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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1918)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNALALEM, OREGON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1918. PAGE THREAT Cecil TIF I A GOOD BRITISHJENTERING Continuod from page one) er over night, facilitating the fight ing. Missouri and Pennsylvania troops encountered stiff fighting shortly af: ter noon yesterday. The Germans threw in a fresh division from the Motz re gion in addition to the usual resist ance. The Missourians, who "were pushing over the crest of the hills south of TCxermont. ran into overwhelming num bers of the enemy obliging therrt to withdraw their advanced line slightly to enable the artillery to lay down a barrage. In the meantmie, the Pennsylvanians flanking the Germans from the right attacked eastward, inflicting great losses on the boches. The Missourians and gome Kansas troops cooperating, attacked again. The battle raged until six p. m., when the Americans regain ed their original positions. BRITISH DBIVE AHEAD By Lowell Mellett (United Press staff corresponlcnt) "A teasboonful of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep sin each night at bedtime has done me a world of good, as I am 62 years old and was getting badly constipated. I had prwiously taken a lot of salts and pills ivithout real relief." (From a letter to Dr. Caldwell writ ten by Mr. A. Forester, Princess Anne, Md.) Constipation is one of the penalties of age that should never be neglected Dr; Cald well's Syrup Pepsin is a c6mbination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin that relieves consti pation in an easy, natural manner, without grip ing or strain, and is as positive in its effect as it is mild and gentle in its action. DR. CALDWELL'S Syrup Pepsin . ; The Perfect Laxative .. Sold by Druggists Everywhere 50 as. $100 . A TRIAL BOTTLE CAN IE OBTAINED. FREE Or CHARGE. BY WRITIN6 TO DR. W. B. CALDWELL. 459 WASHINSTON STREET. HONTICEUO. ILLINOIS TODAY and TOMORROW f-r' hi - 1 ' B.DeMille'S 'TILL I COME. BACK. iO. 0U AaAEICEAFT Picture COM ACKTOYOU Those who have seen this victure are telling their friends to go. Their friends will know then that their friends are really friends of theirs. You'll be glad you came. 15c Matinee COMEDY THE R EGO With the British Armies in France, Sept. 30. (Night) The Belgian.Brit ish advance in Flanders is continuing rapidly, despite some of the most ter rific fighting of the war. The British, at one point, brought their gung up and established them on. a ridge fac ing the German battorics on another ridge only 600 yards away. There the opposingdtillorics .'bjazed away at each other until the enemy guns were entirely silenced. The Belgians have taken Dixmudo, following street fight ing which centered about the town. Four fresh divisions are reportod to have reinforced the Germans opposite the Belgians, including the 100th reg iment which sacked Diuant early in the war. ' ' All onomy guns in 'Houthulst forest were captured, bringing the total tak en by the Belgians up to more than 300. The British have taken about 100. One British division advanced 12, 000 yards (about seven miles) in one day. The British are well cast of Moor slede (four miles southwest of Roul ers) and hold Terhand. A British gen eral entered Cheluvelt, astride a cap tured German pony. Tho fighting to the southward from north of Cambrai to St. Quentin is ii 1 9 PATHE bearing out the expectations that the Germans would fight for every foot of their strong defenses. For the past several days, the ene my has resisted every effort to com pletely clear him out. The boches lalways reappeared fet solne unexpected point, leading to the theory that they were using tunnels from the main line, but today 's exper ience resulted in the belief that, in stead, they were filtering in through deep ravines. For their success in capturing Belli eourt, the Americans paid much less than they expected in the form of cas ualties. The number of wounds prov ing to be slight was one of the satis factory features of the fighting. Damascus Surrounded T.nnrlnn. Oct. 1. Dnniascuii has been practically surrounded by allied caval ry, it was officially announced today. A thousand additional rjrisoners and five guns have been taken. Are Leaving Ukranie Wnnhinirtnn. Oct. 1. Tho Germans are evacuating two Ukrainian cities, Hii'lji;ooo(l ana JfsKorr, according 10 a stato department announcement this afternoon. This is apparently due to ttie Bulgarian breakdown and the west front pressure. , Stockholm reports- said food condi tions at Petrograd are hopeless. Tho Turks are razing the oil city, Baku. " i A battle between Ukrainian revolu tionists and Germans at Karnefew. re sulted in tho loss of 1500 Germans. Examination Proyed Grenade Was Good Tie. MmnAn Ta.. Oct 1. Christ Koes- tcr is dead, C. I. Coffee is injured fotallv f!lnrmiflf Vnnh Inst his ,,..,.,.,, ,,, v...v - - left arm and another man is seriously injured, the result of a nana grenaae explosion here this morning. According flo , witnesses, Cotffee brought the grenade to a saddlery in which he is employed, and after show ing it to fellow workers, started to pry it open. It exploded. Tho flying fragments tore Koester's throat and stomach open and blew off Noah's arm. Coffee is said to have secured the