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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1918)
SALEM, OREOOlt THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1918. EIGHT Jr.. YOU WILL FIND TILVT WE ILWE FINE VALUES IN And that it will be to your interest to call on us I and see for yourself that such is the case. Ladies Union Suits . .79c, 98c, $1.25, $1.98 and $2.98 : : Ladies' Vests 15c, 19c, 25c, 35c, 49c, and 79c :: Children's Union Suits ... .79c, 89c, 98c, $1.49, $1.98 :: Children's Shirts and Drawers .. 39c, 49c, 59c, 69c, 79c : : Men's Union Suits . . . .$1.98, $2.19, $2.98, $3.49, $4.50 I Men's Shirts and Drawers. .98c, $1.49 $1.98 garment X I Buy for 197 Busy Stores i; Enables Us To Undersell I -M : personals : ' t Senui S. Keiskiof Ilwaeco, Wash., if in the city registered at the Bligh. J. Williams loft this morning over the Oregon Electric for Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. John Beck left yestw day for Portland where they -will make their future home. Mrs. Horace M. Bibbey and son Del' bcrt have returned to Ft. Stoveng after a weck'g visit In Salem with her sister Miss Garfield of 205 Lincoln street. Private Bay Johnson of Mounmoutli is reported missing in action according to tho casualty list of yestorday. His nearest relative it Mrs. Bolls Johnson of V onmouth, . . . tttM All Around Town ; COMING EVENTS Oct. 27-Sunday. At night, turn the time back one hour, Nov. 6. Election day. The Bed Cross auxiliary of the First Methodist church will meet Friday mor uing at 9:30 o'clock to make sheets for the Kd vross in response to the cail o "Tie funeral oeautifuL,Webb ft Clongh Co. Dr. Mendelsohn fits eyes correctly. TJ. 8. Nat 1 bank bldg. - " O ' Bigger and better. Wards Drug store. New location, 1st door east of Grey Belle confectionery. tf Half a dozen women with willing hands and hearts are wanted at the sur gical dressing department- of the Bed Cross in the postoffice building. There U a real rreed of workers to card cotton Tho work can be done at home. Thos4 who are willing to assist are asked to telephone 249. : 0 "The best" Is ail yon can do when death comes. Call Webb ft Clongh Co- Phone 129, v. - PU iMm. . new TODAY "NEW TODAY u SMART SOCIETY AT U SMARTEST CONSTANCE TALMADGE A Heroine who stays the clock of convention and tries to wind it again in "SCANDAL" SMILING BILL PARSONS In his first Capital Comedy with "Billy Rhodes" "RIM'S RARY ' Its the Final Word in Screen Comedies ''Minus All the Old Slap-Slick Staff TODAY EZJ TODAY What Others Say- ' Many people think that our prices are high but after looking around comparing values and prices of other ; stores invariably they come back and buy shoes of : us. WE SELL STANDARD shoes with reputation ' for less than asked by other stores. $7.50 Genuine Army Shoes for..... .$6.65 : Second grade army shoes for $5.35 ' Genuine Kangaroo made in Doctor lasts that give per fect fit, that sell at $11 and $12 elsewhere. Our price $9.00. Only a few left. $14.00 High Top Napa tan boots $12.00. SAVE EOT RIIY Dr. Bchenk has now returned from his vacation and he extends a cordial invitation to his patrons end friends to, visit his institution. u o Improvement on the armory began to day, Colonel Woolpert, who ig custodian of the building, announced today, xnis will include another entrance to the main floor. When tho work is compjlet ed, there will be three vxits from the armory on the main Jloor and tnree stairways from the balcony to tho main floor. i o 10 per cent off on all MMer tires in stock. Clark's tire house, 319 N. Com mercial St. Phone 74. 