Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 01, 1918, Page NINE, Image 9

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. L. i - nT i. , i .imiiiiirrT
JaJfea neetrie Co, Masonic Temple, 127 North Higa
TON Osteopathic physicians and
serve specialists. Graduates of Am
erican echoed of Osteopathy. .Kirk
Tine, Mo. Post graduate and spec
ialized in nervous diseases at Los
Angeles College. Offices 505-508 Nit
Bank Bldg. Phone 85.. Residence,
1G20 Court. Phone 2818. Dr. White
Bes. Phone 469.
413411 Bank of Commerce building.
Phone 606. '
eorher Commercial and Trade streets
Bill payable monthly in advance.
Men's clothes, shoes, hats, jewelry,
watches, tools, musical instruments,
bicycles, guns, rifles, revolvers, suit
eases, trunks, cameras, typewriters
end furniture. Capital Exchange 337
Court street, Phone 493.
On Good Real Estate Security
O.er Ladd & Bush bank; Salem Oregon
cent 34 years time. A. C. Bohrnstedt,
401 Masonic, Temple. Salem, Oregon.
FOB SALE 250 acres, 100 in cultiva
tion balance in pasture and timber
Fine stream of water, good buildings
and good road. 3-4 mile from a live
ly saw mill town. Will take good
house and lot in Salem as part pay
ment. Price $60 per acre. Phone 470
Square Doal Realty Company. U. S.
Bank Building, Solent. 717
proprietor. Garbago and refuse of all
kinds removed on monthly contracts
at reasonable rates. .Yurd and cess
pools cleaned. Office phone, Main
2247. Residence Main 2272.
FOR A WOOD SAW Phone 1090-R
1255 N. Summer St. Our prices are
right. W. M. Zander, proprietor. 9-19
I can match you. C. W. Niemeyer, Rea!
Estato Agent, Canada Lands, 544 State
TITE FIXIT SHOP-Let 'is repair and
Sharpen your lawn mowars. 26 Court
Phone 1022. tf
50 years experience, Depot, National
and American fence. "
Sizes 2d to 58 in high
Paints, oil and varnish, etc
Loganberry, and hop hook.
Salem Fence and Stove Works.
250 Court street. Phone 124-
McCornack hall on every Tuesday
at 8. P. Andreson, C. C, P. J. Kuntz
K, R. & S.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246 meet
every 3rd and 4th Thur. eve, 8 o'clock
in Derby building, corner Court and
High streets. E. F. Day, V. C; F. A.
. Turner, clerk.
Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson.
secretary. All cases of cruelty or ne-
gleet of dumb animals should be re
ported to the secrotay for investiga
''Oregon Grape Cmp' No. 1300.
meets every Thursday" evening in
Derby building, Court and High St
Mrs. Pearl Coursey, 214 Court St
oracle; Mrs. Melissa Persons, record
er 1415 N. 4th St. Phone 1436M.
bly No. 84 meets first Thursday of
eaeh month, at p. in- in I. O. O. F.
Hall, Norma L. Terwilliger, M. A.;
C. A. Vibbert, secretary, 34fl Owens
sjt jjj )jc jjc if 3$! )j! jfs 5(s jf 3(t
When you use Journal classifi
ed ads get what you want them
to they work fast
Ulit 1204
Of Government Timber, General Land
Washington, D. O, August 9, 1918.
Notice is Hereby given that subject
to the conditions and limitations of
the aet of June 9, 1915 (39 Stat, 218)
and tbw instructions of the seetoMtry
of the interior of September 15, 1917,
the timber on the following lands will
be sold October 23, 1918, at 10 o'clock
a. m., at public auction at the United
States land office at Portland, Oregon,
to the highest bidder at not less than
the appraised value aj show y this
notice, sale to be subject to the approv
al of the secretary of the' interior. The
purchase price, with am additional
sura of one fifth of one per cent there
of, being commissions allowed, must be
deposited at time of sale, money to be
returned if sah ia not approved, other
wise patent will issue for the timber
which must be removed within ten
years.. Bids will be received from cit
izens of the United States associations
of such citizens and corporations organ
ized under the. laws of the United
States or any state, territory or dis
trict thereof only. Upon application of
a qmmnvu- purcuusor, me tiwoer on
any legal subdivision will be offered
separately bfore being included in any
offer of a larger unit. "
T. 11 S-, B. IE., Sec- 27,NW 8W
Yi, red fir 1275 M., white fir 75 M.,
none of th0 red fir or white fir to be
sold for less than 11.50 per M.
Commissioner General Land Office.
Oct. 17
Wheat, soft white 22.05
Wheat, lower grades on sample
Oats ; 90c$l
Hay, oats v.
