SIX . THE DAILY CAPITJOULNAL, SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 17, 1918. IHrrH rrf 5limtriv mtJ rrom uvsr iherc ueneraf rersnmg a Utticml Keport 9 111 The following casualties are reports 1 by the commanding general of the A11 orican expeditionary forces: t Killed in ai'tion 4 Missing in action 7y 'Wounded severely 49 Pied of wounds 5 Died from accident and other causes 1 (Wounded, degree undetermined 11 .Wounded slightly 3 .Prisoners ! ' 3 " 1 M""IM"iiMlMMMJJMiamTWMrTr1 , rmiWIiailB II lll-X I lj Jjjlljl jjp Total IS Six Oregon bays ait ca the list today Edwin A. Tanaon, SUverton, killed In action Forest D. She:unn, Nyi:a, sounded, degree Undetermined Ralph W!tley Peck, Culver, missing iu action Eugene L. Christian, Note, missing in action Jamas B. Ward, Gaston, Wounded se verely Millaid M. Gates, HU'.sfcoro, died of WOUUOS Killed In action Serg-ants Clarence 1'. Hri.ileur, Wu terbury, ('win; John Cnrl Teiehler, Me nominee, Midi. Master to!. Fa. . Private (iny S. Fuulcouer, Black f'it, Mn; Ivan" 1,. Mustnin, ' Milliard, Wash; David T- ) 'I ''ll, Washington II. Kussoll A. Orr, Saginaw, Micli; -Nils Pierson, Sweden; ( harii li. Hindi, fflsciide, -Mont; Hediey Sunstrom, Col t'tix, Wis j Josiph W. Fairlnmb, Seattle, Wash; Antonio Pietrnmoiiaeo, Itulv; Williuin (!. Sditq.p, Council Bluffs, la; Died of Woaiids Received in Action Privates Claud ,1. Ilinso, West Wood land, Cnl; Christian X. Kerp, Zortmun. Mont; MaritiM Mnioilinn, Detroit, Mich William II. Murphy, KhVubeth, N. J; !ecirKe Stack, Arednle, la. Died fiora Aceldout and Other Causes Corp. Hey Leigh, Columbus. O. Wounded Severely 'apt. F.dward P. Shcpptird, Clarks villo, Te mi. Sergeants Htanley F. C'nrbin, Chica go; John W. Nelson, Portland, Conn. Corporals-Roy K. Alberts, Noonnn, M. 1; James liabichy, Vhiro;o; (ieo. V. Hell, Hangor, Me; Corda MiMmon, Pond Creek, Oklu; William Switaer, Tyrone, Pa. Tdech. Kurl W. Minster, Buutn Mil waukee, Wis. Privates Daniel W. Allred, Rundlo- niaii, n. .:; Ularenee N: Anderson, lirand Forks, N. I); Fred Anderson, Sau J'rancisco; Joe lievi.ueipia, Xew Ho ehelle, X. Y; Horace David liidlo, Charleston, 111; Wuldiston Uiliski, Hus ia; Hichnrd Drown, h'tatley, Wis; Chas. E. Hush, Ktitckton, Mo; Lewis Caim, Wilkesbnire, Pa; Hurry D. Darling, Harvard, Mich; llany M, Dean, Che ney, Wush; John II. Kvans, Licking, Mo; Thomas llendiickson; Edwin A. Johnson, Elgin, 111; Arthur' Leander Jones, Wtttertown, Minn; Walter K Lamky, Sparrows Point, Ml. Willie P. Lloyd, Iiichinond, Vu; Edward J. Me ('lure, New London. Conn; Arthur L. McDunald, Vachon Island, Wash; Law rence Mc.Kinnon, Les Angeles, Cal; ( latenco A. Marlett, Howdle, 8, 1); Au brey K, Mathews, Hull, (la; Joseph Mathews, Hismnrk, N. D; John Mill er, Jessup, Pa; Edward R. Morso, Platts mouth, Nub; George H. Patterson, Nora Minn; Joseph Peck, Clevolsnd, O; Carl R. Poorbaugh, Cumberland, MJ; AHis If. Keese, Waterloo, Wis; Sanford L. Hose, (lallnKhan, Va; Franklin