Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 03, 1918, Image 1

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Only Circulation in SaV.a Guar
anteed by the Audit Burcaa of
U; 'H.: M: :
KU , li W Ml i W III
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iiiv uiiiviiuiiuLiu nsniiiviiL.E .
Retirement Was Carried Oat Tuesday Night Without Fight
ing Is German Statement British Report Makes No Men
tion Of It-British Will Reoccupy Oil City Of Baku When
Turk's Withdraw.- French Drive Endangers Entire St. Go
ban Slopes.
... , Berlin, Via London, Oct. 3--:Evaciiation of the line
between Armentieres and Lens was admitted by the Ger
man war office today. The retirement was carried out
without fighting, the statement said.
Allied attacks north of Staden and north and west
of Roulers were repulsed. . .
The. withdrawal, the war office said, left Armentieres
and Lens in the hands of the allies.
"Yesterday evening the enemy followed over the Fleiu
Baix-LaBassee-Hulluch line.
"In the Cambrai region the day was quieter."."
Despite official announcement by Field Marshal Haig
of a German withdrawal yesterday on the Armentieres
Lens line, no reference was made by the British command
er to German evacuation of those towns.
Northwest of Rhienia the allies occu- The same message said the British
pied Une through Chauvardes ant', probably will reoccupy the more lm-
Corniicy and immediately before - the
Aisno canal.
In the Chimpagne, counter thrusts re
duced the, extent of local penetration
ly the enemy at points south of Orfeuil
Oil the remainder of the front enemy at
tacks broke down.
By Lowell Mellett
'(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
With the British Armies in France
Oct. 3. British troops smashing into
the German lines on an eleven mile
front north of St. Quentin today, wrest
- el the villages of LeCatelet, Gouy, E
uiicourt -and Sequebart back from tin
Germans. They took 2000 additional
prisoners. " .
These villages were lost to the en
my in the series of counter attacks ha
launched when, the British threatened
t) break through the Beaurevoir-Fon-soQime
defense line. .
It was at Eainicourt that Field Mar
shal Haig announced yesterday
1 Tireach had been made in the Beaurevoir
Fonsomme line. In a later communique,
lie reported the Germans had taken Se
' queli art, which u about a mile nd
half south of Kamicourt.
By Frank J. Taylor
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
With e Americans West of Verdur
Oct. 3. The Germans, it was further in
dicatea today, are withdrawing from
their advanced positions to the Kriem
hilde-Stellung line. Their retreat is pro
tected by a strongly placed machine
gun position in the difficult terrain be
tween, their advanced line and their
new defenses.
Artillery fighting increased consider
ably early thig morning.
The weather continues cold and the
roads are drying rapidly, improving
fighting conditions.
Turks to Quit Persia
Washington, Oct 3. Turkish forces
in Persia hava been ordered to with
draw on account of the Palestine disaster,-
according to Teheran reports
r9cMng thj state department this afternoon.
NO. 235.
portant city of Baku.
Retreat on. 20 Mile Front
Loudon, Oct, 3. The Germans irre
retreatir.g on the 20 mile front between
Armentieres and Lens, Field Marshal
Haig-announced today. They are evac
uating highly organized positions
which they had held since the begin
ning of trench warfare.
"From Lens to Armentieres the ene
my is evacuating highly organized po
sitons which he has held since the com
mencement of trench warfare and
which hitherto were defended with the
most resolution. This not unexpected
movement is being followed up closely
by our . troops, who are maintaining
constant touch with the German rear
guard, and are inflicting many casu
alties and taking prisoners.!'
The retirement already has reached
a maximum depth of two miles and the
British advance is continuing.
The Germans have fallen back to the
line of Kte St. Auguste, Dauvriu, east
of LaBassee, east of Auber( and west
of Bois Grenier. (Cite St. Auguste is
about a mile directly north of Lens.
Danvrin is a mile and a quarter south
east of LaBassee. Aubcrs is four miles
north of LaBassee. Bois Grenier is two
miles directly south of Armentieres.)
