Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 04, 1918, Page THREE, Image 3

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Eat without Fear of Indigestion!
Instant Relief for Bad Stomachs
Vhen your meals hit back.
WTien .What you eat turns sour,
forming acids, gases and indiges
tion. Magic relief. No waiting!
The moment Papc's Diapepsin
reaches the stomach all the sour
ness, acidity, heartburn, dyspepsia
and indigestion ends.
Upset stomachs feel fine,
Costs Id little Any drug store,
upsets Paoefc Diapepsin ffiE&3
Camtal Journal Want Ads Will Get Yea Wht You Want
J Court Hoase Notes
Iu tljo ease on trial Wednesday of
L D. McCutehan against the DonaM
Cooperative I'hvcse factory, tne jury
rendered a verdict in favor of the dof
endant. The suit was personal injury
ono, McCutehan suing the factory for
$25,000. The costs of the trial are asJ
sessed against McCutehan.
J. W. Ransof has entered suit apainst
Margaret Green for $100 and costs for
the non payment of a promissory note
dated June" 3, 1915. -
Mrs. Laraorie Leep Kogers-has enter
ed a suit for divorce from Sam T. Rog
era. She alleges thev were married at
Walla Walla, March 31, 1907, and thai
they have one son, 4 years old. .
In her complaint she charges him with
various kinds of cruelty. One time he
threw her on Ilia floor in on outburst
of auger; another time he refused to
aid her when sick anj at other times
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Druggists
refund money if it fails. 25c
he would not permit ber people in the ;
house. At another time when he was'
beating some harsea ae rushed in to
preveut it and he injured her hands in
jerking the lines from her.
She allogrs he is a physician earning
from f.00 to $600 a month and that she
is also a physician auj helped build
uphis practice. Also that the furnish
ings of their home cost $3000 and one
half was her property. She asks ali
mony of $230 a mouth and $j0O for
her present support.
In the circuit court there is on trial
the case of Frank M. Ford against Rich
ard L. Swart?., involving possession of
a saw mill.
1 ezt
r-1 .
I j lj
v"8 .-
some night to find the Huns at your window
what wouldn't you GIVE to have a company of
Doughboys at your call? , ,r
Almost two million Yanks are 5000 miles away
the Germans farther from your window
These boys need ammunition, guns, food and
clothing. Your government has asked you to
LEND all the money you can spare to supply
your defenders. '
Imagine those faces at your window and - -
BUY Liberty BondsTGDAY
4 to--
The biererest "bier business" the world has ever
seen, or is ever likely to see, is being carried on with
the help of Uncle Sam & Company.
It is the business of crushing out Kaiserism
the business of restoring peace by victory - - big
business indeed! ,
Uncle Sam & Company - a company that num
bers millions of fighters and uncounted millions more
of tireless, loyal workers - all putting every ounce of
energy into winning the war. - :.
But Uncle Sam & Company is powerless to j
finish this big undertaking unless we make it OURS in
actual fact. We must lend to the limit and' then lend
some more. ,
It is your privilege to thrill with the thought
that your dollars have gone to make certain the suc
cess of this big undertaking.
Don't be just a "shouter", be a "backer"; buy
Liberty Bonds. Be a partner in Uncle Sam & Company.
BUY Liberty Bonds TODAY Any Bank Will Help You
Salem Water Light and
The ease of P. M. McGilehrist again
st Loose will probably come up for trial
today. An automobile is involved in
the suit.
In the case of A. E. Stewart against
T. A. Roberts, the plaintiff represented
to the court that ha had received full
payment in satisfaction of all claims in
the complaint and moves for an order of
non-suit. .
She hold the true secrot of facial
rejuvenation who has learned how to
remove the dead skin particles as fast
as they appear. It 's a secret anyone
may possess. The aged, faded, or dis
colored surface skin may be gradually
absorbed, in an entirely safe and ra
tional manner, ff the nightly applica
tion of ordinary mercolized wax. With
in a week or two the underlying skin,
youthful and beautiful to behold, has
taken the place of the discarded cuti
cle. So little of the old skin is ab
sorbed eah day there's no inconven
ience at all, and no one suspects you
are putting anything on your face. The
mercolized wax, procurable at any drug
store (an ounce is sufficient), ig ap
plied like cold cream. JA the morning
it's erased with soap and water. It's
tho best thing known for freckles,
blackheads, pimples, moth patches, liv
er spots and fine surface wrinkles.
For the deeper wrinkles, an excel
lent recipt is: Powdered saxolite, one
ounce, dissolved in one half pint of
witch hazel. Bathing the face in tho
solution produces quick and wonderful
results.. '!
Allies Have United
la Great Supply Pool
Washington, Oct. - 4. America and
her allies have extended the unity of
military ciru:ntn.d in the formati n jf
an intor-allicd new supply pool. Pro
posals long considered for unifying all
economic resources have been accepted
So today, all the raw materials and fin
ished products of tho United States
and her associates, needed in the war
are united and at tho disposal of tho
vhole cause. Hereafter there will be
an apportionment of supplies through
a central body which wf Ke' ts data
from the inter-allied economic groups.