Barley," ton ............
Hay, cheat, new ... .
Mill run ...........
' Eutteifat
Buterfnt .'l.V...
Creamery butter .. ' ... 60e
', ... Pork, Veal and Mutton .
Pork, on loot 1718 o'-'le
Veal, fancy .. 18fc
Steers 79c
Cows . 40e
Saving lambs .. 12c
Ewes - ..4(get
T-ambs, yearlings 07c
Eggs and Poultry
3ggs, cash - 45c
Hens, live 2021c
Old roosters 1315c
Fry . 2124c
Springs ...... 2123c
Sweet potatoes . 5c
Potatoes $2.50
Onions, local ...... $&50
Cabbage 4c
Carrots ........... ........... 2c
Tomatoes , $1-25
Turnips 2
Beets 2c
Cucumbers 2540c
Grapes . .... $1.502
Casubas - - 3e
Muskmelon . $1.75
Green peppers. - He
Egg plant 10c
Oranges 1)0.50 10
Lemons, box ............ $6.507-50
Bananas S'Ae
lilack fiss. 25 25 lbs 4.50
Figs, 4 oz packages ...... - $5
Figs, 6 oz, packages .u
Fiu-s, 8 oz. packages $3.50
Figs, 10 lb. fancy $2.25
Figs, 10 Jb. ex. fancy $2.50
Retail Prices
Creamery butter ." ... 73c
Flour, hard wheat $j3.25
Country butter 65c
Eggs, dozen 50(g)55c
For sugar permits go to C. M. Lock-
wood, food administrator, 214 North
Commercial street.
No limit on purchases of flour.
Fortland, Or., Sept. 25. Butter, city
creamery 60c
Eggs, selected local ex. 5356c
Hens 2527c
Broilers 2730e
Geese 17(5)18e
Cheese triplets 3536c
Receipts- 280
Portland, Or., Oct. 1. Butter, city
creamery 6463c . -Eggs,
local ex. 5456c
, Receipts 1765
Tone of market weak
Prime steers $1213
Choice to good steers $11-6012
Medium to good steers 9.15(a)ll
Fair to medium steers $8.259.25
Common to fair steers $68.25
Choice cows and heifers $89
Medium to good cows and heifers
Fair to medium eows and heifers
Canners $34
Bulls 5(S)7
Calves 912 , .:, : ::
Stockers and feeders $68
$4.753.75 .
Canners $34
Bulls $58 -
Calves $912
Blockers and feeders $69 A
Receipts 520 " : -
Tone of marJcet weak
Prime lambs $1214
Medium lambs $911
Sough heavies 1S18.50
Pigs $1617 ... .
Receipts' 48 . '.
Tone of market steadyt unchanged
Ewes 6.50(9
Best lambs 13.5014.50
Medium to good lambs $1113
Wethers 910.50
Ewes 6.508.50
' Yearlings 10U
" (Effective Sept. 23, 1918.) .
Mala Llue.
Northbound - -
No, 16 Oregon Express ... , 6:55 a. m
No. 54 Oregoniaa ,., 5:0a a. m.
No. 28 Willamette Limited -9:15 a. m.
No, 18 Portland Passenger 1:20 p. m
No. 24 Coos Bay Limited , S:00 p. m
No. 14 Portland Express -7:55 p. m
Southbound .
No. 53 Oregonian 3:20 a. m.
No. 23 Coos Bay Limited 9:42 a. m
No. 15 California Express 10:58 a. m.
No.. 17 Roseburg Passenger .4.18 p. m
No. 27 Willametted Limited 5:54 p. m.
No. 13 'Frisco Express 4:18 p.- m.
No. 73 Arrive at Salem 9:10 a. m
No. 74 Leave Salem 3:10 p. m
161 Leaves Salem, motor ..7:00 a.m,
163 Leaves Salem, motor -.-9:28 a.m.
165 Leaves Salem, motor 1:55 p.ni
(Through car to Monmouth and Arlie.)
171 Leaves Salem . 6:15 p.m
162 Arrives at Salem ...B:Z5 a.m.
164 Arrive at Salem 11:00 a. m.
168 Ariws at Salem ..3:20 p-m.
172 Arrives at Salem - .. 7:40 p.m.
Train Leave Arrive Arriv
No. Tortland Salem iSugene
1 . 6:30 aw 8:35 am 10:50 am
5 Ltd...... 8:30 am 10:11 am 12:25 pm
7 10:43 am 12.50 pm
9 2:05 pm 4:15 pm 6:35 pm
13 Ltd 4:45 pm 6.40 pm 8:50 pm
17 6:05 pm 8:07 pm Salem only
19- 9:20 pm 11:20 pm Salem only
21 11:45 pm 1:55 am 6:50 am
(North Bank Station (leaving Jefferson
Street 15 and 20 minutes later.)
