Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 16, 1918, Image 1

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Only Circulation in 8&lm Guar
anteed by the Audit Bureaa of
fll i - A 11 fiir'j of fl 4 II ft )rx
German Air fleet Greatly Increased But Cannot Face That
Of Allies. 'Americans Strengthen Position And Straighten
Lines.-Many German Airplanes Brought Down. British
Advance Line On Two Mile Front-German Prisoners Say
They Were Headed For Home.
By Frank J. Taylor
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
With the Americans on the Metz Front, Sept. 16.
Koth American wings are reported to be straightening
out and co-ordinating their posiions across the late St.
Mihiel salient. Our patrols now conttrol the area between
the American lines and the Hindenburg reserve defenses.
The Germans are digging in far to the rear, rather
than attempting to dispute the American gains.
Aerial fighting is intense, battleplanes are forcing the
boches to remain more than five kilometers (about three
miles) behind positions which otherwise would constitute
their forward lines, while reconnaisance and bombing
planes and artillery liason units operate undisturbed de
i ite numerous air fights.
The number of German airmen has suddenly increas
ed tremendously, but is still insufficient to- meet the
British, French and American forces. Tons of bombs
are being dropped on the German military positions far
in the rear.
There was still infantry fighting during the night
along the Moselle, where Americans stormed fortified
quarries, 'i 1 ' " -' j i
French Captured Vailly.
Paris, Sept. 16. French troops cap
tured Vamy (on the northern bank of
the Alms, eleven miles south of Laon)
least night, the French war office an
nounced today.
They also took.. Mont.. Singes,., to
gether with 300 prisoners.
"Between the Oise and the Aisne
last night we continued to progress,"
the communique said..
' 'We captured Mont Dos Hinges with
TSOo prisoners and also captured Vail
ly." Airplanes Beach Paris.
Paris, Sept. 10. Several enemy air
planes approached Paris last night, it
was officially announced today. There
were some casualties and material dam
age. Germans Withdrawing.
London, Sept. 16. The Germans ap
parently are withdrawing along the
Whole 33 miles front between Abeau-
. . -
Th' reason penny weighin' machines
l.iint raised th' eprlce on account o' th'
war is because a quarter won't fit 'em.
A girl kin daifb hcerself up t' look foxy,
but you've got t' be born piirty t'e b
party. "
V 5 .
s ......
. court and the Moselle in an effort to
improve the protection of communica
tion in the vicinity of Motz.
Metz is under long range bombard
ment, it is learned here today.
(Metz is about ten miles from the
farthest known advance of the Amer;
Americans advanced from two to
three miles on this front and some
places, their patrols pushed forward an
additional two miles.
Sir German divisions, totalling about
60,000 men were operating in the St.
Mihiel salient when the Americans be
gait their attack, it has been learned.
1 Of these fully a fourth were taken
j The British have captured Maissemy
i(four and a half ' mileg northwest of
tt. (Jucntin) thus wiping out a small
salient which had its apex at Vermand.
In their local operations, tlje French
have taken 2,500 prisoners.
By Fred S. Ferguson,
(United Press staff correspondent.)
With the Amereains on the Motz
Front, Sept. 16. The American posi
tions on the eight mile front between
Jaulny (on the Mad river) and the
Moselle were markedly improved today,
the Germans further retreating in that
A certain American division eaptured
an entire artillery park near Jaulny,
taking seventy two cannon and mak
ing itg total ninety for the drive. All
their attempted counter attacks having
been repulsed, the boches apparently
arc giving their full attention to
strengthening their withdrawal po'si
tions The Americans are being heavily bom
barded, but continue to improve their
positions. Their morale is of the high
est and they are anxious to press on
while the boche morale is correspond
ingly lower. Prisoners say they have
no hope of winning the war. The
Austrians are bitter toward the Ger
mans, saying they were left to shift
for themselves and that repeated re
quests for more ammunition were ig
nored. Aerial activity is steadily increasing-
Several ton of bombs were drop
ped on Concelles, Ehrange, Saarbruckcn
Roulay and Buhl. American dav bomb
ers attacked the bridges at Corny (six
miles southwest of Metz) and Arna
ville, (two miles south of Corny).
Many hits were made with the four
(Continued on page two)
Treachery of Bolsheviki Lead
ers Is Shown By Official
Washington, Sept. 16. Proofs remov
ing any doubts that Lenino and Trot
sky, the bolsheviki leaders, are paid
German agents if indeed any doubts
remain are laid before the world Sat
urday night by the United States gov
ernment in the first installment of an
amazing series of official documents
disclosed trrough the committee oa pub
lie information.