The British attack north of St. (juen
lin was renewed this morning. '
"Progress made by the allied offohs
ives in Flanders and before Cambrai
and St. Quentin combined with the loss
es incurred by his troops in then en
deavors to resist the sueeesful allied
attacks, has compelled the enemy to
undertake an extensive withdrawal,"
the statement said.
"The retirement was not unexpect
ed. We already have reached the gen
eral line pf Cite St. Auguste, Douvrin,
east of LaBassee east of Aubers and
west of Boij Grenier. The advance
"Yesterday evening the enemy at
tacked north of Cambrai. He was re
pulsed, leavkng prisoners.
"Thig mornnig we renewed our at
tacks north of St. Quentin."
By Fred 8. Ferguson
(United Press staff correspondent)
With the Americans Wist of Ver-
(Continued on uge lis)
1 in)
-i , .. . m
Clarence M .Decker Says They
sent inem Over Too Fast
For The Boches
Portland, Oct. 3. Oregon troops iu a
six day battle, manhandled the Huns
and aided in regaining a mihj;and a
half of territory. .
This" information was contained in a
soldier's letter received today. The let
ter for thc rst time definifcoly identi
fied an Oregon, corftbatant linlf in ac
tion. ,
Battery A, the' crack Oregon unit
' set -thm-over-t' our-GriiiSbiicnJ
a tla-m sight; -faster than thoy could
cateh them,','' according to "the letter
from Clareireo M. Decker a member of
the battery.
"We wvre stationed just behind the
socond line trenches in a sector .whero
there is 'some war'," Decker wrote.
."Over the hill Fritz was located. He
was using shrapnel on our infantry. A
bocho plane over our heads emptied its
machine gung on bur battery. With our
guns set we let 'cm go.
1 hat night our doughboys went ove
the top and chased the dirty devils a
mile and a half. I wasin the gun pits
six days. Am now resting half a mile
Charges Allies Wilh
Imperialist Ideas
Washington, Oct. 3. Tho pres- 4c
ent military situation on the
west front is frankly discussed 4
by the Frankfurter Zeitnng of
Heptember 29.
Th0 editorial given out ,by tho
state department follows. $
He "What a change has taken
"placv in the : few weeks that
havc intervened since the time
when it seemed that our armies sk
had Teaclted their goal of shat-
tering tho enemy's armies and
forcing pMee.
"There is unparalled tragedy
in the present situation. A new
crisis has now set in. It is tho
first" strategic crisis for years
4 that turns against us. We are
. on the defensive. The old doc-
trine that attack is- tho best
means of defense no longer ap-
lies in the new epoch in which
we are living. The moral revo- 4c
lution which ij transpiring in
Prussia nad Germany respoets
4c neither doctrines or thrones of ijc
war. The defense of our eoun-
try means the - defense of that
mentality which alone can enab- 4c
le our people to remain strong
4t and united until tli-j last hour. 4c
4c This idea will unite our war- 4c
riors and the whole German peo- 4c
4c pie in unbending resistance un- 4c
4c... til the enemy an akin 9 from the
imperialistic intoxication which 4c
4c 'the unexpected victory at the 4c
4c greatest danger hs caused him. 4e
British Captured
123,618 Prisoners
4c The Britisj, official war re-
4c port of yesterday gives the fol- 4c
4c lowing information:
"During the month of Sep- 4s
4c tembvr the British forces cap- 4c
4c tured 66,200 prisoners, including k
i 4c 1600 officers and also 700 guns 4c
14c of all calibres, and some thous- ' 4c
4c ands of machine guns. During 4c
4c the months of August and Sep- M
4c tembcr the total captures by the 4c
4c British amounted to 123,618 pris- 4c
4c oners, including 2783 officers 4c
4c and about 1400 guns." 4c
-Ts .i
ii.-r ULs9
Resistance Is Useless As Foch
Drives Wedge After
Wedge Thru lines. .
By Webb Miller.
XUnitod' Press Staff Correspondent.)
Paris, Oft. 3. While to the man in
the street the onward drive of Marshal
Foch's ten armies appears to have
slackened somewhat in the last few
hours, the facts are that the battle has
reached a point where a gain of a few
hundred yards is Worth more than a
gain of miles was 72 hours ago.
And yard by yard, the allied' arinios
are clawing their way ahead ovr there
preeious bits of soil, the loag of which
is throwing consternation into the hearts
of tho Germans. '
Straws in the wind, pointing to fur
ther retirement 'at soveral points, are
multiplying every hour. Many mili
tary experts see as imminent the neces
sity for a general enemy retirement.
There is significant activity miles
back of the lines in the north, whor)
the Germans ere throwing temporary
brigdes' across rivers and canals and
mining permanent Voads and bridges.
, But all. along the line the Germans
I State Press Firm In Support
Oregon's record in the Liberty Loan
drives would havo been impossible
without the splendid co-operation of
the newspapers of the state. Thig state
ment was made recntly by one of tho
state lan executives. It is a tribute to
the press of Orogon 'that it deserves.
The Eed Cross drhvs, the Y. M. C.
A. nnd th0 Salvation Army campaigns
and the Knights of Columbus drivos
have all depended, in tho last analysis,
upon the wholehearted and voluntary
support of the press of Oregon. This
support has been f lvely given from tli
start, without any thought or expecta-'
tiou of payment for the hundreds and
hundreds of columns of advertising and
publicity donated.
' When honors are apportioned for the
winning of the war," said a big man of
the nation recently, "tho nuws papers
of the country will receive deserved
recognition." .
Perhaps the general public does not
know that Congress has made no pro
vision for tba paid use of advertising
tho loan drives. Nor havc newspapers
of the country asked for remuneration
Loyally they have responded in generous
fashion and freely given tlwir news! was cloth covored and marked only
columns andeditoral columns to the pro- with pontifical mourning colors purple
pagation of s great cause. 'and white. The body was interred iu a
True, it has been expensive businessjplain brick-lined' vault,
to carry out the government's wiahel The sermon, preached by Archbishop
in advertising bond sate and other war Kenne of Dubuque, Iowa, was a simple
activities. Like the soldier in the tren
dies, the Oregon editor has heeded the
command of his country, and "cairied
on" in a manner that has turned tho
eyes of the ration upon his state. "Oro
gon first" has become-a national slo
gan. Nor havc the country editors finished
their work. There are other drives com
ing, there are endless duties ahead,
and until Jhw great day when tho Stars
and Stripes shall float in Berlin, the
pr-jss - of Oregon will be on
the job for Uncle Sam, without a whim,
Operating a ncwspaj-er plant is an ex
pensive procedure in tlie days of high
wages and expensive Block and mech
anism. With the additional expenses
of handling government publicity, the
margin of profits is cut elcar to 'the
bom!-. Paper has doubled in price, ink
ha, trebled, printers wages ha soared
to the clouds, and yet the country edi
'tor is serving -the people of his com
munity at the samv old price.
Now comes Editor Jackson of the
Portland Journal with an initiative bill
to readjust the legal rate-schedule. This
rate has been equitably fixed by the
state legislature so that the country
publisher can charge no more than five
cents per line. Jackson, who has tried
for years to dictate to the press of Ore
gon, without results, now would hound
the country editor out of business it
the most crucial hour in the history of
the country a time when, if ever, the
country editor needed to fulfill s most
important mission.
A reduction in rates eannot be met
3, 1918.
are fighting with' the' fury of despair M
an attempt to stave off the penetra
tion of Foch's wedges into the most
vital spots of toe enemy defenses.
General Von Ludendorff is worrying
most over the steady advance of King
Albert and General Plummer in Belgi
urn. The network of Belgian railways
13 swarming with troop trains, rushing
up every division tho high command can
scrape from thy depleted depots, in an
effort to halt the Belgians and British
on the Flanders front.
