Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 04, 1918, Page NINE, Image 9

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11 lilj
Ja9a Eeetria Co, Masoaie Temple, 127 North High .
TON Osteopathic physician! and
merve specialists. Graduates of Am
erican school of Osteopathy, Kirk
ille, Mo. Post graduate and spec
ialized in nervous diseases t Los
- Angeles College. Offices 505-508 Nat
Bank Bldg. Phone 65.4. Residence,
1620 Court, Phone 2Z15. Dr. White
Bes. Phone 4G9.
11 11 ill ' U
413-414 Bank of Connneroe building.
Phone 60S.
eorner Commercial and Trade streets
Bills payable monthly in advance. -
Hen's clothes, shoes, hats, jewelry,
watches, tools, musics! instruments,
bieyclcs, guns, rifles, revolvers, suit
eases, trunks, cameras, typewriters
nd furniture. Capital Exchange 83T
Court street, Phone 493.
On Good Real Estate Security
Oer Ladd & Bush bank; Salem Oregon
eent 34 years time. A; C. Bohrnstedt,
401 Mnsonie Temple. Salem, Oregon.
FOR SALE 250 acres, 100 in cultiva
tion balance in pasture and timber
Fine stroam of water, good buildings
and good road, 3-4 mile from a live
ly saw mill town. Will take good
house and lot in Salem- as part pay
ment. Price $00 per acre.. Phone 470
Square Deal Realty Company. ,U. 8.
Bank Building, Salom, - 717
proprietor. Garbage an refuse of el)
kinds removed. on monthly contracts
at reasonable rates. - Yard and cess
pools cleaned. Office phone, - Main
8247. Residence Main 2272. ... '
FOR A WOOD SAW Phone 1090-B
1255 N. Summer St. Our prices are
right. W. M. Zander, proprietor. 9-19
I can match you. C. W. Niemeyer, Rea1
, Estate Agent, Canada Lands, 544 Stato
THE FIXIT SHOP Let 'is repair and
Sharpen your lawn mowars. 267 Court
Phone 1022. tf
50 years experience, Depot, National
nd American fence.
Sizes 28 to 58 in high. .
Paints, oil and varnish, etc
Loganberry and hop hook.
Salem Fence and Stove Works.
850 Court street. Phone 124.
McCornack hall on every Tuesday
at 8. P. Andreson, C. C. F. J. Kuntz
K. R. & 8.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246 meet
every 3rd and 4th Thur. eve, 8 o'clock
in Derby building, corner Court and
High streets. R. F. Day, V. C; F. A.
Turner, clerk.
Kecler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson,
ecretary. All cases of cruc'ty or ne
glect of dumb animals should be re
ported to the sccretny for investiga
''Oregon Grape Camp" No. 1360.
meets every Thursday evening in
Derby building, Court and High St.
Mrs. Pearl Coursey, 214 Court St
oracle; Mrs. Icli9sa Persons, record
er 1415 N. 4th St. Phone 1436M.
bly No. 84 meets first Thursday of
each month, et S p. m in L O. O. F.
Hall. Norma L Terwilliger, M. A.;
C. A. Vibbert, secretary, 34fl Owens
Whea you use Journal classifi
ed ads get what yon want them
to they work fast.
Main 120t
Of Government Timber, General Land
Washington, S. 0, August 29, 1918.
Notice is hereby given, that subject
to the conditions and limitations of
the act of June 9, 1915 (39 Stat, 21S)
and tin instructions of the seciemtry
of the interior of September 15, 1917,
the timber on the following lfrtids will
be sold October 23, 1918, at 10 o'clock
a. m., at public auction at the United
States land office at Portland, Oregon,
to the highest bidder at not less thaa
the appraised value aj shows tj this
notice, sale to "e suoject to the approv
al of the secretary of the interior. The
purchase price, with Su. additional
sum of one fifth of one per cent there
of, being commissions allowed, must be
deposited at time of sale, money to be
returned if sate- is not approved, other
wise patent will issue for tho timber
which must be removed within ten
years.. Bids will be received from cit
izens of the United jStates associations
of such citizens and corporations organ
ized under the iaws of the United
States or any state, territory or dis
trict thereof only. Upon application of
a quantraa purchaser, the timber on
any legal subdivision will be offered
separately before being included in any
offer of a larger unit.
T. 11 B., R. IE., Sec. 27, NW 8W
Vi, red fir 1275 M., white fir 75 M,
none of the red fir or white fir to be
sold for less than $1.50 per M.
Commissioner General Land Office.
Oct. 17
. Grain
Wheat, aoft white , '. $22.05
Wheat, lower grades on sample
Oats ,. 90c$l
Hay, oats .... J $25
Barley, ton
Hay, cheat, new ,
f 5052
L- $24
Mill run
Butorfat .... .-.:......-...:.J.....,
furn, voiti ana mutton
Porle,- tinf fwrt ..-..-..jiv... 178C
Veal, fancy 19c
Steers .. . .. . 79c
Cow ..........:.... 46e
Sfisg. lambs-. . . 12c
Ewes.- .4(6t
Tmbs, j-eai-Ungs , 67c
Eggs and Poultry
Eggs, casii... ..... - 47c
Hens, live .......... .. 22c
Old roosters ...... ,;. 1315o
Frys i ,.21S2e
Springs .
; : . . - Vegetables'
Sweet potatoes
Potatoes -
Onions, local ..................
Cabbago :
Crrots :
Tomatoes .......
Turnips ... .... ..':';.,
Cucumbers ........ ....
Grapes ........;........;.....
r 2123c
.. 4c
Casabas 3c
Muskmelon . ...... $1.75
Green peppers . 8c
Egg plant - 10c
ta miHtin
vittiixc-s r-w!'u , , , , . . .
Lemons, box : $6.507-50 ""f1188 80'd from these thl eason,
Bananai 8c 3.10 worth of rfruit which is at (he
liliick figs, 25 25 ibs - 4.50 ra of nearly $600 per acre.
Firs, -4 oz packages g 1 Fruitland school begins Monday, 7th.
Figs, 6 oz, packages .'. $4-50 H- To3a teacher for. the third con
Figs, 8 oz. packages 3.50 wcutive term,
Figs, 10 lb. fancy $2.23 Most all the shallow wcllg avo or arc
Figs, 10 lb. ex. fancy $2.50 being dug deeper or cleared out. Our
Retail Prices i20 tooi well is still holding out, afford-
( rcamerv butter : vac,"8 euuBu waier.
Flour, hard wheat tottVi.Zd
Country butter 65c
Eggs, dozen 5560c
For sugar permits go to C, M. Lock
wood, food administrator, 214 North
Commercial street.
No limit on purchases of flour.
Portland. Or., Sept. 25. Butter, city
creamery 60
Eggs, selected local ex. 5350o
Hens 2527c
Broilers 2730
Geese 17(fi)18e
Cheese triplets 3536c
Portland, Or., Oct. 4. Butter, city
creamery Ci'fffi'CSc
Receipts- 2l'
Tone of market steady for host, oth
ers ' 2.(i'."0e lower '
Eitgs, local ex. 5456c .
Receipts 1765' ...
Tone of. market weak - .
Prime steers $12(813
Choice to good steers $11 6012
Medium to good steers $9.15(qjl 1
Fair to medium steers $8.239.25
Common to fair steers $6Ca'8.25
Choice cows and heifers $8(S9
Medium to good cows and heifers
$6(o 7.25
Pair to medium 'cows and heifers
$.)( - i
Canners 34
Bulls $57
Calves l'.KS12
Stockcrs and feeders $68 ,
Canners $34
Bulls 38
, Calves 912
'Btockers and feeders 69
Hogs ,,
Receipts 6t)9
Tone of marfiet weak
Prbie lambs 12lt .
Medina, lambs $yll
Sough heavies 1818.50
Pig, 1617
Receipt 337
Tone of market slow, unchanged
Ewes $6.50(59
Best lambs 1S.5014.50
Medium to good lambs 1112
Wethers $910.50
Ewes 6.508.50
YeariUgs 1011 - : .
(Effective October 3, 1918.)
Main' Line. '
No. 16 Oregon Express 6:55 a. m
No. 54 Oregonian 5:05 a. m.
rto. 29 wmaniette lamitea :10 a. m.
No. 18 Portland Passenger 1:20 p. m
No. 24 Coos Bay Limited 4:00 p. m
No. 14 Portland Express 7:55 p.'ni
No. 53 Oregonian 3:20 a. m.
No. 23 Coos Bay Limited 9:42 a. m
No, 15 California Express -,10:58 a. m.
No. 17 Roseburg Passcugor 4.18 p. m
No. 27 Willametted Limited....5:54 p. m.
JNO. 16 'risco Express 4:18 p. m,
No. 73 Arrive at Salem 9:10 a. m
jmo. ijeave oaiem , 3:10 p. m.
161 Leaves. Salem, motor 7:00 a.m.
163 Leaves Salem, motor 9:28 a.m.
163 Leaves Salem, motor 1:55 p.m.
(Through car to Monmouth and Arlie.)
in weaves Stuem ..6:15 p.m
102 Arrives at Salem 8:25 a.m
164 Arrive t Salem 11:00 a. m
10b Anvvs at Salem 3:20 p.m.
Hi Arrives at isaiom .7:40 p.m.
Southbound. ... . .
Train Leave Arrive Arrive
io. i-orttana Walem iAigcne
5 Ltd 8:15am 10:15 am 12:30 pm
7 10:40 am 12:50 pm Salem only
9-.:. 2:05 pm 4.12 pm 6:35 pm
18 .Ltd 4:45 pm 6.40 pm 8:50 n
17 6:05 pm 8:07 pm Salom nnlv
iv :zu pm ll:2U nmHalem nnlv
No. 63 school train from Woodburn, ar
rive o-.Ao a. m. except Saturday and
Sunday.' ' '
(North Bank Station (leaving Jefferson
Street 15 and 20 minutes later.'
