THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1918. SEVEN BRITISH PRESS IS Continued from page one) replying in such terms as to give tlu war lords fresh resolution." to Avoid " another Continued from page one) BIO LUTES TORPEDOED. The Times: "Germany is employing Austria to sham peart proposals and raver m her efforts to train time while Hiudtuburg organises lis forces. -It is"'Pples of the world as powers in the one of the oldest and staVst tricks of bloody game of 4-i-ret diplomacy, diplomaev. What the central empires The subtle play yet made in the rallv hope for i rejection of the pro-3 "i'.v a tentative offer t poaals so that tiev can again present ; evacuate Belgium in the immediate to their dishearten peoples their rea-: 'ntnM'' Bf'B,um "nmrns neutral to r I lw. nm- tt t tt a n-a Vftt. H t ft AM hi. TO eons for continuing the war. They alsoi'"" , Y v i! . . " niivr iuIao thai hA has ant tn nut I loco to break the entente's goUd, f . . . i T 5 f of Bel?ium anyway to shorten Ins front Sr ' . ,. ,,-r- , , , and defend German territory against monstrous ' flout if the proposal, as such, should be flouted as heretofore. It would also be unwarranted to lay down definite military conditions as a jue-rcquisite to any discussion. On the other hand, We fear peace will be de- Jarcd if w enter confidential discus- London, Sept. 16. One hun dred and fifty four persons are missing today following the tor pedoing of the British steamship tialway lastle, which was eu route to South Africa. Of this number 34 are members of the' crew. The ship was struck at 7 a- m. while stormy seas were running. Women and children victims were lost. The submarine was not seen. - t The Journal Job Department will print you anything in the stationery line do it right and save you real money. America 'a millions, If, therefore, he can make a bargain with the allies to evacuate without disturbance will be a big military vic tory for him. If, at the same time, he can pledge Belgium to remain neu tral thereafter, the allies cannot use sions without some suggestions of the eastern Belgium as a ba9e for Invading enemy's approach to our well known Germany. This craftv program shows proposals. Ae think the allies should!,. ..,-.-,.'' r , , 1 r , . , ,. , i the kind of a peace the tieruian would ...j- .. . , , ., ,. u , ,:- lines laid down by Wilson and I.lovd-"). " ""V """"-i Ovorge. Let us, above all things avoid ! negotiate in a secret conference. I 1 CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED DEPT. QUICK REFERENCE TO FIRMS THAT GIVE SERYICE ON SHORT NOTICE WHERE BUYER AND SELLER MEET-WE RECOMMEND OUR ADVERTISERS Telephone EVER7THTNQ ELECTEICAi Jalem Electric Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High Main 1200 OSTEOPATH DBS. B. I. TON Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduates of Am erican sehoc-1 of Osteopathy. Kirk ville, Mo. Post graduate aud spec ialized in nervous diseases at Los Angolcs College Office 505-508 .Nat Bank Bldg. Phono 83. Residence, 1020 Court. Phono 215. Dr. -Whito Ees. Thone 409.- GENERAL REPAIRING WHITE AND E. W..WAL- B F1XIT SIIOP-Let -s repair and ouaqien yuur inwn mowers, zvi uuun Phone 1022. " . tf DENTIST DR. F. L. UTTER, DENTl T,- ROOMS 413-414 Bank of Commerce building. Phone 000. DR. CARL MILLER DENTIST, ROOM 414 Bank of Commerce Building. Phonu 606. WATER COMPANY 8ALEM WATER COMPANY Office "corner Cemmoreial and Trado streets Bills payablo monthly in advance SECOND-HAND GOODS BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE Men's clothes, shoes, hats, jewelry, watehes, tools, musical instruments, bicycles, guns, rifles, revolvers, suit cases, trunks, cameras, typewriters and furniture. Capital Exchnngo 337 Court street. Phone 49. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN On Good Real Estate Security : THOS. K. FORD Ladtl & Bush bank; Salem Oregon FEDERAL FARM LOANS - 5 por cent 34 years time. A. C. Bolirnstcdt, 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon. REAL ESTATE STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 50 years experience, Depot, Nutional and American fence. Sizes 20 to 58 in high Paints, oil and varnish, etc. Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court street. Thone 124- LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET AT McCornack hall on every Tuesday at 8. P. Andrescn, C. C. F. J. Kuntz K. B. & S. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. C246 meets every 3rd and 4th Thur. eve, 8 o'clock in Derby building, corner Court and High streets. H. V. Day, V. C.j F. A. Turner, cleric. SALEM "HUMANE BOCIETY-D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All cases of cruelty or ne glect of dumb animals should be re ported to the secretay for investigation. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA "Oregon Grape Camp" No. 1360. meets every Thursday evening in Derby building, Court and High St. Mes. Pearl Conrsoy, 214 Court St, oracle; Mrs. Melissa Persons, record er 1415 N. 4th St. Phone 1436M. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84 meets first Thursday of each month, at p. m- in I. O. O. F, Hall. Norma I Terwilhgor, M. A.; C. A. Vibbcrt, secretary, 34f) Owens street. Veal, fancy : 18c Steers . ... 79c Cows 40e Spring lambs .,. . ... Hlg'llVic Ewes . . .4fii ' arnbs, yearlings ...J. G"c Eggs and Poultry iggs, cash . 45c Hens, dressed, pound .. 81c Old roosters llitelSo Fry s 21QiZit Broilors . ; 21(u;23c Vegetables Sweet potatoes 65o Onions, Walla : $3 Cabbage .. ......... C(u51jC Carrots .,. - 2ic Tomatoes, crate 65c Turnips 2Vjc Beets . . 2V.jc Uucumbers .. 25(u)40c fasmn, crops akd fighting sons AIDiniGWAR Shiploads of Bacon a Mere Item in Procession of Food to Fighters, Civilians Nowhere has appeared a more suo clnct reminder of the enormous re sources of the American farm and the farmers Instant readiness to meet any war demands than a brief dis patch from I,ondon recently announc ing the suspension of the ration limit on bacon. Owing to the accumulation of stocks of 97,000,000 pounds of bacon from America, the dispatch said, the ration ing of bacon would be abandoned for the time. Since this enormous stock was for civilian requirements and probably a much greater quantity had been safe ly landed for allied army needs It does not require extreme imagination to visualize the long procession of cargo ships which has steamed across with this one item of the food sup ply. N - i All the cargo space of from eight to twelve freighters of average size would be required to transport 97, 000,000 pounds. . WHEAT GROWN DESPITE SABOTAGE Despite the burning of grain ele vators, the torpedoing of wheat ships, and sabotage and arson in the grain fields of the country, the American farmer has gloriously played his war part by producing sufficiently big ; crops to feed the allied world, as his j Bons have brought fear in to the j hearts of the enemy at Cantigny and j Chateau Thierry and in the Rheims Soissons battle. . Now We read that others besides i von Kuehlmann believe that Germany j cannot win by force ot arms, as those Germans not dupes, ot the propaganda-fed German press already knew that England could not be starved by Ton Tlrplts' ruthless sub marines. But far : from being satisfied with this major part In winning the war, the fanner has played a liberal part D n Cantaloupes .....,......: $1.75(i2 Watermelons 22e Grapes , ..r....... $1.75.(a)2.50 Casabas .....:..: .. 2c Muskmelon $1.75 1 in financing the struggle: Last spring, Green peppers 6c with seed and implements to buy, ITult . . V and "U ne pre-harvest expense of Oranges $8.50 wages and maintenance, not an agri- Lemons, box $8.5Q9.00 cultural district in the west failed to Bananas ....... . ...... 