10-3 o . More miles for your money. Let your next tire be a "Severe." Only three replacements in 600 sold. Clark tire house, 319 N. Com'l St. Phone 74. 10-3 o Having taken the depth of the chan nel under the new bridge, and tlren moasurod the vertical and horizontal cdearances and found them according to the regulations of the war depart ment from a standpoint . of cavigai tion, E. B. Thomson, assistant engineer undor Colonol Zinn, has written the bridge department of the Btate that everything is' o. k. The stags of the river' under the bridge in the channel is two foot below and there is 30 feet of water under that. o County Superintendent Smith ig send ing out supplies to rural teachers in the oouuty including report cards and other blanks used in making out county rec ords., He is also sending to the clerks of the rural school districts supplies in order that a school census may be taken and letuvncd to the office by October 2iilk. Tho apportionment of tho dis trict funds is largely governed by a census of all who are over the age of four and under the ago of 20. The more school children found and recorded tho larger tho funds received from the conn, ty and stato. o A China pheasant hen walked in on Olwcr J. Myers, local manager of the Spaulding Logging eompany, last even ing as he was putting in some late work at tho olfico. The hen had evidently concluded that a nice quiet office was mutable plaeo to tjicnd tho evening. Mr Myers captured the in ruder and turned it over to tho Oregon Hospital for its plies San t fan:). o Tonight the Elks' lodge will hold the first of its regular Thursday evening meetings for tho winter. The- entertain ment committeo that had such' a fine tmi0 at the slate fair grounds on Elks' duy will report of its doings. Theio will bo other business transacted and a semi annual report ready for the soerotary. , o On a cqmplaint sworn to by the pain ter, Julius Nelson, Paul M. Smith is in custody at Dallas and will be brought back to Salem this evening by Constab le Varney. The complaint aleged that Smith obtained money unuVr fulso pre tenses in giving Mr. Nelson a check for $5 which it is claimed was worthless As an example of what may be done by going over a territory the second, th Fourth Liberty Loan captain and workers who were assigned to tho Kay Woolen Mills today reyortod that on their second visit to the mills the subscriptions received almost equalled that of their first visit. It is understood somo parts of the business district have been overlooked. I for help from the hospitals in France A full attendance is desired. Owing to recent advance of butter fat prices, the milk distributors find it necesnsary to list the following pric es on short notice to take effect Oc tober 1, 1918: One pint per day per month $2-25; 1 quart per day per month $4.25 3 pints per day per month, $8.25 2 quarts per day per month, $8.25; 3 quarts per day per month, $11.50; 4 quarts per day per month, $14.00. Ta ble cream pe pintK 35c; whipping cream per pint. 45e. Wholesale in bot tles, per gallon, 45c; in can, per gallon, 40c Salem Sanitary Dairy,- Fainnount Dairy, Pincknoy Bros. Dairy. 10-5 0 - ; Miss Elizabeth Levy has announced her' resignation as head of the violin department of Willamette University in onlvr that she may devote more time' to her classes. Miss Levy is recognized as a competent teacher and one of the best violinists of the state. ; O Members of Bodson council No. 1, B. 4 8. if. wiU meet Saturday Oct. 5th at 5 p. m. sharp, to go to McMinnville to assist in confering the Super Excel lent degree. All those wishing to go will please let Bro. O. A. Olson, Thrice 111. Master, know by 12 o'clock Fri day Oct. 4th. Phone 440. Visiting Com panions welcome. o , Word was received this morning of the death of George S. Mills, telegraph operator, at San Francisco. Tho body will arrive tomorrow morning, and f u-' Hcrnl services will bo hold at the chapol of the Rigdon company at 3 o'clock oi 1 mlay afternoon. Burial will be m City view cemetory. a a is survived by a sister Mrs. Walling living in Salem. CARD OFTHANKS The undersigned wish to express their thanks and obligation to the kind friends who have shown in so many ways, sympathy yand aid in the time of bereavement of our husband and father. Mrs. J. W Carver, Mrs. R. S. Allen, Joseph E. Carver, William it. Carver. Orders to speed np the collections of fruit pits have been received by W. M. Suiith, in charge of ,tho work for Marion county outside of the city of Salem Ho is arranging with all rural school districts by which school houses may be used as collection points. In Salem the collecting places are at the east base ment door of the court house,, the base ment of the city public library and bai relj at the corner q Statu and Liberty streets. There is just one caution in giving the pits and that is, they must be thoroughly dried befote being deli vered. Mr. Smith said that in a day oi so lu would ship 000 pounds to head' quarters at Portland, STEAMER TAMPA SUNK OFFICERS AND CUE 112 IN Mi ARE LOST Was Torpedoed September 26 While Escorting Convoy, Six Others Lost Washington, Oct. 3.V. S. S. Tam pa, a former coast guard eutter was sunk in foreign waters, the navy de partment announced today. All aboard are reported lost. The Tampa was sunk off the Eng lish coast in the, Bristol channel, Sep tember 26. . ' Reports received here indicate that the Tampa wh8 torpedoed at night while engaged in escorting convoy. Ten officers and 102 enlisted men be sides one British army officer and five civilian employes on board were re ported lost. Tho Tampa steamed on an average of more than 3500 miles each month be tween October 1, 1917, and July 31, 1918, and was under way more than half of the total time, the navy de partment announced this afternoon. She had escorted eighteen convoys be tween Gibraltar and British ports in that time. The vice admiral of the Eng lish navy commanding the Milford Ha ven 'sent a message to" Admiral Sims expressing his admiration for Captain Sapperlee of the Tampa. Tag days are now in the discard. This fnv.irite metliod of raising money is now on tlio taboo list. The Stato Coun cil of defense has issued an edict that the average citizen has plenty of ways to help without being asked to contri bute to the tag day process. A. few days nga an appeal was made to the for a tag dny in Portland in pehnlf of devastated France. As the city had been sufforing from a big run f tagging, tho council decided there wa nothing nothing doing in that line, ev en for devastated France. The ruling was outdo stutowidv and if any organ ization attempts to put on a tag day in Salem it will be in defiance of the wishes of tho Stato Council of defense The women in Portland associated with "Tho SocrWy for Devastated France" thought to assist the poultry raisers in tho devastated area and werc anxious to put on a tag dny, each tag to bo labell ed "I have a chicken iu France." Tho State Council of uVfonse didn't approve of the "chicken" idea. Died WANTED. Portland Furniture Dealer wants all kinds of second bund furniture, skstoves. era ranees, eta. Best price paid. Phone 951. .... HEMSTITCHING I Hemstitching and Picot edge work. We do this work in the best manner. All work guaranteed. Singer Sewing Machine Co Phone 441 ' 837 State Street Salem DARR At lrar home 244 South High street, Thursday morning, October 3, 1918, Mrs. J. A. Dorr, at th0 ago of oS years. Besides her husband, she is survived by a sister. Mrs. Clydo Johnson of Sa leu. As yet no funeral arrangements have b''v?n made. WANTED Household furniture of every description. I am shipping to my Port- land store." Get my pri ces before you sell. Phone 510. Woodry the auctioneer. I WANT TO BUY Tour Junk and give yon a square business deal. I always pay the highest carh prices. v I WANT YOUR SACKS AND BAGS I bny all kinds of used Roods, 2nd hand furni turf, rubber and junk. Get my prices before jbu ftelL THE CAPITAL JUNK CO. Van Square Deal House 211 Chemeketa Street Phone 398 I AUCTiOH SALE I at WOODRY'S AUCTION MARKET Ferry and Liberty Sts. Saturday. October 5 At 10:30 a. m. Horses, Harness, Plows Buggies, etc. Farmers, I have a num ber of buyers for pigs. Bring them in on Sat urday. F. N. WOODRY Auctioneer Phone 510. Journal Want Ads Pay WANTED, JUNK 5 And All Kinds of 2nd Hand 4 woods. 4 Dili Market Prices Special 4 Prices paid for Sacks. 4 Get oar prices before 70a sell. THE PEOPLE'S JUNE ft 2ND 4 HAND STOKE 4 271 It. Com'l 8t Phone 734 4 DR. W. E. STANTON Skin and Scalp Specialist Treats all eruptions and blemishes of skin and scalp. Latest appliances for treat ing the feet. Satisfaction guaranteed. Lady Assistant 518 U. S. Natl Bank Bldg. For-Appointments Phone 416 L.M.HUM I . Yick So Tocg . er of Chines Medicine and Tea Oa. Has medicine which will sure any known disease. Open Sundays from 10 a. ss. antil 3 p. m. 153 South High St Salem, Oregon. Paom 181 Journal Want Ads Pay JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY ! HI R THESE DATES JOINT AUGTI ON SAL E AT THE CARLTON SMITH PLACE, ONB MILE NORTH OF TURNER ON THE SALEM TURNER KOAD. Monday, October 7 AT 10 A- M. SHARP, CONSISTING OF FOLLOWING PROPERTY? -1 Sorrel Horse, weight 1650, a good work horse. 1 Bay Horse, good to work, or drive, weight 1150. 13 1-4x10 Stuflcbakcr wagon, good - as U:w with box complete. 2 Oliver Chilh?d Plows, 0ne 12-iuch and one 15 inch, good as new. 2 Chilled Pbws, ono 12-inch and one 15-inch, good as new. 1 three-section iron harrow, good as new. 1 sot Double Har ncss. 2 tons Choice Hay. 2 tons Fine Feed Straw. A Lot of Choice St-jd Wheat, Spring and Fall. A lot of Small Tools, CroSg Cut Saw, Sledge and Wedges, Forks, Shovels, Hoes, Rakes and Many Articles too numerous to montion. 97 White Leghorn Hens, prize Winners. 1 acre Corn. Household goods and kitchen furniture, consisting of rockers, chairs, bedsteads, and A-l fine kitchen range. 1 Gray Horse, 15 years old, weight 1200. 1 bay horse 12 ye-arg old woight 1200 1 Gray Horse 8 years old weight 1175. 1 Bay Mare 12 yearg old weight 1000. 1 Chain Work Harness. 1 light driving Harness. 1 single Harness. 1 Bain Wagon, 3 1-3x10. 1 Heney Wagon. 1 Emery MeClain Haek, good as new. 1 Cross Cut Paw, Sledges and Wedges. 1 Grindstone. 1 Extra Good Saddfo, Bridle. TERMS: All suing nnder $10 Cash in hand. All sums over $10, 12 months time at 8 per cent on approved bankable notes. T. C. JAMES and H. MILES, Owners' MR. FARRINGTON, F. N. WOODRY, Clerk AUCTIONEER, Phono 510, Salem, Or NOTE WOODRY SELLS FARM STOCK SALES ANYWHERE IN THE STATE AND GUARANTEES SATISFACTION r- , POSTPONED UBLIC SALE! I will sell at public sate at the farm known as The Geo. Caspell Place, twelve miles due east of Salem and eight miles north of Stayton, postponed to Tuesday, October 8 Sale Starts at 10 o'clock a. m. Sharp THE FOLLOWING STOCK, MACHINERY, HOUSEHOLD GOO D,S, ETC. 1 Bay Gliding, 4 years ol 1, weight 1400. 1 Brown Filly, 2 yrs. old, weight 1150. 1 Sorrel Mare, "8 years old, weight 1400. 1 3 months' old colt. 1 Black Coach Marc, 14 years old, weight 1350. 1 Black Coach Mare, 15 years old woight 1250. 5 Good Milch Cows, two fresh. 8 Fine Shoats, weight 175 pounds each. 5 Pure Bred Poland China pigs, 3, months old, weight DOlbs. 10 Grjdo Poland China and Berkshire pigs, 3 months old, woight80 pounds. 1 Berkshire-Poland China brood sow. 1 3-in Bain Wagon doublo box complete, almost new; 1 3-inch Bain Wagon with bed. lSpving Wagon with bed. 1 John Deere Hack. 1 Clark Top Buggy, ex- tra good. 1 Light Buggy. J Road Cart, nearly new. 5 Showls 1 Cultivator. 1 McCormick Bin dcr, 7-foot Cut, with tongue truck. lDrng Harrow, 3-section. 1 McC ovmick Mower, 4-foot cut, good as new. 2 Shovel Plows. 1 Van Brunt D rill. 1 Springtooth Harrow. 1 Oliver Chilled Plow No. 50. 1 Hay Rack 1 Oliver Chilled Plow No. 40. lCutting Box, good, 1 Merry-Go-Round Fern Cutter. 1 Spray Pump, good. 1 Double Harpoon Hay Fork, car rier ropo. 1 Sot Blacksmith To0ls, extra good. 1 Set Carpenter tools. 1 Cider Press, nearly now. -1 Sot Hack Harness. 2 Sots Single Driving Harness. 1 Saddle, good. Several dozen White Leghorn Chickens various Household articles, including Home Comfort Range, etc 1 bet Heavy Work Harness. TERMS: All sums of $10.00 and unler, cash; over $10.00, six months' time with bankable notes at 8 per cent interest. No property to be removed until set tled for. '...- LUNCH SERVED ON THE GROUNDS MRSrP. A. CASPELL, F; N. WOODRY, PROP, Stayton, Oivgon AUCTIONEER,-Phono 510, Snlem, 6re. FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK, Clerk. , NOTE WOODRY CONDUCTS FARM STOCK SALES ANYWHERE IN THE STATE AND GUARANTEES SATISFACTION A UCT10N SALE v 598 N. 21st Street, Salem 1 p. m. Sharp Wednesday, October 9 , Consisting of : 1 Span Grey Geldings, age 10, wt. 2850, sound and well broken. 1 Span Bay Geldings, age 11, wt. 2800, sound and well broken. 1 Jcr, scy cow extra good. 1 Hercules 7 h. p. Gas Engine with good wood saw attachment mounted on wagon, extra good. 1 Dain Gasoline Hay Bater, good as new. 1 Ohio No 9 Feed Cutter fitted for Engine drive. 1 McCormick Binder with Tongue Truck, 7-foot cut, good order. 1 Mc Cormick Mower, 5 foot cut, good as new. 1 8-foot Corrugated roller new. 1 Deering Hay Bake good as new. 1 Hose seed drill. 1 Duira roller. 1 5-shovel Cultivator. 1 Platform scale, good as new. 2 Oli ver Chilled Plows No. 40. 1 Garden Plow. 1 3 1-4 inch Wagon with Gravel Box. 1 3 1-4 inch Wagcn with Rack. 1 8-blad0 Disk Harrow good. 1 Slip Scraper. 1 Dump Gravel Box. ' 2 Sets Double Breeching Harness, good. 1 Hay Back. 1 Closed Rack for hauling short wood. 1 50-gallon tank of Distillate. 1 25-gallon tank of Motor Oil. 4-5 gal lon Oil Cans. 3 Rubber Drive Bjlts. 15 Tons Baled Oat, Wheat and Vetch Hay. 8 Ttons Baled Straw. 100 Bushels of Cheat Seed. 1 Grindstone. 1 Emery Whel. 2Chop Bones and other small tools. TERMS: Hay, straw and grain cash; balance, all sums of $10.00 and under cash; over that amount, time will be given to October 1st, 1919, to parties fur nishing approved bankable notes at 8 per cent P. A. SHIPLEY, OWNER, 508 N. 21st St. Salem Phone 1231W. F. N. WOODRY, AUCTIONEER, Phone 510, Salem NOTE WOODRY CONDUCTS FARM STOCK SALES ANYWH'JRE AND GUARANTEES SATISFACTION , At tonrey Ccjf wU George M. Brown returned tti'lay noon frorr. a trip to Burns where he a tended circuit court appearing for the state in the Pacific ,ipwtotk company case. "Word was received from Russell Brooks, who left for France with Com pany M, of Salem, that ho had Vecn sent to Paris, France, for additional training in the information department,