Train'. Leave. Arrive
No. Eugene Salem
2 12:05 am 4:35 am
6 7:15 am
6:50 am
9:25 am
10 Ltd...... 7:35 am 9:45 am 11:30 am
12 - 11:10 am 1:20 pm
14 11:20 am 1:50 pm 3:55 pm
18 Ltd...... 155 pm 4:00 pm 5:45 pm
20 4:10 pm 5:30 pm 7:40 pm
22 ...... 5:25 pm 7:55 pm 10:00 pm
(North Bank Station (Arrive Jefferson
street 15 minutes earlier. "Leave
.. Corvallis. ' , ' .,
Leave Corvallis Arrive Salem
8:25 am. Northbound .9:45 am
12:12 pm Northbound 1:50 am
2:41 pm.........JNorthbound.. 4:00 pm
4:10 pm ........Nort!ibound.. -.5:30 pm
6:18 am. Northbound ;...7:55 pm
8:35 am Southbound 9:57 am
10:15 am Southbound 11:33 am
12:50 pm .'...Southbound... 2:20 pm
4:15 pm Southbound 5:40 pm
6:40 pm Southbound 8:00 pm
Hair Stops Falling Oat And
Gets Thick, Wavy, Strong
And Beautiful
Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluf
fy, abundant and appears as soft, lus
trous and beautiful as a young girl's
after a "Daiideiine hair cleanse."
Just try this moisten a cloth with a
little Danderine and carefully draw it
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time. This will cleanse the
hair of (lust, dirt and excessive oil and
in just a few moments you have doubl
ed tho beauty of your hair-
.Besides beautifying the hair at once
Danderine dissolves every particle of
dandruff; cleanses, purifies and invig
orates the scalp, forever stopping itch
ing and falling hair.
But what will please you most will
be after a few weeks' use when you
will actually see new hair fiu and
downy at first yes but really new
hair growing all over the sealp. If you
care for pretty, soft hair and lots of it,
surely get a small bottle of Knowl-
ton a Uandcrine from any druggist or
toilet counter for a few eents.
:r .
' '".'..
The Journal 3tV Department
will print you anything in the
stationery line do it right and
save you real money. .
.. - '.V
M "From Over There"
sVtB General Pershing's Official Report
The following casualties are reported
bv the- commanding general of the Am
erican expeditionary forces:
Killed in action . , 62,
Missing in action w -8
. Wounded severely rsl8
Died from accident arid other causes3
Wounded, degree nndoteratincd 3
Wounded slightly 3
Prisoners 4
Killed, in Action,
. Peter Bayens, Sheboygan, Wis.
Walter S. Goddard, Cleveland, O.
William G. Hewitt, Southern Pines,
N. f.
Clifford Kennwly, Detroit, Mich.
03car P. Lippe, New York. N. Y. .
George Af. Reuse, New York, N. Y.
John L. Ross, New York, N. Y. .
Duane, Salesbury. Dunmore, Pa.
Corporals Rredereck W. Buchanan,
Atlantic City, N. J. '-
Phillip J. Cavan, Wilkosbarre, Pa.
Alonzo Cudworth, Milwaukio, Wis.
Albert Hinton, Cleveland, O.
Charles H. Keeler, Philadelphia, Pa.
Rutherford H. Nesbitt, Beaver, Pa.
William Pctersilze, Little Ferry, N. J.
Allen Reynolds, Damascus, O.
Thomas R. Rosvi Pittsburg, Pa.
Newton M. Roy; Bessemer, Ala.
Jas. F. Webb. Philadelphia, T.
Bugler Chas. H. Francis, Chicago, 111.
Meohanics Wml.Knotts, Bidwell, O.
Napoleon Morin,. Biddoford, Me.
Wagoners Patrick J, Geary, Westches
ter, Pa.
AAlex. MacBride, Jr., Brooklyn, N. Y
Horeoshoer Helmer Arthur Michael
son, Virginia, Minn.
Private Irwin Albrecht, Waterloo,
Wis. ..' '
Lnigi Arpiilo, Leominster, Mass.
James Armstrong, Waterville, N. Y.
James Armstrong, Rochester, N. Y. ,
Wesley C. Barger, Monteroy, Pa.
Alfred M. Batta, Lawrence, N. Y.
"Clmrlv Baiselle, Conshohoeken, Pa.
James Bond, Denuison, texas. ,
Glenn Butch, Indianapolis, Ind.
