rgEDAILY C A PITALJOURN AL. SALEM. OJFnnNvpmA v SEPTEMBER 20, 1918. FIVE ! t.,t444-444-44-444-4-444-4') 4-44-444 t JOURNAL'S NEW TODAY t4444444444 """""M4444444444444 .iMnvnr TTtV TTTrif mn nrPlttTP I mn sir ri- . i mninM i hum 1 1 i rvi inr.n rim nr.Ai ma ."' 'evroioi, ex,d eon- l!7ni ifiiAIUVll VUWH -- " union, price right. Koom ai7 Hub MTAD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING 20- ..TTsnfQ BATES, COW for tale. 2210 N. Liberty. 91 ---SINO BATES J-New Today: IiK P " " Pji(lnwrtl8t 17c 't ,;i Journal will t be r" .J ,! thu one insertion, ,Sd Advertisements. I inert tf," tlle first day HT-n titrsjiberr i 13S9 Court. hDeiivory for lairy ll!,It" Da rv. l'lione FOR KENT Modern 8 room flut. Close in. Phone 135L ti'Jo Xr Liberty. 9-28 bar(t building. FOR SALB-O, let on shares, 71 hundred hen.l of stock sheep F 11 Deckel, Silverton, Or." jp.5 LaST LOST Route book belonging to cur rier No. 5. Return to Journal of fice 923 WANTED Typewriter, standard, vis ible. Phone- 310. 9 24 trsALE-Engliit Better WML il"(I 9 27 canning. If PRUNE pickers wanted. Phone even ings 1MJFI. Henry Young. Rt. 5. 9-21 PRUN pickers wanted. Phone cvcuiniis 90 K4. Henry Young, Kt. 5 1) "1 STRAYED Ono yearling JerRev heifer T. D. Trick,. Rt. 4. Phono 12F21. 9-24 WANTED Hoy's good secondhand bicycle. I'hone 113!). 9-21 U flWKERS wa 0rey( Bt- 8 uted. l'bone i: ilFll. tf v WRIGHT, jo auctioneer. i'lioni S. SUjB Cheap, n . fi001' Hardin, Turner. l)R SAL&-Bled straw, baled grain to. work horses and driving norsrs , frali milk cow, .". (ieo. Hwogle, .trdcB road. Phono 24 r -. - r;srt)RSAbr.)ose,h limber .one ,.-,..1, ,,,1 Riverside drive. I'hone 9-24 iR SALE Indian bicycle almost electric equipped. Inquire Percy imfhil, Blink hotel. " th .vmanrc Vrenrh lnilv. .1. wor Sl'jOOO. AMIOUS 10 mai'i "" lentkaan. Mrs. Warren, 2210'i iVm- f! 81., W8 AiiBcics, AVE $4000 to loan on gool farm se nrity Jt 7 per cent. Address F S tin Journal. 9 OTB! Harley or Imdiuii twin mo tmyth with kick starter; must be reliable, clic-ap. Phone .liir'-M, lit. 1, box ISA. I) 21 fASTED To rent, or illicit Imy, o I room inodcrii houi-e, good loca tion, pri-ced right, between 12000 ftnd (. W A care Journal. 9-20 lA.TEr-Man experieueed in selling oaj and trimming windows. ale C. 9-2U p'TEDr-Boy 10 or 17 years of uge. ipwjadv. mgr. at Journal offiea s.f Ki 1p.m. tf SANTED $12,000 on absolutely first w city property. Box 2"li, fSalem. tf fa W load of harlev N on On-gon Electric, "at Talbot. W. J. Turnidgo, Talbot, Or. 0-21 SIFaPEB 15 cents per double roll ffiBoren'iFurnitura Store, 17!) owmartui, ( iwnnnrcial, Kkeep 0lr,1 HJH MLS U11U J "fie mmt, nicely furnislied. at """wryitreet. r 491-H Cotljge. Fhcno 220:i. I fcED-Tw WswnRe,s for fair " Permanent eim,vm, at for postern tnio,, Tel. Co. M- ' Wait, trcspslnjj m. lllInH N SALru i. Aw Li "Rnut 'imdern bun , large loc, earair. .,. ! at 7 Per cent. I'lion0 1642. HID f AVtpA T w 8 room . .""io rem n,..,!.. i k-lred a re. muse, hot and, from 2 At. ' e""('r Wlsli or 55F11. 8 Adam 0rcy- Kt. 8, Phone r Jjai " ?H nit'vo. to sell l',iit, skirts T ' """"y- dresses, y-to4.? homo,. Writ ort ' rnek.. and dose to 'la .J br'"(t you home or 790. " ecnt'abo. Phone fT-r-- 11 ytut Z 'b w results, t W5CT"U1 "Homo relUhu. inct,y confidentinl- years of vn ' "i i 4ne (Mieccssful 530, Oait- .wiiahi, OSfre? 5 lClr,- "am ii. fe. '" bntt.. 71. nw mak- acres, C'H -jj J'JW' flown, re. -nt. 6, box 79A 21 WANTIUV-Good fresh cow. I'hone 10fi F12. 9 23 WANTED !irl for general housework good w ages. I'hone J "HO. tf (UKL or wninnn for general housework, in good futility at 'Olytnpia, Wash., fare paid. I'hone 1474. 9-23 FOR SALE Two cows, plow and drag, also cultivator. Cnll 14(5 N. Commer cial St. ask for Ingalls. 9-23 WANTED Experienced woman cook. State School for Deaf, l'hono 040. 9-20 FOR SALE Bicycle, Chnrlos Reed sul key, Edison iiltonograpli and records, l'hono 114S, 0r call 1180 Hroadway. 9 21 WANTED To ttorrow ffDOOO on 244 ai'ro improved fprm, 5 years at 0 per cent. W. A.Liston. 9-23 Last Sulurdntr f tor,,,..... downtown district, 'Hman paekage fontiiiiiiig doth. I'hone 1412. He- ward. 9 21 If WANTED Farm 20 to 80 acres, in chaitgu for Ban Jose suburban home. "J", 15 Brace Ave., Ban Jose, Cal. ' 921 4 THOUSANDS men, women, girls, IS or over, wanted immediately by U S government. Easy office positions at Washington and in everv lnrr. x,xpertt!iic8 unnecessary, $100 month ft ana up. hour day. Your country needs you. Help her. Write immedi ately for froe list positions open. Frunklin Institute Dep't 379 G, Ro chester, N. Y. FARMERS needing money for increas ed crop production, payment of ob ligations, buying land, fertilizer, nve stock or equipment, call at Fed-i eral Farm Loan information booth secotKl floor of new pavilion, state fair, for information as to how Un do Sam can help you. A. C. Hohrn stedt, 401 Masonic Temple, Salem. Ore. y.7 FOR X LE S young Holstcin calves. State School for Deaf. Phono 040. 9-20 UNIVERSITY or high school boy want eil for mailer at Journal office. Must bo quick- worker. tf FOB 8ALM A limited amount of pure whito winter seed wheat; also dry fir wood. l'hono 05 F3 Sunday or af ter7:30 p. in. tf FOR SALE Ford toiring car, also Ford roadster. Great Western Gar age. .9-23 FOR RENT 1 7- and 1 5-room Iioubo for rent, elose in, city water. I'hone 2041 R. 9-23 WANTED lady help for dining room and kitchen. Home Restaurant, 22t! N. Coin 'I. 9 23 BOARD and room at reasonable rates, for high school girl. Phoue 797M. 923 SNAP Seven room houso situate 1705 Leo street for $000. Terms. Thono 219. tf 6 GOOD men wanted for factory work vvur round, good wages. Apply C. W. Niemcyer, 544 State St. Phono 1000. tf FOR SALE Gentlo driving horse, good traveler, with buggy nnd hnrness, both good a new. Ward K. Richard son, 2393 Front St. 9-24 GOOD men wanted for factory work immediately, long job, good wages. Apply at IJ. S. labor bureau, 38ii Stale St. rhone 203. 9-20 FOR BENT!) room house, electric lights and bath, $12 per month. In quire at 808 Broadway or 112 north Com. St. l'hono 975. 9-21 WILL sell the Bones 100 acre wheat ranch, also 200 acres nenr Independ ence, cheap, as 1 ennnot hnndlo these places; on Vensonnblc installments. Ask for Setalc at state pen., 9-20 FOR SALE 100 acres mile front town. Half rich creek bottom, bal ance iiasturo and timber, partly clear ed. House, barn and orchard. Good potato or dairy ranch. Price $75 per ncre. Part cash, bnl. on time. Address Owner, d O. box 203, Newport, Or. 9-21 FOR KENT During fair week, chairs, tables, dishes, knives, forks, oil cook stoves and glass show cases to bo us ed flt, fair; nlso for rent small house of five rooms on north Commercial St. and largo houso of nine rooms, all modern conveniences, corner Win tcr and Center Sts. Phone 19F3. 9-21 AUCTION SALE Of sixty head cattle horses and farm implements. Extra good horses. October 2, 10 a, ni. at Brinkmeyer place, fifteen miles ast of "Salem, seven miles south of Sil- , verton and half milog north of Vic tor Point store. Come and spend the day- with us. Phone 5F23. Stoller & Gantenbein, Bt. 3, box 01, Silverton, owners. 10-2 WANTED YOUNG LADIES PERMANENT POSITIONS. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. PAID WHILE LEARNING EAPID INCREASE IN WAGE8 CALL AT TELEPHONE.COMPAS.Y 170 NOB Til LIBERTY tf saleh oomunr to BE MUSTERED NEXT TUESDAYE V E N f N G Will Have Full Number By That rime Officers WiB Be Erected. , Salem's company of the Oregon NaT ional Gunrd will be mustered in next Tuesday evening, Colonvl Woolpcrt said thig morning. At the meeting nst night several men signed up and with tlfj present interest taken those inter ested are assured that by Tuesday even ing the company will have the required number. At this meeting there will tse tho vlection of officers. According to strict military rules, the company elects its captain, who then appoints all com missioned officers. However, it is probable that in this ease tho company will bo permitted to indicate its prcf eroncj for all commissioned officers and these with the non-coms will soon be officially appointed by whoever, is elected captain. To assist in the official enrollment, a federal officer will come from Port laud. The regulation army uniform and soldier's equipment will be ordered at onc0 and the company prepared for ser vice at tho earliest possiblo time. While thcto is no positive assurance as to when this federalization will lake place, there is the general impression that it may be within a short time.af ter the company is fully prepared for service. Six companies have been raised in Portland, and Salem nnd Silverton will each have on0 company. Other cities in the state are working towards imme diate equipment of onv company in or der that tho regiment may respond for service at an early date. Those who want to enlist should make it a point to be at the TuesdaJ night armory inciting in order to get in before the company is Federalized. Y. W. C, A, Notes Mrs. Win.- Marshall of Portland was a ,gttest ill tho city Thursday. Mrs. Marshall, who is chairman of tho Y. W. C. A. war work council for Oregon, caino for tho purpose of making final arrangements for the educational booth for Y. W. C, A. war work at the state fair. AH branches of the work will be explained, and stereopticon lectures will bo given each afternoon in the au ditorium of the old pavilion by Mrs. W. (1. Ogbtow and Mrs. H. B. Torrey, national representative of the war work council. Mrs. Chauncey Bishop will be in charge of tho booth and will be assisted by a group of association members, who aro interested in the work. .,, All Y. W. 0. A. committees will meet, during the coming week, to make definite plans for the niinter months. Sunday School To Hold Convention At Hayesville The Hayesville District Sunday School Convention will be held Sunday, Sept. 29th at Bethel, about four miles east of th0 State Prison. A large atten dance is expected, because Harold i Humbert of Portland, General Secretary of the Oregon Sunday School Associa tion will be present at the convoutioa of this district for the first time. Mo is one of the greatest Sunday School workers of tho Northwest ana his fame as a singer has spread over many states. Ih will spenk in tho morning on 'The Challenge of tho Sunday School" and in the afternoon on an Efficient School. He will also lead the devotional ser vice after dinner. Dr. S. A. Bowman will lead the devotional in the morn ing. Miss Alta Patterson will speak on 'Practical Help for the Sunday School," and Rev. G. F. Licning will givo on address on Sunday School work. It ReadytoWear News Salem's' leading apparel store is ready with original styles in smart dresses, youthful models, correctly fashioned. Ob serve the clever lines from the illustra tions. They have the charm and grace so keenly desired, our collection of beauti ful serge dresses in all sizes is a wonder ful assortment. You will enjoy looking at them. Very Moderatey Priced ' Iff 1 L Suits, Coats and Waists ALL NEW These choice garments, fresh . from the best designers'and manufacturers in Am erica, will appeal. A distinctive style for every figure, look around, then come here. You'll be surprised at the differ ence in our favor. MANY CUSTOM