4,600 SUBSCRIBERS (3,000 EEADEKS) .DAILT Only Circulation in Salem Guar antee! by the Audit Bureau of Circulations iULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES BFECIAL WILLAMETTE VAlr LEY NEWS SERVICE FORTY-FIRST YEAR- NO. 240 III l " 5 . WILSON LIKELY TO TELL C0Nuni28G President Will Await German : Reply Before Taking Def inite Action. YESTERDAY'S MESSAGE WAS 0EY INQUIRY Entente Diplomats Are Pleas ed That Curt Reply Was Not Given Proposal By Carl D, Groat (fuitcd Press Staff Correspondent.) Washington, Oct. 9. President Wil sou will probably go before congress to1 cast furthe her light upon the position he took in his inquiry to the German u: i : . . Prince Max, as soon as tW latter re The White House viewpoint on the Wilson query was elucidated thus: I The enquiry does net bind President pucs. r r.r"1 CUrSe- t It is d.shuctly an enquiry not a re-, f,"D.Ce. MttX I V 0ffe."; ?"d 7." 7 ' , r iimke a fitting reply a, soon as he . lor lu prueu w knows for certain whether Germany wants peace on his tvtms or is merely , rnaking an insurance peace move. Particular attention was called t0 th9 fact that among tlm present's pen. terms are complete f.vemg of Buss.a, Belgium, occupied Fiance and repara- tion of the wrong, of Alsace-Lorraine. Also there is a distant emphasis upon the fact that self-determination shall hi the governing factor in territorial alignments. . . , j The president felt that a curt answer would have served as ammunition to tho Teuton war lords to stimulate the peo-j pk's of Germany and Austria to fresh efforts undvr the guise of self-defense. What Germany Knows As the matter now slanus, Germany! 'knows clearly that complete evacuation of occupied territory must be the pre-i liminary to any peace mow. The ter- nan leaders are told they must show: their true colors, not alone to the world, but to their own people. It became known that the president's declaration for evacuation of occupied territories before an armistice did not " contemplate the evacuation of Alsace. Instead, it meant evacuation of invaded territories and the intention, as shown by tbj president's fourteen peace terms, to leave the righting of the wrong done Tcance to be determined in the final Kace conference. It was said by high authority that this "righting" was open to the inter pretation bf the ryturn of Alsace to i' ranee. During th,. afternoon President Wil- son visited Secretary of State Lansing PEACE VI aim remained in conference with him Italy and the whote of mankind. -land with Chief of Staff March for a Hi appeal follows: considerable time. TLv significance of the military man g presence there was not entirely -iear, but speculation was that the pres- mem was considering me military as- peets of the future should Germany de- etine a general evacuation. Diplomats Endors, Eeply. Diplomats here were frankly fearful Tiiai a cun aemand ror surrender would have bolstered up German morale, en- couraging the Teutons ts fight harder under the plea that they wero battling; for their existence. The allied consults tiong developed the idea that a short, sharp reply would cause unrest or sus-jLvt this be present in the mind of ali pieion among the labor and Lansdowne as a realization oT the situation and elements abroad. Such an answer it waaj safeguard against deception. Easy cru At, would not meet the approval ofjdulity without positive proof may lead groups who perhaps might fail to see to betrayal that would bo of advantage tlie evident insincerity of the German to thP enemy, for whom it is important nianeuver. t0 ga;n time in order to weaken the , At the same time it was believed ; spirit of our troops, ttiat th? president had giwn a "realj "Confidence in the wisdom of the flinch" to his" remarks by making the j government and the government of the demand for evacuation as a peace pre-j allies, inspiied by a sense of justice and liunary. This goes farther than any' faith in our ability to attain in thi3 d 'niand to date and even those who hour what will prove decisive for the " future, we must hold ourselve, mort- in (Continued on page two) 1 readiness than ever to completely erush NEWSPAPERS OF NATION GENERALLY Presidfiiii Wilson's Message Interpreted To Mean Un conditonal Surrender New York,' Oct. 9. "It is open to Germany to say this is a demand fot surrender," declared the New i'oik Times today, commenting on President Wilson's note.-' That is what it amounts, to and the president speaks what is iii the minds of the American people when he makes the surivnder oi Germany a necessary preliminary to any tak about peace." The World says: "In dealing with th? oGrmnn peace offensive, Presideut W.'son has employed the same tactics that Foch used in breaking the German military offeusive-acounter offensive The pivsident ui this matter is sitting as a juuge ana as a juage lie oraers ine w-.,m,u ijuvoncm u coiue imo court-j and show why its application should not bo dismissed on the ground of liiud." ine lrimino says an part: " wo are 1U w.cpuut ' our enemies on-the subject not of sur- :cT ..' "ot or f, ?' D.ut S. ft?.1,'""?"8 .on ,ne0N- 01 81Qenl iiwii m uiuttifliu, - "Ten thousand words' of .amplifier uon,- saw tne oun, -coma aao naugni incoml'arbly t P-. ?e' f ' ?rgu3 "othl"' h I i"g' b" fenely without the least bins kaiserTstalkin' hors,' Tho HeraW ,s,The danger,is that i sending may give to to filer, of Germany a confidence in their ability Germany a confidence in tlteir ability : ,0 wi thiB war by aiplomay-thereby , . - the S the uncondf. j f. ,.,.,.j V,j t 4. ,. Germany and Austria-Hungary renewed confidenCr; in th abilitr ofBtll'cir govorl u t j , th ,f, fat t- tf, tllpJrpTor Pre11RRifln w,fil( irn go- tiated, therefore Prussian peace; while the thniliM for the pending and much E'C-cded liberty loan." "The reply of P8ident Wilson to the recent peace proposal of the Ger man chancellor opens a possibility for ending the war," declared the Staats Zeitung. Milwaukee Sentinel: "The reply is firm and unswerving but adroit in that L DIAZ TROOPS OF FALSE PEACE Italian Commander Desires Only Honorable And Per manent World Peace Washington, Oct. 9. General Diaz commander in chief of all the Italian armkts, has issued a ringing appeal to his troops not to be misled by the encnn; offer of peace and to continue fighting until such tnne as the enemy will offor sufficient guarantees for the safety of "The enemy, aware of his desperate situation and ecrtain defeat in the near future, offers peace while continuing to fight slubbornly on the field of France and Belgium and with overbearing pride encamping on the sacred soil of our (country, in order to conserve what he lean of his prey. The proclamation of the German emperor to his army and navy is new proof that conviction that it is nwcessary to make good his depre dations has not Denetrated th enemy and proves that the time has not come when we can decide with eertainty the advisability of laying down our arms SALEM, ENDORSE REPLY it puts the onus of continued war upon Germany's rulers. Thus we Say a door to peace by submission is left ajar for the German people to force open by for cing submission upon their, govern ment." ' Washington P-ost: "President Wil son's reply to Germany is so compact that its full meaning Is not at first ap parent. It must be read and pondered and all the alternatives suggested by the presideut considered Lvfore the fatefuluess of the reply can be fully grasped. Then it takes the directness and force of a sword." ' New York Evening World: "The Gvr- man government can offer the United Btatog factory explanation of what chancellor Max's peace proposals meant without noting itself a long wav ful.ther downward toward the point ; of preparation for the only kind of Germany js going t0" get. Cleveland Plain Dealer: "President Wilson's reply doe8 not directly -bring jpeace ncarer. But in ae(.ordanoe witj; ,he wi!so wav of doing tllin(;9) it does I nail Germany down to actualities and thua ,.i.ifle. th lmk,hnH hv v.hh I Germany must seek peace. Therefore, by .indirection, pea- is broaght ew.-Iv rnr - ,11 nn nnm hv ! icor i HTJ, rmTI nh it ,.in uot coms. by any war thai Pots- dam arranae8 and lav, out. It win come, when the German people .peak and sPeak """'stakably their surrender to the tcrm8 elvilition has fixed.'