NIN3 CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED DEPT. QUICK REFERENCE TO FIRMS THAT GIVE SERVICE ON SHORT NOTICE WHERE BUYER AND SELLER HEET-WE RECOMMEND OUR ADVERTISERS Ja Kiecms Co, EVEETTHTNQ ELECTRICAL Uasoale Tempi, 127 North Hig Msia 1200 OSTEOPATH DBS. B. K. WHITE AND B. W. WAL-TON-tiateopathic - physicians and nerve specialists. Graduates ef Am erican school of Osteopathy, Kirk ville, Mo. Post graduate and spec ialised in nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Office 505-508 Nat Bank Bldg. Phono 83j. Residence, 1620 Court, Phone 2S15. I)r. White Res. Thone 409. DENTIST DR. P. L. UTTER, DEJTMi.T, KOOMS 413-414 Bank of Commerce building. Phone COO. - DR. CARL MILLER DENTIST, BOOM 414 Bank of Commerce Building. Phonti 606. WATER COMPANY BALEM WATER COMPANY Office eorner Commercial and. Trade streets Bills payable monthly in advance. SECOND-HAND GOODS BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE Hen's clothes, shoes, hats, jewelry, watches, tools, musical instruments, bicycles, guns, rifles, revolvers, suit eases, trunks, cameras, typewriters and furniture. "Capital Exchange 337 Court street, Phone 493. NOTICE OF BALE Of Government Timber, General Land Office Washington, D. O, August 29, 1818. Notice is hereby given tuat subject to the conditions and limitations of the act of June 9, 1915 (38 Stat, 218) anj tlfj instructions of the.- scciewity of the interior of September 15, 1917, the timber on the following lands will be sold October 23.J9I8, at 10 o'elock a. m., at public auction at the United States land office at Portland, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not Xss than tho appraised value aj show fjy this notice, sale to be subject to the approv al of the secretary of the interior. The purchase price with ku additional sum of one fifth of one per cent there of, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at timo of sale, money to be returned if safe is not approved, other wise patent will issue for tho timber which must be removed within ten years.. Bids will be received from cit izens of tho United Stntes associations of such citizens and corporations organ ised under the iaws of. the United States or any stato, territory or dis trict tlfereof only. Upon appl.cation of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger unit. T. 11 8., B. IE., See. 27, NW SW U, red fir 1275 M, white fir 75 M, none of the red fir-or white fir to b sold for less than 11.50 per M. CLAY TALLMAN, Commissioner General Land Office. Oct. 17 f ff f f ftf TTtttTTtTT TTttt TTTTf TTT t f l7?1 Telephone I $1.733.73 Canuers J."4 Bulls $o(a 8 Calves $913 , Stockers and feeders 69 (Hogs Receipts 345 Tone of market weak Prime, lambs $1214 Medium lambs $9(jrll Bough heavies JI818.50 Pigs 1617 Sheep Receipts 26 Tone of .market steady, unchanged Ewes $6.509 . Best lambs $13.5014.50 Medium to good lambs $1112 "Wethers $9 10.50 Ewes $6.50(58.50 Yearlings 1011 COMMISSIONER'S COURT (Continued from page eight) 1.23 2.50 2.50 1100 FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN On Good Real Estate Security THOS. K. FORD Ladd & Bush bank; Salem Oregon FEDERAL, FARM LOANS. 5 per cent 34 years time. A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401 Maannie Temple. Salem, Oregon. REAL ESTATE FOR; SALE 250 acres, 100 in cultiva tion balance in pasture and timber Fine stroaih of water, good buildings nd good road, 3-4 mile from a "live ly saw -mill- town Will take good house and lot in Salem as fart pay ment. Price $00 por aero. Phone 470 , , Square Deal Realty Company. U. S. Bank Building, Salem. 