Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 24, 1918, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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- Bate per ward New Today:
Xkch insertio ... ,, .. .., ,. lc
One week (6 insertions)-. 5e
On month (26 insertions) . . . 176
The Capital Journal will sot b re
sponsible for more than one insertion,
for errors in Classified Advertisements.
Head your advertisement the first da;
appears and notify as immediately.
Jliiumum charge, loc
WANTED To rent 6 room house with
barn end garage. Phone 100F2. 9 20
FOB KENT 160 acre farm, good build
iugs. Enquire 1427 N. Church. 9-25
SMALL driving horse for sale cheap.
A. U Smith, Kt. 1, box 84, 4)-25
BOOMS for fair visitors, 492 N. Cot
tajfb. Phone 1180. 9-24
"WANTED A girl for light housework
two in family, washing done outside.
Phone 24G3. 9-24
LOST Ciear of Indian .motorcycle on
Liberty road. Return- to Ramsden
Bicycle shop. Reward. 9-24
SEALED Loganberry
good for pies and
gal. 1389 Court. '
juice for sale,
drinks,, $1.25
FOR SALE Baby's rccd sulkey, Edi
son phonograph and 'records. Phoue
1148 or call 1186 Broadway. 9-24
WANTED Small hop yard in exchange
for citv property, . uwner, rwra
Bayne bldg. Phone 794- ,
WANTED Delivery man for dairy
route- Fairmount Dairy. Phone 725.
LOST $400 liberty bonds. If found
will pay liberal reward. Phone 340,
G. L. Steinau, 143 N. High. 9-25
FOR RENT Furnished rooms with
privilege of light housekeeping. 1079
Chemoketa St. "
FOR SALE English Better bird dog.
Bcgistcred. Phone 322 r 766. , 9-27
FOR SALE Tomatoes
Phone S0F11.
FOR SALE Baled straw. Davi Koes,
Jefferson road. 8-24
HOP PICKERS wanted. Phone 69F11.
Adam. Orey, Et. 8. ' ; tf
COL. W. T. WRIGHT, Ue. auctioneer.
Turner, Oregon. Phon 59. r, v
WANTED High school girl to; board
and room, reasonable rates. Call be
tween 9 and 10 a. m. 1132 Center. '
PIGS FOR SALE Joseph Barber, one
mile south oft Riverside drive. Phone
84F4. 8-24
WANTED Two ' experienced saleswo
men for general dry goods and fan
cy goods, salary $20 per week- D.
M. JSayberger, MeMinnville, Or. 9-25
FOR SALE Baled straw, baled grain
hay, work horses and driving horses
and fresh milk cow, $50. Geo. Swegle,
Garden rpnd. Phone 24F2. 9-24
WANTED To rent, or might buy, 6
or 7 room modern house, good loca
tion, priced right, "between $2000 end
$2700 cash
W A care'Journal. 9-20
WANTED, Boy 10 or 17 years of age,
annlv riIv. nnrr. at Journal office af
tfli 4 n. ni. ,o tf
WANTED $12,000 on absolutely first
class citv Di'ODcrty. Box 250, Salem
. ' ' . tf
FOR SALE Studcbaker auto, light
four, in first class condition, electric
starter and lights. Leaving city
Must sell. Phone 2057W. 9 28
.WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll
onward. Buron's Furniture Store. 179
Commercial. ' " tf.
HOUSEKEEPING apartments and
single Tooms, nicely furnished, at
033 Ferry street. tf.
ffWO and threa room furnished apart-
men fa. 491 N Cottage Phcno 2203-
NOTICE This is warning that 1 will
not tolerate trespassing or hunting
on my premises. Signed. T. F. Walk
er. Rt. 7. box 1U3. lu-xa
MXa OAlJilr JAijr utauiuui uiuuciu uu-
galow, largo lot. garage, cement waits
nii( tprma at 7 ter cent. I'lionn 1642.
