Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 04, 1918, Image 1

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fl - OREGON': '"tOMGHT.
nijio ifTiiitiss1
Ana emuraay, enowera west, ra)
JUrfy and occasionally ;
ean portion; south-
ft J? the toast.
tfO. 236.
Only Cirenlatioa in SaVm Guar
aiteed by thj Audit Bureaa et
CJ M I tat Ihm
11 M'ffi
With This Trench Line Gone No Other Can Be Built Except
Far In The Rear. Believed Attack On Durazzo Will Be
Followed By Smash At Catlaro And Other Ports Now Used
By Austria.-Constantinople It Is Intimated .Will Be Next
Objective Of Armies In Serbia.
Rome, Oct. 4. Two enemy submarines were destroy
ed by. American submarine chasers in the naval raid on
the Austrian naval base of Durazzo, the Italian admiralty
announced today. -
"American chasers, escorting warships bombarding
Durazzo, destroyed two enemy submarines," the state
ment said.
"Italian and British warships at midnight Wednes
day penetrated the mines guarding Durazzo and entered
the port. They entirely destroyed the fortifications and
depotts supplying he Austrian army in Albania. ,
"They sank enemy destroyers and destroyed a trans
port and light craft."
Speaking in the chamber, Premier Or
luido announced, the complete dart ruc
tion of the Austrian base of ships at
''Italian and British warships, under
fcrotecticm of allied destroyers and Am
erican submarine chasers, pwsed the
mine fields, eluded submarines and
fiercely bombarded the harbor works of
Ctirazzo," Orlando said,
i "They sank an enemy destroyer
and steamer. Italian and British air
men bombed the port. We suffered no
lama except that the stern of British
cruiser was slightly damaged by a tor
jwclo.' '
Gain Six Miles.
London, Oct. 4. (1:18 p. m.) The
Bdtisn aavanco oetween ATmenuerra
aud Leng has now reached a total depth I
of six miles, according to battle front !
awpatcues receiver nere tnis luteruoou.
By John DeOandt.
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Paris, Oct. 4. (4:15 p. m.) The
allied forces in the Charupegne and.nf a quarter of million prisoners, (he rates, in connection with which the rail
ftbiems regions are swinging forward gravity of which appearg when one con- roads refused to submit to the jurisdic
General Gourand Is directing the col
umng constituting his left wing along
.the road from Somme-Py to Attigny
and Is menacing Seuiide (six miles north
of Somme-Py.).. His center is astride the
(highway from Mont 'Hols to Vouzieres.
The advance has been extended west
ward to Morovillers (three miles west of
tie Sulppe river) which Is being heavily
shelled... The allied artillery action also
is pouriug an enfilading fire into the
German trenches in the Monts region
(north of Somme-Py.)
Berlin Admits Loss.
- Berlin, via London, Oct. 4. French
aud Americaus, attacking In the uuwn
pigne on a wide front between the 8u
(PPe and the Aisne rivers, have gained
a footing on the high ridges between
Somme-Py and St. Etienne (five miles
asuthwest of Somme-Py.) the German
war office announced today. They oc
cupied the Welnsen-Medah height.
. . Between Oreful and the Aisne enemy
stacks were repulsed. There were vigor
ous engagements south of Liry and son
tbwest of Montpois. Tbe enemy pene
trated Challerange, but wag driven out
By Webb Miller.
Oct. i (12:;5 p.
m.) The
Gorman line, from the Argonne to the
sea, is cracking ominously, Marshal
Foc-h is showering smashes on the brittle
spots, widening the fissures.. Just as
the cracks in Flanders and thc Chcmin-
Des-Dames region are causing a retire
ment on wide fronts at LaBassea and
northwest of Rheims, other withdrawals
will result as new cracks develop In oth
er sectors.
Already it is becoming evident that
the Germans have made, up their minds
to lessen their clutch on a large stretch
of t rench and Belgium torntory. There
fore, General Ludendorff- is attempt
ling to retivat in one narrow section at
a time, to crain as much time an Dossil)
lo, and to save a, much material and
man -power as he can.
F0ch 's task is not only to open new
.racks; but to give the enemy plenty of
Backward momentum.
