Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 09, 1918, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Editorial Page of The Capital Journal
Iditor ud PibliAM
October 9, 1918
I t
' ,1-.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
l. . Barnes.
Bc. and Trraa.
DH hf carrier, pw yt-ar 15.00 Per Month 45e
Dally by nutll. pr year 8.00 Per Monih 85c
W. D. Ward, Nw Turk," Tribune Building.
Chicago, W. H. Htockwell, People! (iaa Building
The Capital Journal carrier boya ar Instructed to pot the papera oa the porch. 1
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la tha only newspaper In Salem whose circulation li guaranteed by tha
Audit Bureau of Circulations
Regarding the operations on the western front from
day to day and their significance, most readers are in
the dark. It is hard to follow the movements even on a
war map and to understand the objectives of the various
drives undertaken against the German lines in trance
This fact inakes a daily review of the situation by some one
who has thoroughly studied it a matter of interest as well
as a source if information. For instance, J. W. T. Mason,
the United Press war erpert, explains the movements
of American army in his review of yesterday, as follows:
The American progress between the Arginne forest
and the Meuse river is now approaching the Grand-Pre
road, which cuts the forest in two. This forest will serve
as a connecting line, when captured, for the Americans on
the west and east flanks of the forest.
It is apparently General Pershing's present purpose
to move his front between the Argonne and the Meuse
to Grand Pre and, by effecting a junction with the French
and Americans to the west, squeeze the Germans out of the
southern half of the forest area. - n
The Franco-Americans who are operating on the
west side of the Argonne have recently halted their ad
vance at the western entrance to the Grand Pre passage.
Their drive toward Vouziers, which is the base for a turn
ing movement against the whole of the Argonne, has come
to a temporary rest because of the immense reserve force
which Von Hmdenburg has thrown into this sector.
Marshal Foch will not countenance a major offensive
by the allies at present anywhere along the west front.
Hence, French and Americans are abstaining from costly
frontal attacks in an effort to reach Vouziers and clean
out the Argonne of its innumerable machine guri hests
and concealed artillery positions by a single movement.
But, while waiting for a more favorable opportunity
to resume the advance to the west of the Argonne,' Gen
eral Pershing has undertaken the very arduous work of
forging ahead on the east border, The Americans are lit
tle more than five miles south of Grand Pre, but they
are subjected to a constant flank attack all the way by the
enemy concealed in the Argonne.
The fact that the American front between the Aiv
gonne and the Meuse measured no more than a dozen
miles is also a handicap.
Nevertheless, the creeping advance continues. The
Amricans are following the course of the Aire river, which
borders the Argonne on the east and runs through the
Grand Pre pass into the Aisne on the western side.
When the Americans reach Grand Pre their right
wing on the Meuse can be advanced very considerably to
ward Stenay to cut off Luxemburg, which continues to
be General Pershing's objective.
Most of us hoped the president would return a curt
negative reply to the German peace proposal, just as he
did to the recent Austrian, note. He has seen fit, how
ever, to do otherwise, leaving an opening for further
communications on the subject and the nation will ac
quiesce in the course he has taken. It may be he has
placed the German militarists in a position where their
insincerity will be fully bared to the world. The presi
dnt's questions are very direct and it will be extremely
embarrassing for Chancellor Max to answer them unless
he is ready to acknowledge camplete defeat of the Prus
sian program.
C. S. Jackson, publisher of the Portland Journal, and
leading single tax advocate of Oregon, has initiated two
bills to be voted upon at the general election. One of
j these bills repeals the delinquent tax publication law and
the other sets the price for printing legal notices in Ore-
' Pnn. nnts!df nf Pfirrlflnri wlipro Mr Japlronn nr-infc a no
es J ' J ' ' - . ' " . u . i.ii jriiuiu a
per and claims the right to charge any rate he pleases.
It is quite generally presumed that Mr. Jackson in
itiated these bills because the country newspapers of the
state offended him by opposing the single tax measures
which have from time to time appeared in the ballot. It
may be, however, that abstractors, who thrive on mixed
titles, court house claim scalpers and speculators in de
linquent tax certificates raised a fund to persuade the
rortland Journal to espouse their cause. It must have
cost a very considerable sum of money to pay petition
circulators and other expenses incurred in the initiation
of the bills.
