4,600 SUBSCRIBES (23,000 BEADEBS) DAILY Only Circulation in SaV.m Guar anteed by the Audit Bureaa ef Circnlations FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VAL LEY NEWS SEE VICE TODAY friTCTTS JHAW Voti GgYi AlDIa Tff AT &?N Dfttjj Ok ii ur:-.- va v M r ov i Oregon: Tomgut Vt and Wednesday lair; gentle sou thwesterly winds. I 1 46i mm IIMk FORTY-FIRST YEAR NO. 221. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1918. PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS AND NEW9 STANDS FIVE CENT3 FIGHTING TODAY IS IN THE AIR GERI1NS CONCENTRATING PLANES OffiFRENCU-AIIIICAN FRONT BOCH ES MOBILIZE 5,000 WOMEN FOR AUXILIARY SERVICE-YANKS ARE MILE AND HAif FROMBORDER Americans Advance Between Mad And Moselle Rivers.- Many German Planes Brought Down-British Advance Front SttU Nearer St. Quentk-Bulgarian Troops Arrive To Strengthen Hindenbnrg's Tottering Defense-Ameri cans Capture All Artillery Of One German Division. - By Fred S. Ferguson (Unitted Press Saff Cor respondent) With The .Americans On The Metz Front,' Sept. 17. Gradual progress of the American line at the right and left extremities continues as the Germans fall back to ward the Metz defenses. Aerial activity is somewhat reduced as the result of unfavorable weather. It i$ established that the Germans already have dis banded 108 infantry battalions, equivalent to twelve div isions, to make up the losses resulting from the year's fighting. . ' . Five thousand women are being mobilized for certain auxiliary srevice. Boys of 15 also are being used. The principal advance is heme made hetwpen tho Marl and Moselle rivers. - The Germans are busily digging in along the Hindenburg line, while our positions are being stedily strengthened. , Fighting near the Hindenburg Line has largely been tr nsf en ed- from the ground to the air. With the boche hurrying air reinforcements here, t' 3 concentration between the Meuse and the Moselle of air fighters of all tvDes is resulting in flonstanl: air rlnola Anti-aircraft guns are "also continually barking along the T I .'C II Uill. Numerous boche nlanes h . Ik American and French pursuit machines are keeping the enemy confined practically behind his own lines, .whenever the Germans cross the front they are speedily KAISER BREAKS DOWN London, Sept. 17. The Kaiser has suffered a ner vous breakdown and is vtty despondent, according to strongly persistent reports, HOW ST. MIHIEL SALIENT WAS WIPED OFF THE MAP BY AMERICAN TROOPS Night Attack Caught The Bocks Asleep. lnhabr taiits Crazed with DeMt CITY EDITOR CHAPIN OF NEW YORK WORLD MURDERS HIS WIFE Claims All Memory Of Crime Obliterated Until He Read Story In Newspaper - Local Fighting Only Paris, Sspt. 17. Local fighting ana artillery duels wore reported by the French war office today. "North of the Aisne there was mil ium artillery fighting," tbj commu nique said. "West of Maisons de Cham pagne our surprise attack resulted In some prisoners. "Between St. Hilaire-la Grand and Mont Sansoin, also north of Bhelms, wa repuld several surprise attacks." Near German Frontier Paris, Sept. 17. American troops have reached Vandieros, within a mile and a half of th9 German frontier, La Liberta annouml d today. Vandieresls In the Moselle valley three miles north of Font-a-Mousson. British Make Gains London, Sept. 17 Further progress toward Bt. Quentin was reported by field Marshal Haig today. The British also improved their posi tions in Flanders and north of Lens. "Our troops made progress yester day in the direction of he Verguin, northwest of St. Quentin,". the state ment said. "We improved our positions slightly yesterday and during the night north west of Hulloeh (between LaBassee nnd Lens) and northeast of Native I'lHtpelle (north of Labassee,) " Tiding Eest Today " have arrived baek of the western front to assist the Germans. French Deputy Killed fans, isept. 17. Deputy Antoine lreubat was killed during the Sunday night airplane raid over Paris, it was announced today. Pne Gotha plane was shot down out side of Paris and three aviators were killed. Best Picked Troops Washington, Sept. 17. Pershing's men defeated carefully selected troops ft Austrian army in tne St. JHiniel operations, according to a Vienna ad mission in a diplomatic dispatch today. The German version Berlin, via London, Sept. 17. Suc cessful local attackg against American positions on the west portion of the Mouse-Moselle front, together with re pulse of American attacks on the cen- tor and eastern portion of the front, was announced by the German war of- nce today. "In the Cotes Lorraine, near St. Hilaire (three miles east of Fresnes) and west of Jonville (three miles cast of St- Hilaire) we conducted success ful enterprises," the statement said. "Partial attacks by the enemy against Haumont (midway between Fresne-s and Pont-a-Mousson) and north east of Thiaucourt (eight miles west ... i . , . .nu wi i wura-J'iuuMUJ I were IC- Washington bept. 1,. Aside from1 pulsed. Artillery fiehtin was limited to destructive fire. "At Laffcui (four miles south of Anizy-le-Chateau) renewed enemy at tacks failed in the afternoon, but in the evening the "enemy advanced his lines. To the southward the enemy was repulsed at Vailly (which the French announced as captured yesterdav.) ' ! .. . 1, . 'I 1 .1 i j iw mi' viiaiufBut; mi viiemj mrust local combats in which we took prison ers and further increase of artillery and aviation activity, there is nothing to report from the St. Mihiel sector, General Pershing cabled the war de partment today. Took All Its Artillery uonuon, aepi. i. Herman prisoners report that the Americans captured all the artillery of the German Twenty First dvision, according to a dispatch Si im th? American front todav. Bulgaiians to Help Amsterdam. Sept. 17 According to south of Eipont last night was repuls- "Between the Ailette and the Aisne vigorous enemy attacks against the fringe of the height east of Vauxaillon recaptured the road leadinz from Laf- faux. To the eastward the enemv wasi New York, Sept. 17. Admitting that he killed his wife, but declaring that he had no recollection of the deed, ac cording to the police, Charles E. Ciia- pin, city editor of the New York Ev ening World, walked into the West 68th" street station here early today and gave himself up. He declared that all memory or his crime had passed from him until he purchased a morning pa per and read that the police were search f tor him. tt was hardly dawn today when he appeared ot the police station. "I killed my wife yesterday mornine in tne uumoerlaud hotel," he said, the police declare. The full story of the crime and of the subsequent wanderings of the man who has 'been declared to have ono ot the keenest brains in tlie newspaper business did not come out, but Chapin said he had tried to take his own life. Bits of the tragedy were pieced from statements made as Chapin talked with a station patrolman after tho captain and detectives had finished questioning him. He held his head down while he was being "booked" at the station until he was asked his business. Then his head snapped up and he answered proudly: "Editor." He declared he didn't want to see anyone, particularly he drew the lino against newspapermen. Then he went to the captain's office where he sat with his head in his hands at times; at other times pacing By Fred S .Ferguson (United Press staff correspondent.) With the Americans on tho Metz Front, Sept. 17. "Get to Vigneulles' by daylight." Thi3 ordor, from the major general of an already famous American division to one of his brigadiers, forais the bas is for one of the most dramatic end thrilling stories of American nartici- pation in the war. It is the story of the stop toward -wiping out the St. Mihiel salient. Acting under the order, the men, led by an infantry colonel and a signal corpg colonel, personally representing the general,' marched1 and fought thru Bois-doLaMontagne all night long in pitchy darkness and an intermittent pouring of rain. ' The two colonels, Captain Oberlan and a chauffeur reached Vigneulles at 2:30 Friday morning. They surprised tho Germans so completely that quar tet alone captured a number f pris oners. Entering a houseUhcv found an entire machine gun crew siepping. They awoke- tha hoches and informed them they were prisoners. Then followed a remarkable march to victory. The little cure le cleric of the (Continued on page two) inn HUM IIOI HAS LANDED AT FUSAN village of Rupt-en-Voevre celebrated' by ringing the church belis for the first time in four years. Church Bells King When the Germans seized the cillago shortly after the beginning of the war they carried otf three hostages, whom they later murdered. Since then the vil luge had lived in sorrow. But on Fri- lay, with tears streaming down his face, tho euro asked tho American ma jor general if he might nog the Dell. Permission was grant!, Ho pulled the boll rope until he wan nearly exhausted. I spsnt Sunday with the division which made what will be famous as tho "march to Vignoulles. " Then yester day I went over the roads, -through massed and tangled wire and over deep trenches, where they had advanced. . Tho greatest expanse of front on which the Americans attacked wg the southeastern side of the salient. This is the story of tho advance on the west side told for the first time. On the night prior to the attack the Americans spent hours in the rain cutting masses of