grenade from a soldier. Government ot ficials are investigating. State Fair Receipts Better Than Last Year Figures compiled by Secretary A. H. Lea, f the state fair board, show to tal receipts for last week's fair aggre gating t.j9,121-92, the greatest in the history of the fairr with total attend ance placed at 124,000, as compared with. 122,000 for last year. A easo balance of 124,000 is left on hand above all expenses, or $5000 more than last year. N Eigkt Local Men Yuthin First-Call Age Drawn In first 103 Numbers Eight men who registered with the local board of exemption and who are cither 19 o20 years old, or between the i ageg of 31 and 36 inclusive, were includ tel in the first 100 serial numbers (drawn at Washington yesterday. I The highest serial number of the local I board is 2882. Hence the first calla will be made f rtnv t ufl men whose serial numbers are from 1 to 28S2. The num Ibers drawn today will be only for those of the age8 designated. If the men pass j the physical examination and happen to be in class 1, the order or. their can ui wil! be as follows: 1697. Edgar V. Collins. 2781. Richard B. Avison. 904. Winfiela E. Beed. 1907. Wesley W. Fieisch. 2132. Elmer" D. Minch. 72. Harley, M. Branson. hSi Walter .Jj. Davis, . 3!. I.e0 B . Harris. These naints arc those from the first 100 numbers Above 100, i tho names will be mailed today from Washington. Sevv-ral numbers drawn I today were of ,thc men above the age of 136, and who are not to be inducted I into tho army 'until orders issue from I General Crowder. ' " riio first number 'drawn yeslvrday was .".12. The records of the local ex emption beard show this to be Robert Frcneis S.iier of Mchama. As he is 40 v.iirj old. he v ill not come in tho e"s't until the-call is made for men of that Standard Oil Company Quick To Co-Operate Asking the co-operation of the mom- bors of tho oil industry and tho public at largo in the movement to conserve man-power, D. M. Folsom, director of the Pacific coast section of the oil division of tho fuel administration, has announced that all BelJvM's and distribu tors of gasoline and engine distillate, without exception, have been requested to limit their sales to the hours between 6 a. ni. and 6 p. m. Thw appeal is be ing m'ado in all states of the Pacific coast section, including California, Ore gon, Washington, Arizona, Nevada, Utah and Idaho and the Hawaiian Is lands. Tho limit of thehours of ser vice will work no ineonenince on the gasoline and engino distillate consum ing public, requiring only a littta fore thought in order to secure their require merits. . With the public co-operating with the oil companies and making their purchases only dunnsr the hours sueeest ed bV Mr. Folsom,. it is pointed out that a large reduction can be made in the number of employees noedod in the distribution of gasouna and engine dis tillato throughout the'; Pacific coast states and these men incased are mado available for tho national service. ' Mr. Folsom acted at the .suggestion of the Pacific coast petrojoum war ser vice committee, which has bwn. con sidering the problem of conserving man powct for some" time, following the ap peal of A. C. Bedford, chairman of the national petroleum war service commit tee. Mr, Bedford Btated in a recent communication to the western body that two essentials were to bo kept in mind in taking steps to meet the na tional emergency, first! "That every man within tho draft ages whom it is possible to dispense with should be spared for military ser vice," , Second: "That the vital importance of the oil industry to tho successful carrying on of the war requires the re tention of an adequate forco to main tain tho industry in the highest state of operating efficiency," Chairman Baruch, of the war indus tries board, in a recent order placed tho nil industry first inthe list of essential industries. Tho movement to conserve the man power of tho country was initiated by Mark L. Kequa, head of the oil divis ion of the fuel administration, who ur ged that every man that' can possibly be dispensed with be relv-ased for na tional service Hooray For Banana JPeel Gets-It Only Seal Way to Get Bid of Corns Which do you prefer a corn that pulls or a corn that peelst Butchery or blessedness! Only "Uets-lt" can get rid of your corn the peel-off way, the blessed way. You don't need a pull. itomNmr TmbU M, I Um 'Ct-h"M Why hump yourself np on the floor and with your jaws set and eyes pop ping from pain, jerk and gouge and cut your corns t Why irritate your toesjwith some salve or wrap your toe into a big painful bundle with tome sticky tape or plaster Life is too short Use "Gets-It" it takes a few seconds to apply and there's no fussing. Corn pains go. Wear new shoes if you want. Peel off the corn with your fingers the whole thing, root and all, clear and clean, and it's gone Only "Gets-It" can do this. Take no chances. "Gets-It", the guaranteed, money- back corn remover, the only sure way, costs but a trifle at any drug store. M'f 'd by E. Lawrence k Co., Chicago, 111. Sold in Salem and recommended as the world's best eorn remedy by J. C. Perry, D. J. Fry. YOU'VE got it every human being is born with it your large intestine, or colon. It is a large tube a reservoir or sewer intended to collect waste matter and remove it from the body. Plug it up with waste, neglect it, and you're