!. English and French Agree. London, Oct. 9. "President Wilson """c'ru a" ",,u,u "u"u "pecveu, declared the, Express, the only London answered as a wholo world expected,' morning newspaper commenting on the nresident's ouery to Chancellor Maxi- president's query to Chancellor Maxi milian. "He pins the author, bo he kaiser or Max, to one JSlain issue. It virtually is a caaucnge. if the uvrinaus are sin- core in a desire for peace, let 'them withdraw their armies to Germany be fore asking for it." Just m Expected. Paris, Oct. 9. President Wilson's re ply to the German armistice proposal be came known here today through extra editions issued at noon. ' The first opinions noted were that tho ivply was "just as expected." the encmv in case his offer of pcaco is not acompanied by the neevsary guar antees or is simply a repition of the old guise to avoid defeat. Let us never be weakened by flattering hopes while tha enemy continues to occupy our soil. Therefore, with firm and calm miad conscious of our rights and ready to assert them in new conflicts, let us be assured that victory is now ours. Our country trust her childivn. Let us be worthy of her trust." ABE MARTIN What's become o' th' feller that used convulse th' whole bar room by 'ask- in' rer a little "coffin varnish!" Some folks seem t' enjoy poor health. Jr OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1918. mm ARGONNElATTACK AND GAIN GROUND Yankee Losses" Equal Only To Half Number Ot Prison ers Taken Yesterday AMERICANS BAG 3,000 ON ALL FRONTS TUESDAY General Pershing Reports Many Villages Laptured In Argonne Tussady By Lowell Mellett (United Press staff correspondent) With the British Armies In Prance, Oct. 9. (11 a. m.1 Tho titiulrlni pushing eastward tO vrd Bunigny have capiurea two -battenea v and . turned tnera against the Germans.. . Bohain is reported to b hnraw General Rawllnson's men took fiann prisoners yesterday. Three doughboys iouna idi uennans In a dugout await ing capture. One German regiment bolted as the Americans approached. . . , Parts, Oct 9. The Echo Da Paris stated today that the Germans are evacuating the Argonne forest. By Fred S. Ferguson . (United Press staff correspondent). With the American First Army, Oct. 9. The converging attack on the Ar gonne massif continues with renewed success. Heavy fighting has developed In the center, wlie Infantry operations were preceded by an unusually at.rnnr nr. tiUcry bombardment which lasted all nigut. London, Oct, 9. American losses In the Mouse and Argonne fighting yes terday were less than half ths number of prisoners takan, according to battle front dispatches received here today. General. Pershing reported the nunt U3T of prisoners taben by the Ameri cans at 1500. By Frank J. Taylor (United Press staff correspondent) With the American First Army, Oct. 9. French and American troops in their attack east of the Meuse, have advanced six kilometers (more man three miles and a half) in some plac es. Attacking under cover of yesterday morning's darkness tho French and Americans caught the Austro-Oernians completely by surpriso and advanced more than a mile and a quarter in the initial rush. With the coming of day light, the resistance stiffened, but the allies shoved ahead and made great in roads into the enemy lines at some points. Progress in this set-tor is extremely important as it removes the danger to the American flank along the Meuse and has routed out German artillery nests which 'made the American posi tions on the river uncomfortable. The Americans reseuod the battalion which was cut off and surrounded in the Argonne for five- davs, and pushed on today. It is known the situation of the G-ermans in the northern part of the forest is serious. Further American advance will oblige withdrawal from the forest as far as Grand Pre. Along the Ancre the Americans have improved tho position they captured Monday. Our artillery has caused more than 24 fires behind the German positions. Take 3000 Prisoners Washington, Oct. 9. Capture ot Gornay by the Americans, liberation of four other villages and a bag of 3000 prisoners Tuesday was reported by General Pershing today. French troops operating in conjunc tion with the Americans have driven the enemv well beyond the captured villages east of the Meuse and are eon-1 tinuing the pursuit. The communique' follows: PRESS (Continued on page two) - - ' Great German Retreat On fifty Mile Front London, Oct. 9. (4:20p.m.) German troops on the line from the Scarp river to St. Quentin (a