Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 28, 1918, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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k- l-fh.tr,f-yf-,f, f ft, ft-,
Sate per word New TodaT:
Etch insertion
Om week (6 insertions)
ae month (26 insertions)
. 5e
Th Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion,
for errors in Classified Advertisements.
Bead your advertisement the first day
appears and notify us immediately.
Minimum charge. 15c
MO. 1
BIO iir wood $6.30. Phone 5P
FOE KENT Housekeeping rooms. 910
N. Church. 9-28
WANTED Veal calves and fat cattle.
Phone 1376W. . 10-28
LOST Llewellyn setter dog. Phone
2302J4. Reward. 9-30
FRONT sleeping room for .rent, lady
preferred. 735 Ferry St. 9-30
Phone 1186.
at 492 N.
arOS SALE Good team, set heavy
work harness,: 3V4 ilitchel wagon,
Call 2640 Brooks ave. 10-1
HKIU-HT, clean lard pails wanted.
"Jirdt K. Biehardsc(n, 2393 Front,
St. 9.30
WANTED By high sehool toy, work
in exchange for board and room. Call
393H. 9.28
WANTEDr-Boy 16 or 17 years of age.
apply adv. mgr. at Journal office af
ter i p. m. tf
a i LKinr.Lf Dea rooms in 'new
.house. 745 N. Church. Phone 2041B.
TOR SALEGolden oak china closet,
360 Leslie St. Phone 1361M. 10-1
FOB RENT 140 acres farming land.
Enquire 1363 South Commercial. 9-30
6TO0K and grain Tanch to trade for
smaller ranch, h H care Journal, tf
X08T Cameo brooch, down town Fri
day evening. Phone 1123. Reward, tf
FOR SALE Tomatoes
, Phone 60F11.
HOP PICKERS wanted. Phone 59F11.
Adam Orey, Et. 8. , . tfiLOST
COL. W. P. "WRIGHT, lAe auctioneer.
Turner, Oregon. Pliom 59. tf,
WANTED A team of horses, for feed,
for a few weeks. Call 2900 Brooks
Ave.. Satem. Or. 9-30
SEALED Loganberry juice for Bale,
good for pies and drinks,, $1.25
sal. 1389 Court. Phone 2394VV. tf
FOB RENT Modern 9 room house,
nicely furnished. II. E. Bolinger, 406
Hubbard bldg. , tf
FOR SALE - Barred Plymouth Rock
cockerels, O. A. C. strain, -7 months
. old. Phone 88F3. 9-28
WANTED Bids to shinglo house and
nd furnish material. W. A. Liston,
. 9-28
. i
FOB BENTStrictly modern 7 room
furnished house, furnace, beautifully
located. Phone 810. . . -28
WANTED Bids to paint, paper and
kalsomine a aix room house,. W. A.
' , Liston, agent.. 9-28
FOR RENT 2 acre tract and five
acre tract, both. on. carline, good
buildings. F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg-
XiOST Collar and black necktie with
diamond Btud, a keepsake, T L D in
side collar. Reward. Phone 516. 9 28
FIVE pig.i for sale, 8 weeks old, $7
each. Mrs. Burbee, Rt. 1, box 20, Sa
lem. 9-28
FOB SALE 75 head of wether lambs
' jrood ones. C. W. Eoff, Et. 6, box 42.
FOR RENT Modern bunaalow.
raams, hot water heating system,
garago in basement. 360 Leslie St.
Phone 1261M.
POK SALE Or rent, a modern, furn-
lsneu, o room bungalow, with piano
ana garage. Address H K care Jour
nal. 9-30
ir,Aji, narness ana wagon wanted in
part payment of 5 room houseatOSO
ii. 20th street. Price including pave
ment .$1000. Phone 1138J. 10-1
LOST Sat. mornine in down town dis
trict, one pair gold rimmed glasses,
in red cloth case. IFinder please
leave at this office.
strayed or stolen vear and
half old Poland China boar. Notify
owner and be paid for trouble. W.
H. Downing, Phne 22F15. 9 28
VViAjN'TrjD By young man, position
Keeping set ot Dooks or doing cleric
al work a few hours each evening.
Answer H W care Journal. 9-30
HANDSOME French lady, 21, worth
$125,000. Anxious to marry honorable
gentleman. Mrs. Warren, 2216 x'em
pie St., Los Angeles, Cal.