The outstanding result of tha first
rwek of the world's greatest battle is
the Germans' loss of their great defen-j
sive system, upon which they intended:
to make a stand this winter.
A seconaarv result Das ocen tne loss
smerg tnat tne equivalent 0 Hen uer -
man divisions nave been killed and
wounded in addition.
By Fred S. Ferguson
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
With the Americans Between Kheinis
atd Verdun, Oct. 4. Renewed Franco
Aneriean stacks east of Bheimg have
further pinched in the big salrent cre
ated by the allied armies.
the Americans have marked prog
ress it-, the direction of St. Etienue-A-Ar:'ej
five miles northwest of Somme-Py-.
- .
XIo'itKane hag been nearly cleared
depriving le enemy of bis dominat
ing key point in this section.
Tha A.rsencan advance then contin
ued down tire slopes in the plains. Addi
tional prsonerg have been taken.
By Carl D. Groat
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
Washington, Oct. 4. American-allied
cmnshing of the Austrian naval hase
at Durazzo will have a marked eifoct
upon the Macedonian operations.
One of the navy department's highest
officials today noted that this our-
(Continued on page two)
till - II r -v V 1 1 til I Mil-
Director Prouty So Informs
Senator McNary In Re
sponse To Inquiry
Belief front tha 25 per cent increase
in freight rates a applied to apples'
wood and stone, and perhaps other com
moditivs, are practically assured by Di
rector Charles A. Prouty of the railroad
administration In a-letter received by
the public service commission today.
Director Prouty's. leter was written
to Senator McNary, who forwarded it
to the commission. Senator McNary took
the matter up with the railroad admin
iutration upon information , furnished
him by Public Service Commissioner,
Buchtel, who cited illustrations of the
injustice which the rate increase will
work upon Oregon apple growers and
othcr8 .'who depend upon the railroads.
.. Dhvctor Prouty says simfilar conv-
plaints havo poured into his office from
all parts of the country and atoution is
being given them as rapidly as posslli
Speaking of the apple rates, ho says
that the local traffic committee and
the general traffic committee both have
recommended a reduction.
"The matter i9 now under consid
eration by Director Chambers and myt
self and some conclusion will be reach
ed in the near future," he says. "I be
lieve it probable that some reduction
will be made but do not care to . indi
cat0 extent of the reduction tat would
be made in the rate on atom?, especially
on short hauls, s0 that the work on Ya
quiua Bay jetty may be continued.
- Complaint has also been made against
the high freight rate on wood, wit an
excessive charge when wood is hauled
but short distances, aud to meet this sit
uation Director Prouty says he is now
considering the establishment of mile
age scale of rates for transportationn of
cordwood in the state of Minnesota and
tha hp will extend his investigations to
" Wood is undoubtedly a priim? essen
tial in Oregon and ought to movo under
rates as low as can properly be cstob
lished, " he says.
Announcement will be made soon, he
also says, of the railroad adniinistra
tion 's attiudo toward state commissions
and the jurisdiction of the state com
missions. This qucstiou was raised in
connection with a complaint against a
weighing charge of $5 imposed by some
or tn railroads . and n so mrninat snh
tion ot the state commission.
Melville S. Jones
- Writes From France
Melville 8. Jones, son of Seyrr.om
Jones, is in France in the Ifith Engin
eers, stationed at headquarters.. In a
letter home h? writes a follows:
"Wc have been enjoying some of that
justly famous Oregon weather where it
raing half an inch in an hour. It almost
makes me homesick. There is not much
travel around Franc.', as Uncle Ham
does not encourage travel except to
wards Germany.
"I have been in 'Gay Paree' several
times. Tho biscuit shooters ire just
the same as found in the states. Let
Bro. Archard know that with his well
known ability for toasting the ladies
that he would cither suffer from paral
ysis of the vocal organs or would bo
forced to consult a dictionary were he
ere. . .
"I am abqut to start tt!y second
wiulcr in France. So while you arn
sitting around thw six foot fire place
just wish me luck in my efforts to coax
a litle heat out of the French stove. I
have never yet seen one that would do
any heating.
The letter is addressed, "II. J. WW
mcr, Salem. Oregon, God's Couutry."