Intrigue and puilj. Shown
The documents are some 70 in num
ber. Many are originals, annotated by
bolshevik officials. The balance of the
ethers are photographs of originals,
showing annotations. And they corro
borate a third set of typewritten cir
culars (see appendix .later), of which
only two original are possessed, but
all of which fit perfectly into tht
wholo "pattern of German in riguo and
German guilt.
The first document is a photograph
of. a report made to the bolshevik
leaders hy two of their assistants in
forming them hat, in accordance V'.tli
their instructions, "there bad beenre
moved from tho archives of the Rus
sian ministry of justice the order of
the German Imperial bank 'allowing
money to Comrades Lenine, Trotsky
and others for ho propaganda of peace
in Russia; ".and that, at the Fame time
"all the books" of a bank in Stock
holm bad beea "audited" to conceal
the payment of money to Lenine, Trot
sky and heir associates by order of
the German Imperial bank. '
Authenticity is Proven ' '
This report is indorsed by Lonine,
with his initials, for deposit in "the
secret department" of the bolshevik
filos. And the authenticity of the re
port is supported by document No. in,
which is the original of a report sent
by a German general staff representa
tive to the bolshevik leaders, warning
them that he has just arrested an agent
who had in his possession the original
order of the German Imperial bank
referred to in document No. 1, and
pointing out that evidently "at the
proper times steps were not taken to
destroy the above mentioned docu
ments." Document No. 3 is the original pro
tocol signed by several bolshevik lead
ers and dated November 2, 1917, show
ing that "on instructions of the reprc
sen atives of the German general staff
in Petrograd" and "with the consent
of the Council of People 's Commis
sars," of which Trotsky and Lenine
were tho heads, two incriminating Ger
man circulars had also been "taken
from the department of secret servico
!of he Petrograd district" and given
jto the secret service department of the
(Continued on page four)
20,000 Coal Miners
Strike This Morning
Pottsville, Pa., Sept. 16 In
the fact of the order and im-
portunities of the United Mine
Workers, about 20,000 mine
workers in the ninth district
went on strike this morning be-
cause the government has not
granted them the increase in
wages that they demanded.
Clergymen, business men and
othors pleaded with the men
yesterday to patriotically re-
main at work.
President Matthews of the
United Mine Workers labored
until last night trying to keep
the men in line. The strike cuts
off a daily production of ap-
proximately 20,000 tons.
Amsterdam, Sept. 16. Smarkije Lis- j
ty, official newspaper of the Czechs'
declares that the former Russian czar- j
ina and her four daughters have been 1
murdered at Ekaterinburg. The 'execu-1
ion, the newspaper declares, was car-1
ried out contrary to the wishes of the ,
Soviets. .
Various reports have been received
in this eountry regarding the czarina
and her daughters. They have been re
ported slain and again were declared
to be alive. - ..
Ally of Germany Begins Great
est Peace Offensive Yet
By Curl D. Groat.
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, Sept. 16. The United
States government will not accept Aus
tria 'i proposal for a get together for
pcaco conference, it was announced ou
high authority today.
This course will be followed by the
entente government's, according to all
indications here.
Taken as the "ost desperate peace
offensive the boche has ever attempted
this latest .drive 1? regarded also as
tho most insidious. It is considered as
intended to dull the war spirit and the
war wark of the associated nations, par
tisularly America, and i9 held to be
another of the series of efforts to bol
ster up thv Austro-Gorman home spirit.
When it is rejected Germany and Aus
tria will set up the cry of self defense
and as the war comes closer to the Ger
man border this cry may serve to stimu
late a wearied force of central allies,
according to the belief hre.
However, in answering the communi
cation for it is assumed an answej
must be maiei the .government will
take cave to tree that the edge is remove
from tbig stimulation scheme, as far as
This answer, it is hold, will point out
that Wilson has said frequently he was
willing to talk pace any time i an
"honest" proposal was made. This
proposal was not considered honest. The
answer, too, would probably inform
Austriao that the president 's basic
peace principles would have to be ac
cepted before even a get together ses
sion for discussing farther bases' could
be undertaken. ' . .'
Austria's Object To Give Ger
many Time To Pull Her
self Together
., London, Sept. 16. Germany,
put forward the following
Belgium to remain neutral un-
til the end of the war; rccon-
struction of Belgium and polit-
ical and economic indopend-
encc of bwr after the war; re-
establishment of German Bel-
gian commercial treaties exist-
ing before the war; Belgium tb
aid by moral suasion in restor-
ing of German colonies; th
Flemish question to be consld-
ered and the Flemish minority,
wliicj, aidod the German invad-
ers to go unpunished.
By Ed L. Keen -
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
London, Sept. 16. With the excep
tion of the Daily News, London morn
ing newspapers are unanimous in the
opinion that Austria's proposal for a
conference to discuss peace is camou
flage, the real reason for which is that
Hindenburg wants time to reorganize
his shattered forces.
Another theory advanced is that th
peoples of the central empires really
want peace, but their governments
seek to swny them and embarrass the
entente, thus dodging the howls of the
masses against continuing the war.
What benefit Austria might have ob
tained from the proposal undoubtedly
has been lessened by publication of
Germany's effort at a separate peace
with Belgium, which is self evident qf
the kaiser's bad faith.
The Daily News favors Austria's
proposal for a conference, declaring:
"Only actual discussion can prove
whether discussions at this staee fan
lead the word nearer peace. Austria's
dominating motive hardly can be doubt
ed. There is no doubt that for her,
more than any other belligerent, an
early peace is imperative. Such a con
ference would not compromise the allies
fundamental principles. On the other
hand, there is more than a rwnote pros
pect that a discussion that might leave
Germany obdurate might be different
in the case of Turkey, Bulgaria and
Austria. The allies have everything to
gain and nothing to lose by discussloa.-'
Proposal Absurd
Telegraph: "The proposal is absurd
and insincere. Its object is to gain time
for Hindenburg to reorganize his shat
tered forces, though perhaps Vienna
and Constantinople so ardently desire
Germany and Austria have shown no
signs of accepting Wiv cardinal prin
ciples, for they have practiced anucxa
tions and indemnities, with a vengean
President Wilson's dictum of "force
without stint" and Chief of Staff
March's "we are going through with
it" talk Saturday, are held to be the
sqrest proofs of the American spirit.
The most forceful argument ever
heard here every time the Teuton has
laid down a peace barrage has been:
"If we quit now it ig a German vic
tory." This samo call was heard today. Ger
many is still on foreign soil. Her in
dustries arc Intact. And while she is
in a worse position tactically and eco
nomically than ever bcfoiv, a pea'-e no
would leave her in a better shape thai
ever to start new world domination
plans, it ig held.
How insidious this latest peace drive
is may be gathered from the fact that
a direct proposal of peace is reported
to have been made to Belgium. This
places no blame on Germany and falls
far short of righting the wrong done
that country. But the German intention
as seen here, is to convince the small
pacifist group of the Teuton nations
that a sincere peace desire now abides
in Gurmany. .
Another point emphasized hero Is the
fact that Austria proposed a "non-
binding" peace discussion. In other
words, the peace conference would act
as a brake on the war spirit and thus
give a bit of o breathing space to the
cenrral powers, while if termg did not
please, the Teutons, or if they staged
some sort of a comeback tl.y could
loave the get tbgothcr conference.
Germany is-considered the dictator
of the Austria- note. Austria says
sK and her allies are in accord It is
held here to be doubtless true that Gor
(Continued on page four)
peaco that they aro prepared to relin
quish their bellicose attitude. But it Js
not clear yet whether Berlin wants to
come to terms."
Mirror: "Stand by our public dec
elerations of , war aims,being in no mood
to enter secret diplomacy with Prussia,
or any others,"
Mail: "Tho proposal ie an impudent
sham. Wilson, in advance, disposed of
the proposal when, on January 8, ne
said, 'None but open covenantg- of
peace, openly arrived at.')"
Graphic: "The proposal is a war
maneuver. If Germony is prepared to
surrender unconditionally, peace is pos
sible at once."
Post: "We are dvaling with the first
definite peace overture from Germany
which, in substance, is a proposal to
conclude an armistice. There can be but
one answer. To pauw now would be to
throw away the fruits of four years;
to dismiss forever the hope of victory;
to betray the common cause of clvili
' zatiom"
An Impudent Note
Regarding Germany's note to Bel
gium, the Post said:
"It is an impudent, shameless pro
poFal which was put forward not to
benefit Belgium or satisfy the allies
but to provide propaganda for tho de
featists." Express: "The proposal brings peace
no nearer. It is true that 'all peoples
long for a speedy end to tho struggle,'
but the allies have stated their pre
liminary conditions. They are: va.'
drawal from Belgium and France; ab
rogation of the Biwst-Litovsk and Bu
charest treaties, etc. Theio is not the
faintes suggestion that the central
puwvrs will agree t0 these conditions.
