Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 17, 1918, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    (The 3oUn Mnfol Journal ;
. - - -. - . - -
For our 197 Busy Stores, Makes Us one of the largest individual shoe buyers
in the world. This is just one of the many reasons why the
1 "
Are Enabled to Sell You at the Very Lowest Prices
T7 Tf T TT
Of the very Best Quality, style and workmanship. It is to your interest to
verify this statement We are receiving the late new styles every few days.
A nice field-mouse grey shoe for la
dies. It has fine soft kid vamp, and
cloth top. It has a good military
heel with rubber tip. Has a stylish
toe with imitation cap. You will be
surprised to get it at $4.98
Ladies' dressy grey Nubuck of the
best quality, style and everything
that can be asked of a shoe. It has a
good French heel, and Goodyear welt
sole. It is a winner at $7.90
lUJMliilv. J. C. PENNEY CO.
All A
I own
Meeting At Armory for Se
lective Service Men.
Sept. 18. Meeting for Fourth.
Liberty loan drive at open
Sept 19 Fourth Liberty loan'
drive begins.
Sept- 19. Eed Cross meeting
t Commercial club.
Sept 23-28. Oregon State
Sept. 30. Opening of Salem
public schools and Willamette
Miss Flora M. Case of Salem Public
library announces that clothing made
for the ' foeiety for Devastated
France" v. ill be received at the .lib
rary for a fe wdavs. The shipment
i is to be made from Portland within a
week or ten davs.
I 0
Miss N. Aluia Ashby, assistant at the
Salem pijblio librifry returned yester
day from a month's visit at Seattle.
jaconia, Everett and other Wound
P. W. Steusloff and wife and Mrs.
John T. Lucker drovo to Portland this
.Mrs. T. (3. BHgh left thin morning
on the Oiegon Electric for Winnipeg,
Manitoba and other Canadian points.
She will bo away two mouths.
Mrs. Sarah, Bradley left yesterday
for Beattlo.
Delbort Deal left yesterday morning
over the Oregon Electric for Seattle.
Frank Ward is in. Portlnnd attend
ing a meeting of the state Pharmaceu
tical board.
Paul M. Smith of Dallas is register-
VU ttb mo DllgU,
imhLwa. in the city, Sept. 15,
.io, i'Tims u, x'jitiup at the ago
of 61 years. He is survived by a wife.
and three small children.
The funeral services wero held this
afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Sev
enth Day Adventist church. Burial will
be tomorrow at the Shollurn cemetery
near Scio.
HUTCHINS.-At Oiegon ((Sty, Sept.
15, 1918, Bessie Hutching, at the
ajia of five years. She was the dn ligh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. . ). Hutehiiis.
The funeral services were held this
afternoon at the Kigdon parlors. Bur
ial was in tho City View cemetery.
Epidemic Of Influenza
In Boston Increases
.Boston, Mas., Sept. 17. Tho cpl-
aenno of influenza in Boston contin
oeo. unauatoct today. Several deaths
and numorous no wcases were reported
nun a rccora of 20 death in six hours
yestorday, and 257 new cases, the auth
orities renewed their efforts to stamp
out the dUseaso.
It was estimated that in addition
o ine i.n cases reported among naval
." nmiiuucu ucro, more are nund
reds of cases among civilians.
Avery hospital is fiUC(j to cnpaelty
nnu civji buu mimary patients. In
one scnooi rorty out of a total of 48
enuuren were stricken.
Twelve Bodies Recovered
Nearly AH The Victims
Were Girls.
Nowark, N. J'., Sept. 17. Fittoen
porsons wore reported burned to death
in tho destruction of tho New Jersoy
button factory this afternoon. Tho bod
ies of nine girls, wore found on tho
third floor of tho building.
Two victims died on arrival at the
city hospital. Many othors wore takon
to various hospitals.
Twelve bodies havo been removed
to undertaking rooms.
Girls jumped from windows, being
unable to reach the fire csenpos. Tho
fire spread so rapidly that practically
all exits by stairway wero cut "off.
Kathcrino Kane, one of the girlB
w'jo cscapod, said that 100 girls and
fifty men were employed in the fac
tory. When tho firo bell rang, girls on tho
first and second floors run out, think
ing that a strike was in progress. The
girls on tho third floor did not hent
tho fire gong and were trapped in tho
carding room
Alnuy of tho girls jumped from the
third floor.
Rev. M. P. Corcoran, chapluin nf tho i
fira department, said that whon he
Willi police and firemeu, went into
one room they found two girls dead,
t tin t the bodies wero burned to a crisp,
little being left but the ekulls.
Ihere wns absolutely no means of
identification. They wero huddled to
gether and evidently hnd tried to cs-
enpe in a crowd, but were caught, suf
focated and burned.
Tho factory wns engaged in making
buttons for tho government. Tho orig
in of the firo has not been discovered.
Salem Expected To
Raise Full Quota
For Salvation Army
"Everything is going fine," report
ed Mrs. John A. Carson this afternoon.
"It scouts that everybody ;s not only
willing but nnxioua to give something
i.Ur,n,u.-. imping me salvation army
111 Europe. Aii 0I 0llr workers re
port a most cordial reception and there
is not one that hus met a refusal to
With 100 or more workers ennvnsa.
uig mo city, everything was going so
fine that but few had rcportod by 3
o ciocic tni8 atternoon and these work
org came in simply because thoir dis-
irt iiau boon fully worked.
With seven workers reporting nt.
1 l i 1 O
o cioc.K, tno receipts were $110. Many
kiuii 's ui women hail Been so success
iui inuc tuoy nau taken time only to
return tor additional receipts. With
this amount coming in this afternoon,
ww vvuiKcrs loui assured tnero will oe
no airricuity in securing the $S00 quo
ta for Salem.
in addition to the women working
in tho residenco parts of the city, thero
has been four Salvation army" kettles
in tho business part and all received
nuini contributions. Young girls, chap
eroncd by Mrs, E. T. Barnes wero do
ing .their share of the work.
Takjing yoverythi-f r ito considera
tion, mo women wlio have been assist
" i" cuivaiion army drive are
more than pleased with tho generous
reception given them bv the Snlem
Tonight big dance, Lakebrook hop
yard, eight miles north.
Dr. Mendelshon is back In his office
and is at your service tf
Sjpecfpl mee'Jng of Salem
lodge No. 4, A. F. & A. M., to
morrow at 1:30 p. m. to at
tend the funeral of. our late
Bro. Fred A. Mclntyre. Visit
ing brethren welcome.
'Tho funeral oeautiful."Webb at
Clough Co. tf
This morning O. O. SfcDonald of 955
North 21st street reported to the po
lice that a bicycle had been taken from
his home.
Bigger and better. "Wards Drug store.
New location, 1st door east of Grey-
Belle confectionery. tf
Dr. Scheni has now returned from
his vacation and he extends a cordial
invitation to his patrons and friends
to visit his institution. tt
Big dance every Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday nights, Lakebrook hop
yard. 8 miles north. tf
Yeomen attention.' Election of offi
Yeomen attention. Election of offi
cers, Wednesday evening. Sept. 18. 9-18
cers, Wednesday evening. Sept. 18. 9-18
"The test'
death comes.
Phone 120. -
U all yon can do when
Call Webb ft Clough Coil
Scio, Sept 17. J. A. Bilyeu, a resi
dent of Scio since he was a small hov,
nd a member of a pioneer family hero
died suddenly, Sept. 13. no was 68
years of age. He wa-s ill for only an
Jiour beforo death which whs attribut
ed to the development of organic weak
ness. At a late hour today the funeral ar
rangements had not been mado but he
will be buried in the family plot there.
Members of his. family surviving are:
mfa, one son three daughters. Ho is
also survived (by four brothers and
four sistors. His son i Chris Bilyeu of
Scio, the daughters: Mrs- Nellie Gun
mw of Lebanon; Mrs. L. M. Hays of
Hood River and Miss Nina Bilyeu ofj
Scio. His brothers are Mart . Bilyeu,
of Albany; Wil Bilyeu of Kalama,
Wash.; Hubbard Bilyou of Scio and
Robert Bilyeu of Hulsey. The daugh
ters are Mrs. Briggs of Stnyton. Mrs.
Kenneth Holman of Alberta, Canada,
Mrs. O. C. Jackson of Halscy, MrB.
J. N. Ninicheck of Halscy,
W. N .Smith Admits
Stealing Neighbors Hog
Before Jusitce Daniel Webster a com
pliant was sworn out yesterday against
W. N. Snyder charged with larceny. The
complaint states that Snyder "did
wrongfully nn(l unlawfully take, steal
and carry away one hog the property of
anotiivr, Joseplnuo (Smith, of the value
or 35.00."
Accoiding to all Information on tho
case, Buyder lives at Halls Ferry on a
ono acre tract bought of Ed. I'roisan.
it is alleged that ho stolo a hoir belona-
ing to Mrs. Josophine Smith and thnt
to conceal the theft,he first skinned the
five gallon enns. and the skin in anoth
er place.
Constnblo arney placed him nnder
arrest Inst evening. In looking for evi
dnoe, Mr. Varney found on0 of the
cans buried under a small woodpile.
Th meat had been well salted, placed
in tne tin can, put in a wooden box,
an, then buried, in the ground and fi
nally covsred with wood. The skin had
been buried in another place.
According to ft noighbor who passed
the Snyder place the other uvening, Sny
dor went out about 1 o'clock in th
uiuimug ouu investigated to see v is
buried meat wn8 all right. Ho was
seeu to go to tli two different cans
of buried meat. Later Constabl.. Vcr-
ncy got tho cans to bo used as evidence
in ins preliminary trial.
llus afternoon with the authority of
wuruu warrant, nonstable Vnrney went
to Snydvr's house and found a shot
gnu, tw0 knives, one jar of lard, mm
fore Judgo Webster,
svarchlight and one battery.
Snyder pleaded iruiltv on tfcn
boing changed t0 petit larceny. Judgo
Webster announced that he would pro
nounce sentence Wednesday afternoon.
Coal Miners Strike
May Be Ended Soon
Washington. Sept. 17 That a. iTrik
in mo antnracite fields of Pennsylva
nia is an unauthorized more on' the
pari or a small group of mine workers
and .that it will be settled today, is
too oeaet of Fuel Administrator Oar-
j"mu, auer teiepnomc communications
with union leaders.
tlarfiold believes the stoppage of
work by the miners in district jumbcr
9 is duo to a misunderstanding. He says
that all of tho Tnited Mine Workers
aro aware that he is speeding up as
much aa possible the investigation bo
ing made by the department of labor
concerninig tho difference in wages
and in the cost of living among the
differeut coal fields.
NOTICE Lodges, clubs and dancing
societies, I am now booking my or
chestra which is better than ever, for
the coming season, those wishing
dates phone 1296. Warren Hunt, tf
Mrs. Verna Cooder Frank will sing
of evenings at tho Oregon theatro for
tho Fourth Liberty loan during the
showing of tho patriotic slides this
week. ,
Scoutmaster Hall will meet with Boy
Seouts Troop No. 1, Wednesday evon
ing of 'this week nt the First .Christian
church. Besides general information to
give the seouts, he will havo several
medals for distribution.
City Recorder Earl Race has had an
Inquiry as to tho date of birth of
Myer Hirech. It is stated that ho was
born July 7, 1870 but tho recorder
would like to find some person who can
verify this date- Should anyone hap
pen to hsvo somo definite information
it would be a favor if the fame was
given to Mr. Race.
Tonlg'ttt at the meeting to be held at
tne armory tor selective draft -men
and in fact all registrants, an effort
will bo r.ado to enlist the men neces
sary to complete the organization of
the company for the Oregon National
Guard. The first regiment will oon be
organized and put into tho federal ser
vice and as the matter now stands, if
Salem does not come to the front pret
ty soon, there will be no Salem com
pany in the regiment.
Wo desire to thank the many friends
and neighbors for the many acts of
sympathy and for the many beautiful
tlonil otterings during tho -sickness and
burial of our dear wifo and mother.
R. Knupp, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Knnpp
and daughter, Uenevieve.
A 15 acre improved tract was sold
yesterday by W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
to F. W. Royal. The grantor was Geo.
W. Miles, The tract is 3lj miles south
of Salem end besides several buildings
is improved with four acres ot logaa-
"vC'i and a cherry orchard. The con
sideration was $4300.
The maximum temperature for yes
terday was 8S the highesfof tho month
excepting the first two days when the
top was 93 and 91. For Septombcr of
1916 the maximum was Si and for
.1317. a rather chilly month, the high
est was 80.
Willamette Chapter, American Red
Cross received into its treasury yes
tcrday,' $24.80 from the gift of old
automobile tires last Saturday, donated
Dy the people of Salem who were will
ing to help the Red Cross in this way.
rather to sell them to the junk man
The idei of placing old tires at the
service of the Red Cross in Salem or
lginated with J. W. Jones who was ac
tive in securing the co-operation of
patriotic automobile owners.
Richard D. Avlson, eon of the Rev.
and Mrs. R. N. Avison has been given
a commission of second lieutenant af
ter computing the training course at
the Presidio, San Francisco, according
to word received this morning. He will
remain at the Presidio until assign
ed to active duty- Ho received part of
his military training at the University
of Oregon where he served as first
sergeant. Ho is 20 years old.
waiter Tooze hao consented to! de
liver a sohrt address this evening at
7:45 o'clock boosting membership for
tho Uregon .National Uuard company to
be raised in Salem. Tho Salem band
will bo thero and Dr. Garniobst on
tho job to give those who enlist a phy
sical elimination. All this is at the ar
mory, preliminary to the addresses to
be delivered to the selective service
It is now either red lights on the
rear of the automobile or arrest and $5
fine for breaking a state law. It seems
that many people who are aware that
the law requires two lights in front of
the car ard a red ono on tho rear with
a white light shining on tho .license
number, de not take tho troublo to
carry tho red light. Tho police are af
ter such law breakers. Yesterday D-
A. Larnwr and E. L. Kapph'ahn wpre
arrested charged with not currying the
red lights. This morning both plead
guilty and were assessed tho usual .fo
for the firBt offense.
And All Kinds of 2nd Hand t
boods. s
Full Market Prices Special a
Prices paid for Sacks. s)
0t otir prices before yon sell.
871 II. Oom'l St. Phone 754 a
W will buy old paper,
Must be baled or in bundles.
All kinds of sacki for sale,
for gram and potatoes.
Center and Court
Phone 706
Hemstitching and Picot edge
We do this work in the best
All work guaranteed.
Singer Sewing Machine Co!;
rhone HI
337 State Street Salem
Although no definite plans have been
announced by the war department to
Willamotte University as to whether
the Students Army Training Corps
would bo housed in the Science hall re
modeled or in barracks, there is rath
er an intimation that the government
will build barracks. This morning Dr.
Doney received a blue print of barracks
that couid be constructed in units, each
caring for 68 men, but no definito or
des from tho war department regard
ing construction. Hence for- the pre
sent tho question of whether the science
hall will be remodeled or whether the
government will construct barracks for
Wilamotto University is still undecided.
With tie various patriotic move
ments now on hand, then will bo no
-reed of n f-lc re room or phi'" to hide
away unnsod clothes. Th,i Belgium Re
lief fund is again calling for old cloth
ing to bo souc tho sto'c room nt 141
North Cjuimer'.i.il street. Tlio govern
ment wants (rut1; pits of nil kinds nnd
theso may bi plad ir. the barrel i4
the Hu'tnian jewelry corner on
Stato atrjet. Then ths IV K. O. has ta
ken up the making of vesjs for avia
tors and this calls for al kid goves,
od 'eather purses and anything that is
made of leather. Boxes have been plac
ed by the P. E. O. in several stores.
And then if any one who has some ex
tra change, there is tho Salvation Army
drive for $S00 in Salem this week.
Gale & Co. Store
Service and Satisfaction
We are prepared to
welcome you and invite
you to see our lines .1
Dress Goods, Wool; .&
and Silks, Cottons and
mestics. Ladies Ccats
Suits, Dresses -and
Waists, Millinery De
partmentthe best ani
biggest in town.
Our Prices Always The Lowest
PHONE 1072
Commercial and Court Sts., formerly Chicago Store
The body arrived in tho city this
A. F. & A. M. of Salem,
afternoon and was taken to the Webb
& Clough undertaking parlors, where
the funeral services will be held at 2
o'clock Wednesday afternoon. The Rev.
K. N. AMrich will olficinte. Burial
will be in the City View cemetery.
ireo a. Mclntyre was born 46 years
ago at iiparta, Wisconsin, coming to
Oregon 28 years ago. Ho married Miss
Daisey Stephens of Liberty. For the
present Mrs- Mclntyre and the two
children will stay at tho homo of Amos
Vass, lbo3 South Uommerciul street.
What It Will Cost
To Maintain Our Array
Washington, Sept. 17. An estimate
of $7,727,0(52-32 to carry out tho new
enlarged army program under the 18
to 45 draft law, was submitted to con
gress by the war department today.
ine new estimates, it uncut Dy con
gress, will bring total appropriations
for tho fiscal year of 1918-19 to more
tnan thirty six and a half billion dollars.
The estimates are divided as fol
For pay for the army $791,61.952.10
For subsistence, including food $203,
For transportation $1,277,854,305,117
For clothing $178,702,831.81.
For chemical warfare $198,704,000.
For ordnance $3,585,874,600, includ
ing $500,000 provided for in a previous
contract authorization.
For Provost Marshal General Crow
der's office and for draft work thru
out tho country $23,017,302.
For air service $178,758,366.85, which
is in addition to more than $104,000,
000 previously appropriated in the reg
ular army appropriation bill.
Portland Furniture Dealer wants
nll kinds of second hand furniture,
stoves, gas ranges, ete. Best price .
paid. Phone 651.
Knitters of socks and other garments
will find no white, khaki or gray wool
for sale, as tho Red Cross has prac
tically ti.ken over every pound in
town. csterdny an order was received
whereby (ill merchants turned over to
tho Re:l Cross yarns of this color at
about cost. Jobbers report that the mills
are making no more yarns, but thnt
thero is a reserve stock of German
town sephvrs, Chatelain floss ami
Saxony yarns. When these stocks aro
exhausted there will be no more for
sale untli the government releases wool
for civiian purposes. Just at present
the Btoeks include colors of cardinal.
navy aud black. About oOO pounds of
knitting varns were turned over to
tho Red Cross by the Salem merchants
Fred A .Mclntyre Dies
Of Blood Poisoning
Fred A. Mclntyre. past master of
Masonic lodge Xo. 4, A. F. & A. M.
and well known resident of Salem for
the past 28 years, died yesterday after
noon at the wood Samaritan hospital
from blood poisoning, due to an acci
dent whilo working in the Foundation
ship yards in Portland
He is survived by his wife and two
children, Lloyd 10, and Anna, 12 years
old. Also his mother, Mrs. Loretta" Mc
lntyre of Stayton, a sister, Mrs. Car
rie Jones of Lebanon and a brother
Willis Mclntyre of Philomath. He was
a member of Camp 118 Woodmen of
the World and of Masonic lodge Xo. 4.
Your Junk and give yon
a square business deal.
I always pay the highest
cash price.
I buy all kinds of used
ftocds, 2nd hand furni
ture, rubber and junk.
Get my prices before
you seiL
The Square Deal House
U71 Chemeketa Street
Phone 398
Mamaioneck, N. Y., Sept. 17. Tho
condition of Cardinal Farley, ill at hia
summer homo here, is gradually becom
ing more grave. Members of his offi
cial household stated today thuie is
practically no hop0 that tlio prelato will
recover. He spent a restluss night.
Journal Want Ads Pay
Skin and Scalp Specialist
Treats all eruptions and
blemishes of skin and scalp.
Latest appliances for treat
ing the feet. Satisfaction
Lady Assistant
518 U. S. Nat'l. Bank Bldg.
For Appointments
hone 416
eare of
Yick So Tong
Chinese Medicine and Tea C:
Has medicine which will
any known disease.
Open Sundays from 10 a.
nntu tf p. m.
153 South High St.
Salem, Oregon. Phona 181
eare T
Fifty-Seventh Annual
Oregon State Fair
September 23 to 28
Splendid exhibits; daily lectures and demonstra
tions on food production and conservation; high
class amusements; attractions and entertainments;
an excellent racing card, ideal camping grounds, and
best of accommodations for both exhibitors and vis
itors. '
A. H. LEA, Secy.- Manager
' 4 fi' Salem, Oregon.