sick on your feet. The waste matter stagnates, under- goes decay, fermentation and germ action. Dan gerous poisons are produced, that can easily be absorbed and carried all over the body. Allow constipation to become established, and you are liable to become definitely and miserably ' sick and not on your feet either. . You have 4 broken Nature's laws. Better be kind to her." Keep the danger zone clean, with a regular bowel movement, and Nature ',t will thank you, and pay you back in gold coin health, good nature, and a feeling of eagerness for your daily task. A large proportion of almost every form of sickness is caused or made worse by the poisons produced as a result of constipation. ' Nujol has the approval of established medical practice, because it does not upset the system as do pills, castor oil and purgative mineral waters, salts, etc. It softens the contents of the colon, making them easy for the intestinal muscles to move at regular hours. Don't fight Nature. Help her. Nujol is health insurance for tens of thousands of American r i . 1 1 Serbian Soldiers Kill Own Officers For Trying To Stop Their Fighting London, Oct. 1. "After heavy fight ing we have taken the important points at Crnivrs and Grdishte, on the north ern edge of tho Ovehepolje," the Ser bian war office announced in the offi cial communique received here today. "We captured four guns, enormous war material and prisoners. "Inhabitants say that Bulgarian ol diers killed officers who tried to stop them from fighting. "In tho region of Karcvozclo there was heavy fighting, with the enemy retreating from I'lajachayitsa moun tain. Part of his forces were thrown back eastward. Anothor part was cut off and forced to retire northward." Obviously the above communique re fers to fighting which occurred before tho official cessation of hostilities yes terday noon. Continued from page one) but little can bo offered now and with Foch hammering in tho, west. The Black sea fleet ha, bevn partially des troyed and may be soon seized by an advance through tho Dardanelles and then no arms can move across. Isolated Turkey will bo out of shells in six weeks some observers here declare. Armenians, subject Greeks, Jews and Arabs, held down by Turkey are bnry in differences and forming a coalition to oppose Turkey. They will use their influence togive in to tho allivs, accord ing to information here. Turkey is angry at Germ any for epon goring the Georgian republic in tho Caucasus, which controls the Baku oil country. Turkey will trp again to bring this wealthy district under her domin- - : . I "71,' 'CfS Regular as.F"m gl JSfeSs til y 14 J fcjd Ml W - llpllipilllfi -P'jSilsS :f?;;E:Plj;f : ' , i. , . J a , How About Your anger Zone? families today. Sold at drug stores everywhere.' Warning: NUJOL is sold only in sealed bottles bearing the Nujol Trade Mark. , on Nujol. You may suffer substitutes. . . Nujol Laboratories STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) . 50 Broadway, New York ion and force tl world to pay tribute, diplomats believe. Draft Was Completed At 8 OXlock This Morning Washington, Oct. 1. Breaking all records for specd, America's third and greatest draft lottery ended at 8 o'clock this morning after proceeding without pauao for 20 hours. Working in shifts throughout the night, the officers in ehnrgo readied speed of 18 number linted every min ute in the closing hours. Tho speed made indicates that tho master lists will be ready for mailing latii today, as the government printing office kept pace with tho capsule pluck- ers. ACHES. AND PAINS QUICKLY RELIEVED You'll find Sloan's Liniment . ooftens tho severe rheumatic ache Put It cn freely. Don't rut) it In. Just let it penetrate naturally. What sense of soothing relief coon follows! External aches, stiffness, soreness cramped muscles, strained sinews,' back "cricks" -those ailments can't fight oil the relieving qualities of Sloan's Liniment. Clean, convenient, economical. Ask tny druggist for it. B I Insist from r 4 1 ,. -.:? ! IT j " SALTS FOR KIDNEYS Eat Less Meat If Kidnevs Feel Like Lead or Bladder Both ers You-Meat Forms Uric Acid , Most folks forget that the kidneys, like the bowels, get sluggish and clog ged and need a flushing occasionally, pIho we have backache and dull misery in the kidney rcgipn, gevere headache rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder disorders. You simply must keep your kidneys autivo and clean, ami the moment ymt feel an ncho or pain in tho kidney region, get about four ounces of Jnd 8alt from any good drug storo hero, tn lie a tublespoonful in a glass of wat er before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then aet fine. This famous salts is made from tho acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and is harmless to flush clog ged kidneys and stimulate them to nor mal activity. It also neutralizes the acids in the urine so it no longer irri tates, thus ending bladder disorders. .Tail Halts is harmless; inexpensive; makes a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which everybody should take now and then to keep their kid neys clean, thus avoiding serious com plications. A well known local druggist says he rtjs lotg of Jad Salts to folks who be lieve' in overcoming kidney trouble while it is only trouble. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY