Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 19, 1918, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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S 3
- r j
1 will win this war
Nothing else really matters until we do!
r'!ym Anaconda. .Mont; James M Fdk
nor, Pontotoc. Miss; Iven (icdclaian.
Malvin, 111; William M Heath, Alto
nah, Hah; Grover C Henderson, stock
ton. Mo; Chester Kath. Milwaukee,
Wis; Frank Kelly, Saa Francisco; Juo
Joseph Kiely, West field, Mass; Thomas
L Knott, Cincinnati, V; George W Kush
ner, CheUea, Mass; Kdward J Light.
Brooklyn, N Y; Claud T Laoaey, Point
Peter, Ha; Thomas J McCarthy, Arling
ton, Vt; lister F MeGee, Angier, N C;
David t' ileile, Bowdle, s u; i-atney i
Montague, San Dieao. Cal; John M O'
Connor, Keene-, X H; William G Porter
Blanket. Tex; Juan Porter, Washing
ton, D C; Wis M Rose. Atliol, 8 D;
Carmelo Runeo, New York; Verney
Rutledge, Fort Springs. W Va; Francis
E Shannon, Annapolis, Md; Elmer
Thompson, WelUton, O; John H Wag
ner, Arthur. X D.
Missing In Action
Sgt. Louis B Kimlervatter, Irving
ton, X Y.
Cook Medarl William Smith, Louis
ville, Ky.
Privates Edward V Armstrong, Mar
ianna, Pa; Joseph X- Busee, Seattle,
Wash; Glenn B Bvbee, Fiatt. Ill; Cage
P Dar, Delrio, Tex; Harry I) Derkacz,
Del Rev, Mich; Orie E Klfors, Auburn,
Wash; Walter O Evening, Washington,
X Y; Warren A'Freshour, Aurora, 111;
Warren W Garland, Canada; Stanley
B ti rover, Waukesha, Wis; Jacob U
Hershman, Russia; Fred S Himehangh,
Malvern, la; Wendell W Holm, Chetlo
harbor, Wash; Sylvain Hourcle, San
Francisco; Charles J Jones, Eastman,
C.a Edward 0 Krist, Chicago; Joe
Koopiee. Poland; Sianislaw Kubko,
Detroit, Mich; Walter Larson, Kenosha
Wis; Ernest G Lutz, Papillon, Neb;
Char'ie (; McAuley, Jr, Troy, X C;
Euma McClain, Honor, Mich; Harvey
Ray Kelson, Bay City, Mich; Altrod
W Page, Easthampion, Mass; Charles
J Quite?n,' St Louis, Mo; Jack E Riue
hart, Oakton, lnd; Richard Kuckrig, St
Louis, Mo; Sam Rubinstein, Bayonnc,
A Anil row A Rndnav. Chicago: Wil
liam' Shnmblin, Haywood, W Va; Hous
ton E Stockstill, Picayune, miss; jno
Stotz, .la, Armour, S D; Clarence 1
Triplett, Clayton,-Ala; Russell E Wid,
geon. Princes Anne. Va; Herman Win
son, Stuvvesant Fal's, X Y; Lester
Wolvertoi, Edinb'.irg, Va.
Wounded, DegTae Undetermined
Privates Klmer Banks, Chesterfield,
111; Rov J Hull, St John, Wash; Kon
stantv " Kapusta; Hugh Aloyisus Mu
(iroarty, Brooklyn, X Y; George 1 My
ers, Oktaha, OK la.
Lt. Crawford J Ferguson, Cambridge
Corp. Harold Bufhter, Greentown, Pa
Pvt. Joseph Keim iietu, woonsoen
et, R I.
Killed in action 2-
Missing in action 3(1
Wounded severely
Died of disease
Died from wounds XJ
Died from accident and other causes A
Wounded slightly . 3
1 o
The Flavor Lasts
t:ttKXsyj An EcnnomiraL Delightful, Light Place to Trade fcE&Wattirta
tt 1 1 1 S I ? 1 1 1 ! 1 1 ! ! f ffff
New FaD Wool Goods
To obtain so good an assort
ment of wanted woolen weaves
has been no simple task to get
more will be still more difficult
in view of those facts. We be
lieve that, you will appreciate
the value of early selection while
assortments are complete. Price
50c to j-00 yard.
New Fall Yelvets . .
Quite in keeping with the Vogues
for apparel mane of i'iie Fab
rics. We now disp'ay a splendid
assortment of plush velvet and
velveteen. Variety of plain
shades, hold splendid possibility
for those who wish to economize
. by making their own garments
or 'by having them made under
their own direction to 22 to 50
in. wide. Price $1.00 to $12.00
416 State St., Salem, Or.
- Phone 877
"From Over There"
General Pershing's Official Report
The following disunities nro reported
tiy the ioiiimamliiig general of the Am
erican expi'ilil ionarv forces;
Killed in action i!7
IMiHsiug'in action .. US
Wounded severely SH
I'ii'd of wound 11
'Died from airplane acident . 1
Wounded, degree undetermined 5
T)iod of disease 1
I'risoners 3
Total 143
Sidney S. Etter, Portland, died of ds
Oonxad O Cockorllne,
wounded aeverely
Killed In Action
LieuteiiniitsLeolito O Crtinc , Colnm
bin, Tenn; Willnrd T Lusk, Roswell, JN
j.M'; .loieph A Sliratt, New York.
I 8ergr-ant.it Tlionias K liiimont, Yu
inia, Mich; Joseph Levoy, New York
I Corporals Knict K Itickford, Xorth
: English, la; Willnrd M Cambpell, Mor
rison, Teun; .1 nit ti Rouff, VVoodhaven,
N Y; George M Slianon, Boston, Muss;
Jnmea T Valentine, Berwick, Pa; Her
bert W. Willman, Stillwater, Okla.
Saves Waste
Saves Cooking
Most attractive
of all cereal
Mech. Ralph W Wright, Gladwin,
Privates Stanley H Berry, Philadel
phia; Lewis E Dnnrela, Pomeroy, Ohio;
Adfim Fetor, RusMia; IVejl Foilincr,
Avondnle, Mont; Fritz W. Gnlin, Cull
man, Ala; James E Howell, Tooele,
Utah; Joseph h Huntley, Rutherford
ton, N C; Anton Jenvbek, New York;
Emil K' Johnson Montevideo, Miijn;
Joseph Jurasinski, Milwaukee, Wis;
Joseli Kohen, Xcw York; Felix Kuz
barskis, Utica, N Y; Henry Mnertz,
Sheboygan, Wis; Enoch G Margraf,
Xew York; Att Middletou, Greenville,
Ky.Eiatus I Nelson, Leland, N ('; Jno
Nelson, New York; Marlino Pettinoo,
New York; Fred ('nil Sclireiber, St
Paul, Minn; Martin W Sillier, Iinyonue
N J; William J Hlemnier, Philadelphia;
John iSullvon, Washington, 1) C; Les
ter Wells, Anthony, ,lu; Fred C. White
Xew York; Casimir Wieszczecinski,
Buffalo, M Y.
Died of Wounds
Lt. Heath E Noble, Brooklyn, N r.
Corporals O Boone, Spray, X C; Dav
id 0 Brentim, Iiuliamtpolis, lnd; Ed
ward Grant Coxe, New York; James E
Sinister, Jennet te, Pa.
Wagoner Keo Henry Rumbaugh, Chi
cago. Privates Carl K Allmond, 'Wynne,
Ark; Arthur Champagne, Newport, Ark
Henry Davis,; Abraham D Evans, t'r
lmna, O; Wesley Elwood Grifteth, Dod
man, X M.
Died of Disease
Privates Tillman Ingram, Grenada.
Miss; John L Milhotlniid, Baltimore,
Md; Arthur D Patterson, Maudlin,
Mont; Lee Rhoads, Tucumeari, X M;
George Robinson, Jr. Paseagoula, Miss;
Joe Stevens, Carlton, (Va; Frank,!.
Winiberly, Eltvtric Mills, Miss.
Died from Airplane Accdent
Lt- C L Kohlmeier, Los Angeles, Cal
Wounded Sorerely
Major Joseph 1 Patch, Wontzville,
Lieutetunts Leonard A Bvlph, Potts
vulie, Pa; Roy Hitter Kriechlaum,
Chnmbersburg, Pa,
Sgt. Csilvin Valentino, Hempstead,
X Y.
Corporals William P Farmer, Blanch-
ardville, Wis; Henry Gaat, Reading,
Pa; Thomas W Shiland, iambrul0, JN
I ; Hoy lyhurst, Annapolis, ill.
Privates William M Anderson, Nor
ton, Va; Brook C Bowles, Brymido, W
Va; Conrad O. i'ockerliue, Estacada
Va; William 0. Dalton, Browning, Wis;
Daniel Fernimo, Hartford, Conn; Beu
jainin Fink, Grant, Mich; Edward A
Killed In Action
Lt. Lewis W Miliiinan, Scotts, Mich.
Sergeants John Millsop, Grove City,
Pa; -Eben A. Smith, Waterloo, la.
