presi-'
dent Wilson's reply. Jt coincid
ed with the wishes of the
French, people.
Oregon Man Lost
h Ocean Collision
Washington, Oct. 10. Six officers
and seventeen enlisted men of the crew
nf the IT. S. 81 Herman Frasch were
lost October 4, when that vessel sank
in collision with the U. 8. a. ueorge
Henry, the navy department announc
ed today, Tho men include.
Enlisted men:
E. R. Hunt, no address.
J. L. Snyder, Days Creek, Ore.
Paris, Oct. 10. The weather Tues
day was most unfavorable for aerial
operations, it was announced by the
French air ministry today. However,
three hostile planes were shot down
and two captive balloons set afire.
Weather was better at night and 23
tons of bombs were dropped on sta
tions at Mont Cornet, Marlc, Bethel,
Aspel D'Laville, Juneville and Chatc-let-Sur-Retourno
and the railways be
tween these stations. Fires were ob
served and explosions noted at several
when one thought of it. The night was
blue black, and with each retaliating
shot from our guns great orange flames
darted and disappeared into the dark
ness. We remained porfeetly silent
while wo watched.
My heart always speeds up as I watch
such a sight and realize what it is mean
ing t0 our boyg out there in the tren
ches. After an hour of the most brilliant ar
tillgry display I have ever seen we
went to bvd and tried to seep, but too
many whining shells passed over head
for that. I didn 't Ml Mrs. Bheppard,
the inspector, from Boston, who was
with us, that the shells were incoming,
because it was her first experience un
der shell fire and we didn't want to
scare hur to death. But my sister and
I knew what they were.
At tho same time we were watching
just whero those shells were landing.
Just as dawn was breaking, which
is varly in France, the church bell and
the klaxons sounded above the noiqe of
bursting shells and we knew a gas at
tack was on.-
Gladys and I donned our masks and
then discovered Mrs. Sheppard could
not get herg on. Investigation showed
she did not haw it far enough under her
chin, and her noe clip could not find
home. -Gladys turned on the flashlight
while I tried to make the clip and Mrs.
Sheppard 's nose connsct.
Finally the junction was made, and
Continued from page one)
Stockholm Is Latest Capital
To Hear This Sensational
Stockholm, Oct. 10 Rumors are per
sistsmt here that the kaiser has abdi
Rumors of the kaiser's abdication,
or serious illness, wcro first current in
Europe several days ago. In connection
with this, it is noted that reports of
overthrow of the Hohcnzollerns were
expected to bo circulated at the same
time the Gorman peace offensive was
Recently IKa knUer w&r riwnrtpil AO
ill that he wns forced to .canco! all en
gagements. A few days later word was
received that he had been at Mann
heim to hake an address and was forc
ed to flee an air raid, hldimt in a Cel
lar. ,
Stockholm. Oct. 10. The Germans
are reported to be evacuating some
parts of occupied Russia, which ap
parently they 'are handing over to the
bolsheviki government,. The Germans
are taking away with thom everything
of value. ,
Amsterdam, Oct. 1Q Dr. Solf, Ger
man foreign minister, will soon appoint
a committee of rcichstag mombers,
representatives of the foreign office
and jurists to formulato tho German
draft of a league of nations plan, ao-.
cording to the Nord Deutsch Allge-
mcine Jcitung today, ,
President 's Reply And Fall Of
Cambrai Celebrated At
Same Time In Paris.
By William Philip Slmms
(United Press tat'f correspondent)
Paris, Oct. 10. The swords of Gen
erals Byng, Rawlinson and Lewis aro
today reinforcing President Wilson's
pen in making answer to Germany 'b
peace suggestions. ,
Wilson's reply and the fall of Cam
brai, tho news of both being received
at about tho same time, created great
I excitement. All the people were of the
same opinion. Everybody said: "That
the stuff to give 'em."
The Intransigeant headed its edit
orial: "The. reply of a sage."