ERS have commented on our elegant showing and remarked. So Moerately Priced FALL FASHIONS and SHREWD v. 1 NewDressGoods NewSilks SAVINGS HERE New Domestics J n t 4 4 8 n i 44- t x it xx Boy's Clothes For School Jime Wo are showing a splen did line of Boys' Clothes good serviceable gar ments and well tailored. All Moderately Priced Mens Hats Greatly Reduced ALL TO GO- ' Much saving when you compare price and qual ity. We must close the line. You benefit. "NUFF SED." Blankets Quilts With the beginning of Fall your thoughts nat ur: lly turn to comforts. Keep warm a night. Avoid the ills of the chilly atmosphere. Big line here easily seen. All moderately priced. Draperies Cretonnes In abundance. New Col or combinations, and ex clusive designs. WIN DOW NETS, ETTA MINES. See them in the new convenient department. . . . XX Ribbons OUR STOCK fa?rly radiates with bv-vuty. Fancy and plain the best quality obtain able, full widths and full measure. , TRY MEYERS FOR RIBBONS SPECIAL NEXT THURSDAY A large line of new purses. All styles. Genuine leather. You - must see them to appreciate their value. Special Next Thursday 13 LESS. Subscribe now for 4th Lioerty Loan Bonds. HELP PUT OREGON FIRST You can Always do Better at t- .mil I ' Notions In abundance. Our new Remodeled department will please you. Goods better displayed and mere conveniently ar ranged. A large assort ment just received. X ::t it X XX 44- it ii 44 44 XX M4444-MMM 4-C 44-4f t t 4 . 44-444444-4 4444 444444 4 A number of Sunday Schools will give spveial music. Mrs. F. E. Brown rs al so on the program for' special music. 1!) Sunday Schools ai'e in the district, including Mucleay on the south and Waconda on the north. . JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Blue Case May Co To Jury This Evening of the attornoys and tho charge to tho years Mr. Blue was acting as attorney. jury were scheduled tor this nltoinoon Sisnelni.vs proper records were kept ami land it is thought that the case will igo to the jury late this evvtiing. Ac I cording to those Testimony in tnc case or. tne smut testimony, Mr. Blue made a good wit of Oregon against Ernvst Blue was con-j iiess for himself. The tangled affairs tinned this morning. The arguments , ui l"o city council or u est Mtiem made sometimes there were none, according to the testimony, nnd the former ofii- who have heard the1"51'3 (,t' T,,e undecided ns to many oi lie transactions, involving tn ily's finances. VAUDEVILLE SUNDAY' it difficult for the piwetitioii. At times thcrp were records of the meet ings kept of the council and again there wasn I and then again record were' erased. Taking it altogether, it. has! been found rather difficult fo eslatt lish positive facts regarding die busi ness affairs of the city during th IN 5 1 ANTLY RELIEVED WITH e1 ORKOIltr REFUNDED AS.1 ANYCSUG01ST r VOLTAIRE and LLOYD Refined Instrumentalists in "MUSICAL MOMENTS" GREEN and BAILEY "Two Dark Spots" Of Joy ' FEATURE Fritzi Brunette in "PLAYTHINGS" "It's A Blue Bird" ENOS FRAZERE An Unsurpassable' Sensation ' BEBHE93 COMEDY TATTY ARBUCKLE" Ford Sterling Mabel Normand "For Better or Worse" Do You Kno " " ' naw iiiaiii iituKi i -TTrrniTirnnTr ''' - '""t. "" 'f,pV""""" I - .... . , .- . j. We can make you a better suit for $:)5, $40, $45 and $50 than you can buy ready made suits at today. Merchandise is hard to get and our advice is to BUY NOW if you want all wool garments. In the future all goods for civilian trade will be shoddy or reworked wool. We are fortunate in havirr? in stock a large supply of all wool mate: ials that we are making up at much less than other tailors. Order at once if you want all wool clothes at moder ate prices. D. H. MOSHER "Tailor To Men and Women" Court Street Salem, Oregon,