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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1918)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1918. SEVEN A A A A A A A ft A aAAAAAAA. TTTTTTTTTTTtf f t TT t p i niT i t tattiutii n iccinm nrnT t QUICK REFERENCE TO WHERE BUYER AND SELLER MEET WE RECOMEND OUR ADVERTISERS EVUSTTEZNa ELECTRICAL Jaltaa Keetrie Co, Uasonie Temple, 127 North. Higk. , OSTEOPATH DBS. B. E. WHITE AND E. W. WAIr TON Osteopathic physicians ' and . . .serve specialists. Graduates of Am , ericaa school of Ostoopathy, Kirk - ville, Mo; Post graduate nd spee "ialized in nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Offices 505-508 Nat . Bank Bldg. Phone 83. Kesidence, .1620 Court. Phone 2215. Dr. White - Kes. Phone 469. DENTIST DR. F. L. trTTER, DENTt.T, BOOMS 413-414 Bank of Commeroe bui'ding. Phone 606. . - . WATER COMPANY BALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets Bills payable monthly in advance. SECOND-HAND GOODS BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE Men s clothes, shoes, hats, jewelry, watches, tools, musicfi instruments, Bicycles, guns, rifles, revolvers, suit oases, trunks, .cameras, typewriters ml furniture. Capital Exchange 33T Court street, i'nono 403. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN , On Good Beat Estate Security THOS. K. FORD ' , Over Ladd & Bush bank; Salom Oregon FEDERAL FARM LOANS 5 por cent 34 years time. A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401 Masonic Temple. Salem, Oregon. REAL ESTATE FOE SALE 250 acres, 100 in cultiva tion balance in pasture and tiniber Fine stream of water, good, buildings nd good road, 3-4 mile from a live ly jaw mill town. Will take good house and lot is Salem as part pay jnent. Price $60 per acre. Phone 470 Square Deal Realty Company. U. S. -Bank. Building, -Salom.', f 717 SCAVENGER BALEM SCAVENGER Charles Soot proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts ' at reasonable rates. ' Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phono, Main 2247. Residence Main 2272. WOOD SAW. FOR A WOOD SAW Phone 1090-R 1255 N. Summer St. Our prices are . right. W. M. Zander, proprietor. 9-19 BRING YOUR TRADES I chn match yon. C. W. Niemeycr, Rea' Kstate Agent, Canada Uinds, 544 State afreet. GENERAL REPAIRING THE FIX1T SHOP-Let "S repair and Sharpen your lawn mo wars. 267 Court Phone 1022. tf STOVE REPAIRING 8T0VES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 81 years experience, Depot, National and American fence. Sizes 26 to 58 in high Paints, oil and varnish, etc Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court street. Phone 124. LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET AT IlcCornnck hall on every Tuesday at 8. P. Andrcson, C. C. F. J. Kuntz K. E. & 8. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6248 meet every 3rd and 4th Thur. eve, 8 o'c'ock in Derby building, corner Court and j High streets. B. F. Day, V. C; T. A. 'Turner, clerk, . " SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. - 1 Kcoler, president; Mrs. Loo Tillson, secretary. All cases of cruelly or ne glect of dumb animals should be re ported to the secretay for investiga tion. BOYAl NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA ."Oregon Grape Camp" No. 1360. meets every Thursday evening is 1 Derby building. Court and High St ' Mrs. Pearl Coursey, 214 Court St. oracle; Airs. .Melissa I'ersons, record er 1415 N. 4th St. Phone 1436M. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem- bly No. 84 meets first Thursday of each month, at 6 p. m- iil I. O. O. F. HalL Norma L Terwllliger. 'M. A.'; C. A. Vibbert, secretary, 34() Owens atreot. ; When you use Journal classifi- id ad get what you want them to they work fast. - FIRMS THAT GIVE SERVICE Telephone Main 1209 NOTICE OF SALE Of Government Timber, General Laud Office Washington, D. C, August 29; 1918. Notice is hereby given tuat subject to the conditions and limitations, cf the act of June 9, 1915 (39 Stat, 213) and tho instructions of the secretary of the interior of September 15, 1917, the timber on tlio following lands will be sold October 23, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m., at. public auction at the Lmted States land office at Portland, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than th'e appraised value aj show fty this notice, sale to be subject to the approv al of the secretary of the interior.. The purchase price, with au additional sum of one fifth, of one per cent there of, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be roturned if saHj is not approved, other wise patent will issue for the timber which must be removed within ten years.. Bids will be received from cit izens of tlio United States associations of such citizens and corporations organ ized under the iaws of the United States or any state, territory or dis trict thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, th0 timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger unit. T, 11 S., K. IE., Sec. 27, NW 14 SW Vi, red fir 1275 M., white fir 75 M, uono of th0 red fir or white fir to be sold for less than $1.50 per M. , CLAT TALLMAN, Commissioner General Land Office. Oct. 17 . if! THE MARKET Grain Wheat, soft white $22.05 Wheat, lower grades on sample Oats 90c$l Hay, oats $25 d.,i . r,nGsxo 5052 Hay, cheat, new Mill run ....................... $3738 j I P"c Eutterfat Buterfat .. Creamery butter .....J. '. ... (We . Cork,. ; Veal and Mutton Pork, on foot ,, 17H186e 6 :. "- " ' 7:15 am 9:20 am Veal, fancy ,. 19e.No. 64 to Woodburn' 8:55 a. m. excopt Steers . 79c Cows Sying lambs 46i,4c 1 ...... 12c ...46t T ambs, yearlings Eggs and Poultry ggs, cash . 45c Hens, live 22c Old roosters 1315c ( rys , zirj:,ic PnnSs Vegetables. Sweet potatoes 5o( Potatoes tfJ.dUi Onions, local $2.o0 Cabbage 4s Carrots - 2c Tomatoes $l-2o Turnips 2o Beets r:r'254oc 2c Cucumbers Grapes , Casabas Muskmelon ...... 1.502 .... 3c $1.75 8c ... 10c Green peppers Egg plant - rrult Oranzes $9.50(fi)10 Lemons, box Bananas - 8e Ulack figs, 25 25 lbs 4.50 & FCZZZZZW Figs, 8 oz. packages $3.50 Figs, 10 lb. tancy pagt seventeen years, since tne tern Figs, 10 lb. ex. fancy $2.50 peratures have been officially record- . Betau -nces , Creamery butter 72c Flour, hard wheat J-- $33.23 Country butter 65c Eggs, dozen - 5560c For sugar permits go to C. M. Lock- wood, food administrator, 211 Nortn Commercial street. No limit on purchases of Hour. Portland, Or., Sept. 25. Butter, city reamcry 60e Eggs, selected local ex. 5356c ' Hens- 2527c Broilers 