"The fall of Cambrai illustrates and
corroborates tho American reply," de
clared LaLiberte,
The Temps observed that Wilson
gave Germany the answer which was
anticipated, named "first get out of
the invaded territory." This the Ger
mans already are doing and allies arc
escorting them. It is now generally
recognized that a pause in the ham
mering of the weakening German ranks
would merely serve to save Luden
dorff 's armies, which are certainly
Military men privately express dis
pleasure at tho idea of granting tho
German a chance to evacuate occupied
territory and haul his armies out with
out diriaiP. As tho west front situa
tion is now developing, they say the
German is destined to suffer heavily
in his retreat.
This fact is evidenced by official
reports showing that the British bag
ged 10,000 prisoners Tuesday.
The present rotreat is viewed as the
direct result of tha incessant hammer
ing all along tho wostern lino. Foeh"
has kept the Hun in doubt as to his
next move and has made the shifting
of reserves a difficult task. New h
has shaken the hold of the boche on
j every important key of the western
line ana a severe punisiimeni is 111 siurv
for the fleeing Germans.
' Agree With Wilson
Ttndnn, Oct. 10 Complete agree
ment with President Wilson's peace
Representative Of Govern
ment la Touch With Al-
lies Latest Report
Constantinople WiS Be Objec
tive Of Immediate Stroke
In East
Washington, Oct. -10. Representativ
es of the new Turkish government art
negotiating with the allies as to th
terms upon which they may withdraw
from the war, the United Press, learned
from an anhorlstive source today,
The new grand viser, Tewflk Pasha, -has
representatives now in touch with
the allied governments, it is stated.
, By Raymond Clapper. , (
. Washington, Oct. 10. An allied drive
on Turkey is expected shortly nntess the
internal unrest there break) Into open
revolt, according to diplomatic opinion
here. ' . -
Greece is preparing to march on the
Ottoman empirvs when, the allied com
mander gives hor word, it was stated.
Over 300,0(10 Greek troops are in arms
now and 200,000 more are Awaiting
equipment, it is stated.
Greek Minister Roussos today gave
assurance that Mb country would con
tinue its fight against thy remnants of
the central powers in the Near East.
"We are in the war to the end," be
iK'clared. 'The fact that Bulgaria has
surrendered will not cnuso Grwce to
cease fighting. She will send her troops
wherever they are required by the allied
Commander in chtef."
Turkey may collapse before a military
expedition can fet under way, but dip
lomatic officials here expect Enver Pa
sha and the young Turks to resist ef
forts of revolting factions to mako
peaow with ths allies.
A delegation of revolutionaries from
Smyrna and Gioclan islands under Tur
kish rule is reported to be in Athens
arranging for liberation of their coun
trymen. It becamo known here today that
Bulgaria had asked Oivece to make
peace monthg ago. The offer was not
given even serious consideration.
The allies are holding out for the
same terms as those euforced upon Bul
garia. Meanwhile, the govornment of
Smyrna has sent delegates to Athens,
who are trying to induce tho allies to
giv them separate recognition. They
I claim thig is one of President Wilson's
principles of well determination. Tho
new Turkish government, formed after
several days of rioting and anti-German
demonstrations, already has been at
work secretly and was prepared to be
gin negotiations through certain uvu
trnls as soon a8 the Enver regime was
Copenhagen, Oct. 10. In an inter
view with the Extrnblsdot regarding
President Wilson's reply, an unnamed
German political writer is quoted aa
I "If Germany evacuates occupied ter
j ritory, the allies must similarly evacn
I ate German colonies."
query to Prince Max is shown here in
tho comment of the leading newspa
pers. Tho Daily News said: "The reply is
terse, direct and searching. It is as
sured of unanimous endorsement in ev
ery allied country."
"Jt confirms and completes unity
among the allies and agrees with the
opinion in England, France and Italy"
the Mail said. -
"It isn't a reply to Max, but simp
ly a preliminary Inquiry regarding
Max's meaning," the Chronicle do-,
dared. - - 'V .