Kaiser Knows His Family Is
Doomed Hence his Fran
tic Appeals
. By Ed L. Keen
(United Press staff correspondent)
London, Oct. 4. There are "indica
tions that the process of wiping out
the militaristic and autocratic govern
ment of Germany, which President
Wilson declared is necessary before
peace can be accomplished, has already
While it is not believed "that the
present crisis in Germany will result
in the setting np of anything resemb
ling a democratic government, it .is ev
ident from the buek passing- of those
dodging offers of the chancellorship
that the kaiser and Hohenzollernism
are on the downgrade.
Thp kaiser's reVjent appeal for a rec
ognized "peojjlo't government," and
another appeal which he is. now issu
ing, but of which, no details have yet
been received, arj regarded as camou
flage to fool the German public and
the entonto statesmen.
An interesting tli'ig in connection
with this is the report from Amster
dam stating that the 'majority mem
bers of tho reiehstag have adopted the
following program:
Endorsement of the July (1917)
peace resolution; estoration of Bel
gium; declaration Af Germany's readi
nes to join the league of nationirjauto-
nomy for .Alsace-Lorraine and equal
suffrage for Prussia.
Chairman Steiner Says There
cal Stores.
Dr. R. E. Lee Steiner, chairman of
the Marion county council of defense
announces that the council will regu
late conditions in the county from a
local standpoint. It is the purpose of
tho county committee to comply with
war essentials but net pprmi; any rad
ical conditions that would do injustice
to the community.
The committee figures that on minor
matters where great war problems arc
not concerned, it can best regulate lo
cal affairs. This will mean that there
will be nor Sunday closing of confec
tionery stores nor the enforcement of
fl o'clock closing for such (daces of
business, as suggested by the Btate
council of dcfcns.e
At the meeting held last evening at
the Commercial club, called by the
chairman, Dr. Steiner, Frank Wright
man was elected secretary, Judge Law
rence T. Harris first vice president,
and Dr. H. H. dinger as second vice
president. Dr. Steiner and Mr. Wright
man will go to Portland in a few days
to consult with the state officials.
Others who have been selected as
members of the. county council of de
f?hso are: W. I. Staler, W. I. Need
ham, M. L. Meyers, Harvey Wells, K.
F. Carleton, Judge Geo. II. Burnett, F.
W. Steusloff, R. C. Bishop, Ir. W. B.
Morse, O. E. Wraters, T. O. Bligh, Jos
eph II. Albert, I. 0. Curtis. Walter A.
Denton, A. Brownson and J. A. Law
rence. 1,840,000 Americans
Sent Across Ocean
Washington, Oct. 4. A total
of 1,840,000 American troops
have been sent overseas to date,
members of the house military
committee said they were told
at a war department conferenew
today. '
Committeemen also quoted
war department officials for
the statement that 234 Dc Hav-
iland planes had been produc-
ed last week, bringing s total
production to 1S9 1.
Liberty motors production
now totals H21fl, committeemen
said thev wre told.
1(1, l.M IJ
For The City Election Voters
Can Register To Saturlay
Night, October 19.
For the state election, the final date
of registering is tomorrow, Saturday
October 5, and the final hour is 5
o'clock in the afternoon, at the coun
ty clerk's office in the court homo.
For the city election, the final date
is BatairdaT, October 19, and at 5
o'clock in the afternoon.
The state law is that voters must
register 30 days before the election.
The city law is 13 days beforo elec
tion. Election day is Tuesday, Nov. 5.
For the city election in which voU-3
of course are east by wards, if one has
even .changed residence and yet re
mains in the same ward, it is necessary
to register again, ss the eity law re
quires that the house address of the
voter be made part of tho records. Xi
one has not registered for four years
or moved o.it of the ward, nf course
it is necessary to register again. Regis
tcring for tho city election may now
be done at the city hall.
For the state election, if . one hnfl not
voted for two years, or has moved out
of tho precinct, it is necessary to reg
ister again. For the state election, eiie
may regfc-ter at the county dark'.: of
fice in the court housi ,up io 5 pVb::k
tomorrow afternoon. ,
It requires two freeholders to sweur
in a vote where one has "failed" to reir-
ister. The city and county eloetion ii
heia on the same date os the state elec
tion Nov, S'. - : - ' ''-
Insurance Companies
Have $15,485371
Invested In Oregon
Insurance comnanins havo Invented
415,483,371 in'Oreiron farm morfcapna
city loans and Oregon bonds, according
t0 a statement compiled by Insurance
Commissioner Wells from the annua'' re
ports of the insurance companies do
ing business in this state.
