THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, QREGONTHURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 26. 1918. f j SOCIETY ;i By OLEVIA KEB.SEY REG. U.S. BT. OFF. I standard Army Shoe on the Caist and small wonder: "Extra Service Era- Step Com art Every Minute" That's why it is being worn by thousands of men in all walks of life- OfZiee Men Hiker Attorney Farmer Physician OrcluardUt Look for the name Buckhecht itamped on the sole of every Shoe Motormea Conductor Hunter BLACK GUN METAL OR INDIAN TAN CALF Should your dealer be uilable to . ?"n Iy you, wii) m name to the manutacturers Buck. ingham and Hecht, San Francisco. Encloso -price of shoes you desire and we will have ycur order ruled. r$p --S800 0 Methodist Conference Meets - Portland, Or., "it- 28. The annual conference of the Methodist clergy and laymen of the state opened yesterday at the First Methodist church, with ob servance of tlio anniversaries of the Women' Home Missionary society, tho Deaconess' board and the Board of Kdui'atioB. At the morning session a resolution presented by Ir. I'. E. Kline was adopted, and under the signature of Hov. W. O. Shcpnrd, presiding bish op of the conference, was telegraphed to .President Wilson. The resolution, which aounded a deeply patrioticaote, follows: "To the president: The Oregon con ference of rtlA Mdthodist '.Episcopal church, just convened in Portland, -whore 40,000 men aro building ships ad the drive is on for the 20,000,0M) in libertv bonds, sees nothing to be FRANCE AND AMERICA (Continued from page one) I have one brother who ha been wounded. He is now in the hospital. The war is on our side since the brave Americana came to help u9 and I am very positivo that w will have victory and that France will have rest foreer. The American soldiers are admirable from all the nations. The American soldiers with the French soldicrB have thw most courage and the Huns know that, too. We are a long distance from tho front and there Is nothing danger ous. My husband and my children and mvself send you th best regards for all your family. E. AKNOUAT, 64 Kuo L 'Alsace, Nevers." out of Italy and out of Armenia, and make ample restitution for substance and property everywhere devastated,,' the present tun by the discussion or abstract principles of peace. righting Now Only Course "It is our conviction that when the (lerman imperial government will say without equivocation er qualification on behalf of itself and its satraps, MVe will get out of Belgium, we will get out of France, including Alsace and Lorraine, ws will get out of Ser bia, out of Koumaniu, out of Russia, pained but much to be jeopardised at I tlionC discussion of terms of peace will be in order. Until then we firmly be lieve we should not bandy phrase nor chop logic with diplomatic tricksters, who inaugurated war for murder end loot, but fight after the manner of the last few weeks and keep 'on fighting as the only safe road to peaee." Mrs. Joshua rstansfield, wife of tne pastor of the First Methodist church, presided at the annivorsary of the Wo aen 's Home Missionary society yes terday afternoon. Mrs. A. A. McLean presided at the anniversary of the Deacouess' board a"d Kobort A. Booth, of Eugene, presided at the anniversary of the board of education last evening. Sr. Doiny Addressee. Women Dr. Carl Gregg Doney, president of Willamette university, addressed the Women's Home Missionary society on "Social reconstruction following the war." "Our great task now," said Dr. Po ney, "in to make ourselves worthy of our men when they return from the war. This is a religious war. Our men are trying to determine whether the religion of Jesus Christ or that of the Hun shall prevail." Dr. George B. Dean, representative cf .the) first district, paid glowing trib ute to the women of the church in an address to the Deaconess' board. Dr. H. 3. Talbot Speaks tho evening ecssion addresses were given by Dr. II. J. Talbot, presi dent of the Kimball School of Theol ogy; Dr. B. A. Stevens, president of the boar dof (trustees of Willamette uni versity, and Dr. Doney. Tho conference will continue until Mondav. On Sunday an old fashioned love feast will bo held at the aduitor- ium. THIN PEOPLE NEED B1TR0- PHOSPHATE How it Increases Weight, Strength and Nerve Force In Two Weeks' Time In Many Instances "Take clam bitro-phosphato" Is tho advice of physicians to thin, delicate, nervous people who lack vim, energy and nerve force, and there seems to bo ample proof of the efficacy of this prep ration to warrant the recommenda tion. Moreover, if we judge from tho countless preparations and treatments which are continually being advertised for the purpose of making thin people fleshy, developing arms, necit ana oust, . anil renlaclne uirlv hollows and angles y the soft curved lines of health and beauty, there are evidently thousands of men and women who keenly feel their excessive thinness. Thinness and weakness are usually due to starved nerves. Our bodies need N Monday evening forty eight of the young business giris- cias ui hn Willamette chapter of the Red Cross met at the poet office for the purpose of taking up the surgical dressing classes. The class is one of the most lively ones in the institution but more members and a larger attendance are wanted. Those attending Monday session were: Marie Britenstein, Mable Patrick, Pansy Willard. Mrs. Willard Taylor, Lerha Wilson, May Cleveland, Mrs- Louise Arthur, Helen Ingrey, Vir ginia W Donnelly, Grace N Babcock, Norma Wechter, Marie Schwab, Mar garet Hodge, Nellie E Schwab, Julia K. Webster, Anna Goldson, Flsie Dor sty, Dorothy Chambers, Tessie Eein hart. Blanch White, Ha Spaulding, Net tie M Spaulding. Nina McNary, Buth V S.-hmidt. Greta Witzcl. Gertie 'vVit- sel Lucr M. Holt, 8a tome Socolotsky, Gussie Negated, Margery Marvin, Lc- nore Staley, Eunane waig, iieiuc Woodle, Luclla Patton, Ethel Bupert, Ethel Frazier, Olga Gray, Clara Briten stein, Gladv Buef, Ethel Trindlo, Mary T. Day, Edith Welbern, Marion T. Wel born, Violet Welborn, Mrs. H. Haid, I'soma Haid, LaRue oBss and Nora Linton. Miss Helen Lee David, professor in household arts at the Oregon Agricul tural college is presiding at the 0. A C. booth at the state fair, and will ans wor all questions in regard to the course of home economics. Mrs. John A. Carson received a wire from her son, John A. Carson, who has been stationed at Fort McArthur, that he was leaving this week for Fort Mon roe, Virginia, where he will enter the officers training school. Mr. Carson l.f. .avoml mini tha airo with a contin- t r.t ,ii.ftn,l men. and is in the heavy artillery division of the nation' ad army. ' Miss Gladys Loughary spent Thurs day in Salemi, attending mo siaie i" aud while here was the guest of friends Mrs. Charles Mayhew of Portland will arrive in Salem this week to spend ,tov. nt. the home 01 Mr. an Mrs. E. Hofer, at their home on South Commercial street. Mrs. Allan Bynon will entertain Miss ik.. UoTmBv nf roriiana over AlllU mid. . Mr. li.i Craven. Mrs. G. 0. Grant, m,. .nmrlen McCann. Haldon Grant a Fife '.. . ) T- Remarkable Item Treatment Far Superior Id OinimsnisrJahfGS. Dilators, and Other, External FJethstls. WE WMT EVERY SUFFERER TO BEEEFIT-SO SEND TODAY FOR FREE TRIAL PACKAGE Only One Sure Way Don't Be Cut a f s 4 Mui JtatehtM limit, rffartmr ktr im Mtiritwi nil S1THO PHOS- .... JT,1 Mi. :. 1.-1.1- ! n ill. sayn if w rwmmrmuvtm wnut t ii for m. Aim e fv inyl 1 htran to retain ml atrtnelh. tit fvli V t(t, 9ms to llrep oJiy oh.i M my Htlte traublts jtftfMfd to uu apfnr. I tautti IumIh feuniu m tow wtrkj. morenhosphate than Is contained in Btudura foods, rhysiuians claim there is nothing that will supply this de ficiency (o well ai the organic. Vno phate known among druggists as bitro phosphate, which is .inexpensive and is sold by most all druggists under guarantee of satisfaction or money back. By feeding the nerves directly aad by supplying the body cells with the necessary phosphorie food el1 menU, bitro phosphate . quikly pro duees a welcome transformation in the appearance; the increase in weight frequently eing astonishing. This increase In weight also carries with it a general Improvement in the health. Nervouanoss, sleeplessness and lack of energy, which nearly always accompany excessive thiainest. soon disappear, dull eyes become bright and pale cheek glow with the bloom of verfect health. CAUTION Although Bltro-Phos- vkate it unaurpasaed for relieving nerv oasnsag, sjeepteanieR, and general weak t turn, owlsc to it rsmarkable flesh crowing nropertlM it ahotUd not be, niwd by any one who doe sot desire to put flesu. ISOLATES THE GERM. Borne, Sept. 26. Professor Ciauri, director of the military hospital at Cotrono, announced today that he had uiscoverea and isolated tu baeillia of Span ish Influence. The disease, which was brouglit in by re patriated prisouors, raging throughout the country. Chicago, Bept. 26. Illinois today began a state-wide effort to stamp out Bpanish influeu sa. Strict quarantine regula tions included careful and prom pt burial of victims of th dis ease. At the Great Lakes training station, where 40,000 sailors are in training the epidemic was re ported waning. Captain Mof let, commandant, reported 77 iX-aths in the 24 hour period cov ered by hi statement. In the same period 237 new cases ar ose. The figures' showed a de crase by 100 new cases. Since the epidvmie began 4447 eases nave been reported, with 280 still on the sick list. of n.,,t'OTnvrl McCann spent Thursday in u..i,.... oitmii inm tno aiuie luir, in Salem they were the guests friends. Miss Boxana Fiske of Dallas is tho , irnnst. nf Mr. and Mrs. 'Hugh La- thm. 401 North Cottage street, during the fair week. Exueriance the Best Teacher It is generally admitted that exper ience is the best teacher, but should we not make use of the experience ot others as well as our own The exper ience of a thousand persons is more to K .innended uuon than that of one in dividual. Many thousands of persons have used Chamberlain's Cough Beme dy for coughs and colds with the best results, which shows it to be a thor oughly roliable preparation for those djseases. Try it. It is prompt and ef fectual and pleasant to take. Try TUa Rome Treatateat that Ay- Caa TJe WKaeat Dtaeemfert r Lee el Time Free Yeer , eelf From Pile. Our Internal method for the relief of pile Is the correct one. Thou sands upon thousands of cases, re norted as cured, testify to this, and we want you to give this method a trial entirely tree of any charge. No matter whether your caa Is ef lone: standing- or recent develop ment whether it is chronic or acute whether it ia occasional or permanent you should send for this treatment. We especially want to send It to those apparently hopeless cases where all forms of salves, ointments. dilators, etc., have lauea. w want you to realise that our method la the one infallible treat ment that brings real lasting relief. "Sample Must Have r Cured He" Bleeding Piles For 6 Yeart San Bernardino, ' California, Mr. E. R. Pane, Marshall, Mich. Dear Sir; Your Pile Tab lets are aurelv wonderful. I was troubled with bleeding piles, off and on for six years: couldn't get anything to' cur them until I Tad your ad. In tne dally paper. The sample must have cured m I haven't b e e n notnered aince. Tours truly, Mrs. M. J. - MANBECK. R. R. Route 2, Box 96. flow Completely Cured AtAgeof88-Enthuslast!c Homer, Mich. Mr. E. R. Page. Marshall, Mich. Pear Sir: 1 want you to know what your treatment has done for me. I had suf fered with piles for many years and used sup positories and all kinds of treatments but never got re yours. Am now Although I am 88 years old and the oldest aettve blacksmith in Michigan, I feel years younger since the piles left me. I will surely recommend it to all I know who suffer this way. You can use my letter any way you wish, and I hope it will lead others to try this wonderful remeoy. xours iruiy. J. X4.XJlUiX( lief until I tried completely cured. Suffered For Over 25 Years Troubled No ISore 1445 N. 8th St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. E. R. Page, Marshall. -Mica. Dear Sin It gives me great pleasure to write and tell you I am troubled no more with Piles. I am 64 years of age and nave sin tered for over ZD venrs: have tried all ktnds of Oint ments, etc., with out success. You are at lib erty to use my name in reference to your Pile Cure and also my photo graph, which I am sending yiu. "With best regards. I remain, Tours very truly, JOHN W. SHCMAN. Suffered For Years "But Wouldn't Know It How" Certainly a Success Try a Peckaae ef Oerlmteniel Treat Mat aad Forget Salvee. Oletaaemt and lepleaaaBt Local . Ayvtli-atlo The only way in the world that you will ever find final relief for piles, is to treat them internally. Don't let anyone persuade ycu to submit to an operation until you have at least given our method a trial. This is not a new idea nor some thing that has not been given a thorough test. This system of treatment has been sold for nearly a quarter of a century. There ia a big difference between being temporarily helped having the pain leave for a few hours or days and being entirely freed from piles. So please notice that those whose letters are quoted especially state that they have been cured. There Isn't any doubt in the world but that our Internal Method for Treating Pile la the One Correct Way. It reaches the seat of trouble, heal and soothes, and brings relief after all other methods have utter ly failed. . We have received thousands of letters testifying to the- truth of every claim, every statement that we have ever made. Don't let anything delay you, but write now, satisfy yourself, ask any questions, put us to the test but above everything else send the cou pon for a free trial of this most wonderful combination treatment. Cured l5Years Ago Merer a Return Ore of the most grateful letters ever reeeived In our office ia dated from Gate City Virginia, and is signed by Mr. T. H. Quillin. Mr. Quillin en cloaes his photo graph (shown .herewith) and writes that he used our method for treating iiilea He states that ne was time and ha3 never had any return of his trouble. Ha orders a treatment for his son. . " . E. It. PAGE. IS year ago, cured at that 238 Broadway, San Diego, CaL Mr. E. R. Page, Marshall, Mich. Dear Sir: attar aiifferine- for year with Piles I feel now as if. I had never hail thm. Vnnr remedy la certain 1,7 mt cannot be oraised 'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee too much. Had It not oeen lor run FREE Pile Relief Coupon ning across your ad In the World I Almanae, I suppose I would still be bothered with this awful .disease. i I want to thank you for your 5 kindness, and K I ever have an op- oortunity of recommending It I will i Ma, IS. R. PAGE, 948A Page Bid., Marshall, Mich. do so. Please send to me, without obligation or cost to me, a trial packags of your combination treatment for Pi lea Sincerely yours, E. a RAYMOND. : J Name T r r n ninr nn wji-a "! int. Li III riiUL UUi Marshall, Hie!. Address 2 X Town.. State. , Hi ROSEDALE President Pennington and Professor Prerisko visited at C. A. Hadley's farm one day Inst week. ' Helen Cammack visited relatives at Turivet Sunday. Professor Wright who has been here picking prunes, returned to Newberg to prepare for the opening of Pacific, -oil,... September 30th. Bhe will b matron nt the oirl's dormitory this year Port Of Germany's Plan To Make Best Bargain Possible. Mrs. Wildo is spending tne ween av hor home in Vancouver, Wash. People i ' - Speak Well of Chamberlain's Tablets. "I have been elling Chamberlain's Tablets for about two year, and heard such good reports from my customers that 1 concluded to give tnem a inm n,v..lf. ami can sav that I do not be lieve there ia another preparation of tho kind eqnal to them' write O. A. McBride, Heiffdford, Ont. if you aro good. Washington, Sept. 2ti, Span ish influensa cases up to today in thearmy, at home, numbered L'9,002, with ntpre tlmn 5,000 ef these listed for the 24 hours vnding yesterday noon. The New England situation is still trou-, blesome. The epidemic ha aow spread to 36 states, although lu most localities t 1 not serious. Borne points, frighfrr-ncd at the appearance of the disease with in thoir boundaries, haw seat hurry calls for aid to Washing ton. ' The Red Cross, war and navy departments and the government health service are cooperating in adopting tlip most effective measures possibl to stamp out the epidemic. ' Itrnmbled with indigestioa or eonstipa tion give thein a trial. They will do you 1 X POPE IS NETJTBAL. IT London, Sept. 26. A diplo matic eourior is reported to hnv left Bomo with Pope Bene dict's ivvply to the Austrian peace note. It M said be a simple declaration of neutrality. "Our periscope pond: letters from two American girls in Paris." Kstcr Boot and Marjorie Crocker. 1 'irh n i m i a. mi ill w Ml Improve Your Appearance) Know the toy of a better complexion. You can InHMitiy rawlefta your ski buutHul, solt ptartj-wltlu appear mem that will be lb weadtr ef your wutiae friends U yea Gouraud's Orbntd Cream SmdlOc. fcrTrerfSIa FKRtV T. HWKINS at SON. New York IS INSINCERE, AND II By Carl D, Groat General Von Wrisberg, representing tho war ministry in addressing the main committee of the reichstag. "The German retirements have been partially for the purpose of shortening the line, the better to cope with the en emy tanks. "Defense i more a question of ner ve than material. The higher com mand ia looking confidently to the fu ture. The enemy calculates, mora than ever, upon our internal collapse. . We must fight for our existence." Captain Brueninghaus, speaking for the admiralty, said the German TJ-boats aro destroying more tonnage than is be ing built, and that there are more sub marines than ever befow. Journal Want Ads Pay THE MONTH'S LOSSES London, Sept. 2(3. British shipping' losses during August totalled 176,401 tons and allied shipping losses consist ed of 151,275 tons, the admiralty of ficially announced. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY! e United ITCSS Stan correspunucui; i 11' I . LI A. (. .1 . . lla...H'.l W aSninCTOn, ovm,. t'l. unmiij latest peace flyer Hertling ' speecn ! was dismissed by ofticiais toaay as summarily as it most concrete prede cessor, the Austrian note. They promptly branded it insineere and pointed to the whole course of German military and diplomatic policy fcr proof of their claim that tnis is onlv snotrer German effort to squeeze out of the war with the best possible bargain before American forces put the finishing touches on the Teuton dream of world conquest. - Officials said to look at the Kussian situation i sufficient to show that Germany's glib acceptance of Presi dent Wilson1 peace prtaciples is not from the heart. The nresident demanded evacuation of Bnssia and abandonment of Teuton control there. But Germany's every act, they suggested, has shown clearly ' . . i.: n....nif tha tit was arnica at maaaug uu.. mn.tur ia Russia. In answer to the query."do mis nff a haul for discussing peace, ev en if it were granted that Uertrng's acceptance of the Wilson terms wer genuine!" officials declared emphatic ally that it doe( not. Thev said that any peace eonierence would." have to be preceded by an ar miattc which would include withdraw al of German forces from Bussia, Bel gium ami France. There ia no suggestion that Germany i ready for such a step, even though that would necessarily be the natural forerunner of a real peace talk. Hertling 's speech causedsurpriemfc ly little eomment. The government is f'ullv prepared for all sorts of maneuv er "in the German peace offensive and it ie gratified that there is virtually no pacifist sentiment in the country. This lessens the task of officials tn combatting the sinister Teuton moves. It. ia deemed significant of Amerl- a nnwnr that Germany now admits for the first time that she is oa the defensive and "up against it." Germans Boast To Boost Their Courage Amsterdam, Sept., 26. "The Anreri j can-armie should not terify us; wej will also, settle with them," declared' SCHOOL SUPPLIES SHIPLEY'S STATIONARY i Toilet Articles Women OUTFiTTERS TO Misses Children t COATS ...a COATS COATS SUITS - SUITS SUITS DRESSES ' DRESSES 1 DRESSES WAISTS WAISTS WAISTS -AND STILL MORE OF THEM, ALL CONSERVATIVELY PRICED- FOR EVERY OCCASION FOR EVERY PURSE There are many reasons why SHIPLEYS is recognized as the place to bitf iemimne wear me uigness 01 blocks, me uiversuy ox otvie ana , jrypuiai prices have won for us the position. COATS . ......J....... .$14.75 TO $95.00 SUITS L $24.75 TO $75.00 CLOTH DRESSES $ 9.75 TO $45.00 SILK DRESSES ... J. $14.75 TO $50.00 LINGERIE DRESSES $ .93 TO $ CREPE DE CHINE WAISTS. ........ .$3.93 TO $25.00 Just received a good shipment of women's silk hosiery in the dark brown . shade at $1.50 per pair. QUALITY MERCHANDISE Y POPULAR .PRICES U. G. SHIPLEY COMPANY 145-147 N. LIBERTY STREET . JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY