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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1918)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM OREGON THURSDAY. OCTOBER 3, 191& PAGE THREE LIBERTY LOAN HITS GAIT ViilCH INSURES Mi W TOP Middle West In The Lead ; Coast Is Making Splendid Tha Quick Way Stop a Cough to ? I BUY FOURTH LIBERTY BONDS NOW AND YOUIL HELP TO WIN THE WAR FOR : DEMOCRACY . i i t F IUT Bene-saaJ ens itm tt wvk ka a harry. Emtilr pr f naradi aad aavea alwvt S3. f .II1 . M- , Thirty Feet of Danger The intestinal canal is an important part of every individual, important every inch of its thirty feet. The upper portion of it is intended for the diges tion of food and absorption of its useful portions. But the lower part is concerned with the elimina tion of waste material. . , . It is, in other words, the great sewer of the body. The more food eaten, the greater the waste. If a sewer becomes clojged up, its contents stagnate and become more and more dangerous. . i Constipation means more than failure to evacuate the bowels regularly and thoroughly. It means stagnation, increased fermentatii, putrefaction and germ action. Increased amounts of irritating and poisonous substances are formed. Absorption of these into the blood follows. Self-poisoning . results. Danger, disorder, disease, or even death follow. Pills, purgative mineral waters, castor oil, salts, etc. , do not cure constipation or prevent its con- sequences. They make it worse because they do not only irritate the bowels, but they "wear out" in effect and so must be taken in increasing doses, making constipation a habit. But the Nujol Treatment for Constipation over comes constipation by helping Nature re-establish easy, daily, thorough bowel evacuation as "regular as clockwork." Nujol prevents stagnation and self-poisoning. Nujol forms no habit, except a natural, healthy habit. After Nujol has trained the bowels to act, it can be dispensed with. Nllj 0 for constipation tiku. u. Hi fat. qrr. Nujol Laboratories STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) ; 50 Broadway, New York "Regular as Clockwork Wnvvtivtrt N"ol ld only in naming. ,Mled bottle, bearing the Nujol Trade Mark. Insist on NujoL You may luffer from substitutes. Ml Showing . Washington, Oct. 3. Every report re ceived at the treasury department today from the Fourth Liberty loan campaign indicated it had struek astride which will carry it well over the $6,000,000,- 000 mark. , : Particularly encouraging reports are ' being received from the middle west and the Minneapolis district. Minne sota has already exceeded its quota an 4 the Minnesota federal district reserves was reported on the verge of going over tho top. Ten cities, and five counties in Michigan have exceeded their quotas. Subscriptions among factory employes in Detroit show a ratio of four to on compared to the third loan Twenty citieg and towns in the New England districts have been awarded honor flags for owr subscriptions. Boston alone has raised $24,000,000 The hfuso to house canvass in Boston. whic), was abandoned because of Span ish influenza, has. been resumed. Tho Pacific- coast is going forward rapidly, northern California already having subscribed one third of its $77,000,000 allotment. The vntirc San Francisco district had subscribed ap proximately $80,000,000 Tuesday night. Reports of encouraging salea from all the old districts were received at' the treasury today. Meeting To Organize Training (ourse For Salem Business Men At tho armory Thursday night there will be held a meeting to organiaa a uusinoss men's officers training course to be under the instruction of Captain u. N. lylcr, a graduate of West Point. Tho commercial club has interested itsttlf in having this course of training given to business men who would like to havo a general and better knowledge or military affairs, such as would come in convenient should their services be eventually necessary. The organization is not to be a military body in tho sense of a state or federal organization. In several cities of the United States the war department has issued orders whwreby a competent instructor should train such classes and from a brief sur voy of tho city, it is estimated tbat ISO or more business men would be glad to avail tliomsclvcs of advanced training. Caytain Tyler ig in charge of the mil itary activities of the Willamette Now that Salem has a graduato of West Point in its midst and a man of actual army training, an effort will be made to secure his services through an order of the war department. BEGIUMANR FRANCE (Continued from page one) COAST ARTILLERY CORPS IN NEED OR RECRUITS Rapid organization of heavy artillery regiments for ovorscas service is one of tie heretofore unadvertised activities of M'iS&rAa Pure siCTa V u.. !.: to like a Lily" the beautiful velvety soH ncss of her skin with ' white afpearance is obtained thru . the use ot ! Gouraud's am Oriental Cream Sou 10c. tor Trial Sin FERD.T. HOPKINS & SON New York the war department. Thw chief of coast artillery in Wash ington hag quietly conerted the entire coast artillery corps into a series of mobilization and training camps for new regiments. As fast as organized, these regiments are being sent to tan vast training ecntorg'in the east, whore they are put . through most intensive field training. Maneuver and target practice with huavy gung and heavier howAsers on traction drawn mounts, and the most powerful seacoast mortars mounted