Tho biffgest item of investment, u
city loans, which totals $8,752,790
wmio next is first mortgages on farms
Which toal $3,122,543. .
Various kindg of Oregon bonds are
owned b thw insurance comnanics in
the following amounts: School, 4332,600
roads 524, 57; municipal 2,254,144;
district $01,000; county $154,435; mis
cellaneous IM,000; railroad aud street
railway, $159,000.
123,000 Prisoners Taken
During September
Paris, Oct. 4. The allies took 123,
000 German prisoners in Franco and Bel
gium during September, it was officially
announced today. Tho captives jncl'id
ed 120,192 men and 2,844 offiewrs.
During the same period tho allK'S
optured l.fiOO cannon and more t-fter.
naehiiio guns. t
From July 15 to September 30, the
allies took prisoner 248,494 men and
5,518 officers aud captured 3,609 can
non and 23,000 Machine gnus.
Kt&rti 1
y, Pa 'rcr
Constable Xewt Plum arrested a dan
gerous lookin' stranger this mornin, fcr
tryin' to cash a Ford. Th' ole scouts
who have been for'ty-fivj fer the past
fiftien years kin now hang up tlie tou
pees, ' ,
Boston With . 30,000 Cases
And 1912 Deaths Is
Worst Sufferer
One Death Reported From Se
eattle , San Francisco Has
16 New Cases !
New York, Oct. 4. Spanish Influenza
sweeping through big cities of thu coun.
try as well as through army camps, has
brought suffering to more than 173,000
soldiers and civilians, reports from all
sections show today.
Death is occurring at the rate of one
in each twenty seven cases, according
10 unofficial estimates.
Fighting thy disease through every
known agency, federal and local autho
rities now feel tho spread of tho epi
demio is being checked.
Army physicians especially are malt
ing headway.
ivtports from Washington, today show
approximately 105,000 caiws Rove been
repotted in the army camps. ,
In the camps the epidemic seems to be
moving westward. Camp Grant, 111.
yestorday had 1,850 new easos of the
disease, thvr greatost number reported
for the day. from any of the canton
ments. ", '
Camp Devens, MasB., where the dis
ease has taken its biggest toll, probably
still hag the greatost number of suffer
ers, .although the epidemic was detinue
ly reported as checked there several
days ago. .' -
l amp jjevens has had 12,823 cases
with 693 deaths. In the big cities, civil
ian, ero crowding hospitals and dispell
saries and are clamoring for tivvatmcnt
tliat the institutions arc able to give
them but slowly because of inadequate
facilities. At Bellcvue . hospital hero
laBt night sufferers were assigned to
co.s in the halls. At one tune seven
ambulances appeared .simultaneously at
the hospital entrance waiting to deliver
Today's figures, to 1e announced Int
er, aiv expected to boost New York's
total to nearly 6, 000.
Boston is the worst afflicted of the
Now England cities. Total cases there
number 30,000, with 1912 deaths, more
than any other city. A company of 102
physicians are today on their way to
help in the cpidvinic in New England
and the Atlantic const cities. Most of
them left Washington last night under
orders of the federal government.
Ileio are unofficial ronorts showing
total en si's and (K-aths among civilians
up to lust mglit:
Totul Cases Deaths
New York 4,853 222
Boston 30,000 1,912
Des Moiuoj 3 1
Omaha .....
Springfield, Muss
Brockton, Mass.
Bridgeport, Conn
Fitchburg, Moss
Findlay, Ohio, 500
Cleveland, Ohio 50
Wilkesbarre, Pa. ; BO
Allontown, Po 50
Hernnton, Pa GO
Syracuse, N. Y 730
Newark, N. J 1,343
Schenectady, N, Y. 54
Westfield, Mass 129
San Francisco I. 23
Chicago, 111 1,549
Montreal, Que 130
Dayton, Ohio 27
Disease Beaches Seattle.
