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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1918)
DAILY CAPITAL JOUIiNAL, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY. OCTOBER ?,. 1918. Ill 11 I' OLD AGE STARTS WITH YOUR KIDNEYS Science sayik that old age begins with , weakened kidneys and digestive oriani This being true, it is eay to believe j tliat by keeping the kidney and di gestive organs cleansed and in proper j orking order, c!d age fan be deter-1 red and life prolonged far beyond that i eajoved bv the average person. I For over 200 year GOLD MEDaU Haarlem Oil hai been relieving the j weakness arid disability due to ad- j Trancing years. It is a standard old- j time home remeilr and needs so intra-! auction. GOM MKDAL, Haarlem Oil! in inclosed in odorless, tatseless cap- j pules containing about 5 drops each. Take them a you would a pill, with a BmaU swallow of water. The oil stimu lates the kidney action and enables tht organs to throw off the poisons whieh iaue premature old age. New life and strength increase as you continue the treatment. When completely restored continue taking a capsule or two eae' day. GOLD MKDAL Haarlem Oil Cap sules will keep you in healtu ua vigor and prevent a return of the disease. Do not wait uutil old age and disease have settled down for good. Go to your druggist and get a bor of GOLD MED AL Haarlem Oil Capsules. Money re funded if thev do not help you. Three sizes. But remember to ask for the orig inal imported GOLD MEDAL brand, -a sealed packages. I and that 10,000 deaths might result. A war time shortage f medical men ag gravate conditions, authorities said. MovK-g aud theatres were instructed to bar amusement seekers who showed signs of the disease. Schools Are Closed Washington, Oct. 2. All the public schools in the District of Columbia to day were ordered closed for an lnaen nilv period because of Spanish lultu enza. This decision was reached following a conference between commissioner of the district and school superintendent. Vaccine Discovered day. They were wearing tbv anti-Spanish tnfhipnza mask a tecom mended bv the Say Health Offidab A.-l'Sia ... ... . . o tnr i j. aid physicians in predictng the epi- Chicago Oc . 2.- areni veils" were d . ,d reach l mo m Chicagoans affected by Chicago "white winga" to- To Control Influent. Xew York, Oct. 2. The United States government was advised todar that Dr. W. H Parker of the New York health department had discovered a vaccine whieh he declared will prevent Spanish influenza. The vaccine is being pre pared for immvdiate use in large quantities. NORTH CALIFORNIA SVfPTBYSTORMAND 1 Southern Pacific From Red ding North Put Out Of Business. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY 9 3 t i I I have a rendezvous with death- I have a rendezvous with death At some disputed barricade, When Spring comes back with rustling shade And apple-blossoms fill the air I have a rendezvous with death When Spring brings back blue days and fair. It may be he shall take my hand And lead me into his dark land, And close my eyes and quench my breath. It may be I shall pass him still -ALAN SEEGER (Killed la action July S, 1916) O-0aarlae Scrlbmr toaa nPHIS American did not fail that rendez - vous and death did not pass him by. When he died the world lost a true poet. His death brings out in sharp relief how much one soldier who is lost to usone man killed may mean to the world. So let us keep our rendezvous at home our rendez vous with life. Let us look into our lives, our households,1 and see that they are mobilized for war. Let us save our money to save' these men who daily have rendezvous with death. Let us keep our rendezvous with life and help them to win through and to come back to sunshine and happiness and home with victory on their banners. Buy Bonds to Your Utmost! m i I kWl0 Ph Spact Confri6ufrf (o JKflnnjr A War by I Salem Is Falling D own And if we do not come tip and do our part, raise our share of this Fourth Liberty Loan, what will our boys over there think' All the letters received from our boys at the front Speak- in praise of Salem and Oregon. They are PROUD of Salem and Oregon. .Let us all come forward and put this loan over the top so when our boys come back we can face them with the feeling that we did our duty and backed them to the