Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 28, 1918, Page NINE, Image 9

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KIm Eeetrie Co, Hnsonie T ample, 127 North Big
;TON Osteopathic physicians and
nerve specialists. Graduate of Am-.-'
crioan school of Osteopathy. Kirk-
- Tille, Mo. Post graduate and spec
ialized in nervous diseases at Los
- Angeles College. Offices 505-508 Nat
i Bank Bldg. Phone 854. Residence,
' 1620 Court. Phone 215. Dr. White
Bea. Phone 469.
413-414 Bank of Commerce building.
Phone 606.
414 Bank of Commerce Building.
Phono 606.
corner Commercial and Trade streets
-' Bills payable monthly in advance.
Men's elotues, shoes, bats, jowelry,
-. watches, tools, musical instruments,
bicycles, guns, rifles, revolvers, suit
eases, trunks, cameras, typewriters
nd furniture. Capital Exchange 33T
. Court street, Phone 493.
. On Good Beal Estate Security
O.er Ladd to Bush bank; Salem Oregon
"cent J4 years time. A. C. Bohrnstedt,
'''-401 Masonic Temple. Salem, Oregon.
FOB SALE 250 acres, 100 in cultiva
tion balance in pasture and timber
Fine stream of water, good buildings
nnd good road. 3-4 mile from a live
ly saw., mill town. Will take good
; kouse and lot in Salem- as pari pay
ment. Price $G0 por acre. Phone 470
Square Doal Realty Company. TJ. S.
; Bank Building, Salem. 717
proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all
kinds removed on monthly contracts
t reasonable rates. . Yasd and cess
pools cleaned. Office phone, Main
2247. Residence Main 2272.
FOB A WOOD SAW Phone 1090-R
1255 N. Bummer St. Our prices are
right. W. M. Zander, proprietor, $-19
I ean match you. C. W. Niemcyer, Real
Btate Agent, Canada Lands, 514 State
THE FIXIT SHOP Let repair and
Sharpen your lawn mowjrs. 267 Court
Phone 1022. tf
50 years experience, Depot, National
and American fence.
" Sizes 26 to 58 in high
Paints, oil and varnish, ete
Loganberry and hop hooks.
Salem Fence and Stove Works.
858 Court street. Phone 124. ". .
. McCornnck ball on every Tuocday
at 8. P. Andrcson, C. C. F. J. Euntz
E. R. & 8.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246 meets
every 3rd and 4th Thur. eve, o 'clock
in Derby building, corner Court and
High streets. B. F. Day, V. C.j F. A.
Turner, clerk.
Keelcr, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson,
secretary. All eases of cruelty or ne
glect of dumb animals should be re
ported to the secretay for investiga
"Oregon Grape Camp" No. 1360.
meets every Thursday evening in
- Derby building, Conrt and High St
Mrs. Pearl Courscy, 214 Court St
oracle; Mrs. Melissa Persons, record
er 1415 N. 4th St. Phone 1436M.
bly No. 84 meets first Thursday of
each month, et E p. m. in I. O. O. F.
Hall. Norma I Terwilligcr, M. A.;
C. A. Vibbcrt, secretary, HQ Owens
Main 1200
Of Government Timber, General Land
Washington, D. C, August 29, 1918.
Notice is hereby given tUat subject
to the conditions and Kmitation& of
the aet of June 9, 1915 (39 Stat., 218)
and the instructions of the secioacy
of tue interior of September la, 1917,
tlie timber on the lollowing lauds will
be sold October 23, 1918, at 10 o'clock
a. m., at public auction at the United
States land office at Portland, Oregon,
to the highest bidder at not kss than
the appraised value aj shown ty this
notice, gale t be subject to the approv
al 0f the secretary of the interior. The
purchase price, with au additional
sum of one fifth of one per cent there
of, being commissions allowed, must be
deposited at time of sale, money to be
returned it saw is not approved, other
wise patent will issue for the timber
winch must be removed within ten
years.. Bids will be received from cit
izens of the. United States associations
of such citizens and corporations organ
ized under the iaws of the United
States or any state, territory or dis
trict thereof only. Upon application of
a qualified purchaser, the timber on
any legal subdivision will be offered
separately before being included in any
offer of a larger unit.
T. 11 S., R. IE., Bee. 27, NW 8W
, red fir 1275 M., white fir To M
none of the red fir or white fir to be
sold for leap than 11.50 per M.
- Commissioner General Land Office.
Oct. 17
Grain 1
Wheat, soft white . . $22.05
Wheat, lower grades on aample
Oats .. .... 90c$l
flav. oats '" - ' ....... . 25
Barley, ton j..., , $5052
Hay. cheat., new
Mill run ... ...