Henry B. Coopor, Fraukston, Tex." ,
Barney E. Crouch, Gr&yridgo, Mo.
Thomas Custor, Westeruport, Md,
Connie Lee Dodd, Meldon, Tenn.
Paul T. Elliott,. Pittsburg.
John F. Eliss, Centervilh, Ia.
Thus. Guest, Pottstown, Pa.
Fred C. Guth, Evensvillo, Tonn.
- Joseph Hartel, Jr., Richmond Hill, N.
Harry J. Hoaley, Minneapolis, Minn.
Stanley Hermansoski, Hartford, Con.
Jlell Hiatt, East Peru, Iowa.
Byron A. Hickerson, Walker, Mo.
Arthur A. Hill, Oxford, N. Y.
Joseph A. Hill,EastDowningtown',Pa.
Aden Hvnry Ingham, Franklin, Pa.
John F. Ingram, Brooklyn, N. Y,
i. Earlo C. Ireland, Attica, Ind.
James Claude Jarboe, Gazette, Mo.
Arthur J, Jeffree, Clinton, Iowa.
Alfred Lee Johnson, Jacksonville,
Arthur E. Jonos, Dover, Ohio.
Snowden Ecssel, Kvssol, W. Va.
Liuda S. Kinney, Salem, N. C.
Bernard Korte, Beekemeyer, 111.
Died of Wounds.
Peter Dominic Giaeoma, Milwaukee,
Arthur D. Lossing, Sanford, Fla.
Floyd H. Mathcs, Elkhrt,-Iowa. ':
Otto Pugari, Ely, Minn.' ". ".
Toaey Roi, Caszenza, Italy.
Died front Accident and Other Causes.
' Sergeants.;.. ;. "l .' . ' .
Homer H. Brock, Kuoxville, Tunn.
Wagoner, f
Owe'B,M. Carroll, Fairviow, Pa. '
Alfred F. Black, Travpig City, Mich.
Killed in action 62
Missing in action..;;..:..-.....!...:...., 5
.Wounded severely 219
Died of wounds 5
Wounded, degree undetermined 3
Sgt. Wm 8 Gannon, Philadelphia
Corporals Ralph O .Greer, Bockport,
Mo. . .
Frank Grist, Hillsdale, Pa.
Scth J Halper, Joliet, ill.
Mark Himhovitz, Boston
Jno A Holmes, Corapolis, Pa.
EveretH Johnson, Blackwatcr, Mo.
Privates William F Brophy, Water
bury, Conn. .
George Evanx, Belt, Mont.
Joseph V Favalaro, Belt, Mont.
"Warren V Graves, Philadelphia
Walter E Gudo, Laeon, III. '
Thomas L Hensley, Humble, Tex.
Hcury A Phpipin, St. Cloud, Wi.
Clyde R Kuntz, Big Run, Pa.
Rmlolph A Larson, National Mine,
Lonnie M Lewis, Erin, Tenn.
Alexander Lindej Lodi, Cat.
Robert A MePhail, Jonesboro, N C.
James W Madden, Brooklyn, N Y.
Raymond Maloney, Philadelphia
Harry A Muratos, New York
Arthur Hayer, Brooklyn, N Y,
Albert Meed, Baltimore
Charles E Menzke, Belleville, 111.
Albert H Michael, Hudson, S V..
Elmer E Mikcsull, Homer City, Pa.
Clarence Miller, Erbard, Minn.
Felix A Miller, Dundee, Tex.
Roger F Minogiie, New York
John It Moyer, Portage, Pa.
- Raymond T Needcl, Chicago
Ernest Nevitt, Brooklyn, N Y.
Daniel M O'Conncll, Rockaway
Beach, NY.
Jno J O'Hara, New York
Emory R Osborn, Montgomery, N Y.
George Ostcn, Toledo, C).
Carl F Otto, Lakemills Ja.
James Paul, Milwaukee, Wis.,
Daniel C Poplin, Charlotte, N C.
Jno T Prather, Jmlianapoiis, Ind.
' George T Record, Wayville, N Y.
John Rice, Manhassett, N Y.
, Ike Rigabee, Durham, N'C. ...
Lawrence H Robinson, Gary, W Va'.
Joseph T Roscoe, Osborne, N C.
.Luther W Russell, Ebony, Texas
Frank Saladiuo, Gary, Ini
Herman Schindler, New York
Alfred Schneider, Brooklyn, N Y..
Joseph V Schuler, Dubuque, la.
Wallace E Searles, Swain, N Y.
John Sibiles, Chicago
John W Sidwell, Brownstown, 111.
Arthur L Smith, Waukegan, 111.