BABBITS, thoroughbred black and
grey Giants, Belgians, young and old
cheap. Bechtel, Salem, Rt. 2, box 81-
' 10-3
WANTED Young sman who under
stands automobiles to drive bus, sal
ary $60 and meals. Hotel Marion.
. , , 9-28
WANTED To sell or exchange tone
Shropshire ram; 2 Shropshire rams
for sale, from pure stock and one
grade. Lester Martin, Dallas, Or-, box
421. 9-28
UP Two hogs came to my
a few days ago, owner may
have same by calling and paying for
keep and other expenses.. E. Wert,
lj miles east of Marion, (Jr. 10-4
BEYERS wanted. Phone J. D. Alexan
der. 10-1
GOOD, reliable man wanted for poul
try farm at Oregon State hospital-
WANT To rent or buy, small, modern,
good house- from owner, close in.
Mrs. Miller, 469 N. Liberty St. 9-28
THOUSANDS men, women, girls, 18 or
over, wanted immediately by U. S.
government. Easy office positions at
Washington and in every large city.
Experience unnecessary, $100 month
and up. 7 hour day. Your country
needs you. Help her. Write immedi
ately for free list positions open.
Franklin Institute Dep't 379 G, Ro
chester, N. Y.
Bottles for the Belgian babies that
have been placed in front of seven
stores m Salem yielded $128.33. Col
lections were made today and contents
oi vach bottle carefully counted. The
premium stand was that in front of
tho Paterson cigar store, State and
Commercial streets, a, in the two bot
tles, tilled to the top there was $30.82.
The stand in front of the Bay Farmer
naruware company yields the next lar
gest a....mount. The two big bottles on
each stana were placed about two
months ago and contributions were
mostly in pennies.
NORTHBOUND Trains No. 2, now lcav
ing Salem 4:35 a. m., No. 14 1:50 p.
m. and southbound trains No. 1, ar
riving galem 8:35 a. m: and No- 21,
1.55 a. m. will be withdrawn.
No. 7, arriving Salem 12:50 t. m. from
Portland and No. 20, leavingSalein
5:30 p. m. for Portland will be with
drawn between Salem and Corvallis.
No. 12 now leavin? Salem 11:10 a. m.
will leave at 12:15 .p. m., arriving
Portland 2:25.
New local trains between Salem and
Woodburn daily, except Saturday
and Sunday, will arrive Salem 8:35
a. m. and leave 8:55 a- m.
No. 5 will leavo Portland 8:15 a. m.
instead of 8:30, arrive Salem 10:15.
instead of 10.11, making local stops
between Tualatin and Eugene. I
Nos. 10 and 15. leavini? Salem at 9:45
a. m. and 4:00 p. m. for Portland
will make local stops botween En
gene anifSalein.
Uo. 18 will also stop to discharge pas
sengers from Salem, except Saturday
and Sunday, at Claxtar, St. Louis
and intermediate stations.
Any additional information will be giv
cn on request. , .,
' J. v. RITCHIE,
10-1 ' ' - - Agent-
V onderful Display I
Of season's
choicest garments
Wonderful! Is the exclamation of many of our pleased -customers
at the fine showing of Ready-to-Wear gar
ments. We have exerted ourselves this season- and
though mrchandise is scarce and hard to obtain, our
showing is remarkable. Some of the garments cannot be
duplicated and many have advanced from 10 per cent to
33 1-3 per cent in price, yet our prices are based on the
first cost and you get the advantage. When you see it in
our ad, it's so. '
Best Always at MEYERS
UNIVERSITY or high school boy want
ed for mailer at Journal office.
Must be quick worker. tf
SNAP Seven room house situate 1765
Lee street for -$600. Terms. Phone
219. . tf
FOB SALE Or leson shares, a few
. hundred head of stock sheep. P. B.
Deckel, Silvcrton, Or. 10-5
WANTED $12,000 on absolutely first
class city property. Box 250, Salem.
. tf
5f ALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll
upward. Buren's Furniture Store, 179
Commercial. - tt.
HOUSEKEEPING apartments and
Inele rooms, nicely furnished, at
633 Ferry street. tf.
AGENTS WANTED Large manufac-
turor wants representatives to soli
.shirts, underwear, hosiery, dresses,
waists, skirts, direct to homes. Write
for free samples. Madison Mills, 503
Broadway, New York City.
WILL SELL 80. or 160 acres of my
farm, 1 3-4 miles south of Dallas, on
improved road, mail route, milk
route, phone line and Tailroad. Mary
F- L. Lee. Rt, 2, box 102, Dallas,
Or. . ' 10-4
FOR SALE 300 aero stock and grain
farm, 100 acres in cultivation, some
-timber, family orchard, 75 prune trees
railroad through place, 2 miles to
town, on good road, good buildings,
only $40 per aero. School house on
place. Inquire 140 South High St.
PLENTY of money to loan on g"ool
farms; low interest rates; five years
time; privilege to pap $100 or multi
ple on any interest date. Call ,or
write H. M. Hawkins, 314 Masonic
bldg, Salem. . tf
CWO and threa room furnished apart
ments. 491 N Cottage. Phcno 2203
FOB SALE Studebaker auto, light
. four, in first class condition, electric
: etarter and lights. Leaving city.
Must sell? Phone 2057W. 9-28
FOB SALE House and two fine lots,
with fruit and good well, no incum
brance. Owner, call box 40, General
- delivery. ' 9-30
FOB BENT 2 furnished sleeping
rooms with all modern conveniences.
Phone 773R or call at 250 S Cottage.
. 9-28
FOB 5 per cent farm loans, see the
Marion-Polk county national farm
'loan association. W. D. Smith, 303
- Salem Bank of Commerce bldg. tf
KOTICE Jhis is warning tiafc 1 will
not tolerate trespassing or hunting
: on my premises. Signed. T. F. Walk
er, Et. 7, box 103. ' 10-13
FOB SALE My beautiful modern bun
galow, large lot, garage, eement walks
etc., at a bargain. Part payment bal
ance terms at 7 per cent. Phong 1642.
FOB EENT Nice 8 room louse, hot
WANTED To rent grain land, from 2
to 6 hundred acres, either cash or
grain rent. Also want to buy some
email pigs. Adam Orey, Et. 8, Phone
69F1L tfl
Will pay right man $3000 per year.
Bond and reference required. Call
evenings and mornings Bligh hotel.
S.- P; Snyder. 4 9-27
MARRY if lonely; for results, try me;
best and most successful "Home
Maker;" hundreds rich wish mar
riage Boon; strictly- confidential;
" most reliable; years of experience;
descriptions free. "The Successful
Club," Mrs. Purdie, Box 556, Oak
land, Calif. -
CIVIL service examinations everywhere
October 5th, 12,000 women clerka to
be appointed at Washington. Salarp
$1200. Experience unnecessary. Wo
men desiring government positions
write for free particulars, E.' E. Ter
ry, (former civil service examiner,)
922 Columbian building, Washington,
D. C. , 10-1
''American Melody
Harmonists in Pop
ular Songs '
Those Dusky Dancers
"Black and Tan"
5CI1001 a
egins Monday
Is your hoy
properly clothed? .
When it comes to clothes for boys, the best way we know is
always to buy
There's more vake to the square inch in one of those suits
than any other we've ever seen . "
We place on sale next Wednesday a line of Men's Dress
shirts with soft cuffs, all sizes 14 1-2 to 18, made of fine
percale, madras and shirtings. Special for next Wednes
day, each , ..$1.25
Now then, get busy! Buy! Buy
early and often. Buy as much as
you can as soon as you can. And
buy more if you want to hasten
You can Always do Better at
Dm ..At . . ia "annnr. i i nil,-'"- -u.:J?3Wafff t
- OoOm tot Bm ; I
. X.
w if f t
You haven't any choice in the
matter. You must either fight or
pay for the fighting. You must
lend either yourself or your
money to the cause.
AUCTION SALE Of sixty head cattle
horses and farm implements. Extra
good horses. October 2, 10 a. tn. at
BrinkmeyeT place, fifteen miles vast
of Balem, seven miles south of 8il-
verton and half milejorth of Vic
tor Point store. Come and spend the
day with us. Phon 5F23. Stoller k
Oantenbein, Et box 61, Silverten.
owner. 1 10-2
PORTLAND house to trade for live
stock, farming implements or land
Will discount my $2500 equity in
nice double flat, Portland, on St.
John's carline, 5 rooms, bath, toilet
and sleeping porch each floor, and
take livestock, hay, farming imple
ments, anything useful on homestead
or land. House brings 1400 yearly
-rental; mortgage -indebtedness re
quires readjustment Jan. next. Ad- j
dress Mr. Curry, Et. 8, box 23, 8a-j
lem.' Phone 57F4. 9 281
Surprise Was Big Factor la
Latest Great American
By Pred S. Ferguson
(Unitvd Press Staff Correspondent)
With tho Americans West of Verdun
Sept. 28. The Franco-AmeriSan attack
m the Champagnc-Argonne region is
Heay rains have turned the roads,
churned by shell fire, into almost impas
sable bogs, but the Amurican field ar
tilelry is bravely struggling to keep
pace with the infantry. Even the heavy
guns arc being moved slowly forward,
although with extreme difficulty.
Masses of enemy infantry were re
ported ia the woods near Ciergcg yes
terday and an artillery barrage was laid
down against the center of our new
front line, but no counter atack de-
Used Ar Eest Sector.
The surprise element contributing to
the success of the 1 raneo-American of
fensive ig emphasized by identification
of German divisions which makes ap
parent the fact that the enemy was us
ing the region from the Argonne forest
to the Mense as a rest sector.- They
had no resvfrves in any sufficient num
ber in the rear, although there were
heavy forces further south in Lorraine.
Prisoners have been taken from fif
teen divisions, including one of Guards.
Om of the best boche armies has just
arrived in this region after two weeks
hard fighting in the Vicinity of Laon.
Tliis is the same army which was thrown
into the Ballean wood region in an at
tempt to check the Americans in the
Marae district. One of the reserve
divisions identified came from the Soi
ssons front.
, Many Boy Captured.
The Germans are using boy of 18.
A number of these, included in the!
class of 1920 have bfen captured in the
present fighting. Six French prisoners;
escaping to the American lines.
military railroad near Vnrennes. They
had Ken fed only on beets and were
nearly starved.
A captured order declares the attack
was expected Wednesday in the Cham
pagne and Lorraine sectors. It directed
certain ro-diHposition of troops to meet
these attacks. It included plans .for a
withdrawal of infantry to the new main
line of defense and instructed the artil
lery to take up new positions.
Ag a result, much 0f the artillery was
caught on theoads and wps Unable to
respond to the American fire.
Time Table of Attack.
The time table of the attack called
for a destructive fire, which started at
11:30 p. m. The preparation fire, invol
ving guns of all ealibrcs, Wgan at 2:30
p. m. The infantry jumped off at 5:20.
Vaupuois, the first town to fall, was
taken by Major General Liggctt'g mid
dle weHterm-Ts in less than half hour.
A boche document captured there re
veafed that, the garrison had been or
dered to hold the village until the main
liup was withdrawn to new positions.
Control of tle air enables perfect
registration by the artillery. Infantry,
artillery an tanks operated in liason
like clockwork. T1r tanks enfiladed
German strongholds ami cleared the bn
die out with their machine gun fire.
The American advance has now car
ried them across the narrow guage lines
forming the only connection between
the two main German railway, from the
French hospitals, yet it was quite a
pleasure to the workers to receivw one
of their original invoices properly re
ceipted by au ofltcial of a French hos
piUil. In shipping ' surgical dressings to
France, each box iB invoiced and mark-'
ed just as in the shipment of ordin
ary merchandise. It 1ms not been the
custom for any surgical dressing de
partment to correspond with, hospitals
in Franco. After being once invoiced
all w,fi left to the tied Cross for dis
tribution in French 'hospitals.
Several mouths ago oiw of the. boxen
contained 39 packages of 9 by 9 ga,iz '
compresses, 780- pieces in all, This or
iginal invoice is now one- of tho re
cords of Willamette, chapter as it was
returned to the chapter yesterday pro
perly receipted by tho French surgeons
in charge of a certain hospital
John W. Green, one of tho patients
at the Oregon state hospital whe- was
permitted to attend the state fair yes
terday did no return last muht. He was
committed from Lane county, and is
considered harmless.
Mm Red Cross Gets
Receipt From France
While of course there has been no
said oa bnt thst the surgical dressings
they had been working on the Gennanadc at the post office reached tho
The Giant Colored Artist says: "That blend flour
will suah go over the top." Its just as easy to keep the
sun from climbing over Mount Hood as it is to keep
dough made from Blend Flour frtm going over the
sides of the pan.
Is milled from the finest selected Blue Stem wheat
only, very rich in glueton and absorbs lots of water.
In every way the most economical family flour to
use, per sack $3.15
Our quota is 800acks per month. Are you with us?
If not, Why Net? .
On Fisher's Scratch Food, Egg Producer, Chick
Food, Mor I'ork, Mor Fat, Mixed Feed and Dairy
Feed. Thc:e are all up to the Highest Fisher's Mill
Roth Grocery Co.