Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 14, 1918, Page NINE, Image 9

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1 WANTED To rent 3 to 5 room mod-
CLASSIFIED ADVESTISINO BATES FOR SALE 13 hsA ewes also about ern cottage, unfurnished, elose in
Kate per word-New Today: 40 ewe lambs. Phono 49F15. 917 Address Cottage care Journal. 9-17
bell insertion , le ,
One week (6 insertions) . 5c 7ZT- I UNIVERSITY or high school girl wilt
On. month (26 iuaerfcoiis) 17e WANTED - Night drier for prunes tl , a house ( &bA
The Capital Journal will not be re- good wages. Phono 11F14. 9-14 roo,u. s-oall fianuv. Very close in.
ponaible for mora than one insertion, vb u r 1g r 9 U
tut errors in Classified Advertisements, pigs FOB SALE $3 each. Phone 103F4 )
Bead your advertisement the first day , g.og 1
appears and notify us immediately, FOil SALE 2 18-montha old Jersey
Minimum charge, 15c FOR SALE 40 head grade Cotswold -J"-"-'"'r. not beef; also 10 thorough-
ewes. Richmond Bros., Ballaa, Or. 9-17 Jndian Kunner ducks-
FOB SALE Gravenstem apples. Phone . ; Court St. 9-16
2F3. 9-14 WANTED Capable woman to help in 'T " "T, I
kitchen, Hotel Marion. 9-14 HIGH school ky, g 14, wants place;
, to work for board and roor. Phone
PIGS FOB SALE G. S. Kalb, Salem. . . . evening 64F21 or write Kt- I box i
Bilverton road. 9-17 e to anyone gmng good home 8"- r . .
w hite English bull terrier. Female. "Am " ;
Prize stock. 529 S. Commercial. 9-14 ! " " " ; j
"WANTED Furnished, strictly modern . - HIGH school gutj age la, wamts place;
5 room house. Phone 1429. ' 9-17 FOR KENT nicely furnished apart to work Sr bo aBd room- Vhoael
; ments.. Call 597 N. Liberty or phom "'"m8 64F21 or wnto Kt- l ox '
PEARS Good canning pears, 50c per 2456W. 9-14 lSA-
bushel, de.ivered. Phone 1399J. 9-17 from on HANDSOME French lady. 21, worth!
DUMP gravel wagon in good shap. ' M C A paper. Finder please phon.
Call evening. Phone 111121. 9-16 44 or 176. 944 Lq8 AgeleS) j
FOR SALE Light weight Cleveland WANT Good home for Willamette watcxft. m in u.j f,J
motorcycle. Phone 529 or 1425J. 9-17 -lady student to work for room and HOGS WANED-30 or 40 head, from
. ' board. Phone 577 or 1110. 9-14 and nr.. No objection to their
. FOB SALE - A good heavy heating : ""f VT- iom : 361 i or address ,
stove. Enquire phone 2350. 9-14 I HAVE a lot of gravel suitable for " alter H. Jory,Rt.3. 9-20;
road or concrete work, free for the " "j
PALL and winter pasture for horse., taking away. Phone 73. 9-14 f. farra hrsfs iarnf ; a"d
" " , , !,, a..r wagon for sale cheap, or will trade
and cattle Thone 2249. 9-10 - , o hayefeed anvthing of
' .. , ,. , . . , F0B EE3ST Furnished apartments. valuc. Phone Davis 19F13 or 1341.
FOB SALE English Setter bird dog. Inquire 210 S. 14th St. or phone 9-16
Kegistered. Phone 322 or 766. 9-2? 2e92R. J-16
. , , "1 JT A GOOD BUT 5 room cottage with
ttn Pl,n P77Crnr 1 110 9 14 6 G00D n wanted work bath and electric lights, 2 lots 50x150
cheap. Phone 57 or mu. an A & w w f ruit trecg gra)eg) raspberrie!