717 SCAVENGER BALEM SCAVENGER-Charles Soot proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts t reasonable rates. Yard- and cess pools cleaned. Office phone, Main 2247. Residence Main 2272. :'. WOOD SAr, FOR -A WOOD SAW Phone 1090-R- 1255 N. Summer St. Our prices are right. W. M. Zander? proprietor. 9-19 BRING YOUR TRADES I can match you, C. W. Niemeyor, Rea? Btate Agent, Canada Lands, 544 State street. GENERAL REPAIRING THE FIXIT SHOP Let is repair and Sharpen your lawn mowers. 2C7 Court Phone 1022. tf STOVE REPAIRING STOVES RERTTTLT ANT TrKPATRTT) CO years experience, Depot, National ana American tence. Sizes 26 to 68 ia high . Paints, oil and varnish, eto - Loganberry and hop hook. ; Salem Fence and 8tov Works. 250 Court street. Phone 124. I THE MARKET I - Grain Wheat, soft wbjte .,...., $22.05 Wheat, lower grades, on sample Oats 90cl Hay, oats $25 Barley, ton . Hav, cheat, new . ,. Hill run ... .:. $5052 $24 $3?38 Buttetfat Butterfnt ,. 65o Creamery butter j 64c Pork, Veal and Mutton Pork, on foot ... 17lfc18 3-4e Veal, fancy .,.......i,,:..:tii: j.:.:.' 18e Steors' . 79c Cows u 46c Sf ing lambs , 12c Ewes.... - .j....... . ... .. ,4(5)6c 'arnbs, yearlings . . 07e ggs, cash Hons, live Eggs and Poultry 45c LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET AT McCornack ball en every Tuesday ' -at 8.P. Andresen, C. C. F. J. Kuntz K. R. A 8. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5216 meets every 3rd and 4th Thur. eve, 8 o'clock in Derby building, corner Court ana High streets. R. F. Day, V. C.; F. A. Turner, clerk. BALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keelor, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson. secretary. All cases of erueity or ne glect of dumb animals should be re ported to the secretay for investigation. 20(S)21c Old roosters 13(fcl5c Frys ..... 21?2Zc Springs 2123c vegetables Sweet potatoes 5c Potatoes . $2.73 Onions, local $2.50 Cabbage 4c Carrots . . 2c Tomatoes, erate - 65c Turnips . .... : 2c Beets ... , ... 2Vjc Cucumbers ....... . 25(U)40e Cantaloupes $22.50 Watermelons 2 Grapes ..... ..... $1.502 Cnsabas .. 2c Muskmelon . ... . $1.75 Green peppers ................... 6c ITult Oranges ....... $( Lemons, box $0.50 Bananas ... , , 8c Dromedary dates ....... $B Lilack figs, 25 25 lbs 4.50 Retail Prices Creamery butter . 70c Flour, hard wheat $3(5)3.25 Country butter 65c Eggs, dozen 5055c For sugar permits go to C. M. Lock wood, food administrator, 214 North Commercial street, No limit oa purchases of flour. Portland, Or., Sept. 25. Butter, city ereamery HOe Eggs, selected local ex. SJ(g.3uc Hens 8527 Broilers 2730e Geese 1718c Cheese triplets 33(S36c DAILY UVC STOCK MJiUKXT Cattle -Portland, Or., Sept. 20 Butter, city creamery 02c Receipts 4(2 - Tone of market steady, unchanged Prime steers $1213.25 Choice to good steers $U12 Medium te good steers $9.2oH Fair to medium steers $8."59.25 Common to fajr steers $5.758.25 Choice cows and hciforg $89 Medium to good cows and heifers $5.757.25 Fair to medium cows and heifers Lathrop, Kaspar bridge work Delangh, Herman do .". Reed, Alec general repffir work Condit, S J acting patrolman .... Road District No. 67 - Barber, D hauling gravel X5.00 Barber, Earl do 12.00 Biolieu, B Jr do 19.50 Biolieu, B Sr do 32.50 Connor, Ambrose lo 26.75 Connor, G P do 35.T5 Connor, Thos do 1.30 Erwert, Johu do 16.23 Faber, Ed do 65 00 Geelan, Eugene do 53.02 Geelan, Will do - 37.75 Merten, Stephen Jr, do 42.18 Ray, Guy do 1 27.00 Ray, Walter do .. .,. .. 44.75 Hiller, Geo patrolman 51.00 Road District No. 69 Buhr, John repaired iblridge.... 2.50 Dahler, William do , 2-50 Ebner, J W. nails and spikes.... 12.00 Hoffer, Eugene regair bridge- 5.00 Hoffer, William do etc 5.00 Schmaltz & Sons, N lumber 105.80 Uumpert, Henry patrolman y 12.00 Road DUtrlct No. 70 Cirter, C C feeding crusher .... 27.50 Watt Shipp I'owder Co powder 70.17 Roadmaster Culver, W J salary and expenses' 222 75 Johnson, F O deputy roadmaster 105.30 Liauibort, Jj do 43.20 Pacific Tel & Tel Co Tho phono and calls .53 Trucks Auto Electric Shop recharging battery etc '. 1.75 Bollier, John driving truck 118.80 Culver, W J adv for carburetor float etc Fair Grounds store,-. The gas.... Farmer Hdw Co Ray li-truck ro pairs , . Pcarce & Sou Lot L gas and spark plugs ..... ..... 64 87 Quackenbush auto, supply and vulcanizing, gas ,. Stroud, E driving truck Wilson, Otto J gas. Ashby, Claud driving truck ... Hockman, Jhcster do Hessley, R do L - Paving Bishop k Sou J A sharpen scar ifiers etc Bobell, E work on grado 79.63 l'air Grounds store iho ou and gas Falls City-Salem Lumber . Co wood Farmer Hdw Co, Kay h C R shafting etc , Hcifrick, Erue&t raking hot tuff Hodson-'FTeenaughty Co .bucket liuku , lowtt Mnchiite SJiop welding gear Keuscher, L shoveling gravel et ,. ... ., -r-.- " KeuscHcr, h aUovelinig gravel McCain, A sawing wood Pearoe & Son, Lot L cup grease aud cylinder oil v 1.44J 51.75" 16.44 59.33 118.80 W7.27 108.00 133.05 127.60 8.00 1040 ... 50.82 73.67 8.00 1.96 4.00 43.07 29.66 5.85 815 Salem Construction Oo, gravel rovk and s'roeuiiis 67.30 Saiem Fuel Yai coal 52.7 1 Taylar, A L ihoveling gravel 9.23 Vii'k Bros welding dump nagoa 1.50 Abbott, X E shovel gravel S2.CS Bartruff, Eric shovel hot stuff 83.73 Beeoroft, I night watch 103.00 Birdwell, W S toilerman on grade 101.23 Blauder, Pete grade work ets. 80t4 Brown, J A do .. 81.66 Codiiington, J L do 87.75 Cripps, James haul gravel 175.50 Davia, W H raking hot stuff. 98.50 Domogalla, F A miscellaneous work . 113.25 Edmau, A F grade work, etc... 79.63 Empey, I M do 87.75 Fendrich August shoveling hot stuff .. 86.19 Franke, A hauling gravel, etc.. 136-50 Gilliu-m, E E night watch 105.00 Graham, J F hauling gravel . 84,50 Gripentrog, Frank raking hot stuff .. .. .. .., 98.50 Hedrick, O W do . 86.50 Hedrick, O W foreman paving crew , .. 113.06 Horner, D eheekman 59.50 Hovcn, G A pitchmaa 131.23 Hoven, Oscar engineer 167.63 Hovcn Otto plantnian . 84.43 Hutchinson, A E engineer of tan dem roller .. .. - .' 29 73 Hutchinson, A E do 126.27 Ide, T II gradework 81.66 Laz, Louis do 71.50 Lipp, E 8 do 79.63 Mattson, -A shoveling hot stuff 86.19 Mattson, Chas shoveling gravel 80.04 Mcllwain, Lester d a 81.66 Mcllwaiu, Win do 12I1.19 Mtnner, John shoveling ravel, etc 9141 Morin, F X shoveling gravel S4.91 etc anto'.roopl Naftzger, Chas, shoveling hot stuff, etc i. v 89.69 Pedcrson, A grado-work, otc 05.25 Peniberton, C H shoveling gravel, etc. S6.55 Rowland, Alex shoveling ravel 82-69 Rowland, Glenn shoveling gravel 84.50 Rowland, J E do 76.79 Shram, F C do 6.50 Swart, II S cnginoer and time keeper, cte 133.20 Tanner, Elmer foreman at rock crusher 49.44 Van Cleave, L M hauling water 172.25 Ward, M shoveling.' gravel ....... " 81.66 White, J F foreman of grade ' crow 110.23 Whittington, J L hauHug gravel, etc ..':..;....... 95.06 Woodward, M F grade work .... 78.00 Zcll, G E hauling gravel, etc.... 186.50 Miscellaneous. Brown, 8 D hauling lumber Mo-' ham bridge .. - 7.50 Dragor, D G advance forexprcss 18.89 Farmer Hardware company, Ray L platinum file 'Kgey, E wpeJjatinig Hautiam ferry I................... Gooch Lumber & IShinglo com-- pany, lumbor .. .. Herren, J H levolraau, use of car, etc. .. -u. . Purvino Pump and Implement compiany Ipipe .- ... Salem Water Lisfht anil Power company, water at tool house 1.83 Snyder, Hert A rufintng" Buena .Vista ferry, etc.' Taylor, W A viewer .....?. ' Yamhill Electric company Ncw; berw bridge lights '.. Zimmermian, Joseph damages ac- ' count C. Hottinger" .road 335.00 , -25 25.00 6300 1.70 j V1311 UUK I ECONOMY ABASEMENT BIG AT THE BIG CLOSINGOUTSALE At Stockton's General Mercantile Department Store MEN'S CLOTHING ' MEN'S and WOMEN'S FURNISHINGS SHOES DRY GOODS . DRUGS - STATIONERY : Infill11 Corner Court And Com'l Street, Salem. GENERAL FUND. ' Miscellaneous Account Brenner, Ceorgo bounty ...... 4.10 SUvle, Henry do 3.70 EOYAI NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA 'Oregon Grape Curap" No. 130d. meets every Thursday evening ia Derby building, Court and High 8t Mm. Pearl Courscy, 214 Court St. oracle;. Mrs. Melissa Persona, record er 14151 N. 4th St. Phone 1436M. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84 meets first Thursday of eaeo month, at t p. m- in I. O. O. F. Hall. Norma L. Terwilliger, M. A.; C. A. Yibbert, secretary, 34() Owei street. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY IN THE COUNTY COURT For Marion County, Oregon ' In the matter of the estate of :A, Olingvr, deceased. Notice of final settlement. Notiee is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed his final account as administrator of the above entitled estate, and that the county court has duly -set Monday, the 14th day of Octo ber, at tea o'clock a. m. thereof at the eourt house in Salem, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing any and all objections thereto. Datvd at Salem. Oregon, this 9th day of September, 1918. H. H. OLINGER, Administrator. W. C. Winslow, Attorney. 10-10 NOTIOE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given, that the un dersigned administratrix, has fired her final account as executor of the estate of LorctU Ross, deceased, in the eoua ty court for Marion county, Oregon, and said court has duly set the hearing of any ebjections thereto and the final settlement thereof for Monday, Octo ber 14, 1918, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day in the county court room of said court in Salem in said eounty and state. Dated this 12th day of September, iei3 LELA JEEMAN, Administratrix of the estate of Loret ta Boss, deceased. McNary, McNary & Keyes, Attorneys for administratrix. 10-18 SUMMONS In the justices court for Salem dis trict, State of Oregon, county of Ma rion. E. H. Kennedy doing business un der the firm name and style of City Cleaning Works, plaintff, against Her man Tcdman, defendant. To Herman Te.lman defendant above named; Iu the name of the state of Oregon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you iu the above entitled action within six weeks from tho date of this publication and if you fail to appear and answer or otherwise plead within said time plaintiff will take judgment against yon for the sum of one hundred dollars and fur his costs and diaburs ments incurred in this action. This summons is .served upon you by publi cation by order of the Hon. Daniel Webster, justice of the peace for Sa lem district, Marion county, Oregon, said order datcr the 18th day ef Sep tember, 1918. The ilato of the first publication of thrf summons is Thursday, September 19th, and the date of the last publi cation will be Thursday, October 31st, 1918. . DONALD W. MILKS, Attorney for plaintiff D. Webster, Groshong, J E do Fuaou, Gains do Guver, JP relief ofr Mrs. Lucy Coffin Clark, Gabricllo bailiff Olds, Norman bounty Bruukl, Harry do Thompson, F. A. railroad fare for J K Harrison Gopher and Mole Bounty Continued. Oucrin, A L bounty .... .... 1.53 Horr, Clarence do PrantL Frank do Gilchrist, Alm. do 10.00 Gliddeu. J II do 10.00 ....Uobiu, Lizetto do ... 10.00 Groshong, Mrs J-N do - 10.00 Haggard, Delia do 30.00 54.28 Hardin, Grace Klloa do v.- -o.OO ' (Hardwick, Charles do 10.00 Hayucs, Mrs Caroliue do .............. 10.00 Henry, Mrs Olive E do .10.00 Race,. Mrs E C relief for Mrs Al bert Hepburn - 20.00 Hiugf Mrs Ora do, 25.00 Old Peoples Home relief for i Mrs. Julia D. Hurtel 15.20 Iiulay, Mrs Francis relief ' : 40.00 Jeamloin, Mrs Chas do 8.00 Ketchum, M B do ; 10.00 Kelson, Gust do 3.00 Knott, Mrs Mclvina do 12.00 La Chappelle, Mrs A do;..., 13.00 IjHiitz, Catherino do -.. 8.00 Lawrence, Charles do 10.00 Luowr, Stephen Sr do 5.00 Lunn. Mrs O O do - 10.00 Mack, K A do 12.00 Mahcr, Mrs Mary do ..; 10.00 77.09 20.00 ' 4.12 2.10 1.90 10.00 48.00 1.45 1.40 10.00 Morris, Alva E do 1.50 Cutsforth, Jarvis E do .. 15.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 7.50 5.00 fcO.00 10.00 15.00 .10.00 1.80 Roiuhart. Rosalia do 8.00 1 I Koniick, W M do , . 12.00 MeDaniol, Mrs Blanch do McDonald, John do Miller, Mrs Vina H'do . Miracle, Mrs a uo Mooro, Mary Agness lo .. Morton, Mrs Caroline do Murhauimer, Sablna do .. Newton, Od do . Orr, Mrs Agnes do Quail, John J do .... 30.00 disall....owed Poor Account Continued. By id, W II county physician 50.00 Jackson, Hattie M special offi cer 70.00 Stock Inspector Morehouse, W Q county veteri narian ....,... '. 33.60 Sealer of Weights and Measures Jones, J F salary and expense's 51.86 Oonuty Court and Commissioners. ' Goulett, W H county commission- ' er .. .. ' 83.80 Hunt, J T do 86.20 Gopher and Mol Bounty Coutiniied. Hampton, Hubert bounty .93 Registration ana luecuons, Boycr, V Q advaneo for stamps.. . ".3B 8.30 9.60 14.09 8.50 EXPENSES. Sheriff Off to. Book, J A auto hire - ......... Commercial Printing company bill heads S.0O s;oo Fery, Fred do 160 Ferv, Alva' do J .so Grettic, O C do 14.55 Schaefvr, Johnnie do 2.20 Rogers, Joseph W do 9.00 8.00 Kussell. James G do Salem Deaconess hospital relief for W. S. Mitchell .... 40.00 Schmidt. Katherine relief Schmidt, Peter do 15.00 10.00 12.00 Fabry, Albert do S.008koog, Mrs Albort do King, Ralph do Soaniol. Eugene do SOiHchuiitz. Mrs Theodore do Riehter, J P do 4.05 1 Hcolaio, Mrs do 1-00 30.00 30.00 20.00 8.00 10.00 V50 1:0.00 1.75 Smith, A II do Wilson, Earl do 1-60 gnoddorly, Flora do . Cuinmings, A Truman do ..... .75 Steevuson, Mrs. Bonnie do Grouke, Otto do . 4.40 , Stripling, Hula ddo Daisy, Bailoy do ..... ., 1.80 , Thouipsuu, Mrs S do .......... - Morris. Dean do 1.40,Wells,.H A do Rieck, Arnold do 1.10 J White, Mrs J F do 1:0.00 Evans, D M do " 1.55 , Wyskoff, Martha E do , 10.00 Agostino, Buceiono do 6.80 Kleen, Alfred do - 1.10 SALARIES. Matthever, Otto do 1.80 , Hehellberg, Kenneth do 1.93 Sheriff's Office. Baal, John do ,....... 3 00 Rower. O D do 100.00 Paulwn, K F do 3.:Hdmos, P H do 1.00 Willard, Pansy tax clerlt ,. ou.uu Clerk's Office Townsend, Maurice E do ...... 3.73 Feller, Henry do v --. 4-25 Hancs, L do - -- 10.601 Kloepning, II H deputy county Slagel, G W do 1.80 1 clerk Van Nuys, Mrs. C E d.0 2.55 Hunick, W R do - Brooke. Lester do i-00'Arms, A M do 4.53 MuGue, L do i 1.55 Recorder's Office 1.10, Savakw, Holes deputy recorder.. Justice of the peace. Bailer, Johnnie do Znber, A P do Barks, A H do feeble Mina ea. Byrd, W H examinntion 5.00 Cashutt, C E insan-e account . 5.00 Byrd, W II examinations 10.00 Cashatt, C E examination 5.00 Miles, O B do --. 3.00 Gopher and Mole Bounty Continued. Todd, Roy bounty .. Dc Sart, Roland do Burnett, J M do ...... Mattlieyer, Otte do Ohmart, Roy V do 10.00 ... 6.00 10.50 1.75 13.90 1.00 1.80 7.20 30.00 10.00 i.oa " 7.29 16.M 20.00 Poor Account. Baker, W A relief Balliett, 8 relief , Barnctt, Elizabeth do .,.r... Barrier, Mr. and Mrs. do Barton, Mrs M do , Boys & Girls Aid society do Buffun, W B do bullis, Mrs Florence do Carlson, C Carl do .... Chariifaux, Mrs. Grandma do . Dickinson, 8 A do Dodge, Ulyssa Ellen do Fishburn, Mrs E G do I'osttr, Mrs do 10 31 Freeman, R C do . 2.80 1.15 3.80 1.30 2.15, 12.00 10.00 12.00 13.00 13.00 15.06 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 3.00 12.00 10.00 .110.00 SO.OO . 70.00 60.00 74.84 Fawk, Gtrtrudo do J'O.OO Treasurer s uince Richardson, W Y deputy treas 90.00 Assessor' Office Wteellinmmer, O A doputy assess or - 100.00 Lewis C A clerk writing roll .... 90.00 SUelto'n, B do . 90.00, (i E clerk . 73.00 Moon, Agnes do 22.50 Court Houm Morgan, Cal janitor . 60.00 Kirby, A P do 60.00 Hobson, L do - 0.00 School Superintendent Reid, Cora E clerk , 75.00 Fulkerson, Mary'L school super visor .. .. ....-.t 130.00 allowed . 120.00 disall....owed .. 30.00 Smith John W L do 150.00 allowed 120.00 disall....owed .. 30.00 Smith John W L do 150.00 allowed .. .. 120.00 disall..owed .. . 30.00 Hoppes, W C do 150.00 allowed ..j. : 120.00 Paeific Telephone and Telegraph Company, Tho teh"phon(, aud culls 40.10 Patton Bros. I. P. covet s aud elips 1.95 Clerk's Office. Boycr, U G advance forstamps.... Pacific Teliiphono and Telegraph Company, Tho tolwphon0 and call s Remington Typewriter company ribbons - Sims, Paul M, bands for datcrs.. Steinuu, G L repairing typewri ter .. ;. .. ..... Recorder's Office. Brooks, Mildred R advance for stamps Paeific Telephone and Telegraph company, telephone 3.25 Treasurer unice. Sims, Paul M. rubber stamps, eto Assessor's Office. Pacific Telephone and' Telegraph - company, The phone .......... District Attorney. Gcahhart, Hazelle stenographer Gchlhar, Max advance for phone stamim, otc - County Court and Oomniissioners. Daily Capital Journal thw publish- ing claim docket 61.73 Oregon Htatosnian, do ...'.. 00.88 Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, The teh?phone aud . . calls 3.83 ourt House. Asb'iman, Louis repairing hyd rants , : 3.30 Branuon, Mrs. J. M. laundry ..... 3.25 Cavanaugli, L. C and Mcl'urlane William hauling wood . . 363.50 Fruzicr, F A wood w 435.00 Hansen, A M lumber CO Roth Gioiory company cotton mops, etc .. 5.7o Salem Hardware company, rope .93 Halem Wnter Light anj Power company, water 33.60 Spencer Hardware company, sash cord, oil, etc. ' 4.70 Circuit Court. Pacific Telephone and Telegraph eoiupauy, The phone . Rawson, Robert transcript-state vs. Biggs Aspinwall, Ray witness Leonard, Max J do .- JUSTICE COURT. Miscellaneous. Unruh, G E set of Lord's Oregon laws, etc .. .. ..' Btate ts. Galley. Webster, D justice ....... . ... Vamey, P M constabkj ... ' Btate Isom. Webster, D justice ...... .... Varuey, P M constabln Btate ts. Smith. Webster, D justice ... Btate ts. rates. Webster, D justice .. White, Elmer G constable Vamey, 1' M do Coroner. Clongli, A M investigating death. of Esther Hi libs Feeble Minded. Meyers, II W & M L clothing for Chas. Wagner .. .. .....t School Superintendent. Beaver State Printera letter heads, rvg. cards, eta .. Fulkerson, - M L advauco- for stamps .. .. i. .. - -. Pacific Telephone and Telegraph . Company, The tekvpboiiq and calle Smith, W M traveling expenses Smith, W M advance for stamps Van Trump, 8 II sulary and expen so'.. .. ....:.... 83.00 Poor Acocunt Continued. Austin's Grocery, groceries for Mrs. Strath .. .. ....... 11.97 Barnos Cash Storo sheets and ea sy for poor farm 60.88 Beach, Geo taking Mrs. D. E. , Huckleberry to hospital 4.00 Boweritian, Mrs L II room rent for Jos Rodgers 3.08 Burger, Wm H house rent for Mrs. Donaldson 6.00 Champ & Son groceries for Mrs Pulot 6.00 Crown Drug sI0re, tho medicine for Mr. Hoove, 2.05 Drnger, D G advance for railroad fare for F E Lynn, etc 2.09 Drake's Grocery groceries for Mrs. Van Cleave -. 7.W Hall, E N account buriul M Coy 10.00 - continued Harlan, F P groceries for Mrs. Northeutt SO.OO Paeific Telephone and Telegraph company, tho phone at farm.. 1.50 Sulem Deaconess Hospital eare of Mrs. Clara Diercks 31.00 Salem Deaconess Hospital care of Mrs Martha Dickey .. ...... Salem Deaconess Hospital caro of N. B Doud .. . - Snlem Hospital core of Bessie Cooper - Wallace .. .. ., - - Rnlem Hospital caiw of Hobecea Snlem Hospital cor0 of Mrs. Liz zie Howard Snlem Hospital core of Mrs. June Calwell 31.00 Salem Hospital care of George Hubbard .. 81,00 Salem Hospital care of Kore Gshiock B.0O Salem Hospital tcare of James O Kussell .. . Salem Hospital carB of Joe Bern- TStvin - Salem Water Light anil Tower company water for Mrs. Don aldson , Taylor, Earl E. superintendent of por farm .347.48 Gopher aud Mole Bounty Continued. Boycr, U O advance for bounty 18.30 war toniuigoni. Bilyeu & l ibby auto hiro Craven, J carpenter work at the court hoiise Dependent Mothers' Act. Barnes, Letta M relief . Burck, Lihlo F do Cook, Alice do .... Dawson, Itena do Gibson, Gussie do . ... Harper, Clara do v - McGrath, Etta do 14.25 f Moore, Miirr Agnes d0 Whedlice, Emma do .... 4.23 21.80 3.50 1.70 31.00 46.50 31.00 13.00 7.70 3.20 ..5.95 3.90 .. 2.85 . 9.70 8.00 too 3.W 170 13.00 12.50 10.00 4U.00 25.00 7.50 10.00 17.50 10.00 Gopher and Mole Bounty Continued. Broitenstein, J B bounty . Brown, Milton do Towvr, Gordon E do ... Colgan, ...Uonel K do Coburn, J M do Huddleston, Keneth do Tax Rebate. Bush. A N relate . 1.70 2.30 1.00 1.25 8.20 3.00 382.93