Corporals Roy C. Batten, Chicago;
Stuart Carkener, Kansas City, Mo; Jos
eph P Jindrn, Sawyer, Wis; Henry
Walters, Holland, Mich; George Hart,
Ilurrisburg, 111-
Privates Dominick Bartolerc, SeatMe,
Wash; Rov A Hall, Columbia, S D; Eu
sthathies Kefalos, Riverside, X J; Eric
J Oslin, Seattle, Wash; Charlie H.
Biamblett, Kamhurst, ua; t .an r
hoft, Erhard, Minn; Clinton E Bushey,
Yonkers, X Y; Albert Grass, Cannon
ball, X 1); Clarence E Hutchcson, Ben-
tonville, Ark; Joseph t'avis .n,
pleton Depot, Pa; Henry P Schotto,
Amsterdam, X Y; John Smith, Pnv
ett, Ky; Robert H Williams, Elliott,
la; John J. Wouwe, :x
Died of wounds
Privates Frank Baclske, Old Forge,
IV, Wladvslaw Kwyecinski, New Lon
don, Conn; Frederick J Murphy Cam
bridge, Mass; Arthur D Richmond, Wa
terburv, Conn; Frank Greenwoldt, Ber
tha, Minn; Donald C Kiiart, Lcno,
Nev: John Laird, Wishaw, Pa; Traccy
Moore, San Antonio, Tex; Altvcd
Shaffer, Ma Grove, la; Garland B lnr
ner, Hillsboro, Ga; James A Yarno,
Terry, Mont.
Died oi wouuun
Xurse Nellie J Ward, Philadelphia
S"t. Flnvd Allen Ramsay, Beloit, Wis
Corporals lzador J Chnpp, Brazil, ;
William Rodibaugh, Pittrburg, la;
Roderick J Shipley, Rossville, Kan.
Ashwooil. Ogden-
burg, X Y; Peter Carter, Govan, S C;
Willis O Casey, Tyars, Okla; Denver
Collnm, Seminole, Okla.
Died from Accident and Other Causes
Sgt... John W Larose, Prairie Uuron-
tr'l'rivates Harry T HiUer, Chicago;
George W Kamnier, New York
Wounded Severely
Lieutenants Harrison H Caswell.
Greenville, Mich; William Patterson
Weisiger, Jr, Macon. Ga.
Sergeants Mark Devine, Wilming
ton, Del; Leo Moses Drozdowski, She
bovgan, Mich' Geo W McAndrews, U
.i'.,t,. ! Frederic M Thompson,
Gar.len.'lda; Corp. Fay W Wolverton,
Vickeryville, Mich.
Privates Henry James Drake, Detroit
m:,.i,. K,.,nrv v Jihble. Tacoiua. Wash;
Joseph L kenney, Iorchester, Mass;
Krnmt L Langley, lesion,
mst Richard L.'veridge, Lincoln, X H;
vick, Libbv, Mont; John Ryan Mac
Morev Lipshitz, Mesieo; Albert R Lo-
Donald, Maiden, Mass; Howard rion
Wvk.iff. rinn- Albert H Porter. Glen-
at-, v ul Tax? An thnnv Prill. Simla. Colo;
Thiols J Keiger. Xew York; Perley G
I ivA Pure
xlf -H M ine uiy
I 1 iu vw.'K.- -
Eke a Lily" the
beau'.if al velvty soft
ness of her skin with
tia radiant ctarly
vhlte appearance is obtained thru
the use of
Gouraud's a
Oriental Cream
LW rV. tor Trial SU
G Shiner, Mcadvillt, Pa; Emerson E,
Smith, Isabell, S D; Fred S Vauglian, !
Graysville, Gl; Wlllisim Weyenberg,
Kaukauana, Wis; Geo Willette, Minne
apolis, Minn; Earl H Williford, Stono
wall, Miss; John Henry Wulff, Green
ville, Mich; John Zeldain, Grand Rap
i is, Mich; Nicholas Corradino, Lancas
ter, Pa; Philemon G Donault, Fall Riv
er, Mass; Thomas J Gillam, Hammond,
lnd; Sauld Gwlinsky, Mattnpan, Mass;
Jens H Jensen, Avoca, la; Frank P
Jones, Moss, Tenn; Diiforrest Irving
Kevill, Xeenah, Wis; Albert E Leplaut
Richfprd, Vt; Harry A Leslie, Decker,
Mich; Victor Moreau, North Yakima,
Wash; Joseph Charles Murray, Jersey
City, N J; Georgo Francis Owen, New
York; Robert R Parnell, Williamston,
S C; William M Saylor, Waverly, Va;
Henry YS lison bliipmnn, Bcment, 111.
Wounded Slightly
Bu. Sgt. Major Harold Diso Moody,
Qlen Rock, Pa.
Privates Louis M David, Taunton,
Mass; Samuel Kleen, Duquesne, Pa.