Henry G Sumoierfield, Pittsburg, Pa
Albert A Watson, Colwya, Pa.
Ray Weekly, Shirley, W Va.
Morris Weschner, Brooklyn, N X.
Oliver E Wright, Pittsburg, Pa.
Died of Wound
Sergeants Martin L p'Malley, Su
perior, Wis.-
Jno M Paden, Waynesburg, Pa.
Corporals Earl D McVey, Mansfield,
Earnest Thillips, McDonald, Pa.
Pvt. James A Bonischek, Chicago.
- ' . . Wounded Severely
' Cipt. J A Edgarton, Fulton, N Y.
Lieutenants Myrel E Bottomley,
Charlotte, Mich.
Jno D Buekner, Shelbyville, Ky.
William M Fay, Cambridge, Mass,
Louis Greet, Gadsden, Ala.
William D Morgan, Beaver Dam.
Wis. ...
Wayne F Murphy, Nashville, Tenn.
Howard R Baudull, Brockton, Mass.
Carl B Ruterberg, Louisville, Ky.
Merritt B Wilsou, Calumet, Mich.
Ernest A Zust. LaGranae, Hi-
Archie D MeGeo. New Bedford, Mass
Havdock H MMiller, New York
Sergeants Cornell S Cline, Craborch-
ard, Tenn.
' Alfred E Goodman, Chieago
Jack E Graham, Floriston, Cal.
Frank E Grantopf, Brooklyn, N Y.
David J Hearue, Chicago
Rennie E Henry, Villisca, Ia.
Charles F Hurst, Scranton, Pa.
Edwin F Jackson, Skipwith, Va.
Daniel W Lewis, Kittshill, O.
Michael Mannix. Brooklyn, N Y.
'Horace Thompson, Attalla, Ala.
Arthur C Totten, Flushing, N Y-
John A Umlerdown, Bellevue, O.
Irville O Winter, Villisca, Ia.
Walter K Chiles, Ensley, Ala.-
Nathaniel B Crittenden, Oakland, Cal
Matthew L Rose, Philadelphia, Pa.
William It Yooraies, Staten Island,
Corporals Wra A Bettie, Clairton, Pa,
. Charles F Brown, Millboro, N C,
Geo M Brunhuber, New York
Wm J Cavanaugh, Bridgeport, Conn.
Michael E Cuddihy, Hoosic Falls,
N Y.
Lonnie J" Highsmith, Cobbtown, Ga
Adam J Janson, Woodhaven, N. x".
Frank J Kaiser, St. Joseph, Mo.
Michael Mockson, New York.
George N Northing, England
Ernest L Petefish, Stanley, Va. .
George J Vogt, Flushing, NY.
- Patrick V- Yokes, (Saratoga Spirngs,
NY.. ' '
Edwin F Welch, Purchase, N Y.
James M Ryan, New York -Benjamin
Sehiff, Chicago
James A Shatto, Carlisle, Pa,
Lawrence W Sherin, New York
Leroy G Willey, Davenport, la
Bugler Clayton A Treator, Genosseo,
Musician Walter P Elhart, Miamis
burg, O. ' ,r
Joseph Larosc, Hanisburg, Pa,
.Francis I Conway, Grovetowu,' Pa.
Wiliam Mulhcir, England - -Geo.
Kobulinsky, Braddcck, Pa.
Samuel B Manning WilkinBburg, Pa
Foster II Parker, Coker, Ala
Privates Halrio Bcsa, Eagle Pass,
Joseph M Black, Pittsburg, Pa.
Charles H Brooks, Waukesha, Wis.
Fred Broumowski, Rochester, N ' V.
: Fred Hryant, New. Ediubiirg,, Ark...
Charles D Castino, Chicago
Lawrence F Cavanaugh, Tucson, Ariz
Roy L Chambera, Gilbua, O.
Clarence Chaplain, Imboden, Ark.
Albert E Charlesworth, Detroit, Mich
Carl H Charter, Adair, la.
.Ralph Chileole, Springfield, 0.
Chris Christcnson, Bristol, 111.
Neal E Cohagen, Basil, O.
Edward Colburn, Kingston, N Y.
James R Conroy, Natrona, Pa, - .
Austin Courtney, Pittsburg, Pa.
Raymond J Cummisky, Philadelphia
Arthur F-Cryer, Walbrook, Md. -
Jahn Jin Dekoever, Lodi,;N J-
John M Denuel, Philadelphia
James P Eagitn, Springfield, 111.
Jacob Elkin, Brooklyn, N " Y.
Lester L Firestone, Kdgnwnod, Pa.
DwigH L Frazier, Marslialltown, la.