In the region of Cambrai and St
Quentin the allied armies are about to
gather the fruits of their advances. The
fall of thesfj cities will largely have an
important re-percussion farther north.
Foeh 'a masterly strategy is no better
illustrated than by the events in the
Kheiins regions, where the French ar-
mlv-s, in the space of foilr days, have
lifted the menace to Eheims which the
Germans heretofore had been able tc
maintain for as many years.
In the Champagen and Argonne, both
General Gourand and General Pershing
havo mndo advance, which, while not
great in distance, aro important from s
strategic standpoint. Gourand now dom
inates tho narrow Grandpre valloy, and
Pershing is methodically wiping out new
strips of the Argonne front.- - J
t f
of Winthe-War Program::
by any nowspapcr at this timo and
should not be asked. The present rate
is th0 average charge the country over
and no attempt has been made to in
crease It in spiti of the fact that every
where cost change aro going skyward.
The present rate was fixed by th0 leg
islature; it is fair to tho people of the
state, and fair to the country editor
who is giving his best 'efforts to help
the government at this time. Jackson's
motive, under tho circumstances, is
grossly selfish. His nefarious plan will
throttle the press of the state at a cru
cial time when the press cannot enrrj
further burdens. Lot the voters em
phatically register "NO" to the meas
ure bearing the C. S. Jackson trade
mark. Tho press of Oregon should bo allowed
to Hw. This is all it asks.
Funeral Marked
By Utmost Simplicity
St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 2. Utmost sim
plicity marked the funeral here today of
Archbishop John Ireland. Tire coffin
recital of the lifv of the dear prelate
Thousands of persons crowded the
cathedral lawn before the doors were
opened at 0:30 o'clock.
SSpeawin' o' dry towns, it's our opin
ion that the most fellers miss th' free
lunch more'n they do thvr beer. Learn
t' labor an' t' wait fer a raise.
1 "V
Ml '11
l in) m
Private Davis Accuses Of ficer
Of Taking Bribe, And Faces
Trial Himself.
Portland, Or. Oct. 3. Private Vivian
Stanley Davis, who madw charges of
graft against officers in the spruce di
vision, was today found guilty on char
ges preferred by his superior officers.
Davis will forfeit two-thirds of his
pay for a three month period. The mil
itary court decreed ln should serve
three mouths in t''e guard house at hard
labor, but Colonel Kay C. Hill, post com.
mander, suspended this part of tho sen
tence. Davis, who gave his address as Lew
iston, Idaho, was engaged in a secret
investigation of spruce production op
erations in the Oregon district. Ho
charged that a certain army officer of
tho division received a bribe of $25,000
for his part in 'putting over'-' an alleg
ed irregular spruoo sale The charges
involved tho Warren Spruce company
which holds extonsive governments com
tracts in Oregon.
The private declared ho had made a
ivport to Major Hitchcick and that the
report had been shelved before it reach
ed Colonel Disquo. Davi. als0 charged
Lt hat Captain Benjamin Hart, who is
an appointee or Major Hitchcock "cau-
not be trusted.''1 ? .
The court-martial assumed , unusual
importance. Davis was convicted !of
speakiug disrespectfully of his superior
officer and divulging his identity while
making a secret investigation.
A witness for the defense testified
he had been party to a proposed deal
whereby he was to split a $50,000 com
mission in tho sale of the Blodgett
sprucw tract. He admitted tho sale was
nevor sompleted.
Davis charged the difference be
tween the cost price for a spruce tract
and the price paid by the government
was over $300,000.
The intelligence department refused
to say whether Davis' charges would be
investigated further.
Davis, who is now sick and confined
to the barracks hospital, said he was
formerly a newspaper man. His mother
hP said, was employed in tho Singer
store at Lcwiston. '
Jtmy PAID HIS 5-ine.
