Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 04, 1918, Page TWO, Image 2

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i i ji 1 -' i I
If . Ill til
e Basement
GRANITE WARE ALL 15c Values 12 l-2c
Eren at 15c tHey are far less than PRESENT WHOLESALE PRICES-This offer
ing is only for a FEW Days
ALL OF THE LACES that we hare been selling for 4c and 5c values cp to 10c for
a few days, per yard 3c
Said to contain twice as cinch paper and better quality than those sold else
where for the price
WOMEN'S HOSE, 2 pairs for ' 25c
3 Skeins of Silk Floss for ! .10c
Standard Brands
5c Each
Good Styles, Standard
Corner Court And
Com'l Street, Salem.
Attorney and Mrs. P. J. Kuntz, who
was appointed early in tbs fall to a
civil service postion in the Phtfipptne
Islands, has recoived a tolegram from
the Insular Bureau at Washington, 1.
C, stating that reservation has been
' Mm. V. G. Holt was a delightful
dinner hostess Just night when she en
tertained informally in honor of the
seventieth birthday of her mother,.
Mrs. A. B. Hnddelson. The table was
prettily decked with the vividly hued
utumn flowers. Miss Urajce Holt as
sisted her mother during the evening.
Covers were laid for nine.
' Mies Ada B. Kuntz, the daughter of
may lend to chronlo lunr trouble, or
ni.un that the chronlo ataga tilroaUy
1. reached. In .lUior asa try
This tonic and tlsu-repalrr aup
pllfi tha anknowledR.ii b.n.fttn of Cat
ciuni treatment without Iturbln tho
stomach. Contains iio Alcohol. Kar
cUo or Ha.bit-t'orailu Drug.
$2 tise, bow $1.50. $1 sin, low 80c.
Fiic. Include, war tax. All drugirlata,
K''kman laboratory. PhtUflr-luhia
Who Believes In War?
No good American believes in war. Certainly the
Ntaion dos not Our total unpreparedness, when
war broke out, proves that.
But, shall we passively submit to the warlord's bay
onet thrusts? NO!
If you don't believe in war
It's the only way to bring the bloody struggle to a
succesful close
n.do for her in a ship sailing from
San Francisco for the Islands Novem
ber 14. The position which Miss Kuntz
assumes ig that of teacher in one of
tho island schools.
She will be met at the Islands by her
fiuuee, Hadwin Williams, her marriage
to whom will take place immediately
following her arrival. Mr. Williams
also holds a postiion of an educational
nature, corresponding to a state super
intendent of instruction in this coun
try. , . 4 .
Miss Kuntz is now teaching in: the
Latin department of tho high seaool
at Vancouver, Washington, tine will
return to Salem in about thrco weeks,
thus enabling her to spend a week with
hor parents before leaving for the Phil
ippines. ,
Mrs. Florence A. Bynon received a
eable last night from her husband in
franco announcing his promotion to
first lieutenant. He will soon be wear
ing his second service stripes.
Mrs. J. E. Flanders, who has been
the guest of her sister, Mrs. L. F. Grif
fiths, roturncd to Portland today. She
was accompanied by Mrs. Griffiths,
who will remain over until tomorrow
Mrs. Km ma Haley Fragile of Port
land, who will talk before the members
of tho Parent-Teacher association of
tho Lincoln school this evening, will
bo the house guest of Miss Julia Iver
son, at the residence of Mrs. James El
vin, on ("-enter street, during her stav
in tho city. The lecture will begin at
:.'!( and tho speaker lias chosen as
her subject, "There is no bad boy."
There will be additional numbers on
tho program, including a whistling solo
by Mrs. La Moine Clark and humorous
readings by Miss Helena Willct.
Mrs. C. M. Talmadge and little
daughter, Ruth, of Seattle are guests
at the residence of Mrs. A. Talmadire,
1-7S7 State street.
Tho family of Kev. E. B. Lo.klmrt
will reside in (Salem, while Mr. Lock
hart is absent in Franco in tho Y. M. C.
A. iervic,e to which he expects to re
ceive his call at any time. The Lock
harts will be domiciled for tho winter
at 'lr. icreititH's residience, 248
mith Church street. Mr. Lockhart has
lately been in charge of various pas
torates in Portland previous to his ap
plication for war work.
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Dunsford
have arrived home from a three week
stay iu Newport.