limit. Salem will go over the top, and we, each of us personally will have a hand in putting the Fourth Liberty Loan over the top. This space subscribed to winning the war by THE CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Ked line. Calif., Oct. 3. A storm of unprecedented ferocity atruck northern California late yesterday, and early to day had practically wrecked all "eom muicationj and tied up railroads north of Bedding. Thre northbound Southern Pacifie passenger trains are tied up in Bedding with little prospwt of getting away soon. Nine landslides and two wash outs are reported from the Shasta division of the Southern Pacific lines. Extra crews and railroad workers have been ff.;nt np the Sacramento canyon to clear the slides and open the tracks. During the night 4.80 inches of rain fell in Redding. The storm was accom panied by thunder and lightning. Bain continued to fall this morning. Lightning struck the Columbia house a large two-story Italian hotel belong ing to A. Rofvlia, at 3 o'clock in the : morning. The resultant fire completely destroyed the building and contents 'AH the occupants escaped without in jury. GERMANS EVACUATE Continued from page one) S Court House News t In the case of O. E. Fletcher against the Corvallis Flouring mills, the defend ant answers the complaint where it al leged that O. E. Fletcher bought 1,000 barrels of flour on a contract dated July 24, 1916. at $4.40 a barrel and that the mills tailed to deliver but 358 bar rels. Tbv defendant,, claim in their an swer that thev were willinz to fulfil I their contract but that the plaintiff did not pay for the first two carloads shipped. That demand was made for the payment and aa offer made to ship the remaining part of the contract. In the ease of the state of Oregon against S. 8. Howard, the district at torney and attorney for Mr. Howard agreed that all exhibits in evidence at the trial should b withdrawan. The Pacific Building and Loan asso ciation has sued Carrie and George R. Kiggs on a note of $3,666.88 dated April 4, 1917, on which but $167.90 has bven paid, acording to the com plaint. The association asks for a judgment with attorneys fees and the foreclosure of a mortgage on all of lot W, block 11, of Parrish addition B to Salem. dun, Oct. 3. The Americans have now advanced from seven to eight kilome ters (four to four and a half miles) I through the tangled Argonne forest 'since the start of their offensive. This forward movement has been ac complished by smothering machine gun nests, bridging great masses of barbed 'wire entanglements and dragging up artillery and wagons by hand. American aviators are continuing their remarkable work, observing and regulating artillery firo, fighting off German planes and strafing intantry and transports. In the latter some of the planes fly as low as 50 yards abov tne trees. In the region of Fresnes, east of Verdun on the Mets front, a Franco American raid resulted in the taking of 50 Austrian prisoners. I Lieutenant Ward of California and 'Lieutenant Alsaf of Newark, N. J., Had a thrilling experience yesterday afternoon, their motor going dead just as they dropped a load of bombs on Urandpre. A boihe plane then attack ed the. They couldn't fight back arid were compelled to glide down, landing in a field which they thought sure was German-held territory, but the sight of some doughboys reassured them. They were picked up in the United Press car and returned to their field head quarters. Fraicb. Push Ahead Paris, Oct. 3. French forces continue to udvunce in the Champaguo and Vesle regions, tho war office announc ed today. Challerango (a mile and a half east ot Montpois) was captured yesterday evening. North of Rheims, the French tooK LiOivro. The French attack was resumed at daybreak this morning. "On the front north of the Vesle, the French Continuing their advance took Loivre, (six miles north of Rheims the communiuqe said. "In the region of La Neuvillctte (a mile and a half northwest of Rheims) a violent German counter attack was unsuccessful. . "In the Champagne the fighting continued yesterday afternoon and ev ening. The French took Challeranec. The Germans made a powerful effort to eject us from the wood southwest of Orfeuil (six miles west of C'halle- sange) where he penetrated. Three times, their assault brought against our lines. All our gains were maintain ed and heavy losses inflicted upon the enemy. Tho number of prisoners was still further increased during the fight mg. "The attack was renewed this morn ing at daybreak." In the county eourt the estate of Ar chie Ray Gibbens was appraised at $1!83.00. The appraisers were J. M. V. Bonner, John Dinwoodie and Joe Nib-ler. FI1EE TO T Pile Sufferers Doat BsCut-UntU YoaTry Thk New Kama Cur That AnrsiM Cam Un Without Die. comfort or Lou of Tim. Simply Chow up Ploaunt Tutinc Tablet Occaaionallr nd Rid Yourwif Permanently of Pile. Let M Prove This Free. Mr Internal! metti. 