Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 09, 1918, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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(D)c SatfgJgl Journal
I All Around Town
When They Buy Their Furnishings at a
JyC, Penney Store
Because they get the Best of Merchandise at the Least Money. During These
While the Cost of Living is so high, You will find it to your interest to see us
For Your
iues, uvercoats. iviac-
TT T 1
icmaws, underwear
' SUITS u $14.75 TO $25.00
OVERCOATS . $16.50 TO $22.50
MACKINAWS $ 7.90 TO $ 9.90
DRESS SHIRTS $1.25 and $1.49
FLANNEL SHIRTS $2.25, $2.49, $3.25, $3.98
UNION SUITS $1.98. $2.49. $3.49. S4.50
TWO-PIECE UNDERWEAR .98c, $1.49, $1.98
!0rj (MV tsMiMZS
0 A X. Asks For Large Add!
nonai Appropriation ror
Iilitary Activities
Marshal Foch Appeals
To American People
Now York, Oct. 9. Marshal Foch to
day sent the following cablegram to
Benjamin Strong, chairman of the lib'
ei ;y-lo.n committee.
'The Fourth Liberty Loan will be a
magnifituut success if your fellow citi
zens put into the subscriptions tho
sump spirit that your soldiers put iuto
l.a'lln. '
Vice Admiral Sim8 sent the following
jv fain if, concerning the loan;
"Vho l:l,rty loan campaign is the
military oj'.nthe of our people. T'rir
n aterial mpport and will to finery
are tlio very lif0 blood of the armod for.
. Their contribution is the expre
sifn of tliij will. Tho navy's confiden
ce in tli support sustain, its Cigntuv
edgo. Tho people 'i confidonce in the
navy inspired us to offer th0 higuMt
devotion even tho supreme sacrifice
Let us also 'now, as a sorvice tliat cur
resources will bo as freoly offered in
putting this loan ovcr the top to hasten
the end of this great strugglo of du
mocrney, to ri,d the world of lawlessness
and pirrcy. ''
Isavy subscriptions, according to the
liberty Ion i) bureau, aro now more than
$!OX'(iOrOOO and Secretary Daniels has
sent out the Sims message with one of
us own, suggesting even widor response
I'r. iit the whole service.
Directors Of Red Cross
To Bejlected Oct. 23
In accordance with new Instructions
received at Willamette Chapter Head,
quarters, Monday, Octobor 7, from the
manager of the Northwestern Division,
A. R. C the date for the annnal nioet-
Soldiers From Cantonments
May Be Sent To Willamette
It is probable that the requirement
for becoming associated with the stir
dents army training corps of Willanv
ette university may bo lowered altho
tho instructions received today are
rather indefinite.
At the geveral cantonments, the gov
c'rnment has a number of soldiers who
would like to take additional college
training out who have not graduated
from a high school. It is possible that
many of theso men will be sent to the
different universities in the northwest
While a member of the 8. A. T. C.
might be admitted to the universities
without tho usual high school credits,
tins would apply to only those who
have been inducted into the service.
The registration tday at tho univer
sity totaled 273 with new students
coming in each day.
to Wednesday. October 23, 2 p. ni., at
the Salem Commercial Club auditor,
The original purpose of the October
15 meeting was to elect an executive
board of fivo members for tho chapter,
but tho new ruling requires that a
board of directors, consisting of 21
members, be elected. The first duty of
the board of directors will be to hold a
meeting and elect a chapter executive
Everyono holding a Bed Cross mem
bership certificate is urged to be pre
sent and take part in this meeting.
October 23.
Requests for appropriations amount
ing to more than $106,200 are being
presented to the state emergency board
this afternoon. The mooting of tho
fcoard was called for 10:30 o'clock
this morning, but only an Informal dis
cussion was hold at that time as a quo
urn was not present. Senator Que C.
Moeer and Kopresontative Kubli miss
ed their train in Portland this morn
ing, but telephoned they would come
on 'the next train. No word has been
received from Representative H. N.
