EWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. IMS. I SOCIETY By OLE VIA KERSEY ill 4Hmmttiittmtiiiitt MM MMtHtM! MM ! LIFT OFF I Freezone Is Magic! Corns Lift Right Off With Fingers Without Pain Hurt f No, not one bit! Just drop a little Frcoione on that touchy corn, instantly it stops aching then you lift that bothersome corn right off. Ves, inagiel nuts only a few cents. Try Freesono! Your druggist boIIh a tiny bottle, sufficient to rid your feet of ovcry hard corn, goft corn, or corn between the toes, and calluses, without one particle of pain, soreness or irri tation. Freozono in the mysterious ether discovery of a Cincinnati genius. Five Negro Soldiers Hanged Over Rioting Sun Antonio, Texas, Kept. 17. Five negro soldiers were hanged at Kurt Sum Houston today for participation in the Houston riots, August i!:i, ly 17. The elocutions were se-eret. It became known todny that Presi dent Wilson has commuted to life im prisonment, death sentences fixed on ten other trooper mplirated in the riot. Those executed today, all of whom were members of the 24th infantry, were: Privates llabo Collier, Thomas McDonald, James Robinson, James Hmith and Albert I. Wriybt- ft DANDRUFFY HEADS BECOME HAIRLESS a CORNS If you want plcuty of thick, beuuti fal, (flossy, nilky hnir, ,lo by nil menus Set rid of dandruff, for it will starve your hair nd ruin it if you don't. '-It doesn't do much good to try to brush or wash it out. The oulv sure way to get rid of dandruff is 'to dis- olve it, then you destroy it entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of , ordinary liquid arvonj apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning, most if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve nd entirely destroy every sin gle sign and trace of it. You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop, and your hair will look and feel a hundred times hotter- You can get liquid arvon at any drug .store. It is Inexpensive and four ounces is H you will need, no mat ter now much dandruff you have. This aimple remedy never fails. ft SATURDAY SZIJf It's The "Oregon Way" To put over the 4th Liberty Loan even as it is opened- is the way they do things in Oregon. To think, talk and figure in advance; anticipate our quo tas and volunteer oui applications for subscriptions is the plan of OUR campaign in which, for the 4th time, we send our DOLLARS to back our BOYS. In the past proof of patriotism has not been lacking. But there are still a few a very few, thank God, who do not realize the im mensity of this war or appreciate the princi ples involved. A very few others would "let George do it" while still others fool them selves into thinking the war is almost over. EVERYBODY'S HELP IS NEEDED. WILL WE Have Yours. MARION COUNTY LIBERTY LOAN COMMITTEE This space contributed By Dr. M. E. Pomcroy HOW ST. MIHIEL (Continued from page one) the way. Prisoners taken in this area Bay when tho barrage was bursting about them Thursday morning their comrades sent word not to worry, as there would be no attack in such a storm. Shortly af terward a doughboy Btuck his head into tho door of dugout and shouting "come out there, youse!" Boeho supplies were seatered every where in the newly conquered terri tory, through which I passed yester day. Nenr one villago I snw some enemy "tanks." They were merely made of netting ami stove pipcg were sticking out for guns. But at a distance they appeared like real tanks. Kverywhcro were evidences of the long boche occupation. There were per manent stone memorial fountains and eluburalo cemeteries with numerous farved headstones, obviously from Germany. Along the roads tanks wore trundling back from tho fight with smiling Am erican faces peeping through tho port Holes. American trucks wero carrying out women and children, from villages where they had been held prisoner for four years. All were laughing and wav ing greetings. CITY EDITOR CHAPIN (Continued from pago one) up and down the room, his arms mov ing about wildly. He 1WL no Reason "Who are you?'' asked tho station patrolman. "I'm Mr. Chnpin. I killed my wife," he replied, tho police allege, Tho rest of the scene was described as follows: 'The patrolman asked: "Howf "With this," ho pulled a six cham bered revolver from his pocket. One chamber hud been exploded. As tho pa trolman examined the weapon Chapin reached into another pocket. "Hero's another," ho said ami exhibited an automatic pistol. j "Why did you kill lor?" asked the patrolmun. Ho flung his arms over his head and replied. ".No reason whatever." lie had wandered about town, he de' dared, on subway and elevated trains. tie said he went to Prospect 1 ark yes terdnv and aimed tho revolver at his head, but saw a policeman and did not shoot. Later, he fired a shot when the policeman went away. Then Chapin said he bought a morn ing paper, read of the search for him self ami is alleged to have recalled that ho hnd killed his wife, according to the police. Mrs. t'hapin was found dead in her bed some hours after her husband had left their rooms- He told friends she was ill, but when Don C. Seitz, busi ness manager of the World, received a letter from I'hapin saying he was going to kill both his wifo and him self the Chapin room was entered. Two notes wr found, one of them saying that Chapin had killed his wife as she lav asleep aud intended killing himself. Airs. Chapin was Miss Nellie Heebie of Chicago. The couple were married, thirty nine years ago. Chapin had been city editor of the World for many years a.fj was one of the best known newspa per men in the country. When you use Journal classifi ed ads get what you want tlu.-m to they work fast. MMMMMMKMMM ft tt xx M Letters From France Shew Boys Do Not Forget Piivato Lloyd V. Ivie of Company B, 4th Engineers, writes to his mother in Salem from a Red Cross hospital in Nantes, Franco, for it just s0 happvned that ho got a bullet through bis hand. Ho writes in part as follows: Well, J. guess you have been wonder ing why my address has been changed. I got, a stray bullet through the hand. It is not a very bad wound and I expvet to lie all right in a couple of weeks and I can then go back with niy company. "Talk about Red Cross nurses they aro simply grand. This is the first time that I have had a chonce to see an American woman and it sure Bvems good to seo them and have them talk to mo. I saw a fellow thnt was in uaie Church's company and he said that ( hurch had got some gas but not very duu." Jt Jt T . . . . a row unys later, August 14, ne writes: "My hand is cottinsr nlonu fine but won 't b well for a few weeks. It is not hurt so I will loso the use of it I have been around Nantes. It is protty town but nothing like and Am erienn one. The streets run in all di- rccionat and it is easy to get lost." rod Buseh is with a mnchim of tho 162nd Infantry. He writes from Centres, France, a, follows: "I am now In training and expect to K" to ilie rront before long. I sure am gmu that l am going to get to see and be in tho main part of this big war. I would sure hate to come back to the statvs without being in tho trenclie. he- cause thnt is what we came over here for. "I sure liko this machine gun com pany. I think I have urot i ntrv a frond i tiling. Tho drill is real interesting and a fellow Is not always learning the same ii,;,,ir i:i, i. . !. " any- ,uc in in uirunirrv." Loves Her Cows Her Chickens Again 1 have had stomach trouble for twenty years and for the past year have eaten nothing but stale bread and drank hot water. Was too weak to do any kind of work. Six weeks ago I took the first doso of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy and am now doing all my housework Uesides Jooking after my chickens and milking two cows every day. Mine has been a wonderful recov ery." It is a simple, harmless prepa ration that removes the catarrhal mu cus from the intestinal tract and al lays the inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and in testinal ailments, including appendici tis. One does will convince or monev refunded. J. C. Perry, Capital Drug ftoro and druggists everywhere. Purifies lashiy aiHistctic uw mm curative jgLk am agent for all external&''s IT A ' .. Skin trouble. -oncrIj permanent burnishes) and reduces unnatural color. Ideal for correcting greasy skins. r Gouraud'Sr- Oriental Dream Sm4 10c. for Trial Sin Fran. T. HOPKINS SON. NewYatk R. AND MBS. FRANK SPEARS of 340 North 13th street, presid ed dinner party Ftiday evening in honor of M. and Mrs. Elmer Ludden of Grants Pass, and Miss Pearl AleGrsUh, who recently arrived In Salem- Mr. and airs, ivnudaa will spend the winter in Salem. The dining room was adorned with a profusion of yellow Shasta daisies, combined with ferns and greenery. Cov ers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ludden, Mr. and Mrs. E. Curtiss Cross, Mr. and Mrs. Connell Dyer, Dr. and Mrs. Prince Byrd, Miss Pearl McGrath and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spears. Mr. and Mrs. Rov Mills have retnrn- ed from a delightful week end visit at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford SpanJding, in Newberg. Thev were al so guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hill at their home in Springbrook. Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding returned Monday from Oregon Citv. where she spent the week end at the home of her mother, Mrs. Nora Guard Miller. After having sjient the past two weeks at their summer home at New port, Mrs. Charles K. Spaulding, accom panied by her daughter, Miss Ila Spanld ing, will return to their home on 963 Court street, on Wednesday. Mrs. Clyde Graham and little daugh ter, Janice, arrived in Salem last week from Portland, to be the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Connell Dver at their home, 330 North Summer street. Mrs. Graham was until last Mav a resident of Salem. Mrs. N. E. Dolman of Portland ar rived in Salem this week to be the guest of Dr. and M. P. Morris. Mrs, Dolman is the mother of Dr. Morris. it Mr. and Mrs. 0. P. Mishler, after having spent the week end in Portland as the guests of friends, have returned to their homo in Salem. Miss Laura. Purvine will return to her home in Salem today, after having spent a month s vacation at Astoria and Seaview, Washington, visiting with friends. Ln routo to Salem she spent a few day8 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Thurston in Nowberg She also spent a few days at the homo of Professor and Mrs. E. Northrun McMinnville.-Miss Purvino was aceom panied to Salem bv Miss Osa North who will remain in Salem about a week tt Mrs. Roy Fields and children and Mrs. Patty of Amity left this week for Florence, Oregon, where they be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Worden, who have been spending the past lew montw-m Tillamook county, iUr. and Mr. W'orden will return Salem the latter part of the month- w w Paul Purvine, son of Mr. and Mrs. V b. Purvine of 1009 Fifth street, is guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. R, Fox in Silver, Polk county. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Dunsford aro domiciled in their summer home Newport this week. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Martin, ac companied by their danghtcr, Miss Althpine, with Mrs. Julius Seisters and daughter, Norma, spent Sunday es th guests of Mr. and Airs. u. U. ISVKli at their home, 1207 State street. Mrs. Henry Fawk presided as hostess at an informal party Thursday evening in honor ot Mis9 Mildred Hawthorne, a bride elect. Autumn leaves and gay colored mangolds combined with dnh lias were used in profusion about the rooms. Iho evening was spent in hem mini tea towels for tho bride-to-be, after which music was enjoyed. Miss Hawthorne was; presented with a set of dainty bits of table linen. Dainty refreshments were served by tie hos tess. Those present were: Misses Edna Simith, Florence Unnninghain, .Bertha Houmnrd, Mildred Hawthorne, Eliza both Hailey, Mrs. Marie Stringer and iMrs. Alice E. Bailey. SERVICEABLE DENTISTRY Nineteen Painlest Parker office in the United State repair the teeth of over 100,000 people annually. Salem Office State and Commercial Streets M1 . tt xt XX Kii4u:i!ii!iiiiiiiiiii;i;;;t't;;;;;;'M!'';nrrrtnnnrrrtt!n?rrttnirn7 BULCARS DEFEATED S Drive Through Front For Five Miles; Greeks Also Suc cessful. London, Sept. 17. Tie Serbian of fensive continues with complete suc cess, it was officially announced today. ine .Bulgarian front has, been pierced to .the depth of more than five miles on a front of over twelve miles. More than 3,000 prisoners and 24 enns hove been captured. The French and Serbian casualties are small. The remainder of the village of Gradisiutztt has been taken ond the im portant ridges of Sokol, Bovovska and Parazdasta are in the allied hands. A Jaigo-Slav division ha reached Koziek. Greekn Defeat Bulgars. Athens, Sept. 16. Greek troops have advanced from two to three miles on a 17 mile front in the Struma sector be tween tho Vardnr river and Lake Doi- ran, capturing several villnsjes, accord' ing to a dispatch from Salonika today The atUek was a complete surprise The Greeks lost only two officers and ten men, while the Bulgarian losses were extremely heavy. The French attacked and captured Vetrenik, Dobropolje and Sokol, three vitally important mountain positions which the Bulgarians had been forti fying for two years. Serbian Armies United. Washington Sep. 17. The whole Ser bian army is united and on Serbian soil now ao a result of the Dobro-Polie victory against the Bulgars. This vic tory gave the wjeond Serb army a chance it had struggled long to obtain and it robbed the Bulgars of positions which they had held tenaciously for more than two years. Bulgarians Admit. Sofia, Sept. 15 (Delayed). ''After exdessively violent artillery preparal ion and an oostinate struggle, rranco- Serbian forces succeeded in occupying our positions, en the Sokol-Potropolje-Vetrinik line today,' ' the Bulgarian war office annrunced. We withdrew northward to avoid sacrificing troops." Germany Sides With Turks. Washington, Sept. 17. That Ger many is trying to induce Bulgaria to submit to Turkey on territorial claims was the view of some diplomats here, oday, following announcement that olonel Sty ulf has gone to Sofia, exoefwively violent artillery repara- Bulgarian Red Cross, which were 01- ected in Germany. That Solf should go to Sofia just when Talaat Pasha is in Berlin for im portant conferences was cossidered sig- nifieent. Berlin rumors are that nego tiations over the boundary dispute, hich threatens disruption between Bulgaria pnd Turkey, are to be conclud ed in favor of the Ottoman. Train np a hired girl the wav she should go and it will not be long before she is gone. There are more tears than profiteers! the newspaper business these days. wfiv m oi t.ttt t SATURDAY SEPlfio Oregon's 4th Liberty Loan Campaign OREGON ON 'VEVEF BY THE 28TH Though the 4th Liberty Loan does not open for actual subscription until Saturday, September 28th it is the plan of the Oregon Liberty Loan Managers that all pre lit inary work shall be done before that time. The making out of quotas, the thinking and talking and figuring; the hemming and hawingEVERYTHING that can possibly be used as a "wait-a-while" excuse must be done away with before that date. Even the Pledging of subscriptions and the Signing of applications are PRE LIMINARIES which must be completed. If You Care to see Marion County and Oregon go "Over the Top" FIRST in the 4th Liberty Loan BE READY. MARION COUNTY FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN COMMITTEE This space contributed by Dr. W. H. Byrd Fall Term Opens Tuesday, September 3rd EnrOU nOW ftlld SAVP mnnv. Uln alvcarJu ..1tte tnT rates "d terms. A. T. LINK, frincipaJ. 500 lilford Bid;., P.nljaJ, Ore. Austrian Minister Appeals To The Pope Amsterdam, Sept. 17. Baron Burinn Austro-Hungarian foreign minister, has sent the following note to the pop through the apostolic mnncio, Di Bouzo, on September 14, according' to a dispat ch received from Vienna today. Alter tour years of unheard of struggle and gigantic sacrifices, tho battle devastating Europe has not brought a cfceision 'Animated by a spirit of reconcilia tion, Austro-Hungary has doi'idcd to approach all belligerents and invite them to pave the way toward peace by a confidential and unbinding exchange of views. 'With full gratitude, Austria-Hun gary remember,, thvtouching appeal the pope sent to the belligerents last year. Firmly convinced that the pjope also todoy (word missing from cabled text) Children Cry p m l H I Ml V5fn w vn i ii if m m lhn 51 YoU Have Jays BonSht "4 ich has been la use for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of - d ,has b!!5 .made nder tis Per CMsMtzt y,1 MPfeioa since its Infancy. n . Mow no to deceive you in tbiL All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good l are S2"3? S?,1 7ith md eWgtne hethM Infants and (M-Expertacej against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substence! sge is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it haa w2d cXdT Klief of CoSnfFktulencyl Wild Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising herefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and K " aiaf mumz CASTORIA always J Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought that long suffering mankind soon will again enjoy tho blessings of peace, vre confidentaly hope he will sympathize with the note and support with his mor al influence." The Browning Amusement Company of Salem has closed a successful sum mer season at Columbia Bench. Today part of tho show loft for Dallas for the week, and another section to Scio for the Pioneers', picnic and another sec tion for the Gresham fair. The entire show will be at tho state fair. It looks liko a lot of us fcllqwa who wero just going to be spectators will have to take our turn at the bat. About the best carpenter work you can do right now is to nail a German lie. 'ASTHMADOU' AVERTS 'BELIEVES HAY FEVER ASTHMA Begin Treatment NOW Alinn.t..A .... e? S for Fletcher's Signature of V CfTV,