8c meet or oversubscribe Its quota ot Dromedary dates -.. $0 the Third Liberty Loan. Eetail Prices' ! CARIurP? nT, Creamery butter , 65c Flour, hard wheat $53.25 Country butter - ,. 60c Eggs, dozen 50c For sugar perroitrf go to Cr M. -Lock-wood, food administrator, 214 North Commercial street. . No limit on purchases of flour. POETLaIO MASKfiT Portland, Or., Sept. 16. Butter, city creamery 5758c Eggs, selected local ex. 5053c Hons 2527c . Broilers 2730o Geese 17(5)18c Cheese triplets 2820c DAILY LIVE STOCK MAJCKET Cattlo Receipts 1198 Tone of market steady, unchanged Prima steers $1213 Choice to good steers $1112 Medium to good steers $9.2511 Fair to medium steers 8.25(59.25 I Common to fair steers $u.7a8.25 ' NOTICE OF BALE I choieo cows and heifers $89 Of Government Timber, General Land Medium to good cows aud heifers Office , $5.757.25 Washington, D. C; August 29, 1918. Fair t0 medium cows and heifers Notice is heroby given that subject $4.755.75 to the "conditions and limitations of Canners $31 tne act or June , iyto sv Btat., and tlto instructions of the seciety FOR SALE 250 acres, 100 in cultiva tion balance in pasturo and timber fine stream of water, good buildings nd good road, 3-4 mile from a live ly saw mill town. Will take good house and lot in Salem as par pay ment. Price $60 per acre. Phone 470 Bquare Deal Realty Company. U. S. Bank Building, Salem. 717 40 ACRES, 4 miles fram town, 20 acres cultivated, 3 prunes, 20 timber pas turo, 6 room house, burn, well and spring, on good road, 1 mile to school $800 cash, balance terms, price $2, 500. 12,000 hardware stock and building to exchange for ranch. $25,000 Portland apartment house, rented, equity for ranch not over $18, 000. 58 acres, 45 cultivated, good barn, fair house, well fenced, joining e ity, will take Salem residence np to tii)0i) and mortgage back, no money required, price 6500. 32 acres, good improvements, 30 acres cultivated, 12 acres prunes, will take Salem resi dence, some cash and mortgage back for balance, price $7500. Have some very good residences priced below eost of construction. I write fire in surance. Socolofsky. 341 State St. 922 of the interior of September 15, 1917, the timber on the following lauds will be sold October 23, 1918, at 10 o'clock a. m., at public auction at the United States lnnd offico nt Portland, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not fcss than the appraised value as shown ty this notice, sale to bo subject to the approv al of the secretary of the Interior. The purchase price, with tu, additional sum of ono fifth of one per cent there of, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at timo of sale, money to be returned if sah? is not approved, other wise patent will issue for the timber which must be removed Within ten years.. Bids will be received from cit izens of the United States associations of such citizens and corporations organ ized under the laws of the United States or any state, territory or dis trict thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, tho timber on any legal subdivision will be offered SCAVENGER 6ALEM SCAVENGER Charles Soot proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly eontracti at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phono, Main 2247. 'Residence Main 2272. WOOD SAW. TOR A WOOD SAW Phone 1090-K-1255 N. Summer St. Our prices are right. W. M. Zmdpr, proprietor. 919 BRING YOUR TRADES Bulls 58 Calves $912 Stockers and feeders $69 iHoga Receipts GS1 Tone of market steady, unchanged Prime mixed $19.50(5)19.75 Medium mix-cd $19(0)19.35 Rougli heavies $1818.50 tPigs $1617 Sheep 1 Receipts 1851 ; Tone of market steady, unchanged Best lambs '$l.'t.5014.50 Medium to good lambs $1112 Yearlings $10(-M1 . . Wethers $9 10.50 -Ewes $6.508.50 Resworn A. Of eet Where Champions Gallier It was quite natural that goed shoot ing should be a feature of the Grand separately before being included in any -"ierican Handicap tournament held at offer of a larger unit. rilican, rf'-V. The (. A. H.," as T 11 S E IE Sec 27 NW SW lf 18 ca"i 18 ne blue ribbon event ef W,'red fi'r 1275 M., white fir 75 M, !he p8l.oot inW world and attracts the none of the rei fir or whito fir to be best hooter, from .H over the country, sold for less than $1.50 per M. .n a.ct- .tho 0,,lv mcn H.b!C to eon- - CLAY TALLMAN, ' em honi1rs ar'. win.nPr" "f,ho VT' Commissioner General Land Office. ,.. ., 1 1 H. J. Pendergast, of Phoenix, N. Y., four times winner of the New York State Championship tied for firnt place in the Grand Americas Handicap with the remarkable score of 97 out of 100 clay targets at twenty-two yards. In the shootoff,. Mr. l'endergast ' seore was 17 out of 20 targets. He imed the famotig Nitro Club slintshelln. The win ner was John D. Henry, Elkhart, Ind. The "Chicatrn Overture" was won by A.. R.- Chezik, of Portal, N. D-, who mOf$l nnJ in ... f 2n :n (,n ah.lff Hay, oats ; .a William Heer, of Guthrie, OMa., won Barley, ton $aMfi.,2 t5ie "Amateur Championship," scoring Hay. cheat, new $24 Bt..out of 100 clavs and 20 i 20 in IN LIBERTY LOAN Oregon, almost purely an agricul tural and stock-raising state, was the firsin the district 'to ahnouuee its quota exceeded. r . The farming districts were , uni formly more prompt " in meeting their assigned obligation than were the metropolitan districts where banks aud factories were concerned. With the coming . f the Fourth Liberty Loan, which will overshadow any previous financial triumph ot the United States by two to one., the farmers fart' should ' be relatively easier since he now has turned his matured crops into cash. The Fourth Liberty Loan, calling for twice as much as any of the previous war funds, all of which were epochs in the country's history, will show the United States really buck ling down to business. . 4TH LOAN CALLS FOR FULL EFFORT Despite our present training in thinking iu nothing less than six figures, the- Fourth Liberty Loan is a huge sum and will require a long, strong pull from every citizen if it is to be accomplished in three weeks, from September 28 . to October 19, allotted. There is no more doubt of the ful fillment of the loan on schedule time than there is that the American army will throw von Hiudenburg and Lud endorff back across the Rhine, And as surely as tens of thousands of the bravest of American youth will lose their lives in the fierce combats In which the Hun will be forced backward out of France, just so surely will the raising ot the great Liberty Loans not be accomplished without every American marshalling tho last dollar of his resources, and abating eveiy unnecessary expenditure. IHJ H 21 Ha GOING OUT OF BUSINESS The Imperial Furniture Company of 177 Liberty street Salem. Entire stock sold at a great sacrifice to the Feld stein & Drektor Furniture Company of Portland. Your time is limited to buy at wholesale cost or less rugs, car pets, linoleums, draperies, ranges, heaters, electric sweep ers, White Rotary Sewing machines, dressers, bed room suits, kit cabinets, overstuffed tapestry, rockers and dav enports, electric lamps, library tables, ladies' desks, iriusic cabinets, brass and iron beds, springs and mattresses, leather, rockers, pianos lamps, dining tables and chairs, buffets, refrigerators, go-carts, wall paper, pictures and everything to complete the home must be closed out at once. $85.00 White Rotary Sewing Machine to close out at $45.95. Liberty bonds accepted. FeldsteMrektor Furniture Co. 177 Liberty Street Salem, Oregon. M i sr n ultis si 3 Salem Boy Chases Huns Six Days and Likes I! Auother Salem niua who knows what real war is and who went through some of tho hardest fighting Vilicn the Any cricans showed to th0 world what they could do in the first bie drivo Js Alvy Burleson of Co. F. 101st Infantry. He is a son of Mr. aud Mrs. J. F. Burbson of, 1042 Saginaw street., fio writes in part as