Continued from page one)
Tun v. ill materially clear a way for
fteer passuge of men, munitions ar.l
supplies in the Macedonian region. lie
pointed out that the Anstrians hr.ve
three important bases on the voiicrh
sl.ore, of thr Adriatic Pola, Oattero
n, Durazzo. Pol U the most impt.i
Can. and shelters laiger and mo.'o mint
cro.,, vessels than the other two.
Onttnro has b.en one of the well
protected points where Austrun ves
self could put in during their lcMing
operations. Durazto has harbored .u.;e
a nu'iUr jf Austrian craft at v.-ti'
iries mill iim , 'fired certain m.'!,ac
to transportation of men and munition
The naval authorities quoted said
the moral effect of this victory will bo
enormous. The Austrian vessels will be
forced further northward, basing on
Pola and Cattaro.
Because of this, and with Albania
free of Austrian troops, the passage
of supplies aud men to the near east
Wash th poisons and toxin from
yittm before putting mom
food into stomach.
8ay Intldt-bathing makes any.
on look and feel clean '
aweet and refreshed,
Wash yourself on the inside before
breakfast like you do oa the outside.
This is vastly more important because
the skin pores do not absorb impuri
ties into the blood, causing illness.
while the bowel pore do. j
rot every, ounce of food and drinR
takea into the stomach, nearly an,
ounce of waste material must be
carried out of the body. If this waste
material is not eliminated day by day
it qaickly ferments and generates pois
ons, gases and toxins which are ab
sorbed or sucked into the blood stream,
through the lymph duets which should
sue konly nourishment to sustain the
A splendid health measure is to
drink, before breakfast each day, a
glass of real hot water with a teaspoon
ful of limestone phosphate in it, which
is a harmless way to wash these pois
ons, eases and toxins from the stom
ach, liver, kidneys and bowels; thus
cleansing, sweetening and freshening
the entire ahmientary canal before put
ting more food into the stomach.
A quarter pound of limestone pnos-
phate costs but very little at the drug
store but is uffieicnt to make anyone
an enthusiast on inside bathing.
will be virtually unhampered.
American submarine chasers appar
ently were the only United States ves
sels that participated. The official de
clare, that the Durazzo blow was sig
nificant of the close attuning of army
asd navy operations;
It was held comparable to the smoth
ering of tlie important U-boat nests
Ostend and Zeebrugge, on the Belgian
coast. '
Americans Take Town
Washington, Oct. 4. Capture by the
Americans of Blackmont, in the Cham
pagne, was reported by Gcncal Per
shing today. -
The communique for Thursday fol
"American troops, fighting with the
French have driven back the enemy
and taken Blackmont and other post
tions in the Champagne. Between, the
Moselle and the forest of Argonne we
carried out tho usual artillery and pat
rol activities, taking a number or pris
oners." . ." i
Retire In Disorder,
London, Oct. 4r The Austrians arc
retiring in Albania in considerable dis
order and are blowing up. their de
pots, according to information receiv
ed here today.
Bald Successful
London, Oct. 4. British troops, in
a Buecesful raid on Austrian trenches
facing Asiago on the Italian front, took
142 prisoners last night, it was official
ly announced ny the war office aoday
Serbians Enter Nish.
Paris, Oct. 4. Serbian troops are re
ported to have entered Nish, the city to
which the little nation ' capital was
removed after Belgrade had been men
aced by the Austrian invasion. They
olso have occupied Leskovalz and
Vrania, according , to advices received
here this afternoon.
To Strike At Constantinople.
Paris, Oct. 4. "Soon we will carry
our strokes to Constantinople." General
U .hspCTey, commander in chief of the
allied armies in Macedonia declared in
replying to a delegation of Salonika
iiviliaus, according to a dispatch re
ceived here today.
Rumania Would Fight
Washington, Oct. 4.- German rein
forcements to cope with the situation
in Rumania have been demanded, ac
cording to French cables here today.
The country is gathering strength for
an outbreak against German domina
tion, it is indicated.
The population cheered Jby news of
allied victories in France, Macedonia
and Palestine, is holding demonstra
tions. These have occurred at Bucharest,
Jassy and a number of villages. In one
village German offieers were Btoued.
May Abandon Coast
Amsterdam, Oct. 4. Germany it is
believed, is seriously considering aban
donment of the Belgian coast and re
tirement to a straight line between Ant
werp and Metz, thus giving up half
Belgium. Comment . . in Germaa news
papers strengthens this belief.