2730e Geese 17(218c Cheese triplets 3536c , DAILY LIVE STOCK MaBKET Cattle Receipts 177 Portland, Or., Oct. 3. iButter, city creamery C4(65c Eggs, local ex. o4(oaoo Receipts 1765 Tone of market weak Prime steers $12(&13 Choice to good steers $116012 Medium to good steers 9.15(all Fair to medium steers $8.259.25 Common to fair steers $G('v)8.25 ' Choice cow3 and heifers 89 Medium to good cows and heifen Fair to medium cows and heifers $.')6: Canners t'idii Bulls ."'7 - , Calves $912 " Stockors and feeders $0(S8 $4.755.75 Canners $34 - Bulls 58 Calves I912 Btockers and feeders 69 Receipts 463 ... . Tone of marset weak Prime lambs 1214 Medium lambs $11 ON SHORT NOTICE Bough heavies 18 18.50 Pigs 1617 Sheep : Eeceipts 30 - Tone ofmarket steady, unchanged Ewe9 6.50(a9 - - Best lambs 1J.5014.50 Medium to good lambs $1113 Wethers 9(g 10.50 ' Ewes $6.508.50 Yearlings $1011 RAILROADTO!E TABLE (Effective Octobor 3, 1918.) SOUTHERN PACIFIC. Main Line. Northbound No. 16 Oregon, Express 6:55 a. m No. 54 Ores-oman . 5:05 a. m. No. 28 Willamette Limited 9:15 a. m. No. 18 Portland Passenger 1:20 p. m No. 24 Coos Bay Limited 4:00 p. m No. 14 Portland Express 7:55 p. m Southbound- No, 53 Oregonian , 3:20 a. m. No. 23 Coos Bay Limited 9:42 a. m No. 15 California Express 10:58 a. m. No. 17 Koseburg Passenger 4.18 p." m No. 27 Willametted Limited....5:54 p. m. No. 13 'Frisco Express 4:18 p. m. SAIEM-GEER LINE.- o. 73 Arrive at.Salein 9:10 a. m No. 74 Leave Salem 3:10 p. in, SALEM, FALLS CITY & WESTERN. 101 Leave Salem, motor 7:00 a.m. 163 Leaves Salem, motor 9:28 a.m. 165 Leaves Salem, motor 1:55 p.m. (Through car to Monmonth and Arlie.) 171 Leaves Salem 6:15 p.m 162 Arrives at Salem'. 8:25 a.m. 164 Arrive-at Salem 11:00 a. m. 166 Ariws. at Salem . 3:20 p.m. 172 Arrives at Salem .. . 7:40 p.m. OREGON ELECTRIC. ' Southbound, Train Leave Arrive- - Arrive No. . " . Portland Salem . jSugene 5 Ltd... 8:15am 10:15 am 12:30 pm 1 10:40 am 12:50 pm Salem only 9 8:05 pm 4.12 pm 6:35 pin 13 Ltd.... 4:45 pm 6.40 pm 8:50 pm 17 6:05 pm 8:07 pm Salom only 19 9:20 pm 11:20 pra Salem only -no. ns scnooi train rrom v No. 63 school train from Woodburn, ar rive 8:35 a. m. except Saturday and. Sunday, (North jjaufc station (leaving Jefferson Street 15 and 20 minutes later.) Northbound - Train - Leave Arrive ; Arrive no. . cugene oaiem roriuuu Eugene Salem Saturday and -Sunday. io Ltd.......:7:25 am 9:45 am 11:30 am 12 .; . , 12:13 pm 2:25 pm l(Ltd 1:40 pm 4:00 pm 5:50 pm o:iu pm :u pra 22 5:25 pm 7:55 pm 10:00 pm (North Bank Station (Arrive Jefferson street 15 minutes earlier. nonvAT.T.Ta co-NTNTPnTTOTra. reave Corvallis Arrive Salem 8:20 am. .....Northbound ,..9:45 am 2:4i pm Northbound 4:00 pm m Wnrthhrinrirl 7r55 nm jiCavo Salem Arrive Corvallis 10:15 am Southbound 11:37 am 4;12 pm ..8outhbound .5:40 pm m a,,thtm,n a-nn rm September Warmest In Seventeen Years The month of September 1918, made an unusual record for itself in several ys. " the nrst place, it was the warmest mourn ox tne year, according to the official records of tho weather office Thcn again with tho cxception of the year 1913, which equalled it, it war tho warmest September in the ea at saiem. The average- maximum tcmperaturo for the past 17 years of the month in galem has been 72.4. And a maximum 0f 73 and 74 is about the usual Heptera- ber weather, although 1911 was the coldest for the past seventeen years with a maximum of 65. The next cold est September was in 1914. Tho month also broke all records in the way of rainfall, 'with a total of only .17 of an inch. The average rain fall for the month ince records have been kept in Halem has been about two inches. In 1903 the precipitation was only .20 of an inch and again in 1908 tho month was dry ono with only .30 of an inch. The wettest September of the past 17 years was in' 1911 when the precipitation was inches. Again in 1911 there was a heavy rain fall, amounting to 4.51 inches. Last year there was 1.32 inches and the year be fore, 1.17. Hence the record of the past month is that of the hottest for 17 years and the driest for the same period of time. Also tho unusual record of being the warmest month of the year, breaking three official weather records. The Journal Jtt Department will print you anything in the stationery line do it right and save you real money. Sloll of f mtm "From Over There" 3v General Pershing't Official Report The following casualties are reported American Expeditionary forces: Killed in action" . 92 Missing ia action u . ..33 Wounded severely 110 Died from wounds ..-.14 Died of Disease 1 Total . ,.250 Only on Oregon man appears in the casualty list today. Frank B Coulter, Baker, killed in action Killed In Action. Sergeants. Loui Frank Antxac, Detroit, Mich Adolph Buehl, Brooklyn, N. Y. Raymond E. Gill, Long Island City, N. V. . . Corporals. Hilmar J. Behrentz, Jr., Chicago. John P. Flynn, Conneautville, Pa, Harry Evan Jones. Cleveland. . Frank Kowalkowski, Primrose, Pa. John F. McClt'lland, Washington, Pa. Chester R. Ramsey, Latrobe, Pa. Austin- T. Robinson, Beacons, N. -Y. Bugler Joseph Gilmette, Ouoway, Mich, Cook Robert F. Shook, Vorbank Yu lage, N, Y. Privatea. John William Adams, Ontenagon, Mich. cO'uise'ppi Ancona,.Bnf falo, N. Y. Joseph I. Atwood, Gadsden, Ala.: Flovd IT. Bentbrook, Wideman, Ark. Fank Cherrichetti, Hocsford, 1U. Patrick Clark, Philadelphia. Reuben E. Davis, High Point, N.-C. Erncsct Frederick Deck, Uoskins. v Nebr. Androw Dunleavy, New York. Leslie G. Fcwell, Turner Station, Ky. James Foliart, Jr. Brooklyn, Manuel N. Gallegos, Central, N. M. 'Charles A. Garner, St. Vegas, N. M. Georgo W. Gash, New York. Charles A. Geary, New York. Charles C. Gormain, llencove City, N. Y. John'Gray, New YoTk. James R. Hickey, Palmyra, N. Y. Leo- V. Higgins, East Rocnaway, N. i. ' . ; ' Waldemai C". Johnson, Brooklyn. 5 ,' Harry Vern Labar, Clio, Mflh. Wiliam L. Aslcy, Sepedwell, Tcnn. Harry Linaka, lt. Airy, Pa. , Castimir Lisewskt, Chicago. "-' ' Wm. C. Lowery, Cann, N. C, William Mallon, New York. Edward Kw Marshal, Washnigton Pa. Lniedln D. Muri. FbrsytW Mont. ' ' Homor L. Niklrk, Bloomington, Id, James M. Pcrcival, Brooklyn. Giovanni Peterocci, -Elmwood, Ind. John ljuinn, Douigaf, lrelnad. j John L. Sheets, Sugar Grove, Va. A : Edward C. SteckbauCr, Oshkosu, I 1 Wis. Samuel S. Stewadrson, Colby, Kas. ; is. r. - ; William J. Waters, Washington, l'a. Louis Weiss, Woodbine, la, ; j Nathan C. Woomer, Tyronno.'Pa. Guy Wren, Middleburg," N. C. Elmer Crowo, Laddsdale, Iowa. William Crtite, Philadelphia, Pa. Hermann A. Cunimings, Aurora, Mo. Stephen Curtin, Long island, N. Y. Joseph Cusano, Derby, Conn, Keith Dale, Bridgeport, 11. , Frank Daly, New York.. . 