4 for the treatment and permanent cura of pi lea it the correct one. Thnuiuuda upon thonaends of cured etuei teatlfr to Hi's, and I want you to try this method at m eipense. No matter whether yon eaw la of lout stand ins or recent development whether It U ebronlo or acute whether ftla oeoutonal or permanent rou should send for tola free trial treatment. No matter where you live no matter what your age or occupation If yon are troubled with plies, my method will relieve you promptly. I eapeolally want to send It to thoie apparently hopeleia casee where all forms of ointmente, salvea, and other local applications have failed. i want you to realise that my method of treat ing piles li the one infallible treatment. Tun liberal oiler of free treatment la too Im portant for you to neglect aeuurle day. Write now. Bend no money. Simply malt the coupon but do this now TODAY, . Germans Apply Torch Faris, Oct. 3. (12.13 p. m.) The Germans have get fire to the Belgian city of Roulers, Roulers, which was one of the prin cipal objectives of the previous Brit ish drives in Flanders has been practic ally surrounded by Belgian and Brit ish troops. It .is about 12 miles north east of Ypres. Italians Attack Austria na Washington. .Oct. 3. The Italian army in Albania has launched an of fensive against the Atistrinns there, cables to the Italian embassy stated today, , Tho purpose of the offensive is to demoralize and destroy tho Austrian armies in Albania with a view to facil itating the expected surrender of Tur key, tho cable explained. General Scr rere, operating three columns in advane ing victoriously with the object of af fecting a junction with the left wing uuaer uonernl Kspcri. ine Austrian are resisting vigorously aiming to hold tfce allies in check at all cost9 until re inforcements arrive. The advances already made by the Italians in the south, following closely uixin he heels of the retreating Aus trian armies is threatening the latter with Isolation from the north. Belgians Take Towns Havre, Oct. 2. (Delayed) "Our lo al niiHhea at different points have im proved our positions," tho Belgiaa war office announced toiiay. "Mritisn trnnna havn cantured Gheluwe. LeB&i- set and LaFlancejue , farms. (Gheluwe is less thnn two mitpa nnrthweat of Me nin, Lnliispt and LaFlancque farm are about a mile north of Armentieres.) British airmen destroyed nine ene my machines and two balloons," Captured 1500 London, Oct. 3 "Australian troops Free Pilo Remedy B. B. Page, Ms Page BldgY UarakaU. Mich. Please send f re trial of -roar Method toi YOUS DANDRUFF AND STOPS FALLING HAIR Sa?e Your Hair! Make It Thick Wary And Beautiful Try This. jLEGALj iNOTICESf Small Tract Of Land Travels' In Court; . Becomes High Priced A dispute regarding the ownership of a tritle more than a quarter acre or land valuod at about $25 will occu py the attention of the circuit court this week, probably beginning tomor row. . i It is the famous case of John S. Dun lavy ngainst Britt Aspinwall wherein the ownership of .31 of an acre is in dispute. It has traveled to the supreme court where Judge William Galloway was reversed and is now ready for a general rehearnig in the circuit court, ludge Jvelly presiding. Mr. Dunlavy and Mr. Aspinwall are Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair is mute evidence of a neglected scarp; of dandruff that awful scurf. There is noting so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life; eventually producing It feverish aess and itching of the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hair roots to shrink, loosen and die then the hair falls out fast.. A little Danderine to night now any time will surely save your hair. Get a small bottle , of Knowlton 's Danderine from any drug store or toi let counter, and after the first applica tion your hair will take on that life, lustre and luxuriance whieh is so beaiv tiful. dt will become wavy and fluffy and have the appearance of abund-. ance, an incomparable gloss and soft ness; but what will please you most will be after just a few weeks' use, when you will actually see a lot of fine, downy hail- new hair rowinf all over the -scalp. neighbors and it seems that where their land adjoins, there was an un certainty in the description. According to the complaint originally filed, Air. AspnwaU took the benefit of the doubt and also the long narrow strip. In the complaint filed by Mr. Dun lavy, dated Jan. 5, 1915, he alleges that for sevn years Mr, Aspinwall had un lawfully held possession of the land. Senior High School Class Elects Officers At a meeting held yesterday of the senior class of the 8a1em high school, the following officers were elected: Elvin Lantis, president. Ford McQuinn, vice president. Helen Lovell, secretary, Maxine Burcn, treasurer. Mis Edna Sterling, faculty adviser. ' Bernard Nutting, athletic manager. Hugh Latham, Aniory Gill, Mary Bayne and Milton Grallap, members, of tho student council. The junior class of the high school elected the following. Ralph Wils-m, president. Avery Hick, vice president. Margaret Griffith, secretary. Donald Davidson, treasurer. Katrerine Gibbard, Ruth Barnes, Earl Shafor and Don Griffith, member of" the student body council. . U-BOAT AT WORK. "NOTICE of Review and Equa'izatiOTl of Assess ment Roll The State Tax commission will at tend as a board of equalization at the capitoLin Salem, Oregon, on the third Monday in October, 1918, and public ly examine the assessment roll by it made, and review the same, and cor- rect all errors in valuation, description quantities or qualities of property by it assessable and in apportionments of assessments made by it; and it shall . be the duty of the persons and eompan . ies interested to appear at tho time and place appointed. Petitions or applications for the re duction or change of "apportionments of a particular assessment shall b ""' made in writing, verified by the oata. of the applicant, its president, s?ere tary, managing agent or attorney in fact, and be filed with the commission during the first week it is by law re quired to be in session, and any peti tion or application not so made, veri fied and filed ghall not be considered or acted upon by the eommission. STATE TAX COMMISSION, By Frank K. Lovell, Secretary. 10-17 IN THE COUNTY COURT For Marlon County, Oregon In the matter of the estate of A. Olingvr, deceased. Notice of final set- " tlcmcnt. . Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed his final account as administrator of the above entitled estate, and that the county court has duly set Monday, the Hth day of Octo ber, at fen o'clock a. m. thereof at tho court honse in Salem, Oregon, as tho time and place for hearing any nd all objections thereto. . Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 9th day of September, 1918. H. H. OLINGER, . Administrator. W. C. Winslow, Attorney. 10-10 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given, that the un dersigned administratrix has filed her final account as executor of the estate of Loretta Ross, deceased, in the coun ty court for Marion county, Oregon, and said court has duly set the hearing of any objections thereto and the final, settlement thereof for Monday, Octo ber 14, 1918, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day in the county court room of said court in Salem in iaid county and state. Dated this 12th day of September, 191?, LELA JERMAN, Administratrix of the estate of Loret ta Ross, deceased. McNary, McNary & Eeycs, . Attorneys for administratrix. 