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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1918)
if THE D.AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALE?,!, OREGON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1. 1918. 1 ''' , ZT.TisjZz3 Ccuncfl Of Defense i "Suspends Its Order ; 1 - ' Ocsiiig AH Stores: O Jfa 1 - T!"' resolution of the State f ounej; ! 7 hN A X- I of Defense rioting all . mercantile ' k f I i3 7 Al storos on Sunday aud week davs at 6 f A Ti v -tCT i J ' oVlock in the evening i4 meeting with I , VX. i j$fr jrfC ' -sw ,nus vigorous protest in Salem. Un-! J f"- , MV' V '-.. J . ' l JT 1 l'fpnt eonditionj especially in 8a-jf fcf '- ii NSL J wf f ' I Jf Km it is felt that there is no need of1! TE. -, -igl , F--i..ifr Hi,, i - . i i f mjf J dr such a drastic law Fr,i w Rtn.inff if ; I ' - a! j it i r y . . ? J t i j r f w ' -f 13 ? "I II 1-3 f-3 03 13 ST "03 E3 M 3 J m u !Uil'UIUithliiilililUUUI a '4 A The Hun His Mark! Ub ( J 6f 1 1 y . There is a plain fact that every Amer ican business man must face. This war is not a, dollar war. It is a war for iustice. for truth, for right, and for human de- cency. Its financial I aspects are minor aspects when mea sured against terms of human suffering and bloodshed. But still the question must be asked and must be answered by American men: "Shall the German mark conquer the Amer ican dollar?" What the Dollar Stands For The American dollar stands for a business world of square deaiinj, of equal opportunity to all people, of free commercial intercourse ail over the world. : You know what the German mark stands for a commercial system as an acuvc instrument of foul plotting, espionage, and Prussian propaganda. . Enlist Your Dollars Every American dollar must be enlisted in the great army that it now being mobilized against the Potsdam autocracjT the great army of tho fourth Liberty Loan. Enlist your dollars to win a world in which fair dealing and an equal , opportunity for all shall be the guiding principles. , Buy all the Liberty Bonds you can. Every bond you buy safeguards yout home, your business all you possess, and all you hope to have. If the Hun Wins If the Hun wins this war what would your American dollar be worth? What would your property be worth? You know what became of the Confederate money during our Civil war. You ' could buy a wagon loan of Confederate dollars for ie cents. Well this would also be the case if the Huns should. win. Our Last Dollar We will lend the government our last dollar if need be, before we will let that blot fall upon this free and glorious land of ours. Don't wait to be asked, but go to the Liberty Loan Headquarters and sub scribe your limit to the Fourth Liberty Loan. THIS Sr-ACE CONTRIBUTED TO WINNING THE WAR BY Salem Woolen Mills Store The resolution of the Stat Counei; of Defense rlosing all . mert-aatile storos on Sunday aud week dav at fi oVhxk in the evening it meeting with a most vigorous nrotesr in Salem V. 'r present rendition, esneeiallv in R. leui it is felt that there is no need of sueh a drastie law. Freil w Kteu!f,ff hairman of the Marion pnuntv fnnn.' cil of Defense, has rereired no notice or the resolution passed lv the Portland luvn who wish to elo all the stores in that city under the plea that man pow er Willie conserved. I Aeeordine to the latest report fromj Portland, W. F. Woodward, rh.lirmfln of the State Couneil of Defense, has! agreed that the ruling shall be tempor-1 amy suspvnuea until Uetober 7. Hence store, in Salem may eontiuue their us ual hours of business until some action is taken, especially ginee then has been forwarded so strong a protest. V. F. Woodwarj is quoted as saviutr: "The act lvsts on no law whatever. Von n disregard it or obey it as you will." However, he was emphatic in saying that the State Council of Defense would do all it eould to bring its rul ing into ertect. Wifl Issue Emergency Certificates To Teach To Supply Deficiency The war is makinff such inroads nnnn tho available supply of hii?li sehonl ten. thvrs that J. A. Churchill, superintend ent Of public instruction, tins annnnneod that next June he will issue emergency war certmcates to applicants whn dn not come up to requirements heretofore I prescribed for teachers ill stnnrlflT-rl ' high schools. I I This announcement was made in a: InU.. 111 V.. 1 ' ' . . ! .moi nuiini uv ouperintenoent Chur chill to H. D. Sheldon nf the TTi.Wor. sity of Oregon. Owing to scarcity of teachers this yoar," says Mr. Churchill, "I am led to belivvo that next year it will ha al most impossible to secure teacher, for me mgn scnoois of the state." He then outline the rcrmirement. fnr applicants for emerceoev wni- arHt;. cates. One of these requiremants is that mo applicant must have had at least two years of colleee work. Bur) ihn tan. "D lie ant mnt hnva hn t .viuiimitjmuUUll ot iuo neaa or the ilejwrtment of edu canon in tno school he has attended. Whether tho one-year omertrenKir tificateg shall bo renewed, nftf thfl tin. plicant has taught one jvar, will depend uu wuutner ine war ontinaes and the urgency of tho high schools for teachers, yoiuis oui xur. tnurchill. Albert Ward Bsloncrs To Regiment Of Six Footers Mis. M. Ward, of 2378 Manle Aw r, , , , I oaiom, is in receipt of a. letter from Albert Ward now stationed nt fomn Meade. He tells of the hard drill gin mo coys Oy ornccrs who have servod in France and of th cold weather along wiu Auuiuic coast. Mr.. Ward is one of the men whn lion. pen to be. assigned to the famous 63rd regimont in which all rn six fnntm.. They went to Philadelphia to take part in a parade. Military life is pretty strict at Camp .ri.uup, ne writes, a3 o Mian is permit ted to leave camp without a pass and a pass is pretty hard to .get. wiui uuuse notes . . The criminal case of th stato hf Ore- Sou against Dolbert Rium was dismiss ed today in tlx? circuit 'court on motion of the district attorney for tho reason that the prosecution is beyond the jur isdiction of tho court. ' School Began Yesterday And in Your Mind's Eye you can see the Youngsters Running, Jumping Play ing and Happy. Last spring they were Glad for their Vacation, now most of them are ready and anxious to get back to school and school f riendsjts all fine But They All Need Shoes Here's where we come in for we have all kinds of them. For growing girls, sizes 2 to 7, in low heels, fine Brown Kid with cloth top, very dressy at. . .55 Fine Black all kid, light, serviceable, dressy at ; rc Fine Brown Calf, Cloth Top, extra good wear at The great Dr. Sommers Health Shoe, tbe,Elk Skin, Neolin Soles keep the foot F' tj 13 the blSgest seller we had last season. We sold 250 pairs. They should bring $8, but we sell for $6, and guarantee the satisfaction. Othr lines we have at ft j4 , FOR THE MISSES Sizes 11 to2 The Playhouse Shoes in. kid, calf and white bear, the highest grade Misses shoes at cjo- Hzd Then we have fine kid or elks in several lines at -$3 35 And other lines down to $2.95 with smaller sizes in proportionately low prices FOR THE BOYS The Army Jr is of course first choice at $3.75, $4, and $4.50 I The Boy Scouts in all sizes at $3.65 and $395 And other lines as low as $2.95 and $2.65 We Are Prepared to SHOW YOU 7'r7 ,-ZZ3i-i'. v. I."""'"";..:...:" .",1".""" '"''"'' estate of John W. Meredith presented his petition for a final settlement and discharge ns administrator. The county court aet October 4 as the date for the final hearing. Tho estate is valued at $12,790.60, and there are two heirs, Jeanettc i.ockhart and Frank Merc dith. county court as appraisers of the estate of I-ai Yeo Sun, deceased. V. J. Culver. Mark 8. Skiff nn,l .T IT Dunlap wore appointed today by the W. I. Staley, gs administrator of the No Internal mndiclne will tore Ram. Only by the application o( CRANOLKNE. the treat .xternal rermyjy, enn the Kroema mierohe ba deatroveH. Protrathla for yoiirMH Mouraapaaa.. Write fnr free ti-t treat ment; iliiro.a Mills Chemical Co., Dent. D "SlMpa Ilka a PUm Boy" I offered for a with Ecaema In Its CKANOLtNE left m.-r.a fino as white mil, and I sleep like a plow bov."-J. McCracken, At all drug stores. 85c and $1. Ma y PaalMvaly Raturaad M Not BaaBaaal Sold and Guarateed bjaaBaaataTM Walter Reynolds, administrator of the estato of Silas Reynolds reported to the county court tho sale of lots 5, 6, 12 and 13 of Sunnyside Fruit farms No. 8 to E. B. Carrier for a consideration, of $8.