1. Robert McLoud Davis, White Plains, N. Y. Frank J. Dax, Chicago. James F. Dinan, Philadelphia. James J. Donohue,' West Philadelph ia, Pa. ' Dennis Donovan, ORsinning, N. Y. Robort L. Eokadr, Tayloreville, N.C. Carloton, Ellis, Brooklyn. Lea Englnader, New York. James D. Fardy, Chicago. Carl Famsworth, Litchfield, Nebr.. Albert Fenton, Reading, O. Bryan L. Gallegher, New York. . Rafel P. Garza, Taylor, Texas. Walter G, Gorke, Chicago. Antonio Gorman, Pittsburg. James R. Gorman. Osceola Mills, Pa. Ernest H. Hull, Hope Mills, N. C. . Edward Haut, Davenport, la. f'lmrle. (.'. Ilvslin. Wade, Okla Frederick W. Heimburg, North Troy, K V Chri9 Marlow Hermg, maianapim-.. William M. Houscr, Keyzcr, W. Va. . ,. . Stonewall J. Hower, namoKin, ia. Don Sherman Hubert, Rcdford, Mich, Harry Kase, Ringtown, Pa. James M. Knutson, Benson, Minn. James S. Kooistra, Marshall, Mich, Thomas Kunz, St. Louis, Mo. John Kutia, Uncasville, Conn, Harry McAllister, Brooklyn. -Died of Wounds. Private. Eugene Clemcnte, Tieonderoga, N.Y. John K-eppier, isiapieiou, . x. Timothv Mangan, Kerry, Ireland. Thos. W. Kerns, Lawrence, Kas. Frank M. Loughran, Brooklyn, Atilio Manfredi, Broklyn. John H. Prentice, Fredericksburg, Va. L r iin Ti iU-hiillz. DavennOrt, la. . Norman E. Scogin, Batcsville, Mis. Dilmar W. Sielatf, BucKcye, ia. Fred Silcr, Bradford, O. Raw W. Stevens, Carydon, Ind. Odus P. Stret, Shelby, HI. Henry Wolanski, Buffalo. led of Disease. Privats John Katier, Peebles, Ohio. Killed in action - KCoainff in ACtlOn .... Wounded severely Mij Died of accident and otner causes h:.J t,t wnnmL . . 1' Total 247 KiHwt in Action Capt. Merrit U Lamb, 'Rockford Mich - Lieutenants Wm ) Bcal, Muskegon: Mich. vrt T. Bell. Cordes. Mo. Dick B Breeding, Holdenvillc, Okla H B Irwin, Washington, V C. Lowell H Riley. Orange, N J. Sergeants Arthur H Berges, Burling ,ton la I John H Bird, Yampa, Colo. Frank W Burke, New York Hazael S Choate, Cement City, Mich Charles A Connolly, New York Louis G Gonzales, Porto Rico Leon. F Johnson,. Byegate, Mont. John F Kremer, Jackson, Mich. Michael Leonard, Jr. Philadelphia Percy F Lyons, Beverly, Mass. David E Maxwell, Pittsburg Samuel C Shawn, Philadelphia Wm S Temple, South Fork, Pa. . Corporals Ernes Barclay, Grand Rapids, Mich. Ward B Baoghey, Adrian, Mich. Laverine G Cope, St Louis,. Mo. George E Duffy, New York J Ernest. Brooklyn , -Harold T Keister, Racine,, Wis. Fred V Lindgren, Chicago Neil Moored, Philadelphia Owen McNeil, New York Rlph A Wortz, Edinburg, Ind. John R Wilson, Cumberland City, Tenn. Herbert L Winslow, New York Privates George Alladice, N Y. Joe Barns, Baum, Okla. Ransford B Basom, Sparta, Mich. Fletcher Battle, New York Adolph T Bauman, Mable, Okla. Alton Bellomy, Ceredo, W Va. , Russell E Bluer, Kingston, O. Walter A Black, Frederick; 111. William J Brown, Philadelphia Patrick Caulfield, Jersey City Robert O Clinefelter, Coldwater, Mich Edgar H Combs, Call, N C. Frank Looiiey, Patterson, N J. " Laurence F Cooper, Clarinda, la. Josei'h C Couch, Doniphan, Mo. Francis Courtney, Tnrrytown, Nr Y. Georgo Crawford, Newburg, N Y. Lewis Crawford, Roy, Mont. Wesley J Creech, Bolton, N C. Alfred D Crittenden, Oakland, Cal. John