IE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALETu. OREGOK TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. 1918, 11 r xx tttt tt tttttt I tttt I ttttttt VISIT OUR ECONOMY BASEMENT tttt BIG SAVINGS AT THE BIG CLOSINGOUTSAL At Stockton's General Mercantile Department Store Pacific Coast Ship Building Record , 4c 'Washington. Sct. 24. Figr- ures compiled by the (Shipping board ahow that up to and in- eluding the first two weeks of isepteuiebr the Pacific coast 4c shipyards have delivered their first million tons of completed new vessels. The Pacific coast yards lead those of the Atlan- tic coast by 3761,00 dea weight tons ond those of the Great Lakes by 611,305 dead- weight tons. The Pacific coast $ yards have delivered about one 4e half of all the new tonnage. The Pacific coast also leads in versela launched but not yet completed and delivered. 4c More than half a million dead- 4c 4c weight tons of new ships are 4c 4c off the ways of Pacific coast 4c shipyards approaching complo- 4c 4c tion. 4 MEN'S CLOTHING MEN'S and WOMEN'S FURNISHINGS SHOES DRY GOODS DRUGS STATIONERY Corner Court And Com'l Street, Salem. MONMOUTH NEWS. (Capital Journal Special Service.) Independence, Or., Sept. 24. Word has been recoived hew that Frank M. Kirkland, son of Mr. and Mrs. P, M. Kirkland, i,as received a commission as second lieutenant. Ho joined the or dinance department and soon became top sergvant. Ho is now stationed at Augusta, tia., but is expecting to- bo transferred to Franco at any time. Ira D, Mix, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Mix, has been chosen cashier of tho Independence National bank. Hg is a graduate from 0. A. C. and is well qualified for tho position, having made a specialty of th0 banking business. He is associated with Dr. H. C. Dunsmore and II. B. Wolfe. Mrs. Lottie Hedges Mcintosh has ro opened her piano Htudio at her resi dence on Main street. She has recently been appointed county chairman of all Liberty choruses. Mrs. J. S. Cooper and Mrs. Clyde Ecker who represented tho Independ ence Woman's club at tho State Fcder aiton'iu Portland returned home Sotur day. They report a splendid session witn many interesting speakers present. Mrs. Cooper organized the club here and was the first president. Mrs. Eck er is now president. G. W. Httnklo of Corvallis visited relatives hero this week. The training school opened Monday with a splendid attendance. The high school will open next Monday. After a vacation of several weeks the city librarian, Mrs. Alicw Skinner, lias roturned and the library has been opened again. to the Polk County fair this week. A large attendance went from here Mrs. Mary Weidko has recently pur chased valuable real estato in Mon mouth. Miss Lavilla Cooper a studont nurse at tho Good Samaritan hospital of Port land is visiting relatives hero this week. P. B. Burnetto is visiting his daugh ter Mrs. Sherman Hayes aiid Mrs. Claire Irvine. Mrs. A. L. Sperling of Portland was tho guest of Mrs. Ward Butler last wv-ck. J. S. Cooper and daughter Miss Gene vieve visited relatives in Portland this week. Work on the new bank building on Main street has ben resumed after sev eral days d?lay. Jay Bird, who lias been the Jeweler in Kreamor 's Jewelry storo will leave Jie city in a short timo. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Eouf have moved to Salem, and are comfartably located at 732 irorth Commercial street. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Cooper and Miss 4c. He' 4t4e if, 4c DERMATOLOGIST GIVES ' 4c 4c COMPLEXION SECEET 4c 4e ... 4c "The groat secret of keeping the face young is to keep off the dead cuti cle," says Dr. J. Mortimer Mitchell. "It is well known that the Biirface skin is constantly dying, falling off in impcrceptiblo particles, except in gome diseased "conditions, when the same ap pear like dandruff. But the particles do not all drop off, immediately they die, being hold for a while by the live skin. "To have the dermatological surgeon ipeel off the entire outer skin at one time is a painful and expensive opera tion. The same result is obtained by ap plying rdiin'ary nicircolized wax, as you would cold cream, allowing this to remain on over night, then taking it off with warm water. One ounce usually suffices. Tho, process is both painless and inexpensive. The wax, which is pro curable at your drug store, hastens the natural shedding process. It gradually absorbs tho dead and half dead skin, revealing the new, healthy, youthful looking skin underneath." ChXHron Cry for Fletcher's ithe Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has beea la use for over over 30 years, has born'e the signature of i ' - and has been made under his per jf, sonal supervision since its infancy. K oi-UOiZ Allow no one to deceive vou in this. Ali Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-gocd " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Ifauts snd Childrcn Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A . Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Ita ege is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has Seen i.i constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Iind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising ' therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep, The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. gsnusks CASTORIA always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You. Have Always Bought tHt CINTWJM COMPAMV. MKW VOM CITY, Genovieve motored to Aurora last Sun day to visit Mrs. John Krause. E. L. Townsend began service as & mail carrier on a route out of Mon mouth last Monday. Miss Helen Butler, Hazv-1 Calbreath, Vera Johnson and Nfla Dickinson en tered school at the normal last Mon day. Taylor Hills' honip booth of Inde pendence was totally destroyed by fire last Tuesday. John Feagles has arrived home after an absence of several weeks. Mrs. E. E. Paddock and daughter, Dorothy, left Sunday for Seattle. .While thero Dorothy will take a busflicss course. . - Boyd, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Huff, had the misfortunu to fall from a fcnce and break hig arm last Tuesday. Mrs. Genevieve Miller and family have moved to Olympia, "Wash. Fay Dunsmore after several attempts ta get into the servico has boon placed in class 1-A with instructions to join ths October si"30"- Mrs. Allen Whitcaker wa9 here from Perrydalo for tho week end. Sam Hanna has moved to his farm Cleave Robinson was heiw from Leb anon last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Addison have gon8 to California to spend the winter. Ernest and Vern Williams returned to the naval station at Mate Island last Thursday after spending a furlough of several weeks wih thomo folks. The twelve year old son of Frank Mordant was run over by a county auto truck Friday 'morning," being badly hurt. Mrs. O. 8. Goff of Boise. Idaho, was th0 guest of Mrs. Ward Butler last week. Mrs. Goff hag been traveling Are You In Trouble? The Problems of Life: Fear, Worries, Sorrows, Love, Domes tie and Business Affairs, SOLVED; tfervous, Mental and Psychical Dis eases, TREATED; and Your Natural "Place" Vocation on Earth, FOUND by the PERSONAL TROUBLE SPECIALIST DR. ALZAMON IRA LUCAS, Ptycho-Aaalrrt and Vacation! Director. 538-S Moraaa Build inf. Write yoar troubles or wanta. Encloaa emt (tamp. Addreaa P. O. box 667, Portlaod, Oregon. several mouths and .besides visiting all the principal eatstern and southern cities has sivut some time in Cuba. She returned to her home in Boise ou Bat uiday. Oliver Smith visited in Portland last week. Miss Martha Shinn will attend school in Portland this year. Jauicg. Hanna was here from Port land this week on business. Miss Vale Hiltebraad visited in Sa k;ni this week. Mark Hanna has accepted a position as private secretary to the state urn versify. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brady visited in Corvallis last Sunday. J. C. Echer of Poison, Montana, who has been visiting his sou Clyde Eiker has gono to port land to visit relatives. Miss Gladys Chads has gone to Port land to attend a business collcgw. Mrs. E. BaBcue visited frieuds la' Portland last week. Mrs. Jas. Fcrrig is -visiting relatives in Oswego. Mrs. W. H. Cackle visited in Salem last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mcl.eod visited in Sa lem the first of thj week. Mrs. J. W. Richardson and son Ger ald visited in Dallas this week. Mrs. Claude Skinner won three prizes at the Polk county fair this week for made over garments. Miss Vera Bell of Corvallis visited hero this week. Independence siitgers took part in a community sing at Dallas last Thurs day evening. Mrs. F., G. Feldman of Portland has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Wolfo. . - Arranging Course Of itarv Instruction Ftr State High Schools A