follows: ' ' '.'The drive was lots of hard work and wo ran into all kinil9 of Herman JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY troops, Wo saw tire fighting kind and "Wo had ono little fight with them then the kamerad kind. Three of them 1 that was some hot for a while. I , . , .,- . , , don't see hough any one could get ehru playc,! a niacins gun on ns for about 24 !that he m but did hours and whenwe were getting ready . not (lo mlu.h- you would bo surprisetd to go over the top aud when they bbw ; to B(,0 low eaay it ig to ,;s3 a nmn. "Tho first trip to the front was a bad one or I thought so as it was my they were going to got theirs, they wantvd to b0 tuken priaonors. We stay ed only a short distance behind them! first timo in." I could see no trenches for the last two days and wiis still aftor tehm when we wcro relieved. and I had forgotten till about th ope a warfare. Their nig gnng caused me lots nf -trnuliln Vint I unt an I fli.l not BlillJ liT.. -!.,,.... ,1,.b . . vv c run me uuiinaiiB "r ni "'ViH,pni much but cuuldn catch up with them. Ourj "The first time over the t( did not big guns played on them all tho timo , bother nie as the Jluns got wind of it and theirs did tho same with us. Lots j aiid beat it. You know they cannot get uivd to tho Americans walking out in broad day light and going over tha of peoplo think the Germans cannot fight' but that is where they aro fooled as they aiv just as wito at this game as we are. top without the big guns shooting for I two or three hours." 8 .. AT THE 1 Hi Oct. 17 t HIE HIARXET Grain Wheat, soft white Wheat, lower grades on sample Oats ... ,. a- 22.05 Mill run ... Butterfat Buttetfat 38i0 the shootoff. I H. J. Pcndergast won the "South 60e Shore Intductory" at 18 yards with I tan match you. C. W. Niemeycr, Bea! , Creamerv butter 58c a scor of 19S out Of 2(K tarzets. All Btate Agent, Canada Lands, 544 State Pork, Veal aud Mutton ( the shooters mentioned above used Bem- treet. ' Pork, on foot 1718 3-4 ington shotguns or shotshells or both. "Six months ot war among, the great powers will .bankrupt the world," said economists before Au gust, 114. Now, with the Allied Powers pre paring to end the war In its sixth year, the least of their worries Is finance. Make your Fourth Liberty Loan sub scription a heavy one oversubscrip tions will make the American army that much stronger In morale. Can you imagine the feeling of the boys at the front if the Fourth Lib erty Loan is undersubseribed? And their corresponding elation at a smashing oversubscription? By the way, can't you stretch that Fos.-th Liberty Loan subscription td a little larger size. Every dollar makes them holler Buy Liberty Bonds. Bring "Fourth" your savings Buy Liberty Bonds. Billions for Defense or Billions for Indemnities, Knock the Helm out ef Wllhelm Liberty Bonds. , A little for bowia or all for the Kaiser. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY as: e m. 1M We have tliera in different kinds and prices. One a fine Tan Grain Goodyear Welt Regulation last, etc., guaranteed for quality at $6. Th unequalled STETSON SHOE full army last and finest Norwegian Oil Grain, highest quality, Extra Heavy Oak welted soles.. The finest army shoe on the market sells at' $11. Other shoes made on the army er Munscn last ,fine for work shoes we have at $4.50 up. ''ilortiy tki puir BROWN Cor. 4ovn B.L -InTifible Er lato. C. Tm, L.p S..m at Back. Heavy Edv. Sinl ' Sal. Mail turn HaaL ilillllllli LtsthUuy"" New Thrill Last FOR FINE DRESS WEAR Nothing excells the Stetson Tony Red Russia Calf, shown at the left. They are the very best of construction and stock. Fit like the skin and just as comfortable. They sell for $11.00 Then there is a Brennan Shoe similar in appear ance and fit at $8.50, and one similarly built for $6.50. The Black Gunmctals sell for from $5.50 TO $8.00 - ' ' EVERY PAIR WARRANTED TO WEAR ''See Our Windows''