"WANTED To buy a Shetland ponv Xiemeycr, 544 State St. Phone 100. tf tarn and chicken house. Price 850,
' cart and saddle. Phone 1236W. 9-16 ,,np QAT, . , , "7B Ja"mount -
, 1 FOR SALE i 4 wheel wicker sulky,
IF vou want to iro anvwlrere call R B leather toP' in 8ood edition. Phone FARM for rent, 70 acres valley land,
rSTaey? ph tXm S. e 9-H JIrsMartin. ' 9-14 good improvements good building,,.
- i Tunning water, mail and creamery
"WANTED Delivery man at once. Le- F0 EET?fode'a fv Ioom lo?' IZT'JTlTl?' T t0Wn! o'
Bold & Co 1244 State St 9-14 h street, 9 per sonth. rent. Box 333, Salem, Or 9-17
' Enquire at 735 north 16th street, tf "
FOR RAT F T t e f n "nir T?OU SALE Clover and oat hay; Light
Phona S0F11 nm ff SIX room house 30x40, two loti froni Bramahs and Buttercup spring chick-
on the bay at Newport, sell or ex- cn8i De Laval separator No. 15.
POR SALE-Good wood rack. Call Sun change. Mrs. Nina Hanby, Mt. Angel, Tel. A E. Petersen or call Sunday
day 1049 Market St., or phone 1167W Or. 9-18 Bt. 9, box 160. 9-14
early mornings or evening 9-14 - AGENTS WANTED Large manufac-
" 5 l ? loans, see the tnrer wants Iepresentatfves to gel,
HOP PICKERS wanted. Phone B9F11. Marion-Polk county national farm 6hirts lmderwr hosiery .dresses,
Adam Orey, Bt. 8. tf Joan assooiation. W. D. Smith, 303 ,Utg 8kirt3, to home9. Writ0
; , balem Bank of Commerce bldg. tf for free samples. Madison Mills, 603
COL. W. F. WRIGHT, Lie auctioneer. Broa(WBy jcw York City.
Turner, Oregon. Piion 59, tf. 5 GOOD men wanted for factory work . '
. long job at good wages. Call at room MARRY if lonely; for results, try me;
MILK goats for sale. Inquire H. V. 303 Salem Bank of Com. bldg., or best and most successful "Home
,Doo, Fairgrounds store. Phone 343. phone 482, agent, W. D. Smith. tf Maker;" hundreds rich wish mar-
- 9 1'4 riago soon; strictly confidential;
WANTED To rent grain knd, from 2 most reliable; years of experience)
WANT to rent a small farm on shares, to 6 hundred acres, either cash or descriptions free. "The Successful
Phone 1167 W early mornings or ev- g'ain rent. Also want to buy some Club," Mrs. Purdie, Box 656, Oak-vj-nines
9-14 mtt pigs. Adam Orey, Kt. 8, Phone land, OaJif.
6 ' ; 59F11. . tf ,
WANTED Boy 16 or 17 years of uge. . WANT Modern home in Salem for
apoly adv. mgr. at Journal office af- ?0E SALE One 8-16 Mogul tractor, cash. Want modem home for 160 acre
tei 4 p. m. tf 3 bottom plows, self stearrng devise, Canada farm value $5000. 24 acres
extension rims, angle iron lugs, all in river bottom land improved, $3000
FOR BENT 5 room furnished cottage, ?ood condition. Price $800 cash. Ad- take home to half value. 5 acres clow
modern except heat. W. A. List dress "Tractor" cara Journal. 9-14 in, take home up t0 $1500. Good
agent. Phone 1321. 9-14 city property to trade for 8maU hop
! , FOR SALE Team 4 years old, weight vaid. F. L. Wood, Bavne bldg. 9-14
"WANTED; Elderly lady to do surs- f00' Sentl? and sound; also good -I .
lag, good wages to right party, top buggy cheap. mile east of Sun- AUCTION SALE Of sixty head cattle
Phone 934J 9-14 n'slde school, Jefferson road. Pnonc horses and farm implements. Extra
! 107F13. " 9-17 good horses. Oetober 2, 10 a. m. at
FOB SALE Aeromotor windmill, for '' : Brinkmeyer place, fifteen miles ast
particulars phone 542 mornings or ev- HOP pickers wanted, five miles from of Salem, seven miles south of Sil
enings. 9-17 town, 100 acres, 50c a box. Call on verton and half miles' north of Vie
' . Hop Lee, 436 Fvrry to register. Lee tor Point store. Come and spend the
BOY of 16 or over wanted at Journal Hing, Kt. 8. box 98, Salem. Picking day with us. Phonw 5F23. Stoller &
office to carry paper route. Apply at starts Sept. 7. 9-18 Gantenbein, Bt. 3, box 61, Silverton.
ont9i tf '" owners. 10-2
. FOB SALE 1914 Ford roadster or tour-
WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll ing car $300; 1914 Studebaker $375.. THOUSANDS men, women, girls, IS or
npward. Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Highway Garage, 1000 S. Com'l. over, wanted immediately by U. S.
Commercial. tf. Phone 355. tf government. Easy office positions at
I. Washington and in every large city.
(WANTED Man and team, can make FOR SALE By owner, at a bargain, a Experience unnecessary, $100 month
from $3 to $9.50 per day. Call phone fine piece of land, 20 acres in culti- and up. 7 hour day. Your country
4X51 Turner. . tf. vation, 5 in timber, near Salem on needs you. Help her. Write immedi-
, main traveled road. Price $2750. If atcly for free list positions open.
COATS Two, four, and five year -old you want land near town and school Franklin Institute Dep't 379 G, Eo
Twgistored Angora bucks for sale. here's your chance. Address A. M. Chester, N. Y.
These arp splendid bucks. C. C. Mc- care Journal. . 9-17" T
Corkle,-Bilverton, Or. 9-20 ; ft I- nw Vnnr Tft 0-
1 FOR SALE Or rent, 372 acres on San- IS " TOUr 10 UM
HOUSEKEEPING apartments and tiam river, 5 miles east of Stayton, In Rlivintf WllPat Plmir
ingle looms, nicely furnished, at auout 175 acreg umier pow. Fenced " UJU,S "iitai I IUU1
fl33 Ferry street. - tf. ana cr0Bg feneed, good buildings. Bot- . ,
torn land. F. P. Farrington, 440 S. For the .be"'.flt ' fT who are
fkVO and three room furnished apart- 21st St Safem 9-13 stl11 somCffnat m the dark regarding
ments. 491 N Cottage. Phcno 2203- ' the latest rulings regarding the pur-
f. .mrpDvurvm ! chase of wheat flour, County food ad-
GOVERNMENT civd service exarn.n a- ministrator Logwood issues the fol
. T tions everywhere October 5th, 12,000 in,..:ff ,
WiNf j7PntnXmntr Z ?T "VJT ? Wa9i'ing- a 50 pound sack of wheat flour,
! L rZ r2P Torc M- r.- Experience unnec- there must U purchased twelve and
one boy. Western tmon Tel. Co. Tel e9S8ry. Men and women do9iring gov. 1 of any. or
ephone fal. " ernment positions write for free par- combination of the following: corn
ticulars. J. C. Leonard (former eivil meal corn, flour, bah-ley flour, rice
FOR SALE-House, and tw0 fine lots, serviea exarnineli) 1059 Kenois build- flour oat flour, potato flour or buck-
with fruit and good well, no incum- ing( Washington. 9-20 wheat flour. Other substitutes are
brance. Own-er, call box 40, General . kaffiri milo and fetcHta flour TheBe
Delivery. - JfV CIVIL service examination, Salem in are the seven flours that the avcrago
- September. Government clerk, teach- grocer keeps in stock that may be
NOTICE This is warning that 1 will er inSpectress, typewriter, bookkeep- used as a substitute.
not tolerate trespassing or hunting ef regearej, cJej-jj. Preference given However, if one wants to buy pure
on my premises. Signed. T. F. Walk- women. Salary $1200-$2000. Expert- rye flour, with a purchase of 30 pounds
er, Rt. 7, box 103. m 10-13 er)),e unnecessary. Women desiring of wheat flour, the proportion is 33
government pos'itious write for free pounds of the rye flour. There is no
FOB SALE Household goods, farm particulars, Raymond Terry,( forms lim't to the amount of flour one may
implements, chickens, Jersey cow; al- civil service commissioned 922 Colum- 'Purchase, just so the proportion i four
so 6 months old bull, Jersey and j,ian uilding Washington D C 9-16 t0 one witn the xeception of rye flour
Shorthorn. Turner, Kt. 2, box 36. 9-19 6 ' " ' wniea js three to two.
