Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 23, 1918, Page FOUR, Image 4

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"".(' r.. 'I i '. .'v ,. . W i-...i...s..rj r-Kt
itUSaUuJSQ-tHiiriiiUii "-OMiii.iii.i.ii'Miro- ,, iim ini.iQi'iiiiiiiil.iiim.Hi'v"
CHAELxa a nsnxs
liar mi Pabliike
duonai ram or 1 i
moxdaj: evening
September 23, 191S
T1iii.Mi.MM..nyV"ii;!!'Mi!-HMMjV)' turnup'' " "Tfhl!1"' 1 '! I ' ; 'I ! " 1 'XfrZ?
Capital Journal Pig. Co., Inc.
B. and Trcas.
1K ,
i- :.i j f.i. a e. : j ai r . i
iflic nut coiisjucieu in bu iiy aiuugsiue uiuse vi me Balance
jof the world, and they are those of Germany, Austna
'i Hungary. Bulgaria and Turkey. These are in diserra;-
.! because of the things they stand for. One and all they
present autocracy instead of democracy; the rule of
the classes for their own aggrandizement instead of the
masses for the general betterment of the condition of all;
might rather than right; and world domination through
war conducted on the most barbarous principles rather
than the respecting of the rights of other nations and of
other peoples. Is it any wonder the flags of countries
holding such views as to the rights of others, should be
denied a place in decent company?
Plljr by carrier, per year 5"0 frt Month
llty by mail, per year -W 1'tr Month
VI. D. Ward, New fork. Tribune Hull Jtng.
Cnicaxo. Vi. H. Mtorkwell, 1'eepie'i lis building
The Capital Journal carrier nova are Instructed to put the papera on the porch. If
t1 carrier df not do thl, misses you, or neglect netting tbe paper to you on time,
ttndly puoue tlie circulation iranirper, u thla In the only ay we can determine whether
et not the carriers are following luetructlona I hone tluln Hi before 7 SO o'clock and
aper will be aent you by special messenger It tbe rarrler has mimed you.
This is the day of all Nations at the state fair
grounds and flags of every civilized and respectable na-
tion are in evidence generally. There are just four that
la the only newspaper In Salem whose circulation la guaranteed by the
Audit Uureau of Circulations
There' seems to be a general opinion that in -the
changing of the clocks back to correct time, the date for
doing it is October first. This is a mistake. The act of
congress passed March 19, providing for the change is
printed at the' suggestion of the weather bureau for the
puipose of correcting this error. The act provides that
"cn the last Sunday of March of each year the standard
time shall be advanced one hour, the change being made
at 2 o'clock in the morning, and that on the last Sunday
of October of each year at 2 o'clock a. m. the standard
time by the retarding of one hour shall be returned to
the mean astronomical time." -This settles all differences
of opinion on the matter, of which there are many, and
fixes the time for the change the last Sunday of October
instead of the- first dav thereof. At the time the change
was made there, was considerable poking of fun at the i case,
measure, but it proved a really practical ana vaiuame one.
It gave an hour longer in the evening for garden and
such work, and not only this but giving the longer time
in a body made the hour that otherwise would have in
most cases been wasted, of real benefit. It helped many
a war garden, and while it is true the same result could
have been reached by getting up an nour earner man one
was accustomed to doing, that getting up would not nave
been done. By a bit of camouflage a hundred million Am
ericans were made to get up ai hour earlier than usual,
and this without grumbling. Who wouia nave imagi.i
there was such power in the American clocks?
who would be satisfied with what he
could do for her.
Mrs. Curtis welcomed them warmly.
Scarcely had Kuth laij aside her wraps
before Mollie and a young man appear
ed. He was the sort of man Moliie af
fected, and Euth had never known.
"Why didn't he get hi3 hear cut!"
Kutn wondered when they weij intro
duced; that it was part of a pose she
had no way knowing, as men. of Claude
Rnckbv' phavnnta mi),,, t... .1
j " ..MM 'HV.V') 'BIUII uia .1UU,
were uiiKuown to her.