W Crowder, St. Louis, Mo. Terrcnco McAcree, Brooklyn, N Y. Bernard T McGoigle, Brooklyn Walt F McMahon, Ncwtonville, Mass Ambroso C Matthews, Lakewood, NJ John Mec, Anaconda, Mont. Leo A Miller, Middleville, Mich. Chas R Moiiaghan, Philadelphia George J Nolte, Delphos, O. Russell J Parmcntor', Elmira, N Y. Komco Petty, Cherokee, S C. . William L Pierce, Council Bluffs, la Guv R Potter, Blue Springs, Miss. Philip RactZer, Brooklyn James Ratoon, Lancatser, Pa. Oscar H Reynolds, Middlctown, la. John Rhodes, Buchanan, Va. Louis Roeper, Jr, New York Charles Rath,. Philadelphia - ; Thomas Schack, Chicago - Leslie R Short, Springfield, O. John Bkalosky, Glasport,- Pa- ' Ray O Skidmoro, Gypsy, W Va. Norman K Stein, Brooklyn, N X. , Riussell B Swarti,' Brooklyn, John O .Thomas, Goshen, Ala. . August Van Oyen,-Fairfield, IaV Charles Votrio, Bntavia, N . Peter Wargula, Ncshkors, Wis. Millard F Warren, Trade, Tenn. Earle B Weill, New York Arthtir N Weir, Norton, Kan. Harry Wellin, New York ' Austin R Whaley, Model, Tenn. Stephen Whalin, Cynthia, Ky, Jno A Williams,' Brooklyn AT,.!a Wiun. flhicflffO Charles H Woodard, Beatrice, Neb. Ignatz H Zeeman, ntucago Died from Wounds Capt. Myron C West, Belois, Wis. Sge. Jno M Skidmore, lndianpaolis, T,l Corporals Shcpard Jordan, Agusia, us Harry u nerman, vuincj', Glenn Whaley,. Mantna, O. Privates Urcs I Bergcss, Winesay, Tenn. ' f Leslie W Darling, Snenandoan, ia. Thomas W Dempster, Pittbsurg, Ta Stanley Elliott, Santa Ana, Cal. Chap J Elmore, Maggio, Va. Carl Engelhardt, Sheboygan, Wis. John H Finnegan, Brooklyn, N Y. Arthur A Hall. Brooklyn Died from Accident and Other Causes Waszoner Hurvey D Black, nam, Mich. , i'vt. Peter J Statins, ew lorn Wounded Severely Lieutenants Abraham A Levino, Mt. Vernon, N x. In,,,a s 1) Ieai. jr. iew lorn Sergeants William Farrell, New York Louis Ferranti, Chester, Pa. Hobart G Gilbert, Freestone, Pa. Charles II Wood, Philadelphia Edwin Zimmerman, Oshkosh, Wis. Corporals Patrick Connelly, Clairton, Pa. v Harry C Hftrtman, Urottocs, va. Frederick Kckut, Brooklyn Floyd Taylor, Hartford, Mich. Bugler Cichael Cohan, Andover, Mass Mechauics George E Covey, Lake, W Va. . Walter F OutowsUy, JJotroti, Mica. Fred Pace, Chattanooga, Tenn. Privatts Thos J Baker, Tanguy, Pa, Chester M Cannon, Kokomo, lud. Frank W Case, Foley, Minn. Arthur E Chandler, Johnston City. N Y. Cecil C Chapman, Payrc, Okla. John Conway, Brooklyn Russell M ( ordill, Kansas City, Mo. Alfred Congrovc, Jamaica, N Y. Ben G Davis, Wilmington. N C. James F Davis, Junction City, Kan. William O Devins, Jr, Brooklyn Fred I Duckworth, Hill Hose, Colo. Edward J Fehan, Thellman; Minn. Price L Fmher, Clarksburg, W Va. Hary W Forrester, Altoona, Pa.' , William II Gludncy, Philadelphia Tn.onk V. Hnrwlimture. liloominir Prai- J I ri Minn. , , -.. . - n Curtis J Gwynn, Brownsville, Pa. William S Hall, Thomasville, N C. Albert Harris, McKcesport, Pa. Frank A Hall, New Orleans, La. Dewey W Hinds, Orum, S C. Frank Hostffeld, Milwaukee, Wis. Chauircov H Hondeshcl, , Baltimore Howard T HntHseman, Lydonvillc, N Y. John M Houston, Ncwburg, N Y, Andrew Irvine, McDonald, Pa. Cecil Janes. Salem, Ind. Carl L John-son, Frcderickstown, Pa. Samuel J Kadushin, Brooklyn, N Y Iloyd Katzenmeyer, Reading, Pa. , Charles