It is just an invitation to a secret con
ference at which bargains can be struck
and the destruction of militarism pre
vented. Hindenburg wants time to pull
his armies together. Negotiations mean
a practical armistice. Gcrmuny's note
to Belgium is another Brest-Lltovsk
Chronicle: "Two motives inspire the
notes first, the desire to embarrass
tho entente by throwing upon it the
odium ef continuing the war. Second,
a genuine longing for peace. Berlin and
Vienna now realize for the first time
that the central powers cannot win the
war. Instead they are fearful with the
flraj of defeat and disaster. No one
wants to continue the war a day long
er than necessary, but the entente are
not going to be fooled with an unreal
peace. It would be foolish to exjfect
pood results from i conference until
Berlin and Vienna change their meth
ods of negotiations.
Austria the Catspaw
"In Wilson language, 'No general
peace, no peace worth the infinite sac
rifices of these years of tragical suf
fering,' can be 'arrived at under the
old method of barter and concession."
(Continued on page seven)
Americans At Nearest Point
Only Two Miles From
German Border
By J. W. T. Mason,
. (United Tress war expert.)
New York, Sept. 16 Fearing that
General Pershing ig trying to create
another pocket along the St. Mihiel
ironi, tne uermans nave given way in
the center of the line for a distance
of three miles or mere.
Abandonment of territory tends to
straighten the German front before
Metz. The Americans, however, have
begun a new movement at Doucourt
tq drive another wedge in the line.
If the operation succeeds, it will create
two poekets, tho first in the center
of the front once more ami the second
about the important town, of Fresnes.
The salient formations are now play
ing as imortant a part in General
Pershing's -strategy as thev have done
for the last two months .in Goneral
Foch's plans. By this process, the
Americans are niovmg Closer ana closer
to the German frontier. General Persh
ing has between two and -twelve miles
to cover before 'his army is .drawn up
along the Ueraiaa - boimwrj tLrcctly '
faring Mot:;.. - - ' . - 4 ' .
The f (irtrtos- itself "will then, e ,ul.
jected to" its first intensive,- be ..ba'd-
ment or the war.
Meanwhile, tho American? have '
gun to progress along th, priniri .
railway running from Verdui, tii Mel'..
Thoy have about IS miles to gu -along
this line before they can . cut it at
Conflans-En-Darisy, where it begins to
feed the German front- Once Conflans
is reached Met usefulness as a supply
station fJr the Gunnans in France
will be gravWy icompromised.
in tne miust or ineso. promises oi
large American successes, the central
powers have begun their long antici
pated peace offensive.
Austna-Huiiigary s purpose in sug
gesting a "non-binding conference"
is to prevent the attainment of a demo
cratic poace. A democratus. peace is
one brouglft about by public confe&slon
of defeat by the military camarilla of
Germany. A reactionary peace is one
arranged at a private conference by
a (landfill of men who will thereby
be encouraged to continue using the
(Continu;d on page seven)
Failure To Organize Company
Will Leave Capital lity
Out InThe Cold.
Unless something is done pretty quick
to secure recruits for tho (Salem com
pany of the Oregon national guards, the
cgiment may be formed and tno capnai
city left out of it. There ig required
for tho regiment 12 companies. Already
13 are under organization and it is un
derstood that the first 12 that com
plete organization will be accepted.
For tho past month there lias been
an '."ffort to secure 110 men for th
Halem company but notwithstanding
all efforts made, there has been up to
date .only about 75 signed for sorvico.
This does not mean that Salem cannot
find HO men who will join the Oregon
National Guard, but it does mean that
unless something is dolie pretty quick
to aec-ure about 35 more men, Salem
stands a chance of being left out when
the first regiment Is officially organ
At the meeting held Sunday afternoon
at the armory, it was decided to ap- j
point several committees to work at
the meeting called for the armory Tues-j
day evening of this week. TIub meet
ing is for all scloctive service men
hich means every man who carries v
blue curd.
It ig thought that If the proposition
:a put to many of thesv men, that they
would prefer service with the Oregon
National Guard, rather than to bo
drafted. According to the present In
. as soon as tho Oregon Na
tional Guard Is organized, it will be
federalized and then within a few week
will be called into tho service.
It is through this Oregon National
Guard that a man has the privilege of
enlisting and serving with his friends.
Army recruiting officers have been
called in and there is no such thing a;
enlisting in army service. Every man
now is subject to call by the local draft
board wh0 Is between the ages of 18
and 46.