Northbound s
.Train Leave Arrive
- 9:20 am
m. except
No. Euaene Salem
6 v 7-15 am
No. 64 to Woodburn 8:55 a.
Saturday and Sunday.
iUjLta 7:25 am 9:45 am 11:30 am
12 . 12:15 pm E:25 pm
16 Ltd....- 1:40 pm 4:00 pm 5:50 pm
20 5:30 Tm 7:40 11111
!2 5:25 tjiu 7:55 nm 10:00 i.m
(North Bank Station (Arrive Jefferson
street 15 minutes earlier. "
r-. . . . . . . -T
Leave Corvallis . Arrive Salem
8:20 am Northbound 9:45 em
2:41 pm Northbound.. 4:00 pm
6:18 am Northbound 7:55 pm
Leave Salem , Arrive Corvaliig
10:15 am Southbound 11:37 am
4:12 pm Southbound 5:40 pm
6:40 pm Southbound 8:00 pm
Fruitland, Oct. 4 Wm. McNair has
a few Italian prune trees oecunvinir n
little more than 1-4 aere. He infrm
Word from relatives living in Okan
ogan county, Washington, state that
Miss Josic Bowers, a former Fruitland
girl, now engineers a snlkcy plow
drawn by three horses.
Last week for "fair" read "fine."
That royal cockster- William Prussia
is ' shocked'' because the Yankees ue
shot guns1 on his soldiers. Now don't
that tire you! He can crack babies'
skulls with aerial bombs and send other
babies and neutral mothers to the bot
tom of the sea and experience nary a
shock. Truly the Teutonic mind is al
most a psychological puzzle.
Here is One Treatment Tnat All
Sufferers Can Rely Upon
If you want to drive catarrh and ell
its disgusting symptoms from your sys
tern in the shortest possible time, go to
your druggist and ask for a Hyomci
outfit today.
Hreath Hvoinei and it will rid you of
catarrh; it gives such quick relief that
all who use it lot the first time are
Hyomei is a pure pleasant antiseptic,
which is breathed into the lungs over
the inflamed membrane; it kills the ca
tarrh germs, soothes the sore spots,
and heals all inflammation.
Don't suffer another day with ca
tarrh; the disease is dangerous and
often ends in consumption. Start tbe
Hyomei treatment today. No stomach
dosing, no spraying or douches; -just
breathe it that's all. Ash Daniel J.
loll of fmw
From Over There"
' General Pershing's Official Report
The following casualties are report
ed by the commanding general of the
Americas expeditionary . forces:
Killed in action : -. 55
Missing in action 86
Wounded severely 257
Died from wound 1
Died from airplane accident ' 1
Died from accident and other causes 3
Died of disease 14
Wounded, degree undetermined 6
Total i
Two Oregonians ar reported in to
day's casualties. They are:
Robert A Waista, Portland, wounded
Ruel P Churchill, Portland, wounded
Killed in Action ' I
Lieutenants Clifford B Grayson, Chat
tanooga, Tenn.
Douglas A Taylor, Rhinelander, Wis.
Sergeants Daniel Healey, New York
Carl Holz, Guide Rock, Neb.
Corporals Charles Banks, Mobile, Ala
George I Lenfesty, Carnegie, Pa. -.Benjamin
3 Richmond, Pontiac, Mich
Clarence E Eagle, Chicago, lil.
Patrick L Hanlon, Albion, Mich. :
Privates Adrian J Conrad, Buffalo :
James W Daly, New York -Anthony
Diulis, Shenandoah, Pa. .
William S Ely, New York . ,
Alvcrt 8 Erkaon, San Francisco
Harold W Ett, New Milford, Conn.
: Howard Fulton, Monongahela, Pa.
James VHuston , Indiana, Pa.
Stanley Laczynski, Elizabeth, N J.
harls Lasrey, Greencastle, lad.
Morris S Leaf, New York ,
Willara C McConnell, Colorado
Springs, Colo.
Arthur Merklo, St Joseph, Mo.
Howard G Aakey, Madison, Wis.
John L Roemcr, Raspeburg, Md.
Peter J Rollman, Seneca, Kan.
Elmer Q Anderson, New Britain,
Conn. 1
Peter Bakor, Grand Rapids, Mich.
Elmer F Bassctt, Forest Port, N Y.
Fremont W Bradshaw, Alliance, O.
Wells C Cochran, Oneida Castle, NY.
Grover C Dennis, Columbus, O.
Goorgo E Drake, Newark, O.
Charles D Esterly, Allentown, Fa.
Harold L Groves, Conwaugo, N Y.
Nicholas Hauls, South Bend, Ind.
Raymond H Hansen, Detroit, Mich.'
Carl E Herrold, Seward, Neb.
Alvin B Harroun, Haigler, Neb.
Robt. W Kail, Highland, Wis.
Theodore Lemm, Brooklyn
uvnnk J Mvers. Stevens Point, Wis.
Norman C Pflagor, Augusta, Ga.
Albert Pitts, Seligman; Ariz.
William Pruitt, Bill, Mo.
Soth Robinson, Logan, O.
Chris C Rosacker, Norfolk, Neb.
Herschel E Stark, Graud Rapids,
Peter F Wendell, Chicago
John M Woolcy, Clft'toit, W--Va.
Died of Wounds
Col Joseph W Cavender, Cairo, Ga.
Lt Arthur K Atkins, Brooklinc, Mass
Sereeants Frank Dirriglc, Park Falls
Wis. ,
Jack E Graham, Flonston, oai.
Ronnie E Henry, Villisca, la.
Corporals John J Mcllugh, New York
Arnold Napier, Branch Land, W Va.
Musician Conrau w i-carsoii, uuuuia
Pa. L . ,
Mocli Robert Clark, Jr, Uroomyn
Privates Clay C Allen, Show Ball,
Ark.' -
Philip Billard, Honcsdalo, Pa.
McKinley W Colo, Adams, Wig.
Paul E Enochs, Puyallnp, Wash.
. Curtis Littleton, Effio, La.
Edward J McCourt, New Brunswick,
N.J. .
Thomas B Northcutt, Walton, ry.
John F Smith, Montgomery, Ala.
Roy Wilson, Champaign, HI.
Wynerd Vandyke, . Grand Rapids,
Mich. '
Jacob Waiser, Brooklyn, N Y.
Walter B Webre, Union, La.
Died of Disease
. Sgt Williams H Hartung, Donors, Pa
Corp Benj F Bishop, Forrest, Miss.
Privates Thomas A Addis, Sharon, Pa
James A Atchley, Godlcy, Tex.
Patrick H Gallagher, Scranton, Pa.
Vernon E Blade, Talbotton, Ga.
Willie Washington, Meadville, Miss.
Geo A Benton, Spokane, Wash.-
Walter A Conde, Hullston Luke, N Y.
Frank Dallamont, Reading, Pa.
Carl H Lotz, Grand .let, Colo.
Acy McDonald, lliedlebcrg, Miss.
Cuh S Winkle, Brooklyn
(!. iVMIIama Mi-tlfllf. Ga.
Died from Accident and Other Causes
Corp Daniel Boylan, Antwerp, u.
Privates Elmer H Diefenbach, Lo
rain, O.
Died from Airplane Accident
: Lt Floyd Vorhies, Alva, Okla.
-- Wounded Severely
Major Frank A Sloan, New York
Major Edgar M Whiting, Marsnall,
Captains John P Hurley, New York
Oscar O Koeppcl, Jjinaenncignts, u
Lieutenants Raymond if Flynu, Cam
bridge, Mass.
William A AtKinson, jeirou, Mien.
Gurnsey L Wilder, Auburn, N Y.
William E Wilson, Huntsville, Ala.
Monte Woods, Bottineau, N D.
Sergeants Sam Ainstutz-, Monticcl-
lo, Wis.
Russell M Baiter, Detroit, Mien.
Arthur Battles, Meadville, Pa.
Henry Hattendorf, Chicago
Eugene A Hensoc, Durham, N C.
Anton F Altmnn, Manitowoc, Wis.
Geo Blaikie, New York
Clarence L Colburn, Dunhp, la.
Arthur Fox, Kington, N V.
Richard GWckman, New York
William E Hamilton, Coldwater.
Mich. t
Roy Holcomb, Chiuicotho, O.
Edward Lampa, Ashley, 111.
Leopold H Lau, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Leon A Merriuian, Ellsworth, Wis.
Geo Meyer, Rccdsburg, Wis.
Claude R Robertson, Philadelphia
Gilbert B White, Trinity, N C.
George Zettergreen, Leonia, N J,
CarlH Bank, Lowell, Mich.
George I Carson, Wexford, Pa.
John L Crowl, Chicago ,
Paul E Davis, Laforte, la.
Henry W Falk, Ripon, Wis.
Charles J Frevgang, College Point,
a y. - "
Bruno L Frincke, Monroe, Mich.
Gerald G- Golden, Monroe, Mich.
George Grube, Sheboygan, Wis,
John F Haggerty, Reading, Pa.
Roy E Hatfield, Ireeley. la.
Harley D Hinkley, Coldwater,. Mich.
LaVerne M Hoffman, Wihon, Wis.
Robert L Holbrook, Watertown, N Y.'
Frank Holsten, Colnmbus, O.
David Raymond Hughes, New Port,
Ky, . :- . : : :
Leroy F Jonas, Wansau, Wis.
Lloyd E Judd, Empire, Mich.
Henry P Kinsler, Blackwater, Va.
Harold A Kyte, Bloomfield, N J.
Park K Leaman, Lancaster,
Henry. Lee, Disney, Pa.
; Mortimier A Lynch., New York
; John J McBriiie, Amsterdam, N Y,
Charles McGrath, Ontario, la. -
Frank P Mc'aughton, Brooklyn
Edward A Masteubrook, Grand Hav
en, Mich,
Frank Jl Miller, Dnttwood, ra.
' James A Mills, Kalamazoo, Mich.'
Harold T Murray, Detroit, Mich.
John Neville, Brooklyn
William S Parham, Petersburg, Va. i
. Clyde C Pittmnn, Camp Obello, S C.
'Bob Quinn, GTencoe, Ala.
Henry J Schmidt, Roscoe$ Pa.
Alvin S'hrocder, BellevUe, la. '
Hartzel P Atdennan, Excelsior, Wis.
: Daniol B Hattj Hempstead, NY.'
Raymond C- SpauUing,- Jaucsvillc,
wis. - ' - - -
Bl0dy8 J Tenuis, Great Neck, N Y,
Dona'ld A Thompson, England
Geo Turner, Detroit, Mich-' - - -
Bugler Paul Katolii Marinette, Wis.
Mech Albert" Steinen, Painsdale,
Mich. - -
Wagoner Andy Taylor, Abbottsford,
Mich.. ' - - ' -' .
Cook Henry Milard, Millersport, O.
Killed in action ......1...;..; 47
Mising in aetion '. ...u. 86
Wounded severely 2tt7
Died of disease It
Died of accident and other causes.... 3
Died of wounds . - j- - 4"
Prisoners - .- 1
Wounded slightly 2
Wounded, degree undetermined . 6
Total - 8
Killed in Action
Lieutonants Lester C Barton, Chicago
Richard B Sheridan, Brooklyn
Edward J Wolff, Jr, Poughkeepsie,
Thomas J Bullock, Wilmington, N C.
Sergeants Lester W Ogilvie, Amity
ville, NY.
Joseph F Preissner, Milwaukee, Wis.
Clifton G Woisgorber, Grand Bap
ids, Mich.
Robert Yarmo, Chicago.,
Paul Fett, Grand Haven, Mich,
Corporals Louis M Gilbert Brooklyn
Harry Lawtbn, Summit Hill, Pa.
Andrew Slbmina, Milwaukee, Wis.
. Ray A Stroman, Topoka, Ind.
Glen Watkins, Toledo, O;
Wagoner William A . Higgins, Jr,
Brooklyn "
Privates Joss Gamble, Anson, Tex.
Frank A Griffith, Madison, Wis. :
Charles E Hartshorn, Farragut, la,
1 Geo P McGlinichy, New York
Philip J O'Connell, Lawrence, Mass.
kVolrl T. ATiili.rafill.r ( llicai'O
Eugene Bockworth, Philadelphia
Gegor C Bieker, Washington, Mo.
Fred L Byxbe, Lcmoore, Cal.
' Charles F Comiska, Alpena, Mich.
Arthur E Daly, Toledo, O.
John Gazanego, Oakland, Cal.
Alva G L Grover, Council Bluffs, la
Joseph Hoosack, Brooklyn
Thomas J Kelly, Binghamton, N Y.
Stanley M Krell, Winterset, la.
Nelson B LaFrancc, Hartford, Conn.
Frank J Lang, Baltimiore, Md.
Wilfred A Orr, Tecumseh, Mich.
James Rineberger, Louisville, Ky.
Patrick Ristiano, Franklin, Mass.
John W Roberts, Wellington, Utnh
Thnmnn. Overland, Mo.
David H Underwood, Tecumseh, Mich
Dcnzal Wagner, Mankato, mhiu.
Harold M Zacbow, Detroit, Mich.
Died of Wounds
Lieutenants William F Cahill, New,
York .
Loy A Hege, Emporia, Kan.
Herbert J Taylor, Memphis, Tcnn.
Gohlberif. New York
Corporals John Buker, Lancaster, Ky
George Patterson, Detroit, micu.
William A lioyce, Pliilliburg, N J
Arthur T Clark, Brooklyn, M Y.
Ernest O Lamb, Porterville, N Y.
John J Murphy, Now York
Seth Reed, Wolverine; Mich.
Privates Michael Adell, New York 1
Marcus B Armio, El Paso, Tex.
John L Armstrong, Mason and Dix
Pi . '
Albert R AumiciK, Morm r iy,
Joscjih Bialko, Cleveland, O.
John D Bnrch, Marlette, Mich.
Hoi Bnrnstein, Brooklyn, N Y
Ralph Chilcote, Springfield, O. -,
Holuh Dnvis, Newark, N 3.
Hugh C Dclvin, Peterson, N J.
Frederick L Frecsc, New Hochclle,
NY. ': ' '
Willie Hull, Wilsrnville Tenn.