10-10 SUMMONS yestorday in the vicinity of Kubbeias afir, 17 miles northwest of Damascus, captured an enemy column, taking 1,- 000 prisoners, two guns and 40 ma chine guns," it was announced in the I alcstine communique received today. FHENCH MAKE DRIVE By John De Gandt (United Press staff correspondent) Paris, Oct. 3. (10:15 a. m.) Gener al Debeny, attacking on the fifteen milo front between St. Quentin and La- lere is nearing Berthcmeourt (on the Oise, five mileg southeast of St. Quen tin), and is rapidly outflanking La- Fere, The latter town is the northern outpost of the great St. Gobain massif. .Between the Vesle, the Aisne ana Aisne-Marne canal. General Berthelot has cleared out all the German except in a small area south of Berry -au-Bac (on the north bank of the Aisne, 11 miles northwest of Rheims), where French advanced elements are pro gressing. ,1 Some American divisions arc sup porting General Gouraud in the attack he launched in the Champagne region this morning. The "assault has won the allies new positions on the front, wher General Von Carlowitz'g army has re sisted them the last few days. The bat tle is reported to be developing favor ably. northwest of Khcims, the enemy has abandoned the heights north of the Chenay blockhouse and St. Thierry fort. Bavarians Tired of It Washington, Oct. 3. -German desert ers are escaping to Switzerland in large numbers, French cables reported today Because of the pressure in the west German troops on the Swiss frontier have been replaced by Bavrian land strum. These have been lax in keeping tho frontier eloged. Bavarian officers declare German morale is low and say they have had enough fighting foi the king of Prus sia. Croup If your children are subject to croup get a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and when the attack eomes on be careful to follow the plain print ed directions. You. will be surprised at the quick relief which it afforus. it An i Hon In Pnrt .1 Hlnnrla f r:,.,-o TT.V,nit 'in nunliin 911(1 I miles off tho Atlantic coast weie brought here today by two merchant vessels. Both vessels reported they re ceived 8 0 8 calls which told them of shcllings by a U-boat but neither was able to catch the position or name of tht vessel under attack. . The state lime plant at Gold Hill is now running and orders have been re ceived by the state lime board for ap proximately la carloads of lime, ac cording to Warden Murphy of the Magnified Results Try one of Our Wonderful Little Want Ad and watch the Results In the justices court for Ralcm dis trict, State jf Oregon, county of Ma- "f1 rion. E. H. Kennedy "doing business un der the firm name and style of City Cleaning Works, plaintff, against Her man teaman, defendant. To Herman Tcilman defendant above named: In the name of the state of Oregon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer tho complaint filed against you in the above entitled action within six weeks from the date of this publication and if you fail to appear and answer or otherwise pleaij within said time plaintiff will take judgment against you for tho sum of one hundred dollars and for his costs and disburs ments incurred in this action. This summons is served upon yon by publi cation by order of the Hon. Daniel Webstor, justice of the peace for Sa lem "district, Marion county, Oregon, said order dater the 18th day of Sep tember, 1918. Tho date of the first publication of ths summons is Thursday, September 19th, and the date of the last publi cation will be Thursday, October 31-st, 1918. DONALD W. MILES, Attorney for plaintiff D. Webster, Justice of the peace. 10-31 state penitentiary, secretary of the board. Delivery of the lime is to be made soon, but Warden Murphy could . not tell when the first carload woulil ' be ready. As lime is in the preferred classification, the railroad will furn ish all the cars needed. The lime is be ing sold for $1.75 a ton f. o. b. Gold Hill. Twenty two convicts arc now em ployed at the lime plant. ' Journal Want Ads Pay Journal Want Ads Pay Experts Say "ZEROLENE IS BETTER" because it holds better compression, gives better protection to the moving parts and deposits less car bon. , Zerolene is the correct oil for mil rypea of automobile engines the correct oil for your automo bile. Get our Lubrication Chart show ing the correct consistency for your car. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) I SI Tha "T'-Heail type engine, Ulna trated here, like all intercMl oooi buation ntfinee, requirei an oil that holdi its lubricating qualities at cylinder heat, burnt clean la the cylinders and (oei out with es hauat Zerolene fills these require ments perfectly, fcmitm it im cor nctly rmfintd from acted Cmlllbr . nit aaoiiar-baM exud. uieiun The Standard Oil for Motor Cars 7& a R. H. CAMPBELL, Special Agt, Standard Oil Co, Salem -