Benjamin A Goldberger, Farrock
away, S I, '
William J Graham, Brimley, Mich.
Gus G Grey, Hacoda, Ala.
Benny Brceblor, New York
Kussell Grccdor, Stillwatct, Minn.
: Richard I) llarlawny, Lanett, Ala. 1
Morris A Hafling, NewYprk
Lowell S Hart, .Jainesfown, N Y.
John 1) Hayward, Big Bar, Cal.
Clarence I Head, Council Bluffs, la.
Wilbert F Heck, Huntington, Ind,
Wheeler 11 Hcndrix, Moxia, Ala.
Charles Heniorka, Shaniokiu, Pa.
Warren Henderson, Cleveland, Tonn.
Luig Henningsn, Dike, la,
Harry n lleitmann, Elizabeth, X J.
Pereey Hendricks, Phoenixville, Pa.
Bobt Hendriekson, Pittsburg, Pa.
Sterling Ilenoin, Poughkccpaic, N Y.
Frank E Hill, Manassas, Va.
Odio Hill, Austin, Tex.
Thomas W Hill, Olncv Springs, Colo.
William J Hill, Sparland, 111.
Erwin C Hindei luster, North Point,
Frank S Huffman, Germantown, Pa.
Harry R Huskins, Landenberg, Pa. '
Frank P Iniperialc, Brooklyn, N Y.
William H James, Nanticoke, Pa. '
Charles Johnson, Graham, Ky.
David Herskowitz, Brooklyn, N. Y.
William C. Henry, Webster City,
Frank R. Hickctz Buckncr, 111.
Warren Louis Hoel, Collinsville, Conn
James R. Holeombc. Miirshall, N. C
Sam Holman, Hunt.'ville, h.
Rocco Iannopollo,. llaly. . '
James Igo. Brookdale Pa.
Ralph T. Jordan, Newcastle, Pa.
Hugh F. Kelly, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Patrick A, Kennedy, Wickle, Ireland.
Raymond J. Kenney, Williamsport,
Charles Kcrsten" Stanton. Neb.
Roman Kezon, Westbury, N. Y.
George W- King, Brooklyn, N. Y,
Louis Kriegcr tiharon. Pa.
William H. Lackey, Stronington, Col.
Franklin M. Pa pic, Greenfield, Mass.
Doyle Larih, slieiiton. tn.
George Lafflcr. Maryfvillc, Ohio.
Archie M. Lepinc, rembina, X. D.
Daniel I. Lerch, Resding, Pa.
Taul Lewis, Thomoun. 111.
Ralph M. Lewis, Foeda, Iowa.
Ruben Gilbert Lie'o, Barneslwro, Pa.
Clarence E. Liedle. Camarillo, Calif
Myron Light. Sherburne, N Y.
Alfred Lill, Sykesvulo, Pa.
Winston P. Lovell, Branchville, Ala.
Clyde C. MeFarland, " Lacoaa, Iowa.
Frank McGovern, New York.
Michael MiGurL Far rockaway
Bernard McLoughlin, Edgeworthton,
Lyle R. Mabrey, New York. N. Y.
Jarpoh F. Mahaa, Watc rtowa, N. Y.
Alrin F. Maringer, North Ridge, O.
Gui-seppi Marziotto. Brooklyn, N. Y.
Charley Mattinson, Birmingham, Ala.
Bentle .Mauck, Carydon, Ind.
Anton Mejchowksi, Chicago, HI.
Alvin Melton, Rochester, Ky.
Frank Messina, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Harry Read Miller, Linton, Ind.
John Miller, Sayre, Pa.
John George Miller, Harrisburg, Pa.
John Ward Miller, Belpsring Va.
Paul A. Minadeo, Cleveland, Ohio.
Oliver Mitchell, Rosvi)le, Tena.
Butler Moore. Beattyvillc, Ky.
Willard Seligman Brooklyn. N. Y.
Jacob Maynard SelliiigeT, New York,
N. Y.
Floyd Sexton, Ralston, Iowa..
Mark N. Shaekelford, Kaston. Mo.
Edward W. Shingle, Norristown, Pa
IDavid Dawson Shroy, Middletown,
Pennsylvania. . . - - - -
Teny Sienkicwic. Newcastle, Pa..
Frank Skaggs, Boise City, Okla.
Walter 8. Stark, Grant City, Mo.
Henry C, Stewart, Oxford. Misr.
Herbert A. Strowbridge, Brooklyn
N. Y.
John G. Stone, Holmes, Pa,
Darrell G. Stum, Sargent, Neb.
Theodore M. N. Sullivan, Cambridge,
Emil Herman Thomas Detroit, Mich
Jasper J. Thompson, Portals, N. Mex.
Lafayette Thompson. Evening, Ark
Sam Thompson New Hebron, Mass.
William B. Tilley, Sanviile. W. Va.
Henry A. Tobias, Donaldson, Pa.
Salvatori Toeco, Detroit Mieh.
Earl Tribott, McMeehcn, W. Va.
Hitt B. Unibarger, Newton, Iowa,
Clarence J. Utter. Circleville, Ohio-
Roy Vandorpool, Shelbyville, III.
Wyncrd Vondyke, Grand Rapids,
John Vanvreen, Pclk, Iowa.
Frank Vayna, Toledo, Ohio.
Nick Vergalito, Campobasso, Italy.
Giso M. Vinetreseo. Acquilla, Italy.
Jacob Waiser, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Kelsey"fl?alker, Marion, Ky.
John Ward, New York.
Archio Watkinsv St. Clarksville, Tenn
Edward E. Weekly, Black Fork, O.
Louis -Weimer, New London, Conn.
Thomas B. Wilkie, Jetton, Pa
Daniel W. Willinms, Edenton, N. C.
Henry E. Williams, Cherokee, Okla.
John Williams, Grand Rapids, Mich
' -Robert G. Williams, Kenneth. Kans.
Abraham E. Willis Cottagevillo, S.C.
Isaac E. Winfrey, Salem, JN. C.
Floyd' William Wing. Batavia, Mich
-Ernest Wyatt Tuscaloosa, Ala. .
Goorgo J Yatchuni, Kovno, Russia.
, Lester VV. Young, Birmingham. Ala
Robort C. Bell, Humboldt, Iowa.
Wounded, Degree Undetermined
Privates Henry 3. Guiberson, Olym-
pia, Wash.
George W. Peace, Parsons, Kas.
Frud Stafford Thomas, Streutor, 111.
Missing In Action
Cortwral Perry C. Grahanif New York.
' Privates Mike Cogura, Bear Crck,
Romeo O. Dowarf, Carlisle, Pa.
Steleanos. Georgoulas Scranton, Pa
William H. Harrison, LaCrosso Wi
A Guaranteed Treatment That Has
Stood the Test of Time
Catarrh, cures come and catarrh cures
go, but Hyomei continues to heal ca
tarrh and abolish its disgusting symp
tome wherovcr civilization exists.
''.very year the already enormous
sales of this really gomntific treatment
tor eaturrh grow eveator, and the pres
ent year should show all records brok
en. If you breatho Hyomei daily as di
rected it will end your catarrh, or it
won't coat you a cent.
If you have a hard rubber Hyomei
inhaler somewhere around tho house,
get it out and start it at onco to for
ever rid yourself of catarrh.
Daniel J. Fry or any other good drug
gist, will sell you a bottle of Hyomei
(liquid), start to breathe it and notice
how quickly it clears out the air "ess
ages and makes the entire head feel
Hyomei used regularly will end ca
tarrh, coughs, colds, bronchitis or asth
ma. A complete outfit, including a hard
rubber pocket inhuler and bottle of
Hyomei, .costs but little. No stomaeh
dosing; just brea-the it. It kills the
germs, soothps and heal tho inflamed
Rate Increase Case
Should Be Hurried
Chairman Frank J. Miller of the Ore
gon public service commission, Chair
man Graham of tho Idaho commission,
and Chairman Blaine, of the Washing
ton commission, with a number of tl.
leading fruit growers of thu northwest,
will leave next Tuesday for Washing
ton, D. C. to present to Director Mc-
Adoo of the railroad administration the
urgent need for expediting the 25 per
cent freight rate increase case if the
northwest fruitgrowers and other Ship-
ners arc to reevive auy benefit this
The three public service commissions
have instituted proceedings before the
interstate commerce ommission to ob
tain a reduction in tho 25 per ecnt
freight rate increase in northwestern
products. A hearing was held a few
days BKO br Interstate Commerce Com
missioner Aitchison,.but before that'
case can be decided tho fruit crop Win
all be -disposed of.
S0 the delegation will go before Dir
ector McAdoo to urgw immediate aefcoh,
as the blanked increase of 25 per cent
works a great injustice to the west
where the freight rates between tho
producer and the markets is so much
greater than ia the east.