7b.' Eutterfat !
Butterfat :.,. C.4E....V fl5c
Creamery butter '.,,,... : i... 64c i
Pork, Veal and Mutton
Pork, on foot 17ti18 3-4c
Veal; jfnaey '.ii.-..i..'...::....v.jr.:: 18e-
Stows' i., ...... -79(!
Uw .-: 46c -
S ing lambs 12c
T'4rabs, yearlings
Eggs aqd Poultry
Pi!, h
Hens, live . 2021e
Old roosters . .. 1315c
Lt . . "'e.
Springs 2123c.
Sweet potatoes ,..., . 5a
Potatoes : $2.50
Onions, local :........,... .... $2.50
Cabbage .'. 4s
Carrots - - 2ts
Tomato, crate $1.25
Turnips . . 2'iC
Beets , ....... 2o
Cucumbers . - .. 25(40c
Cantaloupes .... . $2(&2.50
Watermelons 2c
Grapes $1.502
Casabas .. 2e
Muskmelon ... $1.75
Green peppers ..... .. 6c
Oranges .................. $9.5010
Lemons, box ., : $6.507-50
Bananas . 6c
Dromedary dates $tt
Black figs, 25 25 )bs. ..... 4.50
Figs, 4 z packages , $5
Figs, 6 oz, packages -- $4.50
Figs, 8 oz. packages $3.50
Figs, 10 lb. fancy ....I $2.25
Figs, 10 lb. ex. fancy . .... $2.50
Retail Prices
Creamery butter 70c
Flour, hard wheat ' $33.25
Countrv butter 65c
Eggs, dozen r 50(fti55c
"n i n ir T .--1.
or sugar per. go v. .
wood, food administrator, 214 North.
Commercial street.
No limit m
v,., w-. u. v..,
creamery 60c
Kggs, selected local ex. 53(g.5uc
Hens 2527e
Broilers 2730e
Geese 1718e 1 '
Cheese triplets 3536c
Portland, Or.; Si-pt. 2S Jlutter, city
creamery H2c
Receipts 79
Tone of iarket weak
Prime steers $1213
Choiee to good steers $116012
Medium to good steers $9.15fi ll
Fair to medium steers $8.25(6)9.25
Common t fair steers $6(a18"25
Choice cows aud betters K(a9
Medium to good ows and heifers
Fair to modi am cows and heifers
anners W(at
Bulls $5(57 -.
Calves $9fd'12 'A
Steckers and feeders $68 '' ' .
Canr.crs $34 . .
Bulls $38 '
Calves $9('12
Stockers and feeders $69
Receipts 244
Tone of market weak
Prime lambs $1214
Medium lambs $ill
Bough heavies $1818.50 '. ,
Pigs $1617
Receipts nono
Tone f market steady, unchanged j
Ewes $6.50(3 9
Best lambs fl3.5014.50
Medium to good lambs $1112 -
Wethers $910.50
Ewes $6.508.5D
Yearlings $1011 : " . ,'
. (Effective Sept. 23, 1918.)
Main Line.
Northbound . '
No. 16 Oregon Express - 6:55 a. m
No. 54 Oregonian -, .5:05 a. m.
No. 28 Willamette Limited .9:15 a. m.
No. 18 Portland Passenger 1:20 -p; m
No. 24 Coos Bay Limited .4:00 p.' m
No. 14 Portland Express .,7:55 p. m
mo. oi uregoman . 3:aU a. m.
No. 23 Coos Bay Limited 9:42 ." m
No. 15 California Express 10:58 a. m.
No. 17 Roscbure Passenger ...4.18 p. m
No. 27 Willnmctted Limited....5:54 p. m
No. 13 'Frisco Express 4:18 p." in.
No. 73 Arrive at Salem 9:10 a. ra
No. 74 Leave Salein 3:10 p. in.
161 Leaves Salem, motor 7:00 a.m.
163 Leaves Salem, motor ...9:28 a.m.
165 Leaves Salom, motor 1:55 p.m.
(Through car to Monmouth and Arlie.)
171 Leaves Salem . 6:15 p.m
162 Arrives at Salem '. 8:25 a.m.
164 Arrive at Salem 11:00 . m.
166 Ariws at Salein 3:20 p.m.
172 Arrives at Salem ...7:40 p.m.
Leave Arrive ' Arrive
l'ortland Balein i.'uircne
-6:30 am. 8:35 am 10:50 am
5 Ltd 8:30 am 10:11 am 12:25 pm
i iu:a am iz.au pm
2:0S ra 4:15 pm 6:35 pm
13 Ltd 4:45 pm 6.40 pm 8:50 pm
I' - ' H:Ua Pm. 8:07 pm Salcni only
19 9:20 Pm 11:20 pm Salem only
21 11:45 pm 1:55 am 6:50 am
INcJth Bank Station (leaving Jefferson,
jstreet 10 and minutus later. 1 ,s
Train Leave Arrive
No. Eugene Salem
2 12:05 am 4:35 am
6:50 am
' 7:15 am
9:25 'am
10 Ltd 7:35 am 9:45 am 11:30 Am
1 ..