Kennedy, Foster, Ky. Russell Lewis, Rcdoak, la. Children Cry for Fletcher's ! SJV,VV.VVNXVVV' lie Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has bees la use for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of 0 and has been made snder his per s S.F'"'f, Bonal supervision since its infancy.' -vSv. Allow no one to deceive yon ia this.' All Counterfeits, Irritations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Chfldran Experience against Experiment. . What is CASTOR I A ' Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric," Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its 8ge is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has Seen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Ftverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep, The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. 3NUI?3E CASTORIA ALWAYS (Bears the Ib Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THE CENTAUR CO,ANV, NIW VPRK CltV, E3 Sam Lienchenstein, Columbus, O, -Jno W Lindley, Cherokee, Ala. Robert E Loop; Pittsburg John M Minshull, New Rocnolle, N Y William Morrisey, New York 'Joseph- Nimaroff, New; York Ccorgo W Nolze, Delaware, O. Charles H Pekuro, Europe John Piettarl, Brooklyn, Henry Queensbury, Charlotte, Va. J'redoriek W Riamiller, Beacon Falls, Conn. Clarence Shear, Binghaniton, JN X. Elmer K Shearer, Van Dergrift, Pa. Charlie Smith, Stanford, Neb. Earl L Spannuth, Pottsville, Pa. Henry Terrell, Roxboro,' N C. , ; Sam II Wallinsford, Blytheville, Ark Benjamin H Wnkel; Leslie, Mo. Hugh II Wilson, BrownsvillOj Pa. .ttporgt Wiach, Walnut, la..-, . , . Charles Yoirrig, flastviow, Ky. Fred Youug, Torre Haute, Ind. .f Wayne Bowling, Hyden, Ky. S Chnrlen L Ely, Pleasant Hill, Pa. Jno T Fitzpatrick, Jamaica, N Y. ; Elmer M Keyes, Milwaukee, Wis. Vernon F Mathews, Bethlehem, Pa. Henry J "Miley, Petersburg, Ind. Ronald N Roberts, Waucoma, Ia. Albert R Roemelmeycr, Detroit, Mich. i - T - ' William A Young, Horton, N J. Joseph Sanders, Canadigua, NY. James P Satterfield, Knoiville,. Tonn, James W Sehoonover, Oil City, Pa.' Allen O Sell, Allentown, Pa. Morris Solman,- Newport, R I. Ray H Slieaffer, Landisburg, Pa. Fred Shudra, Detroit, Mich. Emmett A Sloan, Wilkinsburg, Pa. Louis Tanze, New York Lester Underwood, Piggott, Ark. Theron 8 Vincent, High Hill, Mo. Wesley W Weise, Muyvillo, NY. Elmer F Weitzel, Evansville, ind. Thomas H Williams, Christopher, 111. Mltfblng in Action . Sgt. Ike Kaminaky, Chicago Corporals Daniel J Mi Conomy, Phil adelphia. , Stanley Novak, Wansau, Wis. Clyde A Orme, Treverton, Pa. Privates Eurl Anderson, Sabina, O. Frank L Baker, Marion, la. Stephen II Carey, Marcus Hook, Pa. Wesley E Coverdalt?, Noblesville, Ind. Philip Crabtrce, Otway, I). Henry J Uauch, Evansnvillc, Ind. Andrew Jorn, Baltimore. Paul Droder, Stoekdale, 1'a. Edward Einsig, Pottsville, Pa. Albert J Eno, Sheboygan, Mich. -John V Farrell, Mt Havana, Md. Louis VV Fay, Long Island, N Y. Jta Hill, Louisa, Ky. Charles H Hurt, Piggott, Ark. Wm J Keeshan, New York (Icorge L Knowles, Philadelphia Morris J Krumbein, New York Albert LcBlanc, Chicago Lvttleton. Arnold, Pa. John W Machulsky, Slahony City, Pa Nathaniel Miller, New york Juiiicb B Morelaud, Missoula, Mont. Edwin A Nelson, Chicago Boyd M Pasley, Cohmibin, O. Isidore Poll, Brooklyn,. John W Proffitt, Democrat, Ky. Michael Tnmasulli, R(M'heBter, N Y, John Voss, Euclid, O. MARINE CORPS CASUALTIES Officers Deaths .... Wounded Missing .. ... 