- Bread will hereafter b 10c. fnr n m pound and 15 cent., for H nik. atiii nrtn half pound loaf. This ig according to i no ruung oi the federal food adminis tration and becomes effective October 1. These figures are based nn fn ot!. mate that tho orw pound loaf will cost tno aeaie,. svio and. the 1 pound loaf 12Vjc. Thus, the grocer is entitled to IVic profit on a 1 nound loaf and !i on the lai'cer she. WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN A number of our exchanges 'have been speculating on what would hap pen if the government took over the newspapers. Well, the first thing tho sunscription pneo would be raised about 50 per cent and tho sheriff would be kept busy chasing delinquents. Tho noxts step would be to raise wages about 25 per cent, and editors, who hadn't had a cnt in six months they """ mvir urtll, would DO plaCCll on a salary. The merchant who fail to get in their ad copy until press day would bo liauled up before the council o defense and our linotype man who hired out for two weeks work and quit his job in a week would be gent to Leavenworth fnr nhniit. ton vr. o o desortor. It looks like a good preposi tion and we're for it The Fairbury IVOWS. dalcerhs m "-''tt-pjpjip FOR THROAT AUD L0H8S A Caldum comoound, that will brtriir re i . . ,,sn), acute and chronic cases, rrov.cles la handltst form, a baalo rem ray hiirhly recommenrled by aclence. Con tains no harmful drugs. Try them today. 50 cents a box, including war tax For RR by n dniitiHa ' Ltkman Laboratory, l'lilliulelphla 4 ( M H BRITISH AVIATORS (Continued liom page one) down out. of control. Nineteen of our Are Yea In Trouble? The Problcnu of Life: rr, Worries, Sorrowa, Love, Domet tlo and Business Affairs, SOLVED; Nsrvous, Mental and Psychical Dis eases, TREATED; and Your Natural "Place" Vocatten a carta, found by the PERSONAL TROUBLE SPECIALIST DR. ALZAMON IRA LUCAS, l,"Ta-AlT and Vacation. Dlractor. 38-t Martaa BaaUiaw. Writa ynor trouble, or wants. KncloaavS cant Wsmp. Adrlr P. O. box Mr?. Portland. Oreiron. Fail Tera Opess fotiitj, Septener 3ri famril rwrnr .nit . IM ,., .. w u t ... ; ?d1,,,'ri..u, la t rates'and arm. ! ; A. T. WL. rraxM SQ Tiiiar, BM., Mai, On. niat'hincs are missing. Thirty six tons of bombs were dropped." Misty weather and low clouds pro venteJd extensive oponilidns Sunday, said tho Paris communique. The state ment also declared: "In the course of fin'uiing in which asceuilency wiij nmintniiied by tho Kreni'li. we brouirht ' down ".T Imatiin mui'hines and sot firo to two captive oaiiuoiu. Uur boiiibanling squadrons muppeu -o ions or projectiles ou ene my ooiivojs. " Body Of Archbishon Irelasd Ling la State 8t. Paul, Minn., Oct. 1. The body of ! Archbishop .lohn Ireland was removed j from the resilience tn tbl rathn.lenl In. day to li in state until Inte today. Funeral ftervirea will u b.l,l in o'clock tomorrow morning, where scores Of leading Churchmen from vaeinn. part of the country will be here. a - .1.1 . i . ' . . . . ArcuoMuop james neane or Dubuque Iowa. Conducted the ehildren. tho cathedral today. Th yeungsters took part in the mns Mishap Thonms O'Uornian of Sioux Fulls, 8. IX, will be celebrant of the pontifical requiem mass at the funeral tomorrow. Clinnting of the divine of fice will be at 8 o'clock tonight. BosiorsFaS "Terrible turn of Eriwma eontrvM when a nrrs boy fbuirht duenw for Un years, with a I rdoaen special i.ts. Both Icfnintcrriblecoif Uiiiori, Allnoat a wreck. It took just SbKllleatoclairnptluailiwije.'' 7 his is tlis lute teatimony of a prominent twwtpawr man. Ilia nuns and his remorksbas jther cures with this mnrreloiu liquia wash that w. rreilv "CZ..,V """ UDo UDo bd. for Skin Disease Get more work out of your clothes- Clothes are like men, in the service they render sonn .u , m,,,.!, j j well that they're cheap at $40; others are a waste at $25 lk d 11 80 ' mMy-'t want wasteful cl; ,cs Bishop All-Wool Suits $20 to $40 Hart Schaffner & Marx $25 to $50 f. because they're cheaper at he price; and we don't know of any better wav to hPln yon to save when you need clothes tthan to offer you these they're all SSS ; wearing and guaranteed to satisfy you or your money back. y ' S Salem Woolen Mills Store The Journal classified atle ar ! great favorites with people who j j , I X WW MM M I M , Hvym4w44W