He was an artist, Mrs. Cutris had ex
plained. And hi, like llollie King, lived
in that delightful placo known as "The
Village," where mose of the artists and
writers congregated, and sh added:
"lour husband used to spend most
of his time down there, as I know you
are aware. A charming place. I just
love to go down there ana dine. Altho aray,
War Veteran Will Address
Audiences On State Fair
Grounds Today
Salem people 'have with them today
one of thv cleverest speakers who has
been sent over from the European bat-
, tlefields, in the person of Captain
I Thomas K. Seddon, of the New .Zealand
Captain Seddon is touring this
' Mason, the war expert, considers Hindenburg's stand
along his present line of defense is caused by the kaiser,
who he says, is a desperate gambler, and who despite
lik dpfpflt. 'in his submarine warfare and in this year's
bloody offensives, has returned to the tables for another
bout with the Goddess ot unance. ne interpret me
vhange in Hindenburg's plans of retreat, which Mason
says were intended not to be halted until far back of the
present lines, is that the kaiser is taking the gambler's
chance that Austria may be able to secure some kind of
a peace conference, he cares not what, before winter sets
in. Mason points out that the present line is doomed if
the war continues, and only the Central Powers have any
idea that it may not continue. However the kaiser is
gambling that the conference will be secured, for any
ether hypothesis will not justify the stand Hindenburg
is making.
The Spanish influenza, whatever it may be, has se
cured a foothold at many points in this country and will
no duobt sweep over it from east to west covering the
entire territory. Its toll of death will be larger from all
indications, than is usual in epidemics of the usual type
of influenza, unless some remedy preventive is found, and
v is does not seem likely. Apparently it is 'of a mere
malignant type than any of its predecessors, and already
ii has claimed many lives in Boston and some of the east
ern cities, and in some of the soldier training camps,
The French are learning some things they would
never have known had the Americans not "invaded
France." Yesterday when General retain visited the sec
tor where the negro troops were located the band struck
up a regular jazz tune as he was leaving, and a big black
soldier slipped out into an open space and gave the general
a sample of buck and wing dancing that opened his eyes
and caused him to smile. He also congratulated the dan
cer, which made one negro trooper salt something away
m his memory to tell the folks down south when he gets
Mr. Curtis sava it i not dinim- tlmt ! couutrv under direction of the Nation
it's just eating. But he alwava will al Security leaguv-, who have loaned
have his joke." " " I him to the Fourth Liberty Loan commit-
Kuth had been f urtiwly watching ! tee
Claude Becklev while Atr Cnrtio i--.ii.i The battalion to which Cantain Sed-
S. Nuorteva, head of the Finnish Information Bureau ed- slle ?"iuried that she dida't like au attached went first to Esypt
in Mow Vvr-1 cbc frm nnnmonu Vn-V, WL- fnrr, I Hl3 manner, were too free and u 19'J- later gulllK o 1 ranee, -hey
t i V, , -hajo w.v, uoviuuiu nuug.ii. uov-a "umi(isr, and hc didn't look, well cKan.! tl in the battles of I'loegstveet
1-USSia DV r-Ugar MSSOn ana recently made DUDIIC. are He was greasy and he wan in such' I'assehendael and the IKights of Ab
vuiurast to tnc tew men she knew ;rauuui, uiiu in me irvrmau oneusive
lirian, Mr. Maudel, and those she had th's spring ho with his company took
met in her new business relation, thattWt u the fight at Amiens. He has
$he felt uneormfortably conscious of it just reached t lie west after a speaking
when she tried to tolk to him. - engagement nf sewral months in New
Mollis Kiuir waa in a p,w mnnrl nmt iork and other eastern Btates for the
lt dress was just a cheap voiip (Bed' Cross and more lately for the U,
g perhaps ten dollars. Hntii lin.l tx!- r.mereeney humping Hoard. He is
rt''inii Hat si.e looked very sweet, t: d SSLl c a mst brilliant and forceful
mat sne was -very wvll groomed, if her
escort was not. But then sho recalled
that Mrs. Curtis had told her that Mol
lie was different; that sho liked her
better than arty of tho Bohemian class
to which she Mollic belonged.
'Ih0 dinner v.a-i a .very gmt. ono. It
seiMno,t-to Kutli that every ono talked
at once. Especially Claude jtlev
Euth v.as seated Utwcon him and Mr
iirtis. and she could scarcely get a
word with her host, for whom sho had
tik.-n quite a liking. Then, too, Mr.
Beckley talkvd so loud that, listen as
closely as she could, sho missed what'
Bnan and Mollie King wero talking
about Brian sat between Mollio and
Mrs Curtis, and as tho hostes was bu
sy looking after the comfort of her
s-iwts, it Knvo Brian the opportunity
to be confidential with Mollie. At
east ho looked confidential.
Sho had to confess that Mr. Beckley
had a certain abilitv in
H3 seemed to have a sujArf ieial kno v.'
ledgo of almost an suhinnf nn.
sionally ho would sav something which I
might have interested her had she not !
.-n iisiung so closely to catch whal
Brian was saying.