This is expected to result in the elim
ination of many ' delays. The effect
will be to make prosecution of the war
more efficient and rapid, it is hold.
m? 1
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SzCO-o. the, Qair
"His Wife's Friend"
Bay Foath Liberty Lee Bonds And Yoall Help To Win The War For Democracy
i t
Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store
Salem's Greatest Apparel Store
for Women
Newest Modes are here in abundasce, including Young Ladies' and Women's Coats t
Suits, Dresses, Skirts and Millinery
t Fresh from the hands of expert designers and tailors come scores of new
t modes, faithfully interpreting, in the minutest details, the styles that have won
tirst place in tne world ot lasnion. .
It would be hard to imagine a more complete showing of decidedly stylish
t apparel, or to assemble garments of qualities which would give greater satis
X faction, yet, in spite of their excellent qualities and expert fashioning, their
prices are very moderate. Come and personally inspect these new arrivals.
Sale of
New Furs
Now In Progress
Including Beautiful Fur Sets, Capes,
Muffs and Neckpieces at prices that
will Bave you money. Selections can be
made-from th following variety .lied
Fox, White Fox, Taupe Fox, Beaver,
Hudson Beal, Gray Squirrel, Oppossum,
Taupe Wolf and others at prices that
cannot be duplicated.
H Hats
A good assortment of wom
en's trimmed bats at this spe
cial price. Pmall and large
shapes of velvet and velvet
end silk combined. Black and
colors. Smartly trimmed. Cor
rect for Fall and Winter
I I si
New Fall Suits $34.50
We have selected from stock, twenty
five Women ' Fall and Winter Suits
Very latest models in best of colors and
materials, plain tailored and novelty
pfiyles for a special ealo, beginning
Friday- Classy suits that we cannot
duplicate this season at $50.00. Spec
ial price Friday and QQyl K(
Saturday,. PM.Jw
New Fall and Winter Coats
Yonr special attention directed to 25
New Coats just received by latest ex
press, including Wool Velours, Bolivias
Volvets, Silvertone and Jerseys. Fash
ionable new models principally bolted
effects with .large adjustable collars.
Some fur trimmed, ' others in smart
tailored styles, liuod full length or to
the waist.. Cft
Latest Models In Women's
And Misses' Suits
Including Sizes for Stout Women
You'll find here every new and worthy
design from the foremost American
coat and uit makers. Smart styles for
street and dress occasions. Novelty and
plain tailored models. Prevailing ma
terials are Serges, Gabardines, Broad
cloths, Wool Velours, Tricotines, etc.
All colors and sizes. Hanging in
prices from
$18.75 to $75.00
I New Coats For Young Ladies
And Women
Most of tho coats are made with largo
collars of fur, including Hudson Seal;
Kaccoon, Beaver, Fx, Ermine, and
Marmot. Rich new materials such as
Silvertones, Bolivias, Wool Volours,
Broadcloth and Plushes. Some are
plain tailored coats, with simple belts
extending all the way around, and
looso capo-like backs. Also closo fitting
stylos in all the new shades of Browns,
Greys. Blues, Taupo, etc. Hanging in
prices from
$14.75 to $110
Special Values In Women's
Fall Dresses
The Season's Most Stylish Modols Away
Below Present Values
Borgcs, Silks, Georgettes, Satiniw, Vel
veteens, Jerseys, Hi lk and Serge, and
Silk and Georgette Combinations in
fact Dresses of every description for
every woman who wishes to be well
A most fascinating collection in an almost
endless number of the styles most favored
this fall. The new round neck models, some
braided, beaded and button trimmed. Home
have the vogish 'bell" sleeve that is so
much admired. A great number of them
boast of apron panels with deep fringe trim
ming, or embroidery and braiding most ef
fectively combined. Handsome tailored ef
fects, too in the most becoming styles im
aginable. Such colorings as lilnck, Navy
Blue, Taupe, Poilu, Biego, Steel Gray. Brown,
Wltito, Kose, Lavender Apricot, etc. Hang
ing in prices from
$14.75 to $55.00
Phencminal Value In Women's aiid Misses Fall and Winter Coats '
Through the activity of our New York buying organization, we are prepar-
ed to offer sixty seven new Fall and Winter Coats in sizes for Young Ladies I
and women, uesc 01 materials including veiours, silvertone, Kerseys, Vel
veteen, Homespun and Mannish Mixtures. Browns, Grey, Blues, Taupes,
Black, etc. Principally plain models, made with belts extending
all the way. Some with large collars of fur. Others are close
fitting styles. On sale Friday and Saturday u ....
In Three Lots as Follows:
Women's and Misses Coats
Worth Regular to $20.00
Lot 2
Women's and Misses Coats
Worth Regular to $25.00.
Lot 3
Women's and Hisses' Co&tn
Worth, Regular, to $32.50.
Sale Price
$24.75 .
The Coats we cannot duplicate at their regular value t
during the war period, as prices are continually increasing. '