Helmut der, Haul), N. 1); Itertie K. Hcott, Zil ltih, Wash; Loa Sewell, Clarksvillo, Tex; Roland . Silver, New Medford,; Calvin L. Stewart, Ridgefield, Wash; Antonio Vargas, Sacramento, 'nl; Thomas Joseph Voss, Bristol, Pa; iWilliam 0. Williams, Jlirnam Wood, Wis; George Horace Wood, W. Win ifield, N. J; George C. Worimek, St. Louis, Mo. Wounded, Degree Undetermined Corp. Hoy Morton, Laniesn, Texas. Privates Henry H. Hiutte, Covington, Ky; Henry C. Hejers, Delliimham, 'WhsIi; Henry C. Deuison, ldnbell, Okla Isidore L. Gold, New Vork; Stanley J. Kulpa, Milwaukee, Wis; Nicholas Ur I iw, liussin; Sauuiel Uuinluil, Van ltu reii, Ark; Howard C. Stehens, Dor rar.fton, Pa; Herlxrt I). Taylor, San to, Tex: Albert White. Brooklvn, X. Y. - Wounded S".ishtly Co"p. Vladimer Duscb. ( hicago. Privates William S. Corrothers. Rule vilie, Miss; Boris Eutiu. Elizabeth, X. KtfSine in Action Jit. Marlnud C. Hobbs, Bi,.ton, Mass. Sergeants Arthur (1. Bradley, Bris toi. tutin; deorge i,. Aiken, Mujkegen. I Mich. Corporals Fred W. A. Harmeyer, llohsnt, I ml ; Clarence T. .lacRmnn, Co lumbia, Ky; Melvin Co Olson, Aber crombie, X'. D; Hudson T. Scarboro. Uravniont. Ga. Cook Fred O'X'eal, North Yakima. Wash. Privntes Frederick B. Anderson. Big Falls, Minn; Edgar M. Boyd. Kul'a, X. D: James Coppola. X'orwall;. Conn: Jos 'idi I. Donohne. Litchfield. Conn Henry S. Kiefer, Philadelphia; Frank IV. Mnros.', Waukesha, Wis; William H iwuttnews, Kipling, .V C; Mannrd ( Neal. Linilnle, Ga; Thomas .1. O'Keefe t lacago; 1 homns J- On.arra, lioniulus i ; William U. Oshorn, Wildrnse, X D; James Pares, Switzciland; Roy H Pendry, Knjland; Albert E. Bangerter. .-:i!t Lake Citvj Willmm It. Bolton Xew Britain, Conn: William P. Clarl Now Haven. Conn: Oor.'e PnnL Louts villi'., Ky; Joseph Gal!ou;ly, New York; narry uansun, Disco, W is; Tlionias U Uarvil, Fairnlav. Cnl: Erwin Hatfield CreiMishiirg, lnii; Fred E. Hayes, Griuul vievv, Wash; Henry J. Hendricks, Spo kane, UVh; Elmer E. Hobart. Medford Mass; Peter P. Koruey, Minneapolis Minn: Charles McMuhon. (iias.iboro. .1 ; I'oy Mastin, Cynthinnn, Ky; Jack H. Mullen, Hamilton, va; Ray T. ()' Co-iiiell, Killicnirn, Wis; Robert II. Per son. Alberta, Ln; Millard Riley, Kidg way, III; Walter .M. Siins, Thompson vilu', III; Soren T. Sorenson. Denmark CHlie E. Vinvil, Macomb, II!; Paul A Walker, Takohn, Tex; Jacob U. Wex !er, Liiwrenne, Mass: Frank P. Youd vir.ilie. Iii-ookiv'i. .V V: Clcde T, l'nr nnm, Mil a,, Ida; Leo L. Howman, Green ville, . C; Adam Kurzrnski, Hani trami-k, Mich; Angelo Caklibmico Italy; Travis (1, (:ope, Kugl.v, X. I) Carl E. Krickson, Benson, Minn; Wil linm 0. Gould. Siniiv Mulls. S !) 'ink Gregory, Detroit, Mich; Raymond Mont gomery nowarit, l onneiton, Hid; Har ry J. Keenan, Detroit, Mich; Samuel iv ein. iianiror. ,vie: rniitii' Knsirynw- slu, 'entioily, Mass; Frederick A. k'r,.tll 1il,,rn Hi, I'.il- l.,; 1.' Larson, Detroit, la; Willie Leek, Shin er, Ttx; George Washington Lentes Bryn Mawd, Pa; Elof Lysdahl, Giants burg, Wis; Stiney C. Miirtinavage, S'uMiandonh, Pa; Stanley, Min iientlnliu. liiuii' .InsiMih C Alnv Mi-i-iin. 1 ""Vi ' ' '"' ' ton, Pn; Frank Miles, Black River Falls Wis; Min 11 ley W. Nine, hiljiore, Xeb Manuel Olii-ers. ,Tn.. F.ill River Muss Anthony Palcski, Hcrnnton, Pa; Albert u. ttamiail, west Harnet, Vt; Robert W. Iiasmussen, Detroit, Minn; Giovan ni Rcile, St. Ijouis, Mo; Peter Rosle Kindred, N. D; George F. Schindler Boston. Mass: Edirnr Simmons. Hrnnirh tlln. Ill: Joseph Wtrand. Cliicinm. W'ilou ivi. Turner, UrneK, Mo; Nicholas Zim nier,, Pierce, Nub. Prlsouors Sgt. James. Harrison, Plattsbuig, X" Privntes Warren L. Andrews, Meri den, Conn; James M. Anderson, Pig gott, Ark. Killed In action M Missing 111 action 87 Wounded severely (ill Died of disease 0 Died from wounds 4 Wounded, degree undetermined 6 Prisoner 1 Total 17H Nilson Tractors Guarante farm efficiency. Create traction automatically. Stand years of hard service. Light weight-easy to handle, junior" for I plows, "Senior" for i (Uur l-plow machines coming soon ) : NILSON TRAC10R SALES CO., East Morrison at E. Third 8t. Portland, Oregon. Privates Genrire C. Bnldriib'e. Woo. ley, Wash; Clmrles II. Bird. Gordon, I ml: Charles H. Clebiml. Wntoilmrv Conn; George Dwiuht Cook, Kllenville, in. ; Arthur Dahl, Galesville, W is; Robert A. Poster. Ilnmklvii. V V. Wil. limn D. French, Klnii', Ark; William A. Fry, Stampede, N. D; Walter Halm, Chicago; Russell Hughes, Rice Wash; .los'pli Piiielii, Jersey City Heights, X. J; Eichel Dutchiiian Brooklyn, X. Y; Vit'dd Ttinissuck, Burnett stow 11, Pa; Piotter Wanieki, Ford City, Pa. Died Of Wounds ' Privntes Thomas Meuse. Rendintf. Mass; William Pittinger, Kmibnoster, Mo; Ernest A. Wilson, Senttle, Wash, Died of Diseam Privates Jerry Clark, North, (In; Carl E. Erickscn, New Sweden, Me; Charles Wesley Harden, Syracuse, X. Y; James MeCnim, Chicago; Willie A. Roberts. Shreveport, La; Hez Collins, Vandale, Ark. Wounded Soveroly ("apt. Paul Cinlierger, Columbia, Pa SergeanU James Hector Borbridge, Philadelphia; Garafed Tateosinn, chi- cago.- Corporals John Cnrndino Mi'iirna i Wis; Homer Hollis, Marshall, Ark; IWilliam Henry Hess, Huntingdon, Pn; 'Bert F. Mash, Othello, X. C. Earl A. One Cake With A 4 Cent Purchase' Two C ake 8 With A .40 Cant Purchase THIS gift offer is made to introduce users of the famous Palmolive Soap to other popular Palmolive products. You will like Palmolive Shampoo, Palm olive Cold Cream, and Palmolive Talcum. Try them now and get this free Palm olive Soap full sized cakes selling regu larly two for a quarter. ' All this week, or as long as the supply holds out, two of these full sized cakes will be given away with a jar of Palm olive Cold Cream or a bottle of Palmolive Shampoo-a 75-cent value for 49 cents 25 cents worth of the finest toilet soap made absolutely free. You will receive one full sizec cke when you .,iy,a tube of Palm olive Coid Cream or a can of Palmolive Talcum a 38-cent value for 24 cents lhalf the sum you spenri returned to you iiL a gif c cake oi your favorite soap. Just call or one of the dealers named below, mke your choice and he will wrap the free 1 aiwoisve with your purchase. SALEM, OREGON. Brewer Drug Co. Central Pharmacy, 401 State St. J. 0. Perry Drug Co. ALBAN5T, ORE. Fred Dawson's Drug Store Foshay ft Mason Drug Co. L. E. it H. J. Hamilfion H. R. Worth's Dept. Store AUMSVILLE ORE. A. P. Sheers & Co. BROWNSVILLE, ORE. Crandall's Drug Store CRAWFORDSVILLE, ORE. Dennis & McKercher DALLAS, ORB. Conrad Stafrln's Drug Store Manocks Drug Store FALL CREEK, ORE. W. R. Jephcott GERVAtS, ORE. TI19 Gervals Drug Store HALSEY, ORE. Halsev pharmacy HARRISBURG, ORB. Carrol'g Pharmacy Lewis' Pharmacy HOLLEY, ORE. Mrs. M. E. Hamilton. KINGS VALLEY, ORE. T. J. Allen LEBANON, ORE. Blackburn & Underwood - Druggists & Stationers Searfl-Kerr Drug Co. PEDEE, ORE. V. J. Love SCIO, ORE. C. A. Everetts, Druggists The Santiam Pharmacy SHELBURN, ORE. C. H. Edgar Druggist X SILYERTON, ORE. Olson Pharmacy George W. Steelhammer Drug Co. SPRINGFIELD, ORE. M. M. Perry Drug Co. STAYTON, ORE. Sloper'g Drug Co. Beauchamps Drug Store TANGENT, ORE. Homer Speer WOODBTJRN, ORE. Moore's Drug Store Connie . L 1 1 a .Willi nftiO-ii oiling Points tn veporiiing points. In Red Crow tMsolinethrvfarm mn, , . muuiw, uiuiuna I cnsin giving steady, dtpendsble poww. Look for the Red Crown sign. 8IAHDARD OIL COMPANY (Caliiofoisj wyse Gasoline f Quality II. II. CABIPBELI Special Agt, Standard Oil Co., Salcru I'nriiuliar, Clyde, Tex; Dawsou, Tex. M.'ch. Chas 0. Thiesse, Thomsonville Conn. Privates Theodore D. Aldrich, Troy, Xr. Y; Jessie A. Atwood. Concord, X'. C; Pinuk AiihiKui, Augusta. Wis: Alice- line C. Belvey, Wnverly. N. Y: Domiie A. Benson. Selnm. X. C: Hiii-tiiiin .1. Cnppello, Dalton, Pa; Xormnn C. Carl, ciuiius, n; 1 nomas i. tinner, fiiuir, Va: Murray John Colledue. Everett. Pa Thomas Considine, Lackawanna, N..Y; Wulitir tilinoro Corbiu,, Huntington, Pa; Howard P. Cox. At!antn Tex; Gui jseppe Cut't'ari, Italy; iStanly Joinrog, I Euslhumpt.iu, Mass; Domicns Katsiniles (lreeee; Erie Lundin, Meadowlnnds, Minn; Morris 0. Nagle, Allentown, Pa; 'Albert Nathan, Chicago; Karp X'ikon, I Russia; Frederick (Vrtel, Northford, 'Conn; Loo Jacob Ostrom, O'eau, X. 1 V; Ivor C. Prescott, Sykeston, N. D; James John Shereda, Whitewater, Wis Frank J. Sherley, Moodv, Mo; Clyde W. Smith, Lcmmon, S. 1; (leorge Ster ner, Atlantic City, X. J; William M. Titmnn, Morris Plains, X", ,1; Anton Barnoph Wigen, Washburn. Wis; Har- ,oia x. viiiiug, aiarqueite, Ji:cn; .ias. I Edward Woods, Anderson ville, Ind; 1 Charts X'. Young, Bristol, S. D; Will Hani ,B. Furlong, Philadelphia; Clarence IMosteller, W. Alii. Wis; Michael Wal I lace Mnrrav, Detroit, Mich; .foseph IVyskveil, New York; Peter J. Bremer. !Sigel, 111; John Bernard Brennan, Then 'toji, X. ,T; James J. Cain, Troy, N, V; Joseph Duval, Xew York; Willie E. Fish, Lafarge, Wis; John Jones, 81I ,ver Poiut, Tenn; Glen K. Met -lure,-iRiehmond, lnd Jessie McGee. Colum bus, Ga; Richard 11. Met) ill, Highland Falls, N. 1'; Sigurd M. Peterson, Grnnts'ourg, Wis; James H. Bedding, Wimnii rs. Pa: Clement TnntiH Snn Francisco; Arthur L. Willett La'erosso, Wis; George W. Young, East Oelwein, Iowa. Wounded, Degree Undetermined Privates John 1, Bonnett, Sycamore, La; James Blake, Huntington, W. Va; Albert C. Christiansen, Puyallup, W11; Kdunrd Sehoeneinan, Castnlia, U; John W, Webster, l'urmville, Va. With the Canadians Ottawa, Out., Sept. 17. The follow ing Amt'.rtcans are mentioned in the ('.aundinn casualty lists. Killed in action: C. W. Kyan, Che lan. Wash; K. S. Kemp, Snn Diego, Cal. Woundei: 1. A. Stewart, Los Ange- ics, ( al Irencli Sugarllls Deslrdll Joiirpal Wact Ads Pay 7 4 r - C I -ti . - m yen w '1 7s .J 1 - . : :1 -Sk.- .K a'-s ..2- 4 'Vv i .i-i-f-i".. 4 ir i.. ik.Jrtvji Thio veck promises to he a fcusy one in Salem in many respects in addi tion tothe usual amount of business that comes to the city during the week preceding the state fair. This after noon, the ladies who will have charge of the Salvation army drive for $800 in Salem met at the Commercial dub and completed plans for canvassing the city Tuesday nnd Wednesday. Tuesday even ing there will be a mass meeting at the armory of all men in the ((elective service. Wednesday evening at the Opera house the 400 active workers for the Fouith Liberty loan and others interested will meet to receive final in structions. Thursday evening members of Willamette chapter American Red Cross will meet at the (Jommercial club to hear a report of the year's business and to select a nominating committee to choose candidates to be voted on later for the executive offices of the Willamette chapter. The Fuurth Liber ty loan campaign will be on the last three days of the week. And then there will be something doing ell next week during the state fair. The Journal Ji,t, Department will print" yon anything In the stationery iinc do it right and j save you rrai money. Trance must Import sugar today, most of it from this side of the ocean, because the largest portion of French sugar beet land is In German hands. As a result, the French people have been placed on sugar ration of about 18 pounds a year for domestic use; pound and a bait a month. This photograph rbows how the German troops destroyed French sugar mills. Thanks to the French rationing sys tem the annual consumption has been cut to 600,000 tons, according to re ports reaching the United States Food Administration. Before the war France had an average sugar crop of about 760,000 tons of sugar and had some left over for export, tV tf is 1 alcerb c 5 FOR COUGHS AND COLDS .d?ni componnd that eat, wkhoiti v A . 'onlc-rwrtfratlv prepared 50 cents a box, including wv tax , F"r "Is by all Drnnrlntv uum l40Kmtcy, riiilwiedpUa A-