'! haven't had such a good time in
a fear," sho heard Mollio declare wit.
nroinwreri ii it woo
forgeries. These documents established beyond all ques
tion the agreement between Germany and the Trotsky
Lenine gang for the betrayal of Russia. Mr. Sisson says
the documents are just what they purport to be and gen
uine. It would seem in the light of events in Russia, and!""1'? ht'r
p 4-1. j:i : j? 1. j.i i T-a.-.. ; costing p
uie uixiiy siuiy cuimng iiuiu ineie 01 ine siaugiuer 01
leading Russians and an effort to kill off the educated
class so the balance can be the more easily Germanized,
that the documents are not necessrry to prove the case,
being simply cumulative evidence. Anything in the way
of evidence of the Trotsky-Lenine treachery beyond their
public acts is entirely unnecessary. The results prove the
That the German war lords are not pleased with con
ditions at home is shown by their offering, or pretended
offering of parliamentary reform, cabinet changes and
some sort of control by representatives of the people. It
is all for the purpose of quieting th3 masses, and the pro
mises of reform and of giving the people a share in the
affairs of government have always heretofore proved a
sufficient sop to quiet all clamor and uneasiness. While
this plan has been successful several times, and as on
no occasion have the changes or reforms promised mater
ialized, it is fair to presume that even the German people
will at last realize they are being deliberately deceived
ana made playthings oi,
A strike is reported at the Cramp shipyards at Phil
adelphia, which will have the endorsement of every true
American regardless of labor affiliations, or lack of them.
Several thousand riveters, ringers and rimers struck as
a protest 'against the employment of baseball players,
pugilists and others whom, they termed slackers, in easy
jobs at the plants. They demand these men be discharg
ed so the. real workers can make a record of which they
need not feel ashamed. r'
Rippling Rhymes
by Walt Mason
A dispatch from Vienna conveys to the world the in
flation that "Austria-Hungary's offer is still open."
is is news indeed for the balance cf the world considers
it a closed incident.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
arc receiving subscriptions now
for the
JSi-H It 11
, Vacation time has ended in Colorado's hills; the tour
ists home have wended, to talk about their thrills. In
other years they wandered, regardless of the cost, and
lavishly they squandered, and cared not what they lost:
You'd think, to see them throwing their banknotes to the
breeze, that stuff like that was growing upon the old
home trees. This year they skimped and hoarded, they
missed no saving points; and men of money boarded at
humble chili joints. I often heard them saying, the tourist
girl and gent, "We'll do the kind of playing that doesn't
cost a cent. I'd like to hire a buVro to ciimb yon beetling
crag, but that would plow a furrow in ray small roll of
swag. I'd like to drive you, honey, to Long's Peak's fa
mous pond, but I must save my money to buy another
bond. Up there to Hallett's grotto on foot we'll blithely
tramp; the rental of an auto would buy us many a stamp."
saw the Wall street rooter,, wno s loaded with lone
green, jaunt round in car of pewter; he'd shelved his
limousine. Men said, "We must remember, while we are
playing here, that shortly, in September, the new loan will
appear; and we must have the boodle to buy ten bonds
or more; we'll back up Yankee Doodle till Kaiser Bill is
sore." They're loyal? Pretty near it! It surely makes
me gay when people show that spirit, while out of doors
at play.
( H.U'TKK XXXIX. j wearing th, same kind of clothes she
If l?titlt thought of. Mollio King dur-juad been in tha habit of doing and
in tho short rim they spent together Wt,arIa ( whpn ghp ,ivpd h m.,.
going from their home to that of Mrs.,t!,y auntt she would find that she hud
Curtis', Brian was also busily engaged. j -another think coming." Then for the
110 wondered if Nul, had expected; firts time he, too. wondered if lie had
him to buy $200 drew, when she mar-: made a mistnke.If he would better have
rii'd him? If hc expected to kvepj ,d a girl like Mollie, one who had
right on doing the same things and' nut been accustomed to lumrie, und
iff ii tpfcrifmiiTiiM
Marvelous Story of. Woman's
Change from Weakness
to Strength b7 Taking
Druggist's Advice.
Peru, Ind. " I suffered from a di.t.
placement with backs -he and dragging
down pains so
badly that at times
I could not be on
my feet and it did
cot seem as though
dg I could stand it I
tried different
medicines without
any benefit and
several doctors
told me nothing
but an operation
would do me any
good. My drug
gist told me of
Lydia E. Pisk
ham's Vegetable
Compound. I tool?
with the retn:t
I am now well
stroncr. I get
up in the morningatfouro'clock, do my
.iousework, then go to a tactory ana worn
al! day, come home and get supper and"
l'eol good. I don't know how many ot
my fiiends I have told what Lydia E.
Pinkiiam's Vegetable Compound has
(iono for me. ' 'Mrs. Anna IdETEiUANO,
36 West 10th St, Peru, Ind.
Women who suffer from any such ail
ments should not fail to try this fumom
root and herb remedy, Lydia E- Piukr
ham' a Vegetable Compound.
y X'Cii1 'f it
(V i that
V A I and
riference to tho dinners sho had shared from the front a
uuau when sh0 was in Philadel- which he
A either have II It
presentation of facts
nd his experiences,
gives with Lord Heading's
I permission, will no doubt be heard with
woo t;i.. !J ,ii.il. A...1 1: . 1:-.. b
times. Brian had lowered his voiooa policy to bo adoptod by the Allies
out cither lA-causo his mouth was full! from an Australian's point of vivvv in
or tor soma olher reason, Uecklcy had regard to the future of tho Pacific, to
stopjied talking for a moment, and Kuth! people iu Oregon who arc naturally
aeam her husband's reply distinctly, (much interested in this topic, will no
bile was shocked. Why, they hadn't doubt bring him large audiences,
been married quitv a year yet. And U'fer0 the war Captain Seddon was
naa luiuug anotne
lie bad had
Captain Seddon will speak today a
the State fair and also tonight at the
auditorium thoro.
Liberty bond speakers will bi! heard
at the state fair grounds each day of
tho fair this week. Tho assignments
according to information furnished by
Charles V. Galloway of the speakors'
committee by state headquarters are at
Monday, Captain T. E. T. Seddon of
the New Zoaland army, and Bishop
Sumner; .Tuesday, Judge E. V. Little
field; Wednesday, John L. Etheridgo;
Thursday, Mayor, George L. Bakor of
Portland; Friday, Major Thornton A.
Mills, United States army 5 Saturday
Judgo George E. Stapleton and Walter
H. Evans.
There is being muen uncertainty a
mong farmers as to how they may use
their wheat, especially amoug such al
raias only small quantities, the eijltar
of this paper wrote tho Federal food,
administration about it. The following
letter was received in reply:
Portland, Ore., Sept. 11, 1918, Mr.
N. C. Weseott, Aurora, Oregon. Dear
Sir: Farmers are allowed to fwd their
own wheat to their own pigs and chick
ens, there beine no regulation against
this. Tho only regulation witi, regard
t0 wheat for this purpose is that a deal.
r woman that niemiier for Westland in tire Parliament
u oeiicr tunc with hot. 4i.n.. or Aovv Zn.q mw! iminUn,.t;,., i. 1 :i. 1 n nii,....i n u v.t.
ihn f W! ' , 0Wa wifo in 8,1 oral parly' wbich seat 1,0 held for may do what he pleases with what lie
uie t.me they had been married., of twelve years. Ho is th0 second son of raises on his own farm. Very truly
cousa hcdidn t menu it! He was only tho latw Right Honorable M. J. 81eddon, I yours, Federal Food Administrator for
C',!! i Vtli0 1,8(1 Woken ex- P- C.. L. D., who was for thirteen years .Oregon, M. T. DUFFY, Executive See
tiadgontly. But it hurt just the 'Premier of New Zoaland. retarv. Observer.
Ail t'irough tlie remainder of the din- which he received recently from a bro
""!' 1", 1 so 1uiot tllat Mr Curtis tlior officer of thv: New Zealoud iiold
asked hqr if she wero ill, and Mrs. Cur- artillery, but which was written before
tis gavv her a sharp look, while coming Itlio collapse of the last Oerman of fen
o Her help l.y declaring that no 0110 1 sive. the following: "Thu arrival of
URd a chane0 t0 got i a word edge- Americans is of course having a terrific
wise when Claude Beckley was around, f't on everything. They are so luen
la ask you oftenen, Claude," she a(l 'fl. Jf .all goes well for the
-am 111 a bantering way, "if j-0u w-ero- lu'st wek Hi.,, situation for the
, "'"'opoiist." HH'i'mans in a militaty will be very dif-
.. , ' '"e i iu say. anotlier word "" '"ueeu."
if Hackett will stop making love to1 sl'Ofkig of hi9
Holm;. That's fair, isVt it, Mrs "'i'rent pul,lie 11
Ilaekott?" ' dresiva Captain S
" courgp it is!" answerer Ruth,
her cheek, flushing at the innocuous
vmif 1 s idea f a pleasantry. "lf0
should he nshnmvd of himself," she ad
ded with an effort to hide her embar
assment under fhp light persiflage in
winch her neighbor seemed a past mas
ter, and to which she was such a stran
t,vr. Aftevlinnor they wero to dance.