Everyone Should
Drink Hot Water
in the Morning
Wash away all the stomach, liver,
nd bowel poison before
breakfast, m
To feel your best dav in and day out.
to feel clean inside; ae sour bale to
coat your tongue and sic ken your
breath or dull your head, no constipa
tion, bilious attacks, sick headache,
eolds, rheumatism or gassy, acid stom
ach, you must bathe on the inside like
you bathe outside. This is vastly more
important, because the skin pores do
not absorb impurities into the blood,
hue the bowel pores do. sav a welt
known physician. t
To keep these poisons and toxin)
well flushed from the stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels, drink before break
fast each day, a glass of . hot water
ith a teaspoonful of limestone pno
phate in it. This will eleanse, puriff
and freshen the entire alimentary traet
before putting more food into the
stomach. - i
Get a quarter pound of limestoaa
phosphate from your pharmacist. Is
is inexpensive and almost tasteless, ex
cept a sourish twinge whieh is not
pleasant. Drink phosphated hot watef
every morning to rid your system of
these vile poisons and toxins; also to
prevent their formation.
To feel like young folks feci; like
you felt before your blood, nerves and
muscles became saturated with an ac
cumulation of body poisons, begin tfeia
treatiueut and above all, keep it upi
As soap and hot water act on the skia,
cleausing, sweetening and purifying, so
limestone phosphate and hot water be
fore breakfast, act on the stomach,
liver, kidneys and bowel.
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Turner, Or., Sept. 30. Mr. and Mrs,
Bowen of Spokane, Wash, were caller
at tliw Dutnam homo on Wednesday.
Tho Bowons are motoring through to
Pasadena, Calif., Mrs. Bowen and Mrs.
Dutnam were girlhood friends.
Wm Small and wife are visiting rela
tives tore. .. .- ,
Miss Dell Robertson came home oa
Tuesday. . ,
Mr. and Mrs. John Ransom and child-ij-n
of Michigan moved into the house)
south of tho hotel Monday. -
Murlo O. Pearsoon and family and
Mrs. Irvia Putmau wovu Salem visitor
Friday. . 1
Mis8 Anna Forest of Salem spent Sat
urday and Sunday as guest at tho
Cleaves homo, and incidentally attend
ed th Red Cross benefit dance hero
Saturday evening. ,
Mr." and Mrs. Cleaves and son were
Stayton visitor,, Mondny afternoon.
Mrs. Henry Hughes of Oregon City,
and Miss Ida Phelps of Portland, visited
at the home of Mrs. M. A. Peek, Mon
day and Tuesday of last week, .
Miss Mildred Prakw of southern Ore
gon, daughter- of Rev. Drake, spent
Friday in Turner visiting friends.
Rev. John J. Mickey is attending the
annual conference in Portland.
Mr. Simmons and family are moving
back oa the old Day place.
R. D. Gray 1 moving into the-Cornelius
house. .
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Smith an moving
out into the Crawford -.district.
Clarence ForrestB have came back
to thoir home for the wintor,
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Cloverdale, Sopt. 30. Did you attend
that patriotic meeting in Turner Sun
day! Too bad you didn't know of it in
time to go for one of ablest of speaker
on tho coast made the address, and you
should not t,av missed it. Turner miss
ed it tho, for only about five of her
hundreds of people were out. Five out
of her hundreds of population not even,
all tho business houses represented.
Moiv than four times that many wore
in from tho country. Yes, and mora
would havo been there had Turner taken
the trouble to phono tho good ,. now
around through tho country. One party
was heard saying that had it been out
in tteir little country school house,
people would have been out. O Tumor!
Mr. and Mrs. W. Small, fmm over in.
tho coast country came out Monday, to
visit hcr father, J. E. Whitehead ,u.id
attend the state fair.
Mrs. Nesbitt and family who have
been visiting bvr parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ktinko, will leave today for hcr homo
in Montana.
Miss Emma Schifferer, resumod hor
school work in the Stayton school
again this year. '
Arthur Kunke from Camp Lewi
spent Sunday with relatives bote.
Mrs. Lovi Flifelt and Mrs. W. JT.
Wright who are both in Salem sick, aro
getting along nicely and their ninny
friends here will bo pleased to hear it
Aged Resident Has
Narrow Escape
"I was at my work, my limbs be
came numb, I got disiy and faint, my
ears seemed stopped up. I had beou
troubled with gas on my stomaes anA
severe bloating after meals. Doctor
failed to help me. One dose of Mayr'
Wonderful Remedy, recommended by
the corner druggist, proved a life saver
to nie. I am continuing with it with
splendid results." Jt is a simplo, harm
less preparation that remove the ca
tarrhal mucus1 from the intestinal traet
and allays the inflammation which
causes practically all stomach, liver
and intestinal ailments, including ap
pendicitis. One dose fill cixvince or
money refunded. J. C. Perry, Capital
Drug Store, and druggists cverywuero.
Journal Want Ads Pay