...11:20 am- 1:50 pm 8:55 pm
18 Ltd. 155 ma 4:00 nm 5:45 nm
20 .4:10 pm ,5;30 pm 7:40 pm
22 5:25 pm 7:55 pm 10:00 nm
(North Bank Station (Arrive Jefferson
street 15 minutes earlier. 'Leave
Leave CorvaUis Arrive Salem
8.5 .m Northbound 0-4S m
12:12 pm Northbound,..,.l:50 am
2:41 pm........Northbound......4:00 pm'
4:10 pm Northbound........5:30 pm
.S:18 atn Northbound 7:55 pm
' 8:35 ain-l Southbound .8:57 am
10:15 am ..Seothbound 11:33 m
12:50 pm SoufWiound 2:20 pm
4:15 pm l.Southljound. 6:40 pm
6:40 pm.. ..Southbound. ...8:00 pm
Work Of North Marion
County Draft Board
Those who will be sent to Camp
Lewig from here during the five, days
after October 1, so far as the board
is able to tell at this writing, arc:
378-. B. Annen, Woodburn . 334
IRQ .W. Jackson, Gervais . J86
30 Leo D. Bloom, Aurora, R 5 36
49 Jesse E. Roberts, Woodburn 37
77 Ronald M. Goodwin 43
46 James- B. Moore, Woodburn 44
15 Henry B. Lantb, Waconda 64
53 Oliver J. LeBrun, Woodburn 07
23f-fiaroid Satorn, Silvwton 78
22rr-Sail C. Httoiiiberg, M.t. Angd f 1
75 Wren E. Matheny, Silyertoa 73
20 Ludwig E. Moe, Silverton
MaMiias Meyer, Mt. Angel
28TU Bogard, Woodburn
, '
Tar Fort MeDwll
Hve Mf the 'following will let
bout October 1 for gpecui wrviee at
Camp McDowell: Louis J. Wolford, H.
A, Stone, Hoy M. Vinyard,- Edwin
Booth, Ralph A. Driver,
Tho board has begun to classify and
will have Priyate Norris Atucs from
Vancouver as a special service clerk.
The questionnaires arc coming in to
the board at a lively rate. T&exc ques
tiooinaires were sent out to those be
tween the ages of 19 and 37 years.
All registrants who are able to do
so are requested to, fill out their own
questionnaires. They should at least be
prepared to answer all questions prompt
ly and not take up so much of the
valuable time of the members of the
advisory board, who can only advise,
j not give the information that must be
lurnislied by the registrants. wooa-
burn Independent.
The Journal Jtt Department
will print yon anything in the
stationery line do it right and
save you real mosey.
loll of mtor
From Over There"
General Penhing'i Official Report
The following casualties are report
ed by the commanding general of the
American expeditionary forces:
Killed in action 55
Missing in action 10
Wounded severely 82
Died of wounds J!J
Died of aeeident and other causes 4
Died of disease . , 13
Prisoners 3
Total ...i
One Oregon nan is reported among
the casualties today.
Frederick W. Oompton, of Milton,
'died of disease."
Killed in Action
Lt. Samuel J Beid, Jr, Brooklyn, N
Sergeants Thomas D Applewhite,
San Antonio, Tex. -
Francis P Baker, Lynn, Mass. -Kurt
Graf, Blackwolf, Wis.
.Worth Lewis, Bessemer, Ala.
Lester J Michael, Pittsburg, Pa.
Lester P Wentworth, Seymour, Conn.
Burton Woolery,- Bloomington, Ind.
Patrick J Wynne, Ireland.
Corporals Walter E Unrent, Natrona,
Wilbur E Barton, New York
Walter R Craig, Rockford, 111.
.Clement Diefeuthal, rooklyn, N Y.
. Guy i) Knowlton, New London, Conn.
Fredolph liindnuiut. uassei, miuu.
Culver E Weaver, Johnstown, Pa.
Mechanics Horace S Leedom, Phila
delphia James Morris, Fall River, Mass.
Cook Lob FiaUa, Rupert, lda.
Privates Leon E Allen, llartland Ccn
ter, Mich.
Floyd W-Baker, Sanford, N Y-.
John Baran, Erie, Pa.
Claude Beltz, Dravosburg, Pa.
Wm Bodah, Indian Orchard, Mass.
Wrayne S Bradcn,. Orchard, Colo.
Gairett Campbell, Vendor, Ark.
William R Cotton, Elizabct'utown,
Ky. :. :
Shirl E Dean, Durand, 111.
Arthur H Evans, Bethunc, Colo.
. William A Evans, Meadows, Tes.
Morris Heir, Jersey City,- N J
Rollin Horshbergcr, Middlebury, Ind
J aiiiea A Hill, Bothf lN Y.
Patrick Keane, Jamaica Plains, Mass
Daniel O Kelley, Richmond, Ind.
Robert L Kesler, Madison Heights,
. George Kitclingor, Walnut Bend, Pa.
Andrew R Fafaver, Sunbury, Pa.
Otto A Linski, Detroit, Mica.
Daniel E Locke, Waynesboro, Miss.
George W Looney; Augusta, Ark.
Robert H Lotz, Canton, O.
Benjamin H Luckett, Kirklnml, 111.
Antonah Luola, Blissville, N Y.
Tilman O Lylc, Amory, ..Miss.
n MnCnllinn. SDrintrville, Miss.
Thomas MeGovern.; Jersey City, N Ji
Fred Carlton McKinny, Milton, w va
Geoigo McLean, J Philadelphia
ionln Martini. Hancock. Mass.
Rnhnminl Mikolasek. Yonkcrs, N Y.
James W Moore, Watson, Ala.
i Died of Wounds
Lioutonants Douglas B Green, Potts-
ville, Pa. ;'',, ,. v
Corp. Bernard Kooerts, .inciiiuai,i,
Privatos Edward Edi-ard, Brooklyn,
NY- . .. . ;
Jesse L Hensailing, Matiesourg, piws
Leo J Komcr, Ottawa, O,
Hobert Ray, Sweoden, Ky. .
Thomas Byall," New. York
Mandus Holmgrccn, Black River
Falls, Wis. ,
Roy 3 InRram, unmourg, ra. 1
Otto M Kunert, Kent, O.
Harold Kuscmaul, Akron, O.
Dee Lash, Flint, Mich. -Chester
J Lcssard, WatervOlo, Mo,
Abe Levine, Boston, Mass.
.WUburn Lewis, Powderniills, Ky. .
Frank J Lowensky, Brooklyn, In Y.
Goorne J Lucking, Hastings, Minn.
Chester McCrcry, North Lewisburg,
Ohio .1 .
John McGeary, JNew IorK
John McNamara, Cazeuoyia, Wis.
Sidney Manuel, Xamon, La.
Lewis W Nubs, Norristown, Pa.
WiUio A Tutor, 'foecopola, Miss.
Stanley Zaslona, South Lawrence,
Maws. -
Died of Disease
Sgt Hamp N Arrington, Iredell, lex
Corp. Hoy O Waltz, Toledo, O.
Privates John A Cummins, Washing-
"chariie W Gilley, Tyler, Texas'
Henry A Lorcnzen, Mason City, la.
Allen Moycr, Richmond, Mo.
Edward A RciUy, Brooklyn, N Y.,
Frank M Wark, Scotland , .
Billings T Avery, Jr, Norwich Conn.
Will W Cann, Prairie Grove, AM.
Otto E Cook, Luling, Texas
Anton D-utsi-h, Eden fi I D
William D Fenwich, Washington, V
Dijd from Accident and Other Causes
Lt. Herman W Schultz, Bettondort,
Iowa ' , ,
Corp. Robert C Uariana, .
Privates Jame, H Beck, Mason N U
Frank E Diseher, Brooklyn, N X.
Killed in action ..
. 4
Missing in action
Wounded severely
Died of wouuils
Died from airplane accident 1
Died from accident and other causes 4
Died of disease
u - 10
Total -- -
Killed in Action
Sergeants Oliver W Holmes, Council
Bluffs, Jowa ' ... .
Clarence lumucrmi, w
Cortiorals Morris Dunn, Council
I? . . u... o''
Fred iiliert, wjiuiuuu, v.
' Albert Froelich, Milwaukee, Wis.
Privates Jose F Archuleta, Springer,
Edmond F Brown, Brooklyn, N V
William M Durr, Norwieh.town, Conn
George 1) Vorak, St Louis. Mo.
(Jarl C Dyvad, AJhert City, I- ,
Henry Kdingr, Marys viile, la. ,
D A Facundas, New Orleans, La.
Willie F Jeffries, Chester, Pa.
Charles E Krug, Indianapolis, Ind.
Webb A Leath, Blanche, Ala.'
William A Moses, Luzerne, Pa.
Glen B Murphy, Perry, O.
Jamea T Oconnor, I'hoenixville, Pa
Clarence M Parcel, Centerville, la..
Daneto Piszuti, Tittsburg, Pa.
Jomn M Travis, Victor, Kan.
Stanley L Wagner, Sheffield, Pa.
Charles W Morris, Detroit, Mich.
Charles Reber, Shillington, Pa, -Raymond
Sallade, Pittsburg, Pa.
Virgile Salyears, Humphrey, Ky.
George L Saunders, Terre Haute, Ind
Leroy C Shelton, Rochester, Ind.
James H Spencer, Bellevue, Pa.
Willie Tedder, :Fyffe, Ala.'
Clarence Tracy, Rochester,, N Xi .,
Harvey Udic, Oshkosh, Wis.
Charles E Voris, St. Regis, Mont.
Charles B Weathered, New York
Henry G Webster, EJinboro, Pa,
Frederick A Wceber, New York
Isidore Weinstein, New York
Warren W West, Stann, Neb.
George T Worms, Mcta, Mo.
Matthew Wynne, New York
Walter L Yochum, Baxter, Mo.
Henry A Young, Soiuerville, Mass.
Sam Zolotorov, Brooklyn N Y.
Died of Wounds
Lieutenants Harry J Green, Troy,
Bernard Vanthof, Grand Rapids,
Mich. -
Robert D Woodbury, Pottsville, Pa-
Sergeanta William J Brown,. St.
Louis, Mo.
Walter K Burke, Was&ington, u v.
Bernard II Schnmltman, Pasco, Wash
Ooorge A Waldo, West Pawlet, Vt.
Corporals John G Caradine, Monroe,
Tony Desandre', Merlden, Conn.
Waited C Dietrich, St. Louis, Mo.
Earl J Watt, Esonvalley, Pa.
Wellmon P Whaley, Whitccastle, La.
Wagoner Andrew V Vaunells, Port
Washington, Wis. j
Privatos Jesse Avery, liuke, jn .
Eura Boitnott, Princeton, Ky. j
Harry V Bossard, Papillon, Neb.
Orlo S Chaffee, Pittsburg, Pa.
John Conway, St. Louis, MO.
Aubrey Cox, Greenwood, Wis- -
Jim M Daffiji, Atoka, OUla.
. Charles E Dewills, East Falmouth,
Mass. --
John Diilan, Brooklyn, NY. ; .
Frank H Dorman, Pittsburg, Pa. '
William Duwc, Sturgeon Bay, Wis."
Patrick F Flcinming, St. Louis, Mo.
Fren Fontana, Cliicago- .
Leslie B Haudy, Manistique, Mia, .
Died of Disease , !
Privates Viether Foster, Lnverne, Ala
Hughio HolloWay, Jayoss, Miss.
William D Kclberer, Niagara Fulls,
NY. ' '
Oscar K Nash, Onoontaj Ala.
Frauk, I'erncll, Sclma, Ala.
CharleU h Randall, Maho Falls, Ida.
lvn E Smith, Fort Wayne, Jnd.
Reagan Q Westmojeelau, Saint Jo,
Jojjn W Williams, Dolphin, Vft,.
Forest A Wise, DeGraff, O. ' -.
Died from Airplane -Accident
Lt. Spencer M Bell, Lemon Grove,
Cal. ' .
Died from Accident and Other Causes
Privates Frank W Frey, Patcrson, JN
J. , , v ' .
Nicholas C A Hicmcnz,- Utica, N
Howard W Judy, Cornstalk, W Va.
Carl A Shankliu, Creamery, W Va.
Wounded Severely .
Captains Charles Johnston, Richmond
Vft. --'.'. ' '.
Ferdinand K Vonkumnier, Jamaica,
Lieutenants Clenn M Brody, Lawtou
Mich. . '
H A Dresbaek, Salt Jake City
George L King, Ardsley, N Y.
Winfield M Putnam, New York
Frank Youukin, .aaumwa, la.
Sorgeants John B Anderson, Bain
bridge, O- . .
George L Beck, Pittsburg, Pa.
Clifford Bradley, Rock Island, 111.
Raymond J Ellis, Los Angeles, Cal.
Carl J Kalberg, South Boston, Mass.
Corporals Edmund Bielejeski, 'Foley,
William D Buckley, Los Angeles i'l
Philip B Clabaugh, Shenandoah, la.
Russell E Uukes, KoeKvuie, inn.
Frank J Haggcrty, Scranton, Pa.
Karl F Hartshorn, Bishop, Cal.
Lester A Hayward, Syracuse, N Y.
Adam Henn, Mt Vernon, N Y.
Peter H Kmidsen, Albert Lea, Minn.
Ernest C Lamb, I'ortville, N V.
Thomas Malone, Bcllcfoiituinc, O.
George H Marshall, Toledo, O,
Carroll Taylor, Newark, N J. ,
Fred Volkert, Hicksville, O.
Philip 8 Ward, Pitsburg, Pa.
James H Wasson, Beaver Falls, Pa.
Robort A White, Phoenixville, Pft.
Francis A Wilt, Pittsburg, Pa.
Buglers William A. Stack, Brooklyn,
KY. '
Walter A Akers, Monroe, Mich.
Chief Much. Geo H Eclcs, Memphis,
Mo'ch. Joaoph L Anderson, Greenfield
Wagoner Wayne Martin, Madison,
Wis. ' , '
Privates Herbert A Abrahamson,
Ocoaoinowoc, Wis.
Jesse C Ackcrman, Mt Pleasant,
Homer Ainsworth, Yandergrift, Pa.
Herbert Alexander, Duncan, la.
Harris Anderson, Cedar Fal's, la.
Clarence A Auen, Pittsburg, Pa.
Tilman Austin, Nashville, Tcnn.
Earl Bain, Wayland, la.
Frank H Bcales, Homestead, Pa.
Clyde Bloom, Doland, S D,
.irv.pnh Hros. Chicaeo
Martin F rown, Drovosburg, Pa.
Harry E Burger, Pbiladephia
Patrick E Carroll, Independence, la.
Vincent Carver, Williamston, Mich.
Benjamin D Cherry, Washington, la.
Harold C Church, Brooklyn, N Y.
William E Clark, Macon, Ga.
John J Clary, Hartford, Conn.
Clarence E Cleland, Riverton, la.
Monroe 3 Cobble, Mineola, Texas
Willie Cogar, Pickens, W Va.
Frederick W Compton, Milton, Or.
Dean Conklin, Villisea, Ja.
Samuel L Conley, Milan, Ga.
Wesley T Curtis, Owcnsmouth, Cal.
John M Devlin, Phoenixville, Pa.
Morris N Diamond, Chicago, HI.
Serafino Diangelcs, Los Angclc:-, Cal
Chester O Dodge, Terra Alia, W Va.
Rot C Eaton, Oil City, Pa.
Roy G Edder. Saiina, Pa.
George W Epan..'aton Rapids, Mich
Isom Eulett, Harris, Ky. m
Andrew. Fraiier, Pittsburg, Ta.
Kioran Hit-key, Pittsburg. Pa,
- Alien R Johnson, Winner, S D.
Ralph D Kane, Finleyville. Pa.
'"Joseph Keller, Philadelphia, Pa. '
- Paul S Kinneman, Dover, Pa.
Gtyirge-Koflgeal, Detroit, Mich.
Ray H Lauer, York, Pa.
Preston Leslie, Dunkirk, Kan,
Thomas E Lessig, Hackett, Pa
William F Lorenta
Lawrence Ludwig, Carnegie, Pa.
George McKee, Hubbordstown, W Va
Jowph J Manlon, St. Louis, Mo.
Earl L Maphet, Gate, Okla.
James R Massey, Bridgeport, Ala.
Angelo Melillo, West Orange, N 3.
Erl J Melvin, Philadelphia, Pa.
William B Morgan, Camden, N J.'
Missing in Action
Edward Marce, Denver, Colo.
Thomas F Martin, Eldon, Mo.
William J Mayorlo, Lesdville, Colo.
John J Meixler, Northampton, Pa.
John F Mintie, Toledo, O
Andres Ribera, Santa Fe N M.'
' Walter S Robinson, Lawrence, Mass
Carl A Stark, Jamestown, N Y.
Niels P Taft, Oakland, Cal.
Verner E Whalstrom, Can by, Minn.
Colonel Mn Leader '. '. .
Pleases Large Audience
Dallas, Or., Sept. 27. The big ar
mory in this city was crowded to its
capacity Wednesday when the people
of Dallas and FotK county gainereu
there to hear Colonel Leader, military
instructor at the University of Oregon
relote his experiences on the battle
fields cf Trance. Col. Leader spent two
years in the service of the English
armyarmy on the firing line and was
only retired from service at the front
after ho had received wound swhich
would not further permit him doing
active duty. .... -
The big meeting at which Col Lead'
er tpoke was" arranged by the-members
of Marion Lodge No. 96, Knights of
Pvthias of this city ud was for 4ho
purpose of boosting the Fourth Liberty
loan and thought the .speaker of the
evoning was not one of those orators
that spun out the tiowery worus vy
the yard, his talk was interivting and
ho 'won tho admiration .of . the entire
audience by the frank manner in which
he told his Btories and it is safe to say
that more than one of his listeners
went away -determined to again "dig
up the sock" and invest a little more
money in the bonds.
'Forest Fire Threaten Property.
. forest fire in the timbered aeotion
of itre country near Oakdalc about six
mile West of this .city threatened to
destroy largo amount cf. property
Wednesday afternoon and iC-vening and
it' was only by the utmost efforts of
the ranchers living in the community
that the- flames were prevented "from
anreadinff the .early part or that day.
A high yind from the north Wednes1
day evening hftwevfr set the flames to
riinnincr nnin anf a call for assistance
was scut .to the Dallas Home Guards
mid to tho citizens of Falls 1 lty. mo
Homo Guards under their commanding
officers left tliiB city about nine o'clock
and fought the fire until 4:30 Thurs
day morning when they were finally
gotten under control afain. The fire is
still burning todny but is confinod en
tirely within the burned area to stumps
and follen trees. Another l'iro on the
Macomber ranch near Oakdalo was ie
ported as burning fiercely Thursday
afternoon, but was under tho control
of the fighters.
Dallas Citiy Marshal Resigns - :
Dallas is now without the services
of a city marshal, Ed Plaster, who has
been holding down the position ior
several mouths has resigned to accept
a more lucrative position at the big
mill of the Willameto Valley Lumber
company. in this city. The city couoeil
meets on ,lunduy evening October
7, and a successor to Mr. Plastor will
probably bo elected at that timo.
Farm Residence Destroyed.
The farm residence on the place of
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Hill a short .dis
tance south of Monmouth was totally
destroyed by fire the first of the week
together with most or me contents.
Nn insurance was carried on either the
house or goods. This is the third farm
house in the county to be des'royod by
fire withiuthe past few months.
Miss Bensie Gooch has accepted a
position as assistant to ichool super
intendent irua a. urowicy miring m
obsence of Mrs. Crowley who is con
fined to her homo with illness.
Mr. Maurice Daltou and Jittle eon
who have been visiting relatives in
Dallas and Lincoln tho past several
days will leaveaturday for their home
in Seattle.
Mrs. Jomes Leitch of Portland is a
. . . I ... .
guest at tne nome 01 ner paieuvn, n.
nil Mrs. M. U. loiuiir.
M'inh Alta Savage ha returned from
a short visit witn menus "i en-ami;,
M and Mrs. Riehard Webster have
moved to WarrisburB where Mr. Web
ster has o position with tho Standard
Oil company.
Cliff Durant's fall racing book
pretty well filled, aud the Pacific eoast
champion he captured at lacoma, otuy
4th was won by a real fbig league" jii
lot. The first event on the Durant racing
book will occur at Fresno, wher Cliff
and his Chevrolet will book up With A.
H. Patterson in a ZO-ntile mate race i
defense of thw coast championship. On
tk same day Durant will meet patter-
son, Eddie Pullen and others in a three
heat affair for which the Fresno fair
association has offered a purse of $3000)
Tho match dut'l carries a $1000 trophy
with it. all of which oes to the winner,
Following Fresno. Durant will go to
Phoenix for tho $001)0 race arranged by
the Arizona State Fair association, and
it i, expected he will battle with such
star as DePalnia, Chevrolet, Duray
Mulf jrd Vail and others. Then, if races
are held there, Durant will be one of tho
big stars in Los Angelce, at the an
nual Thanksgiving day gnsolino classic
staged at Ascot Speedway.
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
DoualJ, Sept 27. A serious auto acci
dent took place on Ryau hiil out from
Donald on Wednosda, showing the fool
hartliovss of some auto drivers. Gold,
Whitney sad family, of Broadacres,
were racing with Guy Kuukle on his
motor cycle, when Mr. Whitney's ear
turned over. The four occupants wer
hurt to some exteut, but not considered
fatally. The uto was badly damaged.
TIh'v .ore making about 35 miles
hour over a dangerous road.
Donald anj community were aroused
Wednesday night about two thirty by
th clanging of the fire bell, to call
thiuo out to protect property nv?ar thai
Francis Feller hop house which WM
burning fiercely. Fortunately the hop!
Usil been hauled to the Donald ware
house just few days before. The
buildiug was a total loss with some In
surance. The press and about 20 eords
of wood which wer,e.buri)ejd belonged t
A. E. Fellers, the house to his father.
J. C' Moore reft Tuesday for St.
Jolias where he is .expecting . to open
up a lunch -counter. His family expect
to remain in Donald for a time at least
Mrs. W. E. Yergen and daughter
Misses Mabel and Gladys, moved te
Portland this weck where they Will ro-nt-iHi
daring the school term.