Btanfield. The other members of the
hoard prosout this morning were Gov
ernor Withycomvo, Secretary of Stato
Olcott, State Treasurer Kay and Sena
tor W. D. Wood of Washington coun
ty. Amounts being asked of the board
Include tho fullowing:
Oregon stato hospitial $100,000) state
penitentiary $40,000; state training
chool for boys $U,0O0; state lime
board $5000; industrial school for trirls
4300; board of inspection of child la1
Dor ipiuuu; capitoi building and grounds
In addition to these amounts, a re
quest will bo made for funds to enable
the Oregon Agricultural college to take
tare of the great number of army stu
dents who have been enrolled. Presi
, dent W. J. Korr of the college and J.
K. Weatherford, presidiont of the
board of regents, are hero to presont
ay n dva'nce what amount hrwould P"'"'"'"'""""""""" Hlllllllltllllllltlll IlllllllllllllllllllltlllUIIIIIllltlll
SSwrivffll! War Summary of United Press I
of Portland, head of the University of 3
urcgon medical selioul, presented tho
meeds of the state for public hospit
where the deserving poor can be given
proper rare when they aro in noeil of
surgical or medical treatment. He de
clared thero was urgent need for the
immediate construction of a hospital
having 000 beds. He estimated the
eost should not exceed $1,000,000.
This provokod discussion between
Governor Withycombc and State Treas
ercr Kay as to the scope of authority
of the emergency board. Mr, Kay eon
tended that the board has power only
to authorize deficiency appropriations
when a spocifio appropriation by the
legislature ha become exhausted, and
be argued that the studenti rmy
training courses at the O. A. C. were
at new department and tho board could
not allow an appropriation to take care
of them. The governor took the oppo
site view.
Oct. 19. Last day' of regis
tering for city electsin.
Oct. 23. Election of Directors
Wilamette Chapter, Red Cross.
Oct. 27 Sunday. At night,
turn the time back one hour.
Nov. 5.-Election day.
In the ease on trial before the circut :
court of James McGilchrist against!.
rrauK jjoose, the jury decided in)
favor of Mr. MeGihhrist. The question i
came up as to whether the truck told
the plaintiff was a ow or two ton
! truck. The jury decided it was a one
jton truck and gave Mr. McGilchrist a
j rebate of $100 on the $450, price of the
Hi Truck and another $100 for time lost
i when Mr. McGilchriet took rjossession
"Tne funeral oeutimi."Webb
Clough Co. tf
"The best" is all yon can do when
death comes. Call Webb k Clongh Co
Phone 120. tt
Lady Maccabees attention. Meeting
this evening et MeCornack hall. Im
portant business.
o i
Dr. A. McCulloch hag returned from
a vacation spent at Newport and will
be in her office as usual. tf
of the truck. The plaintiff was also
given $13 for tools lost.
The death of Ralph E. Dorcas Is an
nounced from Chicago where he died of
pneumonia. He was there on business
for T. A. Livesley & Co., when strick
en. Mr. Dorcag was a 32nd degree
Scotish Rite Majon and for many year8
neld nig ilk membership with the Sa
lem lodge. Hv will be buried in Port
The Rev, James Elvin who recently
returned from the Western Front to
assist in the United War Fund Drive
left yesterday for Pendlvton. He will bo
engaged in the work just one month be
ginning October 28. Ho expects to occirt
py the pulpit of the First Congregation
al church next Sunday.
Can your salmon now. Do not delay.
If you do it will be too late. Quality
tine and price reasonable at xitt s
Dr. Bchenk has now returned from, fact, Preparatory Lecturo bv the dss
his vacation and he extends a cordial tor, Thomas S. Anderson will take
invitation to his patrons and friends ; the place of theregular Thursday ev-
The First Christian church will ob
10-11 serve the regular quarterly communion
; next Bunday, Oct. 13th. In view of that
tovisit his institution.
ening prayermceting. All members of
' . Tr T , , tlie cnurch are urged to' attend. The
Wood Special For 10 days only be-Vhlin wii, hn nr,iiniw im
rriL":." : ' iLv , serves.
1U1U 111111 nuuu ni tpn.tjyj iici iwu.
prompt delivery. Spaulding Logging
Notice: We are ready to receive cl-
Folks living on State and Court
streets and in the down town districts
are interfering to a great extent in the
A... J lo. ol. H,o fnllnmincr le lu
prices: Cidaf appeS, sound fruit shak- school cvnsus now being taken. That is,
en from trees, $10 per ton. Vinegar ap- whei the women who aiv taking thq
pics, windfalls and down fruit, $8 per eoas appear at the door, no one res
ton. Sacks furnished. Gidieon Stolz Co., Ponds- lo" "e benefit of those who
near corner Mill and Summer Sts. 10-15 are n fcr of Liberty Loan solicitors
0 it may d0 said tnat no house to house
Mrs. Ralph White announce the eauvass is being taken. Nor is thero
. . . ... i nn.v other ennviu rminir nn tn fnmn oiwl
oneuinur-of her mvenue classes ai. - ' , ; e -
f..i 10 O i A .1 l.a llln n hall . r- -vv
Vtl. " " "U 1"' J.... X .1,. 11 TJ1 !t
room dancing, Fri. afternoo, Oct, 18, - . "
till 6, at Cotillion ball. Phone " i" " K , T --.
for information. , I . " I"'
ft f
The best and biggest assort
ment in town at popular prices.
Ladies Coats $14.50 to $4150
Ladies Suits $18.99 to $45.00
Children s Coats $2.98 to $11.50
Our Prices Always the Lowest.
Commercial and
Court Streets
PHONE 1072
Formerly Chicago
A ciwui ivi w.i "" J . Th oil. . v.
11.. C1.1...1.1 l..,f in' J"" MI UVA
t Tvro,; .n..nv in 1ib lt Kolva- vcl0Pe caused a Ktter addressed to a
tion armv drive. A few days ago the anc,e .bo "turned and
n i .i.,k ii,i ,h ,,( ; puswu on me Dunerin Doara or tne
VUU UIV'ICIUI UlUU uiunw-.v MuvU - "X U1. .., 1 ,. .
. ,r . ... , Salcin postofficc. The letter i. ad
dressed to "Mr. Earl A. Knower, First
Prof. John O. Hall, formerly profea. " viionai Co. ldth Engineers, A. E
:i ! .i w;ntt. TT.,i. x oomuwncre m J! ranee." xue postal
n 3; , r; :V2. over there couud not find
ington, D. C, where h has accepted r, 8n'T the letter wa, returned to 8a-
government position as statistician ex- "'V w Fu.r i.ere cannot
pert in tb department of labor. On his he a.9 tl,ere If!,0"
ha will win. hi. fn,ilv tl'OJ'PPer left hand conrer, "Return to
V... 1 a. - .. . . i . .
Through the generosity- of Salem eltf. ',."" lusi e, nJ ? 01
ions 250 book, were shipped yesterday aiaymg
to the Portland headquarters, to bo later , h an(1 a11 other old time symptoms
t i A, . of tho grip and then fear takes tios-
scnt to the soldiorc in the spruce sec
tions of tho state. The books were not
only donated here in Salem, but each
was properly labelled and marked ac
cording to the library custom.
Christmas may be coming as usual
qossion and then maybo you do have it
tho influenza. This is the way it
works, according to an old timer who
went through tho influenza epidemic
several years ago at Honolulu.
Will .n,. J i
about this time of the year, but it is'"'" 1,"; ,1 7 . ' "
coming along much earlier to the avor- ' r 1 , 1
ago Christiifas shopper.: Already tnere1' 7 '"f P'otures of President
may be seen in the display window, a ' w? !
card "Shop Early. The government say ,he k the
demands that Christmas shopping be l"Ta
done early. By order of the National works where there may be seen a picture
Council of Defense." , " v , 88 " W1" De
i oiuuuu xupuuucuii uuumiuariers to
Company M, Oregon National Guard considerable extent until election day
Two books were received today by
the Salein public library of interest to
tliotjo who wish to study a little deep
or into the present world conflict. Ons
is entitled, "The Fourth Policy oij
Woodrow Wilson" and the otlwr "His
ing has been changed from October 15 tury of Europe from 1802 until 1914. ':
'I 1528iii Day of the War; 34th Day of Counter Offensive
From LaFere to Rheims A great ar-
Frora the North sea to Lens The
Belgians repulsed a German counter
attack in tho neighborhood of Rout
ers. This whole front continues compar
atively stabilized.
From Lens to LaFere British, Am
ericans and French renewed their at
tacks in the Cambrai-St. Quontin re
gion this morning, extending the fight
ing front north of Cambrai, to a total
width of 30 miles. Cambrai, which has
been (dominated by the , British for
several days, has been occupied by
The French are attacking south of
St. Queutiul.
tillery battle is under way northwest
of Rheims, probably as a preliminary
to wiping out the salient south of
Laon, which would further endanger
the Germans in the Laon and St. Go
bain, region.
From Rheims to Verdun The Franco-American
attack east of the Meusc
hss reached a depth of nearly four
miles at some points. The attack is be
ing made on a front of about seven
From Verdun to Switzerland This j
front continues quiet.
will drill this evening at tho armory
Whilo there is nothing definitely known
as to its chances of being federalized
there is a feeling in the air that such a
thing is a near possibility. Orders were
received yesterday that every effort
should be made to recruit the company
up to the minimum, 110. About 25
more good men could be recruited by
the company.
The city is without a police matron
just at present. Today Mrs. 8. J. Dorsey
presented her resignation to city re
colder Earl Race which will be present'
od to the city council atie next meet
mg. Mrs Dorsey wa receiving fou a
month and when the council increased
the salary of all the employes but re
fused to put an extra ten for the po
lice matron, qhe decided to resign. No
applications have as yet boon received
by Mr. Race.
F. R. DuRette of Fairfield brought to
thia office a fow samples of the kind
of Baldwin apples they raise out in
his section of th0 county. They rival
tho famous Arkansas apples that took
so many prizv at the St. Louis fair. He
says the farmers out in his neighbor
hood aren't troubled with any eight
hour a day labor proposition as just at
present most of them are hustling
about 16 out of every 2 hours.
The body of Mrs. A. B. Tasker was
found yesterday by a dredging crew
floating in tho Willamette river, not
far from Oregon City. She had been
missing from her heme sinc0 Sept. 22.
and every effort had been made by the
family to learn of her whereabouts
She had become molancholy on account
of ill health. 8he iQ survived by her
husband and two sons, Homer Tasker
of th Students Armv Training corps
of the Willnmetto University and Rob
ert Tasker, a student of the Portland
Washington high school. Mrs. Tasker
had lived in Salem about two years in
Yew Park. Thn family came to Salem
for its educational advantages and had
moved back to Portland early in tire
summer. - . . - . -
h0 wants two large pictures of the pres
ident prominently displayed. Rather
than buy them, ho would prefer a gift
irom somo democrat.
Republicans After
LaFoIIette's Scalp
Republican headquarters, represent
ing the republican party in Marion'
county, is out after the scalp of Alex
La Follctte. According to the republi
can way of looking at it, Mr. La Fol
lette has committed the unpurdonable
sin of pledging himself at tho republi
can primaries that he would abido by
tho decision of the primary election,
and then after h.e had been defeated,
bolting the party nomination."
And not only did he bolt his own par
ty, but ho has committed another
breach of political etiquette by ac
cepting the nomination on the demo
cratic ticket and coming out as a dem
ocrat. And all this after having been,
ever since the time of Abraham Lin
coln, a genuine dyed-in-the-wool re
publican. It will bo remembered that the con
test for the nomination on the repub
lican ticket for senator from Marlon
county to the state legisisNrs wae
closely contested between Louis Lach
mund, W. Al Jones, Alex La Follctte
and Sam Brown of Gervais. All, had
agreed to stand by the result of the
primaries. AVhen the counting was over
it was found that Mr. La Follctte had
been defeated by 90 votes by Mr. Lach
mund and by 50 votes by W. Al Jones.
Mr. La Follette and Air. Brown were
defeated. Mr. Brown still stands by the
republican party and accepted his de
feat in the best of spirit. Mr. La Fol
lette bolted and is now to all extent
and purposes, playing for the demo
cratic wote. nence republican head
quarters in Salem is out after his po
litical scalp.
Official Endorsement
London, Oct. 9. President Wilson's
reply to Prince Max's peace move is
satisfactory to the British government,
it was learned here this sftcrpoon: No
reply however is intended until Gemany
makes her next move, it was stated.
Three Rivers Road In Tilla
mook Will Be Built By
Force Account
At a. meeting of the state highway
commission, held in Portland yesterday,
the commission decided to do the work
by force account on what is known as
tho Three Rivers road in Tillamook
county. This is a forest road croicct.
about 10 milrs long, and the estimated
cost is f Tlie work is grading
and graveling and it is estimated it
will take 10 months.
The commission authorized the ex
penditure of $15,000 in Wheeler and
Gilliam counties for maintenance of
tho roads.
A delegation from Coos county arU
peered Oerore tne commission request
ing the commission to provide funds
for macadamizing a section of the road
between Marshficld and Coquillc. The
commission appropriated $20,000 for
the purpose on condition that the ap
proval of the United States highways
council can be obtained. As a spruce
logging camp is located on the road,
the improvement is being urged as a
war necessity.
Since the U. S. highway council has
turned down tlte -(uverliead Hossing
which was to have been constructed at
Divide, the Lane county court has pe
titioned the public service commission
for a permit to coustruct a crossing
over the 8. P. tracks at grade. It is
understood the hignway commission
will oppose this.
The commission approved a propos
ed post road project between Bums
and rane, in Harney county, to cost
approximately $100,000, and the com
missdon will seek the approval of the
V. S. highways council. If the" road is
built tho state will pay $40,00fl, the
government $40,000 and the county
' All rural school districts are now In
session except Liberty, Prospect, Shaw
Pleasant Ridge, Summit and Parrish i
Gap and these schools have arranged
to begin fall.tcrms next Monday. . '
o 1
' Members of Willamette chapter Red
Ctoqs who took so much pains in meet
ing to elect a nominating committeo
which wa8 to nanus officers for the Red'
Cross the coming year, have found their
work all for nothing. And so has the1
committee that nominated officers. This1
mix-up in affairs is due to tho fact that '
headquarters in Seattle had adopted j
some new ruK'S regarding the election
of officers, but had not notified Wil
lamette chapter. Now that tho new rulec 1
have been announced, all nominations
for officcrg for the coming year are'
withdrawn. According to the new pro-!
cedure a board of directors will bo;
chosen consisting 0f 21. Then thi9 board
will select an executive committee of
five and this last committee appoint
tlie officers for thtc oming year.
The Grand Conunandery, Knights
Templars is now in gossion at Bend.
Oregon, and will be attended by the
following from Salem: M. L. Meyers,
junior warden; George C. Brown, deputy
grand commandor; Judge George" H.
Burnett, past grand commander and Dr,
O. A. Olson, representing the local com
Skin and Scalp Specialist
Treats all eruptions and
blemishes of skin and scalp.
Latest appliances for treat
ing the feet. Satisfaction
Lady Assistant
518 U. S. Nat'l. Bank Bldg.
Fer Appointments
Phone 416
Portland Furniture Dealer wants
all kinds of second hand furniture,
stoves, gas ranges, ete. Best price .
paid. Phone 951.
Hemstitching and Picot edge
We do this work in 'he best
All work guaranteed.
Singer Sewing Machine Co
Phone HI
337 State Street
t ear of
Yick So Ton?
Chinese Medicine and Tea Oa.
Has medicine which wilt eure
any known disease.
Open Sundays from 10 a. as.
ontil 3 p. m.
1S3 South High St
Your Junk and give you
a square business deal.
I always pay the highest
cash prices.
I buy all kinds of used
goods, 2nd hand furni
ture, rubber and junk.
Get my Prices Before
you sell. 1
Phone 398
The Square Deal House
271 Chemeketa Street
And All Kinds of 2nd Hand
Pan Market Prices Special
Prices paid for Sacks.
Get oar prices beore yon ten.
871 H. Com'l St Phone 734