It is thought bv men who aro in
terested in the Oivgna National Guard
that if a special effort ig made this
week, the 35 more men neetled can be
signed up and that tlr company can be
organized. If it cannot, the capital
city will have the name of being the
only community in the state with a
largo population that failed to organ
ize even one company for the first lvgi
ment of the Oregon National Guard.
New York Tunes Alone Fa-
rors It. Offer Is Mads
Only To Deceive
New York, Sept. 16. The New York
Times, in an editorial 'today urged
that the allies accept the Austrian pro
posal for an "unbinding discussion '
looking toward peace. The newspaper,
however, declared peaco conditions
must throttle German militarism and
insure that thore be no repetition of
tho war.
Pointing out that the peace offer
comes from tho quarter where for rer
three yvars the allies have felt it
would come, the Times said:
'It comes in a form which the allies
may honorably acecpt'in the confident
belief that it will lead to the end of
the war." . ., .
'"The custom and practice of na
tions," the editorial continued, "de-
mands that this invitation to enter up
on tho preliminaricg of peace receive
tho most asrious and respectful atten
tion of the governments to which it la
addrecsed." I '
Commenting on what might be ore
ed from tha central powers, the news-
paper said: .
"A peace that Kft Germany master
of the east; would be a crime against
ourselves and our posterity. Control 61
vs-t regions where ie could renew
Jin now diminished.- might, sire must
once and for all tin; renounce. The res.
torotions and reparations to be decreed
In tno west ar$ equally indispensable,
but reiteration has made them famib
iar." ,
Still False and Boastful
Other New York newspapers declar
ed the proposals must be spurnvd as
they now stand.
"No one but a German or a vassal .
of Oermnny could imagine thatwith
tho.ji-esponsible 'leaders ef Prussian
militarism almost as false Pnd.boast
ftil as ever, a peace by negotiation is
possible," the World said. '
''The awful tragedy of this war is
not to be thus adjusted- No lie is to
come triumphant from tho fields where
so -siany brave men have perished.''
The Tribune asked: "Do we believa
what we say about this German thing
that it is frightful beyond redemp--tion,
that "it has no faith to pledge,
that it lias betrayed the. very prin
ciples of civilization, that it cannot be
lived with, and that it must be utterly
destroyed?" and then pointed to the
crimes which have been committed. '
'Germany has lost the war," it contin
ued. 'The peace offensive is now her
most dangerous weapon. Let it break
itself upon the text 'Ho that leadost
into captivity shall go into captiviay;
he that killeth with the sword must bo
killed with the sword."
Tacoma Times: "If Lincoln had stop
ped when the south was half ueleated,
human sluvory would have endured. Wo
are nor going to half win this'WRr.
Austria's peace whimper shall not halt
stern retribution. The allies will not
huggle with any international cut
Tacom Ledger: Staggering about
the ring, clinging 0t the ropes and hug
ging in the clinches, the Hun is en
deavoring to stall for a knockout. Peace
talk is part of the German propa
ganda designed to weaken allied mor
ale." German Press Comment
Amsterdam, 8pt. 16 The German
press seeks to give the impression that
it is not wholeheartedly in favor of tho
Austrian note.
The Berliner Neusto Naehrichton
calls tho note "risky."
The Boersen Zoitung thinks there is
little hope of its success. The Post fears
the allies will interpret the note as a
sign of weakness. Tho VorwacrtS warns
against ''over hRsty optimirm.'' but
says the ' widest circles of the Ger
man people will wecomc the note."
The Kieuso Zcitung fears the note
is futile and may lead to results oppo
site from those desired. Tho Vosischo
Zcitung oiiticipates the proposal will
fail, saying "if rejected, it will mean
declaration of the bankruptcy of the
official policy." T
French And Serbians
Attack Bulgarians
On Saloniki Front
Wnyltiiwrtnn fipttf lit FrfHh anA
sAbian troops are attacking strongly
fortified Bulger positions on the Sal
onika front, according to official di
patches to the Serbian legation .here
After a day's artillery preparation,
tho allied troops advanced yesterday
on the peak Vetrenik (4,724 . feet),
Dobro Polie (5,577 feet) and mountain
Sokol (4,rt:i7 feet), piercing the enemy
rront .ana capturing an nine jum
tions which the Bulgars have been for
tifying for thirty months.
Several hundred prisoners wero tak
en, numerous guns and great quautitiea
nf other material. The operation con
tinues, the cable stated.