' ' We must prciare to defend our
selves on the line from Antwerp to
Metz and thence to the Adriatic,"
Even bread and
butter and jam
dont tempt me,
soys (floQdu
as lonrf
as I can
j M K M
(made or corn)
Suits, Dresses, Coats, Waists
Now Ready for Your Inspection In Our Ready-to-Wear Department
Where the variety of assortment and genuine values offered will make your
visit a pleasure and a surprise. The collection includes models adapted for
large or small women, elderly or young women, misses or juniorsin fact the
most complete showing in women's ann misses' apparel this section has offer
ed for some time. .
- At prices that will satisfy every taste and every purse
, supply the very help nature $
requires, i hey rectify morbid
akin conditions then from the
source of skin health, springs
loveliness of natural beauty.
Don't confuse Marinello Prep
aration with ordinary crwmctics.
They'redirferent. They tomcti aults
and foster natural "Rose Real"
ViS N. High St.
says the Erenze Zeitung.
Germans Quit tho Baltic
Washington, Oct. 4. German troops
are being- evacuated from ' the Baltic
province o Estronia and a popular up
rising ig likely to oecuf at any tirae',
according to state department Stock
holm advices tttis afternoon..' .
Belgians Take Towns
....London, Oct. 4.-6.10 p. m.) Tho
Belgians have captured Moulins-des-Cherminke,
Neerboomhock, Scheithoek
and Shierwynd, according to battle
front diptsaches received here this afternoon.
Italians Speed Ahead
Rome, 0t. 4. The Italian advance
in Albania continued yesterday on the
mholo front between the Adriatic sea
and the Tomorico mountains, the 'war
office announced today.
The left wing has crossed the Senieui
river and is advancing rapidly across
the Mazukja plain toward Ljusna, an
important Autsrian supply base. The
riht wing nas occupied Berat and is
moving toward Klbassan along tho -Do-volt
valley. "
By William Phillip SimmS.
(TJnitod Press Staff Correspondent.)
Paris, Oct. 4, British cavulry, pour
ing through the breach in tht German
defenses northeast of St. Quuntin, is
said oave entered Fresnoy-Le Grand.
Airplanes, flying almost at will ab
ove the advancing British, are reported
to have wirelessed headquarters that
their own horscmcu were seen in Fres-soy-Le-Grand,
wioh is about five miles
northeast of St. Qucntiu and four miles
beyond tho German wire stronghold in
this region. It ig known as the Bvaure
voir line and stretches from that .village
to Fonsomino.
The country where the cavalry is re
ported operatiny is ideal for maneuver
ing, as the Bcaurevolr line is the last
real trench system and the enemy will
not be ablo to build anothor, except far
in the roar of the present shattered line.
3 fett&f &
r Infants
'.'MiU".n,...;':,r,v, HoCosluu
A' Nutritious Diet for All Ages.
Quick' Lunch; Home 'or Office,'
.The Journal Job Department
will print you anything In the
stationery line do it right and
save you real money.
London, Oct. 4. Merchant ship con
struction completed in United Kingdom
yards totalled 144,772 tons in September
thc British admiralty announced today.
Catarrh is a Real Enemy
and Requires Vigorous Treatment
Do Not Neglect It.
When you use medicated sprays,
atomizers and douches for your Ca
tarrh, you may succeed in unstopping
the ehoked-up air passages for the
time being, but this annoying condi
tion returns, and you have to do the
lame thing over and over again.
Catarrh has never yet been cured
by these local applications. Have
you ever experienced any raal benefit
(rpm such treatment?
Throw these makeshift remedies to
the winds, and get on the right treat
ment Go to your drug store to-day,
get a bottle of S. S. S- and commence
a treatment that has been praised by
sufferers for nearly half a century.
S. S. S. gets right at the source of
Catarrh, and forces from the blood
the germs which cause the disease.
You can obtain special medical advire
regarding your own case without
charge by writing to Medical Direc
tor. 22 Swift Laboratory. Atlanta. Ga.
Why Does She
Always Look So Trim?
-7S0 comfortable and eo warm. You know the sort of
Bin about whom that is often said and you wonder
where she gets 'em. Whether she has on a JANTZEN
sweater or sweater coat or sweater vest, the girls who
wear them always look well dressed.
They're made in the latest fall and winter styles. Just
ask one of our dealers to show you one of the slip-ons
and see whether you can resist buying one for yourself.
It s partly the long-fibered Northwestern wool we use,
and there s a lot in the way we weave them. We've a
wonderful variety of colors to choose from yours is
v ""u5 i juu, sure ana jook lor tne label