wire, through which to advance. The barrage started. It was terrifically and blightingly de structive. Then the "jiunp-off. " It rained most of the day. Stiff re sistance was encountered in the woods but before evening the objectives were reached on a Una standing northeast of Dompierre. General Pershing, who was directing operations, ordered the division to reach Vigneulles. The major general transmitted the order to his brigadier. The latter promptly assured him he would be there. The mon of the regi ment assigned to tho task ato their supper standing by the roadside in the rain. Then they pushed on through more than six kuomejers (nearly four nules) of tangled woods. Tno resistance was s'ight at first, due to the surprise and audacity of such a movement. Took breakfast with Boches The two colonels, the captain and the chautteur made good program down e trench road. As they approached Vig neulles a burning house lighted up a boche supply train close by. The quar tet captured it. Tho main body of the regiment bc?an arriving shortly after ward and mopped up some more. The entire outfit "breakfasted on the boche." Supplies were dragged from the boche wagons; boche cooks prepared break fast and boche bread and coffee and jam. were served by boehe waiters. As evidence of the completeness of the clean-up, tho trophies included mo tor trucks, one gun caisson, a train of 24 light machine guns, store room com missaries, including barley, wheat, hay, boer and distilled water, a thousand packages of unopened mail, a ton of dried fish, a movie machine, several hundred rifles, 17 horses and two Mer cedes automobiles (with officers en closed.) . . A German major, not knowing the location of the American lines, drove into the doughboys' hands. Another of ficer stopped while fleeing when he was fired on. Both autoniobils are now in American service. When Vigneulles was taken the top of the salient was closed. The happiest Americans in Franco Were those hold ing the town. They knew another di vision was also headed toward that point and that the juncture there would mean all the remaining bodies would be pocketed. Boche Supplies Everywhere Pushing out fror.i Vigneulles, two ob servers .took 39 prisoners, Another Am erican brought in twelve. Ho was slightly n(bundod on the way in and the prisoners carried him the rest of AUTSR1A IS TOLD AMERICASTANDS PAT Or. HER TERf IS These Austria Knows And Its Up To Her To Accept Or Reject Them. HE PREVIOUS TRICKERY DISCREDITS HER OFFER Will Send 4,030,000 More Men To France To En force Our Demands r , WILSON'S ANSWER TO AUSTRIA. "The government of the United States foels that thero is only ono reply which it can make to tho suggestion of the imperial Austro - Hungarian government. It has repeatvdly and with en tire candor stated tho terms upon which the United States would consider poace and can and will entertain no proposal for a conference upon a matter concerning which it has made its position and purpose so plain." TEUTON PEOPLES " GROW Df PSERATE AS HOPE VANISHES German Leaders' Openly Hist At Danger lo liie Dy nasty Itself. DREAMS OF CONQUEST ; HAVE HARSH AWAKENING War Lords Realize Desecrate Resjf dius M'ist Be Used, : Bat What? ' : (Continued on pagg two) PEOPLE OF ST. MIHIEL REJOICE O VER DELI VER Y PRESIDENT SPIKES GUNS. Keep Prisoners Four Years Willi Many Brutal Re junctions Bolsheviki Tell Neutrals To Keep Hadns Off; 826 Executed. Tokio, Sept. 17. The first detach ment of the third division of Japanese troops en route to Manchuli has landed at Fu-san, the war office announced to dav. Fu-san is a Korean port directly ac ross Korea straight from Japan. Man chuli, where thw Japanese troops have already arrived, is 0n the Chinese east eru railway at the Siberian border. "None of Your Blsiness." Copenhagen, Sept. 17. M. Tchitch- enn, bolshevik foreign minister, has sv-nt the following note to neutral dip lomats in reply jo fheif protest against the soviet government's treatment of foreign and political prisoners. '1 sharply reject every intervention from neutral capitalistic powers favor ing the Kussian Bourgeoitw. I consider every attempt by neutral representa tives to exceed the limit of lawful pro tection of their countrymen's interests as an attempt to support the countvr revolution." the Echo Beige, Bulgarian regiments pressed back slightly. 826 Men Are Murdered. Copenhagen, Sept. 17. Within the last few days 826 persons hav,, been executed in Petrograd and 400 others arw awaiting trial, according to dis patches received here. Te nthonsand officers are said to be imprisoned in the Kussian capital. By Frank J. Taylor. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) St. Mihiel, Franre, Sept. 17. The Strains of the Marseillaise again reign in tho streets of St. Mihiel louder to day than ever before. Children who had been kept prison ers indoors for four yeats by brutal German ordVrs, ran up and down the streets Routing and waving" tri colors wildly enjoying their first freedom in the sunshine since September 1914. More than tkirty little ones were piled by a captain into a staff car and toured the city, singing thw Marseille at the top of their lungs. Lveryone of the youngsters had been too young to talk when the Germans captured St. Mihiel and had been forbidden for four veai's to sing, yet they kiruw the words of every vew and were ready for th day of ilelivercnce. , St. Mihiel is not greatly damaged although a number of buildings wer battered by German grenades, which were thrown without any pretext. Thp streets are now decked with flagr- and full of people, thrilled by their sud den liberty. I saw one tot strutting near her for mer home, which is now a mass of bro ken stonvf. An American passed. The Youngster aked her mother 'What's that manf" The woman replied: "An American sol dier." The little girl, Bhouting "vive 1'Amerique." ran and clung to the doughboy, embracing him. Mayor Jean Malard, representing 2.500- svirvivor9 in Bt. Mihiel, told mo that the Germans had vandalized ev erything in the town, and had forbid den the inhabitants to leave their hous es except by special permit. Malard 'n i.vcretary showed me a lease on life, which the Germans is suod like a pasiport. When they- left the Germans took away all m" be tween 16 and 45, locking otherg in the church. They told tt. a they would j shoot, any one who came out before j S. A. T. C. Thursday noon. The Americans arriv ed and rescued them beforo the time set by the boches on their incarcera tion had expired. I visited a captured German count, who rose op in his tiny room and ttoocl at dignified attention. Although I could not express my pleosure at seeing the count there since the army per mitted no conversation I learned that he held positions of considerable im portanc-e before the war. Ho is now or was a major of a battalion, ne i tall, slender, handsome and showed con siderabk spunk. Although the count showed no woiy at being captured, ho is new greatly depressed becaus0 he is not allowed au orderly. ' The American officials rule that he must shir9 ,is own shoes, and clean his own clothes, just to learn a few demo erotic ideas, as the guard expressed it. Ilia count is still hopeful of a Ger man victory but expnsssed admiration for the American troops. 'I havu bewn much impressed with the bearing of the American troops, he said. "They conduct themselves like veterans. r The count admitted tho American at tack was a surprise, coming at the time it did, although he and other capturel officers say they told the Ger man commanders that a largc attack was imminent astride tho St. Mihiel salient. But the German commanders scoffed at the idea of "au America!) attack." 0. A. C. Opening Date Changed to October J ; ' C'orvallis, Or., Sept. 17. The opening of the Oregon Agricultural college has been changed from September 23 to September 30. The member, 8. A. T. A. will not bo inducted into service until October 1, and now it will not be nec ce&sary for them to pay their own ex penses at college for a week. It is plan nvd to open the institution with a" ttr" rangementg complete. Applications for! enrollment are being received at the ruto of more than 100 a day, the total number received King 1300 most ofjverial approve!," said wuoin nave, appaeu lor entrance in the prompt and ctn t rafusn. By Carl D. Groat. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Washington, Sept. 17. Germany 's latest poace offensive has been smoth ered. That was how official Washing ton today generally regarded President Wilson's summary refusal to joiu au Austria's ".get together'' peac6 coun cil. The speed ond brevity of the answer are regarded hero as calculated to delay tli0 Teuton manenvrlng considerably. It iy assumed that Germany, .or hor tool, Austria, will make furthor peace efforts later. .President Wilson s reply saying flatly that our terms are well known and hence that no conference can tro held is the shortest document this gov eminent has issued in diplomatic cones, pondonco. It Wa3 mado public only ha f-hour after the omcial Austrian Droffer had bcon presented to secre tary of State Lansing. This is a rec ord for both brevity and speed. Tho purpose belaud tho course was to set nn example for all the other allies to still any pacifist comment in this country and to show Germany that this country is nowise "bluffing" about its determination to go through until its terms are acceptable. It meant, in plaiu language, that if Austria wanted to ac cept terms, notubly those of last Janu ary, she had a chance any timo, but thut she could not get a secret council and sh0 could not placo tiro burden of responsibility for continued war upon tho allios. The effect within Germany and Aus tria is likely t0 bo thw reverse of whut the Teutons hoped. They apparcntly plauned to use a rejection to bolster up their armies' waning morale on the pica that this wur Is a war of self defense, with th opponent bent on tho destruc tion of Germany. Wilson, however, robbed tho central powers of this plea, for he said that he had spoken candidly in the past and that his tonus then aro hi, terms now. These terms would restore Belgium, rob Germany of her stolen gains in Kus sia, right the wrong done in Alcasc-Lor-raie, eivc small nations thw right of self-determination, avoid punitive in dcmiiitcis or annexation establish I world peace league and free the uni verse of (K'trimental influences that coula hereafter disrupt world peace America proposes to fight on. And having .abandoned all hopo of a ne gotiated peace, she will throw 4,000,0011 men into the strugglo next year to ga'u a military victory from which sby and her allies can dictate the Wilson terms, By William Philip Simms (United Press staff correspondent.) Paris, Sept. 17. Many deen think ers gee in Austria's peace move one of the cleverest bunco games the central empires have yet conspired together to spring on the allies. They believe the whole thing amounts to littlo more than a conceited move fcy Emperors Wilhelm and Charles to save thoir thrones by throwing the blame for con tinuation of the war on the allies and leading the dispirited Teutonic troopg io ueueve tney must keep on the fight, however sick of the war, in order to "defend their homes from invasion by Jealous and covetous enemies."- - They hope the allies will see the trap , before they plant their foot in it, as they have done more than once before. .Germany and Austria are hcartify sick of tho war. Thoir leaders realise that if they are to get past tho winter without dire trouble something desper ate must be done immediately. Goner- al Von Ludcndorff, In a secret order declares the troops already are talking of a revolution aftoj" the war, "and moans of accumulating ammunition for sard use. German statesmen openly hint at danger to-the dynasty itself. The pub lic is already murmuring because it was deceived by promises of world dom- , ination, if it would only back up the military narty for "final offens ive," whiifh, when loosed in March, re sulted ultimately in the biggest disas ter yet visited on Germany. Evidenco points toward all Gormany insincere; and Austria rising to their foet and crying to the kaiser:. "Look what your dreams of conquest brought to usl" Tho interior situation in Germany and Austria is extremely critical- A peace move is most imperative, Not that it will bring peace, They hope the allies will indulge in fire-brandish talk of wiping the central empires off the face of tho map beforo talking peace this to be plastered nation wide, 'with the notice: "You see we want pcaco, but the al lies scorn our offers; nothing remains for us but to fight, unless you want the allies to trample you undor foot." WANTED: CLOTHING Washington, Sept. 17. Wanted: Five thousand tons of clothing for destitute people in occupied Belgium and France. At the call of Herbert Hoover, the American Red Cross next Monday will start combing tho United States for theso garments. Only substantial garments aro need edno ballroom gowns and slippers for the 10,000,000 people who will wear them hardtind long. but wl, fur it will, I believe, put an end to loose and feeble talk about these Austro-Iiitiigarian offerB a kind of tulk which is not only debilitating and confusing but distinctly helpful to Germany." LODGE INDORSES PLAN. By L. G. Martin. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Washington, Sept. 17. President Wilson's "prompt and curt refusal of Austro-Hungarian peace bait" will go far towards making the German people understand "that American people mean to have compVcto victory," de clared Senator Lodge, senate republi can leader, and ranking republican member of the senate foreign relations committee, today in a.sptvch on Aus trian' note to the allies, suggesting "unbinding" discussions." "Tho president's reply to this stupid ote will meet, as I am sure, with uni- Loilge. "His of the Austro-1 ABE MARTIN Hungarian offer was not only right, be?" Who remerbcrs when we used t' put a cabbage leaf in our hats in hot wca thvr? Th' question you hear most the;vs duys is, "Where kin that girl's mothc