V - tf
FOR RENT Nice 8 room house, hot
WANTED To rent grain land, from 2
to 6 hundred acres, either casn or
grain rent. Also want to buy some
small pigs. Adam Orcy, Kt. 8, Thone
69F11. tf
WANT To buy or rent a good stock
and dairy ranch from 50 to 250 acres
prefer to deal with owners. See G.
V. Pinckney at Bligh hotel, Wednes
day and Thursday. 9-24
PORTLAND house to trade for live-
stock, fanning implements or land.
Will discount my $2500 .equity in
nice double flat, Portland, on St.
Johns carlinc, 5 rooms, bath, toilet
and sleeping porch each floor, and
Jake live stock, hay, farming imple
ments, anything useful on home
stead, or land. House brings $400
yearly rental, mortgage indebtedness
requires readjustment January next.
Address Mr. Curry, Rt. 9, box 23,
Salem. Phone 57F4, 9 25
ROOM and board for school girl, reas
onable. 1940 8. High St. 9 24
FOli RENT Modern 6 room flat. Close
in. Phone Viol. 69o K. Liberty. 9-28
FOUND Money, owtoer pay for ail
and prove property. "Phone 1460J.
WANTED Typewriter, etandard, vis
ible. Phone 340. 9 24
MUST sell my modern 6 room bunga
low; small amount cash, balance
terms. fAddres J-20 rare Journal.
UNIVERSITY girl would like work
Saturdays and after school hours, of
, fiee or store work preferred. Address
U Q care Journal. 9-24
STRAYED One yearling Jersey heifer
T. D. Trick, Rt. 4. Phone 12F21. 9-24
WANTED Experienced woman cook.
State School for Deaf. Phone 646.
WANTED Lady cook and helper for
logging camp of about 30 men. Ln
quiro of Syaulding Log.. Co., Front
and Ferry St. 9-25
FOR SALE Pedigreed New Zealand
red rabbits and Rufus red Belgium
hares. 643 S. 12th St. Phone 28oM.
, 9-26
FOR SALE 5 young Holstein calves.
State School for Deaf. Phone 646.
.... 9-26
FOR RENT Strictly modem 6 room
(bungalow, tfurnished complete, $20
per month. W. A. Liston. . 9-20
WANTED To borrow, $9000 on 244
acre improved farm, o years at b
per cent. W. A. Liston. 9-26
UNIVERSITY or high school boy want
ea for mailer at Journal office.
Must be quick worker. tf
WANTED By married man, ago 37,
steady job, has no trade Address M
M care Journal. 9 24
FOR SALE A limited amount of pure
white winter seed wheat; also dry
fir wood. Phono 55F3 Sunday or af
ter 7:30 p. m. tf
WANTED Man to drive team, good,
steaitv job.. Apply J. E, Scott or
phone 1425J. . 9 26
BARGAIN 200 acre farm, Waldo hills
$30 per acre, easy" terms. F. L. Wood
Bayne bldg. " . 9-24
HAVE $2000 to loan on good farm se
curity at 7 per cont. Address S 24
card Journal. 9-26
SNAP Seven room house situate 1765
Lee street for $600. Terms. Phone
219. - tf
8-16 MOGUL tractor in good working
order, $450 cash W. H. Tnndle, Bank
of Commence bldg. Phone 371. 9-26
FOR SALE House and two fine lota,
with fruit "and good well, no incum
brance. Owner, call box 40, General
delivery. 9-30
FOR BALE Or let on shares, a few
hundred head of Btock sheep. F. B.
Deckel, Silverton, Or. 10-5
LOST Saturday around 5 o'clock p
m. on road trom. country club, man s
grey sweater. Finder return to Journ
al office and receive reward. .. 9-24
FOR SALE Gentle driving horse, good
traveler, with buggy and harness,
both good as now. Ward K. Richard
son, 2395 Front St. 9-24
CIVIL service examinations everywhere
October 5th, 12,000 women clerks to
be appointed at Washington. Salarp
$1200. .Experience unnecessary. Wo
mou desiring government positions
write for free particulars,.R. E. Ter
ry, (former civil service examiner,)
922 Columbian building, Washington,
D. C. 10-1
FOR SALE 100 acres, milo from town
half rich creek 'bottom, balance pas
turo and timber, partly cleared and
in cultivation, house, barn and orch
ard. Good potato or dairy ranch,
Price $75 per acre. Part cash, bal
ance on time. Address Owner, P O.
box 203, Newport, Ore. 9-24
- IH. 't V Vi isr.. n 'ij
f - I.IOT-I J
Magnified Results
Try one of Our
Wonderful Little
Want Ac! and
watch the Re&ulU
!. I." Red pullets for sale at Farmers
Produce Co. . 9-24
I HAVE a 1914 Tord chassis for sale
cheap, also 4 wheel trailer. 1973 N.
Coral. . 9 2")
YOUKO lady wanted to mind office
in return for office experience and
business training. Good opportunity
for stenography student. Box 236,
Salem. , 9 20
FOR TRADE 4V2 acres with 2 houses
and barn on paved street; valuation j
50OO, trade for farm land, will pay ;
eash difference. Phone 1576 W. 9-24
6 GOOD men wanted for factory work
immediately, long job, good wages.
Apply at U. S. labor bureau, 385
State St. Phone 263. 9-26
PLENTY of money to loan on good
farms; low interest rates; five years
time; privilege to pap $100 or multi
ple on any interest date. Call or
write H. II. Hawkins, 314 Masonic
bldg, .Salem. -tf
FARMERS needing money for increas
ed crop production, payment of ob
' ligations, buying land, fertilizer,
live stock or equipment, call at Fed
eral Farm Loan information booth
second floor of new pavilion, state
fair, for information as to how Un
cle Sam can help you. A. C. Bohrn
stedt, 401 Masonic Temple, Salem,
Ore. 9-27
AUCTION SALE Of sixty head cattle
horses and farm implements. Extra
good horses. October 2, 10 a. m. at
Briukmeyer place, fifteen miles east
of Salem, seven miles south of Sil
verton and half niilcs north of Vic
tor Point store. Come and spend the
day with. us. Phon 5F23.. Stoller &
Gantenbein, Rt. 3, box 61, Silveiton,
owners. 10-2
FOR SALE 5 acre Italian prune or
chard, six years old, small .house,
good well, price $1800. 10 acre tract
5 acres bearing prunes, smallhouse,
price $30(10. 5 acre tract, all culti
vated land, good 5 room plastered
bungalow, barn, price $1000. 5 acres
bearing cherry orchard, price $1200
15J.4 acre9 of pasture and timber,
fine spring, price $1000. W. H. Gra
benhorst'& Co., 275 State streot. 9-26
Spanish Influenza
Exacts Big Death Toll
Boston, Mass, Sopt. 24 With
the death toll from the epidem
ic of Spanish influenza mount
ig steadily, the schools of Bos
ton were .closed at noon today
until the .disease in stamped
out. '''' '" '
There were approximately 100
deaths in the 24 hour' period
ending today. Of these, seven
were among men in the first
naval district, Officials also re
ported 70 new cases among sail
ors this morning.
Chicago, Sept. 24- The influ
enza epidemic at the Great
Lake naval training station ig
under control according to a
statement today from Command
ont Moffett'a office.
During tho last 24 hours 320
new cases developed as against
440 for the previous 24 hours,
it was said. No figures were
given as to the number of mu
in the hospitals or the total of
Stockholm, Sept. 24. The epi
demic of Spanish influenza is
very serious in Sweden. Sixty
nine persons-died Monday.
Bulgarian Armies
In Most Serious Plight
London, Sept.' 24 Serbian
troops have crossed the Vardar
river on a fiont of fifteen miles
it was learned authoritatively
tonight. Tho enemy's line of
communication along the Vardar
on this front is now definitely
in the hands of the allies.
Thi Serbians are now within
striking distance of the road
running from Kcuprulu to Istib.
on winch the bulk of the Bulgar
ian forces are retreating. It is
believed this road will be cut
soon. "
Kouprulu is on the west bank
of the Vardar, about 45 miles
northwest 'of the nearest point
of tho line from which the al
lies started their drive and (is
only about 25 miles southeast
of Uftkub. Istib, or Stipliet is
about 15 miles duo east of Keup
rulu. t
Government's Delay
Holds Up Business
Of Prune Packing
Prune men are rather up against it
until the government experts decide
just the amount of damage that has
been done to the California prune
crop. It is reported raining again in J
California today and this is the time
of year that rains arc supposed to piws
by and permit the drying of prune out
in the open. The Drager plants at Rose
burg and Myrtle Creek are blocked with
prunes and no more can be accepted.
And the same is almost true of the Sa
lem plant. Until the government offi
cials decide just what part of the Ore
gon crop will bo needed and just what
sizesy packing plants will remain idle.
The condition of the Drager packing
plants applies to the Salem Fruit Union
Calls Will Be made From Draft
la Sequence Of Order
Enlistments for the army, navy or
marine corps are a thing of the past
according to orders received this mom
ing by the local exemption board
Calls will be made on the governors
of the states by" Provost General
Crowder for men just as they are" need
ed both for the navy and army, and
Marine euips and these will be handled
by the local exemption boards.
Hereafter, no man of draft age will
have an 1 opportunity of choosing his
service, whether it be in the army or
navy, unless he happens to be a spec
ialist in a certain line.
The instructions read: 'CalIa for the
navy and Marine Corps' will in all re
spects resemble the ordinary calls for
the army. Calls will be for men taken
from tho ordinary run of the draft in
sequence of order number. Also spec
ial for men with special technical qual-
linuviuual induction will
also be authorized. The calls will be
made and filled exactly as calls for the
army are now handled."
According to these instructions, it
seems that when the call is mado for
the navy or marine corps, the exemp
tion boards will take up the names of
those next in order number and order
them to report. If this rule is followed
ont to the letter, hereafter men will
have no option as to whether they tte
land or naval service, local exemption
boards are instructed that no one shall
be inducted into the navy who cannot
read, write or speak the English lan
guage, no ore who is not an American
citizen and no one who is a conscien
tious objector. If a man has just, filed
his declaration papers, the navy does
not want hiin. There are also several
restrictions as to diseased men, those
who are partly color blind or who have
not first class vision-, .
But the main feature of tho new in
structions is the fact that navy recruits
will be inducted into the service by
the local exemption Tjoards exactly the
same as for the army and also the fact
that nama are to 'be called in sequence
number, giving the registrant no choice
as to army or navy service.
st )t jc st sfc s( - ss sc sc it
State House Notes
Attorney General Brown has been ad
vised that the attorneys for , the Pa
cific Livestock Company have filed a
motion in the circuit court for Harney
county to set aside the order of the
court dismissing the original suit
brought by the state to recover ap
proximately 26,000 acres of land on the
grounds it was obtained through fraud.
The old case was dismissed when the
attorney general filed a new complaint
Attorney General Brown and Assistant
Attorney General ' J. O. Bailey'will
leave Monday for Burns to argue the
Word was received here today that
a change hag been made in the ar
rangements for the funeral of LcRqy
Leody, private secretary to Interstate
Commerce Commissioner Aitchison and
former reporter fo the Oregon public
service commission who died Saturday
in Washington. Instead of the body be
ing taken to Canyon City, in Grant
county, it will be taken to Albany for
burial. It is. expected to reach Portland
Thursday night.
Salem Doubled Quota
For Salvation Array
Mrs. John -A. Curson, chairman of
the Salvation Army drive for Salem,
reports .hat the collr;t'ons lat week
in Salem amounted to $1680. Sfl. The
quota assigned to the city of Salem for
this drive was $800.00. To the. credit
of the ladies of Kalem, it may be said
that the raising of the funds for the
Salvation Army was taken over volini
tarily by the Women's Clubs ?.nrt that
ihe business men and offides down town
were not solicited. The money wai giv
on olmost entirely from the resilient
districts. Having more than doubled
tho quota asked for, Mrs. Carson feels
like thunking the many faithful work
ers who gave their time and work in
not only assisting in laying out the
jinns of thn drive, but in- tho actual
wdk of soliciting. The quoH assigned
to (he county wai $2200. K-M'ir- hum
not as yet come in from the country
districts. I; ut with Halem going $1680.86
it is felt that Marion county will eas
ily run cbead of the quota assigned.
Queen Mother Persuales
Spain To Germanize
London, Sept. 24. Through
personal intervent'on u Maria
Christiana, the Qncen Mother,
it is understood that the Span
ish fah.i.ft accepted Gcmanyi
compromise proposal whereby
the latter promised to give
Spain seven interned ships and
respsct tho Spanish flag when
flown on vessels exclusively en
gaged in Kpanifh trade, accord
ing to the San 8ebastian cor
respondent of the Times.
and all prune packing houses, Kvery
thing is at ft standstill untd the gov
ernment notifies th plants te begin
Journal Want Ads Pay
Says United States Ready For
AH War Emergencies And
Those Alter It.
Chicago, Sept. 24. Three hundred bil
lion dollars can be raised by the United
State, if necessary, in thw opinion of
3500 bankers gathered here foday at
the fourth annual convention of the
American bankers association.
President C. A. Hinsch gave them the
figures in an address opening thy. con
vention. Bankers held that the United States
ent financial demand but it is also
is not only-fully prepared to meet the
present demand but is also prepared for
the afterthewar financial readjustment.
Dr. Clarence Ousley, assisiiuit secre
tary of agriculture, urged closer co-operation
between bankers and farmers.
The two working together would create
sound bank reserves with an increased
crop production, ho said.
While Germany will not starve, he
said,, the matter of food production Is
one of the most important factors in
the war.
We have heard a great deal lately of
Kalianoinoku, tho famous Ilawaiim who
pcciallzes in breaking records, but Har
old Kruger, one of, lii8 traveling com
panions from the distant info, is also
1 11 tabio chatip. This photo show" him
after winning i back stroke raco ut
the V.ul ( ."'.'fs meet held at Belmur,
N. .f.
J f
5 .' N I
-W, ' II
if - v
f v i
, fx - r3i
1 -
1 t&sn&mzwsyi
im 1111 MiiiMwwiMiiwwMMWwrmiMiWM-iiMMMinririri iirn mjiu iirtiin,-n-wivin
33 Years the Leaders and Still On Top
Saving can
be practiced in
rAII. : -r f
i ?.
All Moderately Priced
With the beginning of
Fall your thoughts nat
ur; lly turn to comforts.
Keep warm af night.
Avoid the ills of the
chilly atmosphere. Big
line here easily seen. AU
moderately priced.
Weigh well the importance of these tremendous
moments and invest every dollar you can get on the
The Journal Jot Department
will print you anything in the
stationery line do it Tight and
Bavo you real money.
Ww can "sympathize" with the p"r,
tired business man who wan compelled
to stay over in Pendleton through the
end of tho week on some big deal.
Let your taste
pick the winner.
If you have been
eating common
corn Tia Res,
A Taste Tells
than one
When it comes
to clothes for
boys, the best
way we know is
always to buy
There's more value
to the square inch
in one of those suits
than any
ever seen.
Leather prices 1-3 off.
Large Line of new leath
er purses in all styles.
Whon you use Journnl classifi
ed ads get what you want tlwm
to they work fait.
inii'"www. wji-awifty''"'j
i ' i 1S23 4)