FOB SALE 7 room plastered house, . A distressing case of poverty and
plenty of fruit. 4 blocks from paved tjj IfrTTV sickness was reported to the Salvation
street and street car, county taxes. " WAN I Ml Army a few days ago and ha been in-
For termg call owner, evenings. Phone " vestigated by Captain Miller. A
2502J2. 9-14 VAIHI1 I A niliC young woman, bedfast from tubercu-
1 - IvUitU LAXfiiuu brought on by exposure and lack
FOB SALE My beautiful modern bun- . of food, and her almost blind mother,
galow, large lot, garage, cement walks PEBMANENT P0SITT0X8. have struggled along without telling
etc., at a bargain. Part payment bal ,-n ftpvuttnce EFOnRED anyone of their need, until found by a
anc terms at 7 per cent. Phone 1642. 1,0 KLyLlllx,. kindy Bejgnbor to 8lmost dertitute.
tf PAID WHILE LEABNTNO Almost everything is required for a
i D.DTn T-rnriCT tv wAfiN sickroom but the greatest need is a
FOB SALE 5 room plastered cottage. SAew l-'tA&J!, 1.x AU-a sing!e bed, complete with a good stiff
electric lights, bath, toilet, elose to CALL' AT TELEPHONE COMPANY spring, mattress and pillow.. Bedding
earline, price $1000. 5 room plastered 170 NOBTH LEBEBTY tf of s11 k"jda and any comfort or deh-
cottage, with furniture, prico $800. - eacy would be very acceptable. Salem
Good lot five blocks north of post ' . P0Ple hve ne'er been behmd . kind-
"".""J , , . Bew Bnd Captain Miller is confident
; office, price 800 Good lot on south they will clme across" again. Gift.:
i SSaSjit WANT ADS PAY SSf.1 L"",l
tWifth lilTl iWiftf it
Campaign Will Start Thurs
day Of Next Week. Quick
Work Plannl
Instead of waiting for the official
day, Sept. 28, to put on the drive for
the Fourth liberty loan, the county
executive, committee decided last even
ing to jump into the campaign at once
and have it over by state fair week.
1 It was felt that as long as the
people of the county knew they would
be called on for subscriptions greatly
in excess of the last drive, that there
was no special reason "in delaying mat
ters especially since it was made known
that the national loan headquarters was
willing that work should be done be
fore the official date of Sept. 28.
Hence at a called meeting last even
ing of the executive committee and
others who will have charge of the
drive, it was decided to at once be
gin the active preliminary work In
the way of selecting captains and
At the opera house on the evening of
Wednesday of next week, Sept. 18,
there will be held a meeting of instruc
tion for the 400 or more workers when
the general plans of the campaign will
bo igone. over. .To this meeting all
especially interested in the work of
the drive will be welcome.
The active drive will begin on the
morning of Thursday, Sept. 19 and the
town has been divided into districts
and captains assigned to each. Cap
tains have also bcn assigned to the
rural districts and it is hoped that
by quick and concerted action, the
quote of Salem and Marion county
will be raised in a few days and that
the city and county will have the
honor of being the first in the state
to go over the top.
In charge of the campaign, which
will doubtless be one of the most in
tensive ever put over in Salem and
Marion county are tho following:
F. G. DecUebach, county chairman;
Frank J. Chapman, as manager of the
Commercial club, city chairman; Dr.
R. E. Lee Steiner, general in charge,
assisted by W. H. Hamilton. The ex
ecutive committee which wiH have
charge of the details of tho campaign
include Jot. H. Albert, W. 8. Walton,
D W. Eyre and S. a. Elliott.
Each captain will be .assigned ten
active workers who will agree to get
out and work beginning with tiext
Thursday. The eaptaiBg in charge arei
E. S. Tillinghast, Frank B. Southwick,
J. A. Baker, Glenn Unrnh, A. E. Hucke
stein, Jr., W. W. Moore, T. K. Ford,
N. C. Kafoury, Leo N. Childs, Jas. U.
Hartwell, Curtis B. Cross, O. A. Hart
man, W. G. Allen, Homer H. Smith,
Arthur Lawrence, Frank Davey, Wil
liam MeOiilclfrSst, Jr., ft B. Webb,
Louis Lachmund, W. A. WieBt, E. O.
Bishop, O. B. Gingrich, W. A. Marshall,
G. C. Bellinger, F. 1 Waters, C. O.
Kice, Elmer Daue, Paul Johnson, Jos.
Baunigartner and John Bayne.
For the rural route districts, the
following captains have been placed
in charge: Route 3, B. J. Mills; route
4, L. J. Lownds; route 5, Dr. A. Mor
field; route 6, C A. Elliott; route 7,
W. C. Dyer; route Seymour Jones;
route 9, R. O. Snelling.
On the evening of Saturday, Sept.
21, there will be the Woman's Service
parade in which all women la the city
and county are asked to take part in
Debs Is Sentenced
To Ten Year Term
Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 14. Eugene
V. Debs, four times candidate for the
presidency on the socialist ticket, con
victed here Thursday for making dis
loyal utterances was today sentenced
to the penitentiary for ten ycar on
each of three counts.
The sentence are concurrent.
y Lilt W ft v rh3'W(;uh
III' --Tiiiffflililiilliiflliiiiii I in- flillT inn, if
The Charming Utile Metro Star
A Romance of Lavender and Rose Leaves
ALSO ' V-'
XuesdaySonna Talmadge
ITlErsday Scssue Hayakawa
All Prune Shipments
Held Up For Present
San Francisco, Sept. 14. All prune
shipments were held up today on ordor
of the United States food administra
tion, to permit a survey of the damage
done to the crop by the two day rain
storm which swept northern California
Officials of the California Packing
corporation estimated that half the
prune crop in Santa Clara county is
ruined with a ?s"of nearly $5,000,000.'
Tho food administration order, issuv.d
after a conference between H. Clay
MilleV, head of the division of co-ordi
nation of purchase, aud packers, was
said to amount -0 commandeering of
practically thw entire prune crop.
packers and shippers in uregon ana
Washington also have been requested
by tlie food administration to hold up
further shipments until requirements of
the government have been filled.
Thre marriage licenses were issued
this morning. The first was to Walter
Lyle Evans, 23, of Morgantown, West
Virginia, and Helen Eve .Lundy, 26, of
Mill City. They were married at the
First Methodist parsonage by the Rev5.
B. N. Avison. The ecrcmony was wit
nessed by Ray Farmer and Mrs. Avi
son. Mr. EvanB is in the spruce division.
The second license wag to Rusaell Ed
ward Winchomb, 19, of Salem, a me
chanic, and Effie Gertrude Mill, 18, a
student of Salem. The third license
was to Ell Glenn, 46, of Mill City aud
Emma Densmor, 46, of Mill City,
According to returns up to 3 o'clock
this afternoon, the registrants in the
county who reported Sept. 12 numbered
2860. The adjutant general's office es
timated that this district would regis
ter only 2616.
"Old Tire Day" in Salem is going
strong, with about 45 old auto tires
stacked today noon at the coiner of
State and Commercial streets in front
of the Parcrson cigar store.
Marion Boys In France
Write To Folks At Home
Th Aurora Observer has the follow
ing letters from North Marion county
boyg in France:
Carl Hainan, familiarly known in Au
rora as "Butch" writes N. C. Weseott,'
from a battlu field on the Western front
in Fiance as follows: "Dear Mr. Wes
eott: I just got a little timt write to
let you know that I em still alive and
fouling just fine. Well, Mr. Weseott,
we sure got the old Fritz on the run
and pretty good, too. Hv surely is too
slow for US AMERICANS. We lost a
few men and a big bunch is in the hos
pital, but that can 't stop us. We 're
keeping him going! All the Aurora boys
wore lucky in tli(, big battht. None
were lost. I speak pretty nearly with
all. All the boys of the company are
feeling fine and in the best of spirits,
Of course w all hope the war finiklics
soon and Uncle Sam calls us home. The
Y. M. C. A, man is here today wilh his
little ild Ford and his cigars and tobac
co." Jack Boss wries from France, August
14, to Mrs. Diana Snyder: ' Very shortly
we are going to move to the front I
am hoping. I Have spoken to a numiicT
of French soldiers who speak a little
English. They seem to be very well
pleased with our boys. They call them
their giant frkuds for our boys are
a parade in the evening in Salem,
wiiti tftriottc adrcBws at Willsnn
ipark. Cha V. Galloway, chairman of
the speaker, committee will secure a
speaker from Portland for this occasion.