Missing in Action
Bugler Junior Smith, Flint, Mich.
Privates Fiank E Grove, Frederick,
Md; Joseph A' McMfanamon, Seran-ton,-
Pa; Charles Nielsen, Neenah, Wis;
John Oshea, Xew York; Vernio Schuck
er, Kutztown, Pa; Frank Udelhoven,
Lancaster, Wis; Martin Vandenbroek,
South Kankauna. Wis; John Vaznuk,
Russia; Clyde G Walb, Lawsonham, Pa
Thurman lavis, Chattanooga, Tenn;
David Folsom, Gooding, Ida; Howard
B Folsom, Gooding, Ida; Joseph Garik,
Chicago, 111; William 0 Gilbert, Butte,
Mont; James Harrison, Forest City, Pa
Arthur Haught, Chandler, Ariz; Clyde
II. Hess, Gray Bull, Wyo; Louis B Hess
Brooklyn, X Y; James Peter Iliggns,
Philadelphia; Alvin G Kollberg, Troy,
Ida;' Benjamin W Kemp, Salt Lake, N
M; Albert T Klaus. Avondalc, Colo;
Martin Krasevisch, Pueblo, Colo; John
Laufer, Walla Walla, Wash; Frank
Midkiff, Charleston, W Va; Engwald
Reinhard Moe, Spooner, Wis; Frank J
Slovich, Shenandoah, Pa; Bertis Thom
ason, Pactolus, Ky; Peter P Zeintek,
Summary of casualty to date
Death, 37
Wounded - 61
Missing 1
Enlisted Men
Deaths 942
Wounded 1927
In hands of enemy 11
Missing 150
Grand Total 3132
Killed in Action
Corporal Manuel Souza, Jr. Cambria
Privates Thomas J. Baudis, State Col
lege, Pa.; Paul .Stout, Murphysboro, 111.
Died of Wounds Received in Action
Corporal Ross Q. Graham, L....afayette
Privates Josepu V. Cheighton, New-
York; Glenn Frantz, Peoria, 111; Fred
B. Glen, Atlanta, Georgia.
Severely Wounded In Action
Gunnery Sergeant Gwynn h Owens
Oswestry, Wales.
Private Perry L. Sink, Detroit, Mich
Rharpe, New Bedford. Mass; Andrew
With the Canadians
Ottawa, Out., Sept. 19 The follow
ing Americans are mentioned, in the lat
est casualty lists.
Wounded: W. D. Gordon, Oakland,
Cal; C. I. Johnson, Elko, Xev; R. H
Darrah, Seattle; F. W. Phillips, Lcs
Angeles; J. A. Robson, Portland, Or;
R. Ellsworth, Los Angeles.
Fate of Suffrage Bill
In Hands of One Senator
Washington, Sept. 19. The fate of
the suffrage resolution in the senate ari
pears to bo in the hands of Sonator
Christie Beuct, Couth Carolina, who has
never told on which side he will voto.
Suffrage ' leaders are counting on
Benet, because his wife and daughter
are ardent suffragists.
If Benet votes for suffrage, tho reso
lution should pass the senate by ono
vote. If he votes no, ir may lose.
Senator Jones, New Mexico, chairman
of the suffrage committer, nata touuy
K expects little debate when h0 calls
the resolution up September 2fi. Senator
Curtis, republican whip notified all ab
sentees to be on hand for the 26th.
Great Faith in Chamberlain's Colic and
Diarrhoea Remedy
"Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea
Remedy was used by my father about a
year ago when he had diarrhoea. It re
lieved him immcdiattly and by takint?
three doses he was absolutely cured. Hs
has great faith in this remedy," writes
Mrs. W. H. Williams, Stanley, N. Y.
o rr.. A ' r v, , , $1.25, $1.75 and 2 yards for 5cts
One-Third Less Vaes to 15c yd ' 4c, 5c, 10c, 19c,
Snlendid Soft 35 cts yard.
P aB" lc Black Laces Silk Gloves 50c Extra Special Val
Silky Furs A-l 75c, $1.00, $1.25, ues
Quality now Vaiues to 75c d" $L5o, Wrdte AUFEafBret;rieS
One-Third 'Less Now 5 cents yd. Black and Colors Wholesale Cost
Hnsiflrv aid Ilnrifirwftar fnr BSen and Women, at old Prices-Save Money by
buying now as in many cases the wholes ale price has increased from 2 to 3 times
50c Plain Ribbons .39c
45 and 40c Plain Rib
on s 29c
.33 and 30c Plain Rib-.
.bons 25c
23c Plain Ribbons 17c
18c Plain Ribbons .14c
.15c Plain Ribbons .11c
Corner Court And
Com'l Street, Salem.