Roy Hanson, f'anby, i'.l.
Calvin Hyde, St. Louis, Mo, " .
Fred lslcr, New York -William
Juliuttnii, ' Wiuton, Pa. '.
Gnstave Konter, 'Brooklyn
Daniel R O'Connor, New York
Michael R Holekr Philadelphia
Herbert Helle, t:hicago
Molvin J Walker, Canada
Lelie Waltson, Staiitimsburg, N C.
Charles D Wnsser, 1'hiladelphii.
Willis 8 Brown, larqunc, Va.
Raymond Dawson, Long Point, 111.
Herbert B Fower.i, Hooper, Utah
August. Gipp, Milwaukee, Wis.
James L Howell, New Haven, Mieh.
Edward M Lampo, East Mlinc, I11'
Andrew P McGuire, Milburne, Okls
Walter S Preddy, Trenton, Tex.
John B Hharp, Orovesport, O.
rtam Shirley, Walstonburg, N C.
Harold Wingert. Crf.wfordsv::1, Ind
Died of Diseaaj
Sgt. John Q Kii tell, Ch ca-,'n
"Corp. Jameit A Gere, Freehold, N-J.
kiok Earl A Shaw, West Plains, Mo.
Privates William C Bradsnaw, eain
burv N C.
Silas Davis Cleveland, O.
Thomas J Greeley. Llabcl, Okla,
John E Hunt, Laporte, Ind.
William A Owens. Chieatah, Okla.
Yernice E Wstson, Hazeltnn, la.
Harrv J Wittman, Richmond Hill.
X Y. '
Died from Accident and Other Causes
Privates Russell G Avy, Camden, Ma
John E Benson, Providence, 8 I.
Homer French, Colfax, Wash.. -
Wunded Severely
Major Guy M Wilson. Flint, Mich.
Captains O F Holden, Austin, Tex.
Allea T Hupp. Coraing, la.
Lieutenants David Mabt. Metuchen,
N J.
Clyde F Vance, Norwood, Mass.
Elmer J Focke, Daytoa ,0
John P Hanford, Cedar Rapids, la.
Frank Kria, Cedar Rapids, la.
Ray E Martin, Ttrre Haute, Ind.
Leiand E Wheeler, Coldwater, Mieh.
Sergeants Ernest L Freeehia, New
Tork,. .
Richard H Ha pa, Philadelphia
Louis W Kiiistel, Jr, Rich nond Hill.
Wm B MontMHs, Port Washington,
N Y. -
Ernest R Totter, Tarerdum, Pa.
Albert H Winkler, VUnMding, J'a.
Edward Berens, Cashton, Wis. .
Charles L Byrne, Detroit, Mich.
Louis R Cahn, Highland Park, Mich
Andrew Clausner, Stauffer, Pa.
Frank B Corboy, Altoona, Pa.
Arthur- V Fowler, Bay City, Mich.
Claude V Hart, Cherokee, la.
Micihael T Hughes, Troy N Y.
Francis Kahler, Hilhsboro, Wis.
Joab King, Charlotttsville, Va.
Howard 3 Kofke, West Chester, Pa.
Wm J Lyons, New York
Micliael J McLaughlin, Bidgeway,
Robert Mason, Chattanooga, Tenn.
William O'Connor, James, N Y.
Win. Sollar, River Head, N- Y.
Frank A Tate, Patchogue, N Y.
Oren"A Touchstone, Memphis, Tenn.
Laurent Kimball Varnum; Hart, Mich
Corporals Ollie F Carroll, Princeton,
Ind. .
v Charles J Fitzgerald, Philadelphia
' Thomas F Fitzgerald, North Howell,
jdi'cb. : '
Walter D Green, Wilkesbarre, Pa.
Wm E Hacker, Columbus, Ind.
John E Hart, Detroit, Mich. '
William B Mathews, Johnstown, 6.
Henry Menwtr, Marathon, Wis. ;
John Shopper, Scranton, Pa.
Harley Swart, West Finley, Pa.
Win C Youjig, Pittburg 1
Arthur A Allen, Littlo Rock, Ark. ,
, Arthur Bahl, Ri'ne Island, Mich.
Percy K Burch, Ithaca, Mich. ,
Julian A Canfield, Kingston, N Y.
George A Chrisholm, Detroit, Mich.
' Ralph D Durbin, Wind Ridge, Pa.
Ijeslie Dahl, Sparta, Wis.
Harry W Grove, Carlisle, Pa.
Waldorf J Gutman, Brooklyn
Raymond J Henikcn, Albion, N t.
George Hill, Cold Springs, N Y.
Peter Kagan, I'lainfield, Colo.
James A Kibble, Indianapolis, Ind.
Daniel J Coffey, Jr, New York
Thomas Laino, Corona, N Y.
Alexander Landsman, New York
Poseph Luque, Mamaroneek, N Y.
Win L Miller, Sullivan, Pa.