Just, six nf us and n uii.trnll m m...
Curtis had laughlingly remarked. Of
cours,, Brian would dn -14-.. i htUL 1
huti, thonght. But Brian immedi.-iMv
commenced tn dance' with lli!;
Ruth nceepM thP arm of her host.
Tomorrow Ruth exi,Inir, l,of T).,
has not yef bought any clothes for her.
We Pay Cash for
and HOGS.
Write fer Pricci ui hit.
Hazelwood Co., Front and Ankeny Sts.
''The truck fever." says the ITilis-
bnro Independent, "is breaking out in
nil kin.ls of directions. An outfit ap
peared on tho streets this week which
was composed of the rear wheels and
body ot a farm wairon earrvins a
wood rack fastened to an automobile
Ann it d.d the woVk, too.''
noticeable in New
it was luke-wai-m
experiences with tho
meetings he has ad-
ptam cwddon expressed his
intense admiration for the way in
which tho feeling of this country lnu
cnuiigeu. i'articularly is thia chaneo.
York, he said, where
in Milv hilt o-lmviiKT
hot iu August. In Wisconsin where the
German elvment so, predominates Cap
tain Seddon was mui-h interested in
studying the feelings of the Americans
of Gorman descent. Some, meetings hc
addressed iveiv composed entirely of
people, who were the children of" Gen
man born parents. Iu making inquiries
of their employes he found that thev
had worke.l diliirentlv find InvnlK- A t
as -tan be ascortnirK. Ii snrs
GsnTt IMp Pie! .
IMm E&bies
E7?7 Womaa Cesls Loving Glance at
the ues tli.ig Cudl!ed in its Bonnet.
there, h no danger in tho states to V,
It is a Joy and comfort to know that
thoso much t.-.Ikcd of pains and other dr3,'
tresses that ore said to proceed cMlc'.-bcarinj
may bo avoided. No woman need fear din
comfort if :.() vl!l fortify herself with tin
ivcll knov-n a;J time-honored remedv, J'oti
tr's Friend, .
This la a most grateful, penetrating, ci
tcrjial application that at once softens on4
makes pKant the nbdomln.il muscles and lir
llfihn-f t,r r("T"'?r .u' l!i9 nase'es expand
xithout tlie usual tra;n whi-n baliyls Ijnra
and pain and danscr at tho crisis is coa
tcqnenily less.
AVomen everyv(r8 v.o havo uted thil
famoiw remedy toll how ih-y entirely arnhlej
nen-ousna, hvitebii spells, bcurlng dowi
and stretching pains, and rekito Ik? ih
expected from the German .population m,Kl-i0J!riv',0.!n frc''1 ' """r le-
" Nothing but a war could have weld, j iOu.? to aihin SKf
ed all the different elements constituH Mcther'a Friend t3 i-3coauHended cnl- tn
ing the states into one nation lova'-i .T a . '.. "-d cl,jmor' of expectant moll
tn ( . ,,.. ,-.,. t ....1 . I "'1:..1 cr
' . o imie aim io tiio al
lies," said Captain Seddon. I
Cantain Reii.lmi i full f 1... tuocuve.
the organizatiou f the V ... Z ,., ' , Z?!". lulor Co.
, . - . . , - J."ri""s r -,'".r n.'iir.
ooaru, wiiose nand ot speakers and vol c'locd Uo-
unteer service men have done invalu
nnie work tor their country ami TTnrls thus
Sara. ' " - comfort
: reiief and
V.: ms.nr..is
o.:i.i.c:men it. It Is for external use only,
un:nl.jirh- and entirely unto irf
liii-D used oni
A Junta, Ga for their "Motfe
Meiif.!'.' VH-thS J"""' "'"'"i" a'tnti'le ii
it,. L , CDd rm?J ,,m .""'Sst todiy ond
X' r juiai usain paia and cli
Journal Want Ads Pay
Carter's little liver Fills
You Cannot be A;Remedv That
aim nappy . ,,
Small Pill
SmiU Oofe
bnuU Pile
A I'CarteW
Makes Life
Worth Living
Geaojfi bears ftlgmture
A BStNCE of ton In ih
many colorless face
but 'Will greatly helo mrwt mU.ftrvA .l.
Breafly help moet pale-faced people