front of nearly fif- ty miles of trenches) retreated between two and three miles this afternoon, it was reported in battle front dispatches. A retreat of such magnitude as described in the foregoing dispatch would irivolvo tho loss of many towns of some im- portancc. It is probable that both Bohain and Arleux, towns for which the allies have been fighting, fell within their grasp as tnc uermans withdrew, The retreat also would deep en the salients which have been created south of St. Quen tin and north of Cambrai. DESPERATE HUNS PREPARE TO FIGHT TO LAST DITCH NOW Every German Who Can Bear Anns Is Being Hurried To Western Front By Willim Philip Simms (United Press staff correspondent) Paris, Oct. 9. The Gorman armies today arc attempting the most desper ate resistance of tho war. They have been commanded to hold or die, to give the allies the impres sion they have not yet beon beaten, while Berlin proceeds with its truce plot. In default of sufficient field artil lery, the Huns are massing all avail able trench mortars, howitzers and high clocity guns at critical points in their efforts to stop the slow, cease less allied advances while from Russia, the 1'kraino and the cast generally ev ery possible Gorman soldier is being hurried into the war's bloody maw in the west. Hospitals throughout Germany have been raked of nearly-fit convalescents. Reports have been received here that a levee en masse would be attempted in the event that Preside Wilson's reply to ine armistice proposal was tin favorable, as a last resort to prevent total collapse of tho empire. It is also reported that Hclgian ci vilians are being forced to work on line after line of defenses about Os- tend, Zeebrugge and Bruges, indicat ing that Field Marshal Von Hinden- burg and General Lud'ndorff consid er rear uurd fighting across Belgium inevitable if they hope to arrive at the Antwerp-Mainur-Mctz line. The. Laon salient Is gradually tight ening, the British and Americans are' lnving one prong of the pincers deep-1 er beyond M. Ouentin and vambrail hile the French and Americans are loing the name between Iiheims and Verdun. Short of guns, ammunition, air planes and reserves, Ludendorff is frenzieilly shunting what he has from this point to that, fighting an ever-in creasing battle. The feeling is rapidly crystallizing that the central powers foreseeing their doom just ahead, are staking all on a race between the Prussian gener als and the results of Prince Max's proposal. Everything points to a general re treat, perhaps to the Metz-Jiamur-Antwerp line. German critics openly invite the higher command to take im mediate steps to shorten the front, re gardless of the territory they would have to give up, in order to defend the frontier. Xo surprise would be caused if the next step in the peace move would be an offer to evacuate France and Bel gium as a guarantee of good faith, in crder to obtain an armistice. , VATICAN 18 EXCITED Rome. Oct. 9. Germany's request for an armistice produced a sensation at the Vatican. Immediately after the details of the proposal were received , Cardinal Gas parri, papal secretary oil date, confer red with the pope. Afrcrwad he had a long coj"feenco with the Berlin minister. PRICE TWO CENTS flELD MARSHAL HAIG REPORTS 8000 TAKEN" IN VESTEItDAY'S DRIVE Many Guns And Vast Quantities Of Supplies Taken In Ad vance Which Still Continue s-emians Giving Way On All Points With Heavy Losses As Allied Forces Drive Heavy Blows Against Crumbling Lines.-Thirty Mile Front Between Cambrai And St .Quentin Scene Of Bitter Fighting. London, Oct. 9. British troops have entered Cam brai, Field Marshal Haig reported today. The armies of General Byng and General Rawlinson renewed their attack this morning. " More than 8000 prisoners and many guns were taken in yesterday's oprations'bn this front. - v . y "At 5 :20 o'clock this morning the attack was resumed on the whole front of the Third and Fourth armies," the statement said. "First reports stated that rapid progress was made, everywhere. "Shortly after midnight the Canadians ' attacked north of Cambrai. Ramillies was captured and the cross ings of the Escaut canal secured in the neighborhood of the village. We have entered Cambrai. "The number of prisoners taken yesterday exceeds- 8000. Many