Seattle, Wash., Oct. 4. Spanish In
flueuza has claimed its first death in
Seattle at the naval training camp at
tho University of Washington. Altho
Health Commissioner McBride reports
that no proven cases of the strange ma
lady hav,, been reported to the munici
pal health department, naval authori
ties say that 400 sailor cases are undvr
observation in the camp.
Visiting privileges there have bevn
stopped, and an l.iformat on bureau es
tublised for friends ond relatives of
At he Piiget Sound navv yard, sovoral
influenza deaths have occuricd, and
many caw are under observation in
hospitals. Medical staffs have been
Emperor Karl's Situation Is
Daily Becoming More
Only Strong And Prompt Ac
tion By Germany Can Pre
yent Peace Move
By Eaymond Clapper.
(United Tress Staff Correspondent.!
Washington, Oct. , Significant de
velopments aro impending in Austna,
ncrding to strong diplomatic belief
Ik'I'ii ti-.dn;.-, 1 vitcuation of Albania and
loss of thj naval base at Durazzo have
pf- ei ita:i'd s crisis in that rocking cm
pw. . Ochs ''lid socialist deputies out
nj 'oi.ly d T-iid a peaee with resto.-a-tint
of Belgium, Serbia and Monteue,rr
and fcrmtition of a league of nations
in e'-mucMton v.tlh President Wiioh'
$ar nitva
Ksitporof . Ksri Is holding iinportant
t.;m;. ret cos first with his chief of ttxtt
and tl" ii with 1-ureign Minister Buriau
and Premier Von Hnssarek. ' '
Tjat Austria might follow the course
of Bulgaria shortly was not put bey
ond the bounds of possibility in well in
formed quarters. - ,
rjrri.'ior Karl's situation u 'pidly
bccom.ug desperate, all reports ngr".
and lie will shortly be at the point
where he must yield to clamors for
ponce. Only forenanded action by Gt-r-many
can avert this, diplomats jay
Socialist deputies, seeking peace, have
made radical demands on tho govern
ment, according t0 reports here today.
These include!
Creation of a league of nations; no
economic warfare; no annexations; res
toration of Belgium, Serbia and Montw-n-gro;
revision of the treaties of Bu
charest and Brcst-Litovsk; settlcmont
of eastern questions along the lines ef
nationalities; settlcmvut of the Polish
Mucstion by the Polish people) autonomy
for all peoples in Austria-Hungary.
Demand that an International peace
conference be called was made dur.ng
tho sitting , lvports declare. Added to
political troubles Sr0 the approaching:
hardships of winter. Reliable data here
fhmvs a general breakdown of health
in :hts empire di-.o to nmiflieu nt food
fnd shelter. Thw province or Holznurg,
Is actually reported starving. Meat is
foroidden to hotels and visitors liavo
1 i ..-.vere tj l?c so that there 'y
lit-" footi for rcsidonts. For wevks iii
population lina been entirely without
eg!s, butter or fats. There has been no
bread for at long as a week, ttccord.itlt
to one statement.
y.eki.vss hn increated ten per cent
over I;isr vd'-.r. The inc:et .1 1 1 '.h
number f .cn..uc cases of il.-n-", i:tt
ing over seven days has lncrejl
nenriy 10 per cent according to rsporrs
f' i- t'x sick fucd buicau.
increased. Sailors throughout the 13th
naval district were ordvred last Satur
day to keep away from crowds, follow
i.-ig first appearance of influenza in tho
Spreading In San rrancisco.
Snn Frnncixeo, Oct. 4. The epidemio
of Spanish influenza is hitting the west
anj San Francisco is preparing for tba
rapid spread of the disease, a.otdii.g
to a public warning issued here today
by City Health Officer Bas-di-r. Slr
tcen nw cases have bivn reported here
i:i the last 24 hours.
Spreads in Seattle
Seattle, Wash., Oct. 4. First civil
ian case of Spanish Influenza were re
ported to municipal health authorities
" Nine .cases came under observation
this morning," Health Commissioner
McBride reported this afternoon. An
other sailor at thc universtiv training
camp died last nigiht, making total
deaths here two, and total "bed" cas-
'- e9 321.
Village Holds Eecord
Thc village cf Wishawa, Fa., with
50!) inhabitants, had 300 eass of Span
ish influenza today. Nine deaths had
been reported.