. .Jfrs, H- B. .Evang,.our .new postmist
ress, has moved her family into the
living rooms connected .with the post
office. Mr. Guy.. Kuukle took the train for
Portland on Wodnesda,
Thomas. Kerr and son Raymond and
Miss Agnes, daughter, attended tho
state fair at Sale m Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jack, of Needy
were guests tff tho W. A. Yergen fat
ly over Monday night. 'Mrs. Yergen
is a sister of Mr. Jack.
Mrs. E. P. Flynn, Miss MarK Ander
son of Chanipocg and Mrs. Irene Harly
zelle of St. Paul lort Thursday mom
ing for Hood River where they will
camp for some time helying pack p
School i- starting off fcicely, bow
teachers and pupils seem to Ire well
pleased. New pupils are coming in as
different families are rcturing from va
cations. Mrs. Kuntz, our principal, wont to
Salem 0n Friday evening, returning on
Morday morning in timo for school.
Tin Rod Otsss of Donald had an all
day mooting on Monday to sew on
clothing for Belgian children. Several
boxes of clothing were shipped to Sn
lem on Tuesday, besides 14 pajamas for
the Red Cross.
Mrs. O. O. Cone and son Loyd and
daughter Vivian mado a trip to Port-
haul on Wvdnosduy to do somo shop-
The Liborty i(aon committee rc-:!ri
$70H0 out of tllcir $10,000 subscribe
by Wednesday evoning. ' The- Butte
villa part of tho district had not been
hen id from ip to Wednesday wvening.
The evergreen blackberry ueason has
practically closed in1 the Donald coun
try. The Valley Canning company were
around with Jhcir trucks on Thursday
gathering up" the empty cratvs.
Dr. and Mrs. .Holmes, son and aaugn-
tor, and grandsons, of Portland wew
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Feller. Ernest Foliar also came oot
from "Portland and spent the day witk
his parents.
Adeline Buiscri came out from Fort-
laud on Friday on hor way to St. Paul
for a short time. .
Mr. and Mrs. Uartman of Oiogon
City were visiting the Pete Feller fam
ily over Sunday.
Miss Ida Hendricks and Dewey iJifr
ney of Woodburn were guwsts of Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Cone on Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Webb Campbell of Port-
land mado Donald a visit Sautrday.
driving out in their car.
Mrs. C. J. JNcwoIl of Portland came
out Friday to spend a few days with
her father, John Nelson.
Mrs. Jenkins of Pendleton, Ore., Who
has teen visiting for some time with
her sou T. Whoil, left for her home
Mesdamcs Orornon and Clioll, daugh
ters of Mr. and Mrs. E, Payne, return
ed lVom Salem where they havr spent
the past month picking hops. They
nro visiting a fww days with their
parents and will then return to Port-
Cecil Lander and wife came up from
near Salem aud spent Tuesday night
with Mr. Landen's father.
Mrs. 1. II. Smith and duughter Myrt
le attended the state fair on Tour
day. ,
Mr. Svymoro Elmer returned from
Roseburg last Thursday bringing witk
him a large team of horses and a wag
en which ho will use at the mill and on
his farm.
The J. C. Moore rflacksmitb shop at
Donald has been taken over by . F.
Bent on of Portland. A very bla
blacksmith able to do ail kinds of work
along his line. We bespvak for hisu a
liberal patrouagc from the Donald com
mi'iiity. , i.oren Gicsy aud wife attended tha
state fair at Salem on Thursday.
Mr. aad Mrs. Fred Yergen went to
Sali'in on Mondiiy pud will camp for the
wvck and take in.th fair.
11 rs. Ben Eppers went to Hopcwoll
.n Thursday to take Mr. lepers uuesr
tiomuthe to him to fill out and return.
Mr. Alfred Daniels of Camp Free
utout, Cal., returned Wednesday honor
ably discharged becausw pf an attack
f goiter which affects his heart.
Wooilbura is to be be eongrstulated
upon the fact of having two of her
former citizens now promoted to lie
utenant's 'direct .'from the jranke".
these two young men huvo again put
ant George 8. and Charles A. (Fick of
Camp Lewis, Washington.
Their military record is porfeet, be
sides very peculiar. It'is rumored that
these two young men have abain put
"Oregon first" owing to the fact that
we haven't as yet heard of where two
brothers wore promoted the sumo day
"from the ranks " either at home or
abroad. The war department order aa
is reads today is that "cotnmissiona
will only bo granted to graduates of
officers training school ;-r to thoso
who have performed gallant service in
action;" -jndependent.