coursu in military instruction for the high schools of Oregon is bcins is suod by J. A. Churchill, superintendent of public instruction. "Every "high school in the state is having .as high as 33 boys should at onco organize a iompany for niilitarj instruction," says Mr. t-hurchill. "A competent military instructor should bo accural by each high school, or there should at least b0 in the corps of regu lar instructors one man who has had sufficient military training or military experience to enablo him to teach mili tary science successfully.". , Salem's experience last year with mil itary training in its high school is cited by Superintendent Churchill as an il lustration of how schools may proceed. The pamphlet issued by Mr. Churchill also contains a report from City School Superintendvnt John V. Todd giving tin account of tho work doue tJr tho bene fit of tho other high schools in tho state... Mr. Churchill points out that the state ennnnt now furnish guns for htgh schools, mid he recommends the plan followed last yeor whwroby the school district purchased the gung and ainmii lijtion and each boy paid for his own ;inif(.rm. r "Regular as Clockwork Nuipl Kr Constipation, ;jwu.'jbul...j V.. You can foretell the future You say "The man who could foretell illness would make a for tune I " Of course no man can in the sense you mean. But you can telljfreUy accurately what to expect your own body to do. , How? Get this simple physiology : Your body machine has to be repaired. It also must have fuel to supply heat anj energy. Your food supplies both repair material and fuel. But a furnace always produces ashes and clinkers. If these accumulate, the furnace becomes clogged and cannot work properly. ... If your bowels become clogged you suffer from constipation. Perhaps you hurry to work or play pnd neglect to obey Nature's call. Waste matter stagnates in the boweli You go right on eat ing, drinking, working. What happens? The constipation be comes established. Waste matter undergoes decay, fermentation and germ action. Poisons are formed, absorbed,carried all over the body. They attack the weakest part of you first. Then you know you're sick. In reality you w been getting sick since you missed that first movement; If your want to keep well wholly well, all the time, so that you're on your toes every day, remove that waste. Many people take pills, castor oil, purgative mineral waters to lorco the bowels to act. These act, but they irritate, tire out the intestinal muscles, make the trouble worse. Others take "salts," whioh attract water to the intestines and flush the bowels about as gently as a fire hose. A re-action follows that makes the intestines dryer than ever and aggravates the constipation. You needn't do this and weaken your system just because all of your ancestors did. . ; The Nujol Treatment moves the waste regularly, and easily. Itis a purely mechanical process, ab solutely harmless, based on a simple principle that you can move a softened mass out of a lube more easily than a hard, dry one. It doesn't gripe yxou won't know you have taken anything until af ter a few days your bowels move at the regular hour. It makes you "regular, as clockwork." Don't try to foretell illness. Fore stall it. Don't wait until you are sick. Keep well now. Your drug- .fi,..,, , .! ,i..l, ( I'M- gist nas iujoi. m -y a .a E!a . ' VfiAOtf MARK ' f For Constipation - W k- ' Warning: gtgrg 'j ; Trade Mark. Insist on IS'ujol. You may jL-Jsl vV ""' " suffer from substitutes. jr " ' ' - The Nujol Laboratories ': J j''- j" : vu STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) " ; ' , Bayonne, New Jersey j' " ' r I ' - "Nt if,-'. : I " . v v. . . i f r . ,k . !, H'tV : 4 r f I xl b m4 . ' t S 4 ' " . ' 5 - - s r .V 4 I ! '. I! f-' ' I 'I II If if . 3 1 ." i .. i ' ' ' il . . .. . -vr- 4.''-., jf- 1 " '--i j X v.. ;b. i f w- V TV a , v. J-. J. If ' t i ... , 1'! Violin ensemble pupils of Miss Elizabeth Levy, who plaped at the fairgrounds last night. Members of ensemble are Misses Ksthcr Dinwoodie, Winona Smith, Francis l'urdy, Barbam Hobinson, Donnie Hmith, Klaine Steingrube, Edna Smith, Gertrude Vclchok, Blanche Hjll, Arnett Collins, N(ira Bucll, Alecia Welty. Claronce Kuge, Simon Volchok, Bjorn Oadeholt, Willie Holof, Howard Kalch, John Kratcs, Kllia Welty, Howard Steingrube, Harold Ucrtholson, Gordon, Bhonnesen, Ralph Parker. Piano accompanist, Miss Mildred Brunk.