40 . 67 1 : 108 10M 2033 iil . 152 Total - - Enlisted Men Deaths Wounded In hands of enemy - Missing - Sub total 32W Total '.. 3357 Tho following casualties are report ed by tho commanding general of the American expeditionary forces, includ ed in above total: Killed in action 4 Died of wounds X Wounded severely '- .' 24 Wounded, degreo undetermined 1 Signature of Missing in action . 1 In hands of enemy Total 33 Killed in Action Corp. Wm R O'Connor, Connelsville. Pa. Killed in action, previously reported missing: ' Corp. David B Foster, McKeesporti Pa. I'ri sates Lewsou MoV . Babbitt, Youngstown, 111. David E Proctor, Cambridge, Mass. Diod front Wounds Sgt. Dwight P Dutton, Boston Wounded. Siverely- , Sgt. Novob V Moore Coruorals Tkon W Agee, . Ozark, Ark. Matthew A Anderson, Wibaux, Mont Jacob F Binder, Wheatridge,' Colo. Privates Thomas W Crano, Dorchcs ter, aMss. - ; I Owen Hamlin, Drexei, wo. Gilbert H lsbistor, Port Huron, Mien Leo M Mason, Eant St fcouis, 111. (,'harles H Pratt, Cedar City, la. Carl ft Rasar, Bow, Wash. . Georgo H Reavy, Springfield, HU . Pcnill Trapnell, Mctter, Ga. Orvillo V Uthus, Superior, Wis. Fred F Washnm, Eagle, Ida. Thomas J Waters, Eatson, Pa. George Wright, Scattlo, Wash. Edward Zunk, Curtice, O. Wounded severely, previously re ported missing: toip. Alimony x lorenuuv, j-tciv.i, Wash. Privates Nels J Petersen, Dayton, iuij Charles M Phillips, Jr, Hurloekf Md. Dayton II Robinson, Lapeer, Mich. . Henbert D Soger, Milwood, Pa. . Gustave Spitzbardt, Milwaukee, Wis, Hcury E Trusler, Bittlo Rock, Ark. WoundcM, degree undetermined, pre viously reported missing: Pvt. Osci J Bainum, Bellovuo,-N M. In Hands of Enemy Corp. Harry B Fletcher, Provo, Utah Missing in Action Pvt. Mm. C Cleveland, Brazolton, G Returned to duty, previously report ed wounded, degree undetermined: Pt. Everett L Thomas, iscw jaaoi son, O. Top Beef Cattle At Steady Prices North Portland, Or., Oct. 3. 300 headl of beef cattKj arrivals at tho North Portland stock yards over night, Mon day's roecipts totaled 1800 head. Top grades of beof are selling at steady pri- ccs,' but the middle grades are sagging and are slow sellers at a decline of 23 to SO cents. Quotations are: Prima steers 1213; good to choico Bteera 1112; medium to good steers $9.75 (fjjlijtair to medium steers S.2.i) 9.2.1; choice cows and heifers (09; medium to good cows and heifers fl , 7.23; fair to medium cows an,J hcifera eaiiners :t(a44; bulls Xo'7; calves $D12; stocker aud fcodsig tl 550 hogs arrived In the hog division over night. Monday's receipts umountcd to 20,")0 head. Trading is very active with prievs steady to strong. Quota tions: Prime mixed 19.50ffill.85; med ium mixed 19.25(S 19.50; rough heav ies lf.:S0(ff$l8.75; pigs 16I8.75; bulk $19.50(i19.65. Tliero was a nominal run of shocp anj lambj over night. Tlio lamb end of the trade is inclined to show weakness but the mutton end is holding sfoady. Quo tations: Prime lambs 12(14; fair to medium lanibg 9ff U; yearlings 10 U; wethers i)(5.i!l0; ewes $6.50t9. The Journal classified ada are great favorites with people who do things Try one. '