guns also were "We made further progress yesterday evening at Sequehart in the direction of Bohain and Maretz. We reached the western outskirts of Walincourt and gained the line of the La Targette-Cambrai road, capturing For-enville." By John Da Gandt (United Press staff correspondent) Paris, Oct. 9. (4:14 p. m.) The bat tle is proceeding with great intensity along the whole fighting front. With the full of (.'anibrai, General Ludondorff s battle front continues j erumoung aoour nun. me attaes The attack by the armies of General Byng and Gen eral Uawfinson toward Let bateau this morning tends to precipitate withdraw al of the German armies in this region, which evidently are being thrown into disorder. Tho French and American are forc ing back the enemy in the Champagne and consolidating their gains on the Huippe river front, while French cav alry is north of tho river reconnoiter ing toward Junivillo and Machmull. in the Argnnno, the Germans, caugni in a pocket, arc putting up supreme re sUtance. An artillery battlo is raging along wide front northwest of Itheims. AI& STILL SMASHING AD By John De Gandt (United Press staff correspondent) Paris. Oct, v. uu:uu a. m.) iii,.h t.p.n villi,, m-mi wit. allies are still smashing forward be- tween Ht. Quentin and Cambrai. Tlie nriFian' Him r rrn' ii- mv-hi : gates of Uohain (11 miles northeast of Ht. Quentin). The Americans are less than four kilometers (two and a half miles) from Busigny (three miles and a half north of Bohain.) In the Champagne, Franco-American divisions arc qienaeing Machuult (20 miles northeast of Kheims.) Tho French, operating in liasion with the American left wing, are press ing north in the Argonne forest, which the enemy is hastily evacuatii.g. Two entire divisions have been de stroyed it) the fighting along the Suippe river. On the right bank of the Aisne French and Americans are re gressing toward I.acon (seven miles southwest of Monthois.) Further to the northeast tho Ameri cans along the Aire river are render- ing the enemy's hold on the Grand Pre untenable. AHEAD OF SCHEDULE By Lowell Mellett With the British Armies in France, . THE WEATHES. r- OREGON TONIGHT And Thursday unsettled, prob- cby showers northwest, gener- ally fair south and eAst por- tioas; moderate southeasterly winds. -sc ON TBAINS AND NEWS 6TAXD8 FTVE CENTS taken." Oct. 9. The British, Americans and French, attacking on a 20 mile' front between St. Quentin and Cambrai are well ahead of their scheduled object- lves. The assault beginning on a limit cd front early yesterday rapidly gre in scope until it encompassed the wholo, front between the two cities. An aver age advance of one to thico mile, was made with a total penetration of five miles in tho center where the Ameri cans, fighting side by side of English, Scottish and Irish units, drove deep in to the enemy lines, capturing Bran court and Fremont. The Americans engnged in this fight ing are .General Lewis' "Wild .t" division, comprising troops from North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennes see. Tho Americans overcame stubborn enemy resistance, especially from ma chine gunners.. On. the extreme left, jiiBt xoutli of Cambrai, the, Gtfrman launched a counter attack, employing a number of tanks. They succeeded in re-taking Niergines and Heranvillcra V.,, ,t. l ' i l.....: , uui wie luunn ntre put. uui ui uuBiurnv The fiKi,ting began in a downpour of rain blIt tha woatl,nr cleared later in jho riflV. Three M1 Front Taltfla Paris, Oct. 9. Capture of .German positions on a three mile front south east of Ht. Quentin was announced to day by the French war office. German counter attacks were repuls- jed along the Arne river. There was violent armierv ngnting aiong ine Oise and the Suippo. "During the night in the region southeast of St. Quentin we have tak en bitterly defended German positions between Karly and Neuvills-ISt. Ar mnnd," the communique said. "The latter village is outflanked from the north. "There were violent artillery bom bardments south of the of the Oils anj on ti10 ,suippe Xorth of the j front. AniM, tho Oermans unsuccessfully tried to offset our gains of yesterday. They incurred heavy loss e. On the Ames front yesterday wo took more than 600 prisoners." (Continued on pngo three)