Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 03, 1918, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Sate por word New Today:
4Wch insertion - . .
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Oa week (6 insertions)
Ou month (29 insertions)
Ta Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible or more than one insertion,
(at errors in Classified Advertisements.
ead your advertisement the first day
appears and notify ns immediately.
Minimum charge 15c.
PONY and saddle for sal. Call 1437.
10 3
WANTED Veal ealves and fat cattle.
Phone 1576W. 10-28
If ANTED A man. Call at Pinekney
' Dairy, phone 1437. ' tf
WANTED 1000 second brick Address
Brick care Journal. 10-3
PEACHES for sale. Freestone peaches
at $2.50 a bushel. Call 1048.M. 10 4
liOST One 32x4 tire and rim, liberal
reward. Phone 1438. 10-3
"WANTED -Phone
Alan to rcshingle
FOR RENT 140 acres farming land.
Enquire 1363 South Commercial. 9-30
WOOD First class second growth fir.
Phono 516. 10-4
BTOCK and grain ranch to trade for
smaller ranch. E H care Journal., tf
XOST Cameo brooch, down sown Fri
day evening. Phone 1123. Reward, tf
WANTED Experienced man, foreman
Tor fruit ranch. Telephone 65F5. 10-3
vv A. ltd) Ihshwasher and waitress
at Cherry City Home Restaurant, 186
o. nign si. 10-8
FOR SALE Two choice young, fresh
Jersey cows. A. Franke, Garden road.
ni. I, dox 1Q-8
FOR SALE Good plow team consist
ing of 3 horses, price 100 for quiek
sale; also 2 cows and 2 heifers. Box
73, Rt. 1, Independence. 10-4
BALDWIN and Spitzenburg apples for
sale, Drmg boxes. Kt. 1, box 2, Sa
lem. 10-14
PRACTICAL- all round man wants in
side job, salesman preferred. .Ad
dress E 8, Rt. 9, box 34. 10-3
WANTED Messenger boy, 16 years or
over, with wheel. Apply Postal Tele-
grapn. 10 3
WANTED School girl work for board
anaroom, small wages. 1'hone 1224.
STENOGRAPHER with office experi
ence wants a position. Address D G
H care Journal. 10-3
WANTED; Boy 16 or 17 years of age,
apply adv. mgr. at Journal office af
ter 4 p. m. tf
WANTED Man and wife for general
farm work end housekeeping. Ad
dress Gervais, Rt. 2, box 45. Phone
3F11. tf
FOB BALE Tomatoes
Phone S0F11.
tannic ir.
COl W. F. WRIGHT, Jas auctioneer.
Turner, Oregon. Piiona 59. tf.
FOB RENT 4 room house; 1307 Fair
mount Ave. Owner, 768 S. 13th. 10-4
FOR SALE Second hand lumber from
old S. P. depot. For particulars phone
1074. 10-9
TO LOAN $1500 and $2500 on Approv
ed security, 6 per cent interest. W.
A. Listen, 484 Court. 10-5
FOB RENT 5 room house on pave
ment at 680 N. 20th St. No bath. $6
per month. 10-5
STENOGRAPHER with 3 years exper
ience in law office, wants position:'
Address -P it care Journal. 10-1
GIRLS or women wanted for steady
work. Glove "Factory, 1433 Oak St.
FOR SALE Partridge Rock cooker
els. 1902 N. Church. Phone 1565M.
BBALED Loganberry juice for sale,
good for pies and drinks,, $1.25
gal. 1389 Court. Phone 2394W. tf
FOB; SALE Or trade, 10 acres of un
improved land, will consider Ford.
C. O. Ashby, 1911 N. Church. Phone
1565J. 10-4
'UNIVERSITY or high school boy want
ed for mailer at Journal office.
Must be quick worker, . tf
SNAP Seven room house situate 1765
Lee street f or $600. Terms. Phone
' 219. tf
FOB RENT Twenty acres near Salem,
new modern house, hot and cold wa
ter, bath, etc., fruit. Rent reasonable
to satisfactory party. Phone 214 dur
ing business hours. 10-3
RABBITS, thoroughbred black and
grey Giants, Belgians, young and old
cheap; Bechtel, Salem, Rt. 2, box 81-
WANTED A large boy with exper
ience to do porter work and shoe
shining, before and after school
hours and week end. See Anderson
at Model Shaving Parlors. 10-4
TAKEN UP Two hogs came to my
place a few days ago, owner may
have same by calling and paying for
keep and other expenses. E. E. Wert,
IVi miles east of Marion, Or. 10-4
WILL SELL 80 or 160 acres of my
farm, 1 3-4 miles south of Dallas, on
' improved road, mail ' route, milk
route, phone line and Tailroad. Mary
F. L. Lee. Rt, 2, box 102, Dallas,
Or. . 10-4
PLENTY of money to loan on good
farms; low interest rates; five years
time; privilege to pap $100 or multi
ple on any interest date. Call or
write H. M. Hawkins, 314 Masonic
bldg, Salem. tf
I HAVE a trailer for sale, cheap, at
1973 Court St 10-3
WANTED To lease a stock ranch,
one to five hundred acres. G. H.
Thompson, MacJeay, Or. 10-4
FOB SALE 314 farm wagon, $23, fair
ly good condition. J. A. Walker, Rt.
3. 10-8
FOB SALE Fine Jersey milch cow,
suitable for family use. Price right.
Inquire Washington hotel.
WANTED 10 prune pickers, meet car
at Salem Heights at 7 a. m. to haul
pickers to the ranch. B. Cunningham,
Phone 21F2. 10-5
WANTED Fresh cows and heavy
springers, must be good milkers. V.
R. Sexton, 415 N. 23d St. Phone ev
enings 2381M, Salem. 10-5
FOB RENT Or sale a first class 75
acre farm, between Dallas and Falls
city.' Andrew Peterson, Rt. 2, Dallas,
Ore. 10-5
WILL give room and board to school
' or college girl in exchange for light
assistance with house work. Call at
540 North 15th. 10-3
USED CARS Stoddard 20, good tires
$230; American roadster $275; Over-
- land bug $145. , Highway Garage
Phone 355. 1000 8. Com "1. tf
WANTED Laborers at old 8. P. de
pot Wednesday or Thursday, $4 for
light hours work. Erixon and Jones.
CLASSY roadster, all new tires and
one new extra. Will sacrifice at one
third value as I am going to war.
Phone 847J. 10-3
ONE' bay mare, 8 years old, one bay
horse 9 years old, one tolumDia wa
gon, nearly new; one set of heavy
work harness nearly new, for sale at
once cheap. 144 Front St. H. A.
Wrieht. 10-9
C W. Smith And B L Ramp
Named-Oiliers Will Be
Made Public
The names of two residents who
have not purchased their prescribed
10-4 quota of liberty bonds were made pub-
lie at a meeting held by the Loyalty
Court of the Salem Central Fourth
Loan Liberty Loan committee, that of
B. F. Ramp who has home on Capitol
street and a fartn near Brooks and C
W. Smith, who has owned until recent
ly a farm on the Garden road a short
distance east of the city limits. Both
men are well to do. It is understood
that Smith is worth more than $50,000
but has not been in sympathy with any
patriotic efforts since the beginning
of the war.
This is the first decisive action tak
en by the Loyalty board. Others are
under eonsfderation and it is probable
their names will be made public. It is
felt that many citizens of wealth have
refused to buy bonds in proportion to
their means and these men too are un
der fire by the Loyalty board.
The Loyalty board of the fourth lib
erty loan is composed of 125 of the
leading men of the city, rrom this
board, thore has been selected a com
mittee of 23, whose duty is that of in
vestigating cases .of disloyalty and re
porting to the board.
The amount pieflgea tor tiie rourtn
loan in Salem is approximately $625,
000. Among the workers it is felt that
the $300,000 or more that Salem is be
hind on the lean can be raised in a re
canvass of parts of the city not thor
oughly worked and a re-canvass of the
prune sections of the county.
The loyalty board will meet irom
time to tiine-to take definite action to
wards giving publicity to those who
fail to seo their duty,
FOB RENT Improved farm, 75 acres,
near town on mail and creamery
.route, good buildings, near station,
running water, cash rent. Address or
call Perrine and Masters, 306 Hub
bard building, Salem. 10-5
GOVERNMENT clerk examinations in
Salem, in October. 12,000 women
clerks needed at Washington. Salary
$1200. Experience unnecessary. Wo
men desiring government positions
write for free particulars, R. E. Ter
ry, (former civil service examiner,)
922 Columbian building, Washing
ton, D. C. 10-8
FOR SALE Or let on shares, few
hundred head of stock sheep. F. B.
Deckel, Silverton, Or. 10-5
WANTED $12,000 on aDsomroiy first
fces city property. Box 230, Salens
WALL PAPER 15 cents per double Toll
upward. Buret's Furniture Store, 179
Commercial. tf.
HOUSEKEEPING apartments and
ingle rooms, nicely furnished, at
33 Ferry street. tf.
10 ACRES wire fenced, 6 acres pas
ture, 4 miles east of asylum; 4 in
corn, well eated, potatoes, hen park,
garden, orchard, berries, good well,
house cow stable, shed for horse,
$1650; half casli, remainder, terms.
Horse, milch cow, hens, tools, wood
all go in. Wll dovote part to Red
Cross or W. S. Stamps. Near school,
church, store, R. B. station. Salem,
Rt. 6, box 79A. 10-3
Washington, Oct. 3. Total
booty captured by allied armies
in France and Belgium between
July 15 and September 30, in
cluded 23,000 machine guns;
3669 heavy guns and several
hundred mine throwers, accord
ing to French cabjes reaching
here today. During that time
5,180 officers and 248,494 men
were captured.
FOR 5',i per cent farm loans, see tho
Marion-Polk county national farm
loan association. W. D. Smith, 303
Salem Bank of Commerce bldg. tf
NOTICE This is warning that 1 will
not tolorate trespassing or hunting
on my premises. Signed. T. F. Walk
er, Rt. 7, box 103. 10-13
FOR SALE My beautiful modern bun
galow, large lot, garage, cement walks
t at a hnromin. Part nfivment bal
anee terms at 7 per cent. Phone 1642. j
FOB SALE S. C. White Leghorn cock
erols for breeders, picked from 250,
6 months old; Tancred strain; egg
type. Satisfaction guaranteed; 2
each delivered in Salem. Royal White
Leghorn farm, Independence. 10-5
WIDOWER aged 42, American, of re
finement and culture, would like to
correspond with well to do lady or
widow. Chas. Jordan, Ava, Ohio,
Koble Co. lO"3
GOVERNMENT needs 12,000 clerks at
Washington. Examinations Oregon
in October. Salary $1200. Experi-
' ence unnecessary. Men and women
desiring government positions write
for fre particulars, J. C? Leonard
(former civil service examiner),
1059 Konois building, Washington,
D. C. 10-9
BARBERS WANTED Two 1st class
barberg wanted for the winter. Will
give eplendid opportunity to men
who need the money and are not
afraid of work. My men run from
$25 to $50 per week now. Soldier
work and eplendid prices. Write Les
ter Martin, Newport, Or. 10-8
Dry Goods, Millinery
and Shoes
Dress Goods Department is showing nice Woolen
Dress Goods, the hard-to-get kind. All Wool. Good
shades. Ginghams, Percales, Shirtings, Silkeleens,
Calicoes, Outing Flannels, Canton Flannels, Creton
nes, Muslins, Nainsook,. Sheetings, etc. Big staple
stock and reasonable prices.
Umbrellas, nice display colored silks, the new hand
les, also black silks, gloria or fast color English
cloth. Umbrellas 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00
and up. Children's umbrellas, neat ones at $1.00,
$1.25 and $1.50
Millinery Department, filled with all new things.
You will be delighted with the showing. You are
invited to visit us. You will note how nice the hats
are correctly trimmed. Such nice materials and
reasonable prices. '
Shoes Come to us for guaranteed shoes,
fit the whole family
We can
F .W .Steuslof f Resigns Chair
manship; Dr .Steiner Se
lected For Place.
Although W. F. Woodard chairman of
the tate Council of Dofenoe, and John
K. Kullock, secretary, addressed a rep
resentative gathering of the business
men at the Commercial club last even
ing, and touched on its ruling regard
ing the closing of stores on Sunday,
business interests in the city interested
in the ruling knew very little more than
they did before the meeting was called.
What several business men wanted
to. know, was whether the State Council
of Defense would insist on its order
that all stores close at 6 o'clock in the
evening and whether the Sunday clos
ing would be insisted "on, The State
Council of Defense is, a moral forco,
not a legal one. The most that could
be learned from the two addresses was
that the Council did not object, to soda
water and ice cream being sold on
Sunday or after 6 o 'clock In the even
ing. It seems, however, that tho Coun
cil is opposed to the selling of any
other kind of merchandise during the
hours named, even candy.
lhe original ruling had been modi
fied, he said, opening the door for ice
cream and soft drinks at tho customary
hours. He thought people could buy
their candv any time before 6 o'clock
in tho evening.
John X. Kullick, secretary of the
State Council of Defense, said there
would be no building of church,
Eat Less Meat If You Feel
Backachy Or Have Blad
der Trouble-Salts Fine
For Kidneys
Meat forms uric acid which excite
and overworks the kidneys in their ef
forts to filter it from the system. Reg
ular eaters of meat must flush the kid
neys occasionally. Vou imiBt relieve
them like you relieve your bowels; re
moving all the acids, waste and pois
on, else yon feel a dull misery in (he
kidney region, sharp pains in the back
or sick headache, dizziness, your stom-
aen sours, tongue is coated and when
the weather is bad vou have rheumat-
ic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of
scaiment; tue etianncis often get irri
tated, obliging you to get nr two or
three times during the nighff
To neutralize these irritating acids
and flush off the body's urinous waste
get about four ounces of Jad Salts
from any pharmacy; take a tablcspoon
fnl in a glass of water before break
fast for a few days and your kidneys
will then act fine and bladder disor
ders disappear. Tliig famous salts is
made from the aiM of grapes and lm
on juice, combined with litbia, and has
been used for generations to clean and
stimulate sluggish kidneys and stop
bladder irritution. Jad Salts is inex
pensive; harmless and makes a delight
ful effervescent lithiawater drink
which millions of men and women take
now and then, thus avoiding serious j
kidney and bladder diseases.
An Economical, Delightful, light Place to Trade -;:;
For All Occasions cf Wear
No matter for what purpose you wish a
dress you will find one to fit your need in
our present assortments. These assort
ments include styles suitable for the swell
est "Dress Up" affair as well as for prac
tical everyday street wear and evidence
every popular material "Wool Serges, Sat
ins, Taffetas, Crepe de Chine, Georgette
Crepe, Voiles, JerseysLeading Shades
Prices $7.50, $10.00, $11.50, $12.90, $14.90,
$16.50, $17.50, $19.50, $21.50, $22.50, $25.00,
$27.50, $30.00 and up to $50.00
kv e : " ? - a
416 State Street, Salem, Oregon.
schools or fraternal buildings during
the war. The national council of de
fense had so deeided.
In regard to the use of the German
language, in some counties he said it
was not allowed even in Lutheran Ger
man churches. 'A language that con
ferred a decoration on the man who
sank the Lusitania is not to be toler
ated by Americans, Many counties
now compel that all teaching be done in
English. I think that evon elderly Ger
man women should learn to pray in
English,'' saidf Mr. Kullock.
L The authority of the State Council
of Defense rests entirely on the con
sent of the citizens. In Philadelphia,
stores open at 10 o'clock in the morn
ing and close at 4:30, he eaid. but
New York was really a foreign city
and nothing could be done with it.
As to the work to be done by a
County Council of Defense, Mr. Kullock
said there was much to be done at Mt,
Angel, as the attention of the state
authorities had been called tovecrtain
activities in that section of the coun
ty. W. F. Woodard, presided audi an
nounced the resignation of F- W. Steusi
loff as county chairman. A nominat
ing committee consisting of Judge
Lawrence T. Harris, M. L. Meyers, E.
F. Carlcton, F. W. Steusloff and Har
vey Wells unanimously suggested the
name of Dr. B. E. Lee Steiner as the
best man to serve as county chairman
and he was unanimously cleetcd.
Dr. Steiner was empowered to select
his secretary and committee. With tho
election of Dr. Steiner, it is folt thut
tho County Council of Defense will
take an active part in- the patriotic ef
forts of this section of the state.
I Bora ' J
HATCH To Mr. and Mrs. John A.
Hatch, of 2838 Broosk avenue, Octo.
ber 2, 1918, a son.
Journal Want Ads Fay
We want to call your attention to take advantage of the greatest furniture
sale ever held here in Salem. We are not only selling at a remarkable reduc
tion but are closing out the entire stock of the Imperial Furniture Companys
dollars worth of Fine Complete home furnishings at less than present whole
sale cost. We have reason for making comment upon the wonderful bar
gains we are offering to the people of Salem and vicinity. As announced be
fore, the Feldsteiir and Drektor Furniture Company of Portland has purchas
ed this immense stock at a great reduction of the old cost. This enables us to
give you decided money-saving possibilities, the importance of which cannot
be too strongly emphasized.
your time is growing to a near close. We have but a few days longer to stay.
Every article must go Regardless of Cost. Don't wait until it is late in this sale
We are closing out White Rotary Sewing Machines w!iich$
have always been sold at $85, now for
FeldsteMrektor Furniture Co.
177 North Liberty St., Salem, Oregon