South Ran Francisco, Oct. 3. After
finding J. T. Pago guilty of disturbing
tho pcaco, s jury here paid his fine of
'i.. Pago was convicted of hitting a
bartender, who refused to kiss the Am
erican flag after making disparaging
remarks about it. -
This Is Prediction Of Military
Naval Base. '
By Carl D. Groat
(United Press staff correspondent)
Washington, Oct. 3. Winter will
find Belgium and northern France Out
of the grasp of the Teuton.
Military authorities irtade this pre
diction today as the first of the great
German break the retreat eastward
from tho LaUassce canal region be
came an actuality.
Hammered by untiring legions, in
cluding vast reserves, the' German re
tirement is likely to be extensive, probr
ably as far east as Antwerp. Already
tho enemy i shifting his U-boat bases
out of Belgium and is preparing to save
what he can in the country ruthlessly
trampled in 1914.
Tho objective of the allied-American
forces since the Marne turning
point battle has been the wrecking of
the German army. Today there is a
rhance that an attainment of that ob
ject will come far sooner than has
been anticipated. In any case, the re
treat in prospect contains many ele
ments of extreme danger to the Whe.
He has been fighting hard to escape a
ruinous retreat and it is not at all cer
Oregon: Tonight
gad Friday . -showers;
bju.horlv winds.
1 ;wH I -i
t .Hi W I fig ft-itnMiraf
Representatives Of Oppressed
Peoples Of MiiEurope
'Hold Meeting.
- ' 1 r !
Woald Form Barrier Over
ch German Asrsres-
sion could not break
By Raymond Clapper
(United Press staff correspondent)
Washington, Oct. 3. Representa
tives of oppressed nationalities met
here today to form a mid-European
federation, to include subject peoples
now living under the shadow of Teu
tonic domination. '
Those represented include:
Czecho-Slovaks Poles, Ukrainians,
Jugoslavs, Lithuaiani, Finns, Ruman
ians and Italian irrodentists sixty
five million people people now largely
without self government and political
freedom. . i . t
Resolutions demanding the dissolu
tion of the Austro-Hungarian empire
and formation of a mid-European fed
eration were to be adopted.
Tho representatives intend to offer
the entire morale and resources of their
countrymen in Europo to tho causo of
tho allies. ,
An Impassable Barrier
Erection of a barrier across the heart
of Europe to serve as a wall against
German aggression is tho immediate
aim of the mid-Europe federation. J
will seek to organize a political miltajry
and economic wall along the eastern
frontior of Germany. ,
Forces iu America and in Europe
are to be co-ordinated to this end, ill
is declared.
The purpose of tho federation was.
outlined at the opening of the confer
ence by Professor H. A. Miller, dole
gated by the American government to
undertake its organization. .
"Never before in history have the?
national leaders of tho eight national
ities here represented been gathered to
gether in the unanimous purpose off
workinjg out a constrtcrtivie polittfsi,
program for 65,000,000 people living in
territory extending from the Artie
ocean to the Black and Adriatic seas"
Professor Miller said.
Necessary to Peace
"Jt is the birth of tho feduration of -
i'Contlnued on r" tw
tain that he will be able to extricate
himself without a disaster to his forc
es. Army men re plainly jubilant over
the present situation and the outlook.
Due to America ,
The surest signs of the times is held
t bo the state department advices
showing preparations for relaxing the'
grip on ISelgtmn.
The boche is gathering up his mater
ial and shifting bis naval base staffs,
lie is also moving bis U-boat bases east
Authorities warned that tie Hun
may hnve the temerity to label this
movement voluntary and use it as a
sign of sincerity in further peace man
euvers. But, the plain truth of the sit
uation is that he is being forced out
of Belgium and Franco by the suues
of battles raging from the sea to Ver
dun. Everywhere the British, French,
and Amerkans arc hacking at the claws
which have held tenaciously to key
'points in France and Belgium. Now the
j weight- of the allied pressure, due to
ibig American reinforcements is suetv
that the boche cannot cling much long
ler. .
I Both American and foreign official
.here are unanimous however, in warn- ,
'ing against over confidence at thU
(Continued on page three)