Leiand T Marr, Grand Haven, Mich
John Schemansky, Hamtranick, Mich
v Paul Jakoby, liethlubem, Pa. '
' Uavuioud L Opal, Tamarack Mine,
Mich. .
Ernest B Porter, Pickens. 9 C. '
Clarence Wntflon, Coal Valley, Pa,
Dona H Wcatherford, Cold Creek,'
: Wm J Connery, Troy, NY.
, James J Gorman, Hainesville, 111.
Glenn Graves, Coldwater, Mich.
. Thomas T Hamilton, Etowah, N C.
Al Mellon, Danvillo, Ind.
Clay M Robinson, Dayton, O.
Allan Snyder, Brooklyn'
Alph D K Wallaco, Ruth, N C.
Buglers Lester H Gaunt, Detroit,
James H Hnrrison, Amsterdam, N Y.
Archie MciOonnld, Lansing, Mich.
Musician Bert J Milan, Detroit, Mich
luechanics Frank P Bohn, Racine,
William T McDougal, Chilliciotlie, O
Cook Tom Ijappas, hasten, Pa.
Privates Jake Allen, Now York
Clarence E Hailey, Minneapolis, Minn
Herman Behnke, Bnllon, Wis.
James Bernard, New York
Joihua Bund, Roxbury, Mass.
Bernard Branut, Brooklyn
Bernard. G Brennan, New York
Austin A Buckley, Oakvalo, Miss.
Charles O Dental, Addison, Mich.
Isidore Eilbrrg, Brooklyn
Evert Flnnugan, C'olfnx, Ind.
Millard I1) Forbes, Alioskie, N C.
Harry S Gaddis, New York
Caiios Gallnrdo, Manassa, Colo,
Robert E Gardner, Hcrantop, Pa.
Floyd L Garlick, Brnckenriilge, Pa.
Curl L Gilbert, Greslianivillo, -la.
Peter Gilmartin, Peekskill, N Y.
Benjamin F Grabill, llarrisburg, Pa.
John Gruss, Aosteter, Pa.
Arthur R CJuffey, Creelsboro, Ky.
Charles K Hardy, Bendvillc, III.
Earl 8 Harvey, Dos Moines, lu.
Charles F Heath, Mi Kecsport, Pa.
James F Henderson, Holly Pond, Ala
John P Hill, Newport, Vt.
Coy llinson, Lansing, N C.
Jaik Hoffman, Spokunc, Wash.
Jes J .lessen, Spokane, Wash.
Joo Johnson, Maysville, Ky.
William H Keller, Red Lion, Pa.
Joseph J Kinuhan, Jamaica l'luins,
Leo W Kinney, Crcstou, la.
Tony Liuuonti, Bolivar, Pa:
Arthur Lftft, Woodland, Wis.
Harry Lealh, Edenmills, Vt.
Fred A L'iire, Detroit, Mich,
harry l Ltoyd, New York
John A Long, Trcverton, Pa.
Arthur E Lord, Enfield, Mass.
Hurl W Mansbcrgcr, Newark, O.
Manvil T Barnes, Seymour, Ind.
Walter P Beitsch, Memlota, III.
Robert C Bennett, Hillsdale, M ch.
Raymond II Byers, Aurora, Mo.
Robert E Blacoc, New York
Clarence K Illume, Chicago
Alesandro Boero, San Francisco
Adlai E Boironreif, Merrill, Ir.
Daniel J Brady, New York
Thomas P Hrady, Southhampton, N
Alexander A Breuili, Ncwtonia, Mo.
Leroy W Bunting, Owasco, N Y,
Polk Capcrton, Cualgnte, Okla.
Owen Carolan, New York
Edward D Cera, Amherst, Wis.
Henry 1 Colin, Brooklyn
'Leo Cohn, New York
Joseph Corbett, New York
John D Cortell, Cleveland, O.
Harvey Dew, Knoxville, Tenn.
Hugh Fitzsiinmons, New Haveu
Charles J Fuerderer, New York
Lome B Gallinger, Syraense, N Y.
Henry Giihausen, Long Islanl ',
AlLert M Haan, Stockton, X Y.
Joseph P llalligan, East portchester.
- onu. ,
Arthur Harrington, Flint. Mich.
Carl Henke. Cincinnati, O.
Michael Arena, New York
Edward E Avery, Garrison, X Y.
Frances W Barnes, Watertown, Win
Nelson C Bates, Oronoco, Mian.
Edward J Bauinann, Brooklyn
William F Beebe, New London, Con
Rufus Benoit, Oak Grove, Mieh.
Charles J Bishop, W'ellsville, Mo.
William Bobier, Cleveland, O.
Edmond Bolaad, Ft Dodge, Lu
Joseph Calafiore, Holsopple, Pa.
Andrew T Carlock, Jr. New York
Benjamin Carlson. East Northnort.
Charles Carr, Philadelphia
Harry Charles Fishes Eddy, N Y.
Harry Clippinger, Kalamazoo, Mich.
Frank R Colangelo, Watcrbury, Con4
Richard Collins, Washinigtoo
, Louis O Cox, Washington
Archie R Craig,' Springfield, Colo. '
Celery D Curtis, Gaffner. S C.
Boyd E Danley, DeKalb, W Va.
Joseph DeBoer, Zeeland, Mieh.
John Delotto, Clifton, N J.
John D Diekerson, Melbourne, Mo.
Wilbur H Dolson, Beacon, N Y.
Joseph P Dowd, Brooklyn
Simon Dunetz, Brooklyn
Homer Dunn, Penn Yan, N Y.
Charles W Fackler, Harrisburg, Pa.
Anthony France, New York
Alexander Eraser,. Syracuse, N Y.
Fitzhugh L Gilbert, Middletown, Mo,
Carl E Gladfelder, Princeton, Mo.
Joseph Gobert, Stephenson, Mich.
Albert Gorman, Keene, N H.
George Gray, College Point, N Y.
Malcolm J Griggs, Meadville, Pa.
Stephen L Gudac, Greenland, Mich
Frauk Gustave, Brooklyn
Harry J Haljin, Philadelphia ".
Herman E Higgins, Smithfield, N &
Harold E Holmes, Hoboken, N J.
Henry J Hoogkamp, Rensselear, N H
.. George D Horton, South Haven, Micll
Andrew J Hughes, Danville, III.
Frank E Hurley, Lancaster, N Y.
, Jake Ike, New York ;
John T Johnson, Marcellus, NY. :
David J Jones, Taylor, Pa.
James J Kelly, Tlainfield, N J. ;
- Morris Kempner, Newark, N J, ;
Elnor Kibling, Estherville, la.
George Kirk, Detroit, Mich.
George Klein, New York
Mnuuie Kloth, Milwaukee, Wis.
Henry Klotz, New York
; Walter W Koster, Wellington, N J.
; Bernard Krausc, Jamaica, N Y.
Tony Krawic, Oil Citiy, Pa.
Arthur R Kukuk, Detroit, Mich.
Goorgo E Lagrave, Messena, N Y,
James Lamarca, Pittston, Pa.
Reiuhard A Lassauske, Milwaukee,
llary J Long, Richmond, Ind. .
Micliael Loughman, New York
Edward W MeCube, Brockton, Mass.
William J McCoy, Fall River, Mass.
Hugh H McCrery, Pueblo, Colo.
Joseph B MeDermott, New Haven,
Thomas J MeCarrigle, Philadelphia .
. i..t.;nu nr..ir.w.t, emln.i.lff0 Mho.
iBlHtR A,.iinjit, x. niuui
' Anton McKavish, Riverhcad, N Y.
Wjlliam J McLaughlin, Foreitville,
Connt -
John F McVay, Morrilton, Ark.
!. Eltoa F McMillen, Graud Rapids,
Camoron R MacPherson, Cashmere,
Wash. . ' '
John F Maloney, Meriden, Conn.
Clarence' W Marsh, Dover, Pa.
John J Mnsley, Detroit, Mich.
Joseph A Meade, New York
Joseph C Chapas, Kenosha, Wis.
Wililiam D Evaus, Nanticoke, Pa. ,
Ronald McRae, Fainiington, N M.
Stuart F Spivy, Tabor N C
Farland F Wade, Jamestown, N Y
Thomas E Ward, Ticondoroga, N Yi
Georgo J Wildorapin, Muns'mg, Mich
Henry E Wold, Brooklyn,
Arthur Znlle, Waverly, la.
Lucieno Wright, Beaver, Okla.
Joseph L Yorker, Now York
John Zajac, Sandusky, O.
Summary of casualties to date.
Deaths - J
Woundcil - 6'
Total W8
Enlisted MhJt
Deaths - 1U4S
Wounded 2041
n hnnds of enemv
.. 3257,
Ti, t.Mnwnia pflmiiilties aro report
ed by the commanding general of the
American expeditionary forces (includ
ed in aove toiai;:
Killed in action
... I
... I
.. 9
D'ii of wounds
Wounded severely
Killed in Action
Corp Robert A Burhans, Harbor
Deneu, mis". t
t. -f:-l.
wounaea nevexmy
Corporals William W Humphrey,
Larksville, Pa.
Orman P Greer, Asuiana, lenn.
Privates Fred T Buchholz, La Port,
Tas . . ... ,
David P Corn, OutlooK, vvaan.
Realis C Kieistler, Cypress, HI.
Andrew P Klinger, Tawas, Mich.
Hnrrv L Lee, Wolf Island, Mo.
Wm It McMullin, Bonne Terre, Mo.
Joseph L Severance, Troy, N Y.
Died of wounds, previously reported
Pvt. Gordon C Barber, Miiwaunee,
e.Lvirr. peoov a co.. inc. MKtwq