In charge of this woman's parade, to
include all women who have relatives
in the wrvice are Mrs. Lawrence T.
Harris, Mrs. Ch. Welter, Mrs. W. M.
Hamilton and with them Miss Mattie
Beatty, county chairman of service
It is felt that Salem and Marios
county has the spirit to not only raise
the quota, but to be able to put it
over in so short a time that the city
and county may be not only the first
in the state to report, but if possible
the first in tho entire country.
su;;day .
of the
mostly largo chaps. I have heard a lot
of tales about tho Hun already and on
ly makes me want to fight him all-the
more. I have seen a number of German
pris-.iners and thvy seem glad to be
prisoners. A German prisoner in a hos
pital said, "The German. d0 net know
the quality or the quantity of the Am
ericans, but they will soon learn as
I did. If they kuew what I have seen,
thvy would quit now. They would sur
render to get American food as I
have." What do you think of thatf
Chester Giesy has written his parents
here that he is with his unit (Base Hos
pital 46) again, and is working in the
surgery. He likws the hospital work,
and finds it interesting to see all the
1 various opjerations. Base Hospital 46
lhas a fine staff of doctors, he says. H
also writes, "I found tho Miller boys
in good health. It was just a month
and a half sinco vt parted in the Un
ited States. I guess you have heard of
the good work our boys are doing. If
they keep it up, it looks os though it
can't last much longer than a year.
Antelope Decreasing.
In the Bio Grande National Forest in
1911 we had quite an accurate count of
a bank of elk they numbered 55 bead.
Recently it was ascertained from na
tional forest officers that the band
numbered 75 head.
It is to be regretted that the- antelope
are losing out and shortly will not be
found anywhere in the State. The sago
hen also, being so easily killed, is in
a fair way to become exterminated.
This fine game bird should be given a
ten-year period of complete protection.
On tho whole, game conditions are
rather favorable in Colorado.
Special attention la called to the
Women's (Service parade called for Sat
urday evening of next week, Sept- 21.
when every woman whfl has a r,
tive in the wrvice is expected to parti
cipate in thia event. Also those who
have relatives nursing in the Bed
Cross work. Tho parade will be a short
one, beginning at 7 o'clock, closing tho
march ut W'illnon Park, where there
will be patriotic selections by the band,
vocal music and speaking. It is eam-et-'tly
requested by the women who will
bavp charge of this parade that every
patriotic woman who is qualified shall
arrange to take part in tho event.
The stato highway department is
preparing to begin work next week on
the construction of a warehouse, 40
by 80 feet, on state property near tho
(penitentiary. The building will be used
to store highway equipment.
County Judge K. R. Miller of Lin
coln county was here today conferring
with the "state highway department
relative to a bridge soon to be con
structed by the county over the Alsoa
river. It is estimated the bridge will
cost $10,000.
James L. Hope of Astoria, todny filed
with the secretary of state a certificate
of nomination as un independent can
didate for state senator from Clatsop
4t 4e 4c 4t il ilf 4t ife
1 P r p 1 I P "P P T T
Court House News
In the case of G. E. Tompkins
gainst Pearl Tompkins, in which
sues for a divorce, the petition of the Bon Jolm D"Ilwo,idic and Hoc Nib
plaintiff was grantel and divorce , r aj .ipmisor(, ()f tl,e e8ttttPj
granted. They were carried in Sa em t;at(l(, gt $2 fm Archie R G1jbcil8
to y,M' w " r,' qmt .0n w as a private in the United States army
V? 7i-.T h"r'r,,!n? T'r0pertyTlghtfl machine gun company 8, stationed at
and it children. TW decree was g.ven p
on the grounds of '.esertion. 1 .
C. M. LaFollet ; hai sued 8. W. Joue
for fil head of .hcep end in the enm-
When you use Journal classifi
ed adg get what you want them
to they work fast.
- 'v w ' w fi w
plaint asks for damages of $887.50
and $300 additional costs.
In the case of Mary R. France vs.
Robert E. France, it was ordered that
the time to file a transcript on appeal
to the supremo court be extended to
Oct. 1. .
In the circuit court yesterday, Judge
Percy M. Kolly presiding, the follow
ing court rulings were made:
A. L. Ford vs. Ed Moore and Ray
Redman. Motion to permit defendant
Moore to file answer sustained. Mo
tion for order of default of defendant
Moore over-ruled.
State of Oregon vs. Bert Yates. De
fendant entered plea of guilty of as
sault and battery. Waives time for
sentence. Given imprisonment for one
year in the county jail. Paroled to
W. E. Keyos on recommendation of
district attorney who is t report ao
each term of court. Parole includes
provision that Yates must remain away;
from Salem and Silverton.
B. A. Mi'Lay and wife vs. Anna
Savage, and Royal" Condit. Settled
and dismissed.
Ben Lomond Water works . against
G. V. Ellis. Non suit on motion of
Lancaster Tire & Rubber Co. vs. Joo
Hammon. Demurrer to complaint over
ruled. Defendant to answer on or be
fore Sept. 21.
Cecelia Fiddler as executrix of nst
will and testament of Sarah Ann Petti
john vs. D. D. Socolofsky. By stipu
lation plaintiff may file second amen
ded complaint without verification.
Defendant to plead thereto on or be
fore Sept. ,21.
Oregon Holding Co. Vs. Richard W.
Carey. Settled und dismissed.
W. L. Raleigh Co. vs. W. II. Verrief
and T. W. Lusk. . Bettlod and dismis
sed. M. S. Lange and wife vs. Clifford
Taylor and wife. Motion overruled.
j. M. Wolford and A. G Wolford
vs. W. L, Fry and Julia Fry, Default
and judgment.
J. M. Wolford and A. O. Wolford
vs. Anna Lusk nniPT- W. Lusk. Do
fault and judgment and order to sell
attached property.
In the case of C. II. llciber and F. G,
Ileiber against J. J. Turner by a stipu
lation filed in court it is agi'ewd that
lot 13, Liberty Fruit forms is encum
bered by a mortgage that is prior iu
time to 'the mortgage described in the
complaint and that the lot may bo
sold to J. J. McDonough by J. J. Turner
and procc-ods of sale applied to the li
(piidain of th Star Land company. Tho
case has been dismissed without either
party being awarded the costs.
In the county court, Christina Hansen
administratrix of the- estate of Ever
Hanson, decvused, prays for an order
of discharge and release. Her report
shows that the receipts were $4,505 and
disbursements $182. She lives iu Sil
verton. "
In thp mattvr of the estate of George
T. Gilbert the final report of tho ad
ministrator, D. I). Miller was filed in
which he auks for a final discharge
frum liabiily. Ho reports that each of
thp two heirs, Cora Gilbert and Irene
Miller han each been paid $381.85 and
that ho has delivered to the heirs all
personal properly.
In the mutter of the estate of Archie
"iy Gibliens, who died Septvnibor 2,
413, at Camp Fremont at the aue of
t years, tho father George W. Gibbens
rr.titions the court for letters of admin
ixtration nntl tho nriuoiiitmetit at J. Vj
The appraisers of th-cestate of Lewis)
M. Baker have appraised property at
& ',20.7,i, which kxludes a $50 Third Lib
erty Bond. E. W. Haazard, T. M. Hicks
nnj L. C. Smith were appraisers
j In themattcr of the estate of Mary
jl flMiFcl, tte estate is estimated at
L; M,407.73, opraiscd by Guy O. Smith, F.
L. Newman and S. M. EndicoH.
if 1