The tax payers generally desire the publication of
the delinquent tax ist because it is a businesslike wav of
doing business. It gives everybody full notice, stimulates
tax payments, protects the taxpayer in all his rights, and
enables the county to finally close its books each year
with no over-hanging delinquencies.
In Marion county for instance, we do practically a
million dollars of public business each year collect that
amount in taxes and disburse it m various ways. The de
linquent publication here in two papers usually costs
about $600 or $300 to each paper. What private corpora
tion doing a million dollars of business annually would
not be glad to close up its books and turn over a new leaf
at the end of the year for an expense of $600?
Moreover, this expense does not fall upon the tax
payers generally, but upon the delinquent taxpayers who
must foot the advertising bill. It is also a protection to
the delinquent, worth all it costs, because it gives the full
protection of publicity under a system bv which the tax
lien shark cannot buy his property in the dark and put
him to serious trouble and expense. The Jackson method.
as proposed in the nefarious bill he has initiated, is ini
the interest only of the speculator. It is worse, if pos
sible, than the single tax measures he has so often attempt
ed to saddle upon the land owners of Oregon.
"Lead me to it," said a young Am
erican captain when a doughboy told
hiru a Irerman count a hiKh officer,
of course wag waiting to surrender to
a colonel.
"So colonels in my company today;
just come with nie,"' the captain said
! ana tne count came!
The count wore a monocle, he car
ried a cane, he was gome eount. The
doughboy didn't say "your highness,"
or spill any of that kind of bunk. He
shook hands with the count, gave him
a cigarette and hustled him back to
uo on sun cages, line lis was a regu-W
mr ieuow.
And perhaps the count is a regular
iujuw uy ims time.
"They lack tho dashing appearance
of the French cavalry; they haven't
the statelincss of the British cavalry
The state police, Governor Withycombe's political
uuuyguaru, is growing more valient every aay. since
their gallant defense of the state fair ..they have been
busy raiding the funeral cortege of a Baker City naw en
sign, in a search for liquor which did not exist, and in
otner similar ways making themselves disagreeable to
law-abiding citizens.-
One condition which President Wilosn imposes on
Grmany seems quite unnecessary. General Foch is see
ing to it that all allied terriory is being evacuated without
unnecessary delay by the Prussian military forces.
tT-a-tT 4 -
j Rippling Rhymes
by Walt Mason j
Admittedly the president made a . subtle maneuver
when in his message he inquired whether Prince Max
spoke for- Germany's war lords or was he the people's
mouthpiece as well. As, is generally believed here, Ger
many's peace offer was hypocritical the president's an
swer is designed to nut the masters of Germany into a
diplomatic hole. They must no wacccpt President Wil-: must turn to loathing when facing brutes like these.
eon s peace terms as a whole in good faith or stand before
the world convicted of deceit.
Von Hertling would berate us; he says, with sign of
pain, "Our enemies all hate us with hatred that's insane!"
Of course we ought to love them, the Germans, rank and
file, and Bill, who reigns above them, with eagles on his
tile. And in the past we thought them an honest, kindly
race; until they showed, dod rot them, our views were out
of place. And even when they slaughterd like butchers
run amuck, till France and Belgium tottered beneath foul
blows they struck, we said, "It is their princes who make
of war a fright; the rulers all are quinces, but Germans
are all right." Oh, we were slow believing how vile the
Teuts could be, although their boats went weaving like
pirates through the sea; although with glee inhuman they
plied the sword and dirk on babe and priest and woman,
and gloried in the work. Since this war had its morning
it's been the Prussian plan to view with jeers and scorn
ing the laws of Goal and man. Oh, sure, we ought to love
them, the whole blamed filthy nest, Red Bill, who rules
above them, Von Hertling and the rest. Love them, who
have been clothing with dead the land and seas ! But love
With butter at 75 cents a pound, and the state food
administration asleep at the switch, the creamery trust is
not worrying very much about how long the war lasts.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers;
are receiving subscriptions now
for the
"Oh, a day or two ago."
"At luncheon t"
"es. bhe wanted my advieep-as
a lawyer and telephoned nw. It was
about luncheon time, so I. took her to
lunch and we talked then. We both had
to cat, and it saved her a trip to iny
'My, what an elaborate explanation 1'
Huth said ironically, then at oncv plung
ed into another subject Now "she wus
glad she had not told Brian about her
Delinonico luncheon.. Had she. ho
would have blamed her for his not want
ing t0 lunch alone, she thought, as he
always blamed her for not wanting to
urn? aione wnon she was out of town.
Brian, evidently relieved, was will
Ing to follow her lead, and was pleasant
ly chatty botn then and tho following
morning. Ho had, to tert. the truth
been a little uneasy over Ruth's rercp,
tion of his having lunched with Mollie.
He had not relished her tone- when she
spoke of his "eluborate explanation."
Wag she going to le nasty about Mol
liet He hoped notl Afoilio was such
a good little pal. A fellow was so
comfortablo with her. Of course, if
Ruth objected, he would have to keep
away from her when Kuth was in town
When she was away that was another
matter. Ho had told Ruth how he stood
on that point.
After ho had k-ft for his office, Ruth
thought very seriously about him and
Mollie King. Big tears welled up into
her eyes as she thought that perhaps
he was sorry he had married her in
stead of Mollto. Tho very fominine
trick of making herself miserable even
before she was sure there was anything
to be miserable about, had not passed
Ruth by, even though she were a busi
ness woman. Business had in no way
robbed Ruth of her femininity; nor of
her womanly, or her womanish traits.
So she had pictured herself neglected
forlorn, because of Mollie King.
Wlr.'n she reported for her work, Ar
thu Mandel quickly sensed something
wrong. She looked troubled, and there
wan, a suspicious redness about her
"That follow has been making her
unhappy!" hw thought to himself, and
apostrophised him in no uneortain lan
guage in his thoughts, "it's a darn
shame," he resumed, yet could not help
a feeling of pleasure that it would em-
phasizo his own attitndo toward her.
"You are not looking up to tiro
mark," he said to her, "Take it easy
today. Really, if you like, you may
go home at noon. I shall bo too busy
to dn anything about that western mat
ter, and nothing else is at all pressing."
At first Ruth started to say slro
didn't care to go home. Then there
rushed over her a desire to spend tho
afternoon in her own appartment. She
would let Oiawford go and mevt Brian
soirewhero for dinner. She longed to
be alone. So she thanked Mr. Mandel
and said that if nothing came up be
tween then and the noon hour to eauso
him to change his mind, sho would bo
glad to go home.
".! have a number of little things
yet to do in my apartment. I shall be
glad of the chance," shw said, and then
added rather shyly she had not yet
become accustomed to being in tho po
3ition of employee "Thank you very
much, Mr. Mandel."
"Don't thank mo, I'd" he flushed
and eaught himself. Ho had almost
told hor more than he knew to bo wiso
at this time. But ho wanted her to owe
her happiness to him. "I'd not have
allowvd you to show up at all today had
I known you felt imdly," ho finished
in a business-like manner.
"How good he is to me," Ruth said
to herself as she went about her day's
work. "I don't believe many employ
ers ai like him. V
She was thinking, as it happened
just exactly what Arthur Mandel in
trrded for her to think.
(Tomorrow Claud,. Beckly Enlightens
Ruth a to Brian's Whereabouts.) '
Miss Ivy Gray, Fairview, J EvCI rV
Kentucky, writes: q t H
"I have taken Peruna, and M
would aay that It la the best
metlicina lor coughs and colda I
ever saw. I ud tmt it Hiwan MIss Gray.g letter breatnee
enrra a cold iu a ahort while. It . , ,,. , ,
also strenKthena and builds tip hP t0 the ailing. It la an la
the sysiem." aplratlon to the aick and Infirm.
Sold Everywhere Liquid t Tablet Form
but with their tin hats cocked over
their ears, riding their horses like In
dians, laughing and yelling, brandish
ing a revolver Ju each hand with
which they shoot very straight, either
hand, or with both hands at once, if
you please good Lord how they can
fight! " a Scotchman writes of the Am
erican cavalry.
Don Quixote made duels silly by
fighting windmills,
- Hiding a lop-eared old mule, he went
about JSpaiu slashing away at the big
paddles, and always getting his bumps,
until he made duelling silly, ridicu
lous, preposterous.
People laughed and duelling died.
That is what the doughboys Uod
blesi 'em are doing to war.
As good fighters as the world ever
saw, tney haven't the least bit of re
spect for the glittor of war.
They are knocking off tho tin foil.
They are stripping it of gold braid.
They are kicking; the dignity out of
it. -
They fight like hell, vet thev arc
kind to people, they love little" chil
dren, they are respectful to women
and France loves them!
Journal Want Ads Pay
Cattle Market Now
In Better Condition
Xorth Portland, Or., Oct. 9. 209
head of cattle were received at th
Xorth Portland stock yards over night
Monday 1400 head. The cattle markef
has recovered from its demoralized Com
dition of last week and all grades are
selling steadily at following quotations
Prime steers $12-1.3; good to choicaj
steers $11-12; medium to good steers
$9.75-11; faiir to medium steers $8.25
9.23; common to fair steers $6 8; choice)
cows and heifers $8-9; medium to good;
cows and heifers $0-7.25; fair to medi
um cows and heifers $5-6; cannerB $3
4; bulls $5-8; calves $9-l!; stoekert
and feeders $0-8.
The new arrivals in the hog alleys
over night was 500 head. Monday 2459
head. The market suffered 8 decline)
yesterday of 2 cents and as a conse
quence trading today is slow and haa
an undertone of weakness. Quotations:
Prime mixed $19.25-19.50; medium mix
ed $18-75-19; rough heavies $17.25
17.50; pigs $15.50-16.50; bulk $18.75-19
With a nominal run of sheep nndt
lambs over night the mutton market
remains stationary at quotation as fol
lows: Prime lambs $12-14; fair to me
dium lambs $9-11; yearlings $1011;
wethers $9-10; ewes $0.50-9.
1 .Ap alalaWaMBitVV '
Get at the Real Cause Take Dr.
Edwards Olive Tablet3
That's what thousands of stomach
sufferers are doing now. Instead" of
ftv FANF PHFJ t takm wnfcs, WS patcu tip a
uy .itiici i j 4 i noor digestion, they are attarkm the
real cause of the ailment dogged liver
and disordered bowels.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets arouse the
1!.. 2 i i : . nn .
abornted imon m U,1.,, in l,.t! ' '"8 way. nra
"When did you sec Miss King last ?"!,,.- ,-. . . f. the liver and bowels are pertorramg thsir
., . , . . . J 1. 1 -Miss King enioy four aocletv to such natural function, awav poea induwarnn
an extent, she also said that Mollie . and stomach troubles.
King had told her that I knew that If you have a bad taste in your
! you spent the evenings I was away, ! mouth, tongue coated, appetita poor,
Sith her. Nnw. a. T ),) ni tnl.l Mr. lazy, don't-cara feeling, no ambition or
. 'Curtis anything about it.very evidently ! eneTPV. troubled with lmdicresttd foods,
t :m;,. v;. .. i. i aj ,.i, .i.. you should take Oliva Tablets, tha sub.
hy ., . .,,! d.,,1, vj atitute for calomeL -
about to add a asreastie "amoved, " J-fl 'L.Tf? f
Why tonight when Mrs. Curtis el-
Ruth asked, trving not to let too much
anxiety appear in her voice.
"Why when " Jinan stammered
then, as always when he was embarrass
ed, li commenced to bluster:
"Who told you I saw her
People nr in great business!
can't thev let a fellow alone f"
"No oue told me.
self." .
"Me I what do you meant"
In spite' of her jealousy, Euth's
senso of. humor made her laugh. Ho
was go genuinely fussed.
Tou told it your-,., . ... nh;friirin,i'a.
"unless sho had been told!"
"Kino and Mollie are as thick a9 two
peas in a pod," Brian grumbled.
"Vou haven't answered me, Brian.
When did vou gee hert"
oliva oil. You will know them by their
olive color. They do the work without
griping; cramps or pain.
Take one or two at bedtime for quick
relief, so you can eat what you like,
At 10c and 25c per box. All druggists,
If 'jaafti ' r - r' -Y-iwir, -ai'aiiiaaiiiisiisiMiaiiaiMaT-aiiiiiriiiiif i-'--ytitrmmr'!i
A Sure Failure
Cure For rv To Smile
Smilelcss .S IniuTr,es
People j - C - . Health
If !:f 4 ri' -a rmiW$M ill
The Girl withthe (Gorgeous Smile-,
PI!' ft at
jJwmir Pretender
hFhrenef C Bolles Wm.w chnier Miller
, The romance of a beautiful
young widow who nevex
' had a husband.