on railroad cars, are the order of every hour of every day. Already members of the regiments sent out from tho iorth west'ern coast defenses are writing home of participation in active service in the firing line, and others tell of their safe arrival overseas. This great progressive work is open ing up wonderful opportuntics for ad vancement of nwn of the new draft who are anxious for early promotion and activo service overseas. Men or mcr0 and good mathematical MY HECHT SHOE i r The) standard Army Shoe made from fop-grade materials by top-notch work- Iatten under expert supervision. AH the more reason why you should insist on the BuckhechT Army Shoe !, and accept no other. Worn by thousands of men in all walks of life Office Men Hikers Motormen Attorneys Farmer . Conductors t nyitaans , OrchardUt - Hunters Look for the name BuckhechT stamped on the sole of every Shoe. SlouIJ your dealer be unable to snpply you,' end his name to the manufacturers Buek iaeham and Hecht, San Francisco. Enclose jriee of shoes you desire end we will have your arder filled. . . . l 'black H 'f' ' gun new :j A JpfflDWTAN : Vjl r--... - - - $1150. $ ww .'--WW , K time. While they foresee vast possibil ities in the next few months, they sug gest .that any let down now would be fatal. To this end, they are urging ov er subscription of the liberty loan and spueumg up oi production. Will Try for Peace First They note that in 48 hours the allied troops in Belgium have made twice the gains that took four months in the earlier part of the war. Germany is not expected to throw up hor hands before making a desper- tao try at peace through diplomatic maneuvers. Her silence while Austria, Bulgaria and Turkey are trying for peace is considered significant. The Teuton, it is believed is carefully study ing allied expressoins as to war aims and peace demands, Germany i9 preparing to step in at tho psychological moment with a peace proposal on which she will stake her chances. If it fails she will have to throw up her hands. . Changes in the imperial ministry are impending, reports here indicate. These will prepare the way for a peace pro posal, diplomats believe. education, such as college graduates, practical civil and electrical and median ical engineers, master mechanics, elec tricians, etc., by voluntary induction under tho draft laws, can obtain the opportunity to enter the service tnd be sent to the coast artillery officer's training camp, at Fort Monroe, for ap' pointment as 2nd lieutenants. Artillery specialists, of non-eommis sionsd officers grades such as sergeant major, electrician sergeants, master gunners, engineers, firemen and radio sergeants, are to be appointed after graduating at tho schools established for training in these specialties. . Automobile and truck drivers,, tele phone and telegraph experts, etc, are re quired in great number and after in duction into service will get early as signment to regiments. " Band leaders end band musicians are wanted, for every regiment must have its band of 47 pieces. ' Tha commanding officer, coast de fenses of the Columbia, Fort Stevens, Ore., will five information concerning the increasing number of inquiries that are coming in. Certain expert men who are not phy sically qualified for overseas service may be inducted into the service never theless, for duty in home stations, re leasing men physically fit, to go over seas. Thus, in fact, the coast artillery has been converted into a veritable "Big Gun Corps" for foreign service, to hel bring the war to a successful end. - , Who want, to bo in it t Ton night be surprised to know that the best thing you can use for a severe cough, is a remedy which, is easily pre pared at home in just a few moments. It's cheap, but for prompt results it beats anything else you ever tried. Usually stops the ordinary eough or cheet cold' in 84 hours. Testes pleasant, too children like it end it is pure and good. Pour m, ounces of Pinex in C pint bottle: then 11 it up with plain granulated sugar syrup. Or use clari fied molasses, honey, or corn svrup, instead of sugar syrup, if desired. Thus you make a full pint family supply but costing no more than a small bottle of ready-made cough syrup. And as a cough medicine, there is really nothing better to be hadi at any price. It goes right to the spot and gives quick, lasting relief. It promptly heals the inflamed membranes that line the throat and air passages, stops the annoying throat tickle, loosens the phlegm, and soon your cough stops en tirely. Splendid for bronchitis, croup, whooping cough and bronchial asthma, Pinex is a highly concentrated com pound of Norwav pine extract, famous lor its healing effect on the membranes. To avoid disappointment ask your druggist for "2lj ounces of Pinex" with directions and don't accept anything else. Guaranteed to give absolute satis faction, or money promptly refunded. The Pinex Co., it Wayne, Ind, Berlin Admits Fall Of St. Quentia Today 4c Berlin, via London, Oct. 3. Occupation of St. Quentin by al- lied forces has teen admitted by the German war off ico. Tire sk 4c city was delivcrod by a weak de- $ tachment, the statement said. Between LcCatelet and the Oise thu allies have extended $ their lino east of St. Quentin and Berthoncourt. y $ The war office announced withdrawal of German troops from certain "salient lines." sk That tho allies failed to capture Cambrai on the fifth day of the battle for that point was also $ claimed. , gk )C)JC5C5CSC3iCSjc5C ;jC i Sc 3(c 5fC 3 jc SC Adler-i-ka Again! "Adler-i-ka is the' inly medicine for gas on the stomach.. I never had so much relief with any medicine. I would not take $23 for the relief one bottlq .1 A ill..-! U T 1 3 ui Amu-run &avu 11LV X ciiuuut get done recommending it." (Signed) Hi L. Hicks, Ashley, 111. Adlor-i-ka expels ALL gas and sour ness, stopping stomach distress IN Stantly. Empties BOTH upper and low er bowel, flushing ENTIRE alimentary canal. Removes All foul matter which poisons system. Often CURES coustina- tion. Provents appendicitis. We havo sold Adlcr-i-ka many years. It is a mix ture of buckthorn, ,cascaraf glycerine and nine other simple drugs. J. G, Fer ry, druggist. STARTS. TODAY ft It ' L ;V-t , V V M 4 m ; v v STOCKTON'S CORKER Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store Salem's Greatest Apparel Store for Women J Newest Modes are here in abundasce, kludiiig Young Ladies' and Women's Coats Suits, Dresses, Skirts and Millinery Fresh from the hands of expert designers and tailors come scores of new modes, faithfully interpreting, in the minutest details, the styles that have won ; first place in the world of fashion; ; ; It would be hard to imagine a more complete showing of decidedly stylish apparel, orto assemble garment of qualities which would give, greater satis ; : faction, yet, in spite of their excellent qualities and expert fashioning, their prices are very moderate. Come and personally inspect these new arrivals. Sale of New Furs Now In Progress Including Beautiful Tar Sets, Capes, Muffs and Neckpieces at prices that will save you money. Selections can be made from the following variety Red Fox. White Fox, Taupe Fox, Beaver, Hudson Seal, Gray Squirrel, Oppossum, Taupe Wolf and others at prices that cannot be duplicated. EHats $4.75 A good assortment of wom en's trimmed hats at this spe cial price. BmalK and large shapes of velvet and "velvet and silk combined. Black and colons. Smartly trimmed. Cor rect for Fall and Winter wear. ! JA t 9W New Fall Suits $34.50 We havo selected from stock, twenty five . Women 's Fall and Winter Suits Very latest models in best of colors and materials, plain tailored and novelty jsfft'les for a special nlei beginning Friday. Classy suits that we cannot duplicate this peason at $50.00. Spec ial price Friday and Saturday , $34.50 New Fall and Winter Coats $32.50 Your special attention directed to 25 New Coats just received by larrst ex press, including Wool Velours, Bolivins Velvets, Silvertone and Jcrsoy-s. Fash ionable new models principally belted effects with largo adjustable collars. Some fur trimmed, others in smart tailored styles, lined full length or to tho'jwaist. Special .. , $32.50 Latest Models In Women's And Misses' Suits Including Sizes for Stout Women You'll find here every new and worthy design from the foremost American coat and euit makers. Smart styles for street and dress occasions. Novelty tnd plain tailored models. Frovuiling ma- terials are Serges, Gabardines, Broad cloths, Wool Velours, Tricotincs, etc. All colors and sizes. Ranging ii prices from $18.75 to $75.00 New Coats For Young Ladies And Women JOHN BARHYMORE ... On, the Qitxet ' JOHN BARRYMORE in "ON THE QUIET" and A Brand New Mack Sennett Comedy "HIS WIFE'S FRIEND" OregoNi! Most of the coats are mado with largo collars of fur, including Hudson Seal, Raccoon, Beaver, Fx, Ermine, and Marmot. Rich new materials such as Silvcrtones, Bolivias, Wool Velours, Broadcloth and Plushes. Some are plain tailored coats, with simple belts extending all the way around, and loose cnpeliko hacks. Also closo fitting styles in all the new shades of Browns, Greys, Blues, Taupo, etc. Ranging in prices from $14.75 to $110 Special Values In Women's Fall Dresses The Season's Most Stylish Models Away Below Present Values Sorgcs, Silks, Georgettes, Satins, Vel veteens, Jerseys, Silk and Serge, and Silk and Georgette Combinations in fact Drewes of every description for ovcry woman who wishes to be well gowned. A most fascinating collection in an almost endless number of the styles most favored this fall. Tho new round neck models, sotuO braided, beaded and button trimmed. Some have the vogiwh 'licll" Blcove that is so much admired. A great number of them boast of apron panel with deep fringo trim ming, or embroidery and braiding most ef fectively combined, Handsome tailored ef fects, too in tho most becoming styles im aginable. Such colorings as Ulnck, Navy Blue, Taupe, Poilu, Bicge, Steel Gray, Brown, White, Hose, Lavender Apricot, etc. Rang ing in prices from $14.75 to $55.00 LOWER PRICE MEZZANINE FLOOR BARGAINS Phenominal Value In Women's and Misses Fall and Winter Coats X Through the activity of our New York buying organization, we are prepar ed to offer sixty seven new Fall and Winter Coats in sizes for Young Ladies - and Women. Best of materials including Velours, Silvertone, Kerseys, Vel- T veteen, Homespun and Mannish Mixtures. Browns, Grey, Blues, Taupes, , Black, etc. Principally plain models, made with belts extending all the way. Some with large collars of fur. Others are close fitting styles. On sale Friday and Saturday u . . In Three Lots as Follows: Lotl Women's and Misses Coats Worth Regular to $20.00 Special $14.75 Lot 2 Women's and Misses Coats Worth Regular to $25.00. Special $17.50 Lot 3 Women's and Misses' Coato Worth, Regular, to $32.50. Sale Price $24.75 t The Coats we cannot duplicate at their regular value during the war period, as prices are continually increasing. ' -